The Electric and Magnetic Sense of Sharks, SkaS, andRays - by Adrianus J. Kalmijn

Page created by Jeremy Peterson
A shark swimming     through the earth’s magnetic field
                                      induces electric fields giving the animal’s compass
                                      heading (the horizontal    component    of the earth’s
                                      magnetic field and the induced electrical currents are
                                      indicated). (From Kalmijn, 1974)

The Electric and Magnetic Sense
of Sharks, SkaS,  andRays
by Adrianus J. Kalmijn

 Scientists must know the sensory world of an                 that the elasmobranchs        also detect the electric
 animal if they are to understand         its behavior.       fields they induce when swimming through
 Certainly most aquatic vertebrates           have good       the earth’s magnetic field, and thus sense their
 eyesight, hear well, and are endowed            with a       compass heading. Obviously,            the electric
 sharp sense of smell and taste. Yet the physical             sense of these ancient fishes has reached a
 characteristics    of underwater     light, sound, and       high degree of sophistication.
 odor fields are quite different from those on                         Last year, the author and his student
 land. Moreover,       animals use the sensory                collaborators    initiated field experiments        in
 information     in a variety of ways, depending        on    Vineyard Sound off Cape Cod, Massachusetts,
 the particular interest of the species.                      to verify the results of earlier laboratory
Therefore,     scientists cannot infer from man’s             studies on the electrical aspects of predation.
own sensory experience          how an animal                After chumming with chopped herring, we
 perceives its environment        but have to learn           observed the smooth dogfish Mu&e/us canis
through behavioral tests and field                            search the bottom and viciously attack a
observations.      This point is dramatically                current source simulating the bioelectric fields
emphasized       by animals that have sensory                of the shark’s prey. Although attracted and
capabilities that stretch man’s imagination.                  motivated by odor, the predators made their
One of the most interesting examples of this is              final approach exclusively relying on their
the electromagnetic        sensory performance         of    electric sense. Coming in with the sharks, the
marine sharks, skates, and rays, commonly                    American eel Anguilla        rostrata paid no
referred to as elasmobranch         fishes.                  attention to the fields, whereas in comparative
         In predation,     sharks, skates, and rays          tests the catfish lctalurus    nebulosus      repeatedly
cunningly cue in on the weak, bioelectric                    dug at a current source hidden in the mud
fields of their prey, even though it may be                  along the banks of a local freshwater           pond.
hiding under sand. These well-aimed             feeding               The magnetic orientation         studies have
responses clearly demonstrate the remarkable                 been conducted        on the stingray Urolophus
acuity of the elasmobranchs’         electric sense          halleri at our land facilities, set up in the woods
and testify to its biological significance        in the     of the quiet Quissett Campus of the Woods
animals’ daily life. Recent research indicates               Hole Oceanographic         Institution.    The stingrays

were trained to seek reward and avoid                  decelerations    when applying electric fields of
 punishment    by orienting to the earth’s              voltage gradients as low as 0.01 microvolt per
 magnetic field. Between trials, the horizontal         centimeter,    which represents the highest
 component    of the magnetic field was reversed        electrical sensitivity known in the animal
 in a random order to eliminate the use of              kingdom.    In later behavioral tests, the
 alternative orientational   cues. These                frequency    range of the animals’ response
 experiments    have conclusively   demonstrated        appeared to extend from direct current (DC) up
 the elasmobranchs’     magnetic sensory abilities,     to about 8 hertz. Reception of these
 which the author predicted on the basis of             low-frequency,     low-level electric fields was                    *_
 their acute electric sense.                            shown to take place by means of the ampullae
                                                        of Lorenzini, delicate sensory structures      in the               ,,
 Previous   Studies                                     protruding    snout of the elasmobranch      fishes
                                                        (Figure 1).
 In 1917, G. H. Parker and A. P. Van Heusen
 published a historic paper on the curious
 behavior of Ictalurus,    the common brown
 bullhead, with regard to metallic and
 non-metallic    objects. They noticed that
 blindfolded    specimens responded to the
approach of metallic rods at distances of
several centimeters,     whereas a glass rod did
 not elicit a reaction until it actually touched the
skin of the animals. In a series of simple but
convincing experiments,        Parker and Van
Heusen demonstrated         that these distant
responses were due to galvanic currents                Figure 1. Ampullae offorenziniandmechanicallateral-line
                                                       system in head region of the shark Scyliorhinus       canicula.
generated at the interface between metal and
                                                       (Solid dots: skin pores of electroreceptors.   Small circles:
aquarium water. Though very close to                   openings of lateral-line canals) (From Dijkgraafand
discovering the catfish’s electric sense, these        Kalmijn, 7963)
scientists did not realize the biological
implications    of their remarkable     results.                 By measuring the electric fields in the
          In 1934, the Dutch biologist S. Dijkgraaf     laboratory habitat of the sharks and skates, it
also observed a great sensitivity to metallic          was found that aquatic animals produce
 objects in the small shark Scyliorhinus                direct-current     and low-frequency         electric
canicula.    A quarter of a century later, he          fields in the water, which stem mainly from
 suggested that the author, then his student in        potential differences         at the skin/water
the Netherlands,      investigate the possibility of    interface. In fish, for example, the mucous
electrical stimulation,    as in the case of the        membranes       lining the mouth and the gill
catfish, and evaluate the biological                   epithelia in the pharynx give rise to steady DC
significance of the response. A few years              fields, usually modulated           by ventilatory
earlier, H. W. Lissmann in England had                 movements.        Externally, the bioelectric        fields
discovered that certain knife-fishes      produce      are of distributed       dipole* configuration         and,
weak electrical discharges to probe their              accordingly,      fall off steeply with increasing
environment.      Sharks, however, lack                distance. Yet the DC voltage gradients
electrogenic     organs; therefore,   the main         emanating from small fish and wounded                   crabs
questions were: what might be the fields in            often measured over 0.01 microvolt per
nature that the sharks detect, and what could          centimeter     at distances up to 25 centimeters,
be the role of these fields in the animals’ daily      which suggested the role of the
life?                                                  elasmobranchs’         electric sense in predation.
         Subsequent     research soon revealed                  To elucidate the electrical aspects of
that marine sharks, skates, and rays are indeed        predation,    the author decided to analyze the
extremely sensitive to weak electric fields. By        feeding responses of the shark Scyliorhinus
recording the heartbeat of free-swimming
specimens with implanted electrodes,         the       *A field produced   by equal but opposite     electrical   p’oles,
author established transient cardiac                   usually separated   by a small distance.



  Figure 2. Feeding
  responses of the shark
  Scvliorhinus       caniculato:
 (a)’ flounder under sand,
  ib) flounder .~ in.._an                                              --‘.,
                                       C.__.._L                                                        ..N.-
  electrically    transparent
 agarchamber,         (c)pieces of                                                              ,.--
  whiting in an agar
 chamber,       (d) flounder in
 an agar chamber covered
 with an electrically
 insulating plastic film, and

flounder. Agar chamber
not to scale. Solidarrows:
responses of shark;
dashed arrows: flow of
seawater through agar
chamber. (From Kalmijn,

 canicula  and the skate Raja clavata to small         purpose of the agar chamber was to conceal
 specimens of the flounder Pleuronectes                the flounder visually, chemically,     and
platessa.   The prey was cautiously introduced         mechanically     without impeding the animal’s
 into the seawater habitat, and after it had           bioelectric  field. Again, after odor motivation,
 hidden itself in the sand, a few drops of             the sharks and skates made their well-aimed
 liquified whiting were diffusely spread               feeding attacks from the same distance and in
 throughout    the water. Motivated   by the odor,     the same frenzied manner, as if the prey were
the sharks and skates began randomly                   not screened by agar at all (Figure 2b).
 searching the bottom of the pool. When                        To prove that the l-centimeter-thick
coming within a distance of IO to 15                  roof of the agar chamber was really effective in
centimeters    from the flounder,   they made         attenuating    odor stimuli, the live flounder was
well-aimed    dives at their prey, uncovered     it   exchanged for pieces of whiting that had been
from under the sand, and devoured         it          frozen for several days (whiting was the regular
voraciously (Figure2a).     Subsequently,    the      food for the experimental      animals). In this
flounder was placed in a flat chamber made            case, the predators did not show the slightest
out of 3 percent agar in seawater, and                response to the food when swimming over the
positioned    under the sand on the bottom of         agar chamber, although they-were strongly
the pool. The chamber was aerated by a steady         motivated by the odor of the seawater flow
flow of seawater to keep the prey alive. The          ventilating the chamber (Figure2c).       Whether

the agar was adequate to mechanically                shield             During the summer of 1976, we learned
 the live flounder was indirectly tested by                     from longline fishing off Cape Cod that the
 repeating the original experiment,             this time,      smooth dogfish Mustelus          regularly frequents
 however, with a thin, electrically           insulating        the shallow, inshore waters of Vineyard Sound
 polyethylene        film covering the agar chamber.            on its nightly feeding excursions. This
 Now, the sharks and skates no longer                           predatory shark is a warm-season          visitor,
 responded        to the prey, although they eagerly            arriving at Woods Hole in May and leaving for
 searched about and often passed directly over                  the South again in late October or shortly
 it (Figure 2d). This drastic effect could not                  thereafter.    It is an active bottom hunter,
 conceivably        be due to the mechaniical                   preying on small fish as well as crustaceans        and
 properties     of the thin (IO micrometer)          and        other invertebrate       animals. The females reach
 extremely      pliable polyethylene      film, since           an average length of 115 centimeters;           the
 even the stiff, l-centimeter-thick          agar roof to       males are slightly smaller. The smooth dogfish
 which the film was added did not nioticeably                   is truly live-bearing;     the new-born    measure 29
 weaken the feeding responses. Hence, the                       to 37 centimeters.
 sharks and skates evidently were able to attack                        To observe the sharks’ feeding
 a flounder hiding in the sand without the aid of               behavior, we worked from an inflatable rubber
 visual, chemical, or mechanical           cues.
                                                                raft (Zodiac Mark II) free of any metal under
            The results of these behavioral tests               the waterline.   On station in 2.5 to
 suggested that the sharks and skates                           3.0-meter-deep    water over a sand patch devoid
 electrically    located the agar-screened          prey.       of seaweed, we attracted the sharks by
 This would also explain the all-or-none              effect    squeezing liquified herring through a long
 of the polyethylene        film, which offered                Tygon tube that ran from the raft to the bottom
 an extremely        high electrical resistamce,
                                                               of the sea. The Tygon chumming         tube was
whereas the agar layer did not distort the
                                                               attached to a polypropylene      line, suspended
 bioelectric    field of the flounder to any extent.           from a Styrofoam float and stretched over the
To provide direct evidence for the electrical
                                                               ocean floor between two polyvinyl pipes
hypothesis,        the presence of the flounder was            anchored in low-profile     cinder blocks (Figure
simulated by passing electrical current
                                                               3). Starting after dark, we illuminated    the area
between two salt-bridge electrodes’ buried in
                                                               with a loo-watt, battery-operated      underwater
the sand. After odor motivation,           the predators
                                                               light. To break the water surface, we used a
displayed the same characteristic            feeding
                                                               glass-bottom    viewing box secured behind the
responses to the electrodes          (whether or not
                                                               stern of the raft.
covered with agar) as they did to the actual
prey (Figure 2e). They dug tenaciously at the                            Two pairs of agar-filled,     salt-bridge
source of the field, responding again and again                 electrodeswere      tied to the polypropylene         line
when coming across the electrodes.               These          and positioned on the sand, one on either side
results proved that the electric sense of sharks                of the odor source and 30 centimeters            from it.
and skates plays an important          role in the             Mekka underwater         plugs with stainless steel
animals’ lives.                                                pins and integral cables connected the thin, 30
                                                               to 90-centimeter-long       Silastic salt-bridge tubes
                                                               to the electrical equipment         set up in the
                                                               rubber raft. The use of a constant-current
Field Observations     on Cape Cod Sharks                      source virtually eliminated        the adverse effects
Following the studies on captive shalrks, we                   of polarization    at the stainless steel/seawater
have sought to verify the results in tests on wild             interfaces.   From the raft, we could
specimens,    roaming freely in their natural                  conveniently     vary the strength of the field and
habitat. The main problem,      however, has been              select the pair of electrodes to be energized,
approaching    the animals without introducing                 the other pair functioning       as the control. The
galvanic fields or other perturbations     into the            applied direct-current      dipole moments ranged
environment     that might interfere with the                  from 1 to 8 microamperes         x 5 centimeters
fishes’ normal behavior. Remember        that the              (dipole current x distance between
electrical sensitivity of catfish and sharks first             electrodes),    roughly corresponding          to the
revealed itself through the animals’ Iunusual                  bioelectric fields of small prey at a seawater
responses to metallic objects.                                 resistivity of 20.0 to 20.5 ohm.centimeters           and


        Figure 3. Field setup for
        observing the feeding
        responses of sharks to
        electrically  stimulated
        prey. Though attracted by
        fish extract exuding from
        chumming       tube, the shark
        Mustelus     caniszeroes      in
        on electricaldipole      fieldin
        Vineyard Sound.

          a temperature    of 19 to 22 degrees Celsius.           attracted the sharks from a distance. Since the
                  After entering the area, the smooth             odor of wounded prey lingers long after the
          dogfish began frantically searching over the            animal is gone, the sharks obviously need
          sand, apparently trying to locate the odor              more precise directional cues to locate their
         source. Both young and mature sharks were                prey accurately, enabling them to seize it with
         observed, sometimes        alone, sometimes     in       one quick move.
         groups of two to five. Neither the raft nor the                   Behaviorally,   elasmobranchs        readily
         underwater light appeared to bother them.                respond to direct-current        fields.
         Most interestingly,    when nearing the odor             Electrophysiologically,      however, the ampullae
         source, the animals did not bite at the opening         of Lorenzini     are not true DC receptors,
         of the chumming tube but from distances up to           although they do detect frequencies             as low als
         25 centimeters    turned sharply to the                 0.1 hertz. That is, to sense a prey’s DC field,
         current-electrodes,     viciously attacking the         elasmobranch fishes have to move relative to
        electrically simulated prey. After snapping the          their prey, or vice versa. Alternatively,        they
         line with their teeth right at the position of the      may detect the low-frequency            components
         electrodes, the sharks usually attempted       to rip   that accompany the prey’s ventilatory            and
        them apart-and         one night they succeeded.         body movements.          Odor-motivated       sharks and
        When the current was switched to the other               skates do zero in on DC, as well as
         pair of electrodes, the animals let go, circled         low-frequency       dipole fields of biological
        around for awhile, and attacked again, but at            strengths.    In their final approach, they aim
        the electrodes on the other side of the odor             directly at their prey, deriving its location frorn
         source. At the lower current levels, the sharks         the spatial configuration      of the animal’s
         kept responding,     though from increasingly           bioelectric field.
        shorter distances.                                                The American eels that visited our test
                 These observations      convincingly            area often nibbled at the opening of the
        demonstrate      that odor-motivated     sharks are      chumming tube, but theydidnot               pay any
        capable of detecting and taking prey by the              attention to the current-passing          electrodes.
        exclusive use of their electric sense, not only          The eels’ behavior was particularly noteworthy
        under well-controlled       laboratory conditions,       because the fish had been reported to exhibit
        but also in their electrically    more noisy, ocean      similar cardiac decelerations         when subjected
        habitat. Of course, other sense organs, in               to weak electric fields, as previously         observed
        particular the fish’s lateral-line                       in elasmobranch fishes. The eels’ responses,
        mechanoreceptors,        also can play an important      however, have not been independently
        part in predation. At short range, the electric          confirmed,      nor are these fish known to have
        fields appear to dominate in our experiments             specific electroreceptors.       In predation at least,
        over the much vaguer odor cues that initially            they evidently are more chemically inclined.

Toward the end of the season, we                 author has endeavored       to collect hard
conducted     comparative      tests on the common        experimental    evidence of the elasmobranchs’
brown bullhead, which is endemic to the                   magnetic abilities predicted from the animals’
Cape’s freshwater       ponds. With small pieces of       known electric sense and the theory of
beef liver, we lured the fish into shallow water,         electromagnetic     induction.
and offered them direct-current          dipole fields             Our first, most simple magnetic tests
of 0.5 to 4.0 microamperes        passed between          were performed       on the leopard shark, Triakis
two salt-bridge electrodes with openings I                semifasciata,    in outdoor, all-fiberglass   pools
centimeter    apart buried in the mud. Along the          on the bluffs of Scripps Institution of
banks of the pond, the resistivity of the water           Oceanography’s       campus at La Jolla, California.
measured 19 kiloohm-centimeters             at a          With the fish swimming steadily along the
temperature      of 20 degrees Celsius. As with the       circumference      of their circular habitat, we
 sharks, the catfish repeatedly dug at the source         introduced    a local magnetic field by passing an
 of the field in apparent attempts to devour the          electrical current through a small induction
electrically simulated prey.                              coil (20 centimeters     in diameter)  held external
         Although we primarily conceived this             to the tank. The field was switched on when
 field work with the undisturbed         bioelectric      the sharks were at the far side of the pool.
sensory world of the sharks in mind, the                  Then, seconds later, upon completing         their lap
 results of our tests also indicated that attacks         and swimming       into the imposed field, the
on humans and underwater            gear may be           sharks suddenly veered off to the center of the
elicited and guided by electric fields                    tank, although the coil current did not distort
 resembling    those of regular prey. The human           the earth’s ambient magnetic field by more
body, especially when the skin is damaged,                than 25 percent.
creates DC bioelectric     fields that sharks in the
                                                                   Next, we noticed that the leopard
ocean may detect from distances up to 1 or 2               sharks each morning before dawn gathered in
meters. The galvanic fields of metallic objects           the northern area of the tank. To eliminate the
on the body may be even stronger. In this                  possibility of visual orientation,   we covered
connection,     we expect that the U.S. Navy’s            their pool with a large sheet of black plastic.
polyvinyl anti-shark bag, which is suspended              We also took all objects out of the water and
from an inflatable floatation collar and                  even rotated the whole tank. Surprisingly,       this
designed to visually and olfactorily conceal a            did not change the sharks’ early-morning
mariner in distress, electrically screens the             orientation.   However,    when we roughly
person as well. Sidetracking        the sharks to         neutralized   the earth’s ambient magnetic field
alternative sources of electricity that
                                                          by passing electrical current through two large
secondarily    release a discouraging       agent may,
                                                          induction coils diametrically     attached to the
under certain circumstances,          be another          outside of the tank, the animals lost their
means of warding off electrically evoked shark            positional preference     and distributed
bites. It should be emphasized          here that the     randomly.
electrical aspects of the animals’ environment
                                                                   Although the outcome of these
should be taken into account in all behavioral
                                                          preliminary    tests was consistent with the idea
studies on elasmobranchs         and, if possible, left
                                                          of geomagnetic      orientation, none were fully
                                                          conclusive. The avoidance reactions nroved
                                                          the sharks’ sensitivity to fields of geomagnetic
Evidence of Geomagnetic      Orientation                  strength but were not of obvious biological
When cruising through the earth’s magnetic                significance.   The spontaneous    orientation   was
field, marine sharks, skates, and rays induce             biologically   more interesting,   but at that time
electric fields that are well within the dynamic          we were not technically prepared to reverse
range of their highly-sensitive    electroreceptor        the field in order to verify the magnetic nature
system. As the induced voltage gradients                  of the response.
depend on the direction in which the animals                       In the meantime,   the author moved to
are heading, they may form the physical basis             Massachusetts      to pursue his magnetic studies
of an electromagnetic     compass sense in these          at the Woods Hole Oceanographic        Institution.
fishes. To substantiate the biological feasibility        To scale down the technical problems of
of this novel orientation   mechanism,      the           controlling    the ambient magnetic field, we



 Figure 4. Magnetic test
 facility on the Quissett
campus of the Woods
Hole Oceanographic
institution   (a). The round
stingray Urolophus       halleri,
swimming     toward the east                   S
enclosure to secure food,
field conditions    (b).                   Norma     I                              Reversed
 looked for a good experimental      animal of            coils, each 5 meters in diameter, were
 smaller size, which one of the students found            mounted along the north-south          axis to control
 in the round stingray Urolophus      halleri. The        the horizontal component         of the earth’s
 round stingray is a hardy, very alert and active         magnetic field in the tank (Figure 4a). We
 elasmobranch     of subtropical and tropical seas,       chose for our tests a magnetic induction of 0.34
 reaching an average span of 25 centimeters.        To    gauss, corresponding       to the horizontal
fit our tanks, we selected five specimens                 component      of the Southern California region
 measuring only 15 to 20 centimeters.                     from where the animals were taken.
        The stingrays were tested in a circular,                  During the 1 to 2-hour training sessions,
fiberglass pool, 1.8 meters in diameter, which           twelve concealed lights illuminated          the ceiling
 rested on Teflon blocks to insulate it from             over the tank to produce an even, low-level
ground. The pool was filled with natural                 light distribution.    For the rest of the day, the
seawater to a depth of 15 centimeters.        Coarse     lights were programmed         to simulate the
sand covered the bottom, and two airlifts                sunshift and daily variation in brightness of the
maintained    a slow, internal circulation.    We        sky in accordance with the direction of the
surrounded     the pool with a lighttight,               ambient magnetic field. Lights, heaters, and
twelve-sided    hut devoid of any ferromagnetic          coils were DC-powered        from distantly located
materials. The seawater was kept at 20 degrees           voltage and current sources. The wiring was
Celsius by regulating the air temperature       in the   tightly twisted and judiciously       installed to
hut. Outside the hut, two large Helmholtz                prevent unwanted electric and magnetic fields

from straying into the animals’ habitat.                     a follow-up series, we changed the direction of
         Each morning, two observers ran a                  the field again on a daily basis, but this time in
series of 15 to 20 trials after first turning on the         random order. Under this regime, our most
lights, shutting off the airlifts, and checking             active stingray, without further training, made
the direction of the horizontal component              of   120 correct choices out of 184 trials (P
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