Page created by Marcus Gardner
Revista da Sociedade B rasileira de M edicina Tropical
29(2):153-163, m ar-abr, 1996.

                              HUMAN KALA-AZAR

                 Claris» B. Palatnik de Sousa, Elza M. Gomes, Edilma Paraguai de Souza,
                  Wania R. dos Santos, Sirley R. de Macedo, Linnete V. de Medeiros and
                                                Kleber Luz

                  The Fucose-M annose Ligand (FML) o f Lcishmania donovani is a complex glycoproteic
             fraction. Its potential use as a tool fo r diagnosis o f human visceral leishmaniasis was tested with
              human sera fro m Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The FML-EL1SA test, show ed 100%
              sensitivity and 96% specificity, identifying patients with overt kala-azar (p < 0.001, when
              com pared to norm al sera), and subjects with subclinical infection. M ore than 20% apparently
              healthy subjects with positive reaction to FML developed overt kala-azar during the follow ing
              10 months. In the screening o f human blood donnors, a prevalence o f 5% o f sororeactive
              subjects was detected, attaining 7 7 % in a single day. The GP36 glycoprotein o f FHL is
              specifically reconized by human kala-azar sera. The immunoprotective effect o f FML on
              experimental L. donovani infection was tested in swiss albino mice. The protection scheem es
              included three weekly doses o f FML, supplemented or not with saponin by the subcutaneous or
              intraperitoneal routes and challenge with 2 x 107 amastigotes o f Leishm ania donovani. An
              enhancem ent o f 8 0 .0 % in antibody response (p < 0 .001) and reduction o f 85.5 % parasite liver
              burden (p < 0 .001) was detected in animals immunized with FML saponin, unrespectivety o f the
              immunization route.

                 Key-words: Glycoconjugate. Leishmania donovani. Diagnosis. Prognosis. Kala-azar.
              Visceral leishmaniasis. Blood transfusion. Leishmanial antigens.

      Visceral leishmaniasis or kala-azar is a chronic                 is probably underestimate since an accurate and
and frequently lethal disease, caused by parasites of                  uniform early diagnose o f disease has not yet been
the Leishmania donovani complex. The disease is                        established. Visceral leishmaniasis is spreading out
characterized by fever, malaise, loss of weight,                       in the W orld due to the increased resistance of
hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, anemia, leukopenia,                        parasites to chemoterapy and o f insect vectors to
h y p e rg a m m a g lu b u lin e m ia and p ro g re s s iv e          insecticides41. InBrazil, the disease is disseminating
suppression o f the cellular immune response. Kala-                    from the North and North-East regions o f the
azar is often fatal if untreated after the onset of                    country and has recently been described in the State
sym ptom s. F urtherm ore, chem oterapy shows                          o f Rio de Janeiro, previously considered as not
several undesirable colateral effects. The total                       endemic20.
number o f Leishmania infected people all over the                          The current diagnostic in endemic and epidemic
world is being estimated in twelve millions. Five                      areas is still based on clinical analysis and
hundred thousand o f these cases, each year,                           identification o f parasites in bone-marrow aspirates.
correspond to visceral leishmaniasis25. This number                    This very invasive method can give positive results
                                                                       in cases of advanced kala-azar. The cure o f the
                                                                       disease cannot be monitored, and preclinical patients
Instituto de M icro b io lo g ia . U niversidade Federal do R io de
                                                                       are not detected, their clinical evolution is not
Janeiro. Centro de H em atologia e Hem oterapia-H EM O N O R TE.
Hospital de D oenças InfecciosasG iseldaTrigueiro. Departamento
                                                                       followed-up, and they are a potential reservoir of
de In fectologia. U niversidade Federal do R io Grande do Norte.       the disease in endemic areas. Anti -Leishmania
A d d re ss lo: D ra. C larisa B . Palatnik de Sou sa. Instituto de    circulating antibodies can be detected in human
M icrob iolog ia /C C S /U F R J . C . U niversitária. I. do Fundão.
                                                                       serum soon after infection: they attain high titers
CP: 6 8 0 4 0 , 2 1 9 4 1 -5 9 0 R io de Janeiro, RJ.
R eceb id o para p u blicação em 0 8 /0 1 /9 6 .                       with the evolution o f the disease and progressively

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM , Souza EP, Santos WR, M acedo SR, M edeiros LV , L u z K. The FML (Fucose M annose
L igand) o/L eish m an ia donovani. A new tool in diagnosis, pro g n o sis, transfusional control and vaccination against
hum an kala-azar. R evista da Sociedade Brasileira de M edicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

disappear after its treatm ent. The sorologycal                 human visceral leishmaniasis, no vaccine is up to
diagnosis o f kala-azar has been proposed as an                 now available. Only few studies on immunization
alternative by several works, based on antigens that            against Leishmania donovani have been undertaken
show d ifferen t degrees o f p u rificatio n , and              in the murine model, using total parasites26 18 14 or
developping assays with diverse sensitivity and                 purified antigens17.
specifficity ranges5 32 35 38. The stability o f these                In recent studies, we described the isolation of
antigens has also been discussed32. Nevertheless, a             the FM L (Fucose M annose Ligand) of L. donovani
non invassive method o f monitorization o f the                 promastigotes, a complex glycoproteic fraction that
disease was not yet not available in Brazilian Public           strongly inhibits promastigote27 and amastigote
Health Services.                                                infection o f murine macrophages29. Its proteic
      In fe c te d    m o n o c y te s ,   as      w e ll as,   moiety is mainly composed o f acidic and apolar
p o ly m o rp h o n u c le a r n e u tr o p h ile s 7 19 and    aminoacid residues. Among its neutral sugar
eosinophiles9 w ere described in the blood, as                  com ponents, fucose (10% ), m annose (47% ),
potential carriers o f L. donovani parasites from the           g a la c to se (1 2 % ) and g lu c o se (3 0 % ) w ere
skin to viscera and bone marrow. In older                       described27. FM L developped a species-speciffic
studies19 1, and in some recent reports on human                effect on the inhibition o f promastigote uptake by
kala-azar22, the presence o f infective parasites in            macrophages in vitro21. This is a potent antigen for
the secreta o f the upper respiratory and digestive             rabbits, hamsters and mice283130. Its main antigenic
tracts, as well as in urine and faeces were cited.              fraction is a 36kD glycoprotein, recognized by
Only occasionally, inoculation o f leishmaniasis by             most mouse IgG anti-FM L monoclonal antibodies,
the transfusional via were cited10. Recent indirect             and present at the surface o f both the promastigote
evidences support the need o f the study o f the blood          and amastigote forms o f L. donovani parasites29.
mediated contamination with kala-azar in humans.                The protective potential o f FM L on visceral
Leishmania tropica was identified in bone marrow                leishmaniasis was analyzed in the isogenic CB-
of american soldiers returning from Operation Desert            hamster model31. W e studied the effect o f three
Storm with viscerotropic leishmaniasis, and for this            intraperitoneal weekly doses o f FM L ( 100/xg) in
reason all individuals that traveled to that region             saponin (100/xg), followed by an intracardiac
were recommended to be deferred as blood donors12.              injection of 107amastigotes. Protection was speciffic
Notwithstanding, the existence o f a blood-mediated             and highly significant (87.7% , p < 0 .0 1 ) in the
contamination is up to now not admitted as a                    enhancement of anti-FM L antibodies titers, o f the
potential danger for leishmanial infections, and no             sp len o c y te p ro life ra tiv e re sp o n se , and the
control o f blood is performed for the detection o f            intradermal delayed hypersensitivity reaction to
leishmaniasis in blood banks, even in regions                   antigen, as well as in the decrease o f the parasite
reported to be endemic for kala-azar, and expected              burden in spleen and o f splenom egaly31. An
to harbor a large num ber of subjects with subclinical          analogous study in the inbred balb/c mice model
infection.                                                      showed an average o f 84.2% (pCO .O O l) o f
      The analysis o f the protective potential of              protection in antibody titers, splenocyte in vitro
Leishmanial antigens to cutaneous leishmaniasis in              proliferation and liver parasitic load30.
murine models has been the focus o f detailed                         In the present study we report the use o f the
studies. The W orld Health Organization encouraged              FM L antigen in diagnosis, p ro g n o sis32 and
the development o f vaccines for leishmaniasis,                 tra n s fu s io n a l c o n tro l o f h u m a n v is c e ra l
using total or partially identified parasite lysates            leishmaniasis, monitoring the epidemic and endemic
and crude antigens, that could induce a clear                   disease in Public Health Services o f Natal, Rio
prophylactic immune response24. This kind of                    Grande do Norte, Brazil. This work shows the
vaccine has shown to be effective against cutaneous             results obtained with the implementation o f the
leishmaniasis1121. The vaccines derived from whole              FMLELISA assay in the routine o f the laboratory
killed Leishm ania are in study in Brazil (L .                  sorologycal screening o f the Hospital de Doenças
amazonensis), Iran (L. major) and Venezuela (L.                 Infecciosas Giselda Trigueiro and the Centro de
mexicana and L. braziliensis)25. However, for                   Hematologia e Hemoterapia-HEM ONORTE, with

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM, Souza E P, Santos WR, M acedo SR, M edeiros LV , L uz K. The FML (Fucose M annose
L igand) o /L eish m an ia donovani. A new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against
hum an kala-azar. R evista da Sociedade B rasileira de M edicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

the support o f the Fundação Nacional de Saúde,              lymphoma (2), typhus (1) and hemophagocytic
FN S. Furtherm ore, prelim inary results o f the             disease (1) were obtained from the Departamento de
analysis o f the FM Lvaccine in the outbred swiss            Doenças Infecciosas, U FRJ, and Departamento de
albino mouse model, are described.                           Pediatria UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
                                                                  A series o f 171 sera o f volunteer blood donors
          M ATERIAL AND METHODS                              was obtained from the blood bank Centro de
                                                             Hematologia e Hemoterapia-HEM ONORTE, and
H u m a n sera                                               tested for their reactivity w ith FM L. Informed
                                                             consent for this study was obtained from all the
     A total o f 462 sera was analyzed in this study.        subjects included in this study.
A series o f 149 sera was collected by the Fundação
Nacional de Saúde do Rio Grande do Norte, in the              F M L-ELISA qu alitativ e assay
peri-urban area o f Natal, RN (North East Brazil), a
focus o f a recent outbreak o f kala-azar. Ten o f the            T he F M L com plex w as o b ta in e d from
sera in this series came from subjects that had a            Leishm ania donovani (LD -IS/M H O M /SD /O O -
patent kala-azar at the time o f serum collection. A         strain IS) promastigotes as previously described29.
series o f 26 sera o f kala-azar patients, before and        Titration o f normal human, kala-azar, Chagas’
during their treatment, was obtained at the Hospital         disease and cutaneous leishmaniasis patient’s sera
de Doenças Infecciosas Giselda Trigueiro, Natal.             pools against FM L antigen was performed in order
All the 36 patients with clinical symptoms o f acute         to establish the optimal antigen concentration. The
kala-azar (loss o f w eight, lym phadenopathy,               micro-ELISA method was done as described32,
hepatomegaly and/or splenomegaly, and fever) were            using FM L diluted in carbonate buffer (pH 9.6), to
submitted to bone m arrow aspiration. Parasitologic          sensitize flat-bottom 96-well plates (Haemobag,
analysis confirmed the presence o f Leishmania               Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil). A ntibodies w ere
amastigotes in the Giemsa-stained smears. After the          detected by peroxidase-labeled protein-A (Sigma,
serum collection, patients were submitted to anti-           St Louis, MO). Reaction was developed with O-
Leishmania treatment. Thirty five sera o f patients          phenyldiamine (Sigma), interrupted with IN sulfuric
that have had kala-azar w ere collected at least three       acid, and monitored at 492nm. Sera were analyzed
months after the end o f the treatment with antimonials      by double blind tests, in triplicates, and results
o r am photericin-B , during their clinical and              expressed as mean values. Positive and negative
serological follow-up32.                                     control sera were included in each test. The
      Twenty one persons with no patent signs of             absorbance values o f sera were compared at 1:100.
disease, neighbors and relatives of kala-azar patients,      The cut o ff limit between the normal sera from a
or owners of dogs with L. donovani infection, were           non-endem ic area and sera o f patients w ith
also included in the study. We also analyzed the             parasitologically confirmed kala-azar, was identified
reactivity with FM L o f 21 sera of patients with            using the Youden’s J index43. S ignificance o f the
cutaneous or mucocutaneous leishmaniasis from                differences between groups o f sera was established
Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais states, obtained             by a standard t test.
from Dr. S.M . Coutinho, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,
(Rio de Janeiro), 22 sera o f fully characterized             W estern Blot analysis
patients with chronic Chagas disease from Bambui,
M inas Gerais, and 18 sera from healthy adult blood               FM L was submitted to SDS-PAGE under
donors from the Hospital Universitário Clementino             reducing conditions, in 10% slab “baby” gels and
FragaFilho, Universidade Federal do Riode Janeiro,            transferred to nitrocellulose. Strips were incubated
that were screened and considered negative for                with human sera diluted in blocking buffer, overnight
Chagas disease, HIV I and II, hepatitis, and                  at 4°C , washed and developed with peroxidase-
syphilis32. For differential control diagnosis, sera          labeled protein-A followed by diaminobenzidine
o f patients with fever and/or hepatosplenomegaly             (Sigma).
due to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections (1),

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM, Souza EP, Santos WR, M acedo SR, M edeiros LV, Luz K. The FML (Fucose Mannose
Ligand) o /L eish m a n ia donovani. A new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against
human kala-azar. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de M edicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

Vaccination assays                                    absorbances at 492nm, up to the end-point titer)32.
                                                      Statistical comparison o f the groups was done by
     2,5      month old swiss albino female mice were the Student t test.
obtained from the Bioterio Central, Instituto de
M icrobiologia da U FR J. Groups of 6-8 females                             RESULTS
were immunized w ith three either subcutaneous or
intraperitoneal doses o f 150/xg FM L and 100 /xg          Standardization o f ELISA experiments was
saponin (Riedel-de Haen, Seelze, Germany) in          done using FM L in dilutions from 0.03 to 2p.g per
0.2m l sterile 0.95% saline, with weekly interval.    well, reacted with pools o f normal human sera from
Saline and saponin treated controls were included.    a non-endemic area, sera o f patients w ith kala-azar,
Seven days after immunization, sera were collected    tegumentar leishmaniasis and Chagas disease, in
and animals were challenged by intravenous inj ection dilution 1:2000. The results presented in the Figure
o f 2 x 107 L. donovani amastigotes, obtained from     1, indicated the antigen concentration o f 0 . 125/xg /
infected ham ster’s spleens6. Animals were sacrificed well as the highest that gave no unspecific reaction.
by etherization, 15 days after infection, and their   All the studied samples were titered and scored in
liver and spleen parasite-load was monitored in       this condition.
Leishman-Donovan Units o f Stauber of Giemsa               The individual absorbance values in FM L-
stained imprintings (L D U =num ber of amastigotes/   ELISA assay for 1:100 diluted sera are represented
1000 cell nuclei x mg organ weight). Sera o f         in Figure 2A. The mean value o f Abs 1:100 (X +
animals before and after infection were analyzed by   SE = 0.452 ± 0.038) o f patients w ith acute kala-
ELISA using 2/ig FM L/w ell and reacted with a        azar was significantly different from the one of
Peroxidase labeled anti-mouse IgG (Sigma, Co.).       the normal subjects o f a nonendemic area
ELISA results were expressed as scores (sum o f all   (p < < 0.001). Eight standard error values separated

Figure 1 - Determination o f FML optimal concentration fo r ELISA lest.
ELISA test o f FML reactivity with a normal serum, and sera from patients with tegumenttir leishmaniasis, kala-azar
or Chagas disease. The arrow indicates the concentration used in ELISA assay standardization.

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM, Souza EP, Santos WR, M acedo SR, M edeiros LV, Luz K. The FML (Fucose Mannose
Ligand) fj/ L eishm ania donovani. A new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusionul control and vaccination against
human kala-azar. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

the two means. The use o f mean value + 2SD in the             (RE) (n = 59). We interpret these subjects as a
FML-ELISA assay attain the maximal Youden                      subclinical but active Leishmania infection, in view
v a lu e = l, corresponding to the absence o f fa lse          o f their clinical evolution. During the ten months
p o sitive or fa ls e negative results (cut off value =        following the first study of 41 sera from the kala-
0.204). Sera o f patients with chronic Chagas disease          azar outbreak region, nine o f the inhabitants o f the
sh o w ed , as ex p ected from sta n d a rd iz a tio n         studied endemic area spontaneously searched
experiments, a very reduced reactivity (Abs 1:100              medical treatment for the severe disease (NKA).
mean value 0.149). In the endemic area, (Figure                Kala-azar was diagnosed by identification o f
2B). the FM L-ELISA assay functioned as a highly               amastigotes in the bone-marrow aspirate. Among
discriminating tool. It allowed to distinguish the             these, six had had high titers of anti-FM L antibodies
non-reactive sera from the endemic area (NE) (n                and the highest titers had been observed in two
 = 86), from the group of subjects without any sign            patients that eventually died of severe kala-azar.
of leishmanial infection but reactive with FML                 During the same period, at our knowledge, no

 Figure 2 - The FML-ELISA assay in an endemic and non-endemic region fo r human visceral leishmaniasis.
 In A: FML-ELISA reactivity with sera o f normal subjects from a non-endemic area (NN), patients with kala-azar
diagnosed by the parasitological analysis o f bone marrow aspirates (KA), patients with cutaneous or muco-cutaneous
 leishmaniasis (CML), patients fo r differential diagnosis (DD) (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, lymphoma, typhous and
hemophagocytic disease), patients with chronic Chagas ’ disease (CH). In B: normal subjects from an area endemic
fo r kala-azar (NE), subject from the endemic area without overt disease, but reactive with FML (RE), subjects from
 the endemic area, that had been reactive fo r FML in the first screening o f sera, but did not presen t at the time overt
disease, which developed severe kala-azar in the subsequent ten months period (NKA), and kala-azar patients that have
been submitted to anti-parasite treatment and have been cured from the leishmanial infection (CKA). Dots represent
 absorbance values at sera dilution o f 1:100; the horizontal line represents the cut off value (0.204).

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM, Souza EP, Santos WR, M acedo SR, M edeiros LV, Luz K. The FML (Fucose Mannose
L igand) o /L eish m a n ia donovani. A new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against
human kala-azar. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de M edicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

subjects with negative reaction to FM L developed             The 55kDa component o f FM L was recognized by
kala-azar. Consequently, among 41 sera that had               normal sera from kala-azar endemic and non­
shown high or low reactivity with FM L but had not            endemic area, and sera from patients with
clinical signs o f kala-azar, more than 20% developed         tegumentar leishmaniasis, kala-azar or Chagas
the overt disease in the ten month period. This               disease. This antigen is thus non-specific. Conversely
num ber is probably underestimated, since a full              the GP36 glycoprotein band was only detected in
clinical and serological survey of the same area has          W estemBIotsbykala-azarpatients’ sera. No labeling
not been completed32. Sera o f patients with fever            was detected with sera o f patients w ith tegumentar
and hepatosplenomegaly due to P aracoccidioides               leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, or normal sera. The
b ra silien sis infection (1), lym phom a (2) and             GP36 antigen o f FM L shows to be a marker of
hemophagocytic disease (1) gave also negative                 human kala-azar.
results in the FM L-ELISA assay. These results                     Finally the analysis o f the protective potential
determined 100% sensitivty and 96 % specificity.              of FM L in experimental vaccination against visceral
      A random monitoring o f anti-FM L reactivity            leishmaniasis was performed in the outbred swiss
among 171 volunteer blood donors at the blood                 albino model. We have tested the potential activity
bank Centro de H em atologia e Hem oterapia-
HEM O N O RTE, Natal, was performed, testing an
average o f 24.4 diary donor samples, for a period
o f seven consecutive days. The results obtained are
summarized in Table 1. The FM L-ELISA test
showed the clearly positive reaction for 8 donors.
The other 163 samples showed no reactivity
(X + S E = 0 .1 3 8 + 0.002). This values represent a
total o f 5% o f samples and were distributed attaining
even 17% in a single day, no one o f which had a
positive reaction for Chagas’s disease, hepatites,
HIV nor syphilis or a decreased hematocrite value.
Conversely, among the nonreactive donors, two
cases o f hepatites B were detected indicating that
also in this assay the FM L-ELISA showed to be
highly specific.
      Since the FM L components can be separated by
electrophoresis, we have analyzed by Western Blot
the reactivity o f human sera with FM L (Figure 3).

Table 1 - Blood donor sam ples reactive in the FML-
ELISA assay.

Donor number            FML-ELISA                Date
                     reactivy at 492nm                        Figure3 - SDS-PAGE and Western Blot analysis o f
                                                              FMLantigen ofL. donovani using humansera. Molecular
      462.                  .506                30.8.94       weight standards and FML (150^g) analyzed by SDS-
      463.                  .291                31.8.94       PAGE and stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250,
      464.                  .231                 1.9.94       are indicated on the left side. Blotts containig 1-3ug FML
      465.                  .271                 1.9.94       were treated with: a: serum o f a patient with confirmed
      466.                  .250                 1.9.94       kala-azar (11/11), b: serum o f a normal donor from
      467.                  .232                 1.1.94       endemic area, c: serum o f a patient with tegumentar
      468.                  .220                 1.9.94       leishmaniasis (5/5), d: serum o f a patient with Chagas ’
      469.                  .232                 5.9.94       disease (5/5). e: serum o f normal heathy donor from
                                                              nonendemic area (2/8). The arrow indicates the GP36
All the samples were tested at 1/100 sera dilution. Results
represent the absorbency values at 490nm. Normal sera         band. The number in brackets represent the samples
gave values below 0.204.                                      assayed that show ed the same profile o f reactivity.

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM, Souza EP, Santos WR, M acedo SR, M edeiros LV, Luz K. The FML (Fucose Mannose
Ligand) o /L eish m a n ia donovani. A new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against
human kala-azar. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira d e M edicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

o f FM L in protection o f outbred swiss albino mice            immunoglobulin secretion to FM L was detected in
against the infection with L. donovani. Wecompared              untreated infected animals, at 15 days o f infection.
the administration o f FM L with Saponin through                Noteworthy, the specific pre-stimulation with FM L
the intraperitoneal or subcutaneous route. Results              and saponin triggered the anti-FM L antibody
o f anti-FM L antibodies are summarized in Figure               synthesis. The protective effect o f this response is
4A. Before the infection a pronounced speciffic                 shown by the diminished parasite burden in host’s
response to FM L (p < 0.001 ) was detected in animals           tissues. Indeed, the parasite counts in liver were
immunized w ith FM L and saponin, higher by the                 significantly decreased (p < 0.001), in the same
intraperitoneal than the subcutaneous route. After              order o f magnitude as the immunoglobulins to
the infection, both group of mice showed an increased           FM L expanded Figure 4B. At this stage o f
response whereas no response was detected in any                experimental murine infection, parasites are found
control group. Taken together, these results show               only in liver, and they infect the spleen only 30 days
the slow establishment of immune response in                    later (data not shown). No significant differences
mice, even when infected by this relatively high                were detected between the saline and the saponin
dose o f L. don ovan i amastigotes. Indeed, no                  treated animals, in any parameter (p > 0 .3 ). Taken

Figure 4 - Effect o f FML on Leishmania donovani infection in swiss albino mice. In A: antibody
columns: seven days after three intraperitoneal (IP) or subcutaneous (SC) injections o f control saline solution (C), lOOfig
saponin (S), or 150jig FML combined tolOOfig saponin (SFML). Shaded columns: idem, 15 days after infection with
L . donovani. Results represent score mean values ofthe pool o f sera oftw o independent experiments done in triplicates,
using 4 -5 mice in each group. In B: liver parasitic burden., o f the same groups in A, after 15 days infection with L.
donovani. Results are expressed as percents o f the average o f LDU values (counts in 1000 cells) o f liver imprints o f
infected mice, o f two independent experiments, using 4 to 5 mice in each group. Horizontal bars represent standard
errors. FML saponin treated mice, after infection, gave significantly different results (p < 0.001) when com pared to
all other groups.

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM, Souza EP, Santos WR, M acedo SR, M edeiros LV, Luz K. The FML (Fucose Mannose
Ligand) o /L eish m a n ia don ovani. A new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against
human kala-azar. Revista d a Sociedade Brasileira de M edicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

toguether these results represent an average o f 80.0         isolated nor characterized. The second was from a
 % increase in speciffic antibody response and a              patient with Chagas’s disease. In both examples the
85.5% protection in reduction of parasite liver               possibility o f a concomitant infection with L.
burden. Although the humoral response was higher              donovani could not be ruled out since visceral
in the case o f intraperitoneal administration, no            leishmaniasis was also endemic in these regions.
signifficant difference between the vias was shown            These two positive reactions are at present, of
in what concern to protective effect.                         difficult interpretation. Their presence has decreased
                                                              the specificity o f the assay to 96% . The FM L
                    DISCUSSION                                antigen developed equal levels o f sensitivity and
                                                              specificity than the recombinant antigen used by
      ELISA tests using crude native antigens are             Bums et al (1993)8. However, different from the
usually done in dilutions o f 2 to 5/ig/w ell15 l6. In an     recombinant antigen, FM L is a a glycoproteic
improved ELISA assay, the recombinant GP63                    complex and its long lasting stability makes o f it a
antigen of L. chagasi was used in concentration of            good candidate for work in field assays. W e were
1 /xg/well35 39. The FM L is thus a very sensitive            able to use the same batch for period over two years
antigen, and standard ELISA tests can be done in              with no signifficant changes in its performance.The
dilutions increased by an order of magnitude. This            FML-ELISA test is now being used as a new tool
sensitivity can be probably advantageously used in            for diagnosis, prognosis, cure survey o f visceral
development o f rapid and automated tests for kala-           leishmaniasis and it is used as an alternative to bone
azar. This property o f FM Lcan be possibly attributed        marrow punction in several human cases with no
to its glycoproteic nature. Previous studies have             false negative or positive results. The test is
attributed the species-specific characteristics of            performed routinely in the cited Hospital and Blood
Leishmania glycoconjugates to their glycidic                  bank services. Furthermore a clinical and epidemical
moiety28.                                                     survey o f perypherical areas o f Natal, using the
      The presented results indicate that assays using        FML-ELISA test is underway.
FM L can be highly sensitive and specific in diagnosis              In this study we described the presence o f L.
of kala-azar. This antigen can clearly separate               do n o va n i s o ro re a c tiv e in d iv id u a ls am o n g
visceral leishmaniasis from all the other closely             spontaneous blood donors in the kala-azar endemic
related tegumentar infections caused by parasite of           area. This prevalence attained up to 17% o f diary
the gen u s L eishm ania, w ith the sen sitiv ity             donors. These values are higher than those usually
comparable to those reported for recombinant                  detected for chagasic donors in Rio de Janeiro.
antigens35 39. M oreover, this antigen can identify           Recent results from our laboratory demostrated that
inhabitants o f endem ic areas with a potential               blood transfusion is an efficient via o f transmission
subclinical infection, and point out those with a             o f experimental kala-azar. No one o f the 8 FM L-
high risk o f evolution towards the overt severe              ELISA positive sera was reactive in the tests for
disease. It can be also used to follow-up of the              Chagas’ disease or other diseases, performed in the
parasitologic cure. D ifferent form previously                blood bank and therefore the use o f these blood
reported data2, the FM L antigen isolated from an             package units would be considered possible, since
African strain o f L. donovani was accurate in                the presence o f antibodies against Leishmania
d ia g n o s is o f S o u th  A m erican      v isc e ra l    donovani would not be detected by the present used
leishmaniasis, representing apparently a tool that            control tools. Since these specific antibody titers
can be used throughout the diagnostics o f diseases           could be a signal o f active infection and o f a
caused by the L. donovani complex.                            p o te n tia l s o u rc e o f b lo o d b o rn e v is c e ra l
      Two cases o f a positive reaction o f FM L with         leishmaniasis, the extension o f the FM L-ELISA
sera o f a patient without overt kala-azar were               screening in blood banks and the detailed study o f
observed. The first was a patient with chronic                each sororeactive case is extremely necessary.
disseminated muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis. This                     W e further analyzed by W estern Blot the
serum had high titers o f IgG and IgM antibodies              reactivity o f human sera with FM L. Isolated GP36
against L. braziliensis, but the parasite could not be        was only detected in W estern Blots by kala-azar

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM, Souza EP, Santos WR,. M acedo SR, M edeiros LV, Luz K. The FML (Fucose Mannose
Ligand) o /L eish m a n ia d on ovani. A new to o l in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against
human kala-azar. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira d e Medicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

patients’ sera. N o labeling was detected with sera of         were due only to D P72 adm inistration or to
patients with tegumentar leishmaniasis, Chagas                 promastigote injection or to both o f them. Two
disease, or normal sera. The GP36 has shown to be              other antigens of Leishmania, extensively studied
the most specific fraction o f the FM L antigen. The           were candidates for vaccination against cutaneous
GP36 component o f FM L could correspond in                    leishmaniasis in mice, however, it was recently
living parasites to a low er m olecular weight                 shown that GP63 is unable to induce lymphocyte
component since its extraction procedure, favours              proliferation in human leishmaniasis23 and that the
the glycidic enrichment that could retard ist migration        ability o f LPG to induce a protective response in
in SDS PAGE. The specificity o f a 32-35 kDa band              mice is due to contaminant proteins or glycoproteins,
for kala-azar was suggested by Reed et al. ( 1987)34,          called LPG associated p ro tein s (L P G A P )17.
who used a total soluble extract o f L chagasi with            Furthermore subcutaneous LPG vaccination against
sera o f patients from Brazil. Circulating antigens of         m u rin e te g u m e n ta r le is h m a n ia s is by th e
30-35 kDa were detected in sera of human patients              subcutaneous route showed to induce an increase of
by monoclonal specific antibodies42 and were                   lesion size, instead o f protection13. Recently, the
recovered from kidneys o f L. donovani infected                immunization with one o f the LPGAP flagellar
hamsters35. The GP36 may be thus shed in vivo by               proteins, present in a wide range o f Leishmania
parasites, representing a circulating antigen. The             species and in African trypanosom es, in the
isolation o f GP36 antigen o f FM L is in progress.            recombinant form, stimulates primed lymphocytes
      Finally, the reported results indicate that FM L         to proliferate in vitro40. The use o f FM L of
may be a potential candidate for vaccination in                Leishmania donovani and o f its components in
visceral leishm aniasis. Both intraperitoneal or               sorologycal screening for visceral leishmaniasis
subcutaneous immunizations were effective. These               shows high sensitivity, specificity, stability and
results are particularly signifficant in view of the           comparatively easier performance. Its use in Blood
outbred nature o f the experimental model. Indeed a            banks would improve the quality control to prevent
high intragroup variation was expected. This                   blood borne infections. Furtherm ore it showed a
protective effect o f FM L and saponin is in agree to          signifficant potential on experimental vaccination
previous evidences o f the protective potential against        against kala-azar. The study o f the molecular aspects
experimental visceral leishmaniasis in CB hamsters             related to the described FM L potentials is under
and Balb/c mice30 31. In our conditions, saponin               progress.
showed nor toxic neither unspeciffic effects. Its use                                 RESUMO
as adjuvant was compared to Corynebacterium
parvum, Freund Adjuvant, Alhydrogel, Bordetella                       O FML (Ligame de Fucose-Manose) de Leishm ania
pertussis and M uramyl dipeptide and considered to              donovani é uma fração glicoproleica complexa. O seu
be advantageous4. In agreement with our results,               potencial no diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral humana
                                                               fo i testado com soros provenientes de Natal, Rio Grande
saponin has been previously shown to be a good
                                                                do Norte, Brasil. O teste de FML-ELISA mostrou 100%
p o te n tia to r o f a n ti-p ro to z o a n im m unity in
                                                                de sensibilidade e 96% de especificidade, klentificando
experimental vaccines against T cruzp1. However,               pacientes com calazar declarado ( p < 0 .001, comparados
saponins are discriminated as adjuvant because of               com soros normais) e indivíduos com infecção subclínica.
their hemolytic properties3. For this reason, we                M ais de 20% dos so ro rrea tivo s assim ptom áticos
started the comparative analysis o f the hemolytic              desenvolveram a doença no p ra zo de 10 meses. Na
and ajuvant potential o f different kind of saponins.           análise de doadores de sangue, 5% de sororeativos,
Using the purified antigen DP72 for immunization                atingindo até 17%> num único dia foram detectados. A
of balb/c mice against L. donovani infection, a                 glicoproteínaGP36doFHL éreconhecida especificamente
                                                               p o r soros d e pacien tes com calazar. O potencial
protective effect o f the same order o f magnitude
                                                                imunoprotetor do FML no calazar experimental fo i
was reported16 33. However, in those works, for
                                                                testado no modelo swis.s albino em combinação com
protection or lym phocyte proliferation assays,                 saponina pelas vias subcutâneas e/ou intraperitoneal
 respectively, after sensitization with the antigen,            seguido de desafio com 2x 1(P amastigolas de Leishmania
theanimals received different dosesofpromastigotes.             donovani. Um aumento de 80.0% na resposta de
 It is consequently not clear if the described effects          anticorpos específicos ( p < 0 .001) e a redução de 85.5 %

Sousa CBP, Gomes EM, Souza EP, Santos WR, M acedo SR, M edeiros LV, Luz K. The FML (Fucose Mannose
Ligand) o /L eish m a n ia donovani. A new tool in diagnosis, prognosis, transfusional control and vaccination against
human kala-azar. Revista d a Sociedade Brasileira d e M edicina Tropical 29:153-163, 1996.

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