The Journey Towards the - MMed(FM) & Fellowship - College of Family Physicians Singapore

The Journey Towards the - MMed(FM) & Fellowship - College of Family Physicians Singapore
March 2019
INTERVIEW & INVITED ARTICLES                                                                                       VOL 45(1)

The Journey Towards the
MMed(FM) & Fellowship
   The College Mirror had the privilege to speak to recent graduands            NK:
   of MMed(FM) and Fellowship. We hear the ups and downs they                   Preparing     for     examinations
   had to face while these graduands juggled their time among work,             involved a lot of determination
   studies and family - and hopefully inspire current trainees through          and resilience as all the residents
   their journeys!                                                              were working full time. Whilst
                                                                                we tried our best to use
                                                                                whatever sufficient time we had
College Mirror (CM):                                                            after work hours to revise or
What have you all learnt or benefited     I’ve made (who are now at least
                                                                                go to the hospitals to examine
from completing the [MMed(FM)]            registrars in their fields) when I
                                                                                patients, the feeling of not having
training?                                 need help. Conversely, they also
                                                                                done enough never seemed
                                          text me if they need to ask about
                                                                                to disappear due to the vast
  SingHealth FM Resident,                 things in primary care.
                                                                                breadth of knowledge required
  Dr Navpreet Kaur (NK):                                                        in Family Medicine. Having a
  Family Medicine Residency in                                                  supportive study group was one
                                          MMed(FM) College
  summary was an exhausting yet                                                 of the best parts of the whole
                                          Programme Graduand,
  exhilarating roller coaster. Steep                                            process as we were able to push
                                          Dr Natasha Leng (NL):
  learning curves and changing                                                  each other along through the
                                          Throughout my learning journey,
  rotations just as soon as you had                                             different phases.
                                          I’ve learnt not to give up and
  gotten used to the environment
                                          to persevere. I’m glad to have
  became a norm for us residents.
                                          stuck through with it as it has
  By going through such a wide                                                  JK:
                                          improved my knowledge and
  variety of rotations that would                                               Family Medicine is comprehensive,
                                          skills so I am better equipped to
  have taken us years to cover                                                  hence the examinable topics are
                                          treat patients holistically.
  independently, Residency has                                                  very comprehensive as well.
  equipped us with sufficient                                                   The study masterplan I drew
  knowledge and grasp of common                                                 up was 13 daunting pages long!
                                           MMed(FM) College
  problems that we encounter in                                                 The sheer amount of content to
                                           Programme Graduand,
  our daily lives to assist with                                                cover was the biggest challenge
                                           Dr Chua Lee Lea Im (CLLI):
  managing and counselling our                                                  in itself.
                                           Having left hospital practice
  patients for the next step of
                                           since 2009, enrolling in the
  treatment.                                                                    Exam       preparation       also
                                           College Programme availed me
                                                                                required good time and energy
                                           the chance to extend my hospital
                                                                                management. Closer the exams,
                                           exposure. It also introduced me
  NUP FM Resident,                                                              my batchmates and I spent at
                                           to the new fields of adolescent
  Dr Joanne Khor (JK):                                                          least 3 evenings a week sparring
                                           and sports medicine, as well as
  The Family Medicine residency                                                 with each other and being brutal
                                           provided a chance to obtain
  provided 3 solid years of at least                                            with our mutual feedback. The
                                           the latest local updates from
  17 major rotations. While the                                                 rest of the evenings were spent
                                           infectious disease, emergency
  adjustment to each new posting                                                consolidating our knowledge and
                                           medicine and various other
  was often challenging, the                                                    mugging guidelines. It was both
                                           specialties. Not only did the
  frequent 1- to 3-monthly changes                                              physically and mentally tiring
                                           course widen my horizon when
  forced us to be adaptable and                                                 but it helped that we knew we
                                           I am faced with a patient with
  versatile - a important trait of                                              weren’t going through it alone.
                                           multiple problems, it also taught
  a good family physician. Having          me communication skills to
  gone through many postings also          delve deeper into each of them.      NL:
  meant working with and getting                                                Life   definitely    had    some
  to know many people across            CM:                                     challenges for me. I got pregnant
  disciplines. Even after residency     What were the challenges faced in the   during the College Programme
  is over, I still text the friends     examination preparations? How did
                                        you overcome them?                                     (continued on the next page)

                                                      College Mirror                                                   21♦
The Journey Towards the - MMed(FM) & Fellowship - College of Family Physicians Singapore
March 2019                                                                                                                        March 2019
INTERVIEW & INVITED ARTICLES                                                                                                  VOL 45(1)           INTERVIEW & INVITED ARTICLES                                                                                  VOL 45(1)

(continued from Page 21: The Journey Towards the MMed(FM) & Fellowship)

       training, which was a nice                      clinic arranged by my boss and                                                                                                             course materials, such        confident you will appear to be
       surprise. The pregnancy was an                  additional daily practice with                                                                                                             as video demonstrations       in your history taking, physical
       extra ball to juggle amidst the                 colleagues plus 110% support                                                                                                               will be helpful.              exam and patient education,
       coursework, full-time job and                   from my dearest husband and                                                                                                                                              even under exam stress.
       family. And it was manageable,                  family, I finally made it.
       even after giving birth to my                                                                                                                                                                CM:                         Exams are important, but not
       second child, and I was on                                                                                                                                                                   Could you share some        everything. As you study how
       course towards the first part of                CLLI:                                                                                                         Dr Navpreet Ka                 advice for the next batch   to better care for patients,
                                                                                                                                                                     with her fello w
       examinations, the MCQ.                          The scope of family medicine                                                                                                                 of trainees?                remember to take care of
                                                       is extremely broad, therefore                                                                                                                                            yourself. Remember your calling,
       Then two weeks before the                       the task of preparing for an                                                                                                                                             make time for friends and family,
       MCQ, my 3-week-old son was                      examination with such an                                                                                                                                                 and don't lose sight of the bigger
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Residency        and
       admitted for viral meningitis. It               extensive scope was daunting.                                                                                                                                            picture.
                                                                                                                                                    CLLI:                                             preparation for the
       was a terrifying experience, and I              I also had difficulties obtaining
                                                                                                the appropriate examination                                                                examination is a challenging
                                                       time off from my small set-up                                                                The camaraderie between senior
       was filled with constant fear for                                                        techniques but also managed the                                                            experience that will stress you
                                                       practice due to the relatively                                                               tutors and current year entrants,                                           NL:
       my son. So, my first shot at the                                                         load of patients in our absence.                                                           emotionally and physically. It
                                                       small manpower pool and having                                                               was palpable throughout the                                                 Practice and perseverance is
       MCQ did not pan out.                                                                     We have a lot to thank for the                                                             is important to have a good
                                                       to attend urgent administrative                                                              course. I am deeply grateful for                                            the key. Putting in the time and
                                                                                                amazing Family and Resident                                                                support group within residency
                                                       matters which tends to crop up                                                               the dedication they showed                                                  effort will be what gets you
       I was determined to give                                                                 Physicians at Marine Parade                                                                itself as well as outside to
                                                       at the most inconvenient times.                                                              to helping us. Hopefully this                                               through. If life knocks you down,
       it another go. As my 2nd                                                                 Polyclinic. The only way to                                                                help motivate you during this
                                                       Not only was revising on the                                                                 tradition will stand the test of                                            pick yourself up and get back
       attempt at MCQ approached,                                                               further enhance the programme                                                              journey. Throughout this period
                                                       job tough, I could not attend                                                                time.                                                                       into the thick of it. Convert your
       several challenges presented                                                             would be to organize even more                                                             always remember that all these
       themselves. First and worst was                 some of the courses. Thankfully,                                                                                                                                         negativity from past failures into
                                                                                                teaching sessions to continuously                                                          sacrifices are worth it when
                                                       I managed to get some of my                                                                  As for suggested enhancement,                                               a positive drive to succeed.
       that my father was diagnosed                                                             pull us out of our comfort zones.                                                              you are able to apply the
                                                       specialist friends’ help after                                                               an official online depository of
       with cancer. I had to make the                                                                                                                                                          knowledge gained to help
       necessary arrangements for his                  work hours.
                                                                                                                                                                                               your patients through their
       care and treatment in Malaysia.                                                                      eng:                                                                               tough times. Cherish every       CLLI:
                                                                                                      ha L the
       Secondly, my mother who had                  CM:                                           atas                                                                                                                          The breadth of the examinable
                                                                                                                                                                                               moment- good and bad as it
                                                                                            Dr Nrd Time
                                                                                             "T rm"
       been helping me to look after                What do you think has been done well       hi                                                                                              has gotten you to where you      material makes it nigh impossible
       my kids decided to return home,              and which areas of the programme          Cha                                                                                              are today!                       to cover on your own. Thus, it
       so there was a bit of a scramble             could be enhanced?                                                                                                                                                          is of paramount importance to
       to find a helper. During this time                                                                                                                                                                                       form study groups. Preferably,
       we had bought a new home to                                                                                                                                                            JK:                               this should be done with people
                                                       NK:                                                                                              Lea
       renovate and move into. My 2nd                                                                                                     Dr Chua Lee s and                                   Use your daily work as            from     different    institutions.
       attempt at the MCQ was not to                   Singhealth    Family    Medicine                                                   Im wi th friend                                                                       I would also recommend
                                                                                                                                                                                              practice for the exams.
       be.                                             Residency organized sessions                                                       colleagues                                                                            simulating           examination
                                                                                                                                                                                              During my RCC sessions in
                                                       to help to target areas that                                                                                                                                             conditions in your daily practice.
                                                                                                                                                                                              residency and daily polyclinic
       The second failure made a                       graduating residents had given                                                                                                                                           For example, practicing full
                                                                                                                                                                                              work after residency, I would
       serious dent in my confidence,                  feedback      about.    Sessions         NL:                                                                                                                             physical     examinations      and
                                                                                                                                                                                              choose 1-2 cases a day
       far more than the first. Should                 ranging from lectures to a small         The support from the previous                                                                                                   consultations      within      the
                                                                                                                                                                                              to simulate an exam case,
       I really commit to another                      group examination session to             batch mates, additional training,                                                                                               stipulated examination time limit
                                                       mock VIVA sessions helped                                                             Dr Joanne Khor                                   complete with a stopwatch
       attempt,     potentially  waste                                                          tutorials and practice sessions              with NUHS Residents                              discreetly hidden behind the      on at least one of your patients
       another year of my life in                      us to prepare for the big day.           definitely helped.                           and Faculty                                                                        each day so as to develop good
                                                                                                                                                                                              computer monitor. I would
       pursuit of this goal? More time                 Constructive feedback from                                                                                                                                               habits. Habits prevail over
                                                                                                                                                                                              then review the cases after
       spent away from the children?                   seniors pushed us past our                                                                                                                                               stratagems!
                                                                                                                                                                                              the day’s work and reflect
       After much introspection and                    boundaries and encouraged
                                                                                                                                                                                              on how I could have done
       encouragement from family,                      us to think differently. Our
       friends, colleagues, previous                   individual Polyclinics, Marine
       batch mates and support from                    Parade Polyclinic for myself, gave
                                                                                                                                                                                              Start early. As mentioned,
       the institution I decided to go                 us endless support during this
                                                                                                                                                                                              there is a lot to cover. The
       for it.                                         time. Our colleagues and seniors
                                                                                                                                                                                              more times you practise
                                                       at work not just supported us                                                                                                                                                  Read on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Go to Page 25
                                                                                                                                                                                              the approach to a condition,
       With     the    Programme   C                   by providing extra sessions out
                                                                                                                                                                                              the more second-nature
       training, practice sessions in                  of office hours to equip us with
                                                                                                                                                                                              it becomes, and the more

                                                                     THE                                                                                                                             THE
♦ 22                                                                 College Mirror                                                                                                                  College Mirror                                                   23♦
The Journey Towards the - MMed(FM) & Fellowship - College of Family Physicians Singapore
March 2019
INTERVIEW & INVITED ARTICLES                                                                                                     VOL 45(1)

                                                                                          adult learners, are supervised with

              eng :                                                                       guidance by the programme directors
Dr Tan Wei B ioner in UK to a                                                             and tutors. On a personal level, from
A general pra in Singapore
                                                                                          being a GP registrar trainer before, I
                                                                                          had become a MMed trainee again! In
family physic
                                                                                           many ways, the course has enhanced
                                                                                           and sharpened my clinical knowledge
                                                                                           and skills, very relevant in my day-
                                                                                           to-day clinical practice. Especially
Through a series of domestic events, it is                                                 having worked in UK, the course
interesting to see how I, once a general                                                    has provided me an in-depth study,
practitioner (GP) in UK, would become a family                                              specialised in Family Medicine in
physician (FP) in Singapore complete with an                                                Singapore.
MMed in Family Medicine.
                                                                                            Truly, adult learning is a lifelong
Professional development is an ever evolving, a                                             journey.
process which is vital to meet the changing patient needs
from cradle to grave. In the UK, the qualification of MRCGP        “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember,
(Membership of Royal College of General Practitioner) has          you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion
transformed quite extensively since I completed it a few           to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman
years ago. MRCGP was once acquired on an adhoc basis
reflecting any individual GP’s interest to pursue further in       “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how
General Practice; it has now become a compulsory qualifying        far one can go.” – T. S. Eliot
exit examination in order to become a registered GP in
UK. In Singapore, though not strictly required for practice        MMed in Family Medicine is not an easy course to pursue,
in family medicine, it has also evolved to its current state,      especially for those who have many other commitments,
where MMed in Family medicine or GDFM are required to              however it is achievable if the candidates maintain the
become a registered FP. Both the Royal College of General          commitment and perseverance in learning, as well as building
Practitioners (RCGP) and College of Family Physicians              up that fundamental inner passion for Family Medicine.
Singapore (CFPS) require continuous pedagogic summative
and formative assessments, whereby the candidates, all              Be encouraged, you can do it! “

Dr Patricia Chia                                                   Things improved by mid-2nd trimester. Second hurdle came
                                                                   after delivery. I had a large bleed which required transfusions.
In 2015, I was PGY13 and it was my 6th year working in             It was very exhausting and painful with the sub-rectus
the polyclinic. My son was just 1-year-old then. I wanted          sheath bleeding; it was very depressing and I so wanted to
to progress further in my                                                                            throw in the towel. Thankfully,
career as a family physician and                                                                     my husband, parents and in-
provide more for my family, so I                                                                     laws rallied around and helped
enrolled in the Family Medicine                                                                      me through this tough period.
Masters Programme (College                                                                           After 2 months, the dust
Programme). Little did I know                                                                        settled, my mood improved,
that I would be facing multiple                                                                     and studying resumed during
challenges before I was finally                                                                     my maternity leave. I managed
able to achieve my goal.                                                                            to clear the MCQ in my first
                                                                                                   attempt. However, I only
Two months after the course                                                                        managed to clear the clinicals 2
began, my 1st hurdle presented                                                                     years later.
itself. I found myself pregnant,
with twins!                                                                                   Preparation needed for the
                                                                                             clinicals were very different
Morning sickness, full time work, attending tutorials and          from the MCQ. Lots of practice using sample of clinical
clinical teachings in various hospitals, preparing the course      cases during the pockets of time that I had every day were
work, whilst still having to look after a toddler took its         very important, with studying done after the children
toll on me. It was all too overwhelming. I wanted to stop          had gone to bed. Being focused and organised with good
pursuing this goal but life would just get tougher after           time management (especially when life was chaotic!), and
delivery, hence I continued.
                                                                                                             (continued on the next page)

                                                         College Mirror                                                              25♦
The Journey Towards the - MMed(FM) & Fellowship - College of Family Physicians Singapore
March 2019
INTERVIEW & INVITED ARTICLES                                                                                                                VOL 45(1)

(continued from Page 25: The Journey Towards the MMed(FM) & Fellowship)

being able to multitask was the way to success. Constant                           life, help from colleagues with similar experiences would be
encouragement and support from peers and family were                               useful. I have reached my goal and the journey has not only
invaluable when having so many stresses in life, and with                          improved my medical knowledge but also taught me crucial
having experienced failure twice.The programme by CFPS is                          coping and management skills in stressful situations.
a guideline, but for candidates who has multiple stresses in

                                                                                                to endeavor. In addition to one’s own sphere of

 Dr Xu Bangyu : rney -
                                                                                                        clinical experience and practice, there
                                                                                                        are various platforms of learning one
 The Fellowship J the                                                                                  has to undergo as well. These includes
 Blossoming to bec
                                                                                                       didactic lectures, small group discussions,

 "Iron Flower"
                                                                                                      workshops and seminars.

                                                                                                       Doing a systematic review and conducting
                                                                                                      a research project is one of the most alien
College Mirror (CM):                                                                                  experience for myself due to my lack of
Congratulations on your examination                                                                  experience in this field and not forgetting
success. What have you learnt or                                                                     the alien language of statistical analysis!
benefitted    from   completing the
Fellowship training?                                                                               Yet somehow I managed to pull through this
Dr Xu Bangyu (XBY):                                                                                arduous journey. I would not have achieved
The completion of the Fellowship programme has                                                    this without the support of many people: my
broadened my roles as a Family Physician. The programme                            wife and daughter, my fellowship comrades, my workplace
is designed to prepare the trainee to embrace the following                        bosses especially Dr Luke Low, my various supervisors
essential roles of a Family Physician: Family Medicine Expert,                     and many more. Most importantly, the resilience inside me
Communicator, Collaborator, Manager, Health advocate,                              never faltered: once a goal is set, keep moving forward and
Scholar and Professional. Indeed as one progresses through                         never stop until you reach the goal, no matter how tough
the programme, the dormant seeds of these roles slowly                             the journey will be.
start to germinate and eventually blossom to become the
“Iron Flower”.                                                                     CM:
                                                                                   Can you share some advice for the new trainees?
CM:                                                                                XBY:
What were the challenges you faced in the examination                              The need to build resilience for this journey. This journey
preparations? How did you overcome them?                                           will be tough with many obstacles to overcome, self-
XBY:                                                                               sacrifices and moments where one would feel like throwing
Notice that I used the term “Iron Flower” to describe the                          in the towel. One who keeps moving forward and never
outcome.The Fellowship programme is definitely not a walk-                         stop until one reaches the goal will be the one to blossom
in-park experience, in contrary to what many would think.                          into the “Iron Flower”.
This journey has many on-going parallel routes that one has                                                                                CM

Use of codeine-containing
cough medications in children
by Adj Asst Prof Tan Tze Lee, President, 26th Council, College of Family Physicians Singapore
   A/Prof Ng Kee Chong, College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Singapore

Over the years, we have had instances of young children                            In general, cough and cold preparations have not been shown
being prescribed codeine-containing cough mixtures. One                            to be efficacious for its intended use and side effects have
case hit the news in 2017, when a 14-month-old child was                           occurred, especially for the very young. In October 2007,
alleged dispensed Fedac syrup, with instructions to take                           the Singapore Health Sciences Authority (HSA) in its letter
10ml of the medicine three times a day.                                            to healthcare professionals made interim recommendations
                                                                                   to restrict the use of these products in those below 2 years
                                                                                   of age.

♦ 26                                                                     College Mirror
The Journey Towards the - MMed(FM) & Fellowship - College of Family Physicians Singapore The Journey Towards the - MMed(FM) & Fellowship - College of Family Physicians Singapore The Journey Towards the - MMed(FM) & Fellowship - College of Family Physicians Singapore
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