Collision Avoidance with Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Systems with a Twofold Uncertainty Structure - arXiv
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This work has been accepted to the IEEE 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Collision Avoidance with Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Systems with a Twofold Uncertainty Structure Tim Brüdigam1 , Jie Zhan1 , Dirk Wollherr1 , and Marion Leibold1 Abstract— Model Predictive Control (MPC) has shown to be handled robustly by using Robust Model Predictive Control a successful method for many applications that require control. (RMPC) methods for bounded uncertainties [1], [2]. How- Especially in the presence of prediction uncertainty, various ever, these robust controllers are often highly conservative. types of MPC offer robust or efficient control system behavior. For modeling, uncertainty is most often approximated in such a Stochastic Model Predictive Control (SMPC) approaches arXiv:2106.08463v1 [eess.SY] 15 Jun 2021 way that established MPC approaches are applicable for specific [3], [4] provide more efficient solutions compared to RMPC uncertainty types. However, for a number of applications, by utilizing probabilistic chance constraints instead of hard especially automated vehicles, uncertainty in predicting the constraints. These chance constraints enable increased effi- future behavior of other agents is more suitably modeled by ciency by allowing a small probability of constraint violation, a twofold description: a high-level task uncertainty and a low- level execution uncertainty of individual tasks. In this work, we limited by a predefined acceptable risk. Various SMPC present an MPC framework that is capable of dealing with this methods exist, approximating the chance constraint to obtain twofold uncertainty. A scenario MPC approach considers the a tractable representation that may be solved in an optimal possibility of other agents performing one of multiple tasks, control problem. In general, each SMPC method considers with an arbitrary probability distribution, while an analytic one type of uncertainty within the prediction model. stochastic MPC method handles execution uncertainty within a specific task, based on a Gaussian distribution. Combining both Analytic SMPC approaches [5]–[7] yield an analytic ap- approaches allows to efficiently handle the twofold uncertainty proximation of the chance constraint, but these approaches structure of many applications. Application of the proposed are mostly restricted to Gaussian uncertainties. In particle- MPC method is demonstrated in an automated vehicle simula- based SMPC [8] and Scenario Model Predictive Control tion study. (SCMPC) [9], samples of the uncertainty are drawn that are then used to approximate the chance constraint. While I. I NTRODUCTION arbitrary uncertainty distributions are possible, large numbers Advances in research on automated systems are facilitating of samples are required to provide sufficient approxima- the use of controllers for complex applications, which is tions for some uncertainty distributions, which increases especially evident for automated vehicles. In many of these computational complexity. If mixed uncertainty structures applications, there is one controlled agent, e.g., a vehicle or best describe the system behavior, the chance constraint mobile robot, which is required to act and move among other approximations of these SMPC approaches are not neces- agents. In order to move efficiently and avoid collisions, it sarily suitable. In [10] an SMPC framework, S+SC MPC, is necessary for the controlled agent to anticipate the future was introduced that utilizes both SCMPC and a Gaussian behavior of the surrounding agents. uncertainty-based SMPC method, specifically designed for a The challenge here is that future behavior of other agents is simple automated vehicle example. subject to uncertainty. In many applications, this uncertainty In this paper, we propose an S+SC MPC framework consists of two types, task uncertainty and task execution that significantly generalizes the work of [10]. In [10] a uncertainty. Using automated vehicles as an example, the simple S+SC MPC framework was specifically designed for future motion of other surrounding vehicles is first subject automated vehicles, where only one surrounding vehicle and to specific maneuvers, such as lane keeping or lane changing. two possible maneuvers are considered. Here, we present Second, the execution of these maneuvers may vary again. a general S+SC MPC framework, applicable to a variety A lane change may be executed quickly and aggressively, or of automated systems. We specifically focus on collision slowly over a longer period of time. avoidance, which requires considering multiple other agents Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a suitable method that may perform multiple different tasks. to plan motion and trajectories for automated systems in The proposed S+SC MPC approach utilizes an SCMPC environments with uncertainty. In MPC an optimal control approach for task uncertainty and an analytic SMPC ap- problem is solved on a finite horizon, utilizing prediction proach for task execution uncertainty. Combining these two models to take into account the controlled agent dynamics approaches into a single MPC optimal control problem al- and the future behavior of other agents. Constraints subject to lows to efficiently consider the twofold uncertainty structure environment uncertainty, e.g., for collision avoidance, may be of many practical applications with task and task execution uncertainty, e.g., automated vehicles [7], [11]–[14]. An au- 1 T. Brüdigam, J. Zhan, D. Wollherr, and M. Leibold are with tomated vehicle simulation study illustrates the applicability the Chair of Automatic Control Engineering at the Technical Univer- sity of Munich, Germany. {tim.bruedigam; jie.zhan; dw; of the proposed S+SC MPC framework. marion.leibold} The paper is structured as follows. Section II introduces
the problem statement. The S+SC MPC method is derived denoted by k. The SMPC OCP is given by in Section III. A simulation study is presented in Section IV, J ∗ = min JN (ξ0 , U ) (5a) followed by conclusive remarks in Section V. U s.t. ξk+1 = f (ξk , uk ) (5b) II. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT DO ξk+1 = ADO ξkDO +B DO uDO k (Ti ) + G DO wkex (5c) uk ∈ U, k = 0, ..., N − 1 (5d) MPC for collision avoidance with multiple agents requires ξk ∈ X , k = 1, ..., N (5e) two prediction models, one for the controlled agent (CA) and Pr ξk ∈ Ξsafe one for the dynamic obstacles (DOs) to be avoided. k ≥ β, k = 1, ..., N (5f) We consider the CA dynamics with U = [u0 , ..., uN −1 ], cost function JN , horizon N , actuator constraints U, and deterministic state constraints ξk+1 = f (ξk , uk ) (1) X . As the DO dynamics (5c) are subject to uncertainty, the chance constraint (5f) is employed for collision avoidance. depending on the nonlinear function f with state ξk and At each time step k, the probability of the CA state ξk input uk at time step k. lying within the safe set Ξsafe must be larger than the risk k Two types of uncertainties are considered for the DOs: task parameter β = h (β ta , β ex ), 0 ≤ β ≤ 1. The function uncertainty and task execution uncertainty. This distinction h (β ta , β ex ) indicates that β depends on a task uncertainty risk reflects the situation of many applications, where the motion parameter β ta and a task execution uncertainty risk parameter of surrounding agents is divided into discrete tasks with β ex . multiple task execution possibilities. It is not possible to directly solve the chance-constrained Definition 1 (Tasks): At each time step, a DO decides OCP. In the following, a method is derived that approximates to execute exactly one task Ti defined by the task set the chance constraint (5f) to obtain a tractable OCP. We first T = {Ti | i = 1, ..., nT }. Each task Ti is assigned a prob- focus on task uncertainty in Section III-A, followed by task PnT pi , subject to the probability distribution PT , where ability execution uncertainty in Section III-B, which then allows to i=1 pi = 1 and 0 < p1 ≤ ... ≤ pnT ≤ 1. A DO input consider both uncertainties simultaneously as described in corresponding to task Ti is denoted by uDO (Ti ). Section III-C. Definition 2 (Task Execution): Each task Ti is subject to III. M ETHOD a nominal motion governed by the DO dynamics, a reference state, and an additive Gaussian uncertainty wkex ∼ N (0, Σex In the following, the S+SC MPC framework is derived, k) with covariance matrix Σex , representing uncertainty while starting with individually focusing on SCMPC and SMPC. k executing task Ti . A. SCMPC for Task Uncertainty We consider multiple DOs. The dynamics for a single DO We first focus on task uncertainty. At each time step, is then given by one task is performed. The control action, corresponding to different tasks, may significantly vary between different DO ξk+1 = ADO ξkDO + B DO uDO k (Ti ) + G DO ex wk (2) tasks. Therefore, describing task uncertainty with Gaussian noise is impractical, rendering analytic SMPC approaches with the DO state ξkDO , the input uDO k as well as the state and inapplicable. Considering every possible task may lead to input matrices ADO , B DO , GDO . A DO stabilizing feedback highly conservative control behavior. However, applying controller is assumed of the form SCMPC is a suitable approach to handle task uncertainty. DO With SCMPC, task uncertainty may be approximated by a uDO ξkDO − ξk,ref DO k (Ti ) = K (Ti ) (3) small number of samples, as the number of possible tasks is usually small. In this section no task execution uncertainty with feedback matrix K DO and a reference state ξk,ref DO is considered, i.e., wkex = 0. depending on task Ti . The nominal state, assuming zero Here, an SCMPC approach inspired by [9] is used. By uncertainty and task Ti , follows drawing K samples from the probability distribution PT , the DO DO task uncertainty is approximated, yielding the set of samples ξ DO k+1 = A ξ k + B DO uDO k (Ti ) . (4) S = {si | i = 1, ..., K} , (6) Collisions with DOs are avoided by determining a set of where a task Ti is assigned to each sample si . An agent may safe states for the CA. execute the same task for multiple time steps. However, the Definition 3: The safe set Ξsafe k for time step k ensures agent task may change at every time step. that all CA states ξk ∈ Ξsafe k guarantee collision avoidance Assumption 1: Within each SCMPC OCP, each sampled at time step k. task is assumed to be executed for the entire prediction We now formulate the optimal control problem (OCP) to horizon. be solved within this work. Without loss of generality, the In other words, within the prediction, a sampled task SMPC OCP starts at time step 0 where prediction steps are is assumed to continue. This assumption is reasonable, as
multiple tasks may be sampled and a new OCP with new with stage cost l and terminal cost Jf . samples is initiated at each time step. The constraint ξk ∈ Ξsafek may be described by a set of If Assumption 1 holds, a DO input sequence is ob- functions tained for each sample of S.DOThe resulting input sequence dk ξk , ξkDO ≥ 0 ⇔ ξk ∈ Ξsafe (10) U DO (si ) = uDO 0 (si ) , ..., u N −1 (si ) depends on the indi- k vidual inputs uDO (T ), performing task T corresponding to k i i with dk = [dk,1 , ..., dk,nd ]> , where nd denotes the number sample si . Based on U DO (si ), the predicted DO states for of constraint functions. each sample are obtained according to the DO dynamics (2) In order to find an analytic approximation for the chance with wkex = 0, resulting in the predicted states ξkDO (si ) for constraint (5f) with only one task, a linearized description k = 1, ..., N . of the chance constraint is required. Therefore, the nonlinear Depending on the predicted DO states, a safe set Ξsafe k (si ) constraint (10) is linearized around the nominal states with may be computed for each drawn sample si . Each safe set ξkDO = ξ DO DO DO k + ek and the prediction error ek . Based on requires an individual constraint in the SCMPC OCP. There- ex wk , the prediction error follows ek ∼ N (0, Σek ) where DO fore, for the SCMPC approach, the chance constraint (5f) is adapted to > Σek+1 = ΦΣek Φ> + GDO Σex kG DO (11) Pr ξk ∈ Ξsafe ta k (s) ≥ β , k = 1, ..., N, s ∈ S. (7) with Φ = ADO + B DO K DO . Multiple methods exist to generate safe sets, e.g., signed The resulting linearized description of (10) is distance [15] or grid-based methods [13]. dk ξk , ξ DO + ∇dDO DO The sample size K depends on the chosen risk parameter. k k ek ≥ 0 (12) We propose a strategy to obtain K that focuses on the least with likely task T1 in T . Theorem 1: The sample size ∂dk ∇dDO k = . (13) ∂ξkDO 1 − β ta ξk ,ξDO k K > log1−p1 (8) p1 The linearized chance constraint is then given by ensures that the probability of not having sampled the least Pr ∇dDO DO DO ≥ β ex , probable task T1 , if it later occurs, is lower than the allowed k ek ≥ −dk ξk , ξ k (14) risk 1 − β ta , i.e., (7) is satisfied. which is still a probabilistic expression. However, (14) may Proof: The proof is based on [10]. Given independent be approximated into an analytic expression similar to [10]. and identically distributed samples, the worst-case probabil- Theorem 2: The probabilistic chance constraint (14) may ity of not sampling task T1 , if it later occurs, is given by be approximated by the analytic expression p1 (1 − p1 )K . The sample size K in (8) then follows from solving for K with 1 − β ta > p1 (1 − p1 )K , i.e., bounding dk,i ξk , ξ DO k ≥ γk,i (15a) the worst-case probability given the risk parameter β ta . q DO > −1 If the least likely task T1 is actually performed by the DO, γk,i = 2∇dDO e k,i Σk ∇dk,i erf (1 − 2β ex ) (15b) this worst-case probability of not having sampled task T1 is with γk = [γk,1 , ..., γk,nd ]> and 0.5 ≤ β ex ≤ 1. lower than the acceptable risk, defined by the SCMPC risk Proof: The proof follows [7], [10]. Dueto (11) it holds parameter β ta . DO > After having introduced an SCMPC approach to handle that ∇dDOk e DO k ∼ N 0, ∇d DO e k,i Σk ∇dk,i in (14). The task uncertainty, the following section introduces an analytic quantile function for univariate normal distributions allows SMPC approximation for task execution uncertainty. to reformulate (14) into (15). Note that ∇dDO k,i is defined similar to (13). The individual B. SMPC Task Execution Uncertainty approaches for handling task uncertainty and task execution We now focus on task execution uncertainty, assuming uncertainty are combined in the following section. only one task is possible. In the DO dynamics (2), task execution uncertainty is described by the additive Gaussian C. S+SC MPC Algorithm uncertainty, representing uncertainty considering the nominal The results of Section III-A and Section III-B are now trajectory of a task. Approximating a Gaussian distribution combined in order to obtain the S+SC MPC framework, potentially requires a large number of samples, therefore, which is able to efficiently handle the mixed uncertainty an analytic SMPC approach is more suitable than SCMPC. structure. In addition, multiple DOs are considered with the The cost function (5a) may depend on the DO uncertainty. DO dynamics Therefore, the cost is adjusted based on the expectation value, yielding DO,j ξk+1 = ADO,j ξkDO,j + B DO,j uDO,j k Tij + GDO,j wkex,j (16) −1 N ! with stabilizing feedback matrix K DO,j for the DOs j = X JN = E l (ξk , uk , wkex ) + Jf (ξN , wN ex ) (9) k=0 1, ..., nDO .
TABLE I: Initial Vehicle Configuration TV4 TV5 TV3 EV TV1 TV2 TV3 TV4 TV5 EV x-pos. (m) 0 -25 25 40 -30 -10 TV1 TV2 x-vel. (m s−1 ) 27 17 27 27 27 22 Fig. 1: Initial scenario configuration. As a special case of (1), the EV dynamics are represented The tractable S+SC MPC OCP for multiple DOs is then using the linear, discrete-time point mass model given by EV ξk+1 = AξkEV + BuEV k (18) −1 N ! > X ∗ ex ex J = min E l (ξk , uk , wk ) + Jf (ξN , wN ) (17a) with the EV states ξk = [xk , vx,k , yk , vy,k ] and inputs U > k=0 uk = [ux,k , uy,k ] where s.t. ξk+1 = f (ξk , uk ) (17b) 0.5∆t2 DO,j 1 ∆t 0 0 0 ξ k+1,i = ADO,j ξ DO,j k,i +B DO,j uDO,j k sji (17c) 0 1 0 0 ∆t 0 A= 0 0 1 ∆t , B = 0 . (19) uk ∈ U, k = 0, ..., N − 1 (17d) 0.5∆t2 ξk ∈ X , k = 1, ..., N (17e) 0 0 0 1 0 ∆t djk,i ξk , ξ DO,j k,i j ≥ γk,i , k = 1, ..., N (17f) The TV dynamics are assumed to be subject to un- r certainties. In the case of vehicles, tasks are maneuvers. > j γk,i = 2∇dDO,j e,j DO,j k,i Σk ∇dk,i erf −1 (1 − 2β ex ) (17g) Therefore, we consider maneuver uncertainty and maneuver execution uncertainty. The TV dynamics are in the form with i = 1, ..., Kj where Kj is determined according to (8) of (2) with ADO , B DO , states, and inputs similar to (19) for each DO, given the DOs j = 1, ..., nDO . as well as GDO = diag (0.05, 0.067, 0.013, 0.03) account- In (17f), an individual approximated chance constraint ing for diverse TV uncertainty in longitudinal and lateral is generated for each sample si , depending on Kj . While direction. The covariance matrix of the normally distributed this approach is reasonable for a small number of samples, TV maneuver execution uncertainty wkex ∼ N (0, Σex k ) is an it becomes computationally expensive for a larger Kj . A identity matrix Σexk = diag(1, 1, 1, 1). Furthermore, additive possible alternative for application is to combine similar measurement noise νk ∼ N (0, Σνk ) is considered for xTV k individual task in order to reduce the number of total and ykTV with Σνk = diag (0.16, 0.01). The TVs have multiple constraints. This approach is illustrated in the simulation maneuver options with associated maneuver probabilities. example in Section IV. The possible maneuvers consist of lane changes to left (LCL) If it is required to guarantee safety or recursive feasibility, and right (LCR), lane keeping (LK), accelerating (AC), the proposed S+SC MPC method may be extended by the braking (BR), and insignificant acceleration (IA), as well safety framework for SMPC approaches proposed in [16]. as a combination of the lateral and longitudinal maneuvers, resulting in a total of nine possible maneuvers. IV. S IMULATION S TUDY The road consists of three lanes with lane width llane = To evaluate the effectiveness of the S+SC MPC algorithm 3.5 m, where the center of the left lane represents y = 0. presented in Section III-C, a highway scenario involving All vehicles are aveh = 6 m in length and bveh = 2 m in five target vehicles (TVs) is simulated, using the Control width. The initial lateral position of all vehicles coincides Toolbox [17]. Here, the CA and DOs become ego vehicle with the lateral center of the vehicles’ respective lanes with (EV) and TVs, respectively. The initial vehicle configuration zero lateral velocity. The initial longitudinal positions and is depicted in Figure 1. velocities of all vehicles are summarized in Table I. The TV TV reference state is chosen as ξref,k TV = [0, vx,ref,k TV , yref,k , 0]> , We first present the results of the simulation study with TV TV the proposed S+SC MPC algorithm, and then, for compar- where vx,ref,k and yref,k may vary over time depending on ison, we investigate the stand-alone algorithms SMPC and the scenario. The feedback controller for the TVs is SCMPC. Eventually, we investigate applying S+SC MPC to DO 0 −1.0 0 0 varying scenario configurations. K = . (20) 0 0 −0.8 −2.2 A. Simulation Setup To prevent collisions, a region around the TV is inadmis- sible for the EV. This is referred to as the safety constraint, All simulations are run on an Intel i5-2500K CPU @ where the admissible area is the safe set Ξsafe k . In line with 3.30GHz with 15.6GB RAM. Each simulation consists of [10], we impose a safety constraint modeled as an ellipse. niter = 100 MPC iterations, which is equivalent to a scenario Its definition adheres to duration of 20 s with ∆t = 0.2 s. In the following, SI units are assumed for variables and parameters expressed without 2 2 (∆xk ) (∆yk ) units. dk = 2 + − 1 ≥ 0, (21) a b2
2 2 kuk kR , Jf = k∆ξN kS , with the cost function weights TVBR,LCL TVIA,LCL TVAC,LCL 2 k+2 k+2 k+2 Q, S ∈ R4×4 , and R ∈ R2×2 , as well as kzkZ = z > Zz TVIA,LK TVBR,LK TVIA,LK TVAC,LK k k+2 k+2 k+2 and ∆ξk = ξk − ξref,k with reference ξref,k . For positional TVBR,LCR k+2 TVIA,LCR k+2 TVAC,LCR k+2 reference tracking in y-direction, the EV reference is set to its current lane center, while vy,ref,k = 0 and vx,ref,k = k k+1 k+2 MPC time step 27 m s−1 . For the cost function, the first element of ∆ξk is neglected, since no reference for xk is imposed. Here, Fig. 2: Qualitative depiction of the combined safety con- Q = S = diag(0, 3, 0.5, 0.1), R = diag(1, 0.1) are selected. straint ellipse. Safety ellipses for step k + 1 omitted. While the maneuver probabilities are scenario specific and different task uncertainty risk parameters β ta are evaluated, where we decompose the distance between the EV and TV the task execution risk parameter is chosen to be β ex = 0.8. TV into a longitudinal and a lateral component ∆xk = xEV k −xk In case the original MPC problem is infeasible, a recovery EV TV and ∆yk = yk − y k . MPC OCP is solved with slack variables to soften the The ellipse center coincides with the TV center. Therefore, constraints, as described in [10]. For the recovery OCP, (21) is fulfilled if the EV center lies outside the inner space the slack variable weight in the cost function is λ = 50 or on the edge of the ellipse, i.e., dk ≥ 0. The parameters and the task execution risk parameter is changed to a more a = 30 and b = 2 represent the semi-major and semi-minor conservative value βλex = 0.995, to prioritize safety. In case axis of the ellipse, respectively. The values of a and b are the recovery problem fails, the solver selects the last feasible chosen conservatively, i.e., the area covered by the safety point as the solution to the OCP. ellipse is larger than the vehicle shape. Apart from the safety constraint, the EV plans its motion To reduce the number of constraints for sampled TV subject to the constraints −1.75 ≤ yk ≤ 8.75, −5 ≤ ux,k ≤ maneuvers, we first introduce a method to adapt the safety 5, −0.5 ≤ uy,k ≤ 0.5, −1 ≤ ∆ux,k ≤ 1, −0.2 ≤ ∆uy,k ≤ constraint ellipse (21). As an example, we assume that all 0.2 with ∆ux,k = ux,k − ux,k−1 , ∆uy,k = uy,k − uy,k−1 . possible maneuvers are sampled. Then, as mentioned as a possibility in Section III-C, we combine the individual B. Simulation Results constraint ellipses of all sampled maneuvers at each time step, as shown in Figure 2. If less maneuvers are sampled, In the following, the S+SC MPC algorithm is evaluated the aggregated ellipse only covers the sampled maneuvers. in the presented scenario. As mentioned, the maneuver risk The result is the aggregated ellipse parameter β ta is varied, resulting in a varying sample size K. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted 150 times for each 2 2 (∆x̃k ) (∆ỹk ) risk parameter value. d˜k = 2 + − 1 ≥ 0, (22a) ãk b̃2k Each simulation consists of two parts. For the first 20 ∆x̃k = xk − x̃TV steps, the EV follows a conservative behavior with β ta = k , (22b) 0.999, representing a behavior prediction initialization phase. ∆ỹk = yk − ỹkTV , (22c) The EV assumes that the TV probabilities for lane changes xTV,IA + xTV,BR + xTV,AC or changes in acceleration are pLC = 0.80 and pAC = pBR = x̃TV k = k k k , (22d) 3 0.40. In case a lane changes is possible to the left or right, ykTV,LK + ykTV,LCL + ykTV,LCR pLC is assigned equally. In the second part from step 21 to ỹkTV = (22e) step 100, it is assumed that the EV has adapted its behavior 3 prediction. Therefore, the probabilities of TV maneuvers with center x̃TV TV k , ỹk . The longitudinal and lateral posi- change to pLC = 0.20 and pAC = pBR = 0.10. For the tion of the TV corresponding to the respective maneuvers second part of the simulation, different risk parameters β ta ∈ are indicated by the variables xTV,M k and ykTV,M , M ∈ {0.99, 0.95, 0.89, 0.83} are evaluated. Within the actual sim- {IA, BR, AC, LK, LCL, LCR}, respectively. The combined ulation, all TVs maintain their respective lanes, except TV4, ellipse exhibits the adjusted semi-major and semi-minor axes which moves to the center lane. The reference velocities TV1 in x-direction are vx,ref = 22 m s−1 , vx,ref TV2 = 22 m s−1 , 2 vx,ref = 17 m s , vx,ref = 17 m s , vx,ref = 27 m s−1 . TV3 −1 TV4 −1 TV5 ãk = a + 0.5 xTV, k AC − xTV, k BR + b̃k − b , (23a) llane The result of an individual example with β ta = 0.95 is b̃k = b + 0.5 ykTV, LCL − ykTV, LCR . (23b) illustrated in Figure 3. While there initially is a gap between TV3 and TV5, the EV does not plan to overtake, as a By generating the aggregated safety ellipse, the number of potential lane change of either TV3 or TV5 would result in an necessary constraints is reduced. As seen in Figure 2, the inevitable collision. Therefore, the EV slows down such that aggregated ellipse does not necessarily cover all individual TV5 passes TV3 first. Subsequently, the EV safely moves to safety ellipses perfectly, which is still reasonable as the the left lane to overtake TV3. individual safety ellipses are designed larger than necessary. Even though SMPC, in general, allows a small probability For the MPC OCP (17), a prediction horizon N = 12 is of constraint violation, in regular scenarios collisions are 2 selected. The cost function terms are set to l = k∆ξk kQ + avoided as the repetitively updated SMPC inputs allow to
TABLE III: SMPC and SCMPC Simulation Results SMPC SCMPC risk parameter 0.8 0.99 0.95 0.89 0.83 collisions 79 49 43 45 41 cost J100 3.22e4 6.77e4 6.27e4 6.88e4 7.08e4 infeasible OCP 31.2 54.1 53.6 55.7 54.7 steps infeasible rec. 21.8 33.8 33.6 34.1 34.3 OCP steps Fig. 3: Vehicle motion for simulation steps 21 (top) and 45 (bottom). The EV is shown in red, TVs in blue. Fading boxes [7], is analyzed with β ex = 0.8. The advantage of S+SC represent past states. MPC is that the mixed uncertainty structure is exploited. Applying only SMPC, in order to account for maneuver and TABLE II: S+SC MPC Simulation Results execution uncertainty, multiple possible maneuvers would need to be approximated by a Gaussian uncertainty. However, risk parameter β ta 0.99 0.95 0.89 0.83 this would result in a major increase of the safety ellipse, collisions 0 0 0 0 covering the entire road width, rendering overtaking other cost J100 3.64e4 3.40e4 3.59e4 3.76e4 TVs impossible. Therefore, in the SMPC simulation, the infeasible OCP SMPC algorithm only accounts for maneuver execution 26.3 25.2 24.2 26.6 steps uncertainty. infeasible rec. 2.2 3.2 5.2 7.4 A total of 79 collisions occurred. While the cost is slightly OCP steps lower compared to S+SC MPC, significantly more steps with infeasible OCPs occur, especially for the recovery problem. constantly adjust. For example, it may not be possible to sat- In the SCMPC simulation, inspired by [11], the maneuver isfy the chance constraint for a late prediction step within the execution uncertainty is approximated by samples. To com- SMPC horizon, due to an unexpected uncertainty realization. pare a similar situation as in the SMPC simulation, no task The OCP is therefore infeasible. However, a collision may uncertainty is considered here. Again, a significant number still be prevented in the next steps, depending on the future of simulation runs result in collisions, while the cost also uncertainty realizations. Here, we designed a challenging increases compared to S+SC MPC. The steps with infeasible situation for the EV, as lane changes are considered to be OCPs appear more often than in the S+SC MPC simulation probable for all TVs and must be accounted for. The results runs. The computation times for SMPC and SCMPC are of the Monte Carlo simulations are shown in Table II. similar to S+SC MPC. Summarizing the simulation results, the first important observation is that no collisions occurred. While the safety D. Varying Vehicle Settings ellipse is slightly violated in some simulation runs, the safety So far, only one vehicle setting is considered. Therefore, ellipse is chosen large enough that no collisions followed. we additionally ran 150 simulations with randomly chosen The performance is evaluated by computing the cost at TV settings for each simulation run (similar initial EV state each time step, based on the actual states and inputs, with as before). The TVs get assigned random initial positions 99 X xTV 0 ∈ [−150, 150] and are placed on one of the three lanes, 2 2 J100 = k∆ξk+1 kQ + kuk kR . (24) i.e., y0 ∈ {0, 3.5, 7}. The constant longitudinal velocity for k=0 each TV is randomly chosen according to vxTV ∈ [17, 27] with The cost remains on a similar level for all risk parameters, vyTV = 0. It is ensured that all vehicles positioned on similar where the best choice in this scenario is β ta = 0.95. Lower lanes have enough longitudinal distance ∆x ≥ 50, and risk increases conservatism, while high risk results in less velocities are selected such that TV collisions are avoided. smooth control inputs, again increasing the cost. The proposed S+SC MPC method successfully handled all As mentioned before, the potential lane changes of all TVs 150 simulation runs and no collisions occurred. pose a challenging situation for the EV, resulting in steps Overall, S+SC MPC allows exploiting the uncertainty where the OCP becomes infeasible. However, the steps with structure of the simulation setting, achieving adequate perfor- successfully solved recovery OCPs are significantly more mance and avoiding collisions. While the results presented likely, especially for a low accepted level of risk. The average here are promising, it is to note that the benefits of the computation time is 214 ms. proposed method depend on the application setting and to which degree the uncertainty structure may be exploited. C. Comparison to SMPC and SCMPC We now compare the results of S+SC MPC to only V. C ONCLUSION applying SMPC or SCMPC. the results are shown in Ta- The proposed S+SC MPC method allows considering the ble III. First, an analytic SMPC algorithm, inspired by specific uncertainty structure found in many applications,
where both task uncertainty and task execution uncertainty are present. As SCMPC is suitable for non-Gaussian task uncertainty and SMPC copes well with Gaussian execution uncertainty, the combination shows promising results. While in this work the S+SC MPC method is applied to a vehicle scenario, the framework is designed in a general way, such that it is applicable also to other applications, e.g., human-robot collaboration. In this robotics setting, a robotic arm may have the option of moving to one of several items, while the exact motion towards the specific item may vary. Without specifically focusing on agents, the proposed framework may also be applicable to process control or finance. R EFERENCES [1] W. Langson, I. Chryssochoos, S.V. Raković, and D.Q. Mayne. Robust model predictive control using tubes. Automatica, 40(1):125 – 133, 2004. [2] J.B. Rawlings, D.Q. Mayne, and M. Diehl. Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design. Nob Hill Publishing, 2017. [3] A. Mesbah. Stochastic model predictive control: An overview and perspectives for future research. IEEE Control Systems, 36(6):30–44, Dec 2016. [4] M. Farina, L. Giulioni, and R. Scattolini. Stochastic linear model predictive control with chance constraints – a review. Journal of Process Control, 44(Supplement C):53 – 67, 2016. [5] A.T. Schwarm and M. Nikolaou. Chance-constrained model predictive control. AIChE Journal, 45(8):1743–1752, 1999. [6] B. Kouvaritakis, M. Cannon, S.V. Rakovic, and Q. Cheng. Explicit use of probabilistic distributions in linear predictive control. Automatica, 46(10):1719 – 1724, 2010. [7] A. Carvalho, Y. Gao, S. Lefevre, and F. Borrelli. Stochastic predictive control of autonomous vehicles in uncertain environments. In 12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Tokyo, Japan, 2014. [8] L. Blackmore, M. Ono, A. Bektassov, and B.C. Williams. A proba- bilistic particle-control approximation of chance-constrained stochastic predictive control. Trans. Rob., 26(3):502–517, June 2010. [9] G. Schildbach, L. Fagiano, C. Frei, and M. Morari. The scenario approach for stochastic model predictive control with bounds on closed-loop constraint violations. Automatica, 50(12):3009 – 3018, 2014. [10] T. Brüdigam, M. Olbrich, M. Leibold, and D. Wollherr. Combining stochastic and scenario model predictive control to handle target vehicle uncertainty in autonomous driving. In 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2018. [11] G. Schildbach and F. Borrelli. Scenario model predictive control for lane change assistance on highways. In 2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pages 611–616, Seoul, South Korea, June 2015. [12] G. Cesari, G. Schildbach, A. Carvalho, and F. Borrelli. Scenario model predictive control for lane change assistance and autonomous driving on highways. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 9(3):23–35, Fall 2017. [13] T. Brüdigam, F. di Luzio, L. Pallottino, D. Wollherr, and M. Leibold. Grid-based stochastic model predictive control for trajectory planning in uncertain environments. In 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2020. [14] A. Muraleedharan, A. Tran, H. Okuda, and T. Suzuki. Grid-based stochastic model predictive control for trajectory planning in uncertain environments. In IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany, 2020. [15] J. Schulman, J. Ho, A. Lee, I. Awwal, H. Bradlow, and P. Abbeel. Finding locally optimal, collision-free trajectories with sequential convex optimization. In Robotics: Science and Systems 2013, 2013. [16] T. Brüdigam, M. Olbrich, D. Wollherr, and M. Leibold. Stochastic model predictive control with a safety guarantee for automated driving. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, pages 1–1, 2021. [17] M. Giftthaler, M. Neunert, M. Stäuble, and J. Buchli. The Control Toolbox - an open-source C++ library for robotics, optimal and model predictive control. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), pages 123–129, May 2018.
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