The Future of Salesforce Australia Made in Sydney - Case study

Page created by Oscar Garrett
The Future of Salesforce Australia Made in Sydney - Case study
Case study

The Future
of Salesforce
Made in
The Future of Salesforce Australia Made in Sydney - Case study
“We continue to be a fast
    growth region for the company,
    we had a growth rate here in
    JAPAC of 28% in our last full
    fiscal year.”
    Dan Bognar,
    Executive Vice President Solution Engineering APAC
    and International for Salesforce.

The Future of Salesforce Australia Made in Sydney - Case study
Salesforce thrives in Sydney
One of the biggest success stories of the software world, Salesforce,      Fast facts about
chose Sydney as one of its key international locations and hasn’t
looked back.
Salesforce was founded in the United States in 1999 and sells customer
relationship management (CRM) software to help organisations
connect to their customer in brand new ways. It recorded sales of
US$13.3 billion in its 2018 financial year and employs more than
37,000 people worldwide.
                                                                               Salesforce Australia
The company established its first Australian office in Sydney in 2004          established in 2004
as one of its first locations outside the US. It now employs more than
4,000 people across the Asia–Pacific region. In 2017, it increased its
investment in NSW by partnering with Amazon Web Services to make
its platform available on the AWS Sydney Region infrastructure.

“Our global headquarters is in San Francisco. From an Asia–Pacific
perspective, our Sydney office is an important location for managing     Sydney office is a key contributor
                                                                            to the company’s 28% YoY
our work in the region,” says Dan Bognar, Executive Vice President         growth in the JAPAC region
Solution Engineering APAC and International for Salesforce.                     (2017 financial year)

                                                                               Employs more than
                                                                           4,000 people in Asia Pacific

                                                                         Salesforce Ventures $50 million
                                                                            Australia Trailblazer Fund
                                                                             launched in March 2019

The Future of Salesforce Australia Made in Sydney - Case study
Sydney an important city
    According to Bognar, Sydney           The Australian market for CRM
    is one of the company’s most          software is expected to rise
    important cities worldwide due        from about US$3 billion in 2018
    to the strong appetite for CRM        to US$4.8 billion in 2021. This
    software in Australia.                is supercharging Salesforce’s
                                          growth in Australia and across its
    The company’s customers               Japan and Asia Pacific (JAPAC)
    include many market leaders,          financial reporting region.
    such as Cochlear, Lendlease,
    National Australia Bank,              “We continue to be a fast growth
    Qantas and Telstra. It has also       region for the company, we had
    achieved growing success with         a growth rate here in JAPAC of
    government customers, including       28% in our last full fiscal year.”
    the NSW Government, which uses        says Bognar.
    Salesforce’s solutions extensively
    to streamline and improve its
    interactions with the state’s
    millions of residents.

    “We look at the Australian market as being a
    highly educated market, a multicultural market
    and also multilingual. We see it very much as
    integral to our growth in the APAC region.”
    Dan Bognar,
    Executive Vice President Solution Engineering APAC
    and International for Salesforce.

Salesforce: creating jobs, investing in the startup ecosystem
    and contributing to NSW and Australia
    In addition to finding NSW           Salesforce was also rated              “We tend to find that this market
    a fertile market for its products,   Australia’s best place to work         is a couple of years ahead of
    Salesforce is a valuable             in 2018. This reflects its unique      other parts of the world,” Bognar
    contributor to the state’s           culture and employment                 comments. “It’s also the sort of
    economy and community.               conditions as well as the popularity   market where we do see a lot of
                                         of the country among its people.       innovation and a lot of disruption
    Research firm IDC has                                                       occurring, so it’s a really
    estimated that for every dollar      “Our employees are exceptionally       interesting opportunity for us.”
    the company makes in Australia,      engaged and exceptionally
    a further A$5.30 is generated        happy,” says Bognar. “I would say      Salesforce’s Australian operation
    by other businesses in the           we have a very good lifestyle.         has delivered on the company’s
    Salesforce ‘ecosystem’. That         There’s no shortage of people          global policy to donate 1% of
    includes services firms that         putting their hands up to work         its revenue, equity and people’s
    help organisations implement         in Australia.”                         time to community causes. In
    Salesforce’s software and                                                   2018, Salesforce Australia staff
    the benefits derived from            Salesforce is also discovering         members donated more than
    organisations improving their        high-quality software startups in      36,000 hours of their time to
    sales and service capabilities.      Australia, investing in companies      help community organisations.
    By 2022, IDC predicts Salesforce     including Arxxus, Autopilot,           The company has also given over
    and its ecosystem of partners        Bugcrowd, Sqware Peg, Practifi         A$885,000 in grants to non-
    and customers will create 79,000     and SocialSuite through its            profit groups, and it donates
    direct and indirect jobs in          Salesforce Ventures US$50              its software to more than 1,700
    the country.                         million Australia Trailblazer Fund.    community organisations
                                         Announced in March 2019, this          including Starlight Children’s
                                         new fund is all about investing        Foundation, Vision Australia and
                                         in innovation and aimed at             Foodbank Australia.
                                         empowering Australian startups in
                                         the Salesforce ecosystem.

Learn more
The NSW Government assists businesses looking to establish, grow
and innovate in the technology sector by providing:

•   market intelligence and information
•   business case development
•   assistance to identify suitable business locations
    and partners in NSW
•   familiarisation visits to NSW
•   connections with government contacts and
    the local business network.

The NSW Government offers a range of programs and initiatives to
support businesses to grow to reach their full potential in NSW.

The NSW Government Investment Concierge provides free,
comprehensive and confidential advice and services.

Contact our team today to explore the range of support we can
give to your company.

                                                                 Contact us
                                            NSW Government Investment Concierge:
                                                                    T: +61 2 8222 4888

                                                          Watch the video of Salesforce:
T: +61 2 8222 4888

© State of New South Wales through Department of Industry 2019.

The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding
at the time of writing (June 2019). However, because of advances in knowledge, users are
reminded of the need to ensure that the information upon which they rely is up to date and
to check the currency of the information with the appropriate officer of the Industry, Trade
and Investment team of NSW Government or the user’s independent adviser.

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