The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services

Page created by Thelma Gardner
The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services
Payment Services

The Hospitality Solution
For the restaurant industry
The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services
The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services
For you and
your guests:
the Hospitality
from SIX

Table of contents

SIX Payment Services            04
The customer experience         05
The Hospitality Solution        06
Our expertise                   08
Security, service and support   10
The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services
SIX Payment Services
The right choice

With SIX Payment Services, you              you are located in Europe. It includes
can rely on a partner with decades          card acceptance at the payment termi-
of experience in the restaurant in-         nal and online, fast and reliable trans-
dustry and a well thought-out solu-         action processing, seamless integration
tion for all your cashless payment          of the payment terminals into your
needs.                                      infrastructure and useful value-added
                                            services. This means you receive a com-
Your top priority as a restaurant owner     prehensive payment solution from a
is the well-being of your guests. You are   single source.
well aware of all the various trends and
your customers’ needs − precision and       The Hospitality Solution can also be
excellent service are your passion.         tailored to your needs, so that you re-
                                            ceive exactly the services you need.
In the same way that you know your          And thanks to our wealth of experience
guests, SIX knows what restaurant op-       in the restaurant industry, we can both
erators need when it comes to cashless      support and simplify your processes:
payment services. That is why we are        from mobile payments at the table to
European leaders in this field, with our    payments in the guest’s home currency
experienced team of experts managing        at the touch of a button or using the
long-term relationships with many cli-      contactless function. This makes things
ents.                                       more efficient and clear for you – and
                                            even more convenient for your guests.
Our Hospitality Solution for the restau-
rant industry contains everything you
need for your payment solution, no mat-
ter how big your company is or where

The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services
The customer experience
Where cashless payment is important

Self-service restaurants   Challenge                            Solution

                           I want to offer my guests the        SIX offers you payment solutions for
                           option of making payments            distance transactions − so that it is
                           online – even with a smartphone.     easy for your guests to pay online and
                                                                by smartphone.

                           I want to offer my guests a          SIX can seamlessly integrate your payment
                           comprehensive service: short         terminals into your cash register system
                           waiting times and simple,            and offers contactless payments for faster,
                           error-free and secure payment        more efficient and error-free payment
                           processes.                           processes as well as currency conversion at
                                                                the touch a button for foreign guests.

                           I want to be able to reconcile all   SIX enables simple and automated
                           payments quickly and easily, and     reconciliation of payments and pays out
                           with a clear overview.               quickly – in 18 currencies. You will also
                                                                be sent the DCC report regularly.

Full-service restaurants

                           I want additional orders to be       SIX allows all orders to be
                           automatically added to the bill.     automatically added to the bill.

                           I want to make payment as easy       SIX offers mobile payment terminals for
                           as possible for my guests.           payment directly at the table, acceptance
                                                                of all major cards and the option for guests
                                                                to pay in their home currency at the touch
                                                                of a button.

                           I want to be able to reconcile all   SIX enables simple and automated
                           payments quickly and easily, and     reconciliation of payments and pays out
                           with a clear overview.               quickly – in 18 currencies. You will also
                                                                be sent the DCC report regularly.

The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services
The Hospitality Solution
Tailor-made for your company

For uncomplicated payments

Secure and swift: for restaurants with
basic cashless payment needs, we offer
a simple, affordable payment solution.
This includes acceptance of all major
global payment cards, payment termi-
nals and useful value-added services.

Advantages for you:
– simple and rapid use

                                         For full integration into your cash
                                         register system

                                         For establishments with more sophisti-
                                         cated cashless payment requirements,
                                         we offer an integrated solution that both
                                         supports and simplifies your processes.
                                         The solution includes acceptance of all
                                         major global payment cards, payment
                                         terminals with useful value-added ser-
                                         vices and the seamless integration of
                                         these terminals into your cash register
                                         system. This results in faster processes,
                                         a better overview, and greater conve-
                                         nience and efficiency.

                                         Advantages for you:
                                         – direct management of payments via your cash
                                           register system
                                         – efficiency gains
                                         – no entry errors or double bookings

The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services
Performance overview
                                                                                                              For         For practical
                                                                                                         uncomplicated     integration
                                                                                                           payments      into your POS

Everything from a single source, including acceptance of all major global cards

All acquiring services including DCC and data processing at SIX

All payment functions relevant for the hospitality industry including contactless function

Certified to the highest security standards

Reporting for each location for a better overview and more convenient reconciliation of transactions

Payment terminals with various communication methods (LAN, WLAN, 3G)

Payment solutions for distance transactions (e-commerce, mail/phone orders)

Purchase or hire of autonomous or mobile payment terminals

Integration of payment terminals into all common cash register systems with the MPD interface from SIX

Entries at payment terminal no longer necessary, direct management of payments via the cash
register system

The Hospitality Solution - For the restaurant industry Payment Services
Our expertise
We understand your needs

You want to be able to accept as           You want to offer your international
many payment cards as possible.            guests the best possible service.
SIX enables you to accept the following    With the SIX dynamic currency conver-
debit and credit cards:                    sion (DCC) service, your guests can
                                           make payments in the card currency
                                           they are familiar with. SIX automatically
                                           converts the amount directly at the
                                           payment terminal and guarantees you
                                           and your guest the best exchange rate
                                           of the day with the Best Rate Guaran-
You want a partner that understands        tee – this provides extra transparency
your needs.                                for customers.
Our team of international account man-
agers with proven expertise in the res-    You want the highest level of secu-
taurant industry will support you in im-   rity for your entire payment infra-
plementing the payment solution, which     structure.
is tailored to your specific needs. Our    SIX offers you a payment infrastructure
account managers and support team can      that is constantly tested to the highest
provide you with advice in more than ten   security standards and fully PCI DSS/
languages.                                 PA DSS-certified. We also offer you
                                           detailed and practical advice on fraud
You want a payment solution that can       prevention.
be easily integrated into your existing
system landscape.
Thanks to the MPD interface from SIX,
your cash register system communicates
easily with your payment terminals.

creates trust
SIX has the highest data and process
security requirements. After all, security
creates trust – allowing you to take care
of your guests with peace of mind. With
us as a partner, you can rely on excel-
lent protection. Our solutions and pro-
cesses are certified to the latest inter-
national security standards and guaran-
tee secure data transfer and storage.
We will also provide you with advice on
all aspects of security in relation to
cashless payments, from the correct
implementation of security standards
in your company to the prevention of
fraud in the hospitality industry.

in a

and support
We will support you in the smooth intro-
duction of our solutions − and beyond. We
want you to know that you are in the best
hands and can concentrate fully on your
restaurant business. We have 13 locations
in Europe, speak your language and can
be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. And since SIX offers you all solu-
tions and services for cashless payment
from a single source, you only need one
contact for all your needs. With SIX, you
benefit from fast payment of your balance
and from clear, flexible credit notices. We
also advise you on the use of dynamic cur-
rency conversion (DCC) in online training
sessions or courses on site. In order for you
to receive the level of service you need
from us, you can choose from a range of
service packages at SIX, from the basic
version containing the most important ser-
vices to the all-in package.

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We’ll be happy to advise you about the cashless payment solution that’s made to fit your needs.

SIX Payment Services AG                           SIX Payment Services (Europe) S.A.
Hardturmstrasse 201                               10, rue Gabriel Lippmann
8005 Zurich                                       5365 Munsbach
Switzerland                                       Luxembourg

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