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               Open the door   The right numbers          8 essential tips

                                                                             JANUARY / 2020
                                                                             Volume One / Issue 9

     Firstly, Happy New Year! I’m delighted to kick off 2020 with
     this year’s first issue of The Knowledge, which shines a light on content.

     Content is the building block of any        B2B marketers now have the
     successful marketing campaign. It’s         opportunity to harness the knowledge
     also constantly evolving, bringing          and tools at their disposal and leverage
     new and exciting ways to capture the        content to create strategies that
     interests of relevant audiences the         provide meaningful results.
     world over. Gone are the days when
     one lonely press release carried the        Ultimately, businesses need to
     weight of unfair expectations and           adapt to focus on quality over
     marked the height of sophistication.        quantity and create content that
     The marketing industry is starting to       supports every stage of today’s
     recognise that content is a holistic        non-linear customer journey.
     organism – the once siloed pieces are
     working together as one to survive and
     thrive in a competitive landscape not       Francesca MacKenzie
     unlike a battlefield.                       Editor

Content marketing is
the only marketing left.

Seth Godin
                           THE knowledge
03                            THE CONTENT ISSUE
     IS KING
     The production and distribution of            Ten years ago, content was recognised         When content marketing is done right,
     content has been ingrained into what          as siloed bits and pieces. A press            it creates an end-to-end experience
     we do as marketing professionals              release here, a newsletter there.             for the customer, much like a UX or CX
     from the word go. After all, what             Then, content slowly evolved into blog        experience, but with arguably more
     is marketing but using words and              posts and white papers, tweets and            moving parts to manage and more
     pictures to convince and entice? What         infographics. The types of content            lateral thinking required to bring the
     are words and pictures but content?           at our disposal have multiplied and           experience to life. Within an optimised
                                                   become more sophisticated, but many           content experience, each piece of
     Content marketing is therefore not a          of us still think of them as separate         content is useful as a standalone item
     new concept – far from it. But what is        entities that will somehow add up to          but is also connected, working as part
     new is our understanding of it: we’re         more than the sum of their parts. If          of a whole to guide a buyer sequentially
     finally figuring out how to centralise        you’re writing white papers, guest blog       through the stages of their journey, no
     content strategy, management and              posts, Instagram captions and all the         matter how complex or unique that
     creation within our organisations, and        rest, then that’s your content strategy       journey may be.
     why that matters. In traditional B2B          all done, right?
     spaces with long-established ways
     of working, this change has been a            Well, not quite. When it comes to
     long time coming and will always be           content marketing, actual content
     a process. But when content is so             creation doesn’t start until fairly late on
     intrinsic to marketing across the board,      in the process. Before B2B marketers
     it is only a matter of time before content-   can even think about putting pen to
     centred thinking becomes the norm.            paper (or finger to ‘record’ button),
                                                   they must ensure that they’re armed
                                                   with a carefully considered, integrated
                                                   content strategy that makes all the
                                                   effort worthwhile.

      are the only
      platform for

         Kerry Bodine

                        THE knowledge
05                         THE CONTENT ISSUE
      Research from SEMrush indicates that                       Clearly, content marketing is a                            Marketing professionals are missing
     “content marketing B2B” is currently                        growing opportunity which many B2B                         an opportunity to optimise the
      the third-most expensive content                           marketing professionals are already                        customer’s content experience.
      marketing-related keyword to bid on.1                      capitalising on. But this is the moment                    CMI’s research further suggests that
      Content marketing is a hot topic in                        when we must ask ourselves, are we                         most B2B marketers are using their
      B2B spaces, even the most monolithic                       doing enough right to truly maximise                       budgets to achieve top-of-funnel goals:
      ones: “Storytelling” has been picked                       content’s potential?                                       75% prioritise generating more quality
      out as one of the Top Trends for 2020                                                                                 leads and 71% would like to attract
      by Innova Market Insights, which                           Consider this: according to research                       more traffic. Meanwhile, only 56%
      offers insights and reporting for the                      from LinkedIn and the Content                              are concerned with improving brand
      heavyweights of the B2B food and                           Marketing Institute, B2B buyers                            reputation and a mere 45% would like
      beverage industry.2                                        would say it’s their responsibility to                     to improve customer engagement and
                                                                 self-educate on potential solutions                        loyalty.5 These priorities reveal that
                                                                 before even talking to a sales                             many of us are looking at the problem
                                                                 representative: only 12% want to meet                      backwards: improving engagement
                                                                 in person, while 71% would prefer to                       and loyalty through measures like
                                                                 conduct their own research wherever                        reputation management is one of the
                                                                 possible.3 However, a different study                      most effective ways to attract new
                                                                 from the Content Marketing Institute                       quality leads and traffic, and to keep
                                                                 indicated that in-person events offer                      doing so over time.
                                                                 B2B marketers the highest chances
                                                                 for securing and converting leads.4 So
                                                                 even though B2B buyers don’t want to
                                                                 be there, in-person events are where
                                                                 they convert the most. What’s wrong
                                                                 with this picture?

      1. SEMrush, The State of Content Marketing 2019 Global Report
      2.	Food Ingredients First, “Storytelling: Winning with Words” leads Innova Market Insights’ Top Trends for 2020,

      3.	LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, Content Marketing: Unlocking Sales and Marketing Performance,
      4.	Content Marketing Institute, 2020 B2B Content Marketing: What the Successful Do,
      5. Ibid.
06    6.	INFLUENCE, The power of earned media on the technology sales cycle,

THE knowledge
     It’s not easy to deliver a content         Not to mention, the competition for        Does all your organisation’s content
     campaign that’s effective over the         attention is fierce in B2B spaces.         perform equally well? Of course it
     long term. It takes drive, determination   Buyers are inundated with so much          doesn’t. In many cases, only a small
     and consistent effort, because it’s        content on a daily basis that they’re      portion of content generates the lion’s
     all too easy to lose momentum. This        forced to be selective. B2B marketers      share of traffic and engagement for a
     is where B2B marketers need to             may begin to wonder, “how can we           given brand. That’s why B2B marketers
     be patient: it can take years to see       maximise engagement as early on as         should avoid churning out reams of
     sustained uplift across metrics.           possible, so we don’t need to rely on      content and instead focus their efforts
     Even the most optimistic might find        more content to push a lead through        on creating fewer pieces of higher
     themselves staring down a blank page,      the funnel?”. It’s this mindset that can   quality, and then distributing those
     wondering if it’s really worth writing     misdirect B2B marketers and can            pieces effectively. It might well be more
     yet another piece of content which few     again lead to an over-reliance on          worthwhile to then repurpose those
     people will read.                          top-of-funnel content.                     key pieces of content and redistribute
                                                                                           them over time than to invest in creating
                                                Instead, B2B marketing professionals       new-but-similar content.
                                                should focus on quality content over
                                                quantity, designed to support every
                                                stage of the customer journey.
                                                This is what forms the foundation
                                                of a truly integrated approach to
                                                content marketing.

Content marketing is
     really like a first date.
     If all you do is talk
     about yourself, there
     won’t be a second date.

     David Beebe
                                 THE knowledge
09                                  THE CONTENT ISSUE
     What makes for a great date? Or, what     •	
                                                 Establish your credibility.               For a shining example of B2B content
     makes for a great piece of content?                                                   done right, look no further than The
     Here are three points to consider:           B2B buyers seek relationships built      Txchnologist by GE. This online
                                                  on trust. To win trust, you need to      magazine offers a wealth of fascinating
       Keep it relevant and useful.               demonstrate expertise and authority.     reports on science and technology
                                                  Use content to position yourself as      news and innovation, most of which
        This one is a no-brainer. B2B             a thought leader within a key niche      is only tangentially related to GE’s
        content consumers are not looking         that matters to your buyers. Your        own product offering. GE’s branding is
        for products – they’re looking for        content should be accurate,              minimal across the magazine, which
        solutions to their problems. Keep         well-researched, in-depth and            is powered by the Tumblr social media
        your audience at the heart of your        insightful in order to have an impact.   platform. This savvy move gives The
        content by always considering what        If you want to be seen as authentic,     Txchnologist posts the look and feel
        their problems and needs are, first       it’s crucial to offer content that’s     of Tumblr posts, which are a familiar
        and foremost. This will give you the      not always tied to blatant promotion     source of fun and learning for many
        authentic, emotive driver you need        but has intrinsic value on its own.      content consumers, particularly
        to make a connection.                                                              growing numbers of millennials and
                                                 Stay connected and consistent.            Gen Z. What GE ends up with is high
                                                                                           quality, high value content that always
                                                  Ensure that your content expresses       keeps audience preferences in mind.
                                                  the same key beliefs and values
                                                  across the board, so every
                                                  individual piece is always
                                                  on-brand. But make sure you’re
                                                  not just rewriting the same piece
                                                  over and over again. Instead, create
                                                  connections between content
                                                  pieces through the reiteration of the
                                                  biggest-picture ideas, consistent
                                                  tone of voice and design, and
                                                  sequential positioning of content
                                                  pieces along a customer journey.

     DOES IT
     Now we’ve looked at the broader                             Instead, why not wade into the data?        Data provides B2B marketers with
     values that drive good content, we                          Craft reader personas based on              an opportunity to deliver dynamic
     need to get a little more granular.                         everything from basic demographic           personalisation, so that different visitors
     It’s time for data to do the talking.                       information right through to the topics     to a website can land on different
     Before B2B marketers can offer the                          that readers are interested in. A variety   content pages, based on their reader
     right kind of content to a receptive                        of data sources should be included          persona. Dynamic personalisation,
     audience, they need to have a deep                          in any analysis, from first-party intent    enabled by the latest tech tools,
     understanding of that audience – not                        data that tracks behaviour on owned         can customise every interaction a
     only what motivates and inspires them,                      channels to third-party intent data that    visitor has on a website, which can
     but also how they behave from moment                        tracks searches on external websites.       be followed up by tailored emails
     to moment and click to click. Oh wait,                      It’s also important to know which           and intelligent pop-ups. A highly
     did we say audience? We meant                               formats and devices specific reader         personalised approach like this is
     audiences, plural.                                          groups prefer.                              of course rooted in Account Based
                                                                                                             Marketing (ABM) principles. ABM-
     It’s vital to segment audiences into                        At first, there’s an opportunity to         oriented marketers are primed to
     reader personas, which are similar to                       discover unexplored segments or             take the lead in developing integrated
     buyer personas. According to CMI’s                          unaddressed topics which can boost          content strategies, because of the
     2020 report, so far only one in three B2B                   a content strategy immediately for a        inherent need for holistic campaign
     marketers focus on improving the quality                    quick win. But the bigger reward is         alignment which they are already
     of their data for audience segmentation.7                   in creating a more sensitive, relevant      addressing in their day-to-day activities.
     Without fully optimised data, there is a                    and responsive content strategy which
     risk of misunderstanding an audience,                       speaks to new, returning and former
     missing some of them entirely, or lacking                   buyers in a way that resonates with
     the insight to personalise content efforts                  them over a long period of time.
     most effectively.

                                                                                                                          THE knowledge
11   7.	Content Marketing Institute, 2020 B2B Content Marketing: What the Successful Do,
                                                                                                                             THE CONTENT ISSUE
It is a
     to theorise
     before one
        has data.

     Sherlock Holmes

     Data provides insight, which forms                       We won’t get into the ‘how’ of great      Very long format pieces are now also
     the basis of strategy. Then comes                        storytelling – we’ve already done         entering the spotlight. According to
     the need for actual content creation.                    that, in a previous issue. But, at this   SEMrush, long reads of 3000+ words
     How do businesses leverage data to                       juncture, it’s important simply to note   get 3x more traffic, 2x more shares
     create compelling content that’s both                    that the way we consume media is          and 3.5x more backlinks than articles
     effective and engaging? This is where                    changing. People are now keenly aware     of average length.8 This is likely due
     storytelling comes in. Good storytelling                 of when they’re being advertised to,      to the perceived value which longer
     techniques are essential for crafting                    and they don’t like it. There is a far    content pieces deliver, compared to
     authentic, captivating narratives that                   greater need for content which informs    bite-sized blog posts.
     help customers to understand the                         and entertains, which is why longer-
     ‘why’ of a brand and its products, and                   format content pieces often hold more
     to see the clear differentiation of the                  value than brash, commanding advert
     company’s value proposition.                             campaigns. Advertorial content is
                                                              becoming much more popular, as seen
                                                              at American Express. The financial
                                                              giant has recently commissioned a
                                                              series of advertorials in UK newspaper
                                                              The Independent. These pieces are
                                                              positioned as ‘how to’ guides for small
                                                              business owners and are by-lined as if
                                                              written by a journalist.

                                                                                                                     THE knowledge
13   8. SEMrush, The State of Content Marketing 2019 Global Report
                                                                                                                        THE CONTENT ISSUE
     There’s no time to waste. Here are
     8 key tips to get you on your way:

     1. Have an aligned, integrated                            2. Get the right team in place                            3. Craft the right tone of voice
        content strategy
                                                               A good writer should only be one                           No matter what types of content you
     Research from CMI shows that a                            cog in a well-oiled content machine.                       publish, it’s essential that you tell your
     documented content marketing                              You can’t create great content without                     stories in your own, unique brand voice.
     strategy is a key indicator of future                     editors, graphic designers, AV teams                       Take some time to consider what this
     success.9 Having a holistic strategy                      and kit, SEO support, media relations                      should sound like and its key attributes.
     that’s aligned across your marketing                      professionals and analytics experts.                       Is it more casual or more formal? Which
     function enables you to curate content                    Right now, 35% of B2B marketing                            values does it attempt to convey?
     and avoid repetitive or inharmonious                      teams have 2-5 members, while 32%                          Putting in the effort to shape the tone
     assets. It also allows you to improve                     have no full-time content person.11                        from the start is what prevents your
     existing content and tailor it to meet                    As the content landscape continues                         content for joining the vast, forgettable
     the needs of different teams. Further                     to evolve, those without the manpower                      hordes that already exist online.
     research from CMI and LinkedIn shows                      will soon be left behind.
     that 81% of marketers in highly aligned
     companies collaborate with sales in
     using content, while only 25% of low
     aligned companies do.10

     9.	Content Marketing Institute, 2020 B2B Content Marketing: What the Successful Do,

     10.	LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, Content Marketing: Unlocking Sales and Marketing Performance,
            THE knowledge
15   11.	Content Marketing Institute, 2020 B2B Content Marketing: What the Successful Do,                                                THE CONTENT ISSUE

4. Assemble your toolkit                                  6. Repurpose what you already have         7. Leverage diverse content formats

     Martech has come a long way,                              Audit your existing content. Identify      Think beyond the blog post, the white
     and there are now plenty of tools out                     what needs updating and what could be      paper and the press release. Potential
     there that can help you do content                        transformed into another format. Could     content formats are many and varied
     better and eliminate some of the                          you pull together a visually engaging      these days, from webinars and live
     pain points along the way. Tools like                     infographic from that technical white      streams to podcasts and polls. Such
     BuzzSumo and AnswerThePublic can                          paper to share on social? Does that        formats can offer high-quality,
     help you generate ideas to write about,                   hero piece of longform content break       cost-effective alternatives which offer
     while sales enablement tools, like                        down into blog posts that are easier       greater opportunities for engagement
     Showpad, can help you collate content                     to digest, with a narrower focus?          and better positioning.
     in a way that’s useful for salespeople                    According to SEMrush, 51% of content
     out in the field. And those are just a                    marketers think that updating and          8. Future-proof your content strategy
     few examples.                                             repurposing existing content is the most   Always keep in mind what’s coming
                                                               efficient content marketing tactic they    next for content. If you can position
     5. Create a content calendar                              tried in 2019.12                           yourself now as the best provider in
     It’s always useful to visually map out                                                               an as-yet-untapped channel, you’ll be
     your content distribution plan, so you                                                               streets ahead when the competition
     can see at a glance what topics and                                                                  finally catches up. Spaces such as
     types of content are being leveraged                                                                 voice search and platforms such as
     when, and rearrange them with ease.                                                                  YouTube are creating new opportunities
     Content calendars provide a much-                                                                    to play, where trial and error is still
     needed structural framework which                                                                    essential for progress.
     can nevertheless be flexible enough to
     accommodate news and trends on an
     ad-hoc basic.

16   12. SEMrush, The State of Content Marketing 2019 Global Report
There are three objectives for content marketing: reach, engagement,
         conversion. Define key metrics for each.” Michael Brenner

                                                                            THE knowledge
17                                                                             THE CONTENT ISSUE
     It’s all very well to create a great                          Basic metric considerations should          BDB’s Senior Content Manager,
     piece of content based on insight and                         include the likes of traffic, organic       Azra Ahmed, believes that content
     distributed over relevant channels to                         search rankings, scroll depth, levels of    analysis is most meaningful when
     reach the right people. Any content                           social engagement and so on. There          testing and optimising are a standard
     marketer who’s doing all that might                           is, however, a risk of staying too basic.   part of the process:
     be tempted to pat themselves on the                           These days, it’s not enough to measure
     back. But hold on a second! Last but                          how many likes a social post received,    “B2B marketers can take advantage
     not least, it’s essential to track and                        for example. What B2B marketers really of social platforms like Twitter,
     measure the success of content, in                            need to know is where those likes come where organic reach is still possible,
     order to affirm ROI.                                          from and how many of them align with       to ‘audition’ content ideas, testing
                                                                   specific pre-developed reader and          which topics drive shares and
     As the team at Honda have learned,                            buyer personas.                            engagement. These learnings can
     measuring ROI requires different                                                                         then be used to develop longer form
     metrics for different types of content at                     In larger, more traditionalist B2B         pieces of thought-leadership content
     each stage of the customer journey.13                         organisations, it’s the content            which can be distributed through
     And as CMI’s research reveals, 80% of                         marketer’s role to move the C-Suite        measurable channels.
     B2B marketers use metrics to measure                          away from these old school metrics
     content performance, 65% have                                 by showing the power advanced data          And then, of course, highly optimised
     established KPIs and only 43% measure                         truly holds. With the right analytics       landing pages are essential
     content marketing ROI. Clearly, if ROI                        and measurement, B2B marketers              destinations for any content journey.
     cannot accurately be measured, then                           can prove to their teams that content       A/B testing can help B2B marketers
     complete metrics are not yet in place.                        marketing builds a subscriber base,         identify what resonates with their
                                                                   attracts and nurtures qualified leads       visitors and craft landing page content
                                                                   and generates profitable sales,             that truly drives conversion.”
                                                                   including post-purchase sales.

     13.	Festival of Marketing, What’s hot and what’s not: Making your content strategy agile to stay ahead
18        of trends,
THE knowledge
                                         THE CONTENT ISSUE
If you can’t measure it,
you can’t improve it. Peter Drucker

     The customer journey is no longer         Historically, content marketers have     Change remains the only constant that
     linear, and content marketing is no       tried to force customers into linear     B2B marketers can rely on. Content
     longer achieved piece by piece. In        journeys from email to website to        marketing is evolving just as rapidly
     2020, content experiences must guide      checkout, but this isn’t working. It’s   as the technology which enables it
     and follow customers in the spaces        vital to put control into the hands of   and the buyer aspirations it seeks
     where they are most comfortable,          customers and position content in        to fulfil. The only route to success
     reaching out to them with precisely the   non-linear pathways, where customers     is to adapt and evolve alongside it.
     message which will resonate in any        will stumble across them at their own    B2B marketing professionals must
     given moment.                             leisure. And it can’t just be any old    always seek to try new things, engage
                                               content. B2B marketers must provide      with new trends and throw out old,
                                               useful content that is accessible in     inefficient ways of working. Developing
                                               varied, intuitive formats.               an integrated content strategy is a
                                                                                        vital part of becoming truly integrated
                                                                                        and agile across every organisation.
                                                                                        More and more, keeping integration
                                                                                        and alignment at the heart of strategy
                                                                                        is proving the key to success for B2B
                                                                                        marketers working across departments
                                                                                        and diverse markets.

©2020 B2B|IMG Published by Barrett Dixon Bell.
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