The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo

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The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo
The Future of
How SMBs Should
Prepare for 2019

February 2019
The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo
The 4 Big Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

         Targeted Acquisition        Marketing Goes
         Campaigns                   Beyond Sales

         Use Customer Data           Programmatic, AI and the
         for their Benefits          Future of Marketing

The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo

 While we wrap up 2018 and prepare to take on 2019, it’s crucial to take some time for reflection and strategic thinking.
 To get your company ready for the new year we put together three key steps. Answer each question below, and your
 business will be set up for success with the optimal marketing strategy in place.

     1. Analyze 2018 results and data            2. Review the key 2019 trends             3. Build a robust 2019 strategy

     What reviews are customers leaving about    What trends are being mentioned from      How can you scale your business in the
     your products or service?                   industry leaders ?                        new year?

                                                 What new laws or regulations have been
     Which marketing channels produced the                                                 What are the top ways you can stay ahead
                                                 put in place that affect your business?
     highest revenue?                                                                      of the competition in 2019?

     When do you lose most customers along the
                                                 How are consumers changing their
     buyer’s journey? How can the customer                                                 What ways can you improve conversion?
                                                 purchasing behaviors?
     experience be improved?

 You’ll learn many of the answers right here. In this guide, Criteo and Privy partnered up to share tips for small and
 medium sized companies to stay ahead of the top trends in 2019.

The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo
2018 Recap

 Looking back to 2018, many of the trends Criteo predicted set the stage for a 2019 that’s full of opportunity. With
 new laws and regulations, marketing channels, and consumer behaviors coming to the forefront, 2018 was a pivotal
 year for brands looking to connect with today’s shoppers.
 Some of the top 2018 trends included:
 • The Rise of Voice Shopping
 • The Social-Commerce Relationship
 • Connecting Offline-to-Online Sales
 • The Data Collaboration Imperative
 • The Power of Product Feed Optimization
 • Understanding GDPR & Data Management
 • The Battle for Video
 • The Growth of Acquisitions and Partnerships
 All of this has had a direct effect on how consumers are
 making purchasing decisions and the ways brands are reaching
 customers. 2019 is sure to bring even more exciting changes.
The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo
2019 Trends for SMB

 In 2019, companies that can reach and convert                   Internet Users in Billions
 customers in engaging and innovative ways will win.                                     4.66
 With more than 3.5 billion people regularly using the
 Internet today and 4.66 billion predicted by 2022,
 businesses are more aware than ever of the power          3.5

 of digital marketing.                                      3

 Learning to harness that power is where it gets
 complicated. With so many solutions, tools, platforms,
 apps, networks, and technologies, how can you know        1.5

 for certain if you’re making the best decisions to grow    1

 your business?                                            0.5

                                                                    2019                 2022
                                                                           2019   2022

The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo
2019 Trends for SMB

     To help your business navigate the digital marketing landscape in the new year, we prepared a quick
     introduction and background to the key 2019 trends to watch:

              Targeted Acquisition              Using Customer Data              Effective Marketing           Programmatic, AI, and
                  Campaigns                        for Their Benefit            Means Personalization          the Future of Marketing
              All the data we collect means     With privacy regulations such    Today’s consumers expect      We’ve all been exposed to
            there is simply no reason to use   as GDPR and new lawsuits for       ad experiences that are      marketing technologies that
             a generic marketing message        data misuse, consumers are      tailored to them, so generic   help us complete our daily
                  for a random audience.        becoming more educated on         marketing messages are            marketing tasks.
                                                       data protection.              no longer enough.

The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo
Trend 1:
Targeted Acquisition
The Future of Ecommerce - How SMBs Should Prepare for 2019 February 2019 - Criteo
Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

 Moving into 2019, we’re laser-focused on reaching our full potential. As a SMB you know how important it is to take
 full advantage of the valuable data, tools, and audience that you already have. One of the most powerful strategies
 in 2019 will be unleashing the power of your data.

 Spreading a generic message to a randomized audience will no longer produce the results it used to. Using data from
 our current clients, we can create targeted acquisition campaigns that, in turn, provide positive user experiences that
 show consumers what they want, when and where they want it.

 Moreover, with search and social media algorithms continuing to evolve, brands that spread generic messages are not
 only wasting budget, but they’re decreasing overall visibility. Using targeted acquisition campaigns will be the only way
 to be seen and heard in 2019.

Criteo Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

 Provide solutions
 Marketing communications need to provide specific solutions
 to specific problems. By using targeted acquisition campaigns
 with industry leading providers, you can predict user pain
 points in each stage of the buyer’s journey and use this to
 provide real value, right when your customer needs it.

Criteo Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

  Reach the right audience
  It’s crucial to get the right tools in place to get to know your target
  audience’s trends and behaviors in depth. Where do they look for
  solutions? Where do they spend their time? What are their pain
  points? Nowadays with so much data we can figure all of this out with
  high accuracy and use it to make our retargeting campaigns relevant
  and valuable. This is even more important for small businesses who
  don’t have unlimited budgets to test different marketing channels.
  Small businesses need accuracy when making decisions how to
  spend their marketing budgets. The first step is to gather data to back
  up decisions and lower the risk of marketing investments.

10 •
Criteo Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

  Tell the right story
  The best preforming ads don’t always sell something. Instead, they
  entertain, educate, and inspire. Successful direct-to-consumer
  companies like Warby Parker and Away tell stories that users can
  relate to and share with their network. Successful brands share
  similar values and interests with their target audience, allowing them
  to feel identified and understood. Spreading one-size-fits-all
  messages across the internet won’t result in higher conversions. It’s
  time to step up your game and bring real value to your shoppers
  through digital marketing.

11 •
Privy Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

  Tell the right story to the right audience
  Most online businesses are only converting 2-3% of site visitors into email
  subscribers or paying customers. Why is that? This is because marketers spend a lot
  of time thinking about how to drive traffic to their stores or websites, but they don’t
  spend nearly enough time focusing on how to interact with them once they get there.
  Consumers are bombarded with different messages online day in and day out, and
  the brands that will cut through the noise in 2019 are the ones creating a more
  personalized experience.

  Instead of treating each person who visits your site the same way with the same
  offer, welcome message, or exit intent pop up, use what you know about your site
  visitors to create a more customized message. Consider how they entered your site,
  whether they are first time visitors or returning, which page they are on, if they are
  shopping within a particular product collection, and so on. Then use that information
  to serve them a relevant offer.

12 •
Privy Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

  Create a cohesive advertising and onsite experience
  Shoppers that visit your website through paid advertising - whether that be via
  Instagram, Facebook, Google, or any other channel - are there because you
  allocated dollars to drive them there (and they have some level of interest in
  what you’re selling). You want to make sure that their experience on your site is
  a flawless one and that you give them a lasting impression.
  One way to do that is to continue the messaging, imagery, and offer from the
  advertisement they clicked on once they reach your site. For example, if they
  entered your site through a Facebook offer for 10% off of their first purchase,
  greet them with a pop up that says, “thanks for visiting, here’s the 10% code we
  promised,” with similar imagery and branding from the original advertisement.
  This will not only help increase your chance of capturing their email or
  completing a sale, but also provide a memorable brand experience.

13 •
Adjust Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

  Re-targeting on the rise,
  with focus switching to ad efficiency.

  Rather than continuing to find new users who may not be that interested
  in the first place, brands have realized it’s more effective to re-target
  consumers who are already familiar with your brand or mobile app. In
  2018, our data findings tracked an increase of 40% of attributions coming
  from re-targeting, an increase of 37% in revenue events from re-targeting
  campaigns compared to acquisition ones, and a 5% higher retention rate
  from re-targeted users compared to new ones within seven days. The old
  adage is that it costs less to retain a user than to acquire one. Well,
  another corollary to add would be that an existing user can be more
  valuable than newer ones.

14 •
Adjust Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

  Mobile: The new king of the living room

  Mobile is moving up from a secondary screen to the primary one - as the
  channel increasingly becomes the easiest way to reach consumers. In
  fact, mobile now represents a direct communication line with users, and
  all brands have much to gain by being mobile-first - even for traditionally
  brick-and-mortar companies that are only beginning to build out their
  mobile presence. For instance, our client AKBANK increased their
  successful loan applications by 60% due to accurate mobile targeting. At
  this point, marketing campaigns have to consider mobile-first experiences
  in order to take advantage of this shift.

15 •
Branch Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

  Compete Cross-Channel & Cross-Platform

  Whether you’re an SMB or an established enterprise, if you can’t compete
  cross-channel and cross-platform, you’re practically invisible. This
  dynamic is clear in customer acquisition marketing, where the difference
  between an install and an afterthought can hinge on a single link.

  Every successful brand we work with leverages data and tech to acquire
  (and retain) customers more effectively than their competition. They
  commit early in their lifecycle and never stop optimizing. In short, they
  turn every touchpoint into a conversion opportunity.

16 •
Branch Tips:
 Targeted Acquisition Campaigns

  Compete Cross-Channel & Cross-Platform

  Here’s what makes these successful brands special:

  •    They know how their ROI is generated because they’re able to accurately
       attribute the source of their installs, refine strategies that work, and
       dispense with those that don’t.
  •    They connect their target audiences to the content they desire by providing
       a direct, unbroken link that accelerates the time between initial
       engagement and install, onboarding, and/or re-engagement.
  •    They’re cross-platform because users are cross-platform. Any interruption
       in user experiences due to lack of cross-platform capabilities is
       unacceptable and a direct route to churn.

  For SMBs, every minute and click must count. Thinking - and acting - with a
  cross-platform orientation helps increase the probability that they will.

17 •
Trend 2:
Using Customer Data
for Their Benefit
Trend 2: Using Customer Data for Their Benefit

  Customer data has always been a huge piece to the             What steps have US companies
  success puzzle. The more data you have, the more people       taken to comply with the GDPR?
  you can reach and provide a personalized experience. With     % of respondents, Aug 2018
  new laws and regulations in effect around the world, having   Conducted a GDPR
  data is no longer the most important factor to success —      gap assessment                                                  78%
  how you obtain and use that data is what matters.             Implemented or

  GDPR officially took effect in Europe in May 2018, and
                                                                updated privacy notices                                         78%
  since then, companies around the globe have taken steps       Updates branch
  to become compliant with the new regulations, which affect    notifications                                 43%
  not only EU companies but any company that does
                                                                Increase data
  business with EU residents. As a SMB, new regulations
                                                                privacy budget                         32%
  such as GDPR can have outsized impact, with the ability to
  put the entire business at risk.                              Appointed a data
                                                                protection officer                     32%
                                                                Note: corporate directors of public company board respondents
                                                                Source: BDO USA, “2018 Cyber Governance Survey”, Oct 15, 2018

19 •
Trend 2: Using Customer Data for Their Benefit

  Some of the effects of GDPR on SMBs are:                                                          Facebook’s approval ratings among
  • Lowered consent given from users to send marketing or sales emails                              the American Public have plunged in
  • Inability to communicate with contacts in database who have not
                                                                                                    the past five months
    opted in                                                                                        80

  • Increased difficulty in ability to compete with industry giants                                 70
                                                                                                                                    Oct -17

  • Inability to work with technology partners who are not GDPR                                     60

                                                                             Net favorability (%)
  In addition to the new European specific data protection policies, many
  industry leaders and legislators around the globe are in favor of                                 40

  establishing similar privacy laws. Even industry giants like Google
  have reportedly been considering changing the ways it gathers and
  monetizes user data to give more control to the user. We can also see                             20

  data protection cases against companies like Facebook, who took                                   10
  huge hits when put under scrutiny for the way it collects and uses data.
  No matter where your company is located, the time to adapt to these                               0

  changes is now.                                                                                   -10

20 • Source: Axios Polls, Mar 2018 vs. Oct 2017
Criteo Tips:
 Using Customer Data for Their Benefit

  With all the new privacy laws we can see how intertwined security,
  transparency, and privacy are becoming. This is directly related to a
  company’s reputation, branding, and values. The way you make a user
  feel is as important as the quality of your products or services. As we
  move into 2019 with full transparency, we will quickly see that the most
  successful companies provide an impeccable brand experience.

21 •
Criteo Tips:
 Using Customer Data for Their Benefit

  New laws and regulations
  GDPR and other data laws are a direct reflection of user needs and
  wants. These laws and regulations are not the enemy: The misuse of
  data is the enemy. Companies who understand this and make it part of
  their core values will get much further in 2019. Small businesses,
  anywhere in the world, cannot risk lawsuits of misuse of data. When
  making your 2019 marketing plan, ask yourself two questions: Are we
  compliant with all new data laws and regulations? How do we use
  customer data to bring them more value? Give your consumers a
  valuable reason to provide their data, improve their experience, and
  show them relevant products they are already looking for to surprise and
  delight them.
22 •
Criteo Tips:
 Using Customer Data for Their Benefit

  Smart tech partners
  We all know the importance of securing data, but when partners are
  gathering or using our client data, how can you be sure it is secure?
  Small businesses don’t have to rely on small providers who may not be
  up-to-date on the latest security systems. Optimize your ad spend while
  ensuring security by working with the best providers in the industry.

23 •
Privy Tips:
 Using Customer Data for Their Benefit

  Customized experiences for repeat customers
  Repeat visits mean a shopper is highly engaged. They could be unknown to you
  (meaning you have yet to capture their email and should take this opportunity to
  collect it), a subscriber that's never made a purchase, or someone who has made a
  purchase once, twice, or even more. We recommend no form campaigns
  (campaigns that do not ask for email addresses) for the latter two, because you
  already have that information and don’t want to ask for it twice.

  Whichever category they fall into, using that information to acknowledge “hey, I
  know you,” with specific messaging is extremely effective. The messaging could be
  as simple as “welcome back.” Or, if they left items in their cart (if you are an
  ecommerce merchant) you could take that time to say “welcome back” plus use it
  as a reminder for them to complete their purchase.

24 •
Trend 3:
Effective Marketing
Means Personalization
Trend 3: Effective Marketing Means Personalization

  In 2019, consumers will become marketing-tactic experts, easily recognizing and glossing over generic
  sales messages. Continuing with the same marketing and sales strategies from previous years will
  result in a continual decline on your return on investment. Instead, consumers want to be inspired and
  understood by brands, something marketing must strive to reflect.

  Brands in the new year will focus heavily on taking marketing campaigns beyond sales messages,
  evoking positive emotions, curiosity, and excitement to drive conversions.

26 •
Criteo Tips:
 Effective Marketing Means Personalization

  Make retargeting part of the journey

  To increase conversion, brands need to close the gap and realize that
  retargeting is simply another part of the buyer’s journey. These ads are
  used to build on a personalized experience, not to push irrelevant offers.
  Show users the right content at the right time and place with compelling
  discounts, high quality content, and interesting products.

27 •
Criteo Tips:
 Effective Marketing Means Personalization

  Use different formats
  Show ads through engaging content formats such as video to create an
  experience that will grab their attention and increase conversion. Create
  a personalized experience for each user by showing them engaging,
  relevant content at optimal moment and location.

28 •
Criteo Tips:
 Effective Marketing Means Personalization

  Surprise users with product
  Excite users by showing them products they have never seen but are
  sure to love by partnering with providers who have the tools in place to
  make this possible. New product recommendations are made based off
  the product the user has viewed compared to similar products, most
  viewed products, and most bought products.

29 •
Privy Tips:
 Effective Marketing Means Personalization

  Use interactive media to entertain
  and educate
  Education about your product is critical to increase sales. You can do that by
  creating content that is both thoughtful and engaging. It’s no secret that video is
  one of the most popular mediums among marketers and consumers alike, but have
  you considered embedding them within onsite displays?

  Not only are they eye-catching, they are also an easy and effective way to educate
  your customers. Maybe you sell a variety of plants and want to teach your
  customers how to care for each one. Or you sell spices and want to show a
  cooking demonstration of dishes that pair well with the spices - these are both
  ways to educate and entertain your customer, leaving them with a brand
  experience they are sure to remember.

30 •
Privy Tips:
 Effective Marketing Means Personalization

  Use interactive media to entertain
  and educate
  Another way to cut through the noise is to use GIFs in your onsite displays. It’s a
  fun and engaging way to display products on a quick loop. Think of a product
  unboxing, or featuring various items within a collection - it offers a lot more
  opportunity for you to show off your products versus a static image.

  Interactive quizzes are also an effective way to educate and inform consumers. If
  you sell products with multiple options, such as skincare or hair care, factors like
  skin type or hair type could affect which products would work best for customers.

31 •
Trend 4:
Programmatic, AI and
the Future of Marketing
Trend 4: Programmatic, AI and the Future of Marketing

  Marketing technologies are continuing to evolve and enable                      Are advertisers* worldwide using
  brands to better understand their audiences. Starting in 2018,                  AI for select digital ad tactics?
  several digital marketing companies have announced                              % of respondents, May 2018
  investments in artificial intelligence (AI) to help power their
  technologies and improve marketing campaign results. All                             Personalized offers       38%           35%         27%

  these new technologies sound great, but how do they really
  impact SMBs? Here are some of the ways your brand can                           Media spend optimization       39%           31%        30%
  benefit from these advances in marketing technology:
                                                                                   Campaign planning and
  • Improve and automate marketing and budgeting decisions                         modeling
                                                                                                                 41%           30%         29%

  • Boost campaign results automatically
                                                                                         Dynamic creative        42%           27%        31%
  • Automate marketing tasks and processes
  • Deliver highly relevant and personalized user experiences                      Audience segmentation          45%            35%        20%

  As we move into the new year, we will start to see marketing
  technologies become the forefront of our strategies to stay                           Audience targeting        47%            34%        19%
  ahead of the competition and reach new audiences.
                                                                                       Currently using       Planning to use         No plans to use
      Source: Econsultancy, “Dream vs. Reality: The Start of Consumer-First and
      Omnichannel Marketing”, in partnership with MediaMath, Sep 10, 2018.

33 • n=260 and includes brand advertisers, ad agencies and tech vendors.
Criteo Tips:
 Programmatic, AI and the Future of Marketing

  Leverage the power of AI
  In 2018 marketing companies around the world made announcements that
  they were investing in AI. In 2019 we will see progress made in these
  technologies and the clients they serve. Choosing partners who are ahead
  of the curve in AI technology will help to push your business ahead.

34 •
Criteo Tips:
 Programmatic, AI and the Future of Marketing

  Utilize data at scale for success
  The providers who have access to large scale data will be the most
  successful in building AI-based solutions. Small businesses that work with
  these industry leading technology providers will benefit from the collection
  and analysis of huge sets of actionable data.

35 •
Criteo Tips:
 Programmatic, AI and the Future of Marketing

  Compete in a world of walled gardens
  Increased accessibility of cloud-based and AI technologies will
  enable many businesses to move their ad tech operations from
  agencies to in-house and benefit from cost savings and quicker
  turnaround time. The growing focus on data security and compliance
  will also drive this trend.

36 •
Privy Tips:
 Programmatic, AI and the Future of Marketing

  Mobile is becoming even more powerful
  During Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend, we found that over 70% of
  visitors to our customers’ websites were browsing on mobile devices. Because of
  this, marketers need to be sure to adopt a mobile-first mindset. Just because
  something looks good on desktop, doesn’t mean it will look the same on mobile.
  This is why marketers need to adopt a mobile first mindset.

  For instance, even if you’ve created the most beautiful, eye-catching, and
  compelling pop up display for your website, chances are it won’t look great on
  mobile, creating a poor onsite experience for your visitors. This is why it’s necessary
  to create a variation of that same campaign that is mobile specific.

  Flyouts are a display type that are similar to pop ups, but they are created
  specifically to be compatible with mobile screens. By targeting your visitors by
  device type, you are certain to increase conversion while also creating a much
  better user experience.
37 •
Adjust Tips:
 Programmatic, AI and the Future of Marketing

  Increased data analysis efficiency will
  create time for optimization
  From a mobile analytics perspective, marketers have more and more
  data at their hands. But this data overload comes with headaches, as
  marketers need to work with a growing number of tools, platforms and
  dashboards. That leaves less opportunity for the internal mobile
  marketing teams to optimize creatives or to focus on strategies for new
  campaigns. Building the tools that can consolidate data is key to
  increasing efficiency. Marketers need to spend less time slaving away at
  multiple dashboards or data sets. Automation of these tasks will mean
  that marketers no longer have to do the heavy lifting to see where they
  can optimize.

38 •
Adjust Tips:
 Programmatic, AI and the Future of Marketing

  Fraud will continue to be a major issue

  With spend increasing on mobile to $232.34 billion in 2019, fraudsters
  will become more motivated and apply even more cunning and malicious
  methods to steal user attribution budgets - so ad fraud will continue to be
  a key topic in 2019. This is especially true as automation becomes more
  prevalent - automation is only as good as the data it processes, and
  unchecked fraud can ruin entire data sets. Adjust’s Global Benchmarks
  tool shows an average rejection rate of 14% due to fraudulent
  attributions. This figure, however, only takes into account the clients who
  have activated Adjust’s Fraud Prevention Suite, so we estimate the real
  number to be actually far higher.

39 •
Thank you
Visit the SMB Marketing Hub for additional tips, resources and best practices!

About Criteo
Criteo (NASDAQ: CRTO) is the advertising platform for the open Internet, an ecosystem that favors neutrality,
transparency and inclusiveness. 2,700 Criteo team members partner with over 18,000 customers and
thousands of publishers around the globe to deliver effective advertising across all channels, by applying
advanced machine learning to unparalleled data sets. Criteo empowers companies of all sizes with the
technology they need to better know and serve their customers.
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