The Formation of Interest in the Students to the Teaching Profession
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REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION ISSN: 2146-0353 ● © RIGEO ● 11(5), SPRING, 2021 Research Article The Formation of Interest in the Students to the Teaching Profession Duisenbekov Erkebulan1 Turgunbayeva Botagul2 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor after Abay doctoral student in "Pedagogy and Kazakh National Pedagogical University named Psychology" after Abay Kapanova Zhanar3 Kebeyeva Aigerim4 Master of Pedagogy, Taraz Regional University Master of Sociology, Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulati named after M.Kh. Dulati Otegenova Elenora5 Master of Pedagogy, Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulati Abstract The article deals with the formation of students ' interest in the teaching profession. The author considers the concept of "interest" from the point of view of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical. Based on these provisions, an attempt is made to reveal the essence and concept of professional interest among students, to determine its relationship with cognitive interest and to draw a conclusion about subordination. The article traces the connection of professional interest with the concept of "professional and pedagogical orientation of the individual". In this regard, it is noted that professional interest can be considered as a complex personal education, which is part of the orientation of the individual. Having studied various approaches to the question of the problem of interest to the author, he revealed the structure of professional interest, which includes a number of interrelated interdependent components: intellectual, emotional-volitional and need-activity. The article focuses on the fact that it is necessary to include future teachers in active activities, as close as possible to professional ones, during which conditions are created that are favorable for the formation of a specific idea of the modern school, the functions of the teacher, the educational process, in addition, a positive emotional attitude to future teaching activities is strengthened Keywords interest; professional interest; pedagogical orientation; future primary school teachers; pedagogical activity; cognitive interest; structure of interest To cite this article: Erkebulan D, Botagul T, Zhanar K, Aigerim K, and Elenora O. (2021). The Formation of Interest in the Students to the Teaching Profession. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(5), 4126-4131. Doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.05.294 Submitted: 12-11-2020 ● Revised: 10-02-2021 ● Accepted: 05-03-2021
© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 Introduction The analysis of domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of school experience has shown that the leading direction in solving the problems of professional orientation of high school students is the study of their personal qualities, features of the development of high school children and their consideration in the educational and educational activities of school teachers. In the formation of the professional orientation of the future teacher, one of the leading places should be occupied by his interest in pedagogical work. Students ' interest in the teaching profession is a complex psychological property of the individual, which can partly be attributed to the category of "cognitive attitude". At the same time, students ' interest in the teaching profession can undoubtedly be attributed to the category of "conscious need", since it reflects the professional and labor orientation of the individual. Hence, as essential signs of the presence of interest in the teaching profession among students, in our opinion, we can distinguish: A conscious attitude of the individual to the subject of his interest and to the task facing him in the knowledge of this subject. For students, this is not such a simple problem, because they often have a confusion, a misunderstanding of what is decisive in the teaching profession — the subject of teaching (specialty), the object of training and education (child), the links between them (methods of training and education). The student must clearly understand that he is faced with a triune task. (Sharipovich, Yusufjonovich, & Yakubjanovich, 2021) Interest is manifested in the intellectual orientation of the individual, his desire for a deeper mastery of the cognitive side of the subject of his interest. Interest stimulates an active attitude to the acquisition of knowledge, to the search for new things in the subject, to the desire to get acquainted with the subject closer, to learn its diversity, in the need for creative mastery and application of knowledge, skills, skills, in voluntarily undertaken tasks of increased difficulty. One of the mandatory signs and an important aspect of the manifestation of interest is a stable positive emotional attitude of the individual to the object of interest, experiencing a sense of joy, pleasure, satisfaction of his activity in case of success, frustration — in case of failure. Emotional coloring is a very important property of interest. Emotions can stimulate activity or reduce it. Hence, it is important that emotions and feelings do not fade away, but grow. Without this, it is impossible to form a stable interest. But on the other hand, if the development of interest is stimulated only by bright, effective or entertaining aspects of future activities, it is possible to cause a state of interest, i.e. situational interest, rather than genuine interest. (Booth, Coldwell, Müller, Perry, & Zuccollo, 2021; Sharipovich et al., 2021) Interest is also characterized by volitional activity. The interest expressed in the volitional action reveals the individual's effort to master professional skills, determines the individual's ability to overcome various difficulties in professional training. Unfortunately, the existing system of admission of young people to pedagogical universities does not allow us to establish one of the determining criteria for the selection of applicants — interest in the teaching profession. As a result, a significant part of the applicants are indifferent, or even negative about their future profession. Those of the applicants who entered the pedagogical institute, having a steady interest in the teaching profession, all the years of study at the Institute are characterized by smooth and fairly high academic performance in special and pedagogical disciplines. Interest in the teaching profession continues to deepen and becomes even more stable. The developing professional interest stimulates the educational and social activities of students. This is because teaching at a pedagogical institute takes on a professional significance for them, a special personal meaning. At the same time, the problem of professional and pedagogical interest cannot be approached as something unchangeable, stable. It is known that interest as a psychological property of a person is subject to change. Among the factors and conditions that contribute to the formation of an active, deep and sustained interest in the teaching profession during the period of study at the pedagogical institute. Students identified a number: high quality teaching of academic disciplines, knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and methodology, the focus of teaching all University disciplines for work at school, the diversity and fascination of educational work, the problematic nature of studying of pedagogical disciplines, individual training, accounting aptitudes and interests of students, focused guide their reading, organization of educational and pedagogical work, direct acquaintance with the best educational experience and the work of schools. The study of the reasons that reduce interest in the teaching profession led us to the conclusion that the modern student is not satisfied with the level of teaching, pedagogical disciplines, including pedagogy, the history of pedagogy and teaching methods, namely: isolation from school practice, abstraction, lack of specific data that orient the teacher how to behave in a particular situation; tradition, the lack of new, progressive ideas, orientation to the 4127
© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 standard in teaching and upbringing, the lack of analysis of the creative, individual, experimental approach to teaching and upbringing, the inability of a number of theoretical provisions to translate into reality. Of particular importance in the formation of interest in the teaching profession is the establishment of business contacts and proper relationships between trainees and the teaching staff of the school. (Booth et al., 2021) In Russian psychology, the concept of a system-structural approach to the understanding of personality in the formation of students ' interest in the teaching profession has been developed. The central place in the concept of the structure and development of the individual is the concept of "activity". The main internal characteristic of the personality is its motivational sphere. Another important concept in the theory is "personal meaning": what the person is directly directed at at the moment, its motives, what motivates it. The broader and more diverse the types of activities in which a person is involved, the more developed and ordered (hierarchized) they are, the richer the personality itself. (Chang, 2021; Sharipovich et al., 2021) The main elements of the personality as a whole are properties (personality traits). All these properties can be attributed to one of its four substructures or located on their faces. The first is an exclusively socially determined personality substructure: orientation (attraction, desire, interests, inclinations, ideals, worldviews, beliefs), attitudes (to work, to people, to oneself) and moral qualities. This substructure is formed by education. The second substructure of the personality: experience, which includes knowledge, skills, skills, habits acquired by personal experience through training, but with a noticeable influence of the biological properties of the personality. The third substructure is the individual characteristics of the forms of reflection (the characteristics of individual mental processes or functions): emotions, sensations, thinking, perception, feelings, will and memory. This substructure of biologically determined features is formed by exercise. The fourth is a biologically determined substructure: temperament and organic features. The traits included in this substructure are formed (remade) with the help of training. (Vovchasta, Kozlovska, Opachko, Paikush, & Stechkevych, 2021) Other psychological scientists single out orientation as the main characteristic of the personality structure. In our study, we rely on these conceptual provisions about the system - structural approach to understanding the individual. The orientation of the personality can manifest itself in different ways, so there are different types of it, one of which is a professional orientation. Professional orientation characterizes the sphere of needs and interests of the individual to the extent that it is related to the behavior of a person in relation to professional work. We can also talk about professional orientation in cases where a person only intends to choose a profession. Professional orientation in this case is expressed in the fact that a person shows an intention to choose this profession, in the motives for choosing it, etc. In this regard, we consider the professional pedagogical orientation as the most important characteristic of the personality of the future teacher. The problem of forming a stable professional interest among high school students is closely related to another equally significant problem - the professional self-determination of young people, which was actualized by the early 90s. According to this concept, professional self-determination of young people is "the process of forming a person's attitude to the professional labor sphere and a way of its self-realization through the coordination of personal and socio-professional needs". We have relied on these ideas of the designated concept in the course of our research. (Martynets, 2021; Radkevych & Abiltarova, 2021) The research of sociologists has established that the area of interest is very wide, it extends both to the social and ethical and aesthetic life of society. Interest is the unity of expression, the manifestation of the inner essence of the subject and the reflection of the objective world, the totality of material and spiritual values of human culture in the mind of the subject. Interest can also be characterized by content, breadth, stability, strength, and effectiveness. The content of an interest (the object to which it is directed) most of all determines its social value. Interest is selective, acts as one of the most significant incentives for acquiring knowledge, expanding horizons, and serves as an important condition for a truly creative attitude to work. Features of cognitive interest in pedagogical activity among students of specialized schools. In line with the research problem, it is necessary to specify the content of the concepts - "cognitive interest in pedagogical activity" and "cognitive interest in the teaching profession". Defining the concept of "Cognitive interest in pedagogical activity" as more general and complete. Cognitive interest in pedagogical activity includes a selective focus of students on two leading aspects: 1) a stable positive attitude to the special, holistic, professional and pedagogical activities of the teacher; 2) sustained deep interest in a special subject. Both of these aspects of cognitive interest 4128
Erkebulan D, Botagul T, Zhanar K, Aigerim K, and Elenora O. (2021). The Formation of Interest in the … complement each other and group all the other interests of the future teacher around them. (Wang, Zhao, Hu, Ou, & Liao, 2017) The acquired general pedagogical knowledge contributes to the formation of stable cognitive and professional interests, contributes to the conscious choice of students of the future teaching profession. We relied on these conceptual positions in the study of the problem of initial general pedagogical training (in particular, its content aspect) as a means of forming a professional interest in teaching among high school students. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the experience of specialized schools has shown that the necessary conditions for the successful formation of a stable cognitive interest in pedagogical activity in high school students with the prospect of developing it into a professional interest are the following. - Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions in the educational process that stimulate the formation of a stable cognitive interest in teaching activities among high school students. These include: - selection and application by teachers of specialized classes of general education schools of pedagogical technologies that ensure the development of activity and cognitive independence of schoolchildren; - organization and pedagogization of the educational environment of the school; formation and development of the student's "I-concept" "I-future teacher»; - taking into account the age characteristics of high school students. (Adedoyin, Bein, Gyamfi, & Bekun, 2021; Nazari, Shabbir, & Setiawan, 2021; Shahzadi & Waqas Raja, 2021) The main task of general pedagogical training in this aspect is the awareness of high school students of the social significance of the teaching profession. - Integration and coordination of the activities of school teachers to ensure the purposefulness and systematic professional orientation of students to the teaching profession in the process of studying general and special educational disciplines by high school students. - Purposeful and systematic study by school teachers of the content, breadth and stability of the cognitive interests of high school students in order to timely correct the educational process in this direction. - The inclusion of high school students in practical educational pedagogical activities with students of sponsored classes for the purpose of practical acquaintance and mastery of the main components of pedagogical activity and the development of personally significant qualities of the future teacher. - Development by the teacher of pedagogy of tasks of a creative nature, aimed at the development of high school students in the process of their performance of personally significant qualities required for the professional activity of a teacher. (Chang, 2021; Radkevych & Abiltarova, 2021) Features of the structure and development of professional interest in teaching activities among students of specialized pedagogical classes. The emotional component of interest. Scientists note that specific manifestations in the emotional sphere are associated with interest. Being conditioned by emotional attractiveness and conscious significance, interest manifests itself, first of all, in attention, being an expression of the general orientation of the personality; interest covers all mental processes-perception, memory, thinking. During the period of professional self- determination of the individual, a positive emotional attitude to pedagogical activity comes to the fore and plays an organizing role. Intellectual and cognitive component. Interest interacts with such personal properties of a person as activity, independence, under the influence of which he himself develops and contributes to the development of personal properties of a person. According to the research of Russian psychologists, a student with strong-willed cognitive activity is characterized by a conscious interest in various types of activities, including professional and pedagogical ones. In the pedagogical literature, different levels of cognitive activity of schoolchildren are distinguished. The division of levels of cognitive activity is based on the traditional classification of teaching methods: -the first level corresponds to reproductive and cognitive activity; - the second level is search and performance; - the third level is creative activity. (Arshad, Shabbir, Mahmood, Khan, & Ali Sulaiman, 2020; Nazari et al., 2021; Ramakrishnan, Shabbir, Kassim, Nguyen, & Mavaluru, 2020) 4129
© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 In line with this approach, we consider the professional activity of high school students as a two- way interrelated process, the specifics of which is the formation of professional interest in teaching activities among high school students. The volitional component. Volitional activity is determined by the ability of a high school student to overcome difficulties both in the study of pedagogical disciplines, and in educational and practical activities with students in a sponsored class. The selected components of the structure of the professional interest of high school students in teaching activities are interrelated, formed and developed in the process of general pedagogical training in the complex. Ways of forming professional interest in pedagogical activity among students of the pedagogical class. The determining factor in the formation of professional interests is the social environment. In the course of individual development, interests are formed as children come into more and more conscious contact with the world around them and master the historically established culture in the process of education and upbringing. Professional interest in teaching activities acts as a motive that contributes to the orientation of the student in choosing a teaching profession. (Ramakrishnan et al., 2020; Shabbir et al., 2021) The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the professional orientation in teaching profession have identified the following basic terms that contribute to the successful formation of high school students professional interest in educational activities (they konkretisiert indicated above conditions providing the formation of senior pupils ' cognitive interest). - The creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions in the educational process that ensure the development of students ' cognitive interest in teaching activities into professional and pedagogical interest. - The inclusion of the tasks of forming a professional interest in teaching activities in the educational process in the study of general education and special disciplines in order to ensure the effectiveness of career guidance. - Ensuring the pedagogization of the school environment as a socio-pedagogical condition and means of forming a professional interest in teaching activities among students. - Purposeful formation of the concept of "I am a future teacher" in the process of general pedagogical training among students of pedagogical classes. - Systematic inclusion of students in practical educational and pedagogical activities in the process of interaction with peers and younger students. (Adedoyin et al., 2021; Lestari & Nita, 2021) Conclusion Thus, the cognitive and professional interests of students in teaching activities must be formed in a close relationship and in a complex. The development of professional interest among high school students is evidenced by active cognitive activity in connection with the teaching profession. Professional interest is both the result of personality formation and an important incentive for its development. Literature Adedoyin, F. F., Bein, M. A., Gyamfi, B. A., & Bekun, F. V. (2021). Does agricultural development induce environmental pollution in E7? A myth or reality. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12. doi: Arshad, M. A., Shabbir, M. S., Mahmood, A., Khan, S., & Ali Sulaiman, M. A. B. (2020). An exploration of IQ, EQ, spiritual quotient (SQ) elements in the human reengineering program (HRP) practices: A study on the drug rehabilitation Centre in Malaysia. doi:10.14198/jhse.2020.15.Proc2.32 Booth, J., Coldwell, M., Müller, L.-M., Perry, E., & Zuccollo, J. (2021). Mid-Career Teachers: A Mixed Methods Scoping Study of Professional Development, Career Progression and Retention. Education Sciences, 11(6), 299. doi: Chang, K. C. (2021). The affecting tourism development attitudes based on the social exchange theory and the social network theory. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(2), 167- 182. doi: Lestari, M. R., & Nita, A. (2021). The Influence of Sustainable Product’s Attributes Toward the Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Product. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 6(8), 542-551. doi: 4130
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