The Importance of a Digestible Diet For Management of Diarrhea

Page created by Roger Frank
The Importance of a Digestible Diet For Management of Diarrhea


The Importance of a Digestible
Diet For Management of Diarrhea
Julia Fritz, DrMedVet, DECVCN, Napfcheck – Specialist Veterinary Nutritional Advice, Planegg, Germany
Jan S. Suchodolski, DrMedVet, PhD, AGAF, DACVM (Immunology), Texas A&M University School of Veterinary
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Gastrointestinal Laboratory, College Station, Texas

          Anton, a 2.5-year-old, 21-kg (47-lb), intact male                The medical history revealed that, as a puppy, Anton
          standard poodle (FIGURE 1) was presented for a                   was diagnosed and treated for Giardia species infection
          nutrition consultation to a board-certified veterinary           (treatment with fenbendazole 50 mg/kg once daily). At
          nutritionist (EBVS [European Board of Veterinary                 the same time, he was suspected of having intestinal
          Specialisation] European Specialist in Veterinary and            dysbiosis based on fecal bacterial culture results.
          Comparative Nutrition, DECVCN [diplomate of the                  Treatments for his chronic diarrhea and intestinal
          European College of Veterinary and Comparative                   dysbiosis included various dietary trials. Based on the
          Nutrition]). Anton had a history of chronic diarrhea             owner’s feedback, a diet consisting of raw meat with
          (>3 weeks’ duration). The feces appeared soft, sticky,           cooked potatoes or rice was associated with better but
          “cow patty–like” (Purina fecal score 6 out of 7;                 not satisfactory clinical response. On recent physical
, and were foul-smelling; the                     examination, Anton was bright, alert, and had a body
          frequency of defecation was multiple times a day. The            condition score (BCS) of 4/9. No abnormalities were
          owner reported that the first feces in the morning are           noted. A fecal examination for parasites was negative.
          typically formed, but later in the day stools are soft as
          described above (FIGURE 2). The owner stated that                A detailed dietary history revealed that Anton’s current
          Anton has had these problems since puppyhood.                    food consists of a mix of commercial dry kibble and


             A 2.5-year-old dog with a history of chronic diarrhea for more than 2 years was presented for a nutritional consult.
             As a puppy, the dog was treated for Giardia infection and suspected intestinal dysbiosis. At the time of the consult,
             he had been on a commercial diet, but up to 15% of his diet consisted of low-digestible treats (e.g., rawhides,
             tendons). During detailed questioning about a timely association between his diet, treats, and the clinical signs of
             diarrhea, the owner mentioned that the patient appeared to have more frequent episodes of severe diarrhea after
             receiving treats. Simple elimination of treats with poor digestibility led to rapid clinical improvement and a long-
             term positive outcome over a follow-up period of 4 years.

The Importance of a Digestible Diet For Management of Diarrhea

   Take-Home Points

   ƒ The majority of animals with              ƒ A detailed and accurate dietary        ƒ Foods or treats with poor
     chronic gastrointestinal signs              history, probing owners for              digestibility may negatively
     are classified as food responsive           possible associations between            influence the intestinal microbiota
     or have a food-responsive                   different diets and treats fed to        and can be associated with
     component and may respond to                their pet and the development            diarrhea.
     empirical dietary management.               of clinical signs, can be helpful
                                                 as the mechanism of adverse
                                                 food reactions is often not well

canned food (daily amounts: 250 grams dry kibble                     Upon careful and detailed questioning about a timely
[lamb, herring, egg, pea, quinoa] and 250 grams                      association between his regular diet, receiving treats,
canned food [beef, poultry, chicken]). The owner stated              and the clinical signs of diarrhea, the owner mentioned
that Anton is a very picky eater and often refuses to eat            that Anton appeared to have more frequent episodes of
his commercial food. As a result, the owner has been                 severe diarrhea after receiving soft beef strips and
offering various treats during the day to entice Anton               rawhides. Typically, he appeared to have no diarrheic
to consume his food. These various treats include dried              episodes when receiving cheese as a treat.
beef jerky, soft beef strips, rawhides, cheese, venison
lung, and venison tendon. Anton receives an estimated
total of almost 100 grams of these treats per day                    PRESUMPTIVE DIAGNOSIS
(650 grams per week).                                                Based on the clinical history, adverse food reactions,
                                                                     including either food intolerance or food allergy, were
                                                                     initially considered as the main differentials. Previous
                                                                     dietary trials included novel protein diets that were
                                                                     unsuccessful. Because the owner was a veterinarian,
                                                                     owner noncompliance was not considered as a potential
                                                                     cause for dietary trial failure.

                                                                     Once food allergy was ruled out as unlikely, food
                                                                     intolerance became the presumptive diagnosis.
                                                                     Additional supportive evidence for food intolerance was
                                                                     that fecal consistency was more normal in the morning
                                                                     and became progressively worse during the day, and

 FIGURE 1. Anton, a 2.5-year-old, 21-kg (47-lb), intact male           FIGURE 2. Feces at presentation. They often appear soft,
 standard poodle with clinical signs of chronic diarrhea.              sticky, “cow patty–like” (Purina fecal score 6/7).

                                                                    JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023      35
The Importance of a Digestible Diet For Management of Diarrhea

                                                                       infectious etiologies are considered rare; for example,
                                                                       prevalence of parasites has been reported in just up to
   Various recent studies have                                         6% of dogs in a recent study evaluating 466 pet dogs.1
                                                                       Similarly, the prevalence of C jejuni was 5% (10 out of
shown that the majority of dogs
                                                                       185 shelter dogs)2 and of Salmonella, 2.5% (60 out of
  with CE, especially those with                                       24 222 pet dogs).3
milder clinical activity scores and
                                                                       More frequent causes of chronic diarrhea are chronic
  no signs of systemic disease,                                        enteropathies (CE). CE is an umbrella term that
 respond to dietary modulation.                                        encompasses different subgroups of chronic intestinal
                                                                       disorders that are classified based on treatment
                                                                       response. These include food-responsive, fiber-
                                                                       responsive, immunosuppressant-responsive, and
                                                                       antibiotic-responsive enteropathy.4 The
          chew treats with suspected low protein digestibility         pathophysiology of these subgroups is not well
          were clearly associated with the severity of diarrhea.       understood, but it is likely a combination of intestinal
          Furthermore, the amount of these chew treats as a            dysbiosis, inflammation, degradation of the protective
          percentage of the total daily food intake was considered     epithelial mucus layer, and increased intestinal
          high (approximately 15%). A positive clinical response       permeability. The severity and extent of these changes
          to a homemade diet consisting of raw novel meat              vary between individual animals; therefore, no clear
          sources and potatoes further supported the suspicion         biomarkers are available that consistently predict which
          that poor digestibility of the provided food as the most     therapy patients will respond to best. For that reason, a
          likely reason for poor stool consistency.                    sequential treatment approach is employed, with
                                                                       dietary trials often used as the first step.5-7

          The initial approach to dietary management was to
          instruct the owner to completely eliminate all
          commercial chew treats with poor digestibility from
          Anton’s diet and to provide small amounts of cheese
          treats instead, which typically have high digestibility
          and historically were not associated with Anton’s
          diarrhea. The current food (dry and wet food) was not
          changed initially. The owner was then instructed to
          bring Anton in for a follow-up exam in 14 days.

          There was a rapid clinical improvement in a few days.
          Fecal frequency was reduced to once daily and the fecal
          score was consistently a 2/7 (FIGURE 3).

          At the follow-up visit 2 weeks later, the owner reported
          that Anton was producing solid feces for the first time
          in years. Long-term follow-up over 4 years revealed that
          Anton’s stool consistency and frequency remained

          Clinical signs of chronic diarrhea can be due to
          multiple causes. Differential diagnoses include infectious
          causes, such as with parasites or specific bacterial          FIGURE 3. Picture of feces after owner was instructed to
                                                                        stop feeding treats with poor digestibility.
          pathogens (e.g., Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni). True

The Importance of a Digestible Diet For Management of Diarrhea

Various recent studies have shown that the majority of          beneficial short-chain fatty acid–producing bacteria,
dogs with CE, especially those with milder clinical             overgrowth of Escherichia coli and C perfringens, higher
activity scores and no signs of systemic disease, respond       fecal pH, and an increased level of metabolites linked
to dietary modulation. Depending on the study,                  with inflammation.20,21
between 55% and 81% of dogs with CE were classified
as having food-responsive enteropathy.8-11 It is likely
that food-responsive enteropathies are by themselves an
umbrella term, as a variety of diet types have been
shown to induce clinical remission in these studies.
                                                                           Higher amounts of protein
These include highly digestible gastrointestinal diets,
hydrolyzed diets, fiber-enriched diets, and novel                         from low-digestible sources
protein diets.4,7,10,12 There is no clear predictor, however,            can lead to negative effects on
of which diet may work best for any patient. Therefore,
it is advised to obtain a detailed dietary history that                    the intestinal microbiota.17,18
includes probing owners for possible associations
between different diets fed to their pet and the
development of clinical signs.

A recent study demonstrated that only a small                   In Anton’s case, intestinal dysbiosis was suspected based
percentage of clinicians obtain a detailed dietary history      on abnormal fecal bacterial culture results. A recent
for their patients. The same study also showed that if          study has demonstrated that fecal bacterial culture,
the first dietary trial fails, a significant number of dogs     although still commonly used, is not useful to assess the
may still respond to a second (66%) or third (44%)              intestinal microbiome as most bacteria are strict
dietary trial if a more complete dietary history is             anaerobes that cannot be cultured using standard
obtained in practice.13 There are several potential             laboratory procedures.22 A molecular-based test for
reasons for the high percentage of dogs that are food           assessing intestinal dysbiosis, the fecal Dysbiosis Index
responsive, and these mechanisms are likely                     (, was not available at that time, and
overlapping. Many veterinarians suspect food allergies          consequently, it remains unknown whether Anton had
and use, for example, hydrolyzed protein diets and              an altered microbiome.22 While major changes in the
report high success rates. It is important to note that         intestinal microbiota are often secondary to antibiotic
the prevalence of true food allergies in dogs is suspected      administration23 and changes in the mucosal structure
to be rather low.14 Another mechanism by which                  in CEs,24 it is important to note that inadequate dietary
hydrolyzed protein diets may improve clinical signs is          substrate, in this case low-digestible protein, can also
due to their high digestibility, or because some other          induce gastrointestinal signs, even if there are no or
unidentified food component in the original diet has            only minor shifts in the microbiome.19 Therefore,
been eliminated. The base food ingredients in fiber-            dietary trials with diets with improved digestibility
enriched gastrointestinal diets are typically also highly       should be considered even in animals with suspected or
digestible and, together with the fiber component, can          confirmed dysbiosis, as dietary modulation alone has
modulate the intestinal microbiota.12 Fiber-enriched            shown partial recovery of the microbiome over time.25,26
diets have also been shown to lead to clinical
improvement in dogs with acute large bowel diarrhea.15,16       There are several possibilities if fecal consistency is
                                                                more normal in the morning and becomes progressively
High amounts of treats with poor digestibility (i.e.,           worse during the day. The stool overnight has spent the
rawhides) were the main reason for the clinical signs of        longest period of time within the colon, allowing the
chronic diarrhea in this case. Higher amounts of                most water reabsorption. In addition, the pet is more
protein from low-digestible sources can lead to negative        active during the day, and with each meal or treat,
effects on the intestinal microbiota.17,18 For example,         peristalsis is triggered more frequently (gastrocolic
1 study noted increased amounts of poor digestibility           reflex). Based on the experience of the authors, this can
protein sourced from slaughter byproducts led to                often suggest problems with digestibility. In such cases,
increases in enterotoxigenic Clostridium perfringens and        the authors probe for details about the type of food—
looser stools.19 High amounts of proteins were also             especially treats—and also the routine and timing of
associated with shifts in the microbiota, a decrease in         foods and treats. Nutritional management is often

                                                            JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023     37
The Importance of a Digestible Diet For Management of Diarrhea

                  BOX 1 Scoring Index27
                  Different scoring systems have                             1. Attitude/activity
                  been developed to assess the                                                                    Scored 0–3
                                                                             2. Appetite
                  severity of inflammatory bowel                                                                  0 = normal
                  disease (IBD) in dogs. The most                            3. Vomiting
                                                                                                                  1 = mild change
                  commonly used clinical scoring                             4. Stool consistency
                  is the Canine IBD Activity Index,                                                               2 = moderate change
                                                                             5. Stool frequency
                  or CIBDAI. The CIBDAI score                                                                     3 = severe change
                  is the summation of 6 different                            6. Weight loss
                  clinical signs: attitude/activity,
                  appetite, vomiting, stool                                                         Summation of 6 variables
                  consistency, stool frequency,
                  and weight loss. 27 This numeric
                  index and scoring system can          Total Composite the CIBDAI Score
                  be used by the clinician to
                  guide therapeutic strategies for               0–3                      4–5                      6–8                9 OR HIGHER
                  canine patients with IBD.                    Clinically
                                                             insignificant              Mild lBD             Moderate IBD               Severe IBD

           performed empirically as a first step in those animals                  include, as in Anton’s case, simple elimination of
           with milder clinical activity scores (BOX 1) and no signs               low-digestible treats. Additional steps may include
           of systemic disease, even before extensive testing is                   dietary management with highly digestible
           performed to investigate for underlying intestinal                      gastrointestinal diets, hydrolyzed protein diets, and/or
           disorders and/or microbiome dysbiosis. These can                        the addition of fiber either as supplements (e.g., psyllium
                                                                                   husk, cellulose) or fiber-enriched diets.7,28,29

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The Importance of a Digestible Diet For Management of Diarrhea
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