The dental industry's Oscars - Entry Guide Awards2020 - Dental Industry Awards

Page created by Keith Beck
The dental industry's Oscars - Entry Guide Awards2020 - Dental Industry Awards

  The dental industry’s Oscars
                      Entry Guide

                      VIRTUAL CEREMONY
                Wednesday 4 November 2020

                       ENTER TODAY

Presented by            Digital Partners      Media Partner



                The dental industry’s Oscars
Now in its sixth year and bigger than ever, the primary objective of the Dental
   Industry Awards is to recognise excellence in the UK dental industry. The
 ceremony provides an opportunity for companies, teams and individuals to
  be formally acknowledged for achievements, projects and the high quality
 of work they do. The wide range of categories offers entry opportunities for
                            companies of all sizes.

                         Reasons to enter

   Increase sales and        Boost morale within        Gain credit for your
       awareness                 your team                  successes

                              How to Enter
      Go to and click on ‘Enter Now’.
              Add your details and select your categories.
             Entries must be submitted by Friday 2 October 2020.
    Entry is £50+VAT per category and you can enter as many as you like.
          Entries can be sent to us at or
          You can also put your entry on a USB stick and post it to:
                     The Dental Industry Awards, FMC,
                  1 Hertford House, Farm Close, Shenley,
                          Hertfordshire WD7 9AB.

                      For further information contact
Charlotte Knight on +44 (0) 1923 851736 or email

Presented by                   Digital Partners                   Media Partner
2020 categories
Entry is easy. All we need is the following:         - Any relevant supporting evidence.
- Up to 500 words on why you are a                     Please see categories below.
  contender for your chosen category

Website of the Year                                  Product Launch of the Year
Is your website particularly effective, attractive   Greater than 25 employees
or easy to navigate? Explain how your website        Fewer than 25 employees
excels as your shop window in a virtual world.       This award will recognise the best product
• Describe the objectives behind the website         launch and associated campaign. Winners will
• Detail any special attributes the website has      be able to demonstrate how they successfully
• Show how you measure results                       launched the product into the market. This
• Include any specific results/analytics to prove    category is open for any product or service
  the site has performed as expected                 available in the UK dental market, formally
• Include screenshots and images of your website.    launched after 1 January 2019.
                                                     • The strategy and objectives behind your launch
Best Use of Social Media                             • Explain the USP of your product or service
Social media is a powerful sales platform. How       • Illustrate the effectiveness of your launch
does your company utilise the various social           campaign
media channels to fulfil your objectives?            • Include examples of your marketing
• How many followers do you have?                    • Include results and evaluation where possible.
• Have you grown your following considerably
  this year?                                         Best Use of PR
• Are you proud of a recent campaign you             PR gets people talking, drives new business
  launched?                                          leads and echoes your brand values. The
• Show how you measured the success of your          judges will be looking for evidence of:
  campaign – include results and evaluation          • The strategy and objectives of your PR
  where possible                                     • How you targeted your audience and the
• What is your approach to content?                    strategy behind this
• Is there one social media channel that you         • Any key USPs that you were able to focus on
  are really strong in or are you multi-platform     • Show how you measure the success of your
  focused?                                             PR. Was it well picked up by the media?
                                                     • The implementation and creativity of your PR
App of the Year                                      • Evidence of coverage you received in media.
Apps are increasingly popular. How has your
app been received? Has it helped you and your        Dental Brand of the Year
customers do business? The winning entry will        This award is to highlight the power of
demonstrate a user-friendly app that looks           intangible business assets – brand value,
good and gets a positive response.                   image and reputation. How have you
• Describe the strategy behind the app               effectively communicated your company or
• How many downloads do you have?                    products’ values and personality to establish
• How did you promote the app to users?              a successful brand image? What exemplifies
• Show the results and examples of app               your brand? How do you communicate this
  performance.                                       with your marketing?
• Describe your brand values or brand                • Provide the following evidence where
  personality                                          possible:
• Explain your strategy in promoting the brand         - Advertising and marketing materials
• Describe how you measure the success of              - Provide feedback/testimonials received
  your brand                                             from delegates
• Explain how you target your audience
• What are the key ingredients that have             Marketing Campaign of the Year
  contributed to your success?                       Greater than 25 employees
                                                     Fewer than 25 employees
Dental Industry Event of the Year                    This award will be presented to the company or
This award is open to any event organiser            product judged to have had the strongest or most
and will reflect the success of a conference,        successful marketing campaign of the year.
congress, seminar, exhibition, digital event or      • Illustrate the marketing mix used in your
webinar in terms of its overall performance             campaign
and enjoyment level.                                 • Describe the strategy and objectives of
• Describe your event in detail                         your campaign
• Show how you promoted your event to your           • Show how you targeted your audience and
  target audience                                       the strategy behind this
• Describe how you monitored the success of          • Demonstrate the implementation and
  your event                                            creativity of your marketing campaign
• Describe the feedback received from                • Include results and evaluation.
  delegates at the event
• Describe the feedback received from sponsors       Dental Industry Employee of
  and exhibitors of your event.                      the Year
                                                     Nominate a colleague or employee.
Short-term postgraduate course                       Has one of your employees been remarkable
of the year                                          in their professional career? Nominate them
This award is for the organiser of a short course,   for an award and show them how much they
lasting anything from one day to thirty days         mean to your team.
spread throughout the year. Your course can          • Describe their contribution to your company
cover any area of dentistry including restorative    • Describe any particular scenarios they have
dentistry, implants, orthodontics, smile design        excelled within
and facial aesthetics etc.                           • Show how they support the team
• Describe your course in detail and illustrate      • Provide relevant testimonials from clients and
  the outcomes and gains of attending                  staff members.
• Give a brief history of the course and the
  thought behind it; how long has your course        Team of the Year
  been running?                                      It’s an enviable bond that makes working together
• How can this learning be used in practice?         enjoyable and naturally optimises productivity.
• Demonstrate innovation, success and                This category could be for a whole company or a
  creativity in your approach to providing           specific team within a larger set-up.
  postgraduate education                             • Discuss what makes your team special
• The winner should demonstrate growth or            • Describe your team ethos
  commercial success of the course                   • What training or special elements do you have
that makes things work so well?                     you share percentage year-on-year growth?
• What results have you achieved as a team?         • Discuss the benefits you provide
• How is performance compared to what it was        • Who is responsible for monitoring and
  before?                                             managing service and repair?
                                                    • Show testimonial evidence where possible.
Customer Service Provider of
the Year                                            Innovation of the Year
Greater than 25 employees                           This award is for those individuals or
Fewer than 25 employees                             companies that have delivered an innovative
A successful company puts the customer at the       product or service to the dental market over
heart of everything it does. From the first point   the course of the last 12 months.
of contact to after-sales support, how do you       • Discuss your innovation
monitor and fulfil customer needs and wants?        • How did you see the gap in the market?
This award will recognise businesses going          • Discuss the objectives and strategy
above and beyond to deliver superior service.         underpinning the innovation
• Discuss your approach to customer service         • Illustrate how you promoted the innovation to
• How is quality customer service integrated          the market
  into your business? How do you get team           • Show examples of your success
  buy-in?                                           • Highlight any specific reaction from your
• How do you set goals in customer service?           customers.
  How does this impact customer retention?
• How do your customers respond to your             UK Exporter of the Year
  superior customer service? Supply relevant        This category will recognise success, market
  testimonials where possible.                      knowledge and effective sales penetration to
                                                    an overseas market. The exporter of the year
Advertisement of the Year                           should:
Greater than 25 employees                           • Demonstrate their approach and commitment
Fewer than 25 employees                               to the export market
This award will be presented to the print           • Show significant success in exporting. How are
advertisement judged to have the strongest            figures growing year-on-year?
impact, commercially and visually.                  • Show an example of how a tricky overseas
• Describe the objectives of your campaign/           market was conquered
  advert                                            • Explain how they encourage overseas
• What results did you achieve with the advert?       businesses to buy into British manufacture.
• Include a copy of the advertisement
                                                    Corporate Social Responsibility
Best Servicing and Repair Company                   Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a
Companies give their customers excellent            business’s approach to ‘doing the right thing’
service and repair standards. How do you            in the community. How do you ensure you give
approach service and repair?                        something back to your local area and also
• How did you go above and beyond what is           maintain the reputation of your organisation?
   normally expected?                               • What does your organisation do in terms
• Describe the service level you offer                of CSR?
• Is this part of your business growing well? Can   • What is your specific CSR approach? How has
the community benefitted?                       beyond the sum of the parts. It could either
• How are employees involved in your CSR          be for sustained excellent performance of an
  ethos? What have you actually done?             organisation or for a successful turnaround or
• Show examples and testimonials wherever         just an extraordinary year’s work. This business
  possible.                                       leader will stand as the clear driver behind
                                                  a super team effort. The individual will have
Best Dental Practice Corporate Group              excelled in the last 12 months.
10 or more practices
9 practices or less                               The COVID-19 Responce award will be
In this category we are looking for an            recognising the company/individual use of for 2020
outstanding dental practice corporate. This       initiative to strategically pivot or introduce a
category is split into two categories so we can   new product/service which has created a
recognise greatness in a smaller group as well    positive impact on your business. Please
as a more-resourced group.                        demonstrate the results and success of these
• Describe your group ethos                       actions which have helped your company
• What training do you have for your dental       during the pandemic.
  teams and associates?
• Demonstrate a solid financial performance       Outstanding Business of the Year
• What are you doing as a group to combat         Greater than 25 employees
  viruses and infection control across the        Fewer than 25 employees
  group?                                          This award can either be self-entered or
• What do you do socially as a group              entered by the judges automatically, further to
• Give an example of where you have gone the      a high-calibre entry in another category. The
  extra mile for patients                         award recognises success in developing and
• Show examples of standards of clinical          sustaining an all-round excellent business.
  excellence from within the group                Entrants should exemplify how ongoing growth,
• Supporting evidence and pictures are welcome    progression and results can be achieved in the
                                                  UK dental sector, thereby providing an example
High Technology Launch of the Year                to that consistent success in UK dentistry is
This category seeks to award genuine game-        eminently possible.
changers in this era of fast-paced high-          • Illustrate how your company has progressed
tech developments. Entrants should show             over the last 12 months
details of a high-tech equipment or software      • Describe how you have developed and evolved
development that has taken place this year.         through the year to grow your business
• Why did you launch the product?                 • Show how you measured, maintained and
• What is the USP of the product?                   improved the success of your business
• How did you market this?                          throughout the year
• Provide any data or testimonials that support   • How do you feel you have fared against your
  your entry                                        competitors in your sector of the market?
                                                  • Show how you train your team and any other
Business Leader of the year/                        initiatives to help develop a strong employee
COVID-19 Response                                   culture
This award is for a senior leader who has         • Provide any data or testimonials to support
nurtured a team or company that is performing       your entry.

                           VIRTUAL CEREMONY
                 Wednesday 4 November 2020

                             ENTER TODAY

                      For further information contact
Charlotte Knight on +44 (0) 1923 851736 or email

Presented by                   Digital Partners                Media Partner
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