The Correction of Facial Morphea Lesions by Hyaluronic Acid: A Case Series and Literature Review
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Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) CASE SERIES The Correction of Facial Morphea Lesions by Hyaluronic Acid: A Case Series and Literature Review Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek . Marta Kasprowicz-Furmańczyk . Anna Kruszewska . Magdalena Krajewska-Włodarczyk . Agata Bechtold . Paulina Klimek . Waldemar Placek Received: July 10, 2020 The Author(s) 2020 ABSTRACT life and self-esteem; thus, there is a demand for safe and effective methods of treatment. Introduction: The aim of the study is to assess Case Presentation: The paper presents three the long-term safety and efficacy of hyaluronic female patients aged 16, 17 and 70 with facial acid (HA) administration in correction of facial morphea lesions who had HA preparation morphea lesions and to review the literature on Juvéderm Voluma or Volux, Vycross tech- the subject. Morphea is a chronic inflammatory nology, Allergan, injected. One of the patients disease of the connective tissue which may lead had additionally fractional ablative CO2 laser to serious deformations. The lesions located on (FAL) therapy. the face particularly affect patients’ quality of Discussion: The literature provides reports on successful use of HA, polymethylmethacrylate and poly-L-lactic acid for the correction of facial defects in localized scleroderma. HA is a natural Digital Features To view digital features for this article component of the extracellular matrix and it go to therefore minimizes the probability of immunogenicity. The application technique A. Owczarczyk-Saczonek M. Kasprowicz- also plays an important role. On the other Furmańczyk A. Kruszewska A. Bechtold (&) P. Klimek W. Placek hand, FAL therapy leads to the degradation of The Chair and Clinic of Dermatology, Sexually the abnormal collagen and the induction of Transmitted Diseases and Clinical Immunology, normal collagen synthesis. The Municipal Polyclinical Hospital in Olsztyn, Conclusions: HA injection and combination of Olsztyn, Poland e-mail:; HA application with FAL are minimally inva- sive, effective and safe therapeutic options for patients suffering from morphea. M. Krajewska-Włodarczyk Department of Rheumatology, The Municipal Polyclinical Hospital in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland Keywords: Correction; FAL; Fractional ablative laser; Hyaluronic acid; Morphea; Scleroderma M. Krajewska-Włodarczyk Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Collegium Medicum, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland A. Bechtold Psychodermatology Department, Medical University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) INTRODUCTION Key Summary Points Morphea (localized scleroderma, LoSc) is a Why carry out this study? chronic inflammatory disease of connective tissue which presents with a wide spectrum of Morphea is a chronic inflammatory clinical symptoms depending on the activity of disease of connective tissue leading to the disease, involved region and the depth of deformations of the involved region, the lesions. The lesions most often affect dermis including face, thus causing significant and subcutaneous tissue and show tendency for lowering of patients’ quality of life spontaneous remission, yet causing skin atro- Existing therapeutic methods focus on phy and dyspigmentation [1]. Less often the silencing active process, ignoring the process affects deeper tissues (fascia, muscles deformities the patients’ are left with and bones), leading to deep atrophy and deformations. The excessive synthesis of colla- The study aimed at assessment of long- gen type I and III and extracellular components term safety and efficacy of hyaluronic acid is regarded to play the key role in the formation (HA) administration in correction of facial of characteristic skin lesions [2]. morphea lesions The etiopathogenesis of this condition is still What was learned from the study? not clear. The genetic and environmental fac- tors, as well as microchimerism, are considered The combination of HA injection and FAL to activate keratinocytes to release inflamma- is a minimally invasive, effective and safe tory mediators (interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-6, IL-10, therapeutic option for patients suffering IL-17A, IL-27, interferon-c), which subsequently from morphea stimulate lymphocytes, endothelial cells and In some cases it may be beneficial to fibroblasts. Of particular significance, the acti- complement the therapy with fractional vation of endothelial cells and lymphocytes ablative CO2 laser provokes fibroblasts to increase collagen syn- thesis, which clinically manifests as focal skin If promising results are further confirmed, hardening and active inflammatory border (lilac the method should be widely ring) [1–4]. recommended for correction of the Despite the suggestions of developmental defects produced by morphea origins of morphea (due to frequent pattern of lesions alongside Blaschko’s lines), numerous evidence confirms its autoimmune background (the correlation with personal and family his- tory of autoimmune diseases, the presence of DIGITAL FEATURES human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II mole- cules found also in other autoimmune disor- This article is published with digital features to ders) [1]. facilitate understanding of the article. You can The facial lesions lead to the deformation of access the digital features on the article’s asso- the face, lowering patients’ quality of life, ciated Figshare page. To view digital features for especially in adults [5, 6]. It is most pronounced this article go to in en coup de sabre type, which is characterized figshare.12807083. by linear atrophy and hardening of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and bones, usually extending from the upper limit of the eyebrow to the scalp, often with concomitant alopecia and eyebrow loss [1]. The therapeutic options proposed by consensuses aim at silencing active Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) forms, hindering the progression of the disease, eyebrows to the scalp and accompanying scar- but usually they do not discuss methods of ring (cicatricial) alopecia and partial hair loss correction of the defects generated by the within the eyebrows and the eyelashes were lesions [1, 7–9]. observed. After a few months of the disease a The literature provides reports on correction similar linear atrophic lesion was noticed in the of facial defects in localized scleroderma (mor- left frontoparietal region. The histopathologic phea, en coup de sabre, hemiatrophia faciei examination revealed preserved skin appen- Parry-Romberg) using hyaluronic acid (HA) dages, the epidermis with no tangible abnor- [10–12], polymethylmethacrylate [13], poly-L- malities, the homogenization of the lactic acid [14] and autologous fat [15–17] per- subepidermal layer of the dermis and noticeable formed successfully and with no delayed type concentration of elastic fibres on orcein stain- hypersensitivity. ing. On the basis of the clinical presentation The aim of the study is to assess the long- and histopathological examination, limited term safety and efficacy of HA administration in scleroderma en coup de sabre was diagnosed. correction of facial morphea lesions. This article The patient had no personal history of chronic presents our experience on the subject. In this diseases and no family history of autoimmune paper we present case series of three female disorders. The laboratory results showed an patients with morphea, who had their lesions increased level of anti-thyroid peroxidase anti- corrected by HA. In one of the patients, the bodies (286 IU/ml) with normal level of thyroid aforementioned procedure was combined with stimulating hormone and also elevated ANA- fractional carbon dioxide laser (FAL) therapy. Hep2 titre 1:1280 (negative immunoblotting). All the patients have had contraindications to Antibodies IgG and IgM against Borrelia fillers excluded (active infection, allergy/hyper- burgdorferi were negative. The patient was con- sensitivity to the filler and lignocaine, unsta- sulted by a neurologist and ophthalmologist— ble autoimmune disease) [18]. After informed no notable abnormalities were discovered. consent was obtained, HA preparation Juvé- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was per- derm Voluma or Volux, Vycross technology, formed to exclude anomalies of the central manufactured by Allergan, was administered. nervous system and did not shown any signifi- The patients gave informed consent to partici- cant changes (in the white matter of the right pate in the study and for the publication of the cerebellar hemisphere at the posterior-lateral results. The patients were examined every sec- outline of IV ventricle a small band with ond week, without observing any adverse reac- increased signal in FLAIR, T2, PD-gliosis? 5 mm; tions (observation time ranged from 6 months other brain structures, ventricular system and to 3 years) and achieving patients complete basal cisterns were normal). The X-ray of the satisfaction with the correction of the defect. skull presented normal structure. Treatment The result was described with the Localized with methylprednisolone 4 mg a day was Scleroderma Damage Index (LoSDI), part of the applied, yet as a result of the progression of skin Localized Scleroderma Assessment Tool (LoS- lesions the dose was increased to 16 mg daily CAT). LoSDI assesses dermal atrophy (DAT), and additionally mofetil mycophenolate 1 g a subcutaneous atrophy (SAT) and dyspigmenta- day was introduced. tion (DP) ranging from 0 to 3 in each domain, Six months after a stabilization of the dis- with 9 points in total indicating the most severe ease, the patient had HA agent injected into skin damage. morphea lesions. The initial LoSDI score was 7 (DAT 3, SAT 3, DP 1). To avoid potential com- plications of administering excessive amounts CASE 1 of the medication and following compression of arterial vessels in the frontal region, where the In this 17-year-old female patient a linear amount of subcutaneous tissue is limited, ini- induration of the skin with subcutaneous tissue tially only 0.5 ml was injected into each side of atrophy located on the forehead from the the induration and skin depression from above Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) Fig.1 The effect before the treatment (a), after the first intervention (b) and the final result (c) Fig. 2 The patient before and a week after the injection of Voluma 1 ml, via 27G cannula—front view (a) and side view (b) the eyebrow up to the hairline. The injection was performed without anaesthesia using a 25G follow-up lasted for 8 months after the reduc- cannula inserted into subcutaneous tissue with tion of the dose of mofetil mycophenolate up to the needle deep on the bone surface. Partial 500 mg per day and 6 months after discontin- shallowing of the lesions was achieved. After a uation of the drug—a desirable aesthetic result week, the procedure was repeated, also using and no progression of morphea lesions were 0.5-ml portions of HA, but with a 30G needle observed. and in the form of boluses (each injection pre- ceded by an aspiration). A very good aesthetic effect was obtained which is reflected by the CASE 2 LoSDI 3 (DAT 1, SAT 1, DP 1) and can be seen in the photographs (Fig. 1a–c). A 16-year-old female reported to the hospital Within 1.5 years after the intervention no because of numerous skin lesions located on the progression has occurred. The patient was on trunk (occurred approximately 1 year before mofetil mycophenolate 1 g a day and methyl- admission) and on the face (appeared 2 months prednisolone in gradually reduced doses up to before hospitalization). The patient had no 2 mg every second day. After 1.5 years slight record of chronic diseases and no family history reduction in volume of administered HA has led of autoimmune disorders. Physical examination to the decision to repeat the procedure. The revealed flat, oval, silvery, porcelain lesions a filling within both morphea lesions with 0.5 ml few centimetres in size with a discrete viola- of HA per side (25G cannula) produced an out- ceous erythema ‘‘lilac ring’’ on the circumfer- come satisfactory for the patient. After the ence of the lesion and palpable induration procedure, a gradual reduction of the dose of located on the trunk, mainly on the back. On immunosuppressants has taken place. The the forehead along the medial line from the Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) glabella up to the hairline the lesion presented treatment with doxycycline and cefuroxime as a as linear, bifocal dyspigmentation with a dis- result of borreliosis (positive IgM and IgG anti- crete depression alongside (Fig. 2a, b). bodies against B. burgdorferi). By this time her Both laboratory results and medical imaging skin lesions were treated only topically without have not revealed any significant abnormalities. success. ANA-Hep2—1:160, antibodies against Physical examination revealed diffused B. burgdorferi IgM and IgG were negative. On the cohesive, well-demarcated, pale red papules basis of the clinical manifestation and with circular palpable borders on the upper histopathological examination limited sclero- limbs, lower abdomen and hips. Additionally, derma was diagnosed (morphea). on the left side of the chin the patient had an During hospitalization procaine penicillin extensive atrophic scar 3 9 3 cm in size, a 1.2 million IU, PUVA therapy, Piascledine and remnant of prior deep morphea (Fig. 3a). The tacrolimus 0.1% were applied, which led to an LoSDI was assessed to be 5 (DAT 2, SAT 2, DP 1). improvement—the disappearance of ‘‘lilac ring’’ On the basis of histopathological examina- and the discontinuation of the emergence of tion granuloma annulare was diagnosed (the new lesions. presence of minor infiltration consisting of Six months after the stabilization of the dis- CD68? histiocytes and CD3? lymphocytes, ease, on obtaining informed consent, the CD1a? and S-100? Langerhans cells in small patient underwent a correction of morphea clusters). The laboratory results and imaging did lesion on the forehead with the use of HA. Thus, not show any significant abnormalities. 0.5 ml of the filler was injected without anaes- During the hospitalization the patient was thesia into each region of induration and skin treated topically with mometasone and also by depression from the glabella up to the hairline UVB 311 nm phototherapy, obtaining substan- with a 27G cannula inserted into subcutaneous tial improvement regarding skin lesions associ- tissue with the needle deep on the bone surface. ated with granuloma annulare. The LoSDI was lowered from 5 (DAT 2, SAT 2, The correction of the morphea lesion was DP 1) to 3 (DAT 1, SAT 1, DP 1). performed with a 1.0-ml bolus of HA agent, injected into subcutaneous tissue without anesthesia with a 30G needle, obtaining signif- CASE 3 icant shallowing of the lesion (Fig. 3b). The image of the filling was captured by skin ultra- A 70-year-old female patient reported to our sonography (Fig. 4a, b). The patient was dis- dermatology clinic as a result of disseminated charged from the hospital with granuloma annulare lesions for 6 months. recommendations to continue previous Besides, she suffered from hypertension and as a treatment. teenager she developed morphea of the face. On physical examination during the follow- This year in June the patient underwent up, it was decided to incorporate FAL treatment. The procedure was applied monthly, three times in total (power 23 W, microbeam spacing 1400 lm, energy density 28 mJ/cm2; Metrum, Cryoflex, Poland). As a result of the partial resorption of HA, half a year after the first injection, 1 ml of a more cross-linked HA agent (Volux) was applied. After 2 weeks it was fol- lowed by an application of 1 ml of less cross- linked HA, observing a very good cosmetic Fig. 3 Patient no. 3: a month after 1 ml of Voluma effect (Figs. 3c, 4c). It resulted in lowering the injection (a); after a series of three FAL therapies and LoSDI score to 1 (DAT 1, SAT 0, DP 0). 2 weeks after Volux injection (b); 6 months after correc- tion (c) Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) Fig. 4 Ultrasound examination of the lesion. The lesion compared to before the treatment (0.79 mm) and notice- before the treatment: local atrophy of subcutaneous tissue able skin resmoothing (filling of the defect) (c). Morpho- and skin thinning (a); 1 week after first FAL treatment: logical skin lesions were examined with DermaMed oedema of the dermis, no significant alteration in equipment and software (DRAMIŃSKI, Olsztyn, Poland) subcutaneous tissue thickness (b); the lesion after two with a linear head of a frequency 48 MHz. In order to FAL treatments and HA injection: visible HA deposits in avoid exerting pressure on surface tissues, an appropriate subcutaneous tissue, an increase in skin thickness amount of gel (without gel pads) was used DISCUSSION purified HA biosynthesized via bacterial fer- mentation [15]. The widespread use of HA in The application of fillers in correction of mor- orthopaedics for intra-articular injections for phea, an autoimmune disease, raises many many years serves as evidence of its safety pro- doubts and causes the fear of provocation of file [23]. inflammation and recurrence of the disease. The remodelling of skin lesions in our Therefore, surgical procedures should be per- patients was performed with Voluma, which is a formed during the inactive stage of the disease composition of low molecular weight to minimize the risk of relapse [9, 19]. The (\ 1 MDa) and high molecular weight HA current consensus of world experts has not ([ 1 MDa), producing a mobile network with named an absolute contraindication to the use advantageous structural properties. It possesses HA in the case of scleroderma and other also unique rheological properties: high elastic autoimmune diseases [20]. modulus G’ and low swelling ratio, determining A perfect agent for the injection should be its ability to return to the initial shape with a non-immunogenic, biocompatible and stable in slight change in implant volume after its the site of an implantation with minimal risk of application. The durability of the filling may be complications. The cross-linked HA is the clos- up to 24 months [24]. In one of the cases Volux est to this ideal with its decreased rate of was used to prolong the effect of the procedure. degradation and high water absorption, and Even though the usage of HA in morphea therefore can be a useful substance to correct appears to be safe, the procedure is performed even substantial skin defects [21, 22]. with great caution and the number of available HA is a natural glycosaminoglycan compo- case reports in the literature is still very limited nent of the extracellular matrix. Its main (Table 1). The longest observation of the highest advantage is the identical structure of the number of patients was reported by Sharquie molecule in any living being, which minimizes et al. They performed the procedure twice in the probability of immunogenicity [21, 22]. So each of the 16 patients with morphea using far, no single case of reactivation or stimulation Neauvia Organic gel. The study lasted from of morphea was reported after administration of 2008 until 2019 and none of the subjects suf- fered from a relapse of the disease or any other Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) Table 1 Usage of HA in morphea Author Subtype of HA Technique Additional Follow-up morphea product methods Kerdel and En coup de Juvederm 0.7 ml injected above the No 0.5 ml injected after Skopit sabre Ultra Plus periosteum and throughout 6 weeks; 6 months after a [25] XC the linear defect with a 27G good effect was still needle observed Choksi and En coup de 1 ml A linear threading technique, No Effect sustained for at least Orringer sabre Perlane with an 75% improvement 5 months, after repeat [11] injection of 1 ml of HA was given with 90% improvement Thareja En coup de 2 ml HA ? Intradermal No Further injections 6 months et al. [12] sabre after with improvement Mashiko En coup de 1.0 ml Injection below the periosteum No Effect up to 12 months et al. [26] sabre Restylane for osteoinduction from the underlying bone—a sharp needle (30 to 34G) with overcorrection 10–20% Sivek and En coup de 0.8 ml A blunt-tipped microcannula No Effect maintained for more Emer sabre Juvederm (25G) than 9 months [27] Ultra Plus Arsiwala Morphea 1 ml A bolus technique with a 30G No After 9 months the [10] involving the Perlane Q needle correction is still present chin Med Ponzo et al. Facial 3 ml, ? Partial improvement was 3 9 IPL 3.5 years without adverse [28] hemiatrophy Juvederm observed (50%) after effects of the left Voluma chin and lip Sharquie 16 patients Neauvia Two injections, 1 month apart No Marked response after et al. [23] morphea (1 Organic in 10 patients with active 2 months; one patient with en coup lesion and in 6 with maintained full correction de sabre) nonactive; HA injected deep after 4 years into the dermis, including the scarred area, using a cannula and a thin needle for inflammatory lesions adverse effects. The outcome in one of the Of importance, the application of HA pro- patients persisted for 4 years after the procedure duces a temporary, reversible effect; the gel is [23]. usually absorbed for 6 months up to 1 year after filling of facial wrinkles. However, ‘‘bolus’’ Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) technique may decrease the degradation and autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced prolong the preservation of the filler, which was by adjuvants). HA, as an adjuvant, enhances implemented in patient no. 1, apart from more antigen-specific immune response, induces superficial administration of the gel with a inflammatory cytokines release and interacts cannula [29]. Additionally, HA establishes a with Toll-like receptors and inflammasome. scaffold for newly formed tissue via migration This reaction leads to innate and adaptive and proliferation of fibroblasts, collagen stimu- immune response (polyclonal activation of lation and angiogenesis as well as subsequent B cells, effect on cellular immunity) and can adipocyte proliferation [29]. What is more, HA cause symptoms of autoimmunization and acts as an antioxidant and indirectly stimulates autoimmune disease [37–40]. Solutions of an neocollagenogenesis (collagen type I and II) unknown origin, poorly purified and contain- together with the production of elastin and ing bacterial DNA pose a particular threat [35]. extracellular matrix proteins via mechanical Therefore, the long-term observation and stress exerted on the tissue [30, 31]. Wang et al. monitoring of the patient as well as the choice have observed fibroblasts to take stretched of a solution approved by the US Food and Drug morphological form and more active phenotype Administration (FDA) or European Medicines in presence of HA [32]. Agency (EMA) are of the utmost importance. Moreover, Japanese authors, based on their One of the patients additionally had FAL own experience, encourage the administration therapy. As a result of massive furrowing and of HA with a needle (30 to 34G) to stimulate the hyperpigmentation of the lesion in patient no. periosteum. The destruction and the lasting 3, fractional ablative CO2 laser therapy was inflammation around the injected HA mole- implemented before the administration of HA cules may activate periosteal stem cells to to improve the coloration and the tension of undergo neo-osteogenesis while HA is being the skin after first Voluma injection. absorbed [25]. It is necessary to repeat the pro- FAL therapy significantly improved the final cedure depending on patient’s individual needs; effect in both cases. The isolated columns of however, with time the demand for correction ablated skin do not disrupt proper healing and may become less frequent. they stimulate collagen remodelling and Despite encouraging results, it should be decrease the level of fibrosis marker transform- noted that delayed hypersensitivity reactions ing growth factor beta-1 (TGFb1). This therapy may occur weeks, months or even years after leads to the degradation of the abnormal colla- the procedure. In the course of foreign-body gen in morphea lesions and the induction of reactions, monocytes and macrophages release normal collagen synthesis [15, 41]. The superi- inflammatory cytokines, producing multinu- ority of this method in comparison with low cleated giant cells, characteristic for granulo- dose UVA-1 was observed in 17 patients in the mas. The reaction aims to isolate and disrupt study by Shalaby et al. [41]. FAL showed statis- the migration of an introduced substance, tically significant advantage over UVA-1 in which cannot be removed by enzymatic degra- terms of clinical assessment of the lesions dation or phagocytosis [22, 33, 34]. There are a (LoSCAT). There was an improvement in colla- growing number of another types of reaction— gen homogenization and inflammatory infil- delayed T cell reaction, stimulated by super- tration (histopathological assessment), yet the antigens. In rare cases HA can act as a super- difference between the groups was not statisti- antigen [33–35]. Furthermore, Beleznay et al. cally significant. Both methods produced sta- suggested that the product, subject to natural tistically significant decrease in TGFb1 and hyaluronidases, releases low molecular weight increase in matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP1) HA, which becomes an antigen, thus provoking expression (immunohistochemical evaluation), delayed reactions [36]. as well as the reduction of the skin thickness Some authors suggest that general and local (ultrasound assessment) [41]. signs due to reaction to HA are an example of The beneficial effects of FAL in morphea may still vaguely characterised ASIA reaction (the be due to several factors: Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) • Induction of production of MMP1, 3, 9 and CONCLUSIONS 13. • Increase in the expression of heat shock Hyaluronic acid fillers are an efficient, mini- protein 72 around microscopic treatment mally invasive therapeutic option for correction zones (MTZs) (up to 3 months), which of volumetric defects in localized scleroderma contributes to the activation of epidermal in the facial region (hemiatrophia faciei Parry- stem cells and dermal cells. Romberg and en coup de sabre). Moreover, they • Ablation of MTZs not only removes part of act via stimulation of production of new, nor- the homogenized tissue but also relaxes the mal connective tissue. The procedure appears to skin within morphea lesions, improving its be safe, neither leading to an exacerbation nor texture. reactivation of the disease, and benefits out- • Hyperpigmentation removal [41–44]. weigh the risk for the patients. However, the An additional advantage of FAL treatment is quality of the filler used for the injection is the short healing time: epidermis repair occurs required to be high; therefore, we recommend within 24 to 48 h. On the other hand, tem- the use of HA solution approved by the FDA or porarily opened epidermal barrier (TOR) pro- EMA. Moreover, the procedure needs to be motes absorption of, among others, medicinal performed by an experienced professional, substances [42]. Together with repair processes, aware of the risk of adverse effects. approximately 72 h after the procedure an The hyaluronic acid injection can be an inflammatory response develops. What is more, effective and safe therapeutic option for it facilitates the removal of coagulated residuals patients suffering from morphea, considerably of homogenized collagen, melanin and lowering skin damage reflected by reduction in destroyed keratinocytes, allowing for its the LoSDI score and enhancing patients’ quality replacement with newly synthesized molecules of life. In the case of an insufficient effect, [42]. fractional ablative CO2 laser may be considered. From our point of view, the combination of Because the results are very promising, the HA and FAL therapy produced significantly method should be further explored in order to better aesthetic results than use of one method confirm its safety and efficacy on a larger only. This was confirmed by our patients’ sat- experimental group. isfaction and clinical assessment (LoSDI—re- duction from 5 to 1). The combined methods for correction of morphea were also applied by ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Yeager and Ozog, who used FAL with poly-L- lactic acid with very satisfying outcome [14]. We thank the participants of the study. In the latest analysis of the literature assess- ing the current procedure regarding the correc- Funding. No funding or sponsorship was tion of en coup de sabre and hemiatrophia faciei received for this study or publication of this Parry-Romberg defects, surgical procedures were article. the most frequent (59%). Autologous fat graft- ing was most commonly used as a cosmetic Authorship. All named authors meet the procedure (50% of procedures), followed by free International Committee of Medical Journal flap transfers (24%) [45]. Because the method Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this we applied can be a fast and comparatively article, take responsibility for the integrity of painless means for the improvement of the the work as a whole, and have given their patient’s appearance, its popularisation should approval for this version to be published. be given due consideration. Disclosures. Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Sac- zonek, Marta Kasprowicz-Furmańczyk, Anna Kruszewska, Magdalena Krajewska-Włodarczyk, Pobrano z / Downloaded from Repository of Medical University of Lodz 2022-03-02
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