2020 Vision THE EDTECH TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2020 - 1 I 2020 VISION: THE EDTECH TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2020 - Instructure

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2020 Vision THE EDTECH TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2020 - 1 I 2020 VISION: THE EDTECH TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2020 - Instructure
2020 Vision

2020 Vision THE EDTECH TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2020 - 1 I 2020 VISION: THE EDTECH TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2020 - Instructure
See edtech
                  clearly in
                  Education is being disrupted. Not in the future,

                  but right now.

                  If you’re an educator, administrator or leader in
                  primary school, high school, university or college,
                  edtech isn’t a hypothetical concept or buzz word,
                  it refers to tools that you depend on in the here        4   Blended learning: the new black
                  and now. It’s shaping your students’ experiences.            How technology will optimise face to
                  You may see it as a great opportunity, you might             face experiences, not replace them
                  be excited. You may be experimenting or even
                  building your own tech solutions. But if you’re          6   Making data human
                  like many education professionals, you are also              How best to use data to enhance
                  experiencing frustration, loss of productivity,              students’ learning experiences
                  uncertainty and information overload.
                                                                           8   Personalisation
                  Edtech and all of its possibilities are nothing
                  without the educator whose job it is to apply them.          How technology is learning to intuit
                  Educators and education leaders like you drive               student’s needs and behaviours
                  student outcomes forward and edtech is the vehicle.
                                                                           10 Making edtech work for you
                  So how can edtech expand and enrich learning?                In 2020, edtech will be a powerful
                  How do you integrate it harmoniously with traditional        enabler for students and teachers
                  teaching modalities? How do you discern between
                  the tools that will offer your students real value and   11 Acknowledgments
                  the ones which are just going to slow you down?
                                                                               How the Canvas community
                  Our research, our customer’s innovations and                 empowered this eBook
                  their vision for the future of education can help to
                  answer these questions. Read on to learn more            12 Get in touch
                  about 3 important edtech developments that we                Contact Canvas to learn how your
                  believe will impact education in 2020 and beyond.            LMS could empower you in 2020

2 I 2020 VISION
2020 Vision THE EDTECH TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2020 - 1 I 2020 VISION: THE EDTECH TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2020 - Instructure
Blended learning
         is the new black
         With over 1,000 online education providers in Australia, generating over
         $3.3 billion in revenue*, blended learning is becoming big business.

         At CanvasCon Sydney 2019, Instructure’s      would no longer need to go to school          Faculty and teachers will teach
         premier edtech event in Australia,           or university to get their education. Fast    students to become self-guided
         educators, technologists and educational     forward to 2020 and we know that’s not        learners

         leaders from across Australia and indeed,    true. What’s more, we’re faced with a
         the APAC region gathered to learn and        new problem. A digital world that’s full of   The responsibility to empower students to
         share how the latest developments            distraction, the new currency is focus and    teach themselves is falling to educators.
         in education technology are making           credibility is king.                          It’s learning that goes beyond the course
         teaching and learning easier and better.                                                   syllabus, a lifelong practice to be developed
                                                      Technology will never be as powerful as       and maintained for survival - just like
         Educators shared how they are using          human intention. In 2020 your students        exercise or a healthy diet.                          of university teaching staff
         blended learning to create better            will continue to succeed because                                                                   prefer blended learning
         experiences for their students and           of your mentoring, motivation and             This means empowering students with
                                                                                                                                                         over traditional face to face
         offload administrative tasks to their LMS,   support. Edtech is going to get better at     confidence to self-guide their learning. It starts
         which makes it easier to focus on what       supporting you, helping you to amplify        with using your LMS but extends as far as:           - Eduquas report, Teaching and technology 2019
         they do best - teaching.                     your influence and engage with students,
                                                      in more ways, more often.                     /   Maintaining focus/managing distractions.

         Technology will optimise                                                                   /   Self-identifying knowledge gaps and
         face-to-face experiences,                    3 tasks that edtech can                           knowing how to fill them.
         not replace them                             automate:                                     /   Distinguishing between credible content

                                                                                                                                                                                                          *IBISWorld Industry Report X0008, Online Education in Australia, 2017
                                                                                                        vs sponsored or commercially supported,
         When learning experiences became             1 / Reminding students to submit their
                                                                                                        propaganda and fake news.
         digital experiences, some commentators           assignments (more on this later)
         leapt to the conclusion that students                                                      /   Knowing limitations and when to delegate
                                                      2 / Identifying students who are falling          or ask for help.
                                                          behind on their coursework, so that
                                                                                                    /   Practicing self-care/managing screen time.
         ‘Technology will                                 you can counsel them in real life
                                                          (more on this later)
                                                                                                    /   Prioritising/setting personal learning goals.
          never be as powerful                        3 / Keeping parents up to date on
                                                                                                    Blended learning will cultivate lifelong
         as human intention’                              student performance, scores and
                                                                                                    learning skills for students that will be vital
                                                          attendance (more on this also)
                                                                                                    to survival in the workplaces of the future.

4 I 2020 VISION
         data human
         In 2020, with greater integration of LMS’
         and in many cases, total adoption across    ‘The dashboard is
         whole institutions, valuable data will be
         generated and stored, including test
                                                     used as a tool to                           St Dominic’s has also created a
                                                                                                 dashboard especially for parents, to
         scores, study patterns, learning habits,
         areas of interest, hours and times of
                                                     support teachers                            give them a real-time view of their
                                                                                                 child’s performance. Since offering this
         engagement, attendance patterns and         in counselling                              dashboard they have seen parents
         more. With all of this data comes great                                                 become much more engaged in their
         power, but also great responsibility.       students through                            child’s learning, which in turn has
         How best to use data to enhance                                                         sparked an uplift in student scores.
         students’ learning experiences?             any problem areas’
                                                                                                 The parent dashboard also cuts down
         St Dominic’s College in Sydney is a                                                     on administrative work for teachers,
         school striving to make data human.                                                     as parents can check results as they
         In their presentation at CanvasCon 2019,    Collecting all of the data generated        appear in real-time. It also means that if
         St Dominic’s explained how they use data    through these activities in one place       a parent is proactive and engaged via
         to help students and their parents make     creates a powerful dashboard that           the dashboard, there will be no nasty
                                                     gives a real-time view of student scores,   surprises on parent-teacher night.
                                                     engagement and coursework.

         ‘With all of this data                      The most successful application of this     What are other schools
                                                     data has been the student dashboard,        saying about the use
         comes great power,                          which gives students a real-time view of
                                                     their marks and other key performance       of big data in edtech?
         but also great                              indicators. They can access it easily
                                                                                                 “We’ve found that our
                                                     at any time on their computer, iPad or
         responsibility’                             smartphone - enabling students to keep      students have become really
                                                     track of their progress and to compare      engaged with technology,
                                                     their results against averages for their    it’s about trying to find that
                                                     cohort. The data is further humanised
         better decisions. They have adopted
                                                     when the dashboard is used as a tool to
                                                                                                 balance between too much
         the Canvas LMS as the universal system                                                  technology and actually
                                                     support teachers in counselling students
         to integrate with Microsoft Office for
         all of their student’s coursework, tests,   through any problem areas in their          being able to utilise it.”
         homework, activities and timetables.                                                    - Vicki, Cranbrook School, NSW

6 I 2020 VISION
Personalisation                                           “We’re utilising technology in a blended way so that we
                                                          can give students the best possible learning experience”

to support self-guided                                    - Carly Milanovic, Senior Digital Media Designer, RMIT University Melbourne

learning   In the classroom, some of the best educators
                                                          Giving students a nudge
                                                          At CanvasCon, keynote speaker Jared
                                                                                                               The ‘nudge’ was a push notification sent
                                                                                                               to their smartphone or desktop, reminding
           are the ones that have a knack for intuiting                                                        them that their assignment deadline was
           their students’ needs and adapting their       Stein (VP Education Strategy, Instructure)           coming up. The results of the pilot were -
           approach to different learning styles,         spoke about one of his team’s experiments
           strengths, weaknesses and goals. There         with personalisation. They knew that what            •   10% lift in assignments submitted
           is no one-size-fits-all approach, but          students do on a day-to-day basis and how                on time.
           increasingly due to pressure on resources      they reflect upon their own habits is key
                                                                                                               •   Teachers reported that their students
           and growing class sizes, one-size-fits-all     to achievement.
                                                                                                                   were more engaged than normal.
           becomes the only feasible option.
                                                          They also knew that frequent assessments
                                                                                                               From the pilot, the team learned that there
           Imagine being supported by a system that       support learning and that having activities
                                                                                                               were three different types of students:
           intelligently observes a student’s progress,   to do early on builds good habits and
           identifies talents and matches them to         helps give teachers an idea of how                   1 / Ones who hand things in early.
           potential career pathways. How beneficial      students are going.
           might that information be to an educator                                                            2 / Ones who leave it to the last minute
           having a discussion with a student who                                                                  and miss the deadline.
           needs help making an important decision,
           like which university course to apply for?
                                                          Hypothesis: students                                 3 / Ones who hand in on time for one
                                                                                                                   subject, but not another.
           Or consider a student that has their heart     will be more likely to
           set on being a vet, but that isn’t meeting                                                          For a student who falls into the first camp
           the mark. With personalisation, the student    turn something in if                                 and has already handed their assignment
           could set their intention early and be
           promoted with resources and extra tasks        we give them a nudge.                                in, a nudge could be annoying. So,
                                                                                                               the next iteration of nudge is further
           to help them reach their goal.                                                                      personalising the experience by learning
                                                                                                               what type of student they are and how
           Edtech is only beginning to scratch the        So they created the ‘nudge,’ a pilot that            best to nudge them.
           surface of personalisation. This technology    tested this hypothesis:
           is not immediately available yet, but here                                                          Students in the nudge pilot also required
           at Canvas, Instructure, we’re excited about    “Will students be more likely to turn                less administrative support, freeing
           where we can take this technology in 2020.     something in if we give them a nudge?”               educators up to teach more and nag less.

                                                                                                                                                       2020 VISION I 9
How to make edtech                                                                     It takes
         work for you                                                                           a village
         Creating a more human student experience will be a process of
         continuous improvement.
                                                                                                How the Canvas community
                                                                                                empowered this publication
         In 2020, edtech will continue to advance           How are others making
         and support students as more educators
         and institutions begin to experiment, test
                                                            edtech work for them?               This eBook was made possible by the
                                                                                                thousands of educators that make up the
         hypotheses and push the boundaries. In a
         space where there is so much opportunity           “We can put all of the technology   Canvas community who continue to drive
                                                            in front of the students, but       the success of Canvas.
                                                            ultimately teachers need to drive   A special thanks to the following
         ‘There is so much                                  the use of that technology in the   contributers of this eBook:
         opportunity for growth                                                                 /    The attendees and presenters
                                                                                                     at CanvasCon 2019
                                                            - Vicki, Cranbrook School, NSW
         and innovation’                                                                        /    Carly Milanovic, RMIT, VIC

                                                                                                /    Vicki Hounslow, Cranbrook School, NSW
         for growth and innovation, players in the
                                                                                                /    David Sheil, St Dominic’s College, NSW
         edtech space look to their communities
         of educators to spark new ideas, build                                                 /    Jennifer Walsh, St Dominic’s College, NSW
         solutions and to provide testing grounds
                                                                                                /    Jared Stein, Instructure
         for new ideas.
                                                                                                /    Jared Ward, Instructure
         In 2020, it will be this spirit of collaboration
         that will drive edtech to be a powerful                                                /    Candice Lim, Instructure
         enabler and vehicle to:
         1 / Empower people to build their own                                                  Instructure. (2019). Proceedings of CanvasCon 2019, The International
             awesome                                                                            Convention Centre, Sydney Australia. Stein, J. (2019, September) [Video].
                                                                                                Jared Stein, VP Education Strategy, Keynote Speech - CanvasCon 2019.
                                                                                                Instructure. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/357748578/b92a70664e

         2 / Leverage data for self-directed                                                    Ward, J. (2019, June 1). Using Canvas to Support Your Research [Blog
                                                                                                post]. Retrieved from https://www.instructure.com/canvas/en-au/blog/
             learning                                                                           using-canvas-to-support-your-research. Lim, C. (2019, September 25).
                                                                                                3 key learnings from CanvasCon Sydney 2019 [Blog post]. Retrieved
                                                                                                from    https://www.instructure.com/canvas/en-au/blog/3-key-learnings-
         3 / Connect learning beyond the                                                        canvascon-sydney-2019. Ward, J. (2019, October 17). Using Analytics to
                                                                                                Support Your Staff [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.instructure.
             classroom                                                                          com/canvas/en-au/blog/using-analytics-in-supporting-your-staff. Eduqas
                                                                                                report, Teaching and technology (2019). Retrieved from https://vimeo.
                                                                                                com/357748578/b92a70664e Ward, J. (2019, June 1). IBISWorld Industry
                                                                                                Report X0008, Online Education in Australia (2017.)

10 I 2020 VISION
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            learning management system.


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                                         ABOUT CANVAS:
   The Canvas Learning Management Platform by Instructure (NYSE: INST) is an integrated education
 technology platform that includes Canvas LMS, Canvas Studio, Canvas Catalog, and Canvas Practice.
The Canvas Learning Management Platform has connected millions of instructors and learners at more
             than 4,000 educational institutions and corporations throughout the world.
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