THE GOOD EGG - FIRST EDITION 2018 helping kids in hospital - Humpty Dumpty Foundation
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FIRST EDITION 2018 helping kids in hospital THE GOOD EGG A plaque recognising your donation will be attached to the equipment purchased 3
EDITORIAL TEAM Editor in Chief: What’s Inside Julie Abbott Production/Design: Sally Robinson Writer: David Gillan Writer: Message from the Chairman 1 Ray Martin AM Livia’s Story 2 The Great Humpty Ball, Darwin 2018 4 Writer: Hiam Sakakini Mother’s Intuition Rules! 6 Balmoral Burn – Sydney’s True Family Event 8 Writer: Humpty’s Good Egg 2018 – James Halliday AM 10 Peter Ireland Grazia’s Challenge 11 Writer: Humpty’s Kokoda Challenge 12 Louise Moule Baby Eva’s Update 14 Humpty’s Reach 15 Writer: Fiona McCowan How Humpty’s Wish List Works 17 Chairman’s Medical Wishes 18 Writer: Humpty’s Wish List 19 Tracey Azzopardi Matilda’s Story 26 Ways You Can Help 28 Humpty Dumpty Foundation Board Paul Francis OAM Prof Martin Kluckow Kerry Chikarovski Judy Cotton Merran Edwards Jane Flemming OAM Paul Jeffery Dr Jonny Taitz Nigel Watts John Bevan THANK YOU A huge thank you to our editors, writers, designer and printers Team Humpty for donating their time and expertise to Humpty to help produce Paul Francis OAM this edition of The Good Egg. Julie Abbott Claire Reaney Your Privacy Stella Sung Personal information is collected by the Foundation to process Kate Bull donations, issue tax receipts and send you updates. Our Privacy Policy Belinda Munro is available on our website or call us on 02 9419 2410. Karina Yewdall If you do not wish to receive communications from the Humpty Dumpty Foundation, please email or mail Humpty Dumpty Foundation, Suite 1402, Level 14, 67 Albert Avenue, Chatswood NSW 2067. 4 All donations are ABN100% tax724 59 137 784 deductible CFN 11046
Message from the Chairman I have been blessed to be part of the Humpty Dumpty Foundation. I have visited towns and other places and had the pleasure of meeting so many Australians from all walks of life and I’ve been enriched by those experiences. We have a magnificent country that belongs to all of us, but with that comes the responsibility of making sure our children, no matter where they live, have the best possible care available. We are making significant progress. More and more of our doctors and nurses are receiving the medical equipment that they have been hoping for for years. With Lauren and her great friends Fairy Sparkle OAM and Dr Quack from Clown Doctors. If you are already part of the Humpty Family, thank you for helping us save children’s lives. If you are not yet involved One of the most special people I have met is Lauren Channon, but would like more information, please call us. Your aged 10, who has now endured 130 operations. Lauren is support will make a difference to a child and family that you an absolutely remarkable young lady with a maturity well may never meet but you will have created a legacy that will beyond her years. live on for years to come. At our Good Egg Lunch on 8th March I had the pleasure of Paul Francis OAM congratulating Lauren on being named Humpty’s first Junior Founder & Executive Chairman Ambassador. She will do a brilliant job!! Thank you Lauren. Since inception, Humpty’s proud to have provided support to 372 hospitals and health centres across Australia. 362 372 Humpty’s Hospitals 297 258 229 207 215 178 154 57 69 45 + 1 4 10 1996 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 A plaque recognising your donation will be attached to the equipment purchased 1
Livia’s Story Vicki, David and big sister Maya. by David Gillan The goodness and generosity of complete strangers have helped to save our daughter’s life and we will be eternally grateful. Livia at birth – January 2018 – weighing just 814 grams. 22 All donations are 100% tax deductible
6 February, 2018 and Olbia, mpty Foundation n us the greatest gift Dear Humpty Du ne in m y fa m ily , yet you have give yo et my wife or an ur generosity. ne ve r m et m e, you have never m u to thank you for yo You have ore, I am wr iti ng to yo ever have, theref rming up, my wife any parent could up an d ce le brations were wa finish in g months Ev e, as th e Sy dn ey fireworks were d in he r gi vin g birth to a baby 3½ w Year’s su lte e At 12:20am on Ne perience which re s and entered th a ve ry se rio us and traumatic ex we ek s, we ig hi ng just 814 gram was going throug h at 26 e Gillan was born ex pe ct ed . Ou r baby girl Livia Ev earlier than r her life. her lungs while world fighting fo he r, m an ua lly pumping air into fe nd away while my wi th 5 doctors arou en quickly rushed m y da ug ht er was to see her wi al Caption ive . Sh e wa s th r ne w My first look at ep her was in he ar ra y of m ed ica l equipment to ke . Th e ne xt tim e I saw her she an ened the connecting her to at had just happ ed. On the side of le ft try in g to comprehend wh ito rs , tu be s an d machines attach be en Vicki and I were of mon ay ha ve t hu m id icr ib wh ich had an array m pt y Fo un da tio n and Olbia”. It m e-ar y Du ld home, a state-of-th ted by The Humpt that sticker and to a st ick er th at re ad “Proudly Dona m om en t in tim e, but I focused on d co m e humidicrib was hi ng th at was happenin g at that an d m onths ahead, ther e woul n, give n ev er yt th e we ek s a strange reactio ughter and that in ing new baby. m ac hi ne wa s go ing to save my da th em our joy of a thriv ys el f th at th is an d sh ar e wi th m pty and Olbia ing incredibly could thank Hum l, she is progress a point where we rth Sh or e ho sp ita e NICU at Royal No ll be ready to com at wh ile Liv ia still remains in In th e co m ing months she wi I am pleased to sa y th g supp or t. ibility aof gh to so on be taken off breathin m ily wh o wi ll gi ve her every poss ing enou a fa well and is stabilis e will grow up in ng an d to ug h ro ad ahead, but sh lo home. She has a or tu re. nificant donation full and happ y fu Du m pt y Fo un da tion to make a sig of ou r mpty the lif e y Ol bi a de cid ed to choose the Hu wh at ev er th e re ason it has saved ow wh be funded, though ib has been hom e to We may never kn as the machine to us. This humidicr icr ib wa s ch os en r pe op le ar ou nd m e and why this humid pr of ound impact on m any othe th at each life it saves has a na g so ha s ha d a r, bu t I kn ow child and in doin many others afte fo re ours and will be to t. countless othe r ba bi es be piece of uipmen eq g th ei r ho pe s in this amazing d whatever a family who are all pl ac in we ve r, wh at ev er she chooses an e? Ho will become in lif ible foundation. ia wi ll gr ow up to do or who she ne ro us co m pa ny and an incred Liv a ge Who knows what e combination of ha ve ha pp en ed because of th hope in time that we she does it wi ll s be en gi ve n to us. However, we da tio n ft that ha and foun ite su re ho w to ever repay the gi nc e of su pp or tin g your company t qu rta Vicki and I are no possible the impo sh ar e wi th as many people as will find a way to uld benefit well into the futu re. rk s at Ol bi a an d Humpty who wo o wo a ed to anyone wh ce said ‘We make at ef ul if th is no te could be pass ne ve r m et . W in ston Churchill on Caption I would be very gr ve on people you have in g th e sig ni fic ant impact you ha from know ve’. life by what we gi g by wh at we ge t, but we make a livin How very true! Kindest Regards, POSTSCRIPT: We are thrilled to advise that Livia is doing well llan David and Vicki Gi and was discharged to go home just in time for Easter. A plaque recognising your donation will be attached to the equipment purchased 3
The Great Humpty Ball, Darwin 2018 by Ray Martin AM We were a bit worried about Darwin. In fact, seriously Did Darwin really NEED a happy-clappin’ Humpty night out? worried. I’m not going to tell you that Paul was panicking, Were they in the mood to put their hands deep into their but…Paul was panicking. pockets? Paul was panicking. But, he hung in. Remember, for 28 years Humpty has only done fundraisers Cyclone Marcus struck exactly a week before our Ball was in Sydney. Everyone knows the routine and we know the scheduled, almost to the hour. Even worse, the predictions loyalty of our fantastic donors. were that another cyclone was dancing offshore and would Darwin last year was our first ‘Out-of-Towner’ event because probably hit the Darwin coast on Saturday, our Ball night, at we honestly thought that the Territory – and especially SKYCITY, on the edge of the beach. sick children – needed our help. When they had medical What to do? The Casino had generously given us the venue equipment (which many didn’t have) it was too old. Great again, and all the delicious food! We’d sold almost 300 doctors and medicos, but crappy gear. tickets. The band was booked. We had no option but to go Well, last year was an outstanding success. “The biggest ahead, promote it heavily on Darwin radio, TV and in the NT fundraiser the Territory has ever had”, was the way our News. And say a few Hail Marys. health guru mate, Len Notaras, described it. Derryn Hinch offered his support. Professor Len ought to know. He’s ‘Mr Health’ in the NT, having run the Royal Darwin Hospital, the NT Health Dept and now leads a Darwin-based, ‘world’s - best practice’ medical hit squad that flew into Bali, the Philippines and anywhere else in Asia (or Australia) when natural or man- made disaster strikes. But, can we do it twice? Are we stretching our luck? The Weather Gods were certainly against us, telling us “NO!!!”. Cyclone Marcus had blown-in the previous Saturday afternoon, ripping trees down and inflicting terrible damage. The city was in total recovery mode. It was the worst storm since Cyclone Tracy, in 1974. 4 All donations are 100% tax deductible
Well, the good news is… Cyclone Derryn hit – with a force!! Even, the Rittatjingu Aboriginal Corporation from Nhulunbuy Derryn Hinch. The so-called “Human Headline”. Not only bought a $63,300 ultrasound for their local Gove Hospital. did he fly up for the Ball to support what we do, but as an That’s the first indigenous money Humpty has ever received. Independent Senator (whom the Federal Government badly Thanks Witiyana Marika and Stuart MacLean! needs for their tax reform) Hinchy twisted the PM’s arm. The Turnbull Government gave us $200,000 for kids in the the Gala Night raised $687,000 for kids in All up, Territory. The Territory. Paul was seen having a couple of Bailey’s with me after his normal bedtime hour of ten o’clock. Of course, we’ve had regular NSW State support for equipment for years from the wonderful Jillian Skinner and Miracles certainly do happen! the new NSW Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, whom we also love. But, never money to purchase medical equipment Ray from the Feds! Talking to the unflappable, inexhaustible Darwin paediatricians, there’s no question that the Australian Government’s generosity will save many lives in indigenous Outback Australia. Many many. So, thanks Malcolm! Anyway, on the night, Senator Hinch announced that the PM had generously kicked the can and suddenly Darwin joined him. We raised $487,000 in the room from the Darwin business mob who are genuinely ‘feeling the pinch’ from the Territory’s economic downturn. RAD5 in use, monitoring vital signs. T E THE GREAT HUMPTY THE DA BALL Darwin SAVE Sat 23 March 2019 SKYCITY DARWIN STOP PRESS We are delighted to announce that our Great Humpty Ball, Darwin 2018 was an enormous success – funds raised will see 53 pieces of essential/life-saving children’s medical equipment being distributed to 31 of the 52 hospitals and health centres Humpty now supports in the Northern Territory. With special thanks to those who attended and supported Humpty. Together we are making a very real difference to the outcomes of Territory children, thank you. To express your interest to join our Patron, and MC Ray Martin AM for an evening of A plaque recognising your great fun and donation special will beplease outcomes, attached callto the equipment Humpty purchased on 02 9419 2410. 5
Gut instinct was guiding the way Even so, I had a powerful feeling of imminent danger. I was being told by others not to worry, that everything was ok… but I couldn’t let it go. On the outside, I was totally fine, but on the inside, there was this deep panic and sense of urgency…. Right now, right now – you have to go! It was like someone was pulling me into the car, so I took myself off for a scan and called my husband Joe to meet me there. The technician said, “oh look. A lovely heartbeat, everything’s looking good.” Then, because I was there anyway, they took measurements to see how the baby was tracking. They noticed something very wrong – blood was going in the wrong direction, coming out of the baby, not going in. I needed an emergency C section – my baby had to be Mother’s delivered... fast. Timing was everything Intuition The scan showed an acute haemorrhage, 20 minutes earlier and they wouldn’t have caught it, 20 minutes later Rules! and my baby wouldn’t have made it. There was this exact 10-minute window of time. My daughter Eve was born with very little blood, about 20 mls. With 15 minutes of no oxygen to the brain, we were A couple of days after she was born, I managed to hold Eve. told she’d have brain damage – they had her on life support. They said the part of the brain that controls breathing had been damaged, she’d never swallow on her own, make by Hiam Sakakini decisions, or understand emotions. Photos by Alex Vaughan What convinced high-flying Google exec Hiam Sakakini to let go of logic and tap into her intuition? The day she experienced an indescribable fear for her unborn baby’s life… I’ve never identified as being an intuitive person, I’m one of those people who rolls my eyes at it, but then it smacked me in the face. I had an amazing pregnancy – I had so much energy and never felt better. At 34 weeks, the baby was still kicking away, but the kicks were weaker. I was told it was normal, as there’s less room in there. 6 To make All donationsvisit a difference are Humpty’s 100% tax deductible Wish List – page 18
Besotted dad, Joe. The doctors wanted to go down the palliative route, make her comfortable and when we felt ready, take her off life support. But something was telling me no. Once again, that gut instinct kicked in. I said, “I’d like to walk her as far as we can and let her make her own decisions, so please remove all sedatives from her system before we take her off the air.” I thought: if she can’t make it, she can’t make it, but I don’t want to ever have to think.. what if? Her dad Joe was there with me every step of the way. He’d sing to Eve, enjoying spending time with her and tell her stories. He said, “if we only have a few days with her, I want Standing in her first pair of orthotics. to be 100% there.” Getting ready to say goodbye I’m a straight talker, I shoot from the hip and there’s no mincing my words. I’m incredibly ambitious, but my bigger When the time came they took Eve off the oxygen and decisions in life now will be led by that gut instinct. intubation and she slowly turned blue. We were having a little skin to skin cuddle – it was beautiful but also utterly I left Google after Eve was born – it’s an amazing place to terrifying to think she’d get colder and then she’d be gone. work, but I had what I thought back then, was going to be But then, she started turning pink. I was bewildered but a profoundly disabled child. Now, I have my own business absolutely delighted that she was giving me another hour – ‘Think Change Grow’ and we work primarily in aged care it was a gift. I remember looking at her with pure and utter and the disability sector. I’m doing as much as I can to shine joy at that point, we were so grateful to have more time. a light on these sectors and help others. One or two of the staff kept poking their head into the little As for how my little girl is…well at the moment she’s room we were in, then there was a stream of people. The absolutely flying! She does have mild cerebral palsy – she team at the Royal North Shore Hospital were incredible, they might not win many races, but she’s walking and talking, did what they could. They’d hoped for the best, the many and definitely feeling emotions. tests looked bleak and so they prepared us for the worst. To this day, her father Joe is her biggest protector, advocate But she defied the odds. My baby Eve is now three years old. and champion – he’s her primary carer. She had a rough start, but without the team at RNSH who got her through I’m learning to lead with my gut those first crucial hours and days, we’d be in a very different I’m 100 percent ruled by my head – logic, fact, data, that’s situation. what overrides my decision making…until this situation with Eve. Now I’ve definitely moved towards leading with the gut, RNSH depend on donations of life-saving equipment from then looking for the data to reinforce that. the Humpty Dumpty Foundation. Please help if you can. A plaque recognising your Alldonation will donations arebe100% attached to the equipment purchased tax deductible 7
Balmoral Burn – Sydney’s True Family Event Balmoral Burn participant, Peter Ireland, conquers the hill, by Peter J Ireland finishing first in the category Male aged 60+ (2017). Who would have thought quality we call generosity. It has instant appeal to children, that sprinting, running, teenagers, schools, mums, dads, grandparents, corporates, and Australia’s elite athletes. jogging, wheeling or The architect behind the success of the Balmoral Burn, even walking up Sydney’s now in its 18th consecutive year, is Phil Kearns AM. Along with ‘Team Humpty’ he deserves the highest praise. The steepest hill, a torturous initial ‘Burn’ in 2001, intended as a one-off event, raised $70,000 for Royal North Shore Hospital. It hasn’t stopped 420 metre incline averaging since. In 2017 there were around 10,000 participants, whose combined efforts raised over $2.5million….to support 312 16% grade, would bring so hospitals across Australia. much joy and satisfaction There could not be a better motivation to take part in the to so many? Balmoral Burn and hit-up your friends, relatives and work colleagues for some sponsorship funding: It’s simple… Sick children need medical equipment to get better! The Event The Race Ask anyone who has participated in Humpty’s Balmoral If you’re the competitive type, racing the clock and Burn, and dinkum, they’ll tell you that the Humpty Dumpty conquering the hill in the Balmoral Burn is the perfect Foundation and the Mosman community host perhaps the outing. A gruelling test of tenacity challenges the very best. premier Community event in Sydney’s calendar. As an event, Kurt Fearnley OAM, our Olympic, World Champion and the Balmoral Burn up one of Sydney’s steepest hills, has Kokoda track champion is a regular. He says: “Against all the everything. More than that, the event has a beautiful ‘pay it marathons and international races, this is the hardest event forward’ component that taps into the great humanitarian of the year for me”. 8 All donations Join us on are Day, tax Race100% deductible Sunday 27 May
The hill is unforgiving…it pushes the heart rates of our elite The Feeling athletes to over 210 beats per minute! Our Champions - I have a love/hate relationship with the hill. 2017 was my male and female record holders James Gurr (1min 18secs) 13th consecutive year. I love the cause, love the community and Anneliese Rubie (1min 36 secs) know both the pain and day, love the finish but hate what the hill-sprint can inflict on the joy of victory when mastering the famous hill. your body. Just when your quads, calves and glutes start to really burn around the 300m mark, the hill bites you hard. There’s nowhere to hide on the Hill…seasoned athletes Despite every tactic on the day, every training strategy or still debate the best approach to conquer it. Go too hard perceived physical advantage, I’m convinced the race is won from the starter’s gun and the hill will eat you alive with just or lost in the head. metres remaining. On the other hand, be tempted to pace it from the start and keep gas in reserve risks wasting some And then there’s more…the immense satisfaction…not just race-day adrenalin – worth vital seconds at the top. And a completion but knowing that we have all contributed to tip from me: Never train on the hill…it has the capacity to helping sick children in hospitals around Australia. Worth break your spirit! every step and every second! However, if you are in it for the fun, like most are, you’ll leave The Volunteers the day in a euphoric state, having been part of something Across the 17 years of the Balmoral Burn’s history, perhaps great. my most uplifting memory is the happiness and community spirit it fosters. There is no better evidence than the army of Without doubt, of the 22 race categories on the day, the volunteers who join forces every year to make this a premier most inspirational is the Wheelies. Kurt Fearnley, having event. Resplendent in their bright yellow T-Shirts, they make smashed the hill for many years, recently handed the crown the day complete. to Luke Bailey, whose scorching pace set a new record at 5 mins 11 secs this year, in the company of Christie Dawes Humpty, by combining with generous supporters, and young Cormac Ryan. provides so many pieces of vital medical equipment to hospitals to improve the lives of In an inspirational moment, the ‘wheelies’ take the hill head- young children across Australia. on, then revert to slalom as their arms explode in a show of pure power, resolve and gritty determination. Spectators I’m looking forward to supporting the 2018 event already! thumping the barricades all the way up the Awaba St hill Bravo Humpty! Join us on the Hill 27 May, Mosman. bring them home. They get the job done. It’s an emotional Registrations now open at: high...and very Australian. W ! N O O K B O Saturday 10 November 2018 A plaque recognising Four Seasons Registrations are now your donation open will be Hotel, to Sydney at attached the equipment purchased 9
HUMPTY’S GOOD EGG AWARD 8 March 2018 Thank you James Halliday AM Congratulations James Halliday AM Winner of Humpty’s Good Egg Award 2018 At our Good Egg Lunch, held on 8 March we were absolutely James, we are most grateful for your continued contribution delighted to announce our great friend James Halliday AM and thank you, and the Australian Wine Industry so very as the 2018 recipient of the Good Egg Award. This prestigious much for your amazing support. award is for outstanding dedication and support. Previous recipients are: Congratulations James Halliday AM, Humpty’s Good Egg 2018, and Humpty Ambassador. 2008 Ray Martin AM 2009 John & Shelley Wilson 2009 Phil Kearns AM 2009 The Hon Joe Hockey 2010 Ted & Dolly Knight 2011 Shane Barr 2012 Xstrata Coal (Glencore) 2013 John and Cath Murray 2014 Peter Horgan Omnicom Media Group 2015 Janis Salisbury 2016 Anthony Bell & the LOYAL Foundation 2017 The Hon Jillian Skinner James Halliday has been a most wonderful Ambassador for Humpty for over 10 years, and together with the Australian Wine Industry has helped to raise around $3M for Humpty. James rallies the Australian wine industry and asks for donations of wine which Humpty uses for auction prizes and packages, he hosts exclusive trips to his home cellar in the Yarra and other Humpty events. 10 All donations are 100% tax deductible
What goes around, comes around, and it had never been truer for me, than at last years’ Balmoral Burn Some years ago a friend and I decided to run the Sydney Half Marathon. Neither of us are real runners, so it was a huge challenge. The race involved two laps of a course in the city, my friend and I got separated very soon after the start so I was left to run on my own for most of the event. I really struggled, and by the time we were running up from Mrs Macquarie’s Chair on the second lap, I was on the verge of giving up. I was in a lot of pain from my thighs, and each time I tried to latch on to other runners for support, I just got ignored and left on my own. Grazia’s Then a slightly older guy just started jogging alongside me and we got chatting – he wasn’t even officially in the race but had run many marathons (and even some ultra marathons) Challenge so was just doing it for fun. He stayed with me every step of the way, and joked about telling his friends that he had ‘pulled a virgin’ (as it was literally the first time I had ever run that distance). Like Grazia, I was the one way down at the back of the pack. Louise is a member of the colourful Samba Ninja’s drum and dance group who support Humpty each year at the Most other people had finished and were walking home Balmoral Burn. past us and they were even clearing away the barriers on the side of the road, which just added to the challenge. by Louise Moule I don’t even know what the guy’s name was – but I do know that if he hadn’t stayed with me until we crossed the line, I wouldn’t have finished the race, and I would have felt Grazia is an amazing lady like a total failure. My situation was thankfully nothing like Grazia’s, but it was still a huge effort to run a half marathon, who has been diagnosed so completing it was a big achievement. with chronic heart and So when Grazia was struggling, and saying that she didn’t think she could finish, it just felt like the right thing to do to lung disease and given a help her get up the hill by walking alongside her. My Samba Ninja Dance Group had the privilege of accompanying the year to live. She decided to wheelchair participants from The Grove to the finish line, which has to be one of the most humbling experiences ever. participate in the ‘No Burn So walking up again was nothing in comparison. It was like payback to thank the guy who had helped me achieve my Walk’ at the Balmoral Burn goal, albeit some years earlier. as her challenge to herself If in doing so I was able to help Grazia achieve something when she was at Royal that was so meaningful to her, then I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to support her - that is really North Shore Hospital. special. The memory of her crossing the finish line, where her son was waiting for her in tears, will stay will me forever. We had no idea of Grazia’s story when she happened to stop With over 20 race categories including the ‘No Burn Walk’ and talk to us half way up the Awaba Street hill. She showed there really is something for everyone. Join the fun on such determination and courage - she’s a real inspiration. Sunday 27 May up Awaba Street, Mosman. A plaque recognising Please visit your donation will be attached for fundraising to the equipment opportunities purchased for the Balmoral Burn 11
children with Cerebral Palsy and other nerve, muscle and brain disorders. It is a staggering fact, but an Australian child is born with Cerebral Palsy every 15 hours. It is the most common physical disability in childhood, causing major difficulties with walking. Humpty has supported the Gait Lab since it began in 2010 and now in 2018, a new facility has opened, expanding their capacity for research and treatment, to help even more children. How does it work? 3D gait analysis is conducted to evaluate the deformity impacting a child’s movement and gait. 3D gait analysis generates highly accurate data which is used to prescribe surgery and/or orthotic intervention precisely tailored to the needs of each child. It provides the surgeon Humpty’s and rehabilitation team with vital information necessary to undertake complex multi-level surgery – combining multiple corrections into a single procedure with the goal of Kokoda improving their ability to walk. Over 200 clinical and Challenge research patients use the service each year and to date more than 500 children (over 800 visits) from across NSW and Make a difference and beyond have undergone analysis and treatment. help change lives! “On behalf of the many BEFORE 2018 will see Humpty take young girls and boys who would have lost the ability another small group of to walk as they matured, we commend the support trekkers on the Kokoda Track, of our generous donors like the Humpty Dumpty walking in the footsteps of Foundation who ensure the care provided by the heroes - raising funds to Gait Analysis team can AFTER continue.” help children in hospital. Prof Joshua Burns, Director Gait Lab. You are in for one of the most amazing Humpty will also be providing much needed medical experiences that life’s rich tapestry can offer. equipment to Kokoda Memorial Hospital, to ensure your Janine Rolfe – 2017 Trekker trek will also be changing lives in Papua New Guinea for years to come. Funds raised will again support the NSW Paediatric Gait Analysis Service, known as the ‘Gait Lab’, at The Children’s If you have ever wanted to tick Kokoda off your bucket list – Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, with funding for a Biomedical now is the time to do it. Engineer. This service is very close to Humpty’s heart. It was honestly a life-changing experience and The Gait Lab is the only Paediatric Gait Analysis Service in I couldn’t positively rave about it anymore NSW and one of only a handful in Australia. It oversees than I already have. sophisticated monitoring and treatment options for Larissa Williams – 2017 Trekker 12 All donations Join Humpty’s are Trek Kokoda tax deductible 100%21-31 August, 2018
HUMPTY’S 2018 KOKODA TREK 21-31 AUG The Humpty Dumpty Foundation has been involved in conducting outdoor adventures for several years now. It all started with an idea from Australia’s former Treasurer and great Humpty supporter The Hon. Joe Hockey who wanted to raise funds to help sick kids in hospital - $1million in fact. The challenge was set – to summit the world’s highest free-standing mountain, Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa. In 2009, Mr Hockey achieved that goal alongside a group of 25 avid Humpty supporters and in 2010 a new group of trekkers carried on that achievement. 2011 saw the Foundation take four Humpty supporters to the South Pole, and three consecutive years of ladies’ hikes to Mt Kosciuszko and Cradle Mountain, Tasmania. If you have ever wanted to trek Kokoda – now is the time! WALK IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF AUSTRALIAN HEROES Your Kokoda TREK 8 nights - 9 days - 96kms Kokoda is one of the most significant war time campaigns in Australia’s history. During the Kokoda Trail Campaign, thousands of Australian soldiers overcame overwhelming odds to conquer the Japanese forces. The conditions along Kokoda were as brutal as the battles Your guides from Kokoda Spirit, have taken more than 7,000 our soldiers fought, but their self-belief, trust and respect trekkers safely along the iconic 96 kilometre Kokoda Track. for each other and their ability to never give up, saw them Working closely with the villages, communities and elders defeat an enemy who had previously never been conquered. along the track, our local guides were born or raised in this area – their intimate knowledge will not be found elsewhere. What better way to pay your respects than to experience the track for yourself. Experience courage, endurance, and “Kokoda means many things to many different people, but mateship, whilst helping kids in hospital. it is all about getting to the heart and soul of the track and discovering what really makes it tick. We can guarantee you an Under the stars, stories will be shared of the heroes, the experience of a lifetime. You will feel the aura and the spirit of history and the major battles fought. Be part of a very our heroes, and you will be achieving something significant and special remembrance service at Brigade Hill and Isurava extraordinary!” Battlefields. Wayne Weatherall – Founder & Managing Director, Kokoda Spirit Join an exclusive group of trekkers. To register your interest call – 02 9419 2410 or email A plaque recognising your donation will be attached to the equipment purchased 13
A LITTLE HUMPTY GRADUATE Baby Eva’s Update Eva was born prematurely at 24 weeks. by Fiona McCowan Congratulations baby Eva real possibility she might not walk, so she amazes us how adaptive and determined she is. The physio is really happy on your second birthday, with how she’s going. We feel so blessed and totally amazed with how well she is doing. Miraculous indeed! your Humpty family is very So that’s Eva’s update. Lily is thriving too – almost four and proud to see you thriving! she’s a lovely little person. And Ed and I are both well – we both work 4 days, so it’s busy, but a really nice balance for our little family. “We’re all doing really well. We celebrated Eva’s 2nd birthday Hope all is well with our Humpty family. I continue to on Wednesday! Hard to believe she is 2 already, but we had follow on Facebook all your very busy activities, constantly a really happy day. She ate cupcakes for breakfast, lunch delivering such vital equipment to hospitals all over the and dinner and we were very happy to indulge her in that - place. So inspiring the work that you all do!“ she certainly deserves it! (For the record, it wasn’t planned, but she really wanted one when she saw me icing cupcakes for her to take to day care in the morning, so dad couldn’t In February, Eva received her orthotic and is now running! resist her demands ‘Eva, me me, caaaake!’) So yes, our little miracle is thriving. Her second year with us has certainly been a whole lot more blissfully mundane than her first. Happy to say we have not spent a night in hospital for over 14 months. She hasn’t had more than a sniffle this year. Actually, I lie. She did get croup a few times, but she coped with it really well. She is talking a lot, coming out with new words every day and even stringing a few together. Which takes strangers by surprise if they hear her because she still looks so little. She’s not walking unassisted yet, but getting there in her own time. Her left leg has been affected by her brain injury, so she might need a splint or orthotics in the next few months to make sure she develops a normal stride. At the moment she compensates for the weakness in her leg by swinging her leg around, which the physio informs us may cause her issues as she gets older (eg. bad hips or knees). When she had the brain injury diagnosed, we were told there was a 14 All donations are 100% tax deductible
Humpty’s Reach Humpty currently supports 372 Children’s Hospitals and Health Service Centres throughout Australia. New South Wales Glen Innes District Hospital Albury Wodonga Health Service Gloucester Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Armidale Rural Referral Hospital Goodooga Health Service Auburn Hospital Gosford Hospital Ballina District Hospital Goulburn Base Hospital Balmain Hospital Gower Wilson Memorial Hospital (Lord Howe Is.) Balranald District Hospital Grafton Base Hospital Bankstown - Lidcombe Hospital Grenfell Multi Purpose Health Service Baradine Multi Purpose Health Service Griffith Base Hospital Barham-Koondrook Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Gulargambone Multi Purpose Health Service Barraba Multi Purpose Service Gulgong Health Service Batemans Bay District Hospital Gundagai District Hospital Bathurst Base Hospital Gunnedah District Hospital Batlow/Adelong Multi Purpose Service Guyra Community Hospital Bear Cottage Hay District Hospital Bellingen River District Hospital Henty Hospital Belmont Hospital Hillston District Hospital Berrigan War Memorial Hospital Holbrook Hospital Bingara Multi Purpose Service Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital Blacktown Hospital Inverell District Hospital Blayney Multi Purpose Service Ivanhoe Health Service Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial Hospital Jerilderie Health Service Boggabri Multi Purpose Service Jindabyne Community Health Centre Bombala Hospital John Hunter Children’s Hospital Boorowa District Hospital Junee District Hospital Bourke District Hospital & Health Service Kempsey District Hospital Bowral & District Hospital Kurri Kurri Hospital Braidwood Multi Purpose Service Kyogle Memorial Hospital Brewarrina District Hospital & Health Service Lachlan Health Service - Parkes Broken Hill Base Hospital & Health Service Lachlan Health Service - Forbes Bulahdelah Community Hospital Lake Cargelligo District Hospital Bulgarr Ngaru Aboriginal Medical Corporation - Casino Leeton District Hospital Bulgarr Ngaru Aboriginal Medical Corporation - Grafton Lightning Ridge Multi Purpose Health Service Bulgarr Ngaru Aboriginal Medical Corporation - Sth Grafton Lismore Base Hospital Bulli Hospital Lithgow Hospital Byron District Hospital Liverpool Hospital Calvary Mater Hospital, Newcastle Lockhart & District Hospital Campbelltown Hospital Macksville District Hospital Canowindra Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Maclean District Hospital Canterbury Hospital Manilla Health Service CareFlight Australia Manly Hospital Casino & District Memorial Hospital Manning Hospital (Taree) Cessnock District Hospital Mehi McIntyre Multi Purpose Service Cobar Health Service Menindee Health Service Coffs Harbour Health Campus Merriwa Multi Purpose Service Collarenebri Health Service Milton Ulladulla Hospital Concord Repatriation General Hospital Molong Health Service Condobolin Health Service Mona Vale Hospital Coolah Multi Purpose Service Moree District Hospital Coolamon-Ganmain Health Service Moruya District Hospital Cooma Hospital & Health Service Mount Druitt Hospital Coonabarabran Health Service Mudgee Health Service Coonamble Health Service Mullumbimby & District War Memorial Hospital (closed) Cootamundra Hospital Murrumburrah-Harden District Hospital Corowa Health Service Murrurundi Hospital Cowra District Hospital Murwillumbah District Hospital Crookwell District Hospital Muswellbrook District Hospital Culcairn Health Service Narrabri District Hospital Dareton Primary Health Care Centre Narrandera District Hospital Delegate Multi Purpose Service Narromine Hospital & Community Health Deniliquin Hospital Nepean Hospital Denman Multi Purpose Service NETS (Newborn Emergency & Paediatric Transport Services) Dorrigo Health Campus Nimbin Multi Purpose Health Service Dubbo Base Hospital Nowra Hospital Dunedoo Health Service Nyngan Multi Purpose Service Dungog Community Hospital Oberon Health Service Emmaville - Vegetable Creek Hospital Orange Health Service Eugowra Memorial Multi Purpose Service Pambula District Hospital Fairfield Hospital Peak Hill Health Service A plaque recognising your donation will Finley Hospital & Community Health Centre be attached to the equipment purchased Port Macquarie Base Hospital 15 15 Gilgandra Multi Purpose Health Service Queanbeyan Hospital
Quirindi Community Hospital Harts Range Health Centre Rolleston Health Centre Royal Flying Doctor Service - South Eastern Imanpa Health Centre Roma Hospital Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick Jabiru Health Clinic Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital Royal North Shore Hospital Katherine Hospital Royal Children’s Hospital, Brisbane Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Kings Canyon Health Centre Royal Flying Doctor Service Ryde Hospital Laramba Health Centre St George Hospital Rylstone District Hospital Maningrida Health Centre Springsure Multi Purpose Health Service Scone - Scott Memorial Hospital Milikapati Health Centre The Townsville Hospital Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital Mt Liebig Health Centre Thursday Island Hospital Singleton District Hospital Ntaria Health Centre Toowoomba Hospital South East Regional Hospital (Bega) Numbulwar Health Centre Tully Hospital St George Hospital Nyirripi Health Centre Warwick Hospital Sutherland Hospital Palumpa Health Centre Weipa Integrated Health Service Sydney Adventist Hospital Papunya Health Centre Whitsunday Health Service (Proserpine Hospital) Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick Pine Creek Health Clinic Winton Multi Purpose Health Service Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital Ramingining Health Centre Telstra Child Flight Inc. Robinson River Health Clinic South Australia Temora Hospital Royal Darwin Hospital Ceduna District Health Service Tenterfield Community Hospital Six Mile Health Centre Cowell Hospital The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Tara Health Centre Flinders Medical Centre The Maitland Hospital Tennant Creek Hospital Lyell McEwin Hospital The Tweed Hospital Titjikala Health Centre Medstar Emergency Medical Retrieval Thredbo Medical Centre Ti Tree Health Centre Mount Gambier & District Hospital Tibooburra Health Service Wadeye Health Clinic Noarlunga Hospital Tingha Multi Purpose Service Wallace Health Centre Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Service Tocumwal Hospital Willowra Health Centre Queen Elizabeth Hospital Tomaree Community Hospital Wilora Health Centre South Australian Ambulance Service Tottenham Hospital Yuelamu Health Centre Whyalla Hospital & Health Service Trangie Multi Purpose Service Yuendumu Health Centre Women’s & Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide Trundle Multi Purpose Service Yulara Health Centre Tullamore Health Service Tasmania Tumbarumba Multi Purpose Service Queensland Launceston General Hospital Tumut Hospital Atherton Hospital Mersey Community Hospital Urana Health Service Ayr Hospital North West Regional Hospital (Burnie) Urbanville Multi Purpose Health Service Babinda Hospital Royal Hobart Hospital Wagga Wagga Rural Referral Hospital Bamaga Hospital Walcha Multi Purpose Service Baralaba Multi Purpose Health Service Victoria Walgett Health Service Barcaldine Multi Purpose Health Service Angliss Hospital Wanaaring Community Health Service Biggenden Multi Purpose Health Service Austin Health Warialda Multi Purpose Service Biloela Hospital Ballarat Health Services Warren Multi Purpose Health Service Blackwater Hospital Benalla Health Wauchope District Memorial Hospital Bowen Hospital Bendigo Health Wee Waa Community Hospital Bundaberg Base Hospital Box Hill Hospital Wellington Health Service Caboolture Hospital Casey Hospital Wentworth District Hospital & Health Service Cairns Hospital Central Gippsland Health Service Werris Creek Community Hospital Charleville Hospital Westmead Hospital Cohuna District Hospital Childers Multi Purpose Health Service West Wyalong Hospital Colac Area Health Clermont Multi Purpose Health Service White Cliffs Health Service Dandenong Hospital Cooktown Hospital Wilcannia Health Service Djerriwarrh Health Service Dalby Hospital Wollongong Hospital Echuca Regional Health Eidsvold Multi Purpose Health Service Wyong Hospital Epworth Freemasons Hospital Emerald Hospital Yass District Hospital Forsayth Hospital Frankston Hospital Young Health Service Gayndah Hospital Goulburn Valley Health Gin Gin Hospital Kilmore & District Hospital Australian Capital Territory Gold Coast Hospital Leongatha Hospital Calvary Public Hospital Goondiwindi Hospital Maroondah Hospital Canberra Hospital Hervey Bay Hospital Maryborough & District Health Service Hummingbird House Mercy Hospital for Women Northern Territory Ingham Hospital Monash Medical Centre Adelaide River Health Centre Inglewood Multi Purpose Health Service Portland District Health Alice Springs Hospital Innisfail Hospital St John of God, Geelong Ali Curung Health Centre Ipswich Hospital Sunshine Hospital Alpurrurulam Health Clinic Kilcoy Hospital Swan Hill District Health Alyangula Health Centre Kingaroy Hospital The Northern Hospital Angurugu Health Clinic Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne Aputula Health Centre Longreach Hospital The Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne Barkly Mobile Health Service Mackay Base Hospital Werribee Mercy Hospital Batchelor Health Centre Mareeba Hospital Belyuen Health Centre Mater Children’s Hospital Brisbane Western Australia Bonya Health Centre Miles Health Service Broome Hospital Borroloola Health Clinic Millmerran Multi Purpose Health Service Bunbury Hospital Canteen Creek Health Centre Monto Hospital Derby Hospital CareFlight, NT Mossman Multi Purpose Service Hedland Health Campus Docker River Health Centre Mount Isa Base Hospital Joondalup Health Campus Elliott Health Centre Moura Community Hospital King Edward Memorial Hospital Engawala Health Centre Mundubbera Hospital Kununurra District Hospital Epenarra Health Centre Nambour General Hospital Nickol Bay Hospital Gapuwiyak Health Centre Oakey Health Service Princess Margaret Hospital for Children Gove District Hospital Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital Rottnest Island Nursing Post 16 Gunbalanya Health Centre Haasts Bluff Health Centre All donations are 100% tax deductible Redland Hospital Rockhampton Hospital Swan District Hospital (closed) Tom Price Hospital
How Humpty’s Wish List Works Upon request, Humpty can arrange for a donor tour so you can see first hand how the equipment you have purchased is making a difference within the hospital. 5 A donor plaque is affixed to the equipment recognising the generous support of the Good Egg. 4 Humpty orders all donated equipment for delivery directly to the hospitals. + 3 Approved items are added to Humpty’s Wish List and published online and at events in the hope a Good Egg will be able to help. 2 Submissions are rigorously assessed by Humpty’s Medical Sub Committee, which is made up of representatives from NSW Health, Senior Medical Specialists and a former government official. 1 A hospital or health service identifies a high-priority medical need where equipment can dramatically change or save the lives of sick and injured children. They reach out to Humpty for a helping hand. A plaque recognising your donation will be attached to the equipment purchased 17
Chairman’s CHAIRMAN’S WISH 2 Intellivue Central Station Wishes Monitoring System: $32,350 1 needed Bathurst Base Hospital, Paediatric Unit, NSW Currently Bathurst Base In consultation with Professor Martin Hospital’s Paediatric Unit Kluckow, Chair of our Medical Sub does not have a Central Committee, we have selected these pieces Station Monitoring System. of equipment as absolute priorities for the This system will allow hospitals which have requested them. We medical staff to view all know that some are very costly but they will monitors remotely at the really make a huge difference to babies and Nurses Station, and closely children in trauma. observe vital signs of sick babies. Medical staff will be alerted immediately if any of these vital signs change, to avert a potentially dangerous situations. The ability to remotely CHAIRMAN’S WISH 1 monitor patients will promote sleep, rest and enhance the ISOLETTE 8000 INFANT INCUBATOR WITH child’s ability to heal. SERVO HUMIDITY: $29,450 EACH 2 needed Werribee Mercy Hospital, Special Care Nursery, VIC CHAIRMAN’S WISH 3 Premature and sick babies have BABYLOG VN500 NEONATAL VENTILATOR: an increased risk of complications $58,620 1 needed due to low birth weight. This life- The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Grace Centre for saving humidicrib assists with Newborn Care, NSW oxygen therapy, treats jaundice This piece of essential equipment and protects against infection. It provides state-of-the-art ventilation provides a consistent temperature therapy for the sickest babies, who may environment, and helps clinicians have been born prematurely or following monitor progress until they reach surgery, and need help to breathe. This a safe weight and their vital organs ventilator has the capacity to assist the are strong. This device includes Servo humidity which most fragile patients providing ultrafast provides humidity-enriched warm air, to decrease water high frequency oscillation as well as loss and cold stress, allowing the smallest premature babies standard conventional ventilation, to aid to stay within the Thermo-Neutral Zone. in recovery. DID YOU If one piece of medical equipment is used once a week, 52 children would benefit from that piece, in one year. Most pieces of equipment are used more than once a week, and KNOW ? in fact some pieces are used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If the 500+ pieces of Humpty equipment delivered in 2017 were used just once a week, that’s over 26,000 children that have benefited in just 12 months! Most pieces of equipment have a lifespan of 10 years. Therefore, over 260,000 children will benefit from equipment purchased in just one year by Humpty’s Good Eggs. 18 All donations are 100% tax deductible
Humpty’s WISH 3 EZ-IO DRILL & EDUCATOR KIT: $1,895 EACH 4 needed Wish List Armadale Hospital, Emergency Department, WA (1) Fitzroy Crossing Hospital, Ambulance Service, WA (1) Halls Creek Hospital, Ambulance Service, WA (1) Roebourne Hospital, Emergency Department, WA (1) The following medical equipment has been This power drill kit is an essential requested by some of the 372 hospitals and health piece of resuscitation equipment service centres that Humpty currently supports. Each used to gain vascular access in item has been assessed and approved by Humpty’s critically ill children and babies Medical Sub Committee to appear on Humpty’s Wish when intravenous access cannot List. This wish list is regularly updated. be established. The drill kit is If you have any questions surrounding Humpty’s used to place a needle into the Wish List or would like to donate an item please call shin bone within 10 seconds, Humpty on (02) 9419 2410 for assistance. through which life-saving medication and fluids can then be administered. Achieving vascular access is vital to the We hope you can help grant some of these vital resuscitation process and has life-saving consequences. The wishes. kit also comes with training devices used for staff education and practice of this vital procedure. Wish 1 Baby Umbi Manikin: $1,450 1 needed Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital, Maternity Department, WISH 4 NEOPUFF RESUSCITATION DEVICE: NSW $2,170 EACH 2 needed This portable newborn infant trainer Broome Hospital, Paediatric Unit, WA has anatomy that offers exceptional This equipment provides life- realism, which enables clinicians saving resuscitation and ongoing to learn and practice advanced ventilation assistance to infants neonatal resuscitation including using up-to-date, user friendly insertion of umbilical venous technology. It will be used on catheters and umbilical arterial a daily basis and can be moved catheters. This manikin will give to the bedside of each baby or clinical staff opportunity to practice young child at risk. life-saving techniques, reducing error in real life situations. wISH 5 LOW FLOW BIRD BLENDER DevICE: $2,450 EACH 2 needed Wish 2 RAD-5 PULSE OXIMETER WITH Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, General Medical SENSOR: $1,760 EACH 2 needed Isolation Unit, NSW Ipswich Hospital, Children’s Ward, QLD (1) Ipswich Hospital, Maternity Ward, QLD (1) Blenders are vital for delivering specific oxygen concentration Accurate measurement of a pulse to neonates and are used in rate, oxygen saturation and blood flow resuscitation and ongoing care is essential in assessing the current for babies requiring respiratory status and treatment implications support. Not having enough low for paediatric patients. The Rad-5 flow blenders means at times of (handheld) allows nurses to record emergency, equipment needs to arterial oxygen levels accurately be attached to 100% wall oxygen. and efficiently and quickly track any This creates risk of a baby developing oxygen toxicity from changes. receiving unnecessarily high amounts of oxygen. A plaque recognising your donation will be attached to the equipment purchased 19
WISH 6 AIRVO 2 HUMIDIFIER: WISH 9 Symphony Breast PUMP with $2,750 EACH 7 needed stand: $3,600 1 needed Broome Hospital, Paediatric Unit, WA (1) Warrnambool Base Hospital, Maternity Department, VIC Derby Hospital, Paediatric Unit, WA (1) Breast feeding is important for growing Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital (Brisbane), Respiratory newborns. Breast milk contains the Department, QLD (2) correct balance of nutrients to promote Lyell McEwin Hospital, Emergency Department, SA (2) ideal growth and development, as well Northeast Health Wangaratta, Maternity Department, VIC (1) as an essential supply of antibodies Humidification is important for to protect the newborn baby against babies and children suffering infections. This pump sits on a stand, from respiratory problems, such allows for easy use and is mobile so can as bronchitis, pneumonia and be used at the bedside. cystic fibrosis. Humidified air and oxygen helps them breathe restfully and clears the chest for ongoing treatment and recovery. WISH 10 Child HEART & Lung Sound Trainer: $3,660 1 needed Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital, Paediatric Ward, NSW WISH 7 AGILIA INJECTOMAT MC SYRINGE PUMP: $2,900 1 needed This trainer reproduces the real- Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital, Children’s Ward, NSW life recorded voice, lung, and heart sounds of an actual 4-year-old. Children’s drug doses are It will allow respiratory teaching calculated on weight, therefore in paediatrics and education of often very small volumes must medical staff to become proficient be given into tiny veins at a in respiratory assessment to better strictly controlled rate. This manage asthma and bronchiolitis. syringe pump is dose rated, Education and training will improve with a programmable bolus patient outcomes and reduce the and micro-rated functionality. It has the capacity to store length of stay in hospital. predefined drug parameters which aids in reducing the risk of programming errors to maximise safety. WISH 11 MR850 HUMIDIFIER: WISH 8 ASTODIA DIAPHANOSCOPE: $4,180 EACH 2 needed $2,900 EACH 6 needed Campbelltown Hospital, Special Care Nursery, NSW (1) Angurugu Health Clinic, Emergency Room, NT (1) Royal Darwin Hospital, Women, Children and Gapuwiak Health Centre, Emergency Room, NT (1) Youth Ward, NT (1) Jabiru Health Clinic, Emergency Room, NT (1) Humidifiers keep the air babies Launceston General Hospital, Paediatric Ward, TAS (1) breathe moist to prevent the drying Maningrida Health Centre, Emergency Room, NT (1) out of secretions and nasal passages. Wadeye Health Clinic, Emergency Room, NT (1) Babies suffering from lung infections This device uses LED light to and chronic bronchitis rely on illuminate small blood vessels and humidified air and oxygen to breathe structures filled with air or liquid, restfully, and to clear any recurring deep under the skin surface, not respiratory problems. easily visible in pre-term babies. This allows medical staff to quickly and accurately administer vital medicines without multiple attempts, which is less stressful for the baby. It is particularly useful on darker skin and when the veins are not visible due to dehydration and other conditions. 20 All donations are 100% tax deductible
WISH 12 NEWBORN ANNE TRAINING WISH 16 JAUNDICE DETECTOR: MANIKIN: $4,230 1 needed $4,780 EACH 9 needed Katherine Hospital, Maternity Ward, NT Auburn Hospital, Maternity Department, NSW (1) Bankstown/Lidcombe Hospital, Women’s & Children’s This item is a portable skill trainer Services, NSW (1) for realistic neonatal resuscitation Ceduna District Health Services, Midwifery, SA (1) education. The manikin accurately Echuca Regional Health, Maternity Department, VIC (1) represents a full-term (40 week) Ipswich Hospital, Children’s Ward, QLD (1) newborn with an anatomy Leeton District Hospital, Maternity Unit, NSW (1) offering exceptional realism Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health, Casuarina Ward, and provides the opportunity to SA (2) practice resuscitation skills, including airway management, Warrnambool Base Hospital, Maternity Department, VIC (1) professional rescuer CPR, and vascular access. All babies are checked for jaundice (yellowing of the WISH 13 Premature Anne Manikin: skin) on a daily basis. This $4,400 1 needed detector is used to help Eastern Health, Special Care Nursery/Maternity, VIC clinicians determine the jaundice levels through This item is a portable skill the skin without harming trainer for realistic infant the baby. If jaundice is left resuscitation training. The untreated there is a possibility manikin is a 25-week per-term of cerebral palsy, deafness infant designed to facilitate and/or brain damage. training in the initiation of proper care and resuscitation. The use of this manikin will ensure medical staff maintain the skills and ensure best care is provided in emergency situations. It will be used across WISH 17 BROSELOW PAEDIATRIC COLOUR three facilities Angliss, Box Hill, and Maroondah Hospitals. CODE CART: $5,240 1 needed Auburn Hospital, Operating Theatres/Recovery, NSW WISH 14 RADical-7 PULSE OXIMETER The Broselow Paediatric cart is colour coded WITH SENSOR: $4,440 each 3 needed and organised so that each drawer contains St George Hospital, Maternity Department, NSW (1) all the resuscitation equipment needed for Very Special Kids, Hospice, VIC (2) babies and children in a specific length/ weight range. Use of this cart allows faster, By shining a light through the easier and more accurate selection of baby’s finger or toe the oximeter equipment in cases of paediatric arrest. measures the amount of oxygen in their capillaries. This ensures correct and safe oxygen delivery during highly critical times in WISH 18 ultrablender: an effort to prevent damage to $5,350 1 needed organs such as the brain, eyes and lungs Liverpool Hospital, Neonatal Intensive Care, NSW Respiratory support for very sick WISH 15 ALS BABY TRAINER: premature babies is essential for their $4,600 1 needed survival. This Ultrablender will provide Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital, Maternity Department, NSW an accurate mix of oxygen and air to the exact concentration required by A portable skill trainer for realistic the baby. Too much or too little oxygen infant resuscitation training. The into their lungs can be harmful and manikin is a three-month-old infant affect eye and brain development. with an anatomy that offers exceptional realism, providing the opportunity to practice advanced resuscitation skills, including airway management, professional rescuer CPR, vascular access and 4-lead ECG monitoring. A plaque recognising your donation will be attached to the equipment purchased 21
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