The Ground Transport Plan outlines strategies to meet the transport needs of the future at Brisbane Airport - Connecting People Building ...
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The Ground Transport Plan outlines strategies to meet the transport needs of the future at Brisbane Airport. Connecting People Building Opportunities 208 Brisbane Airport Corporation
12 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN BAC has analysed all 12.1 About The Ground how BAC undertook a collaborative approach during the development of aspects of non-aviation Transport Plan this GTP, and how this GTP links with transport into and across state and local government plans. the airport to design BAC, as the lessee and operator of Additionally, this GTP provides details strategies and initiatives Brisbane Airport, has developed the of how the transport network is Brisbane Airport Ground Transport currently operating and how it will that will improve Plan (GTP). look in five years. A summary of each accessibility for all. initiative that will be investigated to The GTP responds to legislative support the five-year transport plan is requirements and is an important included in this GTP. adjunct to airport planning as outlined in this Master Plan. The purpose of the GTP is to: 12.3 About Current » Report on the existing and future transport trends at the airport Transport Choices » Identify transport initiatives and actions to support the economic Airline Passengers growth of the airport Assessments show that private » Target immediate and short-term vehicles are the choice of transport opportunities to improve capacity, for 59% of passengers using the provide transport choice and Domestic T2 and 72% of passengers encourage the use of sustainable using the International T1. transport modes such as public Taxis provide transport between the transport and cycling. terminals and other locations for The GTP specifically addresses approximately 18% of passengers, with ground transport needs on and around the majority of taxi trips occurring to Brisbane Airport for the five-year or from the Domestic T2. period between 2014 and 2019. Airport-Wide Preferred Choice of Transport Combining the transport choices of 12.2 Structure of airline passengers and those who work the Ground across Brisbane Airport, then 96% of trips are typically by vehicle (inclusive of Transport Plan taxis) and 4% are by public transport. Through this GTP and its initiatives, In accordance with the Airports BAC seeks to increase the use of Act 1996 (Airports Act), the GTP public transport across the airport. forms part of the 2014 Master Plan. To achieve this goal BAC will address: This GTP contains details on the » The need to secure additional transport network and options on and public transport options to cater surrounding the airport, for the large number of shift-based airport employees 210 Brisbane Airport Corporation
View across Brisbane Airport raod network » The significant length of time it 12.4 About the Road airport and many external destinations, takes to get to Brisbane Airport including the Brisbane Central Business using public transport from Network District (CBD). geographically constrained areas in Some key roads such as Kingsford Brisbane’s eastern suburbs, such as Brisbane Airport is well connected Smith Drive, Southern Cross Way and Bulimba and Cleveland by a relatively new on airport and the Gateway Motorway are forecast to » The need to secure better public surrounding area road network. The remain busy during the commuter peak transport connectivity between surrounding road network is controlled hour periods. Brisbane’s northern suburbs and and planned by the Department of On-airport, the Domestic Terminal the airport, noting that the highest Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and Upgrade Project (DTU) completed in proportion of trips to the airport Brisbane City Council (BCC), while 2012, which included major changes to emanate from this catchment all on-airport roads are developed, the road network at the terminal face, operated and maintained by BAC. » Limited information for aircraft has alleviated daily peak pressures in passengers and employees on the The two major roads providing access the terminal precinct. modes of transport available other to Brisbane Airport are Airport Drive Forecast vehicle demands show that than the private vehicle and Moreton Drive. The nearby within the five year timeframe of this Gateway Motorway is designated a » The offering of on-airport car GTP, and with the exception of several Priority 1 Freight Route1 with Airport parking, particularly for employees, localised upgrades, no significant on- Drive and the Kingsford Smith Drive / noting that a reduction in on-airport airport road upgrades are required to Eagle Farm Road / Main Myrtletown parking at airport business locations address capacity constraints. Road corridor also supporting may encourage increased use of freight movements. Beyond the GTP timeframes several public transport. significant road upgrades are required Airport Link and the flyover connecting and planning for these will begin within the East West Arterial to Airport Drive the five year period of this GTP and completed in 2011, provides additional 2014 Master Plan. road capacity for travel between the 1 Priority One Freight Routes facilitate high volume, business-to-business freight movements. These routes carry more than 1000 articulated trucks per day. Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 211
12 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN TABLE 12.1: THE 10 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN INITIATIVES 12.5 About Public Transport Initiative Initiative 1 Improve the on-airport road network (Ron) Initiative 2 Improve the off-airport road network (Rof) Public transport services at Brisbane Airport include: Initiative 3 Improve parking (Pa) » Airtrain, a privately owned and Initiative 4 Improve the rail network and services (Ra) operated rail line connecting the Initiative 5 Improve taxi, bus, coach and shuttle services (Tb) Domestic T2 and International T1 Initiative 6 Support freight movements through the airport (Fr) to the Brisbane CBD and the Gold Initiative 7 Improve active transport facilities at the airport and link (At) Coast, via Eagle Junction. Airtrain to the external network operates seven days a week Initiative 8 Improve information and signage for travel to, from, and (Inf) » Translink operates public bus within the airport routes serving Airport Central Initiative 9 Encourage passengers to use alternative modes (Pax) Skygate, Airport South Da Vinci and Airport East Initiative 10 Encourage employees to use alternative modes (Emp) » BAC operates the Terminal Bus (T-Bus) shuttle service between TABLE 12.2: AGENCY AND PROGRAM ALLOCATION Skygate, the International T1 and Short-Term the Domestic T2 Lead Agency (2014 – 2019) » BAC operates the staff bus (S-Bus) Brisbane Airport Corporation 26 service between the staff car park, Transport and Main Roads 11 located adjacent to the International T1, and the Domestic T2 Brisbane City Council 4 TOTAL 41 » Coach and shuttle services, run by private operators that provide connections with the Brisbane CBD, and regional areas. 12.6 About Active 12.7 About GTP Airtrain operates under the Brisbane Transport Recommendations Airport Rail Link (BARL) contract, which runs until 2036. It includes Walking and cycling account for The GTP recommends the restrictions on the ability to increase less than 1% of movements at implementation of 10 initiatives public transport services to Brisbane Brisbane Airport. incorporating 41 programs to be Airport, which cannot be breached by implemented between 2014 and the state. The airport terrain is conducive to 2019. The 10 initiatives are outlined walking and cycling and opportunities Notwithstanding current constraints, in Table 12.1 with the details of the exist to improve the degree to which the GTP identifies opportunities for corresponding activity programs outlined these modes are used. improvements within the existing in Section 12.15 of this document. bus network to include services to Higher take up rates for these transport The GTP also identifies the agency or the terminals and other locations options can be achieved by providing organisation that will lead each of the not competing with Airtrain, with a high quality infrastructure and good 41 programs identified in this document. particular focus on serving the specific intra-airport linkages, as well as This division of responsibility was needs of shift workers. connections to the external network. determined following consultation with Currently, some gaps still exist in the agencies responsible for delivering road existing active transport network, and transport programs in South East however through initiatives and plans Queensland (SEQ). that will be delivered during the next Table 12.2 breaks the 41 programs five year period, walking and cycling down by lead agency and number. will become more attractive. 212 Brisbane Airport Corporation
12.8 Implementation » Deliver proactive response to Table 12.3 outlines BAC’s level of climate change investment in transport infrastructure since 2004. » Contribute to regional economic The implementation of the GTP wealth and employment generation BAC has also contributed in planning programs will involve coordination studies and resources to support between BAC and other stakeholders, » Ensure selective, profitable and the development of major road including local and state government timely commercial development at infrastructure projects such as the agencies and public transport Brisbane Airport Gateway Motorway and Airport operators. BAC’s role ranges » Delivers on BAC’s vision of world Roundabout Upgrade projects. Land from a supporting stakeholder to best and preferred choice for transferred from the Commonwealth active implementation. passengers, airlines, business and to state is another form of transport More complex programs will require the community. investment by BAC to support these further investigation and planning work significant projects. before advancing to construction/ BAC INVESTMENT implementation, with investigation IN TRANSPORT LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENT required to determine the feasibility, INFRASTRUCTURE FOR A GTP design, costs and benefits for Brisbane Airport is located The Australian Government’s National each program. approximately 8 km from the Brisbane Aviation Policy Issues Paper released CBD and is strategically positioned in April 2008 initiated discussion on between the Gold Coast and Sunshine key areas for consideration in long- Coast. Brisbane Airport consists of the term aviation planning, including 12.9 Background International T1 and Domestic T2 and transport planning. operates 24 hours a day, seven days Subsequent review processes led to the a week. As outlined earlier, the Brisbane Airport amendment of the Airports Act in 2011 GTP is in response to legislative Since Brisbane Airport was privatised to include a requirement for airports requirements and is an important in 1997, BAC has invested significantly to produce a ground transport plan adjunct to airport planning. The GTP in infrastructure, and over the relating to landside areas, incorporating: provides a planning framework that past 10 years has invested almost enables BAC to confirm transport $600 million in transport infrastructure. agencies short term plans and work collaboratively with them to plan and TABLE 12.3: TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT FROM 2004 implement the initiatives and plans contained within this document. Spend Item (AU$) Timing OBJECTIVES OF THE GTP Domestic long-term multi-level car park expansion $28 million 2004 » Maximise connectivity and International T1 undercover car park $37 million 2007 accessibility New major road access to terminals relieving $220 million 2009 » Facilitate safe and secure significant congestion movement of people and freight Central Parking Area (CPA), Stage 1, taxi area $47 million 2010 » Deliver innovative, efficient and Domestic undercover short-term car park $190 million 2012 continuous airport services Domestic T2 pedestrian access project and $43 million 2012 road improvements » Continue agency partnering which builds on an integrated transport Bus stops and connecting bus roads $1.1 million 2002–2013 connection plan Cycle and pedestrian paths $1.5 million 2002–2013 » Timely delivery of seamless Road sign upgrades and improvements $0.5 million 2002–2013 transport system that provides new Minor road works $2.55 million 2002–2013 and improved capacity Intersection upgrade Qantas and Lomandra Drive $7.6 million 2013 » Minimise adverse environmental Moreton Drive off ramp to Nancy Bird Way $3.6 million 2014 impacts TOTAL $581 million Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 213
12 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN » A road network plan While this GTP responds to the legislative requirement, BAC considers » Facilities for moving people transport planning to be a continual (including passengers, employees and an essential component of and other airport users) and its obligation to operate Brisbane freight at the airport (including the Airport responsibly and efficiently. airport’s road infrastructure, road Comprehensive transport plans have connections, car parking facilities, 1 International T1 multi-level formed part of its master planning public transport services and car park. process since 1997. facilities for taxis and private coach 2 Shuttle bus enters the Domestic or shuttle services) T2 precinct. GTP FRAMEWORK » Linkages between the road network 2 Figure 12.1 illustrates the framework and public transport system outside used to develop the GTP initiatives the airport and programs. It also shows the » Arrangements for working with alignment between the GTP state and local authorities or initiatives, the sustainability pillars other bodies responsible for as outlined in this Master Plan the road network and ground and the wider Brisbane and SEQ transport system transport plans. » The capacity of the ground transport system to support airport operations and other airport activities » The likely effect of the proposed developments set out in the Master Plan on the ground transport system and traffic flows surrounding the airport. 1 214 Brisbane Airport Corporation
FIGURE 12.1: GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN POLICY FRAMEWORK Brisbane Airport Vision To be world best 2014 – 2034 Master Plan Economic Social Operational Environmental Transport Vision “Maximise the efficient movement of people (employees, passengers and other airport users) and freight at the airport.” y Contribute to y Maximise y Facilitate safe y Minimise adverse regional connectivity and and secure environmental y Transport Plan for Brisbane economic wealth accessibility movement of impacts and employment y Continue agency people and freight y Develop a proactive generation partnering whish y Deliver innovative, response to climate y Ensure selective, builds on an efficient and change profitable and integrated transport continuous airport timely commercial connection plan services development Ground Transport Plan Timely delivery of a reliable transport system 2014 – 2019 which provides new and improved capacity y Connecting SEQ 2031 Initiatives Improve the Improve the Improve taxi, bus, Parking Rail network on-airport road off-airport road coach and improvements improvements network network shuttle services (Pa) (Ra) (Ron) (Rof) (Tb) Support freight Improve Improve Encourage Encourage movements through active transport information and passengers to use employees to use the airport facilities signage alternative modes alternative modes (Fr) (At) (Inf) (Pax) (Emp) Actions Mode Share Projections Refer Table 12.16 Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 215
12 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN 12.10 Engagement Airport raod network Framework INTRODUCTION The GTP has been developed with the assistance and input of government bodies responsible for the delivery of transport networks across Queensland. Their experience, insights and technical knowledge have contributed to the development of a range of programs and initiatives that will, over time, improve ground transport options and services at Brisbane Airport, while improving connectivity to areas around the airport. AGENCY ENGAGEMENT Stakeholder consultation and participation has played an integral role in developing the GTP. Consultation The purpose of the workshop was to: Workshop 2 (2012) activities included a visioning workshop » Outline the purpose and objectives Workshop 2 was held on 5 June 2012 with all agencies and two detailed of the GTP and provide details with representatives from BAC, BCC, workshops, supplemented by feedback about studies and research used TMR and TTA to: and endorsement processes. Ongoing to define the transport context for consultation and input are planned as » Inform stakeholders of work Brisbane Airport part of the GTP implementation. undertaken since the Workshop 1 » Identify initiatives and programs In 2012, BAC released an agency » Provide responses to stakeholder that the GTP should contain, with endorsed version of its GTP which feedback emphasis on programs that would has been used as the platform for need to be led by external agencies, » Present the findings from further this document. The summaries of or involve multiple agencies technical assessment outcomes from those workshops are important to include as background » Understand links with the external » Discuss proposed programs, for this version of the GTP to provide transport network and begin benefits and agency responsibilities input and alignment between 2012 and to establish responsibilities for » Present the proposed seven- 2013 priorities and plans. initiatives and programs that will year implementation timeline involve working with state and local It is important to note that BAC has (2012 to 2019). government agencies. undertaken a consultative approach Agency Visioning Workshop with the agencies to developing Between workshops, BAC: a long-term GTP vision to ensure As the first of several workshops held » Refined and tested transport benefits of this plan continue past the specifically for the 2014 Master Plan, options resulting from Workshop 1 five-year framework of this GTP. the purpose of this workshop held on » Planned and programmed initiatives 23 July 2013 was to seek input from Stakeholder engagement activities based on outcomes of Workshop 1 the agency representatives and to comprised: identify opportunities and projects » Prioritised initiatives based on the Workshop 1 (2012) that would benefit both BAC and GTP framework the agencies. Workshop 1 was held on 24 January » Issued reports to the agencies 2012 involving representatives from to seek agreement on workshop BAC, BCC, TMR and TransLink Transit outcomes. Authority (TTA). 216 Brisbane Airport Corporation
Representatives from BCC and Transport Agency Working public transport services with peaks, TMR, identified two major topics Group – Workshop 1 transition of employees to public as a result of the workshop, being transport, mass transit opportunities The first of the transport working transport networks including public and consideration of CityCat group meetings was held on 27 August transport and property development at connection from Northshore 2013 and was represented by BCC, Brisbane airport. As the two topics are TMR and the Department of State » Road capacity including the need interrelated, several themes emerged Development, Innovation and Planning to invest to maintain egress and from the discussions including: (DSDIP). The purpose of the working access to standards as experienced » Transport between employment group gathering was to: at 2013, identify how new parts of nodes; the road network can be addressed » Provide an overview of BAC’s (e.g. Kingsford Smith Drive and » Functionality of the transport work completed to date since the Doomben Interchange) including the networks 2012 GTP importance of freight movements » Generating a shift toward » Understand the agencies overview and the road space it occupies public transport and strategic directions for transport » Active transport including linkages » The need for a third rail station » Discuss the outcomes of the from off to on-airport networks, roll visioning workshop out of end of trip facilities, active » Public transport servicing for a to public transport links and road 24/7 airport » Allow for an open discussion on safety education programs programs or ideas, identification » The balance between BAC’s parking of the most significant challenges » Parking including linkages of business and road demands. facing ground transport at the mass parking to public transport As a result of the themes arising airport and to prioritise a list of top connections. from the visioning workshop, working programs for the next five years. As a result of the workshop, the group groups would discuss and agree the The group identified four critical were to interrogate their respective key priorities and programs to address drivers for ground transport and organisations transport plans to how these themes could be converted planning as prioritised below: identify what opportunities existed to implementation. to progress the above priorities and » Public transport including transfers ensure that these were valued options from terminals and outside airport to ratify at the following working to airport precincts, alignment of group meeting. A view across to the International T1 with Airtrain in foreground Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 217
12 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN Transport Agency Working Group ENDORSEMENT PROCESS » The Brisbane Airport Community – Workshop 2 Aviation Consultative Group Following the transport agency (BACACG), which is independently Prior to the second working group, workshops, stakeholders conducted chaired and provides opportunities held on 12 November 2013, the group internal consultation within their for BAC to share information on was provided with an updated initiative organisations to establish if there were development plans for the airport, plan that reflected programs from any substantial program changes. among other matters. This forum the 2012 GTP. The working group Stakeholders then held briefings within involves community members, identified each agency’s role from the their organisation on an initial draft GTP. representatives of the Queensland initiatives and confirmed timing of Feedback from these briefings has been Government and BCC, as well as those initiatives where known. incorporated into the final GTP. major airlines, Airservices Australia Additionally, the working group and BAC COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT members confirmed where the » BAC also has a range of priorities as established at 27 August BAC consults closely with all levels consultative forums with the 2013 workshop lay in the initiative of government in the management, Queensland Government and BCC program. Specifically by priorities, the operation and development of Brisbane to ensure integrated planning and following points were discussed: Airport, including the development of delivery of key infrastructure on this GTP. » Public transport: Until 2016, new and off the airport. To that extent, agency public transport services This commitment to actively engage BAC has initiated the Brisbane will be difficult to implement, the with stakeholders also includes building Airport Area Round Table (BAART) need for a third Airtrain station is strong relationships with the Brisbane as a Planning Co-ordination Forum endorsed subject to contractual community, facilitated through regular (PCF) including BAC and all levels agreements, opportunities to extend forums and group presentations. of government, which is designed on to off airport bus services will to deliver better planning outcomes. Matters ranging from aircraft noise, be reviewed environmental management and It is expected that through these » Road capacity: A western the operation of Brisbane Airport‘s forums and others held specifically in connection option can be supported road network, including the GTP, relation to the initiatives and programs subject to capacity considerations, are canvassed in these meetings, in the GTP, BAC will continue to other connecting projects such as which include: engage with transport agencies to Doomben interchange to Lomandra ensure off and on-airport activities are » The Brisbane Airport Community Drive are not identified as an integrated and aligned. Engagement Program, which agency high priority involves regular presentations » Active transport: Support in general on airport initiatives, issues and for initiatives to improve active activities to ensure that all levels transport links of government and the community are involved and informed » Parking: General agency support about planning and growth at for opportunities to explore public Brisbane Airport transport and parking links. » The Brisbane Airport Community Transport Agency Working Group Forum (BACF) which is designed – Workshop 3 as an open platform for members Prior to the workshop each member of of the community to find out more the Working Group was provided with about the airport and for BAC to a copy of the Preliminary Draft GTP gain feedback on issues affecting for review and comment. areas surrounding the airport Because the GTP had been compiled Growth forecasts in close consultation with Working have been analysed Group members over a period of to assess and plan for two years, the plan was considered future transport needs. comprehensive and complete, requiring only minor alterations. 218 Brisbane Airport Corporation
New Domestic T2 road system 12.11 Planning BRISBANE AIRPORT Within the regional catchment, POPULATION airports competing for domestic and Context international passengers exist at the The programs outlined in this GTP Gold Coast and to a lesser extent the arise from an assessment of forecast Sunshine Coast. These airports are both growth in aircraft passenger numbers INTRODUCTION approximately 110 km south and north and the number of people likely to from Brisbane Airport respectively. In preparing the GTP and its initiatives work at Brisbane Airport and, what this and programs, BAC considered a growth means in terms of providing In 2013, Brisbane Airport and range of relevant growth forecasts appropriate and efficient ground businesses within the Brisbane Airport to assess future transport needs, as transport infrastructure. Further details boundary employed approximately well as existing airport planning tools on passenger forecasts can be found 21,000 full-time equivalent employees. and documents prepared by BAC, and in Chapter 5. This is forecast to increase to around state and local government planning 51,000 employees by 2034. Brisbane Airport’s passenger documents that relate specifically to catchment comprises a regional transport planning for Brisbane and population of approximately 3.4 million the SEQ region. Outlined in this section people, as illustrated in Figure 12.2, are the forecasts and major planning and a greater catchment within tools used to inform the GTP. Queensland and northern New South Wales of up to five million people. Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 219
History of Transport STATE AND LOCAL Key priorities relevant to Brisbane Infrastructure Planning GOVERNMENT PLANNING Airport are: and Development Connecting SEQ 2031: An » Expanding and modernising the Investment in transport infrastructure Integrated Regional Transport rail network. The plan identifies at Brisbane Airport in the 10 years Plan for South East Queensland passenger rail upgrades between from 2004 to 2014 has been around Eagle Junction and the Domestic T2, Connecting SEQ 20312 is the $581 million. This investment has and AirportlinkM7 is included as part Queensland Government’s long-term provided significant transport capacity of an UrbanLink network with high transport plan, and includes a multi- to meet passenger growth and frequency services and a bus-rail modal plan and policies for public commercial development through interchange at Skygate transport, active transport, private a progressive change in capacity vehicles and freight. » Transforming the bus network, introduced by major transport including a new UrbanLink bus infrastructure. Therefore, while BAC The plan details the following priorities network, with high frequency will continue to invest in this area to for action: services on strategic corridors. 2019, it is likely to be to a lesser extent. » Creating compact and connected Skygate is included in the UrbanLink AIRPORT 2014 MASTER PLAN communities network, with connections to » Changing travel behaviour Toombul in the east and Cannon Hill The Master Plan identifies the in the south framework for on-airport development » Improving transport system between 2014 and 2034. Table 12.4 » Providing priority principal cycle efficiency and safety lists five development precincts routes between activity centres that are defined in the Master Plan » Supporting economic vitality and completing the cycle network, and which were considered in the » Protecting environmental quality improving integration with public preparation of this GTP. Refer to and health transport stops and stations, Chapter 6 for the locations of these providing high quality end-of-trip precincts across the airport and the » Delivering an integrated transport facilities, and ensuring end-of- five-year development strategy. network. trip facilities are considered in 2 Department of Transport and Main Roads 2011. new developments TABLE 12.4: BRISBANE AIRPORT PRECINCTS Airport Precinct Sub-Precinct Intent Airport Central Skygate, Moreton » Concentrated activity with high quality and urban public realm Drive West, Airport » Energetic precinct for events and 24 hour gateway Drive West, » Created as the airport spine, it attracts naturally ventilated and quality International T1 and subtropical public realm Domestic T2 Airport East Airport East » Maximises airside connection potential for industrial and business activities » A precinct which can respond to changing market demands and industry requirements Airport South Export Park, » Efficient and flexible land options which have good transport connections Da Vinci, Airport » Provisions for high quality built form which is scaled and proportioned to Industrial Park interface with street and landscape settings Airport North Airport North » Logistics hub for airside industrial developments and businesses » Large footprint sites protective of airside operations Airport West CPA » Integrated with central parking area with direct connections to the terminals through rapid transit options » Provides a link to recreation and tourism uses with walking and cycle trails through ecological areas linking to Moreton Bay and Kedron Brook Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 221
12 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN » Ensuring business and industry The plan acknowledges that population » Provide funding for the upgrade areas are accessible with good growth outside the BCC area would of the Toombul Bus Interchange connections to the priority freight mean that car trips would continue located off Sandgate Road. network. The Gateway Motorway, to increase. Brisbane Active Transport traversing the airport, is part of the Queensland Transport and Roads Strategy 2012 – 2026 National Highway network and a Investment Program 2013 – 2014 key link within the priority freight BCC’s active transport strategy to 2016 – 2017 route network forecasts that by 2026, one in five The Queensland Transport and Road transport trips will be by walking and » Improving efficiency of the local Investment Program (QTRIP) is TMR's cycling, enabled through a vision to transport system detail of transport and road infrastructure create a high quality, connected and » Enhancing multi-modal integration. projects to deliver over the 2013/14 accessible pathway network. to 2016/17 years for roads, bridges The plan also sets the following mode The strategy is supported by five railways marine infrastructure and share targets for SEQ at 2031: active transport priorities which are: public transport. » Increasing the share of trips by » Encouraging walking and cycling Amongst other purposes of the plan, public transport from 10.3% in 2006 it ensures integrated strategies and » Walking and cycling friendly suburbs to 20%, taking daily trips from policies across the public sector with 360,000 in 2006 to 860,000 in 2031 » A connected commuter network the private sector and enables co- » Increasing the share of trips by ordination of infrastructure and services » A safe and accessible network walking from 10.6% in 2006 to across various transport nodes. » Information at your fingertips. 13% by 2031 Of relevance to the area surrounding The strategy aligns with BCC’s » Increasing the share of trips by Brisbane Airport, the QTRIP identifies Transport Plan and the City Plan cycling from 1% in 2006 to 11% the following program commitments: which encourages uptake of cycling by 2031 and walking to support a reduction in » Continuation of the additional » Decreasing the share of trips by northbound lane construction on commuter private vehicle trips and an car from 78.1% to 56%. This would the Gateway Motorway between increase in recreational trips. This GTP see all private car trips reduce from Sandgate Road and the Deagon aligns the active transport priorities by 2.7 million in 2006 to 2.4 million Deviation as part of the National encouraging an uptake in cycling and in 2031. Building program funded by the walking to airport. Australian Government Transport Plan for Brisbane 2008 – 2026 Moreton Drive opened in late 2011 The Transport Plan for Brisbane 2008 to 2026 is BCC’s strategy for building a better, more responsive and accessible transport system in a climate of ongoing population growth and lifestyle pressures. The transport plan has been developed to act as an integrated local transport plan under the objectives of the SEQ Regional Plan. 222 Brisbane Airport Corporation
The transport plan aims to tackle the 12.12 Existing Transport key challenges3 facing Brisbane and incorporates six strategies and actions: Network » Quality public transport – creating public transport as the preferred INTRODUCTION mode of travel to the city’s major Projects such as the centres, reducing the need to use This section outlines the transport BAC-funded Moreton a car network that currently operates at Brisbane Airport, including a summary Drive, combined with » Managed travel demand – creating the AirportlinkM7 of the various roads, transport a sustainable level of travel demand services, upgrade work and facilities tunnel and Airport where growth in traffic is less than the growth in population that provide access into and around Roundabout Upgrade the airport. have alleviated traffic » Coordinated transport and land congestion along major use – managing transport and land TRANSPORT NETWORK uses to create a preferred urban AND SERVICES airport access routes. form that increases accessibility, Internal Road Network connectivity and supports sustainable travel behaviour Figure 12.3 shows the on-airport, road network. » Nancy-Bird Way, providing access » A safe and efficient road network to the International T1 and the CPA – ensuring people and goods can Moreton Drive and Airport Drive in Airport West, which provides move safely on the road network provide the primary access to and waiting facilities for taxis and buses. by the most efficient modes and from Brisbane Airport. These roads It also connects Moreton Drive and routes while minimising the impact connect to the surrounding road Airport Drive of traffic on neighbourhoods and network comprising the Gateway the environment Motorway, Southern Cross Way and » Dryandra Road, providing access to the East-West Arterial. the Airport North, general aviation » Delivering goods on time to the precinct and the Domestic T2 right place – ensuring freight Prior to 2009, Airport Drive was long- term and short-term car parks moves efficiently and safely the only primary access to Brisbane within Brisbane, while liveability of Airport, which was constrained as a » Lakeside Drive, connecting residential areas is protected cul-de-sac at the Domestic T2 and Lomandra Drive to Airport also by severe congestion at the Central, Skygate » More clean and green personal Airport Drive / Gateway Motorway » Boronia Road, providing access transport – ensuring personal roundabout, which has since been to the Da Vinci precinct in transport is clean, green, safe and converted to a “fast diamond” Airport South attractive, while providing a genuine signalised intersection. Airport Drive alternative to driving. » Sugarmill Road, connecting is still a major access point, but since 2009 the primary access from the to Lomandra Drive from Eagle Gateway Arterial to the International T1 Farm Road. and Domestic T2 is via Moreton Drive. The majority of the access routes The secondary network within are free-flowing, however at critical Brisbane Airport comprises: locations such as entries to major airport precincts there are a number of » Lomandra Drive, providing access at-grade intersections that control the from Airport Drive to Main flow of vehicles. Important controlled Myrtletown Road and to existing intersections include: and longer-term industrial land use developments » Moreton Drive / Dryandra Road signalised intersection » Pandanus Avenue, providing access to Airport East » Airport Drive / Dryandra Road 3 The Transport Plan for Brisbane 2008-2026 identifies the key issues to Brisbane’s transport network roundabout as population growth and dispersal, changing » Qantas Drive, providing access to demography, employment forecasts, journey to work and car usage. the on-airport industrial precincts Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 223
1 3 1 Active transport infrastructure has 2 been delivered in the past five years. 2 Staff car park at International T1. 3 Buses transfer visitors between terminal and Skygate. » Airport Drive / Nancy-Bird Way » Separation of taxis, pick-up and External Road Network roundabout drop-off private vehicles and other Figure 12.4 shows the external, or off- general transport such as coaches, » Airport Drive / Lomandra Drive airport, road network providing access buses, and limousines signalised intersection to and from Brisbane Airport. The » A new coach access road strategic road network comprises: » Nancy-Bird Way and Moreton Drive ramp roundabout » A new public access road for » The Gateway Motorway passenger drop-offs » Lomandra Drive / Qantas Drive » Southern Cross Way signalised intersection » A new designated area for » East-West Arterial Road passenger pick-up waiting » Lomandra Drive / Sugarmill Road » AirportlinkM7 roundabout » The widening of kerbside space in front of the terminal for pedestrians. » Kingsford Smith Drive » Lomandra Drive / Main Myrtletown Road priority intersection Proposals for future upgrades to the » Nudgee Road. airport road network include: » Pandanus Avenue / Main Myrtletown The Gateway Motorway, incorporating Road priority intersection » Additional lanes on Moreton Drive the Sir Leo Hielscher Bridges across the Brisbane River, caters for long » Skygate roundabout linking The » Increased capacity for distance trips and connects areas Circuit to Lakeside Drive. Lomandra Drive north and south of Brisbane to the As demand increases, these intersections » Realigning Airport Drive to cater for Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast. will be considered for upgrades. future aviation and terminal support The Gateway Upgrade Project development Major upgrades recently completed completed in 2010 significantly include the DTU, to improve vehicle » Grade separating the Lomandra enhanced the strategic road network and pedestrian circulation at the Drive/Airport Drive intersection in the area surrounding Brisbane Domestic T2. Key features of the Airport, by providing: » Upgrading the roundabout at the DTU include: Domestic T2. » Twelve lanes over the Brisbane » Segregation of pedestrians and cars River (six in each direction) » A new elevated covered walkway » Seven km of new motorway (Skywalk) connects the multi-level between the Brisbane River and car parks with the terminal Nudgee Road Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 225
» Additional access point to Brisbane Other lower order roads providing These proposals include: Airport at Moreton Drive. access to Brisbane Airport and » A new interchange on Southern surrounding land are Sugarmill AirportlinkM7 is a motorway and tunnel Cross Way at Doomben Road, Main Myrtletown Road, Main network completed in July 2012. It Beach Road, Eagle Farm Road and » Realignment of Main connects the airport to the Brisbane Schneider Road. Myrtletown Road CBD, Clem7 Tunnel and northern suburbs. The project included the BAC has longer-term plans for a future » Upgrades to intersections along Airport Roundabout Upgrade, which connection between Lomandra Drive Nudgee Road was completed in 2011. and Toombul Road and also for a » Extensions to the road network western corridor connection into the This project replaced a roundabout south of Lomandra Drive. CPA from the Gateway Motorway or at the Airport Drive entry to Brisbane Southern Cross Way, which has state These future road extensions Airport with a fast diamond signalised conditional endorsement. include Trade Coast Drive and intersection and included the Scheider Road. No firm funding construction of a flyover between the BCC’s recently upgraded section or timeframe commitments have East-West Arterial Road and Airport of Kingsford Smith Drive between been made in relation to these Drive, over the Gateway Motorway. Harvey Street and Theodore Street, infrastructure proposals. Eagle Farm has improved capacity, but The strategic roads are supported by further planning for Kingsford Smith the following urban arterials: Drive is continuing. These upgrades » Kingsford Smith Drive, connecting will benefit capacity and safety and Southern Cross Way with the will provide access for pedestrians Brisbane CBD. Kingsford Smith and cyclists. Drive is currently the primary route Land use development is occurring between the Brisbane CBD and in areas immediately surrounding the airport Brisbane Airport and there are CONNECTION » Toombul Road, connecting the preliminary proposals to upgrade the Virginia industrial area to the road network to cater for associated A western connection to the Gateway Motorway growth. airport is part of long-term planning. » Nudgee Road, connecting Kingsford Smith Drive with Toombul Road. Airtrain is an important public transport link Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 227
12 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN Car park payment machines in operation at Brisbane Airport PARKING Over 10,000 public parking spaces are available. 2,500 visitor parking spaces to service retail outlets and the airport hotel. Near Airport Parking Figure 12.5 also shows the locations of current off-airport parking facilities near Brisbane Airport. Passengers park their vehicles at these facilities 530 public open air spaces. An open air and transfer to and from the airport On-Airport Parking car park beside the terminal provides terminals by mini-bus. BAC does not Figure 12.5 shows all parking control the location or pricing of these approximately 2,480 spaces for facilities within the airport boundary. facilities and they are not considered airport employees working at both the Existing parking facilities at Brisbane within the GTP. International T1 and Domestic T2. Airport include: The number of public and employee Freight » Undercover and open air public parking spaces available at the Figure 12.6 shows the Brisbane Airport parking at the terminals including terminals meets the current demand. freight access plan, which details the valet services provided by BAC, The CPA within Airport West, adjacent B-Double access routes to, from and Qantas and Virgin Australia to Moreton Drive, includes a taxi within Brisbane Airport. » Staff parking adjacent to the holding area and areas for other Brisbane Airport carries a small volume International T1 ground transport operators such as of priority and high value cargo that » Rental car parking at the terminals limousines and coaches. The area is is typically carried in the cargo hold currently being developed to include of passenger aircraft. Infrequently, » Employee and public parking in non- rental car storage and maintenance, specific large-volume cargo aircraft terminal precincts and areas for other general transport will use Brisbane Airport for the » Specialist parking, including taxi operations. There are also plans for international transfer of high-value, holding areas and ground transport long-term public parking and additional large-sized freight. The existing operations. staff parking, as the staff parking annual airfreight volumes comprise area at the International T1 reaches approximately 56,000 tonnes of The opening of an additional multi- capacity and are displaced by aircraft imports and around 47,000 tonnes of level car park at the Domestic T2 apron expansion. exports, with modest future growth in 2012 significantly increased the amount of parking available. Parking For other facilities within the airport, expected. There are plans by BAC to capacity at the Domestic T2 now parking is either within or adjacent target growth in cargo handling at comprises 8,130 public undercover to individual sites. The provision of Brisbane Airport, but not significant spaces, 180 public open air spaces, and parking spaces is generally as per local in volume. 740 rental car spaces. government guidelines, and the current car parking facilities for employees is A multi-level car park at the sufficient. The Airport Central, Skygate International T1 offers approximately precinct also has approximately 1,670 public undercover spaces and 228 Brisbane Airport Corporation
FIGURE 12.5: BRISBANE AIRPORT PARKING MAP Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 229
12 GROUND TRANSPORT PLAN FIGURE 12.6: FREIGHT ACCESS PLAN 230 Brisbane Airport Corporation
There are freight warehousing and Junction Station. To connect to the Buses And Shuttle Services distribution centres within Airport wider rail network, passengers transfer Translink Bus Services South, Export Park and Da Vinci to or from the Airtrain service at either precincts, with vehicle access from Eagle Junction, or at stations within Figure 12.7 shows the TransLink bus Lomandra Drive. Heavy vehicles the Brisbane CBD. routes servicing Brisbane Airport. servicing these centres use Lomandra TransLink bus routes do not operate Airtrain operates 50 services on Drive for access to and from the to the terminals, but service Airport a weekday between 5:04am and Gateway Motorway, either via Airport Central Skygate, Airport South Da 10:04pm, with services running every Drive, or via Sugarmill Road and Vinci, Airport Industrial Park and 15 minutes during peak periods, and Kingsford Smith Drive. The Gateway Airport East. Table 12.5 outlines every 30 minutes at off-peak times. Motorway is the only Priority 1 Freight the route details, operating times, On weekends, services run every 30 Route through northern Brisbane. and frequency. minutes between 6am and 10pm. The proportion of heavy vehicles using To service the airport precincts, Brisbane Airport Rail Link Contract these areas of the Brisbane Airport TransLink bus routes use Kingsford road network is currently between 10% Airtrain services are managed Smith Drive, Eagle Farm Road, Main and 12%. through the BARL agreement, which Myrtletown Road, Nudgee Road, is between Airtrain and the State East-West Arterial Road, Airport Drive, Passenger Rail Government. The BARL agreement Lomandra Drive, Boronia Road, Sugarmill Rail Infrastructure is in place until 2036 and includes Road and the Gateway Motorway. contract conditions that restrict Figure 12.7 shows rail infrastructure introducing public transport services servicing Brisbane Airport. The rail that would compete with Airtrain network comprises the Airtrain link, 2 services. The implications of the BARL which is an 8.5 km elevated railway agreement needs further clarification operating between Eagle Junction so that public transport service and the Domestic T2. The rail link enhancements proposed as part of the was constructed as a public private GTP do not contravene the conditions partnership with Airtrain the private of the agreement. company operating the service. The Airtrain service connects the Domestic T2 and International T1 to the Brisbane CBD and Gold Coast via Eagle 1 3 1 Drop-off and pick-up road at Domestic T2. 2 New technology in car parks provides information on spaces available. 3 Lights indicate available car parks. Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 231
TABLE 12.5: TRANSLINK BUS ROUTES Monday – Frequency Friday Interchange (mins) Saturday Sunday Operating Daily Public transport Off- Operating Freq. Operating Freq. Route hours Services transfer Peak peak hours (mins) hours (mins) 303/302 Pinkenba, Eagle 5am– 3 or 4 303 Eagle Junction 20 None None None None None Farm, Airport (Pandanus 8:30pm in each and Doomben Avenue), Doomben, direction Railway Stations 2:15– Portside, Eagle Junction 6pm 302 Pinkenba bus Terminus 307 Toombul, Northgate, 8am– 10 Toombul Interchange 60 60 9am – 90 None None Banyo, Australian Catholic 4pm connection to 3pm College 590 to Airport 369 Mitchelton to 5:45am– 34 Toombul Interchange 15 30 7:50am– 24 7:50am– 24 and Toombul 7:10pm connection to 7:20pm 7:20pm 590 to Airport 590, Toombul, Airport 6:30– 36 Toombul 15 30 8am– 24 8am– 24 (Skygate, DFO, Boronia 7:20pm Interchange 7:30pm 7:30pm Road and Lomandra Drive), Cannon Hill, Carindale, Garden City 598 Brookside, 6:15am– 25 Toombul Interchange 30 30 7am– 60 None None Indooroopilly, Garden City, 7pm connection to 7pm Cannon Hill, Chermside 590 to Airport (Counterclockwise at Toombul Interchange) 599 Cannon Hill, Garden 6:20am– 25 Toombul Interchange 30 30 7am– 60 None None City, Indooroopilly, 6:45pm connection to 7pm Brookside, Chermside 590 to Airport (Clockwise at Toombul Interchange) Passengers travelling to or from areas On-Airport Bus Services of Brisbane other than Eagle Farm, BAC operates its own T-Bus shuttle Pinkenba, Toombul, Northgate, Wavell service, which provides transfers Heights, Chermside, Mitchelton, Mt between the International and Gravatt or Carindale must transfer to Domestic Terminals, and also services another bus or train service to reach Airport Central Skygate. The T-Bus Brisbane Airport. operates between 5am and 11pm with AIRPORT BUS Figure 12.8 defines the TransLink a 20-minute frequency. The T-Bus operates between Network Zones across Brisbane, the terminals and Skygate. Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast with Brisbane Airport located in Zone 3. Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 233
Transfers between the Internatiional At the International T1, taxi pick-up Cycle infrastructure surrounding T1 and Domestic T2 are a fee-based is via a dedicated facility outside the Brisbane Airport comprises: service for a one-way adult trip or arrival hall on Level 2. Passenger » Off-road cycle paths including free for some airline passengers drop-off is outside the departure the Kedron Brook Bikeway along with valid connecting tickets. The hall on Level 4, which is shared Schultz Canal bus also runs from the Domestic T2 with private vehicle drop-off for and International T1 to Skygate. This departing passengers. » The Moreton Bay bikeway enables connections to and from the connecting Kedron Brook to TransLink bus services at Skygate. There are intermediate taxi storage Gateway through Airport areas at both terminals to manage A courtesy, BAC operated employee » The Jim Soorley Bikeway taxi supply and passenger demands. bus service (S-Bus) transfers staff connecting the Kedron Brook A holding area for up to 500 taxis between the employee car park, Bikeway to the Moreton Bay at the CPA provides for overall taxi adjacent to the International T1, and Bikeway, and the Gateway the Domestic T2. The S-Bus operates management to service both terminals. Bridge Cycleway 24 hours a day with a maximum Active Transport » On-road cycle lanes along Kingsford 10-minute frequency. Figure 12.9 shows the existing active Smith Drive between Theodore Coach and Shuttle Operations transport network at Brisbane Airport. Street and the Gateway Motorway, Eagle Farm. Table 12.6 outlines privately operated There are wide shared paths around coach and shuttle services that operate Parts of the cycling network are the Domestic T2, International T1, between the terminals and other areas vulnerable to flooding, including the Airport East and Airport Central within and outside Brisbane. Kedron Brook Bikeway. Therefore, Skygate. Footpaths are also provided on-road cycle lanes are important to Taxis in the Airport South Export Park, complement the off-road cycle paths. Taxis make a major contribution to Da Vinci and Airport East precincts. The existing off-road cycle network the carriage of airline passengers Off-road cycle paths exist along also has the following physical gaps: to and from the Domestic T2 and Charlie Earp Bridge, Lakeside Drive, International T1 to off-airport locations. Viola Place and The Circuit. Many of » Some minor disconnected sections these shared paths and cycle paths of existing pathway along The At the Domestic T2, pick-up is via currently do not connect to form a Circuit in Skygate a taxi lane outside the arrival halls. Drop- off is also via a dedicated complete network. » Missing connection between Viola Place adjacent taxi lane. and the Gateway Bridge Cycleway. TABLE 12.6: DETAILS OF COACH AND SHUTTLE BUSES AS AT MARCH 2014 Operator Origin / Destination Frequency Sun-Air Sunshine Coast 17 daily services Con-X-ion Sunshine Coast 10 daily services Brisbane CBD Hotels 21 daily services from 3am to 11pm Gold Coast 16 daily services from 5am to 9pm Airport Flyer Toowoomba 7 daily services (Monday to Thursday) Warwick 3 daily services (Friday) 6 daily services (Sunday) Byron Bay Shuttle Byron Bay & 4 daily services (Monday to Saturday) and 1 service (Sunday) northern NSW RedAir Redcliffe Peninsula and Pre-book shuttle services only surrounding suburbs Hervey Bay Shuttle Hervey Bay 2 daily services Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 235
12.13 On-Airport AIRCRAFT MOVEMENTS AIRLINE PASSENGER AND EMPLOYEE DEMANDS Transport Figure 12.10 shows the number of scheduled domestic and international Current passenger statistics, additional Demand flight departures and arrivals on a employment statistics, and growth typical weekday that occurred at forecasts are shown in Figure 12.11. This section describes the number of Brisbane Airport in 2013. In 2013, there were 45,000 people moving in and around Brisbane In 2013, arrivals and departures passengers using the Domestic T2 Airport now and in the future. The numbered 35 aircraft movements and 12,000 passengers using the GTP aims to understand the human per hour between 6am and 8pm. International T1 on a daily basis. dynamics of the airport transport However, between 8am and 9am, at Passenger numbers are forecast to network leading to the definition of a peak, there are likely to be up to increase by 50% in 2019 to reach programs and initiatives designed 54 scheduled aircraft movements. 67,000 and 20,000 daily passengers to meet overall transport demand, using the Domestic T2 and A typical aircraft operating between while enhancing the range of options International T1 respectively. Brisbane and Sydney carries available to them. approximately 180 passengers, while In 2013, there were about larger widebody aircraft can carry up 21,000 full- time equivalent employees to 340 passengers. at Brisbane Airport. Based on development projections, employee numbers are also forecast to increase to 29,450 employees by 2019. FIGURE 12.10: SCHEDULED DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL AIRCRAFT AVERAGE WEEKDAY DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS 60 Departures - Avg. Weekday (International) 55 Arrivals - Avg. Weekday (International) 50 Departures - Avg. Weekday (Domestic) 45 Arrivals - Avg. Weekday (Domestic) Movements per hour 40 Maximum observed 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time of day (hour beginning) Source: BAC website. Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan 237
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