The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation

Page created by Craig Hill
The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
The Energy Industry:
Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
Today, the energy industry fuels massive change, a welcome boost to the
American economy, and new energy sources are just the tip of the iceberg.
From lubricants to solar panels, water recycling to drilling safety, new
industry technologies help keep the world’s lights on—and all at decreasing
environmental and economic costs.

Yet, even as product development and             Technology-driven marketing organizations
operations technologies play leapfrog, energy    can harness the power of digital strategies to
companies risk leaving money on the table        drive more leads, stronger relationships, and
because their sales and marketing teams don’t    even greater revenue gains.
have the same “technology first” mentality. As
digital media technologies transform global      Energy companies feel mounting pressure
business, energy—by and large—lags behind,       on other fronts as well. As environmental
stuck in a “trade shows and handshakes” ethos    concerns accumulate, public opinion turns
that has ruled the industry for decades.         sour, political obstacles can get in the way
                                                 of doing business. To confront these
Today’s customer, whether he’s purchasing        challenges, the energy industry must use
a car for his family or infrastructure for his   digital communications to engage the public
company, is more self-directed than he used      in increasingly authentic and credible ways.
to be, so the research phase of any purchase
takes up a greater portion of the sales cycle.
When sales teams wait to be invited to the
conversation, they engage far too late. An
engagement marketing strategy powered by
marketing automation technologies help sales
teams engage buyers while they research.

The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
The solution: An Engineered Sales
and Marketing Engagement Strategy
To bring energy sales and marketing teams into the modern age, look to the
technology sector, which has turned lead conversion into a science. Today,
it’s possible to engineer everything from how you escort buyers through the
sales funnel, to the way your public interprets the news.

Engagement Marketing can help you get more
out of long-standing customer relationships,
give potential buyers the information they
crave, and align marketing with sales so that it
contributes directly to revenue.

In this ebook, we explore the sales and
marketing obstacles that the energy industry
faces, and how engagement marketing
technologies can help. Next, we outline the
steps energy companies can take to engineer
a clean, mean, sales and marketing machine.

The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
The Challenge: Decades of Old-School
Business Traditions
In order to meet the demands of the pace of change and the pressure to
compete, marketing technology has transformed the way companies interact
with customers. But energy organizations have a unique set of challenges
when it comes to adoption:

1. Satisfaction with the status quo.                  to figure out what they should be
    Whether you have an ample budget or                measuring, let alone to make the case
    you’re looking to maximize each dollar,            for improved metrics.
    business leaders should be concerned with
    a business-as-usual operation. Energy trade      3. Lack of digital knowledge or strategy.
    shows attract hundreds of thousands of               Energy business leaders, who have
    sales people, industry leaders, policy makers,       traditionally relied on phone and in-person
    technologists, and the media. They’re                communication, may feel intimidated by the
    exciting—and expensive—and they                      pace of digital communication innovation—
    represent an old-school dynamic that                 and therefore hesitant to acknowledge the
    relies on handshakes and personalities.              value that these strategies offer. The longer
    But this dynamic often offers only a                 they turn a blind eye to the explosion of
    momentary burst of activity—a solitary               digital technologies, the more difficult it is
    activity—and it does not translate                   to catch up.
    to long-term success or ongoing
    relationships with potential buyers.             But here’s the irony: the hurdles that might
                                                     stand between an energy company and a
2. A sidelined marketing department.                modern, well-engineered sales and marketing
    If your marketing department carries a           solution are the very same hurdles that an
    revenue number, your company truly               engagement marketing strategy addresses
    represents the cutting edge. Most energy         so very well.
    leaders haven’t even considered the idea,
    and their marketers would be hard-pressed
The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
Making the Case for
EngagemenT Marketing
Increasingly complex energy technologies draw even the most loyal
energy customers online, to seek out expert resources and content that can
help them make sense of the landscape.

This presents an opportunity for energy           Marketing automation also makes it possible
executives to be those experts, using a digital   to practice sophisticated lead generation
communications strategy to reach buyers as        techniques like lead nurturing. Whether you’re
they research. Marketing automation is core to    confronting negative press, or educating
an engagement marketing strategy that enables     targeted customers on advanced lubricant
marketers and sales professionals to manage       technology, digital lead nurturing is a key
their digital communications by providing         element in any modern communication
actionable insight about each individual          strategy. Nurturing your pipeline, with
during their buying journey.                      automated, personalized communications
                                                  helps you effectively deliver your message
With marketing automation, sales professionals    to the right person at the right time and
can pull up full histories on each prospect,      accelerate your customers through the steps
offering real-time insights into the ebooks,      of their lifecycle faster. Marketing automation
videos, or webinars they’ve accessed, the         ties it all together, offering ROI dashboards that
people they’ve met, the emails they’ve seen,      show you exactly how marketing initiatives are
and the promotions they’ve been offered.          performing in relation to revenue, and what
Businesses that use marketing automation to       you can do to improve the numbers.
nurture prospects experience up to a 451%
increase in qualified leads.

The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
Case Study: State-of-the-Art Lubricants
Meet State-of-thE-Art Marketing
As the fourth largest finished lubricants supplier in the United States,
Phillips 66® offers consumers four premier brands, including 76® Lubricants,
Conoco®, Phillips 66 and Kendall Motor Oil®. In the past few years, the
company focused on acquiring new brands and developing specialized,
state-of-the-art lubricant technology.

Phillips 66 is an energy manufacturing            Phillips 66 Lubricants leaders realized early
company with Refining and Marketing,              on that buyer behavior was changing, and
Midstream and Chemicals expertise. The            acknowledged the need for a strong digital
company has a strong focus on operational         marketing and communication strategy.
excellence—personal and process safety,
environmental stewardship, reliability and        The Lubricants team invested in a digital
cost efficiency. As one of the largest finished   media strategy, but soon realized that driving
lubricants suppliers in the United States,        leads to their website was not enough if those
Phillips 66 offers consumers four premier         leads didn’t make their way to sales.
lubricant brands, including: 76, Conoco,
Phillips 66, and Kendall in the U.S. and 69
in other countries.

The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
Case Study: State-of-the-Art Lubricants
Meet State-of-thE-Art Marketing
“Improving web traffic only goes so far,” says      Demand Frontier, an energy industry focused
 Bill Brown, Director of Marketing for the          demand generation marketing and consultancy
 Industrial Segment. “It quickly became clear       agency, was engaged to help the team take
 that we needed to nurture prospects and guide      stock of the marketing technology landscape.
 them to a broader spectrum of information.         Ultimately, Marketo was chosen to help
 What could new lubricant technologies do           transform and align the Phillips 66 Lubricants
 for them? What were some best practices for        marketing and sales teams. “Demand Frontier
 putting them into use in their businesses? Why     supports our efforts to understand where our
 should they transition from one product to         buyers are in their sales process and how best
 another? And so forth. We needed to engage         to engage them with our content and offers, so
 in dialogue with these prospects.”                 that we can keep the conversation going.
                                                    They are helping us to write the playbook”
“An integrated digital media and communication      says Brown.
 strategy made sense and that is where we
 focused a lot of our media efforts,” said Brown.   “It’s clearly a process,” says Brown. “We learn
 But Phillips 66’s marketing leaders could see       something new every day, but it’s clear to
 that they were still missing opportunities to       me that this is what the future looks like for
 drive higher engagement and get even more           marketing lubricants in the digital frontier.”
 out of their digital marketing investments.

The next step was implementing marketing
automation technology, processes and
best practices.

The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
Your Change Management Team:
Leaders at All Levels, Working Together
Which members of your team should be involved in the process of
researching, implementing, and ultimately investing in marketing automation?
Who should help lead the change in your organization? And, whose buy-in do
you need?

Enlisting the right personnel to take part in               that you will achieve buy-in from everyone to
the process of organizational change is the                 invest in your success.
very first imperative. It’s sort of like creating
a seating arrangement for an exclusive                      At energy companies, your marketing
dinner party: if you pick the right people, the             automation implementation team might look
conversation will flow. Hand-picking crucial                something like this:
roles from both sales and marketing ensures

    Executive                                 Sales                                  Marketing
     President                    VP Sales/Business Development                      VP Marketing
  General Manager                       Sales Ops Manager                       Digital Marketing Leader
   Vice President                          Sales Director                         Product Marketing
                                        Field Sales Manager              Campaign Strategist (Email and Events)
                                       Inside Sales Manager                      Social Media Director
                                        CRM Administrator                        KPIs/Analytics Leader
                                                                              Technical Marketing Leader
The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
The Four Change Management Pillars:
A Plan for Modernizing Your Marketing
While the results of successful marketing automation initiatives are clearer
every day, the secret to achieving those results can be elusive for any
organization. In our experience guiding enterprises through the process,
the most successful companies have these success factors in common:

 • T
    hey understand the changing buying        For most enterprise organizations, getting
   behavior of their customers, and            there involves an ongoing change
   acknowledge that embracing digital is       management process. In consulting with
   a competitive advantage.                    new marketing automation adopters, we find
                                               it useful to break the process down into four
 • T
    hey approach planning with the goal       pillars, which are used to assess your current
   of aligning communication, processes,       marketing environment.
   and sales engagement—coordinating all
   marketing channels into a unified effort.   This is not just a high-level, theoretical
                                               discussion—the goal is to create a tangible
 • T
    hey design marketing programs by          action plan that you can launch boldly,
   starting with sales revenue targets, and    and immediately.
   reverse-engineer their marketing metrics
   and calendars to achieve revenue goals.

 • T
    heir content strategies elicit action
   and additional engagement from
   their audience at each stage of the
   buyer’s journey.

The Energy Industry: Sales and Marketing in a Time of Digital Transformation
The Four Change Management Pillars:
A Plan for Modernizing Your Marketing

Pillar 1: Marketing Strategy

How effective is your current marketing
strategy? What level of technological
sophistication­­—if any—have you reached,
to date? Is your marketing team logistically
ready to take a bigger leap into marketing
automation? Are they motivated to make
sweeping changes that will transform the

During this stage, you’ll evaluate your
organization’s marketing maturity and
benchmark your existing practices. Upon
completion, you should have a good grasp
of where you stand, and a clear strategic
and tactical roadmap for transforming your
marketing organization.

The Four Change Management Pillars:
A Plan for Modernizing Your Marketing

Pillar 2: Cross-Functional Alignment

The next step is to actively align sales and
marketing so that both teams are working
toward a unified goal. Your sales and
marketing departments have different
objectives, strategies, and processes. They
also have different terminology, methodologies,
and opinions about how customers progress
through the sales funnel. Your marketing
machine won’t run smoothly until everyone
is speaking the same language.

Cross-functional synergy allows both teams to
get on board. When your sales and marketing
departments collaborate to formally define
each stage of the revenue cycle, as well as
the business rules that determine a prospect’s
movement from one stage to the next, they
create the foundation for a comprehensive
set of robust revenue metrics.

The Four Change Management Pillars:
A Plan for Modernizing Your Marketing

Pillar 3: Measurement and Reporting               These are the four categories of revenue-
                                                  focused metrics that your C-suite cares
What are your key reporting metrics? The ones
                                                  about most:
that best help you measure future success.
Ultimately, this assessment pillar is where you
                                                    • Lead generation: How many people
build your business case. When it’s complete,
                                                       entered each stage of the funnel in a
you should be able to confidently present
                                                       given period? Are these numbers
competitive and investment analyses to your
                                                      trending up or down?
leadership team.

                                                    • Active prospects: How many people or
To build a business case for engineered
                                                       accounts are in each pipeline stage?
marketing, focus on the revenue metrics that
your CEO and CFO care about, rather than on
                                                    • Conversion: What is the conversion ratio
vanity, activity, or cost metrics that may help
                                                       from stage to stage? Which lead types
you make marketing decisions, yet relate very
                                                       have the best conversion rate? Are they
little to ROI.
                                                       trending up or down?

                                                    • Velocity: What is the average revenue
                                                       cycle time? How does it break down by
                                                       stage? Do certain types of leads move
                                                       faster through the pipeline? How is that
                                                       changing over time?

The Four Change Management Pillars:
A Plan for Modernizing Your Marketing

Pillar 4: Systems and Technology

What effect is your technology stack having on       A marketing automation solution that will help
your marketing automation strategy? Are you          you turn marketing into a revenue-generating
being pressured to accept the latest marketing       sales partner over the long term is a big ask.
acquisition from a big software stack provider?
Beware of solutions that may serve your              Be sure to do plenty of research before
needs in the short-term, but don’t offer the         making your decision.
full-feature sets of the best-of-breed vendors.
Switching solutions in the middle of a success
story is painful, and no one should implement a
solution knowing they’ll have to replace it later.

Enterprises around the world recognize that marketing is no longer only
about eye-catching ads and artful turns of phrase. As engagement marketing
practices gain a foothold in industry after industry, organizations must change
to stay relevant and gain a competitive advantage.

Engagement marketing is a continual process    Gradually, you’ll spend fewer resources running
for an obvious reason: new technologies        your sales and marketing organization, and
continue to inundate the marketplace and       more on growing and transforming it. Be
change the way people communicate. But         sure to choose and invest in technology and
as long as you’re measuring leads as they      consulting partners who are with you for the
move through your sales funnel and showing     long haul.
end-to-end improvements at each phase of
your project, you are making progress. Any
steps you can take toward becoming an agile,
analytical sales and marketing organization—
engaging buyers wherever they congregate,
and proving your revenue impact—are critical
to the long-term health of your company.

Marketo (NASDAQ: MKTO) provides the leading marketing                     Demand Frontier is a demand generation marketing agency and
software and solutions designed to help marketers master the art          consultancy, with a focus on the energy industry. We help our
and science of digital marketing. Through a unique combination            clients leverage marketing technologies and methodologies to
of innovation and expertise, Marketo is focused solely on helping         power programs that deliver sales growth, effectiveness, and
marketers keep pace in an ever-changing digital world. Spanning           efficiency. Our leadership team is made up of industry pioneers
today’s digital, social, mobile and offline channels, Marketo’s           that have deep, award winning experience with many the largest
Engagement Marketing Platform powers a set of breakthrough                global business to business brands.
applications to help marketers tackle all aspects of digital
marketing from the planning and orchestration of marketing
activities to the delivery of personalized interactions that can be
optimized in realtime. Marketo’s applications are known for their
ease-of-use, and are complemented by the Marketing Nation®,               Headquarters:
a thriving network of 400 third-party solutions through our               305 Golden Bear Drive
LaunchPoint® ecosystem and over 50,000 marketers who share                Austin, TX 78738
and learn from each other to grow their collective marketing              (512) 900-2755
expertise. The result for modern marketers is unprecedented
agility and superior results. Headquartered in San Mateo, CA
with offices in Europe, Australia and Japan, Marketo serves as a
strategic marketing partner to more than 3,400 large enterprises
and fast-growing small companies across a wide variety of
industries. For more information, visit
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