The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group

Page created by Julian Wolf
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
The Future of
Sustainable Mobility
ABB provides groundbreaking solutions
for clean e-mobility in cars, buses, trains,
cable cars, vessels and planes.

                                               As a pioneering leader focusing on
                                               digital industries, ABB accelerates
                                               the development of sustainable
                                               e-mobility solutions with its state-
                                               of-the-art, digital range of products.
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
—                                                                                                                                                                                     —
Editorial                                                                                                                                                                             Content

                     Dear journalists,
                                                                                                                                                                                      02	Editorial, Contacts

                     For over 130 years ABB has stood for the devel-       For us this is an honor but also a responsibility.                                                         03                   Publishing details
                     opment and implementation of revolutionary            In this booklet we have assembled a selection of
                     traffic solutions. Our founding fathers laid the      our multifaceted activities aimed at shaping the
                     cornerstone for the electrification of European       transportation infrastructure of the future. The
                                                                                                                                                                                      04 – 06              Energy revolution in road traffic
                     rail traffic, thereby opening up new population       pages that follow explain where we are today
                     areas. Electric trains, trams and cable cars di-      and where we are headed in the future – in line                                                            07                   E-mobility:
                     rectly led to new opportunities and new free-         with our motto: Running the world without con-
                     doms in society. One of the main reasons for our      suming the earth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the sustainable alternative
                     generation’s prosperity is the pioneering spirit
                     of this age.                                                                                                                                                     08 – 09	E-mobility beyond the road
                     But it is more than just progress when we equip       Sincerely yours,
                     trains, cable cars and ships with revolutionary       Christoph Sieder
                     electrical drive systems today and our leading        Head of Corporate Communications, ABB
                                                                                                                                                                                      10 – 13              The ABB FIA Formula E Championship:
                     charging solutions help bring about a practical                                                                                                                                       Pole position for ABB
                     global e-mobility infrastructure for road traffic.
                     It is nothing less than an effort to avert a global
                     climate catastrophe. Last year ABB was recog-
                                                                                                                                                                                      14 – 15	ABB: technology leader for
                     nized for this commitment by being counted                                                                                                                                digital industries
                     among the ten most important global compa-
                     nies ensuring positive change in the world.

Media Relations Contacts                                                                                                                                                              Publishing details

                                                                                                                                  For more information on the contents and            A supplement by:                   Authors:
                                                                                                                                  further information about ABB’s offer and the       ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.         Nicole Kolisch, Diethold Schaar
                                                                                                                                  global evolution of electromobility please visit:   Affolternstrasse 44
                                                                                                                                           P.O. Box 8131                      Photo Credits:
                                                                                                                                  Additional image material and the latest status     8050 Zurich, Switzerland           All photos from the ABB Asea Brown
                                                                                                                                  updates on the ABB FIA Formula E Champion-                                             Boveri Ltd. image archive:
                                                                                                                                  ship can be found at                   Design:                  
                                                                                                                                                                                      Johann Oberauer GmbH               Sources for this supplement:
                                                                                                                                                                                      Fliederweg 4             
                                                                                                                                                                                      A-5301 Eugendorf                   © ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Layout: Fabian Helminger           All rights reserved.
Michael Isaac                  Christoph Schupp                 Domenico Truncellito              Thomas Makrandreou
Head of Corporate              Head of Media Relations          Head of Communications            Head of Communications                                                              Concept:
Media Relations                ABB Germany                      ABB Switzerland                   ABB Austria
+41 43 317 63 64               +49 621 4381- 432                +41 43 317 38 12                  +43 1 60109 9477                                                                    Christian Skalnik,                                                       Content Solutions, Vienna
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
4                        T H E F U T U R E O F S U S TA I N A B L E M O B I L I T Y                                                                                        ARTICLE OR CHAPTER TITLE                                                                               5

Energy revolution
in road traffic
Clean air and quiet cars that do not endanger the planet: As a leading
supplier of charging solutions for electric vehicles, ABB plays a decisive
role in shaping the future of sustainable transportation.

                         Previously a “problem child”, now transportation                 conversions. VW plans on manufacturing around
                         has become a beacon of hope in the battle                        ten million electric vehicles between 2020 and
                         against climate change: Cars, trains, vessels and                20266 – and Volvo has even announced that
                         planes are currently responsible1 for a quarter of               starting in 2019 only hybrid or full-electric cars
                         the world’s energy consumption and contribute                    will be rolling off of its assembly lines.7 GM plans
                         roughly the same share to environmental pollu-                   on offering over 20 new electrically powered
                         tion2. And cars consume more energy than all                     models by 2023 8 and wants to double its re-
                         freight transports combined – including trucks,                  search capacities in the coming years. Analysts
                         vessels and trains. Therefore, switching to clean                assume that electric vehicle production will sur-
                         means of transportation would not only drasti-                   pass production of conventional models as early        The energy transition
                                                                                                                                                                           electrification and are among the countries with      trically powered transportation running
                         cally reduce the amount of greenhouse gases                      as 2040. With over ten years of experience in the      in road traffic:          the highest growth rates. 11                          smoothly (last updated: January 2019). 15 ABB
                                                                                                                                                 Clean, noiseless,
                         contributing to global warming, but also slash                   electric vehicle charging market, ABB is a part of     emission-free mobility.
                                                                                                                                                                           Even with these developments, electric vehicles       has sold some 10,500 of these – more than any
                         carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and other sub-                   these developments because they offer tremen-                                    still only make up less than one percent of global    other manufacturer – in 73 countries. 1,200 of
                         stances that cause lung damage and cancer.                       dous potential for improving our climate.                                        traffic. However – as the impressive growth           those sold are fast charging stations, which
                         Against this backdrop, the debate among experts                                                                                                   rates indicate – they are in the fast lane: It took   eliminate yet another obstacle to e-mobility:
                         has long since moved from whether electrically                   Electric cars in the fast lane                                                   17 months to turn one million electrically pow-       ABB’s top model Terra HP charges car batteries
                         powered mobility will gain traction to how long                  Rising investments in mass production of elec-                                   ered vehicles into two, but the jump from the         with up to 350 kilowatts, delivering enough en-
                         this shift will take. In the meantime, more and                  tric cars are already benefiting consumers to-                                   three to four million mark only took six months.12    ergy for a range of 100 kilometers in just four
                         more countries, including the UK3 and France4,                   day: The latest generation models offer the                                      Based on current forecasts, we will likely hit the    minutes. In addition, weather-resistant Terra DC
                         have announced that it will no longer be legal to                same performance and amenities of their fos-                                     five million mark by March 2019. Experts at Bos-      charging stations can handle temperatures from
                         sell new cars with combustion engines beginning                  sil-fuel powered predecessors and – above all                                    ton Consulting Group expect the “electric car         -35 °C to +55 °C degrees, which is why the Terra
                         in 2040. Germany has similar plans for 2050.                     thanks to falling battery prices – cost virtually                                tipping point” – the point at which one in every      53 DC is used at the world-famous Jaguar “Ice
                         Switzerland and Austria have not made any defin-                 the same as conventionally powered vehicles.                                     two vehicles has an electric motor – to arrive        Academy” in the Arctic Circle, for instance.
                         itive statements regarding their plans as of yet.5               Average prices of electric cars are expected to                                  around 2030. 13                                       To accelerate the transition to sustainable forms
                         The industry has responded accordingly and is                    fall below those of fossil-fueled vehicles by                                                                                          of transportation, ABB is working with public in-
                         currently investing billions in production facility              2025.9 They are already unrivaled when it comes                                  Charging infrastructure as a driver                   stitutions and renowned car manufacturers on
                                                                                          to the cost of operation. Electric cars already                                  The ever-denser network of charging stations          the successive expansion of the global infra-
                                                                                          perform better over lifetime both ecologically                                   worldwide has played a major role in this devel-      structure. One example of this is Electrify Amer-
The first cars were electric
                                                                                          and economically than fuel or diesel-powered                                     opment. Thanks to this, “range anxiety” – once a      ica, the largest e-mobility infrastructure project
Electrically powered cars are not a            with if not superior to their combus-      vehicles, particularly in areas where more af-                                   major obstacle to universal acceptance of elec-       in the US to date, which will also use ABB
21st century invention. In the early           tion-fueled counterparts: In 1902 the      fordable electricity is available from renewable                                 tric vehicles – is now beginning to dissipate.        charging stations. In Europe, ABB was selected
20th century, only 22 percent of cars          electrically-powered Baker Toledo          energy sources than fuel from refineries, which                                  Just as the appeal of electric cars rises with        by IONITY, a joint venture between the BMW
on US roads had a combustion en-               was the first car in history to reach a    remains expensive.                                                               each charging station that is added, every elec-      Group, Daimler AG, Ford Motor Company and
gine; 40 percent were powered with             speed of over 100 mph (160 km/h), for      And demand is rising accordingly. A new e-mo-                                    tric vehicle sold makes investing in additional       the Volkswagen Group, as its main technology
steam and 38 percent were electric. 27         example.                                   bility milestone was achieved in September                                       charging stations even more appealing. This           partner and supplier for the construction of a
Combustion engines began to take               And today’s acceleration record is also    2018: This marked the first time in history that                                 networking effect benefits everyone – and             network with 400 fast-charging stations in 24
over the market around 1900 because            held by an electric car, the Tesla Model   over four million electric cars were on the road                                 above all the environment.                            countries. And Porsche Japan will install ABB
the higher energy density of fuel              S P100D: From 0-60 mph (96 km/h) in        worldwide. One million of these vehicles are in                                  In pioneering countries such as Denmark there         high power chargers in Porsche centers and
made it possible for cars to travel lon-       2.27 seconds was the fastest accelera-     the US, nearly another million in Europe and                                     are already more charging stations than conven-       public facilities throughout the country in time
ger distances. But throughout history          tion speed ever measured by world-re-      close to two million in China. 10 Now Japan, South                               tional filling stations14 and around the globe        for the market launch of the 600-HP Taycan
electric cars have always been on par          nowned Motor Trend Magazine. 28            Korea and India are relying more and more on                                     more than 136,000 charging stations keep elec-        electric sportscar.
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
6                         T H E F U T U R E O F S U S TA I N A B L E M O B I L I T Y                                                                               E - MOB ILIT Y: TH E SUSTA INA B LE A LTE RNATIV E                                                                                     7

                          Global transition                                            (the base year for the comparison is 1990). To
                          At the same time, many countries are now in-
                          vesting directly in the expansion of e-mobility.
                          South Korea, for example, rewards electric vehi-
                                                                                       achieve these numbers, Germany has no alterna-
                                                                                       tive but to expand its e-mobility infrastructure.
                                                                                       Instead of the nearly 200,00022 electric vehicles
                                                                                                                                             E-mobility: the sustainable alternative
                          cle buyers with bonuses equivalent to 20,000                 on the road today, plans are underway that
                          euros, making it the most generous state-spon-               would see up to eight million such vehicles on        In ideal circumstances, electric cars could cut CO2 emissions
                          sored program in the world. 16 China also has a              German roads by 2030. Many charging stations
                          monetary incentive system. Moreover, electric                will need to be installed in order to achieve this
                                                                                                                                             in the transport sector by more than two-thirds.
                          car consumers receive preferential service when              goal. For example, autobahn service area opera-
                          applying for license plates along with access to             tor “Tank & Rast”, which ABB has already sup-         It all starts with a vision. “The city car of the fu-     ciency of the wind turbine generators manufac-
                          faster traffic lanes. 17 New registrations for elec-         plied with 177 stations, wants to have just as        ture will be small, electric, shared by multiple in-      tured by ABB has increased 200-fold in the past
                          tric cars more than doubled from 2015 to 2017 in             many rapid charging stations as conventional          dividuals and eventually drive autonomously.”             30 years6, ensuring that unevenly generated
                          response to this. 18 With an additional jump of              pumps in the near future. 23                          This is how in 2017 the German Federal Environ-           wind energy can be fed into the grid with stable
                          114 percent in the first half of the past year,              There are currently 18,000 electric vehicles in       ment Agency presented its vision of automobile            voltage. In addition, ABB supplies innovative
                          China already boasts the largest fleet of electric           Austria. The trend is rising considerably: While      traffic in the “City of Tomorrow”. 1                      electrical and process control systems for pho-
                          vehicles worldwide. 19                                       in 2015 only 0.9 percent of new car registrations     This is a hopeful sign. After all, the Paris Climate      tovoltaic power plants and solar-thermal plants.
                          Meanwhile, in Europe, Iceland’s government-                  were for electric cars, the share had already         Agreement’s guidelines show that at least 20              However, the main problem facing renewable
                          sponsored incentive program is considered                    jumped to over 2.5 percent in 2018. 24 By 2050        percent of all cars on the road will need to be           energy sources is that they are often located
                          exemplary. The result: While there were only 90              the entire transportation sector is expected to       electrically powered by 2030 in order to achieve          outside of metropolitan consumer centers and a
                          electric vehicles on the entire island in 2014,              be largely climate neutral. 25 To this end the gov-   the defined climate objectives. 2                         considerable share of the sustainably produced
                          today there are more than 6,000. In Norway,                  ernment and automotive industry put together          Skeptics note that, while electric cars do not            power is lost in transport. It was not until ABB’s
                          where electric car owners pay less vehicle tax               a 93-million-euro “e-mobility package” designed       produce emissions during operation, manufac-              pioneering work on the development of
                          and can take advantage of free parking, toll road            to create incentives for purchasing electric cars     turing the batteries is an energy-intense pro-            high-voltage direct current transmission (HVDC)
                          or ferry service and complimentary charging                  and building charging stations.                       cess that is associated with its own form of en-          technology that it was possible to transport
                          stations in parking garages, 39 percent of the               Switzerland26 is also implementing a roadmap to       vironmental pollution. Moreover, in most cases            electricity across many hundreds of kilometers
                          cars sold in 2017 were electric. 20 Now more than            promote e-mobility starting this year. This road-     the power generated to operate these vehicles             with virtually no loss. Today over half of the
                          one in five vehicles is electrically powered.                map was signed in December 2018 by represen-          is also not produced in a climate-neutral way.            HVDC connections used around the world are
                          Germany is also setting its sights on sustainable            tatives from the automotive, electricity, real es-    Thus, current studies answer the question as to           made by ABB.
                          forms of transportation as part of its energy                tate and vehicle fleet industries along with the      whether electric vehicles are actually more envi-
                          transition policy, which leads the way in Eu-                federal government, cantons, cities and munici-       ronmentally friendly than their fossil-fueled pre-
                          rope. 21 The country plans to reduce greenhouse              palities. One of the objectives is to increase the    decessors with a cautious “Yes, but ...”. “Yes” be-
                          gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020 and ex-                  share of electric vehicles in new registrations to    cause electric cars boast unrivaled efficiency:
                          pand this even further to 55 percent by 2030                 15 percent by 2022.                                   While combustion engines do not even convert                              CO2 consumption of a mid-size vehicle in Germany over the
                                                                                                                                             50 percent of the energy used into movement,                              entire life cycle (150,000 Kilometers) by drive type.
                                                                                                                                             electric motors utilize over 90 percent. 3
                                                                                                                                             Another “Yes” because they are already much                                        200

                                                                                                                                             easier on the environment even with the current

                                                                                                                                                                                                         CO2-emissions (g/km)
                                                                                                                                             electricity mix. For instance, in Germany 489                                       150
                                                                                                                                             grams of CO2 was released to produce one kilo-
                                                                                                                                             watt hour of electricity in 2017.4 Translated into
                                                                                                                                             consumption figures for a modern compact
                                                                                                                                             electric car, this results in about 90 grams of
                                                                                                                                             CO2 emissions per kilometer. A comparable gas-                                       50
                                                                                                                                             oline-powered car provides almost double the
                                                                                                                                             load – when the emissions produced in the fuel                                        0
                                                                                                                                             production and transport process are included                                                Gasoline        Diesel          Electric with   Electric with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5,8 l/100 km   4,5 l/100 km       current elec-     renewable
                                                                                                                                             in the calculations.                                                                      (40.5 US mpg)   (52 US mpg)         tricity mix        energy
                                                                                                                                             The “But” that puts these figures into perspec-                                                                               14,7 kWh/        14,7 kWh/
                                                                                                                                             tive is due to the fact that this is far from ex-                                                                               100 km           100 km
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (149.6 MPGe1)    (149.6 MPGe)
                                                                                                                                             hausting the potential of electromobility. If an
                                                                                                                                             electric car is operated solely using electricity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CO2 (g/km) production/recycling
                                                                                                                                             from renewable sources, then CO2 emissions are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CO2 (g/km) for fuel generation and supply
—                                                                                                                                            actually reduced by more than two-thirds when                                      CO2 (g/km) direct emissions from vehicle usage
End of “range anxiety”:
ABB’s fast-charging
                                                                                                                                             viewed over the entire life cycle. 5                                               CO2 (g/km) for power generation and supply
stations supply                                                                                                                              This is why ABB has made it its mission to push
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Source: German Automobile Club (ADAC)
enough energy for
100 kilometers in
                                                                                                                                             ahead with the integration of electricity from                             1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent or 22.53 kWh/100 miles
just four minutes.                                                                                                                           hydro-power, wind and solar energy. The effi-
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
8             T H E F U T U R E O F S U S TA I N A B L E M O B I L I T Y                                                                            E - M O B I L I T Y B E YO N D T H E R O A D                                                                                 9

E-mobility                                                                                                                    Effilight®
                                                                                                                              Components on board trains are becoming in-

beyond the road                                                                                                               creasingly light and compact to ensure energy-
                                                                                                                              efficient operation. ABB’s Effilight® traction
                                                                                                                              transformer supplies the train’s wheel motors
                                                                                                                              and other electrical systems on board with
                                                                                                                              power – and it saves 20 percent weight, 50 per-
From trains to cable cars to vessels, buses and even planes –                                                                 cent energy and up to 70 percent of oil con-
                                                                                                                              sumption in the process.
ABB is a name that has stood for continuity in solutions for
the electrification of transportation for more than 130 years.

                                                                           watt motors from ABB and holds a total of          Allegra Trains
                                                                           three world records: It has the highest steel      The drive packages ABB supplied for the Allegra
                                                                           support (127 meters), the largest height differ-   trains, a centerpiece of the Swiss Rhaetian Railway
              Tram                                                         ence (1,950 meters) and the longest span (3,213    (RhB) connecting Davos, Klosters and other cities
              In 1888 Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon (MFO), a pre-               meters from the valley station to the peak). The   in the region, are specially designed to meet the
              decessor to ABB, delivered all of the technical              cars glide at a speed of 10.6 meters per second    tough demands of this rugged mountain region.
              equipment for the first, 10.5-kilometer-long                 across this stretch of mountain, where inclines    The drives generate power through recuperation
              electric tram line in Switzerland from Vevey to              can reach up to 104 percent.                       when the trains are valley bound and can remove
              Chillon via Montreux.                                                                                           ice from cables with artificial lightning.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   tems featuring fuel cells. Research is being per-       From the first electric
                                                                           Stoosbahn                                                                                                               formed in this area to ensure that energy both for      engine to modern
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Allegra trains: For
              TOSA Bus                                                     The Swiss town of Stoos has operated the           Azipod Drive                                                         on-board operation and for the motors comes             over 130 years ABB has
              The TOSA buses on the 23 line have connected the             steepest funicular in the world (110 percent in-   The Azipod Drive developed by ABB uses pro-                          from hydrogen instead of fossil fuel combustion.        been developing and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           advancing sustainable
              city of Geneva with the airport since 2013. ABB de-          cline) since December 2017. Two 1.2-megawatt       peller cars that can swivel 360 degrees and are                                                                              transport solutions.
              veloped the technology that charges the batteries            motors from ABB transport 1,500 passengers         mounted under the hull of a ship. This enables
              with 600 kilowatts at selected bus stops in 20 sec-          on the 1.7-kilometer route per direction of        ships to maneuver in ports or on difficult
              onds flat – while passengers enter and exit the bus.         travel and hour.                                   routes (such as tight fjords) in an effective, en-
              This provides enough electricity to power the bus                                                               vironmentally friendly way. The drive has been                       Electric Aircraft
              for up to eight kilometers without interruption.                                                                in use since 1990 and reduces consumption of                         In 2016 the Solar Impulse, an airplane powered
              The TOSA buses cut CO2 emissions by around                                                                      fossil fuels by more than 40 percent.                                solely by the sun’s energy and piloted by world-fa-
              1,000 tons annually and plans are underway to be-                                                                                                                                    mous adventurer Bertrand Piccard, was the first to
              gin using them in the city of Nantes soon, too.              First Electric Locomotive                                                                                               circle the earth without using fossil fuel. The solar
                                                                           In 1899 the first electric standard gage locomo-                                                                        power generated during the day kept the four elec-
                                                                           tive in Europe was used for the 40-kilometer                                                                            tric motors running through the night. Now this
                                                                           route from Burgdorf to Thun. The project was       Shore-to-Ship                                                        technology, which ABB helped develop, makes it
                                                                           realized by Brown, Boveri & Cie., one of ABB’s     In the Port of Gothenburg a high-voltage link                        possible to fly for even longer without fuel than
              OppCharge Buses                                              predecessors.                                      supplies anchored ships with power from the                          with.
              OppCharge, the fast charging system for buses                                                                   coast. This ABB solution cuts the fuel consump-
              ABB introduced in 2014, is already being used                                                                   tion of a large cruise ship by up to 20 tons and
              worldwide. The fast-charging stations located                                                                   reduces CO2 emissions by up to 60 tons during a
              in terminals can fully charge a bus battery in just                                                             ten-hour stay in a port.                                             ABB Formula E
              four to six minutes.                                         Gotthard Base Tunnel                                                                                                    Fun and excitement paired with energy effi-
                                                                           After ABB’s predecessor had already electrified                                                                         ciency and practicability – the ABB FIA Formula
                                                                           the Gotthard Tunnel at the dawn of the 20th                                                                             E Championship offers all this and more. It is the
                                                                           century, the new, 57-kilometer long Gotthard                                                                            first fully electric FIA motorsport racing series
                                                                           Base Tunnel opened in 2016. The longest and        Electric Cruise Ships                                                in the world (read more on page 10). ABB, the ti-
              Zugspitzbahn                                                 deepest railway tunnel in the world, it was        Several cruise ships operated by Royal Caribbean,                    tle partner to the series since 2018, uses it as a
              The funicular railway on Germany’s famous                    equipped with ABB electrical systems including     one of the largest cruise ship companies in the                      platform for developing and testing e-mobility
              Zugspitze mountain is powered by 800 kilo-                   light and ventilation.                             world, are currently being operated with pilot sys-                  related solutions.
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
10           T H E F U T U R E O F S U S TA I N A B L E M O B I L I T Y                             POLE POSITION FOR A B B                                                                                       11

—                                                                                                   Gripping wheel-to-wheel battles, spectacular        speed battles on the tracks. (see box “Motor-

Pole Position
                                                                                                    passing maneuvers around tight corners, a line      sport interactive”, page 12)
                                                                                                    of cars taking on hairpin curves, top speed on      “The Formula E is a ground-breaking series,”
                                                                                                    the straights, charismatic drivers – the ABB FIA    sums up 2016 Formula 1 Champion Nico Ros-
                                                                                                    Formula E Championship offers everything mo-        berg and ABB FIA Formula E Championship in-

for ABB
                                                                                                    torsport has to offer – and much more.              vestor. “It brings the sport of racing to the peo-
                                                                                                    Races are held in areas where e-mobility is tak-    ple. Formula 1 could learn a lot from the
                                                                                                    ing hold: In the middle of urban centers. City      Formula E series.”
                                                                                                    circuits planned for Formula E races in metrop-     Established by Alejandro Agag, a former politi-
                                                                                                    olises like New York City, Rome, Paris, Hong        cian and entrepreneur from Spain at the sug-
                                                                                                    Kong, Mexico City or Bern not only enable fans      gestion of FIA President Jean Todt in 2014, the
The ABB FIA Formula E Championship shows that electrically                —
                                                                                                    to experience the races close-up, they also al-     ABB FIA Formula E Championship is creating
                                                                                                    low for interactive participation. Fans can give    excitement around the globe in its fifth season.
powered motorsport can be just as sustainable as it is                    The new Gen2 racers:
                                                                          Batteries with twice as
                                                                                                    their favorite drivers a “Fanboost” via an online   The regulations intentionally focus on putting
                                                                          much power and just 20
suspenseful. ABB develops future e-mobility technologies.                 percent more weight.      voting platform, ensuring even more high-           driving performance and tactical skills at the
                                                                                                                                                        forefront. All Formula E teams have identically
                                                                                                                                                        designed race cars and uniform tires. This gives
                                                                                                                                                        every team the same opportunities and
                                                                                                                                                        strengthens the role of the driver, confirms
                                                                                                                                                        BMW Motorsport Director Jens Marquardt: “Pi-
                                                                                                                                                        loting a Formula E race car is much more com-
                                                                                                                                                        plex than driving a conventional race car.”
                                                                                                                                                        Today more factory teams are represented in
                                                                                                                                                        the first fully electric racing series in the world
                                                                                                                                                        than in any other comparable championship
                                                                                                                                                        racing series. They all want to try out new tech-
                                                                                                                                                        nologies under the harshest possible condi-
                                                                                                                                                        tions and transfer the knowledge they gain in
                                                                                                                                                        motorsport to series production.

                                                                                                                                                        More Power than Ever
                                                                                                                                                        The speed at which new technologies are pro-
                                                                                                                                                        gressing is evident in the latest developments
                                                                                                                                                        in the 2018/19 season: Second-generation vehi-
                                                                                                                                                        cles, also called “Gen2”, are bringing a new or-
                                                                                                                                                        ganization with tremendously enhanced per-
                                                                                                                                                        formance to the track for the first time ever.
                                                                                                                                                        The carbon fiber chassis with covered front
                                                                                                                                                        wheels and rear spoilers above the rear wheels
                                                                                                                                                        is built by Italian motorsport supplier Dallara.

                                                                                                                                                        2018/19 Regulations
                                                                                                                                                        During qualifying four groups compete with five driv-
                                                                                                                                                        ers each. Each group has six minutes to complete a lap
                                                                                                                                                        at top speeds. The five fastest drivers from the group
                                                                                                                                                        phase then battle it out for the pole position. All of the
                                                                                                                                                        other positions in the starting line-up are determined
                                                                                                                                                        based on the drivers’ times in the group phase.
                                                                                                                                                        Points are awarded to the ten best-placed drivers in
                                                                                                                                                        each ePrix: 25 for the winner, 18 for second and 15 for
                                                                                                                                                        third place. Three additional points are awarded for
                                                                                                                                                        pole position, along with another point for the fastest
                                                                                                                                                        lap in the race.
                                                                                                                                                        The championship is broken down into driver and team
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
12                        T H E F U T U R E O F S U S TA I N A B L E M O B I L I T Y                                                                                     POLE POSITION FOR A B B                                                                                           13

                          McLaren applied Technologies delivers the lith-                 ric gloves for the first time. The gloves record vi-   cars. The racing series will accompany ten ABB
                          ium ion batteries. They weigh 374 kilograms                     tal signs and, in the event of an accident, can        Formula E races during the 2018/19 season.
                          and have almost double the utilizable capacity                  give rescue teams crucial information.                 As the official charging technology partner for
                          of their predecessors with 52 kWh, despite                      Additional elements reminiscent of computer            the Jaguar I-Pace eTrophy, ABB supplied the
                          weighing just 20 percent more. This clearly                     games bring even more suspense to the races.           teams with the compact Terra DC fast charging
                          shows the direction in which e-mobility is                      Alongside the “Fanboost”, the series is also im-       stations for racing. These chargers can be used
                          headed overall.                                                 plementing “Attack Mode” this season. Drivers          to quickly and reliably recharge the twelve, spe-
                          At maximum power of up to 250 kW (335 hp) the                   and teams can decide to use this mode based            cially designed racing Jaguar I-Pace SUVs during
                          Gen2 racers can hit top speeds of up to 280                     on the racing situation (see box “Motorsport           the short breaks between training, qualifying
                          km/h (174 mph). Race regulations call for a peak                interactive”).                                         and the race.
                          power limit of 200 kW (270 hp). But top speeds                  Fun elements like these bring the thrill back to       This will bring the technology to the broader
                          are not the decisive criterion on tight city cir-               racing, which the ABB FIA Formula E Champion-          public’s attention, effectively demonstrating
                          cuits with short straights anyway. Instead, bat-                ship hopes will attract new target groups and          the performance ABB’s fast charging stations
                          tles are decided based on the enormous acceler-                 an increasingly young crowd to the race tracks.        are capable of. However, the Terra DC charging
                          ation power of the electric motors and an                       The ePrix events are usually sold out weeks            stations, ABB’s most popular product in Europe            —
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Races in big cities
                          intelligent energy management system. Former                    ahead of time. And now media interest in the           and the US, had to be specially adapted for this          attract a young crowd
                          Formula-1 driver Nick Heidfeld had this to say                  series has skyrocketed. The races can be               type of use. The charging stations were too big
                          about the series: “I like the fact that there is so             viewed on free TV channel Eurosport. German            to be air transported to the event locations. This
                          little room for error.”                                         broadcasters ARD and ZDF are also airing the           is why an ABB team from India shrank the inner          2018/19 Racing Calendar and Circuits
                          Naturally, driver safety is the number one prior-               events live on TV and the Internet, as is the SRG      workings of the heavy-duty chargers and inte-
                          ity. This season drivers will be wearing biomet-                Group in Switzerland. Austrian fans can follow         grated them into a mobile container that stands         In the ABB FIA Formula E Champi-       May 25, 2019
                                                                                          the excitement on ORF Sport+.                          just 1.5 meters tall, thereby reducing the overall      onship the fans don’t come to the      Berlin, Tempelhof Airport
                                                                                                                                                 height by a third. It is an innovation that will cer-   races – the races come to the fans.    Lap distance: 2.375 km, 10 curves
                                                                                                                                                                                                         All ePrix races are held on circuits
                                                                                          ABB and Formula E                                      tainly also be used soon in a number of applica-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         located in the heart of major me-      June 22, 2019
                                                                                          ABB, the title partner to the series since early       tion areas beyond the race track.                       tropolises. The competitions are       Bern, City Circuit
                                                                                          2018, plays a key part in the ABB FIA Formula E        “We are broadening the horizons of e-mobility           each held during the course of a       Lap distance: 2.668 km, 13 curves
                                                                                          Championship.                                          with unique solutions tailored precisely to our         single day. Practice sessions in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         morning, qualifying around noon        The season finale will take place
                                                                                          Involvement in the Formula E series was a logi-        customers’ needs,” says Frank Mühlon, Managing          and the race in the afternoon.         with a double race set against the
                                                                                          cal next step for the global technology group to       Director for electric vehicle charging infrastruc-                                             backdrop of the breathtaking
                                                                                          enhance the company’s role as a leading sup-           ture at ABB. “ABB’s ability to master great chal-       March 23, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Manhattan skyline:
                                                                                          plier of e-mobility charging solutions. With           lenges with innovative technology will not only         Sanya (China), City Circuit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                July 13–14, 2019
                                                                                          some 10,500 charging stations sold in 73 coun-         bring incredible advancements to Formula E, it          Lap distance: 2.28 km, 11 curves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                New York City, Brooklyn Circuit
                                                                                          tries, ABB not only has the largest installed base     will also push the limits of e-mobility in general.”                                           Lap distance: 2.373 km, 14 curves
                                                                                                                                                                                                         April 13, 2019
                                                                                          worldwide, but has also brought a steady
                                                                                          stream of new advances to the field, opening up
                                                                                                                                                 —                                                       Rome, Circuito Cittadino Dell’EUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lap distance: 2.84 km, 21 curves       Completed races:
                                                                                                                                                 For more information on the ABB FIA Formula E
                                                                                          new horizons in the development of electrically                                                                                                       (videos and reports at
                                                                                                                                                 Championship visit                April 27, 2019               
                                                                                          powered transport. For example, the newest                                                                                                             -- Ad Diriyah (Saudi Arabia) on Dec. 15, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Paris, Circuit des Invalides
                                                                                          peak performance model, the Terra HP fast                                                                                                              -- Marrakesh (Morocco) on Jan. 12, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lap distance: 1.9 km, 14 curves         -- Santiago (Chile) on Jan. 26, 2019
                                                                                          charging station, ensures that “stopping to                                                                                                            -- Mexico City (Mexico) on Feb. 16, 2019
                                                                                          charge” an electric car is virtually as fast as                                                                May 11, 2019                            -- Hong Kong (China) on Mar. 10, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Monaco, Circuit de Monaco
                                                                                          stopping at a conventional pump. The DC char-
Motorsport interactive                                                                    ger charges car batteries with up to 350 kilo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lap distance: 1.765 km, 12 curves

                                                                                          watts, delivering enough energy for a range of
Fanboost: Fans can support their fa-            accessed straight from the battery
                                                                                          100 kilometers in just four minutes.
vorite Formula E drivers: Votes are cast        that lasts several minutes. All drivers                                                          ABB Formula E development
                                                                                          To continue expanding its leadership role, ABB
online before every race. The five drivers      are required to use Attack Mode. They
                                                                                          also uses the ABB FIA Formula E Championship           platform
with the most votes can take advantage          can choose the best time to do this
                                                                                          as a competitive platform for testing and fur-
of an additional, powerful energy boost         based on the racing situation.                                                                   ABB reduced the size of
                                                                                          ther developing future charging technologies. In       the Terra DC fast-charger
for a maximum of five seconds during
                                                                                          addition, it also tests support systems for wire-      by 30 percent for the rac-
the second half of the race.                    Event organizers want to use these
                                                                                          less video monitoring or uninterrupted power           ing circuit.
                                                special features to ensure as many
                                                                                          supply on the tracks.
Attack Mode: In order to engage                 position changes as possible during
                                                                                          The day-to-day racing routine presents ABB en-
Attack Mode, the driver must pass               the race. Blue or purple LEDs embed-
                                                                                          gineers with new challenges all the time. For in-
through a defined activation zone               ded in the halo above the driver’s
                                                                                          stance, ABB’s fast charging technology will be
placed off the racing line. The location        head show spectators when a driver
                                                                                          used for the first time ever in motorsport this
is not announced until one day before           activates Fanboost or enters into
                                                                                          season in the new Jaguar I-Pace eTrophy – the
the race. This results in a power boost         Attack Mode.
                                                                                          first fully electric trophy competition for series
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
14                    T H E F U T U R E O F S U S TA I N A B L E M O B I L I T Y                                                          A B B : TE CH NOLOGY LE A D E R FOR D IG ITA L IND USTRIE S                                                           15

ABB: technology leader                                                                                                                    mous way. Smart technology makes it possible
                                                                                                                                          to monitor and control company locations from
                                                                                                                                          a single head office. Measurement and analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                        propel intercity trains and ABB generators pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        duce electricity for their environmentally
                                                                                                                                                                                                        friendly operation in wind power plants. The in-

in digital industries                                                                                                                     technologies like ABB’s revolutionary smart
                                                                                                                                          sensors enable requirements-based mainte-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        novative drive systems are enhanced with auto-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        mation and digitalization solutions.
                                                                                                                                          nance thanks to continuous machine data mon-
                                                                                                                                          itoring, thus cutting downtime and mainte-                    ABB AbilityTM
                                                                                                                                          nance costs. The business focuses on                          The four businesses offer digital solutions tai-
ABB announced its realignment plans in late 2018. Now the company                                                                         companies in the chemical, cement, oil and gas,               lored to customer requirements thanks to the
is focusing on digital industries and shaping megatrends such as                                                                          paper and cellulose, minerals and mining and                  cross-sector digital portfolio of ABB AbilityTM,
                                                                                                                                          metal sectors. And when the first ever remote-                which helps create even more value for custom-
e-mobility, automation, digitalization and renewable energy sources.                                                                      controlled ferry travels through the Port of Hel-             ers. ABB AbilityTM builds on novel technologies
                                                                                                                                          sinki, you can be sure that ABB’s Drive and Au-               such as industrial artificial intelligence to ad-
                                                                                                                                          tomation Solutions played a key role in making                dress the growing demand for digital solutions
                      The former copper and iron company has be-                   innovations powered by the latest technologies –       this possible.                                                in the rapidly changing world of industry.
                      come a technology leader in digital industries.              such as artificial intelligence – even more quickly.
                      Today the Swiss company is setting new bench-                Effective April 1, 2019, ABB divided its operations
                                                                                                                                                                                                        You will find more information
                      marks with its cross-sector software portfolio,              into four customer-centric, entrepreneurially
                                                                                                                                                                                                        on the new ABB at:
                      ABB AbilityTM. It has also redefined cooperation             managed Businesses, each of which is ranked
                      between people and machines with the collabo-                number one or two in its respective market.
                      rative robot, Yumi. Moreover, its innovative tech-
                      nologies have made it the world’s number one                                                                        Robotics and Discrete Automation
                      digital power grid supplier and a leading vendor                                                                    This business joins unique solutions for ma-
                      of fast charging solutions for electric vehicles.                                                                   chine and factory automation with the broad-
                      In December 2018 the company announced the                                                                          est portfolio of robotics applications on the
                      largest restructuring since ASEA and Brown                                                                          market. The digital range of hardware and soft-
                      Boveri & Cie. merged in 1988. ABB marked the be-             Electrification Products                               ware was enhanced by the acquisition of B&R
                      ginning of the group’s new organization as a                 This business offers a full range of innovative        from Eggelsberg, Austria in 2017. ABB is the
                      technology leader in digital industries with the             products, digital solutions and services from          only company that can offer its customers the
                      sale of 80.1 percent of its Power Grids Business             the sub-station to the point of consumption.           entire spectrum of solutions in control sys-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ABB at a glance
                      to Hitachi. Focusing and simplifying the business            With some 10,500 charging stations for electric        tems, drives, robotics and electrification from
                      will ensure that the technology leader can re-               cars sold in 73 countries, ABB is also leading         a single source. ABB has installed over 400,000                  ABB was established following the merger
                      spond to the rapidly changing demands of its                 the way in e-mobility. This prompted “Fortune          industrial robots around the globe and is com-                   between Swedish ASEA and the Swiss BBC
—                     customers in the future with even more individu-             Magazine” to rank the company among the top            mitted to continuity in process digitalization.                  (Brown, Boveri & Cie.). The company’s origins can
The newly organized
ABB will focus on
                      ally tailored solutions as the Fourth Industrial             ten most important businesses in its “Change           Over 70 million connected devices, 70,000 con-                   be traced back to 1889 (ASEA) and 1891 (BBC).
digital industries    Revolution progresses, and will be able to supply            the World” list. With wind turbine generators,         trol systems with more than three million auto-                  Today ABB is a global technology leader in indus-
                                                                                   photovoltaics and solar thermal components,            mated machines and 27,000 factory installa-                      trial digitalization and has a unique portfolio of
                                                                                   the business is helping develop renewable en-          tions worldwide clearly demonstrate ABB’s role                   innovative solutions in the areas of electrifica-
                                                                                   ergy sources and crafting solutions for data           as the leading company in the industrial Inter-                  tion, automation, robotics and digitalization.
                                                                                   centers and smart buildings. Impressive con-           net of Things.
                                                                                   structions equipped with ABB technology in-                                                                             The company announced its plans to sell the Power
                                                                                   clude the Burj Khalifa, one of the tallest build-                                                                       Grids Business to Hitachi in December 2018.
                                                                                   ings in the world, the Elbe Philharmonic in                                                                             The deal is expected to be completed during the
                                                                                   Hamburg and Europe’s first sustainable soccer                                                                           first half of 2020.
                                                                                   stadium, FC Austria Vienna’s Generali Arena.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Number of employees as of 31 December 2018:
                                                                                                                                          Motion                                                           around 147,000
                                                                                                                                          The business has the largest global installed                    Revenues 2018: 27.662 billion USD
                                                                                                                                          base and offers customers a comprehensive                        (excluding Power Grids)
                                                                                                                                          range of electric motors, generators, drives                     Net income 2018: 2.173 billion USD
                                                                                                                                          and innovative services. Electric motors from                    (excluding Power Grids)
                                                                                   Industrial Automation                                  ABB pull cable cars on the highest mountains,
                                                                                   Innovative solutions from this business enable         can be found on superfreighters and cruise                       ABB ranks number one or two globally in each of
                                                                                   customers to manufacture products in a se-             ships and provide a reliable supply of potable                   its four businesses.
                                                                                   cure, energy efficient and increasingly autono-        water at pumping stations. ABB drive systems
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
1                             D I E Z U K U N F T D E R N A C H H A LT I G E N M O B I L I TÄT

PA G E 4 - 6

1. Transport. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution        than petrol stations — but will they be used?, Nordic Business Insider –
of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and             denmark-just-outnumbered-the-countrys-petrol-stations-2017-7
New York, NY, USA; 2014 –
ipcc_wg3_ar5_chapter8.pdf                                                                15. Open Charge Map: (Last updated 1 January 2019)

2. International Energy Outlook 2016, U.S. Energy Information Administration –           16. Stratas Advisors (Houston, 2017): South Korea’s EV Incentives Likely to Grow                                  Sales to More Than 10,000 Vehicles in 2017 –

3. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs/Department for Transport           17. Perkowski, Jack (New York, 2018): What China‘s Shifting Subsidies Could Mean
(London, 2017): UK plan for tackling roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations –          For Its Electric Vehicle Industry, in Forbes magazine –              sites/jackperkowski/2018/07/13/china-shifts-subsidies-for-electric-vehicles/
                                                                                         18. ZSW Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart, 2018): Data service/New registrations of elec-
4. Reuters (Paris, 2017): Paris plans to banish all but electric cars by 2030 –          tric cars worldwide –
all-but-electric-cars-by-2030-idUSKBN1CH0SI                                              19. Irle, Roland (Trollhättan, 2018): China Plug-in Vehicle Sales for the 1st Half of
                                                                                         2018, auf – The Electric Vehicle World Sales Database –
5. Berylls Strategy Advisors/IHS Markit (Munich, 2018): Graphic Verkaufs- und  
Zulassungsbeschränkungen von Fahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotor (Sales and li-
censing restrictions on vehicles with combustion engines) –      20. International Energy Agency (Paris, 2018): Global EV Outlook 2018 –

6. Eschment, Wolfgang (Düsseldorf, 2018): VW startet Countdown zur großen Elek-          21. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government (Berlin, 2017): CO2
tro-Offensive (VW launches countdown to major electric vehicle offensive), in:           Emission –
Edison Handelsblatt –                co2-kohlen-stoffdioxid-oder-kohlendioxid-emission-614692
Ra3dudFDf9Ln3lQW7-ap4                                                                    22. German Association of the Automotive Industry (Berlin, 2017/18): Elektromobilität
                                                                                         (VDA – Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V.: E-mobility) –
7. Volvo Car Group (Göteborg, 2017): Volvo Cars to go all electric, press mailing –      themen/innovation-und-technik/elektromobilitaet/elektromobilitaet-in-                 deutschland.html
                                                                                         23. Reuters (Munich, 2017): EnBW baut 117 Ladesäulen an Autobahn-Raststätten - Auftrag
8. General Motors (Detroit/Houston, 2018): GM’s Path to an All-Electric, Zero Emis-      für ABB (EnBW to build 117 charge posts at autobahn service areas – contracted to ABB) –
sions Future, press mailing – 
                                                                                         24. AustriaTech (Vienna, 2017/18): Brochure Elektromobilität in Österreich 2017/18
9. Bloomberg NEF (New York, 2018): Electric Vehicle Outlook 2018                         Highlights (Electromobility in Austria 2017/18 Highlights) –
10. Bratzel, Stefan (Bergisch Gladbach, 2018): Industry Study “E-Mobilität im inter-
nationalen Vergleich” (“An International Comparison of E-Mobility”) for the Center       25. Federal Ministry for Transportation, Innovation and Technology (Vienna, 2017):
of Automotive Management –                 Electromobility –
                                                                                         26. Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications
11. Hertzke P., Müller N., Schenk S., Wu T. (Detroit/Köln/München/Shenzen, 2018):        (Bern, 2018): Gemeinsame Roadmap zur Förderung der Elektromobilität unterzeich-
The global electric-vehicle market is amped up and on the rise.                          net (Joint roadmap signed to promote e-mobility) –
12. Bloomberg NEF (New York, 2018): Cumulative Global EV Sales Hit 4 Million –                    27. Yello Strom GmbH (Cologne, 2017): Die Geschichte der Elektromobilität: Vom
                                                                                         Uralt-Dreirad bis zu Tesla und Co. (The history of e-mobility: From ancient tricycle
13. Boston Consulting Group (Munich, 2017): Elektrofahrzeuge werden ab 2030              to Tesla and Co.) –
voraussichtlich die Hälfte des weltweiten Automobilmarktes ausmachen (It is antic-       elektromobilitaet-vom-uralt-dreirad-bis-zu-tesla-und-co/
ipated that electric vehicles will make up half of the global automotive market by
2030), BCG press mailing –               28. Markus, Frank (El Segundo, 2017): 2017 Tesla Model S P100D First Test: A New
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14. Dansk Energi (Frederiksberg, 2017): Report dated June 21, 2017, quoted from:
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1. Die Stadt für Morgen (The City of Tomorrow), Federal Environment Agency, May          Agency) –
2017, 2nd edition –                  grundpapier-energieverbrauch-und-energietraeger-im-strassenverkehr-bis-2025/
                                                                                         4. Entwicklung der spezifischen Kohlendioxid-Emissionen des deutschen Strommix
2. Agora Verkehrswende (2017): Mit der Verkehrswende die Mobilität von morgen            in den Jahren 1990 bis 2017 (Development of the Specific Carbon Dioxide Emissions
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(Energy Consumption and Energy Sources in Road Traffic), dena (German Energy             einflussgroessen/strommix
The Future of Sustainable Mobility - ABB Group
Let’s write the future
of mobility.

Test. Refine. Revolutionize. As the leader in charging infrastructure, ABB has made
its partnership with Formula E a rapid incubator for the technologies accelerating
the e-mobility revolution. Join us for the new season to see electric racing pushed
to new limits. Let’s write the future. Together.
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