The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022 - Recreate ...

Page created by Leroy Martinez
The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022 - Recreate ...
The Extended Reality
trends to watch in 2021
and 2022
In the past few years, technology has changed at a faster
pace than ever before. Many new IT-related innovations
have hit the market. This, in combination with the COVID-19
pandemic, has clearly shown how technologically advanced
the world we live in is.

The summer holiday is always a good moment to look
ahead. In this whitepaper we will provide you with some
inspiration on how to use the technology trends in your

The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022 - Recreate ...
Recreate Solutions was founded in
2014, and since then we have been
fully dedicated to utilizing Virtual-,
Augmented- and Mixed Reality for
business purposes. With a team of highly
skilled people, we at Recreate use our
expertise to create innovative solutions
for our customers that meet their needs
and business expectations.

Recreate is driven by business
improvements and we can advise you
which technology fits best for your
purpose. At Recreate, we take challenges
across industries and grow together with
our clients. We offer consultancy, technical

                                               Meet Recreate
developments, and advisory work for the
full stack of Virtual Reality, Augmented
Reality and Mixed Reality, all under one
“Build a better tomorrow,
 Recreate today!”

The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022 - Recreate ...
Recreate Solutions through your

Sales and Marketing                             Engineering                                         Manufacturing                                Maintenance and Service

                                                Recreate is focused on providing                    Optimizing productivity with the use         We at Recreate, provide our customers with
At Recreate, we can help you to create
                                                customers with innovative solutions that            of Virtual-, Augmented-, and Mixed           services that create added value to several
a new dimension for your products
                                                can be valuable assets for many aspects of          Reality is something that we are very        company processes. This is achieved by
and services with the use of Virtual-,
                                                the Product Life Cycle (PLC). The experts           familiar with at Recreate. With our          using the newest technologies that deliver
Augmented-, and Mixed Reality.
                                                at Recreate develop solutions that fit your         expertise, we can consult you about          the best outcome for our customers. We are
With our expertise, we create immersive 3D
                                                requests and they will deliver products             and provide you with a wide variety of       focused on providing our customers with
experiences that engage your customers
                                                that offer an increase of time-efficiency,          solutions for the manufacturing process.     tools for virtual collaboration, the training
and create possibilities to reach your goals.
                                                employee productivity, and a decrease in            These solutions are able to assist with      of employees, and remote craftsmanship,

                                                production costs.                                   ensuring the products have the desired       that are time-efficient and cost-effective.
                                                                                                    quality, increasing the safety of workers,
                                                                                                    minimizing several costs such as operation
                                                                                                    cost, and increasing time-efficiency.

The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022 - Recreate ...
In the past few years, technology has

The Extended Reality         changed at a faster pace than ever before.
                             Many new IT-related innovations have hit

trends of 2021 and           the market. This, in combination with the
                             COVID-19 pandemic, has clearly shown how

                             technologically advanced the world we live
                             in is. Due to technology, people were able to
                             work remotely and collaborate better than
                             ever before. Together with the declining cost
                             of technology (both hardware and software),
                             the developments show that the future of
                             these technologies is bright!

                             We at Recreate Solutions believe that 2021
                             will be a big year for these (not so) new
                             technologies, and more industries are
                             adopting them in their process. Due to COVID-
                             19, many companies have started to embrace
                             new technologies, and we already see that
                             companies are taking the next step to truly
                             digitize their processes.

                             The summer holiday is always a good moment
                             to look ahead. That is why we have written
                             down 4 of the most important trends to watch
                             in 2021 and 2022 for you. Enjoy the read!

The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022 - Recreate ...
The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022

Trend #1: The way we work is changed forever                                                        Many are starting to use the HoloLens 2 in combination with Remote Assist to solve the
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations have changed the way they work.                    problem of traveling being no longer “normal”. I think the trend is set and that more and
Large enterprises like Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and many others have already                   more work will be done remotely.
announced that many of their employees no longer have to return to their office. Due to
this new way of working, immersive technologies are becoming more mainstream than                   Trend #2: People changed their shopping habits
ever before. During the last months, Zoom or Teams meetings have become the standard,
                                                                                                    COVID-19 has significantly changed the way we shop for products. E-commerce was
and people have found a way to be more efficient by using their time better. On the other
                                                                                                    already a big gamechanger in the past year, but due to the lockdown, almost everybody
side, working from home also created new problems like how can we collaborate even
                                                                                                    was “forced” to shop online. When people cannot come to the store to see a product, it
though we are not physically in the same room?
                                                                                                    becomes more important to bring them to the customer. Due to this, many companies are

These kinds of problems can be solved with immersive experiences. We see many                       starting to explore the capabilities of using Augmented Reality to bring products to life

companies starting to explore the capabilities of Virtual Reality meetings. Platforms               in the customers their own environment. This new way of “shopping” has evolved, and I
like Glue or Altspace VR are nice tools to collaborate digitally. Also, companies like              don’t expect this trend to be reverted after the pandemic.
Microsoft invest heavily in this topic. We expect a lot from Microsoft Mesh, which is a new
collaboration tool that was recently announced by Microsoft.
We see a huge increase in companies using these new technologies.

The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022 - Recreate ...
Trend #3: 5G will become a commodity
Currently, the next generation of 5G mobile communication is being rolled out slowly.
In the Netherlands, we see some initiatives around the bigger cities, but it has not
rolled out on a big scale. It will cost time and money to get this up and running, but
5G will significantly affect all of us. With 5G it is possible to create new types of devices
and systems which currently are not possible to make. Think of scenarios like smarter
cities, safer traffic, more efficient production, and better-equipped employees. A
faster connection opens up a completely new world, and the possibilities are endless.
The combination of AR, VR, and MR together with 5G will revolutionize our daily life.
In the upcoming months, more and more devices with 5G support will be announced,
which hopefully allows the network to be available faster.

Trend #4: WebAR becomes mainstream
WebAR, the new rising star in the immersive ecosystem, will become mainstream in
the coming period. WebAR allows companies to visualize content without the need
to download a separate app. This technology can easily be deployed on websites -
creating a seamless digital and physical world. Due to COVID-19, people would like to
see products in their own space, and WebAR enables this. The combination of faster
internet and “smarter” phones will result in more WebAR initiatives.

What the future looks like
Many experts believe that the AR/VR/MR market will be bigger than $25B by the end
of 2025. Due to this prediction, many companies try to get a piece of the cake. Where
other markets slow down in their growth, like smartphones and tablets, the AR market
outlook is promising. In the past years, AR/VR and MR were predominantly used for
gaming and entertainment. I expect a huge shift from a usage perspective. Because of
this, many different industries will experience the benefits and are expected to grow
rapidly. This, in combination with the release of better and cheaper hardware, will
boost the market.

The Extended Reality trends to watch in 2021 and 2022 - Recreate ...
Experts of
                                                                                                                      Extended Reality

     Thank you for your time!                                                                                         advantage
     Interested to start taking advantage of the trends of 2021 and 2022? We at Recreate Solutions have all
     the required expertise to let you explore the endless virtual possibilities Mixed Reality. Our experts can
                                                                                                                      of it now!
     advise you on and provide you with the solution that you seek.

     We use the newest software and hardware in order to create immersive experiences, which can be
     used for any desired situation. We are more than happy to demonstrate the advantages to you.
     Contact us or visit our website to make this happen.

Recreate Solutions                Recreate Solutions                   Recreate Solutions                   Recreate Solutions            Recreate Solutions
Rijssen                           Amsterdam                            Veenendaal                           HoloSuite                     Germany
Molendijk Noord 82D               De Entree                            Newtonstraat 27                      Evert van de Beekstraat 354   Elsenheimer Straße 47a
7461JE Rijssen                    1101EE Amsterdam                     3902HP Veenendaal                    1118CZ Schiphol               80687 München
+31 546 789110                    +31 546 789110                       +31 546 789110                       +31 546 789110                +31 546 789110
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