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1 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.1, February 2020, Page 1-6

                  BEAUTIFUL MIND FILM
                                    Marudut Bernadtua Simanjuntak
                                        Indraprasta PGRI University
                                     Email :

 E-ISSN : 2615-3092                                                                  P-ISSN : 2615-3084

Abstract. This study aims to describe the educational values of the main character in a Film Beautiful Mind.
The study was compiled with a qualitative approach. Data was collected by watching and recording and
analyzed by qualitative narrative approaches. The results showed that there are 6 educational values of the main
character in the Film Beautiful Mind, including: (1) hard work, (2) creative, (3) love for the country, (4)
friendly / communicative, (5) social and (6) appreciate achievement. Based on the findings in this study, Film
Beautiful Mind deserves to be used as a spectacle for motivation and inspiration because it contains many
educational values.

Keywords: Educational Values, Main Character, Beautiful Mind

INTRODUCTION                                              understanding literature, watching movies only
      In making films, the director tries to              requires a short amount of time compared to
describe all events that might be experienced by          reading novels and enjoying other literary works.
the community in their daily lives. Films often                The film is a description of the narrative of
relate to cultural events in human life. According        human life that is presented through the role of
to Ratna (2004: 14), caste works, in this case            players in various action scenes supported by
including films, have the same object, namely             visual effects and musical accompaniment. Films
humans and communities where humans are as                use a combination of language, sound, and
cultural and social facts. The results of recordings      images. Basically, the film is formed from two
and memories of past events that were made into           elements, namely narrative and cinematic
films show that literary works are rooted in              elements, which are both closely related.
certain cultures in society. The existence of film        According to Pratista (2008: 19), narrative
makes it can be positioned in socio-cultural              elements explain aspects or themes of stories,
documents. The film accepts influence from                such as characters, problems, conflicts, location,
society and vice versa is able to influence society.      time, and others. As with the narrative element,
      Today, various types of literature develop          cinematic elements explain the technical aspects
rapidly. It is the same as the appreciation of            in the production of a film, including mise-en-
literature that comes with various forms of               scene, cinematography, editing, and sound.
delivery. Increasingly sophisticated technology                Films have various characters as actors in
supports this achievement, resulting in literary          the storyline. Movie cast is displayed directly and
works that use audio-visual media such as films.          can be seen by the audience. The cast acted in a
The film becomes a literary work that can be              glass screen in front of the audience,
enjoyed well and feels more alive. The                    accompanied by a continuous movement of
community's interest in films increases because it        images on a white screen. The actor's appearance
can be easily accessed, either by watching it on          will describe the characteristics of each actor.
various gadgets such as mobile phones, laptops,           These characteristics will distinguish between
and television or by going to the cinema. In              one actor and another.
The Educational Values of the Main Character – Marudut Bernadtua Simanjuntak 2

     Of the many films that can be accessed            be moved, convey and teach noble values of
through various media, biography is often a good       humanity and motivate people to do well.
and much-watched spectacle because of its good
                                                       2.    Value of Character Education
quality. Biographical films are films that are
                                                             To complement the understanding of
made based on the true stories of the lives of one
                                                       character education, in the Decree of the Minister
or a group of people that are documented as
                                                       of National Education (2011: 6), the development
learning and inspiring the audience. One good
                                                       of character values is applied through a
and memorable film to watch is A Beautiful
                                                       systematic and integrative approach. The
Mind. A Beautiful Mind is a biography from the
                                                       development of these values must also involve
United States and directed by Ron Howard. The
                                                       families, educational units, government, civil
script of this film was composed by Akiva
                                                       society, legislative members, mass media,
Goldsman in accordance with Sylvia Nasar's A
                                                       business, and industry. The Ministry of National
Beautiful Mind. The film is played by well-
                                                       Education has set 18 values for character
known role players in America such as Russell
                                                       education. These values come from religion,
Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris, Christopher
                                                       Pancasila, culture and national education goals.
Plummer, and Paul Bettany. This biography tells
                                                       Taken from the Minister of Education Decree
the story of the struggle of an intelligent
                                                       (2010: 9), values in character education are:
mathematics lecturer named John Forbes Nash.
                                                       religion, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard
He succeeded in creating economic concepts that
                                                       work, creative, independent, democratic,
are currently used as the basis of contemporary
                                                       curiosity, national enthusiasm, love for the
economic theory. During the Cold War between
                                                       country, respect for achievement, friendliness
America and the Soviet Union, Nash suffered
                                                       /communicative, peace of mind, love of reading,
from schizophrenia which made life always
                                                       caring for the environment, social care,
hallucinating and overshadowed by fear. In the
                                                       responsibility. All educational values of the main
end, he fought hard to recover and won the Nobel
                                                       characters are also expected to be available in all
prize in 1994.
                                                       literary works, including films. According to
                                                       Sudrajat (2011: 34), the word character has a
1.   Character education                               meaning which means drawing or explaining
     Education is the application of developing        something. In that sense, if viewed from the
national character values. In carrying out             context of education, the character of education
education, the process must be applied coherently      shows activity to describe personality, privileges
with strategies such as notification or                or things that distinguish others. Supporting this,
socialization, civilization empowerment, and           Gufron (2010) explains that characters can
cooperation of all people involved in the world of     explain the character, identity, and personality
education. According to Lickona (1991: 45),            that characterize actors in a film.
character education is a conscious activity or
                                                       3.   Character characters
activity carried out in a structured manner to help
                                                            The nature of the cast is an important
others understand and pay attention to ethical
                                                       element in film literature. These characteristics
values. According to Suryaman (2010: 125), in
                                                       are transcribed by the director as the value of
building noble personality traits, such as
                                                       interests, desires, emotions, and moral principles
competitive, creative, strong character, discipline,
                                                       that each actor has. Thus, these traits can be
upholding the spirit of nationalism, ready to be a
                                                       interpreted as statements by finding complete
strong person, literary material can be learned.
                                                       cohesion between the actor and his statement.
Literary materials ideally speak beautifully, can
                                                       The mention of the name of a particular actor can
                                                       directly represent the officer. According to
3 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.1, February 2020, Page 1-6

Nurgiyantoro (2015: 43), character names can           answer research problems (c) reduce data and
represent a collection of characteristics, habits      record and continue by classifying data by
and even the characters they have. Actors display      determining character education values according
films as imaginative works that can express            to research, (d) presenting data based on the
human aspects in depth with subtle presentations.      results of research and problem formulation, and
Not only as a means of entertainment, but a film       (e) drawing conclusions.
is also a form of literature that describes aspects
of life and character values that educate in life
                                                            Based on the results of the analysis there are
and direct the audience about noble characters
                                                       seven values of education found in the film A
that are good to follow and which are bad to
                                                       Beautiful Mind, directed by Ron Howard, which
                                                       is described as follows.
RESEARCH METHOD                                        1. John is a hard worker.
     Research methods or techniques are one of            The duration      Description     Education
                                                             period             Data         al Value
the most important components in research.                   23:05      –   (no description)    Hard Work
According to Ulber (2009: 13), research methods         23:40               Throughout the
are scientific steps that are used to find solutions                        plot, John Nash
in a subject matter. To support this opinion,                               worked on his
                                                                            dissertation all
according to Sulistyo (2006: 92), research                                  day long very
methods are procedures used to achieve the final                            actively.
goal. The data analysis research technique used is          Analysis and discussion: John Nash points
descriptive qualitative in accordance with             to the value of hard work in this film. The lag in
Mahsun's theory (2011: 257). The research model        writing a dissertation due to the absence of ideas
used aims to obtain complete results regarding
                                                       or ideas for writing made John Nash depressed.
the object of the problem in the view of the           But, both before and after the writing of his
researcher.                                            dissertation, John Nash in many film stages
     Qualitative research connects one theory          showed his intention to complete his tasks well.
with another between ideas, perceptions, and
                                                       The value of education that can be taken is, even
understanding of research. According to Putu           though we are often ostracized by friends and the
(2003: 195), qualitative research is generally         environment and even though we have run out of
designed as a basis for providing experience and
                                                       ideas, still be persistent in doing something.
meaning from the results obtained in the field of
                                                       2. John is a creative person.
research. In this study, the authors used narrative
                                                         The duration         Description     Education
qualitative research methods.                                period               Data         al Value
     The subjects in this study were the film A         11:30 – 11:59       Charles: At the     Creative
Beautiful Mind directed by Ron Howard. The                                  very least, from
film is 135 minutes long, with scripts written                              the bright side,
                                                                            you have found
based on the biography of A Beautiful Mind by                               the value of art
Sylvia Nasar. The research method used is                                   in the window.
qualitative narrative method with data validity
                                                                            John       Nash:
carried out by data triangulation and theory. At
                                                                            (While showing
the stage of data collection, the author uses                               pictures in the
analytical techniques with steps (a) collecting                             window) This is
data by collecting library material and watching                            a    group    of
                                                                            people who are
movies over and over as a whole, (b) identifying
                                                                            playing football.
narrative data in sentences in films that will                              This is a group
The Educational Values of the Main Character – Marudut Bernadtua Simanjuntak 4

                    of       pigeons                    mathematicians who were formed to understand
                    fighting    over                    the country's war codes during the Cold War.
                    food, while this
                    is a woman who                      Carefully and reading the opponent's map code,
                    runs after the                      John Nash broke the password for a war position
                    thief who takes                     intended to attack his country at the border. The
                    his wallet.                         explanation was responded to well by the General
     Analysis and discussion: In his downturn,          and concluded the actions of John Nash in
Charles, who was a friend of John Nash,                 breaking the code to save his country. This
questioned the pictures in the window pane. In          includes the actions of John Nash loving his
the picture, John Nash explains the positions of        homeland.
objects in the form of mathematical formulas.           4. John makes good friendship and
This might be a little strange in the way of                 communication with his rivals.
learning, but the way John Nash learned in                The duration      Description      Education
applying Mathematics by using windows was                    period             Data          al Value
very creative. The value of education that can be        24:30-24:40       John     Nash:    Friendly /
                                                                          (paused     and   Communicat
learned is that we can use and create things                              finally    gave   ive
around us in completing the way of learning.                              Martin a cup of
                                                                          wine that felt
3.     John loves his country.                                            awkward
     The duration      Description      Education                         because      of
        period            Data           al Value                         losing)
 27:23-27:45         John      Nash:    Love      the
                     (While             country                           Martin: Umm ...
                     showing a map                                        Government
                     of war)                                              Dynamic. Well
                     This is latitude                                     done,     John!
                     and longitude.                                       (John      Nash
                     At least 10                                          entertains and
                     other warships.                                      drinks     with
                     They       were                                      Martin)
                     ordered       to
                     approach the                            Analysis and discussion: John Nash and
                                                        Martin have often competed in many ways.
                                                        These things include seducing women,
                     General:                           competing values and ratings and praise from
                     Great! (While                      lecturers in their campuses as well as the
                     several army                       promotion of their dissertations to Wheeler
                     troops)                            Laboratories. John Nash often criticized Martin's
                     Everyone,                          work in lectures and Martin often made John
                     please follow                      Nash a joke object. In the end, they respected and
                     this.     (Then
                     speak to John                      respected each other after John Nash succeeded
                     Nash)       You                    in convincing his lecturer about the idea of
                     have done a                        "Government Dynamics" in his dissertation idea
                     good service
                                                        and got a promotion to Wheeler Laboratory. The
                     for        your
                     country, son.                      thing that can be learned is that bad competition
                                                        or goodwill certainly still be able to establish
     Analysis and discussion: John Nash was             good friendship and communication.
involved in a collection of American
5 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.1, February 2020, Page 1-6

5.    John teaches students at the university.                              dynamics of
     The duration     Description Education                                 government.
                                                                            Find the real
       period            Data         al Value
                                                                            original idea.
 1:57:52-1:58:3       John     Nash:     Social
                                                                            That is the
                     Come along
                                                                            only way. I
                     with         the
                                                                            will     always
                     speed ... let's
                                                                            myself from
                     think about 1
                                                                            others. With
                     mile/hour. So
                                                                            this, I can get
                     you will find a
                                                                            it (an idea for
                     fly on the "B"
                                                                            a dissertation)
                     bicycle     that
                     can fly at a                             Analysis and discussion: As a smart and
                     speed of 20                        intelligent person, John Nash has targeted himself
                     leaving      the                   to complete his education very well. This was
                     bicycle      tire                  actually motivated by his success in the
                     "A" in circles                     achievements, where John Nash was one of ten
                     until the two
                                                        George Westinghouse Award recipients. The
                     bikes collide
                     and hit the                        lesson that can be learned is that John Nash
                     poor         fly.                  appreciated his achievements as a stimulus to
                     (When John                         reach the target.
                     Nash taught
                     students at the                    CONCLUSION
                     library, Martin                         Based on the results of the study, it was
                     and his wife                       found six educational values of the main
                     saw         that                   character in the Beautiful Mind Film, including
                                                        (1) hard work, (2) creative, (3) love for the
     Analysis and discussion: John Nash finally         country, (4) friendly/communicative, (5) social
returned to active teaching at the university           and (6) achievement achievements. John Nash's
where Marthin, his best friend taught. Starting         example in the film can be used as a reference
from the curiosity of a student who wanted his          film and even some teaching materials in literacy
theory to be revised by John Nash, it continued         learning in the context of the film both at the
with John Nash who eventually taught and was            junior high school, high school, and college
close to his students for years. This shows that        level. Through the character John Nash who can
John Nash has a good social spirit where he can         oppose various kinds of problems and finally can
teach and help many people to get a good                rise in adversity, he realizes his role and can
education, even though John Nash initially              support the values of character education.
suffered from an illness and was even shunned by
6. John is very eager to reach the target.              Gufron, Anik. (2010). Integrasi Nilai-nilai
   The duration       Description Education                 Karakter     Bangsa     pada    Kegiatan
      period              Data        al Value              Pembelajaran        dalam      Cakrawala
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                     have       to       achievement
                     observe (with       s                  Th.XXIX, Mei: 13-24. Yogyakarta: LPPMP
                     a focus on                             Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
                     seeing    the                      Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional. (2010).
                     project)   ...                         Bahan Pelatihan Penguatan Metodologi
                     towards   the
The Educational Values of the Main Character – Marudut Bernadtua Simanjuntak 6

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     Budaya untuk Membentuk Daya Saing dan
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