The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022

Page created by Deborah Henry
The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022
The First-Centenarian
  Volume 13, No. 36                                                                                       April 29, 2022
Vision Statement of First-Centenary United Methodist Church: Build a healthy and diverse community of disciples of Jesus Christ.

                                                       A Message from
                                                    Staff Parish Relations
                                             Sydney Crisp, Staff-Parish Relations Chair

                                             Reverend Michelle Hunter Introduction
                                               It gives me great pleasure to welcome
                                             Reverend Michelle Hunter who will
                                             be joining us as the new Minister of
                                             Congregational Care. Michelle will be
                                             replacing Pastor Laura Shearer who will be
       70 Plus Luncheon                      retiring as of June 21. Rev. Hunter’s start
   Friday, June 3, 2022 at Noon              date is June 13.
                                               Reverend Hunter is from Tuscaloosa,
     Have you reached that grand             Alabama and is a graduate of Memphis
  age of 70 years? Then, you                 Theological Seminary. She will be joining
  must put a special date on your            us from the Northern Alabama Conference
  calendar! Save Noon on this                where she is an Ordained Deacon.
  date for the First-Centenary 70            Michelle has had extensive experience in
  Plus Luncheon. You will not                pastoral care and hospice ministry. Her
                                                                                                Rev. Michelle Hunter
  want to miss this celebratory              most recent ministry has been serving as
  gathering of our community -- the          the Chaplain at Hospice of Chattanooga.
  first in 2.5 years! Watch for more           Michelle has an adult son, Drew, who lives in Auburn, Alabama. Her
  to come!                                   constant companion, Hamilton, is a 13-year-old Shih Tzu whom she
     P.S. - Anyone under 70 who              adores.
  would like to assist in this
                                              Many thanks to Pastor Laura for her caring and compassionate
  birthday celebration, please
                                             ministry to members of our congregation and their families. We wish
  contact Erin Wallin at
                                             her health and happiness in her retirement.

                                             This Sunday in the Sanctuaryy
                                               The Children’s Choir from Oak
                                             Grove United Methodist Church in
                                             Decatur, Georgia will participate in
                                             the 8:30 and 10:45 worship services. The choir, under the direction
                                             of John Cowden, are in Chattanooga as part of a mini spring tour.
                                             In addition to singing in worship, they’ll present two “concerts” at
                                             Morning Pointe, and will enjoy a visit to the Aquarium. Children in our
                                             older elementary choir will join them to sing one song in the 10:45
                                             service. We look forward to their visit! Communion will be served in
                                             both services, and Dr. Mark Gooden will preach.
The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022
         RNER                                               Prime Time Wednesday
  As we                                                     Dinner at 5:15 and Classes at 6 p.m.
bask in the                                                 Youth & Children’s programs start at 6 p.m.
                                                        May 4, 11, 18 & 25 Scripture Study with Pastor Mark
of Easter, it
is well and                                             The Lost Art of Dying led by Rev. Laura Shearer
good that                                               The book by L. Dugdale, MD will lead us in examination
we continue         Rev.. Dr
                    Rev   Dr.
                          Dr. LL.. Clark
                                   Clarkk Taylor,
                                   Cl     Taylor
                                             lor, Jr.
                                                  J     of our own thoughts about life and death. The book
the self-            Minister of Faith & Work           is based on the wisdom of dying well derived from
examination we began during                             centuries of Western Judeo-Christian cultural practices.
Lent. We live in what some
                                                        May 18 and 25
refer to as the “in-between
                                                        Bible Study with Pastor Will – Colossians
time”… in between Christ’s time
                                                        May 18 – Chapters 1-2         May 25 – Chapters 3-4
on earth two millennia ago and
the future second coming. We                                                      DINNER INFORMATION
know the promise of Revelation                            Adults – $10 each (meal or salad) Children – $5; 3 & under free Family max – $30
21:4, “And God will wipe away                                         Please make dinner reservations by 4 p.m. Monday.
every tear from their eyes;                                Go to for dinner reservations.
there shall be no more death,                            May 4 MENU: Baked Spaghetti, Garden Salad, Garlic Bread, Strawberry
no sorrow, nor crying. There                             Shortcake Pudding, Nut and Berry Salad
shall be no more pain, for the
former things have passed
away.”                                                  Our Pre-K hall’s theme
  The second coming of Jesus                            this month of May
is a source of encouragement                            is a Scavenger Hunt ...
since it reminds us that there
is something more than this                             God saw everything He had
broken world. But before Jesus                          made. And it was very good.
will be seen returning in the                           Genesis 1:31
clouds however, there is work                           We are excited to dive into
to be done here on old planet                           the creation story with the
Earth. We are called to love                            tiniest of First-Kids.
others in all we do.
  In Genesis 2, God gives a                             CLERGY CORNER (cont’d)
job description to the creatures                        news is that the one who saved us has the power to transform us for
made in His image. Our role                             this restoration work. Our actions of restoration reveal the condition
is not just to cultivate dirt,                          of our hearts and the work we do is evidence of our faith.
although all who dirty their                              It seems like a flawed plan, but God expects us to be the ones
hands with the earth, know                              aligning with Him in this work of restoration. That is why, how we
that it is good work. The root                          do our work – paid and unpaid – is so critical. It is not just work
cultivate is the origin for our                         for all the practical aspects of work, but it is our part of advancing
word culture. We are given the                          the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. For that reason, as resurrection
responsibility for developing                           people, it is critical that all of our work be done with excellence. Paul
society or culture. We know                             reminded the people of Colossae (and us) that they are to work, not
that since the disobedience of                          for man, but for the Lord.
Eve and Adam, we live in the                              God is working at this very moment, right here in River City.
midst of sin. As we execute                             Christ’s crucifixion, death and resurrection compel us to commit that
our primary call, of loving God                         we will engage, in all we do, to advance God’s work of restoration
above all else and loving our                           … restoration in our neighborhoods, restoration in our schools,
neighbors, each of us are                               restoration in our government, restoration in our economy, and yes,
engaged in the restoration of                           even restoration in our churches.
this broken world. The good                                  – Clark

The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022
Meet Our New Members                                                     Baptism
                    who joined April 24

                                                                        Ali C
                                                                        Alice Catherine
                                                                                 th i Rantz,
                                                                                        R t daughter
                                                                                               d    ht off Chris
                                                                                                           Ch i
Ryan Archer transferred from       Jose and Desiree Russell –           and Sarah Rantz, received the Sacrament
Belmont UMC in Nashville.          Jose transferred from Fairview       of Holy Baptism in the The Vine on April 24.
His wife, Caroline, is already     UMC and Desiree transferred          Also pictured are Reagan and Jacob Rantz.
a member. Their children are       from Colonial Heights Christian
Rebekah, 5, and Thomas,            Church in Kingsport.
almost 3.
                                                                      Congregational Care Contact
                                                                     Call the church office at 423-756-2021
  Our focus for May is
                                                                       or (865) 805-8929 for pastoral care.
  You must be able to
get back up when others
knock you down.
  But those who trust in
the Lord will receive new
strength. They will fly as
high as eagles. They will run
and not get tired. They will
walk and not grow weak. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

  • Sunday School @ 9:30-10:30 a.m.
  • First Kids Virtual Sunday Lesson Video links will be
posted on Sunday morning, beginning @ 9 a.m. for you
to show your children when it fits best in your family’s
schedule. (Pick your own family God time!)
  • Children’s Worship begins at 11 a.m., for both PreK
Worship and Elem Worship. Elementary kiddos will be
picked up from “Big Church” after the Children’s Moment.

   VBS 2022                 June 27 - July 1
Participants and Volunteers sign up!
The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022
       P. O. Box 208
       Chattanooga, TN 37401
419 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, TN
Dr. C. Mark Gooden,
Senior Pastor
(423) 756-2021

    Oak Street Playhouse presents... Hallelujah Girls                             SUNDAY WORSHIP
                                                                                          May 1, 2022
                                  April 29-30 at 7:30 p.m.                             3rd Sunday of Easter
                                       AND May 1 at 2 p.m.                          Services also available online
                                The action in this rollicking Southern               at
                             comedy takes place in SPA-DEE-DAH!, the
                                                                                 Sanctuary at 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.
                             abandoned church-turned day spa where                     Change in Plans
                             this group of friends gathers every Friday                    Acts 9:1-20
                             afternoon. After the loss of a dear friend, the          Dr. C. Mark Gooden
        Cast                 women realize time is precious and if they’re
                                                                                    The Vine at 10:45 a.m.
   Amii Williams         going to change their lives and achieve their
                                                                                     What Gives you Worth?
    Denise Frye          dreams they have to get on it now! By the time
                                                                                   Matthew 11:28-30 & Luke 12:7
    Kim Jenkins          the women rally together to overcome their                     Rev. Barry Kidwell
    Jo Schendel          obstacles and launch their new, improved lives,
                         you’ve got a side-splitting, joyful comedy that will   Sunday Night Worship at 5 p.m.
   Rebecca Lapp
                         make you laugh out loud and shout “Hallelujah!”              Rev. Barry Kidwell
   Coylee Bryan
   Bobby Daniels                    To purchase tickets,                          Reading from the Lectionary
     Mike Pala                   scan the QR code or go to                           Acts 9:1-6 (7-20) Psalm 30
                   and                          Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:1-19
Kimberly Tyner Jones,
                               type in Oak Street Playhouse.                      Televised sermon by Dr. Gooden;
      Director                                                                  Lent THE MISSION - To Bear Witness
                          Visit us on the web at www.firstcentenary.
                                 com/the-oak-street-playhouse.                   Televised on Channel 12, WDEF-TV
                                                                                 at 6 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. each Sunday.
The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022 The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022 The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022 The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022 The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022 The First-Centenarian - Volume 13, No. 36 April 29, 2022
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