The effect of Hylocereus polyrhizus (red dragon fruit) on whole gut transit time of young Malaysian adults
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Mal J Nutr 27(1): 153-158, 2021 The effect of Hylocereus polyrhizus (red dragon fruit) on whole gut transit time of young Malaysian adults Lim Kean Ghee1 & Ling Chian Voon2* 1 Department of Surgery, Clinical Campus, International Medical University, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia; 2School of Medicine, International Medical University, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia ABSTRACT Introduction: The red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is a popular fruit, not only where it originated from, in Central America, but across the world including in Asia. It contains healthy minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, and has been shown to have gut motility action in animals. Methods: To determine the effect of red dragon fruit on whole gut transit time, a cross-sectional study of whole gut transit time using two different stool markers was conducted among 128 young Malaysian adults. Results: Red dragon fruit, in a half fruit serving of 225±25 grams, reduced mean whole gut transit time from 26.0±12.9 hours to 21.9±12.8 hours (p
154 Lim KG & Ling CV and it accounts for 2.5 million physician of the student population in the campus. office visits annually in the United States Pregnant females and individuals on (Sharma et al., 2017). Constipation medication were excluded in this study. consists of a constellation of symptoms Demographic data were also collected in including excessive straining, prolonged a self-administered questionnaire. This attempts to defecate, and stools of hard study acquired ethical approval and consistency. Primary or functional written consent was obtained from the constipation is not only a disease itself, participants. but straining at stools and hard stools also bring on perianal diseases such Whole gut transit measurement as anal fissures, haemorrhoids, and Two measuring tools were selected in anorectal abscesses (Merchea et al., this study - carbon, in activated charcoal 2016; Nugent et al., 2018). tablets, and Hylocereus polyrhizus, RDF And yet, there has not been itself. A pilot test among five volunteers widespread adoption of objective clinical showed that both tools demonstrated measurements of bowel habits, not least changes in stool appearance after because even medical practitioners find consumption, which was easily detected probing into bowel habits distasteful. when the subject was informed on Whole gut transit time (WGTT) is one what to look for. All subjects underwent objective measure. It can be measured four test rounds. On two occasions, using wireless capsules, radiopaque subjects were asked to consume six markers or more simply, ingestion of a 250mg tablets of activated charcoal dye (Lee et al., 2014; Kumar et al., 1987; (1.5gm) within 1 hour of passing motion Waller et al., 2011; Séverine et al., 2001). and to take note when they had stool The normal WGTT ranges between 10- colour change. After that, on two more 73 hours (Lee et al., 2014). As a measure occasions, they consumed half of one to study the practical effect of RDF on RDF, which amounted to 225±25 grams, bowel action, we examined the WGTT within one hour of passing motion. The of healthy young adults sampled from measurement of whole gut transit time students at the International Medical was determined by documenting the University, Seremban, Malaysia. times starting with the intake of the measuring tool and ending with positive MATERIALS AND METHODS stool changes. There was an interval of one week between tests with carbon and Ethical approval RDF. Ethical clearance was obtained from the International Medical University Categorising Joint Committee (CSc-Sem6-(12)2018). The authors were accountable for all In addition to recording the duration of aspects of work to ensure the accuracy WGTT, in hours, we also grouped the or integrity of any part of the work. results into two categories (
The effect of Hylocereus polyrhizus on whole gut transit time 155 In this study, 40 hours was selected data and Pearson’s Chi-square test for as the cut-off for short and long WGTT categorical data. among subjects. It is common practice for most people to open their bowels at RESULTS about the same time each day. It can The mean age of the participants was therefore be expected that WGTT would 22.7±1.1 years. There were 80 (62.5%) cluster at 24 hours and 48 hours or females and 48 males included in this multiples of the hours of a day (Séverine study. They consisted of 75 (58.6%) et al., 2001). The use of 40 hours allows Chinese, 33 (25.8%) Indians, 16 (12.5%) for individuals from ‘up to four hours Malays and 4 (3.1%) of other races. Figure late one day’ and ‘four hours early the 1 shows the box plots of four attempts to next’ to be captured in the latter group. measure the WGTT of the 128 volunteers. The means of the two attempts with Data analysis carbon were 26.0±13.6 hours and The analysis of data was performed 26.3±12.1hours, which showed no with SPSS 25. The tests included significant difference (p=0.787). Mean Mann-Whitney test for non-parametric Figure 1. Whole gut transit time for young adults on two occasions using carbon and two occasions using RDF as indicator
156 Lim KG & Ling CV Table 1. Number of subjects having short (
The effect of Hylocereus polyrhizus on whole gut transit time 157 mice. The experiment revealed dragon Strengths fruit oligosaccharides to have bulk- We achieved a high response rate with forming effects and increased colonic data from 128 subjects and complete data smooth muscle contractions in mice. in 125 subjects. Our sample population The studied mice did not show any of students shared many similarities and morphological changes in their colonic common features in their environment, mucosa or muscular layer after two which controlled for factors that may weeks of consistent feeding with dragon have influenced WGTT measurements fruit oligosaccharides at 500mg/kg such as different activities, lifestyle (Khuituan et al., 2019). This gave us and weather, that is known to influence reassurance that the laxative effect of hydration. In addition, not regimenting RDF is healthy and there is no evidence the diet of our subjects showed us the to suggest that it is harmful. No subjects real effect RDF had among individuals in in our study reported any untoward their daily life. Bowel habit varied day- effects. Oligosaccharides in dragon fruit to-day in all individuals and repeated demonstrated additional beneficiary measurements to obtain a mean was an effects on animal model in various advantage. studies. Peerakietkhajorn et al. (2020)’s study demonstrated that dragon fruit CONCLUSION oligosaccharides increased the probiotics This study revealed a laxative effect of population (Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli) red dragon fruit among young adults. in proximal and distal colon of mice. Further large scale, randomised Furthermore, Pansai et al. (2019) found controlled trials are needed to study immune boosting properties of prebiotic the potential usage of dragon fruit as dragon fruit oligosaccharides in animal a dietary modification in constipation- model. related disorders. Limitations Acknowledgement Activated charcoal tablets are generally We were fortunate to have the support from inert in regards to WGTT, but may rarely volunteers Heyman Raj Bari, Lai Kah Jing, Lye Xin cause delayed bowel motion (Chyka et al., Yi, and Jhanani Arjunan who contributed their 2005). We have not investigated the diet time and effort in collecting the data. of our subjects, and as we know, dietary Authors’ contributions differences may affect WGTT. However, LKG, principal investigator, conceptualised and this factor may be nearly impossible to designed the study, conducted data analysis control for even with a regimented diet. and interpretation, prepared the draft of the Nevertheless, most Malaysians share manuscript and reviewed the manuscript; LCV, conducted data collection, assisted in drafting of much in common in their diet, especially the manuscript, reviewed the manuscript. our group of students who were based in the same campus. Conflict of interest Our measure of WGTT depended We declare that we have no potential financial and on subjects’ reporting about when non-financial conflicts of interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript. they observed a colour change and this relied on the co-operation of the References subjects. Therefore, we cannot ascertain Ariffin A, Bakar J, Tan CP, Rahman RA, Karim R if they have identified the colour change & Loi CC (2009). Essential fatty acids of pitaya accurately. (dragon fruit) seed oil. Food Chem 114(2):561– 564.
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