The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...

Page created by Clifford Walsh
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
Immanuel Lutheran Churc h o f Lebano n ’s
The Country Christian                                                              2022

We are planning to publish a new directory in January. The directory includes every
member’s name, address, phone numbers (land line and cell). Also, email
addresses, if you would like to share this information.

Remember the directory of is only as accurate as the information given to the
office. If you have a new name, moved, have a different phone number, or new
email address, please send the updated information to the office, which will enable
us to update the active member data base.

An updated directory is a useful tool for Pastor Repp, as well as other congregation

Thank you.

                              WHAT’S HAPPENING?
Elevator Debt Note Burning
Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon will be celebrating the Elevator Debt Note
Burning on Sunday January 2, 2022. At the conclusion of the 9 AM church service,
there will be the burning of the note for the debt of the elevator as it is fully paid for at
this time.
After the church service all are welcome to attend an informal celebration of
fellowship in the church basement with cake, ice cream, cheese and crackers and
fruit, along with coffee and juice. Anyone attending may also bring an appetizer/snack
type food if you so choose.
It’s great to celebrate this milestone!
Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon Council Members
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
Members of Immanuel:
On January 23, 2022 our congregation will be having the semi-annual meeting with
election of executive officers and committee chairpersons to make up the Church
Council. Please take some time and consider being a member of the Church Council
or serving on a committee. From 1 Corinthians 12: 27 – 28(NIV): v. 27; Now you are
the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. v. 28; And in the church God
has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of
miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts
of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. Consider this in
the workings of our council and committee members and our church as a whole. If you
would like to be considered or have any questions regarding a position please contact
the person listed after the
position or any council member.

The following positions will be up for election:

Council President (3 year term) – outgoing officer - Mike Coughlin
Vice President (1 year term) – outgoing officer -Tom Kulke
Secretary (2 year term) – outgoing officer - Lori Schwenkner
Financial Secretary (2 year term) – outgoing officer - Sue Rhodes

The following committees which make up part of our council will always gladly
welcome new members to enhance the life of the congregation and support the
Council which are also voted on at the Semi-Annual Meeting:

Worship and Music – outgoing Chairperson - Bob Sell
Christian Education – Melissa Hurtgen, Amy Kranz, Kristi Peirick
Outreach – outgoing Chairperson - Christina Plasil
Congregational Life – outgoing Chairperson - Patricia Frank
Stewardship and Finance – outgoing Chairperson (will serve this term) - Mike Uecker
Property – outgoing Chairperson - Wayne Zastrow

To wrap this up; our church is in need of four officers; and six persons to be elected to
the Vice Chair position (which then takes over for the Chair the following year) for the
committees. Please consider a position on our council to continue the good work we
have done in the history of this congregation.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Council
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
Shepherding Lions
Merry Christmas! But seriously...
Do we truly celebrate this? With all the news, sadness, uncertainties, anxieties, politics, infla-
tion, fears, mediocrities, distractions, commercials, gift-returns, unopened boxes from aunt so-
and-so, uneaten food, empty bottles, New Year’s resolutions, unwanted presents,
gift-wrapping paper tossed into the garbage containers, the saturation of holiday-themed
movies and specials, sport-events, etc. – Christmas still goes on. And not like a fruitcake or a
Lawrence Welk rerun (sorry Bobby & Cissy!).
Not to be stickler, but Christmas begins on the Eve of – December 24 – and extends for 12
days of merry-making (with or without an Old-Fashioned!). I encourage you to remember this
in your devotions. Yes, it’s okay to jettison some of the trappings if you must, but please –
please – don’t jettison the Message: Jesus, born in the flesh, came into this world not to
condemn, but to save it. Or more simply, Jesus is our Redeemer. This is why we remember all
the waiting and preparation of Advent: Our greatest gift is here, better than any holiday
movie, streamed-binge-watching, and yes – even nachos and the Super Bowl (even... if the
Packers make it....).
But seriously, though.
Christmas reminds us to appreciate the gift of giving and the gift of celebrating.
Pastor sheepdog time: what do you enjoy celebrating the most in life? Is it redeemable?
Does it leave a bad taste in the mouth? Does it give you a headache the next day? Does it
involve an inordinate amount of yelling at a screen? Is it just something to be put back in box
and reopened if you have the time or energy next year? We like to say things like: “Jesus is
the reason for the season,” or “Keep the Christ in Christmas.” All great sentiment, but do we
celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior with the same zest and zeal and passion as we
would... celebrating a touchdown or opening the obvious gift we requested?
What I’m trying to get at it is simple: it’s okay for Christians to let their hair down and celebrate
things. And not the least of which are those twelve joyful days of Christmas. We don’t have
to be over the top either. Pastor’s good remedy? Celebrate by opening the Good Book and
read those moving seasonal (and short!) psalms of God’s enthronement: Psalms 93 - 99. That
Babe is indeed the King of kings and Lord of lords.
And those Twelve days cross over into the secular New Year and end with the Epiphany, the
celebration of making Jesus known to the world. For this year, Immanuel will celebrate the
Epiphany on Sunday January 2 – honoring the paying off of the elevator. Other festive and
celebratory things may take place. This is exiting and worth celebrating. As an elderly
member of our congregation informed me, with the joy of a child-like grin, “I can come to
God’s House again.” Immanuel. God is with us. As we turn from Christmastide to the Season
of Epiphany, let’s continue to celebrate the simple ways we make God known, even in the
bleak midwinter.
In Christ,
The Rev’d Daniel Repp+
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
Immanuel Lutheran Church Council Minutes – December 16, 2021
Attendance: Pastor Repp, Mike Coughlin, Terry Coughlin, Mike Uecker, Tom Kulke, Shandra Zastrow, Bob Sell, Sue
Rhodes, Mike Uecker, Patricia Frank, Trudy Dobbratz, Christina Plasil, Wes Kehl, Lori Schwenkner
Pastor Repp opened the meeting with prayer.
Mike Council requested any additions or corrections to the November 18, 2021 Council minutes. A correction was noted
in the Treasurer’s report, the minutes should reflect the approval of the October month-end financial report. Following
discussion a Motion was made by Shandra Zastrow to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Sue Rhodes, Motion
Pastor’s Report – Pastor Repp shared the following report -
Sacraments and Service – Christmas services are scheduled. The Baptism for Lorelie Nehls is slated for January 9th.
Pastoral Offices include - officiating at the Burial of Kurt Schlotter (Gail Hoffman’s Uncle) on December 17th at the funer-
al home. He will be officiating the gravesite Committal for Sandy Zubke on December 26th. Pastor is attempting to visit
all homebound/shut-ins prior to Christmas.
Special - The children’s Christmas service will be held on December 16th at 10:00am and 6:00pm. Pastor will officiate at
the joint All-School chapel on January 26th, 2022. He will begin reviewing Wednesday Lenten Services and resources in
early January.
Treasurer’s Report: Shandra Zastrow presented the November 2021 financials. November had four Sunday’s, three
Tuesday’s, Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving Day. Total income for November was $44,573.06 minus expenses of
$30,682.52 and adding back designated funds for purchases of $ 1,584.25 and less designated purpose funds of $9,512.00
for a positive balance of $5,962.79. The November ending checkbook balance is $7,864.18 and the Debt Retirement Sav-
ings Account balance is $3,076.50.
Shandra noted that the Worship expenses included cantata expenses and a second microphone.
Following discussion Bob Sell made a Motion to accept the November month-end financial report, seconded by Christina
Plasil. Motion passed.
LLS/ECC Report: Terry Coughlin reported -
ECC – Director Katie Gomez applied for two grants, both where accepted. Waiting on more details on how the grants can
be used, more details will follow. The board approved new ECC tuition rates and the updated changes to the Parent
Agreement. Updates to the Parent and Employee handbook are put on hold until next year.
   Cynamon Reynolds has been hired for the 5/6 grade teacher position, she will be begin after Christmas break.
   Scoff Pfieffer (cousin to Bruce Pfieffer) will teach gym on a part time basis. He will begin after Christmas break and
       will teach on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
   After 20+ years of service Kikki Damrow has announced her retirement at the end of the school year. The board will
       begin looking for a replacement.
   Dr. Frusti will be contacting two principal candidates.
   LLS has contacts for 4 subs, this resource benefits both teachers and students.
   The children are preparing for this year’s Christmas program on Thursday, December 16th, this year the program will
       be held at Immanuel Church. On Friday, December 17th the students have a pizza party followed by a movie at
       Towne Cinema.
The PTL is purchasing a new security camera, it will be installed during the Christmas break.
President’s Report: Mike Coughlin asked the committee to consider topics for 2022, some thoughts include projects
being considered (windows/organ repair), Doug Hoffman patten gift, review and update of the constitution and bylaws.
                                                                                  Continued on the Next Page...
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
Pastor Repp suggested that Council consider a ½ day off-site retreat to discuss strategic planning.
Mike has started planning a Brewers game outing for Friday, June 24th, more info to follow.
 Committee Reports:
   Stewardship & Finance: Mike Uecker reviewed the council positions where the members have completed their
   terms. After discussion Mike agreed to add a write-up in the Country Christian outlining positions that will need to
   be filled. Contact a council member if you have questions about serving. The property committee received an in-
   voice for $2,325 from Tracey Blacktop for blacktop patching at Immanuel School building. The remaining $630.53
   of the Strassburg fund will be put toward the blacktop payment. The balance of $1,694.47 puts the Property Com-
   mittee over budget. Giving envelopes will be available on Friday, December 17th. Giving statements will be e-
   mailed to anyone with an e-mail address. If you have an e-mail but cannot print off the statement contact the
   church office to have it printed. All other statements will be available in the church basement. Elevator debt payoff
   celebration (note burning) was discussed. Considering a symbolic note burning at the end of the January 2nd church
   service followed by refreshments in the church basement.
     Property Committee:      Wayne Zastrow reported on the following -
     Church          - The elevator annual inspection has been completed
                     Committee recommended the organ repairs to be the next major project (determined that the win-
                       dows can last longer than the organ but should be consider in the next 5 years)
                     The west exit (by elevator) door closer was replaced, a dusk to dawn light will be installed at this
     Fellowship Hall - A window was installed to the door to Pastor’s office
                      Antenna on the roof was removed, no longer needed for the old internet
                      New antenna is being installed for new internet service
                      East side light is being updated to an LED light
                      Getting quotes for a floor scrubber and lift
     School - Office door camera is being replaced
            The playground backboard is being replaced
     Worship and Music: Bob Sell reported that the committee felt the cantata went well. Christmas Eve sing along
     will start at 5:30pm with church beginning at 6:00pm. New Year’s Eve Service will include a 2022 special blessing
     for families (any size families welcome). The January 2nd (Epiphany) service will include an Elevator Payoff/Note
     burning celebration followed by a gathering with cake, treats etc. in the church basement. January 9th service will
     include a Blessing of the Babes (when Jesus was taken to the temple to be blessed). All parents that had a baby
     born in 2021 will be invited for a special blessing. The committee was elated to receive a $10,000 gift from the Har-
     ris and Alice Creydt fund.
     Congregational Life: Patricia Frank reported that two First Aid Kits were purchased, one is for the church base-
     ment (kept in the kitchen) the second will be placed in the Fellowship Hall. Patricia created a Christmas card and
     delivered to the homebound. Chili and a movie is scheduled for Saturday, January 22nd, signup sheets are coming
     soon. The movie shown will be Wonder.
     Christian Education:      No report.
     Outreach Committee: The November donation to the food pantry included 132 items. Men’s Fellowship also
     dropped off 188 items from the December men’s breakfast. The Holiday Sing Along was well attended, 13 CD’s
     were sent to the homebound and assisted living facilities. CD’s will also be sent to those in the military. The sing
     along can be viewed on our Facebook page. 22 boxes were collected for Operation child. Souper Bowl Sunday is
     February 13th. Chili and cheddar broccoli soup will be available. Several members are leaving the committee, they
     are looking for new members.
Old Business: No old business
New Business: The current directory will be reviewed, updated, and copied for members. Please remember to contact
the church office if any of your information changed.
Upcoming 2022 meeting dates –
       Thursday, January 20th – Council Meeting 7:00pm, leadership bible study at 6:30pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:21pm. Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Schwenkner, Council Secretary
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
November 2021
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
Souper Bowl Sunday is Back
           Sunday, February 13 after church in the
                     church basement.

           Soups include chili and cheddar broccoli
                 Quarts available for $8.00

Chili & A Movie
Saturday, January 22nd.
Chili at 5:00 and the movie at 6:30.
The movie that will be shown is “Wonder”.
Sign up begins: Sunday, January 2nd
Sign up in the Narthex and at Fellowship
Hour Treat Line.
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
                                            If you are scheduled to acolyte, you may be asked to read in the
                                              service on the day you are serving. Please check the Country
                                                  Christian for your name under the lector portion.
                                            Please Remember to arrive 15 Minutes Before Worship! If
                                            you are unable to make your scheduled service, You MUST
                                            arrange your substitute and please remember to contact the
This copy aligns with the Parent Copy                   church office to report the change.
distributed at the beginning of the year.

     Jan. 2         Sunday         9:00am     Ashlyn Thomas        Parker Bridgham        Nolan Thomas
     Jan. 9         Sunday         9:00am     Allison Howlett      Brooke Zastrow        Kendra Rhyner
    Jan. 16         Sunday         9:00am     Addison Streich         Lila Stalker       Hannah Streich
    Jan. 23         Sunday         9:00am       Alex Komp          Tessa Schwager          Brody Otto
    Jan. 30         Sunday         9:00am    Jordana Anthon         Robby Streiter       Vienna Anthon

                  Please make sure to keep these individuals/families in
                             your prayers during the week
Prayer Requests: Please pray for the family of Sandy Zubke, Jane Krueger, Helen Key, Delmar
Christian, Pastor David and Jessie Phillips, Andrew Dietrich, Marjorie Baumann, Valerie
Wagner, Dean Mark Knappe, Sue and Keith Schmidt, Mike Coughlin, Joanne Todd, Timothy
Bratz, Austin & Amanda Field, Wayne Hildebrandt, Kathy Lehman, Bentley Meyer, Cheri
Oberst, Lorraine Ottson, Kurt Schlotter, Dan Schroeder, Don Schwefel, Dolores Bartee, Delores
Strassburg, Amy Prill.

Our Homebound Family: Gladys Baumann, Janet Eigenberger, Allen Grosenick, Lawrence
Grosenick, Marion Krempien, Dorothy Kleemann, Caroline Lillge, Duane and Karen Loeffler,
Pamela Pieper, Mary Schuett, Heidi Strauss, LeRoy and Karen Tietz, and Robert Wittnebel.

   It’s Christmas, and we celebrate and praise God with Word and Song, but also
   with the beauty of the Season. The poinsettias in church this year were given
   in memory of:
   Marilyn Zastrow and David Olson, by their family.
   Kristi Rhodes Haeger, by her family.
   Martin and Viola Schuett, and Joanne Schuett Werth, by Mary Schuett, Bev and Bob Sell
   Kyle Kuehl, by his family.
   Harris and Alice Creydt, by their family.
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
Church Family
Saturday Jan 1, 2022         ►   Debbie Fenner

Sunday Jan 2, 2022           ►   Ian Ninmann

 Tuesday Jan 4, 2022         ►   Arlan Korth
                             ►   Dayton Peirick
                             ►   Sally Leis

Thursday Jan 6, 2022         ►   Bill Tietz
                                                    Friday Jan 28, 2022   ►   Alisha Peplinski
 Saturday Jan 8, 2022        ►   Karen Tietz                              ►   Nathan Pfeifer
                             ►   Meghan Hurtgen
                                                                          ►   Tom Dehnert
Sunday Jan 9, 2022           ►   Kayla Keel
                                                    Sunday Jan 30, 2022   ►   Melissa Hurtgen
                                                                          ►   Myron Christian
Monday Jan 10, 2022          ►   Zachary Ireland
                                                    Monday Jan 31, 2022   ►   Dick Uttech
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022         ►   Jillian Berken
                                                                          ►   Kathy Ewert
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022       ►   Calvin Hurtgen
                             ►   Jacob Hurtgen
                             ►   Leanna Lillge

Thursday Jan 13, 2022        ►   Brooke Zastrow

 Sunday Jan 16, 2022         ►   Jeffrey Schwefel
                             ►   Lola Braatz

 Tuesday Jan 18, 2022        ►   Evelyn Ruehlow
                             ►   Patty Schwefel

 Thursday Jan 20, 2022       ►   Britni Grosenick
                             ►   Tara Schwefel

Friday Jan 21, 2022          ►   Dave Bridgham
                             ►   Kevin Field

Saturday Jan 22, 2022        ►   Daxton Braatz
                             ►   Jeff Schwefel

Sunday Jan 23, 2022          ►   Lauren Braatz

Monday Jan 24, 2022          ►   Abby Reichert

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022         ►   Cindy Raether
The Country Christian - Immanuel Lutheran Church of ...
We have so many reasons to
celebrate as follower of Jesus. This
month, we were able to celebrate
Frieda Turke and Marcella Pfiefer’s
birthdays as well as the baptism of
Nolan Nettesheim!

Please enjoy some photos of their
special celebrations.
Church Family

“Love  is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it
is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is
not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not
delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,
always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are
tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass
away.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

                         Thursday Jan 6, 2022
                        Darrick* & Kady Rejret
                            Friday Jan 7, 2022
                         Jacob & Connie Braatz
                          Sunday Jan 16, 2022
                          Cody & Leah Pesch
Coffee Hour
After church on Sundays please join
       us for fellowship in the
         church basement.
  It's a great time to chit-chat and
connect with friends and neighbors.
Donations through December 21, 2021

      Continued on the Next Page...
Donations through December 21 2021

“Who shall separate us from the love of
Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or
persecution, or famine, or nakedness or
danger, or sword?...No, in all these
things we are more than conquerors
through him who loved us. For I am sure
that neither death nor life, nor angels
nor rulers, nor things present nor things
to come, nor powers, nor height nor
depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love
of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:35, 37-39
Christmas has come to Immanuel Lutheran
Church of Lebanon! Our Christmas performers
are practicing and our sanctuary is decorated
with symbols of salvation.

Thank you to Stan and Sue Schramm for their
generous donation of this year’s Christmas
The Lebanon Lutheran School
Christmas Program Symbols
of Salvation: Foretelling
Christ’s Birth, was performed
December 16, 2021.

The children sang, read
Scripture, and recited poems
proclaiming the Savior’s
birth. Students of all ages
performed, providing a full
picture of the great work LLS
does in raising students in
There will be a change of Office Hours due to the
Christmas holiday. The Church Office will be open
December 28 from 8am-4pm and then closed December 27, 29,
30, and 31.

Please call or email the Church Office with any

Phone: 920-925-3540

 This year’s Semi-Annual Meeting will be held after the 9am service January
 9, 2022. Here the church will discuss candidates for Church Council
 election and other important matters to the operation, functioning, and
 service of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon. Please join us for this
 important discussion.
Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon                                     A Congregation of the NALC
N554 County Road R - Watertown, WI 53098
Worship: Sundays 8:30am (Memorial Day —November)
                 9:00am (November—Memorial Day)
        Tuesday 10:30 am
    Wednesdays 6:00 pm (Advent & Lent)
  We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday.
Pastor: Pastor Daniel Repp
Administrative Assistant: Josephine Wangerin
Hours: T and Thur. 8am-2pm, Wed. 8am-4pm - Please Call First
Email:        Website:
Phone: (920) 925-3540
Church Council President: Mike Coughlin
Cell Phone: (920) 390-0306
Emergency Contact Number
    Pastor Daniel Repp      (574)226-2133

Lebanon Lutheran School & LLS -Early Childhood Center
Lebanon Lutheran School     Lebanon Lutheran School is an accredited association 4K - 8 Christian Day
Principal’s Contact -       school run as a joint ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church of Lebanon (LCMS).
                             For more information, please contact either of our campuses at:
                             (920) 925-3791 (Immanuel) or (920) 925-3525. (St. Peter’s)

Lebanon Lutheran School      Also operated as a joint ministry between the two churches, our state licensed
Early Childhood Center       facility for daycare and preschool provides a caring Christian atmosphere where    children experience the love of Jesus in words and actions.
                             For more information, please contact the daycare at: (920) 925-3040.
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