Power-to-Heat & Power-to-Gas in District Heating systems - Background Material - LowTEMP
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Contents Contents ............................................................................................. 2 1 Introduction to this module ............................................................. 3 2 The basic princip le behind Power -2-Heat technology ............................ 4 3 The integration of power -to-heat within the electricity and heat sectors . 5 3.1 Digression: The balancing power market ....................................................................... 5 3.2 Utilising P2H applications instead of reducing capacity ................................................ 6 4 Power-to-Heat applic ations – an overview ......................................... 6 4.1 Electric (heating element) heaters ................................................................................. 6 4.2 Electrode boilers ............................................................................................................. 7 4.3 Compression heat pump ................................................................................................ 8 4.4 Heat storage in combination with P2H .......................................................................... 9 4.5 P2H technologies – a summary .....................................................................................10 5 Potentials of P2H ap plications ........................................................ 11 5.1 Analysis of ecological potential..................................................................................... 11 5.2 Economic aspects & investment costs .......................................................................... 11 5.3 Economic and social implications ................................................................................. 13 6 The basic princip le of Power -to-Gas ................................................. 13 7 Possible uses of P2H & P2G applic ations at a glance ........................... 16 8 References .................................................................................. 18 Page 2/18
1 Introduction to this module The topic of Power-to-Heat (P2H) as an application for the possible integration of electricity from renewable energy sources is increasingly being discussed in a wide range of areas within energy in- dustry, energy policy and energy technology. Power-to-Heat is understood here to refer to the large-scale, centralized conversion of electrical power into heat, embedded within a multivalent generation complex, characterized by the optional utilisation of different fuels (renewable or fossil) and/or electricity. The multivalent generation com- plex will preferably take the form of a combined heat and power plant that converts the fuel into electricity and heat with high efficiency. Examples of such framework conditions include municipal utilities that operate district heating systems and supplement their CHP-based power plants with an electric heater and are thereby using a P2H application. There are currently, for example, electrode boilers/electric heaters with a total output of more than 800 MWel already installed throughout Germany, which, when used in combination with CHP and district heating systems, form highly efficient systems. In Europe, P2H plants have been in use for some time, especially in Scandinavia, and on a European level, too, this technology and/or sector coupling have the potential to form important components of the energy and heat transformation in the future. In principle, the systems can be used to provide greater flexibility for the electricity system, thereby promoting the integration of renewable energies. The electrification of the heat sector in this way would therefore help to reduce the consumption of conventional fossil fuels. What is more, the in- terplay of P2H with heat accumulators makes it possible for the electric and heat sectors to be linked together in a flexible way. In this way, the technology would be helping to drive forward the integration of renewable electricity within heat generation and the decarbonisation of the heat sup- ply in general. The module presented here will mainly focus on describing the basic processes and the possible ap- plications of P2H plants in interaction with district heating. The module will also briefly describe the ecological benefits, along with the economic and social implications and benefits. In addition, the module will also take a brief look at Power-to-Gas (P2G) applications and storage technologies in connection with P2H plants. The aim of the module is to support politicians, public administrative authorities, planners and rep- resentatives of municipal utilities in the development and implementation of integrated strategies for the utilisation and integration of P2H in district heating networks, thereby contributing to the coupling of sectors and a sustainable transformation of the heat supply in their region. The module contents presented here were developed in cooperation with AGFW-Project GmbH within the Interreg project “Low Temperature District Heating for the Baltic Sea Region” (Low- TEMP). The accompanying text of the module “Power-to-Heat & District Heating” that is presented here is accompanied by PowerPoint slides, which follow the same structure and outline as the expla- nations given here. Page 3/18
The explanations presented here are a description of the current state of the heat generation tech- nology being described. The authors do not guarantee the correctness and/or completeness of the information and data included or described in this module. 2 The basic principle behind Power-2-Heat tech- nology P2H applications are capable of converting electrical current into thermal energy. In smaller private applications, heat is usually generated using an electric heating system such as a night storage heater or by using a heat pump heating system. In large-scale applications such as district heating networks, however, central electric or electrode boilers are used to generate heat. Besides electrode boilers also heat pumps can be used for P2H processes. Those applications will be described in detail later in the module (see Section 4). Hence, P2H technology provides the possibility of interconnecting the electric sector with the heat- ing sector, which is known as sector coupling. P2H is deployed in households, businesses or indus- tries. One specific application is the integration in DH systems. As far as their capacity is concerned, P2H plants integrated within district heating systems (including large-scale plants) usually operate in the MW range. In that regard, electrode boilers with a power of 5 MW are already available. Heating element heating systems can already be implemented at signif- icantly lower power levels of only a few hundred kW. By now, P2H plants in the context of DH are usually used as an instrument for the stabilisation of the electrical grid (e.g. through the supply of (negative) balancing power). For the future perspective P2H plants could be also used, to utilize sur- plus electricity from renewable electricity sources to be used for heat generation.1 1 http://www.power-to-heat.eu/power-to-heat/ Page 4/18
3 The integration of power-to-heat within the electricity and heat sectors P2H applications can contribute to the constant balance between power supply and power demand, to ensure the stability of power grids. The so-called balancing power market serves to balance unex- pected fluctuations between power generated and power consumed. 3.1 Digression: The balancing power market For a better understanding of how the integration of P2H into the electricity market on the one hand and heat generation on the other hand works, the electricity and balancing power market will be ex- amined briefly here. Electricity trading takes place continuously on a national and European level. Trading is not only determined by commercial factors, but also by physical factors. On the one hand, generation and consumption in the grid must always be in equilibrium, and on the other hand, the transmission capacity of the electricity grid is limited. The total electrical power generated within electricity grids must therefore be adapted and regulated at all times to the consumption that takes place simultaneously. However, the power demand can also fluctuate rapidly. This is the case, for example, when an en- ergy-intensive company shuts down a production line or switches large production machines on or off. In contrast, fluctuations in the supply of electricity also occur on the generation side. In the case of electricity, the energy transformation in particular is causing an increase in power supply fluctua- tions, due to the use of volatile renewable energies. Wind speeds and sunlight do not remain con- stant during the course of the day or from hour to hour. Such fluctuations are normally of little sig- nificance within large supply networks such as electricity grids, as these, to a large extent at least, balance each other out. However, certain fluctuations remain, such as increased power demand in cold weather or at weekends, and these are only partially predictable. The forecast values collected here over the years ensure that demand satisfaction can largely be calculated/modelled in a predict- able way by means of electricity load forecasts and the required amount of electricity can therefore be met. As unforeseen fluctuations nevertheless occur, it becomes necessary to make use of what is known as balancing energy. This is traded on the balancing energy market. Within the balancing energy market, it is not actual energy supplies that are traded, but the obligation to supply additional en- ergy as required (positive balancing energy). In contrast, the obligatory extraction of energy or re- duction of the feed-in can also be traded, as so-called negative balancing energy. In combination with P2H and against the background of a future increase in renewable power generation, heating networks could represent important heat sinks in that regard. Page 5/18
3.2 Utilising P2H applications instead of reducing capacity Especially at times when there is a surplus of renewable electricity, measures using P2H applications can become more and more attractive as a means of absorbing electricity within heating networks (negative balancing energy). The temperatures of the heat carrier in a heating network or heat accu- mulator (usually water) can often be increased by several degrees without impairing functionality and while keeping additional heat losses manageable. At the same time, large quantities of water circulate in heating networks, which means that a high heat storage capacity would remain available even if the temperature were increased by a few degrees (see chapter 4). In practice, yet many net- work operators and municipal utilities rather use a heat storage for storing heat than the heat net- work in order to make the storing process more secure and controllable. For instance, in already im- plemented P2H applications in heating networks, especially heat peaks in the morning are used. The electricity generated using renewables could be used more effectively here, instead of reducing the capacity generated by wind power, for example. The use of negative balancing energy by power-to- gas applications is discussed in more detail in section 6. 4 Power-to-Heat applications – an overview First of all, it can be stated that currently, three different technologies are primarily being used as P2H converters. These will be presented in the sections below, alongside possible storage technolo- gies: Electric (heating element) heaters Electrode boilers Electrically operated compression heat pumps 4.1 Electric (heating element) heaters Electric (heating element) heaters are available on the market both in the form of electric flow heat- ers and in the form of heating rods (immersion heater principle). In the case of the former, a liquid is usually heated by heating elements suspended in the flow. Electric heating rods for use in house- holds and businesses usually have a power output in the single-digit kW range, at voltages of 230/400 V. This sector also includes electric flow heaters (“instantaneous water heaters”) with out- puts in the two-digit kW range. Electric flow heaters used in the industrial sector and in district heat- ing systems generally operate within an electrical output range of 50 KW to 15 MW. Connection to the electricity grid then takes place at voltage stages up to 690 V. Page 6/18
Capacity can be regulated by regulating the power of the heating element(s). In case of multiple heating elements, the number of operating elements can be adapted. Hence, this technology is stage less adjustable. A simplified representation of an electric flow heater is shown in figure 1. Figure 1: Scheme of an electric flow heater (Source: AGFW) 4.2 Electrode boilers 2 Electrode boilers convert electrical energy directly into thermal energy. The technology is suitable for control energy. The investment costs vary with regard to the requested capacities and necessary peripheral devices. The main components of electrode boilers are their electrodes. These electrodes are surrounded by water and use its physical properties to generate heating energy. If the electrodes are energised, the ohmic resistance of the water causes it to heat up. With an additional heat exchanger, this heating energy can be transmitted into the DH system. This separation is necessary because the boiler and the DH system have different special requirements in terms of the water properties. The boiler’s ca- pacity can be stage less regulated with the water-level and resulting dipped-depth of the electrodes. The common capacities of electrode boilers vary between 5 MW and 50 MW (AGFW, 2017). A schematic representation of an electrode boiler is shown in figure 2. 2 This section is based on an article which was published by AGFW within the Handbook Upgrade - DH (2019). Upgrading the performance of district heating networks – Technical and non-technical approaches. A Handbook Page 7/18
Figure 2: Schematic of an electrode boiler (Source: AGFW) Figure 3: Electrode boiler of 10 MW and 14.4 m³ capacity of the solar DH plant in Gram, Denmark (Source: D. Rutz)3 4.3 Compression heat pump When converting electricity into heat, heat pumps are a suitable and highly efficient solution to in- crease the temperature of different heat sources of the environment onto the required temperature level of the heating network (see here Module of the LowTEMP Training package “Large Scale Heat 3 These pictures were first published in an article which was published by AGFW within the Handbook Upgrade-DH (2019). Upgrading the performance of district heating networks – Technical and non-technical approaches. A Handbook Page 8/18
Pumps”). For instance, for the central provision of large amounts of heating energy, such as for a neighbourhood, for example, heat pumps or large heat pumps are, however, more efficient than electrode boilers by far, as they can extract and provide heat from a medium such as surrounding water or air and use much less electrical energy. When using heat pumps, the use of thermal storage also plays an important role, as these are able to decouple heat generation from heat demand, such as in combination with P2H applications, for example. The heating plants used to provide district heating are dimensioned according to the requirements of the heat sink/heating network (e.g. heat demand, temperature level, volume flows and load pro- file). An electrically operated compression heat pump uses electric current to bring heat at a low temperature up to a higher and therefore usable temperature level. The low-temperature heat used for that purpose can come from any source, including environmental heat, industrial heat or com- mercial waste heat. Heat pumps are based on a cycle that uses special refrigerants to absorb heat from the heat source and release it at a higher temperature level (see Figure 4). Heat pumps can be offered in any capacity size. More information on the functioning and use of heat pumps can be found in the Module of the LowTEMP Training package “Large Scale Heat Pumps”. Figure 4: How a compression heat pump works (Source: AGFW) 4.4 Heat storage in combination with P2H Heat accumulators are usually combined with P2H systems. The different applications in which ther- mal storage accumulators are used and the type of accumulator involved significantly determine the required temperature level or the required temperature spread in the accumulator. In both small- scale and large-scale thermal storage systems, heat accumulators ensure that heat can be stored for later consumption for a few hours to a few days or weeks, depending on the size of the storage unit. In the case of process heat, more frequent cycles are also common. However, there are also applica- tions for seasonal accumulators; in particular, low calorific heat is stored there, which is then Page 9/18
brought up to the temperature level of the application by heat pumps if required, as already de- scribed in the previous section. Heat accumulators are therefore capable of disconnecting heat gen- eration from heat demand in terms of time. In principle, it is possible to distinguish between differ- ent requirements and areas of application, including space heating, domestic hot water heating, dis- trict heating systems or process heat. 4.5 P2H technologies – a summary With regard to the conversion principle, the technologies presented can be divided up into heat pumps and direct electric heat generators. The latter, in which electricity can be converted into heat, achieve a very high efficiency of approximately 98 %4. Depending on the COP (Coefficient of Performance), heat pumps can provide between two and five times as much heat as the electricity used to operate the pumps (see Figure 5). The COP of a heat pump therefore describes the ratio of the heat output to the electrical drive power used. Normally, a COP of 2-5 can be achieved using a heat pump, but this range depends very much on the system in each case. The study cited below has categorised the possible applications of P2H technologies in terms of the type of heat generation and integration into the electricity or district heating network as follows: Figure 5: Categorisation of P2H technologies (Source: EEB ENERKO, 2017)5 Alongside centralised large-scale plants for industrial processes or the generation of heat for a dis- trict heating network, smaller, decentralised P2H technologies, which, for example, supply a de- tached house, are also listed here. The specific uses and possible integration of P2H and P2X sys- tems in district heating are presented in detail in Section 7. 4 https://enerko.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Endbericht_PtH_web.pdf 5 https://enerko.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Endbericht_PtH_web.pdf Page 10/18
5 Potentials of P2H applications Until now, the energy transformation has focused on the expansion of electricity generation from wind power and solar energy, which is subject to seasonal and weather-related fluctuations. Through a sustainable approach of sector coupling, e.g. a surplus of renewable energies can be also integrated in other sectors. For instance, a decarbonisation of the heat sector can only succeed if the electricity, gas and heat sectors are coupled together and if we extend our thinking beyond the elec- tricity sector. As shown in Chapter 4, P2H applications are already providing the electricity sector with important flexibilities. Overall, P2H is still a fairly new technology, though many years of expe- rience have already been gained using P2H plants, especially in Scandinavia. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the first plants were only built within the last decade. On a European level, too, the potential of the technology and of sector coupling in general has not yet been fully exploited. 5.1 Analysis of ecological potential The basic requirement as part of the energy transformation is to replace the use of fossil fuels with renewable energies in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Electrically generated heat can make a significant contribution to this, since on the one hand, the heat sector accounts for the larg- est share of final energy demand and on the other hand, the majority of renewable energies are pro- vided in the electricity sector (hydro, PV, and wind). One of the side effects resulting from P2H tech- nology therefore lies in the possibility of transferring the energy transformation to the heating mar- ket – especially in densely populated urban areas, where “green” heat can be supplied using “green” surplus electricity produced in more rural areas. Due to their high efficiency (using environmental heat), electric heat pumps lead to lower CO2 emis- sions, even when operated using today’s electricity mix, compared to the combustion of fossil fuels in condensing boilers. On the other hand, operation of the other electric heating systems mentioned above should, for ecological reasons, predominantly be limited to the use of electricity from renewa- ble sources. Of particular interest here is the proportion of electricity that cannot be used to supply the conventional load and would therefore otherwise have to be wound down (negative residual load, otherwise known as “surplus electricity”). In the case of heat pumps, the refrigerants used are of particular ecological importance. The refrig- erants mainly used so far are fluorinated hydrocarbons, which have various ecological effects. These substances have both a global warming potential (GWP) and an ozone depletion potential (ODP) many times greater than the effects of carbon dioxide. For this reason, an EU regulation (EU 517/2014, the so-called F-Gas Regulation) has regulated the future use of these fluorinated hydro- carbons and is increasingly driving them out of the market. Depending on the application, natural refrigerants, such as CO2 or ammonia, are also used as alternatives. 5.2 Economic aspects & investment costs The investment costs for direct electrical P2H applications (see chapter 4) depend very much on the Page 11/18
existing infrastructure and the required temperature level6. The values given here refer to a study7 for the German market, but can to a certain extent be generalised to other European countries (ex- cept for heat pump applications, because here investment costs are much higher). Depending on the country, the country-specific labour costs for planning, installation, operation and maintenance, etc. can cause differences in the investment costs. For a plant that is mainly used in a district heating network, approximate investment costs in the range of €150-270 per kilowatt can be expected (planning, installation and commissioning costs are involved in this case). According to the study quoted here, lower costs cannot even be expected in the case of larger plants with a capacity range of 5 to 30 MW, since the higher capacity range in turn leads to considerable additional costs due to higher voltage levels, switchgear, grid connection costs and buildings. On the other hand, the plants are low maintenance. Approximate maintenance costs amount to around 3% of the investment sum (for more information, see also footnote 4). Figure 6: Specific investment costs in EUR/kw for a direct electrical P2H application (Source: EEB ENERKO, 2017/2020; see footnote 7) 6 https://www.getec-energyservices.com/Start/Technologien/Power-To- Heat/Suche.php?object=&ModID=5&FID=3099.10.1&NavID=3099.165&RefLa=1&La=2 7 Statement by EEB ENERKO Energiewirtschaftliche Beratung GmbH (unfortunately, the main source is in German, however most important aspects have been translated for this module Page 12/18
5.3 Economic and social implications Due to the high substitution potential of fossil energy carriers in the heat sector, P2H systems with heat accumulators can make optimum use of the available renewable sources and can, for example, therefore make a significant contribution towards reducing the use or import of fossil energy carri- ers. Heat accumulators and the P2H plants required in order to operate them are usually manufac- tured using conventional technologies. A great deal of expertise in this area is already available in some European countries. Systems of that type can be produced very well – even in medium-sized companies. In this way, for example, jobs could be secured and newly created on a national level as a result of the energy and heat transformation. An effect of this type can also be achieved for the in- stallation, servicing and maintenance of the systems by the craft trades. 6 The basic principle of Power-to-Gas Power-to-Gas refers to the technical conversion process which uses electrical energy (power) to pro- duce gas. This includes all the processes that enable this conversion process. In a first step, the gas produced is hydrogen. By applying an additional process, this hydrogen can be converted to me- thane. Usually, the idea of this technology is to use renewable power for these processes in order to produce renewable (CO2-free) gas. For example, the power used can be generated by wind turbines or photovoltaic cells. This means that the technology is another instrument for the decarbonisation process, but at the same time is in competition with other renewable technologies and concepts. The technical processes have been known for a long time, but the discussions about the further ex- pansion of renewable energies and the better storage possibilities for electricity have brought them back into focus. Figure 7: Simplified Power-to-Gas process (AGFW, 2019) The main advantage of this technology, which indicates a comprehensive integration, is the long- time base of available knowledge combined with multiple technical benefits. Hydrogen and me- thane are chemical energy sources with a high energy storage density. They belong to the category of primary energy sources, have already been in use for a long time, and have proven their function- ality. In Germany, for example, natural gas has been used for heating applications in all kinds of buildings for more than 50 years. In 2016, natural gas accounted about 22% of the total (worldwide) primary energy supply, which was the third largest share. On the other hand, hydrogen is commonly used for chemical and medical issues. It is mainly produced as an industrial side-product, or in indus- trial scaled production by steam reforming of natural gas – another reason why it is rarely used for energy applications. The methane, which is also known as synthetic natural gas, produced by Page 13/18
Power-to-Gas plants has similar properties to natural gas. Nevertheless, Power-to-Gas-methane is a renewable source if it is produced by utilising renewably generated electricity. It can therefore re- place the use of natural gas in all previous applications in order to decarbonise them. Methane can be stored and transported with the already existing gas network and is therefore a bit easier to han- dle than hydrogen. The produced methane can be used for generating electricity and heat within a CHP unit. Therefore, the storage of electricity as gas can be an economically attractive option for a secure, flexible and climate-friendly energy supply, especially for CHP units and reduce their de- pendency on fossil fuels. Before different possibilities of combining and integrating P2H application with/in District Heating systems, the full process of P2G opportunities and sector coupling will be summarised in figure 8: Figure 8: Overview of P2G processes using methanation and electrolysis (Source: AGFW) The possibilities of integrating P2G into district heating, as shown in the diagram, are briefly sum- marised again below (from right to left). Hydrogen integration by means of electrolysis: With the help of electrolysis and a solid oxide electrolyser cell (SOEC), high-temperature heat is generated, which is fed into a heating network by means of an accumulator as needed. The resulting hydrogen can also be further utilised in various forms (see figure) The hydrogen generated can also be directly combusted using a gas engine and the heat gen- erated fed into a heating network. In “Proton Exchange Membrane” (PEM) electrolysis, a solid polymer electrolyte – the proton exchange membrane – is used, which is surrounded by water. When electrical voltage is ap- plied to the membrane, protons migrate through the membrane: hydrogen is produced at the cathode and oxygen at the anode. In addition to putting the hydrogen to further use, it is also possible to use the low-temperature waste heat generated during electrolysis as a heat source Page 14/18
for a large heat pump and to raise it to the temperature level required by the heat network concerned. In the case of alkaline electrolysis, waste heat utilisation can also increase the efficiency of the electrolysis process. In biological mechanisation, the hydrogen and carbon produced are converted into pure me- thane at ambient pressure and temperature, with the help of highly specialised micro-organ- isms. The synthetic methane obtained in this way is either stored in a gas storage facility and converted into electricity in a CHP unit as required, or fed directly into the natural gas net- work. In the chemical catalytic methanation process, hydrogen and carbon dioxide are converted into methane and water. The conversion takes place at very high temperatures (between 300° and 500 °C). The high-temperature heat that is generated in this case can be integrated into a heat network by means of an accumulator, as in the SOEC. The methane produced can be con- verted into electricity in a CHP unit as required or fed directly into the natural gas network. With regard to Figure 8, it can be said that the key role of Power-to-Gas within the heating sector is to supply heat generation plants with renewable gas. For this purpose, hydrogen as well as methane are feasible energy sources to generate heat. Currently, methane is the most common gas used for various combustion processes. One opportunity for domestic heat supply is using gas boilers, which can be installed with regular ranging capacities between 2 kWth and 500 kWth to provide heat en- ergy to single-family or multi-family dwellings and buildings. For higher capacities, a suitable option is the installation of combined heat and power plants, such as gas engines or combined cycle power plants. In these plants, which are also gas combusting plants, gas can be combusted to generate heat and power at the same time. In this field of technology, the usage of hydrogen as a fuel gas can be realized. Some cogeneration plants tolerate a double-digit percentage admixture of hydrogen to methane, whereas a few plants are also able to utilise pure hydrogen. CHP plants are mainly used in combination with DH systems for central heat generation in densely populated areas such as cities. A further benefit of CHP plants is the option of incorporating controlled and highly efficient conver- sion of gas to electricity. Hence, cogeneration plants in combination with district heating systems have an important side effect in the power sector as well. In general, Power-to-Gas with the usage of the synthetic gas in the heating sector also competes with Power-to-Heat technologies, which utilise renewable power directly to generate heat. From a technical point of view, the available Power-to-Heat technologies for heating applications, such as heat pumps or electric boilers, are also feasible. Due to a direct utilisation, the system’s overall effi- ciency is higher compared to the combustion technologies, but they have a major disadvantage with regard to long-term energy storage. Gas has a higher energy storage density compared to batteries or water (thermal storage). When it comes to the heating sector, the production of synthetic gas represents an unnecessary conversion process, which comes along with a comparably low efficiency. On the other hand, it adds more flexibility for further fields of application of the synthetic gas. Page 15/18
7 Possible uses of P2H & P2G applications at a glance The following are examples of particularly efficient applications of the technologies mentioned above: P2H in combination with a CHP plant: A CHP plant, such as a biogas-fired CHP unit, supplemented by a P2H plant, can be combined very efficiently. Continuous heat utilisation often occurs in this case and an additional accumulator can be integrated easily. Controlling the Power-to-Heat plants ensures that the CHP plant operates continuously, allowing it to therefore provide its full capacity. In case of surplus electricity, the P2H system provides heat for the heating network or the accumula- tor. In combination, both plants become multiple flexible interfaces of energy forms and infrastruc- tures. Figure 9: Flexible CHP/heat grid system with heat storage and Power-to-Heat module (Source: bdew, 2016; translated)8 8 https://www.bdew.de/media/documents/Factsheet_PowerToHeat.pdf Page 16/18
P2G in combination with a CHP plant: In the city of Haßfurt, Germany, in 2018, a hydrogen CHP plant was put into operation9. It has a capacity of 120 kWel and was installed to implement a stor- age strategy for renewable power. The nearby Power-to-Gas plant has a capacity of 1250 kW and can produce up to 225 m3/h of hydrogen. The state-of-the-art plant converts surplus electricity from the nearby wind farm and solar energy into renewable hydrogen, which is then used as fuel for the CHP plant. This “wind gas” therefore provides an efficient way of using a power-to-gas application in combination with a CHP plant. Figure 10: A hydrogen CHP plant in Haßfurt, Germany (Source: Stadtwerke Haßfurt) 9 https://decarbeurope.org/2019/09/03/hassfurt-hydrogen-cogeneration/ Page 17/18
8 References Upgrade-DH (2019). Upgrading the performance of district heating networks – Technical and non- technical approaches. A Handbook (see also: https://www.upgrade-dh.eu/en/home/c) Contact: AGFW-Project GmbH Project company for rationalisation, information & standardization Stresemannallee 30 60596 Frankfurt am Main Germany E-mail: info@agfw.de Tel: +49 69 6304 -247 www.agfw.de Page 18/18
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