The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian

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The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
African journalism.   August 8 2020   ISSUE
                                          NO. 15

     The Continent

                          Are American
                            operating in
                          your country?
The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                        Page 2

Inside:                                    Breaking the
   COVER STORY: Inside the
   secret world of US
                                           language barrier
   commandos in Africa (p20)               This week, The Continent is publishing
   Cameroon: Why are all the               our first story in a language that
   tomatoes rotting on the                 is not a colonial import. We’ve
   vine? (p8)                              translated Ranga Mberi’s powerful
                                           essay on Hopewell Chin’ono’s
   Mutapi wenhau akasungwa
                                           imprisonment into Shona, to make it
   anoratidza kuora moyo kwaita            more accessible for our Zimbabwean
   Zimbabwe (p12)                          audience. (Ndebele speakers, we
   Jailed journalist is a symbol of        haven’t forgotten about you – we’re
   a disillusioned Zimbabwe (p16)          working on it, promise!) Expect to see
   Investigation: How dodgy arms           more languages reflected in these
   dealers skimmed $137-million            pages in the coming months.
   from Niger’s budget (p29)

Putting the con in consequences: Ace Magashule, secretary-general of South
Africa’s ruling African National Congress party, has been criticised for failing to
take action against party members implicated in Covid-related corruption.
The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
The Continent
ISSUE 15. August 8 2020   Continental Drift                                        Page 3

          In the headlines this week
                                  Samira Sawlani

Uganda, Côte d’Ivoire and Guinea
Uganda’s ruling party has endorsed
President Yoweri Museveni as its
candidate for next year’s election. Should
he win, this would be the 75-year-old’s
sixth term.
    Meanwhile, the prez has released a
workout video in which he drops for no
fewer than 40 push-ups. While he may
not want to step down, he does seem
keen to get down. And if that doesn’t see
him re-elected, he can always just blame
it on the boogie.
    Over in Guinea, the ruling party has
called on President Alpha Condé to seek
the burden of power for a third time.
Ever so coy, Condé has “taken note” of
their wishes. Far be it for him to deny his
                                              Fit for office: A screengrab from
country a presidential hat trick, right?
                                              President Museveni’s latest home
    Which brings us to Côte d’Ivoire.
                                              exercise video
Following the death of Amadou Gon
Coulibaly, prime minister and the             with the modesty and grace expected of
president’s designated successor, debate      a foregone conclusion.
has raged over who could fill his shoes.          It is said imitation is the best form
After much soul-searching, beard-             of flattery. If truly that is the case then
stroking and back-scratching, the             all that is left to determine is whether
ruling RHDP party has decided the             Condé, Ouattara and Museveni are
man to replace the man meant to               imitating each other – or just flattering
replace President Alassane Ouattara is        themselves.
none other than…President Alassane
Ouattara.                                     Chad
    Ouattara had no option but to accept,     If you’re a switched-on government,
The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                              Page 4

social media can be like a flattery battery.   was trending.
All those likes and faves, charging you            Perhaps Zimbabwe’s move isn’t so
up. But then the trolls descend, with their    much a flattering imitation of other
draining demands for “accountability”          countries as it is a simple copy & paste.
and “human rights”. It can really get you      “Control+C” and “Control+V” are
down!                                          handy shortcuts, after all. But maybe
   The only thing to do is take a break        it’s about time that President Emerson
for a while, flick that internet off-switch,   Mnangagwa tries hitting “Control+Z”.
and delete social media. From the entire
country.                                       Somalia
   Ethiopia, Mali and Somalia have             Before getting too bleak about our
all made forays into state-sponsored           continent’s lack of originality, we should
serenity this year, but nobody shuts it        take a moment for our own mental
all down like Chad’s President Idriss          health, and recall that genuinely positive
Déby who last year emerged from his            actions can be emulated and paid
country’s 16-month internet shutdown           forward, too.
looking positively rejuvenated.                    So let us remember Dr Hawa Abdi
   In fact, his government just                Dhiblawe, the Somali human rights
announced another internet slowdown            activist and Nobel peace prize nominee
to curb “hate speech”. Haters are gonna        who sadly passed away this week.
hate, but must they do it while the            Among her many achievements, Mama
president is trying to relax?                  Hawa provided healthcare, education
                                               and shelter for thousands of women in
Tanzania and Zimbabwe                          Somalia through her foundation.
Other nations prefer a bureaucratic                With her life and work as inspiration,
approach. Tanzania, for example, is            let our aspiration be to leave the world
ordering bloggers and online publishers        healthier, happier, safer and freer than
to apply for a licence to operate. Even        we found it. ■
then, they can’t post calls for protests,
“content that causes annoyance” or
information about contagious diseases,
without approval.
   Not to be left out, Zimbabwe is
seeking inner peace by asserting new
boundaries. According to the minister
                                                                       The auto-
of women’s affairs, Sithembiso Nyoni,                                  biography of
the government wants to criminalise                                    the late Dr
“campaigning against one’s country”.                                   Hawa Abdi
Funnily enough, her announcement                                       was published
came just as #zimbabweanlivesmatter                                    in 2013
The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                                          Page 5

The Week in Numbers
                                                                                           The number of
                                                                                           Togolese opposition
                                                                                           activists whose
                                                                                           mobile phones were
                                                                                           targeted by spyware.
                                                                                           Targets included
                                                                                           the president of the
                                                                                           Togolese Bishops’
                                                                                           Conference, Benoit
                                                                                           Alowonou. Although
  (Photo: Andrew White/Parkwood Entertainment)                                             it’s not clear who is
                                                                                           behind the hack, a
  50                                                                                       spokesperson for the
  The number of African countries in which it is                                           opposition coalition
  possible to stream (via DStv) Beyonce’s new                                              said “we are in a
  visual album, Black is King, contrary to social                                          police state that
  media speculation. The album is supposed to                                              uses and abuses
  be a celebration of black history and African                                            espionage against its
  traditions.                                                                              own citizens”.

10                                                        $2 million                       3
The number of African                                     The value of a 2kg               The number of
countries that between                                    tanzanite gemstone               Cabinet ministers
them account for 80%                                      discovered by Saninu             in the Gambia who
of all Covid-19 testing                                   Laizer, an artisanal             have recently tested
taking place on the                                       miner in Tanzania. This          positive for Covid-19
continent. South Africa,                                  is the third gemstone            – just days after
Egypt, Nigeria, Ghana,                                    valued at more than              President Adama
Morocco, Kenya,                                           $1 million that Laizer           Barrow went into
Ethiopia, Rwanda,                                         has found in the last            self-isolation. Vice
Uganda and Mauritius                                      month. How did he get            President Isatou
have all conducted more                                   so lucky? We’re not sure         Touray has also
than 200,000 tests,                                       – but we’ll try to send a        tested positive for
according to Africa CDC.                                  reporter to find out.            the virus.

                      Datadesk, the M&G centre for data   Brought to you by the Mail & Guardian’s Data Desk.
                       journalism, produced this story
The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
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The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
The Continent
ISSUE 15. August 8 2020               News                                       Page 7


                                                                      (Photo: Aminu

Shoprite admits defeat
PHOTO STORY                                   Woolworths, Truworths and Mr Price –
                                              that have tried and ultimately failed to

A     fter 15 years in Nigeria, South
      Af rican sup ermarket giant
Shoprite announced this week that it
                                              crack the Nigerian market.
                                                 “But the supermarket chain’s exit, as
                                              such a prominent investor in the country,
plans to exit Africa’s largest economy.       sends a strong signal that Nigeria is a
Despite impressive growth at times, the       tough place to do business, which the
company has struggled with supply-            authorities need to take seriously for
chain disruptions, and with difficulties      local companies as much as for foreign
in getting money out of the country –         investors,” said Dianna Games, the
exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.         executive director of the SA-Nigeria
   It is the latest in a long line of major   Business Chamber, in a column for
South African companies – including           Business Day. ■
The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                 Page 8

Tomato industry left rotting
on the vine
Cameroon usually exports 10,000 tonnes of tomatoes
each year. But Covid-19 restrictions have made that
impossible – and farmers are already suffering the
Daniel Ekonde                                    to $10]. Now I sell a basket at 1,500 francs
                                                 [about $3] and rarely at 2,000 [about

H    ervé Kouamo used to sell his
     tomatoes at the local market. Now
he moves his harvest from door to door,
                                                 $3.5],” Kouamo revealed.
                                                    According to Cameroon’s state
                                                 broadcaster CRTV, about 877,000 tonnes
searching for potential buyers. His town,        of tomatoes are produced yearly –
Bangangté in Cameroon’s West region, is          mostly in the country’s west, northwest,
flooded with fruit in markets and clients        southwest, central and far north regions,
are overwhelmed.                                 as well as the Adamawa region – and a
   “That’s the only option if I have to get at   huge chunk is exported.
least half of the money I spent to cultivate        Cameroon’s decision to close its
this crop. More truckloads of tomatoes           borders in March meant its tomato
come to markets here every day,” 34-year-        producers could no longer access regional
old Kouamo, who started harvesting the           markets in west and central Africa, where
crop three years ago, told the Mail &            the majority of the perishables go. Those
Guardian.                                        markets include Nigeria, Gabon, Chad,
   Kouamo’s customers used to come               Equatorial Guinea and Central African
from Cameroon’s big cities: Bamenda,             Republic.
Douala and Yaoundé, and bought in large             “Nigerians paid us a lot for our
quantities. Now, things have taken a turn        tomatoes. They usually buy about 10,000
since the Central African nation’s borders       tonnes annually but now that channel
were closed in an attempt to contain the         has closed,” Joseph Kana, a member of a
coronavirus pandemic.                            tomato producers’ association in the west
   “I used to sell about 30 baskets in a day     region, told CRTV.
– each for 5,000 to 6,000 francs [about $9          At least two tomato farmers have died
The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                Page 9

Throwing nightshade: The closure of borders because of the Covid-19
pandemic Cameroon and a broken processing plant have severely hit
farmers’ incomes from growing tomatoes (Photo: Michel Gunther/Biosphoto)

by suicide because they could not pay             Last month, in response to the
back the money they borrowed to grow           situation, Cameroon’s minister of
their crops, Kana said. He said there were     agriculture and rural development,
others who had taken their own lives           Gabriel Mbairobe, said his ministry
because of poor output.                        was planning a bail-out plan for the
   Cameroon’s lone tomato processing           sector amounting to two-billion francs
plant in the west region closed down years     (about $3.5-million). Part of this plan
ago, meaning the country cannot process        includes the distribution of fertilisers,
the crop into other products and farmers       seeds and pesticides to co-operatives
have limited time to get rid of the product.   while the government sets up a
   “We usually contact clients before          rehabilitation scheme for the abandoned
going to the farm – so they just come          tomato-processing plant in the West
and carry tomatoes in baskets. Now             region.
without ready markets, we are forced to           “We will be happy if we can have a
throw some away. The situation is really       processing plant functioning, so that we
bad,” Mary Mbaizoa, a tomato farmer in         don’t fall into this shock again. It aches my
Yaoundé, told the M&G.                         heart,” Mbaizoa said. ■
The Continent - Are American commandos operating in your country? EXCLUSIVE - Mail & Guardian
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                            Page 10

       The million-case milestone
Refiloe Seiboko                             100,000 cases at the end of May, 200,000
                                            before the end of June and 500,000 in mid-

O    n February 14, the first case of
     Covid-19 in Africa was confirmed
in Egypt. This week, the continent
                                            July. The true figures may be even higher,
                                            given that most African countries have not
                                            been able to roll out effective mass testing.
recorded an unwelcome milestone as it       “What we’d like to see – to be able to be
confirmed more than 1,000,000 positive      really confident – is higher testing rates,”
cases. The virus appears to be spreading    said the World Health Organisation’s
exponentially: the continent was at about   Africa head Matshidiso Moeti. ■
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                           Page 11

                                             nationwide protests on July 31 by
Dark forces.                                 arresting key political and civil society
                                             leaders, including journalist Hopewell
Bad apples.                                  Chin’ono and author Tsitsi Dangarembga.
                                             This was accompanied by the mysterious
Rogue                                        abduction of several opposition activists,
                                             at least one of whom was tortured. But the
Zimbabweans                                  heavy-handed tactics may have backfired,
                                             instead drawing global attention to the
As opposition mounts,                        government’s failings.
President Mnangagwa                              In his address, Mnangagwa said
lashes out                                   that “a few rogue Zimbabweans acting
                                             in league with foreign detractors” were
Kudzai Mashininga in Harare                  destabilising the country. “The dark
                                             forces, both inside and outside our

O    n Tuesday, President Emmerson
     Mnangagwa delivered an unusual
televised address to the nation in which
                                             borders, have tampered with our growth
                                             and prosperity for too long. They have
                                             thrived on dividing us.”
he used strong language reminiscent of           Mduduzi Mathuthu, the editor of
the late Robert Mugabe.                      online publication ZimLive, said that
    Mnangagwa described the country’s        Mnangagwa’s government is “out of
opposition as terrorists and lashed out      ideas” and “has turned to its instruments
at “bad apples” who were sabotaging his      of repression to defend its hold on
government.                                  power”. He is currently in hiding, after
    Even as he was talking, the              police raided his house in an attempt to
#ZimbabweanLivesMatter campaign –            arrest him. When they realised he was
borrowing language from the Black Lives      not home, police detained his sister and
Matter movement – was gaining traction       nephew instead. His nephew, Tawanda
on Twitter, thrusting Zimbabwe’s political   Muchehiwa, was later abducted from
economic crises onto the international       police custody and tortured, according
news agenda with endorsements from the       to the Media Institute of Southern Africa.
likes of AKA, Ice Cube, Thandie Newton           “Zimbabwe currently is on a knife
and Pearl Thusi.                             edge...Violence has its limits and I’m not
    Mnang ag w a’s a d m i n ist r at i on   convinced the situation is sustainable,”
successfully prevented planned               Mathuthu told The Continent. ■
The Continent
ISSUE 15. August 8 2020       Analysis                                           Page 12

                                                                        Photo: Jekesai

Mutapi nhau
kuora moyo
Hopewell Chin’ono
akatsigira Emmerson
Mnangagwa paakaitwa
mutungamiri wenyika.
Parizvino Chin’ono

COMMENT                                 Gwara idzva
Ranga Mberi                             Kubviswa pachigaro kwaMugabe
                                        k w a k a g a mu c h i r w a n e v a z h i nj i ,

M     ugore rose ra2018, mutapi
      wenhau Hopewell Chin’ono akaita
mukurumbira nekurumbidza nekutsigira
                                        muZimbabwe nepasi rese. Mugabe anga
                                        agarisa pachigaro kubvira 1980, uye
                                        akanga ava kuedza kugadza mudzimai
Emmerson Mnangagwa mushure              wake, Grace, pachigaro.
memauto eZimbabwe abvuta masimba           Saka pakasvika mauto kuzobvisa
kuna Robert Mugabe.                     Mugabe, zviuru nezviuru zvevanhu
   Chin’ono nhasi uno ava mufananidzo   zvakaungana mumigwagwa kunotsigira
wekuora moyo kwaita vazhinji            VaMnangagwa. Pakanga pasati papera
vaimbotsigira Mnangagwa.                mavhiki matatu VaMnangagwa vatizira
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                             Page 13

kuSouth Africa. Vazhinji muZimbabwe             akadaro Chin’ono. Anoti iye akazocheuka
vakafunga kuti ndiye achagadzirisa zvese        mugore ra2018, apo makurukota
munyika.                                        ehurumende vatadza kuzadzisa
    Chin’ono akange ari mumwe                   zvavakanga vavimbisa zvekugadzirisa
weveruzhinji ava. Muna Kubvumbi                 ZBC, iyo inoshorwa zvikuru neruzhinji.
2018, akanyora iye achirumbidza                 Akanga adaidzwa na Mai Monica
VaMnangagwa, achiti VaMnangagwa                 Mutswang wa, vanova gur ukota
“vakashamisa maSenators aishanya                rezvekufambiswa kwemashoko, vachiti
kubva America, vachitaura zvinonwisa            abatsire kugadzirisa ZBC.
mvura. Vakataura maminitsi akasvika                Iri ranga riri basa rakaoma, asi ibasa
makumi mapfumbamwe, vachingotura                raida kuitwa. Zvirongwa zvepa ZBC
befu kuti vapewo vamwe mukana                   zvakasara chose. Kana dziri nhau dzacho
wekumbotaura. Vakataura vakatsiga,              dzinotosetsa; dzinenge dzenyika dzakare
semaitiro avo avanozikanwa nawo.”               dzehudzvanyiriri.
    Asi mashoko aChino’ono kunaVa                  Chin’ono anoti akabata shamwari
Chamisa, avo vanotungamirira boka               dzake dzinoita zvenhau mhiri, uye
rinopikisa reMovement for Democratic            nekutaura nevamiririri vedzimwe nyika
Change (MDC), aive ekutsoropodza.               vari muno. Anoti iye nyika yeBritain
    PaTwitter, Chin’ono aitamba nezita          yakanga yati ichaisa mari inosvika
r a Va C h a m i s a re m a du n hu r i r w a   £3-million kubatsira ZBC. Ukuwo, CNN
rekuchikoro – iro rekunzi “Wamba dia            yakavimbisa kudzidzisa vatapi nevanyori
Wamba”, munhu anozivikanwa kuti                 venhau veZBC.
akatadza kubudirira munyaya dzenyika
ku DR Congo. Chin’ono aiti zvitsidzo                 “Pandakaona izvi,
zvaVaChanisa zvaive “Wambology”, kuri
                                                   ndakabva ndaziva kuti
kuzvidza mashoko aVaChamisa.
    Asi nzira yaChin’ono yeku Damasica              hapana chitsva apa,
yanga isiri kure. Achitaura na Trevor                manyepo chete,”
Ncub e, muridzi we b epanhau,                        akadaro Chin’ono
Chin’ono akabvunzwa kuti: “Mugore
ra 2017, pakatora Mnangag wa                       Asi havazi vese vakafirira kuti ZBC
chigaro, waimutsigira zvikuru, uye              ishanduke, sezvakanga zvichiratidzwa
uchishoropodza MDC”.                            naMutsvang wa. Mumapepanhau
    C h i n’on o a k api n du r a a k at i :    ehurumende makatanga kunyorwa
“Mnangagwa akanga avimbisa kuti                 mashoko ekushora Chin’ono, zvichinzi
aizounza hurongwa hutsva hwaitarisirwa          aiva mutengesi aida kutengesa
nevanhu wese.                                   mapepanhau enyika kuvavengi vekunze.
    Asi aive manyepo aVaMnangagwa,                 “Pandakaona Izvi, ndakabva ndaziva
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                            Page 14

                                                                     wenyika ye
                                                                     (Photo: AFP)

kuti hapana chitsva apa, manyepo chete,”         huori uhwu hwaifambiswa sei.
akadaro Chin’ono.                                   Vanyadziswa, vakatuma mutauri
                                                 we Zanu-PF kushoropodza Chin’ono.
Kunyepa kutsva                                   Pat r ick C hinamas a a kato doma
Ndiko kurasikirwa kwakaita Mnangagwa             Chin’ono nezita, achiti mukomana uyu
nemutsigiri uyu. Kubva ipapo, Chin’ono,          anyanya kusimbirira nekushoropodza
aiva mutsigiri mukuru waMnangangwa               mhuri yemukuru wenyika. Takanzwa
pa Twitter, akabva atanga kurira senyenze        Chinamasa oti “nhubu” dzinenge vana
kushoropodza hurumende.                          Hopewell Chin’ono dzaida kusvibisa zita
    Mumwedzi waKubvumbi gore                     remwana wemutungamiri.
rino, kwakabuda nyaya yekuti                        Chin’ono ndokukandawo mhinduro
Drax International, kambani yainzi               yake paTwitter, achiti: “Hupenyu
i n o d y i d z a n a n e mw a n a k o m a n a   hwangu hwavamunjodzi zvichiteera
waMnangagwa, yakanga yapiwa basa                 mashoko akataurwa nemutauri we
guru nehurumende. Zvainzi basa iri               Zanu-PF. Handisi kushoropodza.
raiva rekutenga mishonga nembatya                Ndinongoshoropodza huwori chete”.
dzemuzvipatara (Personal Protective                 Aisareva nhema. Akasvikir wa
Equipment) zvehurumende. Mari                    nemapurisa.
yaizobuda apa yaisvika makumi                       “Varikupaza musha wangu, zivisai
matanhatu emamirioni emadhora                    pasi rose,” akazivisa vanhu paTwitter.
(USD$60-million).                                   Akapomerwa mhosva yokukurudzira
    Chin’ono akashandisa Twitter                 kurwiswa kwehurumende.
zvakanyanya kushambadza nyaya iyi.                  Mnangagwa paari kutadza kugadzirisa
Aitoburitsa magwaro kuratidza kuti               zvehupfumi hwenyika, nekusiya huwori
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                       Page 15

munyika, nekusachengetedza kodzero             Hazvizi zvizvarwa zvemuZimbabwe
yevanhu, vazhinji vaya vaimutsigira vave   zvega          zvakanyengedzwa
kumushoropodza. Vakawanda vakaita          navaMnangagwa. Mugore ra2018,
saHopewell. Haasi ega aimbova mutsigiri    VaPeter Hain, avo vaimbova nhume
waMnangagwa ava mupikisi wake nhasi.       yeBritain muAfrica, vakasarudzwa
   Mumwedzi wa Gunyana 2018,               kuva chipangamazano chaZunaid Moti,
Mnangagwa akasarudza Mthuli Ncube          mukuru weAfrica Chrome Field iri
kuita mubati wehomwe yenyika.              muZimbabwe.
Ncube uyu airemekedzwa chaizvo.                Vachitaura muna 2018, VaHain vakati
Akamboshanda ari mutevedzeri               ivo: “Iyi yave nguva itsva mu Zimbabwe.
wemutungamiri we African Development       Mutungamiri wakare aenda, kwauya
Bank, akadzidzisa nezve mari pazvikoro     mutsva anehurongwa hutsva.” VaHain
zvikuru, kuWitwatersrand nekuOxford.       vakafananidza Mnangagwa naGorbachev
Mumwe muzvinabhizinesi, Shingi             wekuRussia. Vakatizve ino yava nguva
Munyeza, uyo aimboshoropodzawo             yekuunza hupfumi muZimbabwe.
hurumende kare, akatambira kusarudzwa          Asi musi wa 30 Chikunguru iro
kwa Ncube nerufaro. Akarova bembera,       gore rino, muparamende yekuUnited
achiti “uyu ndiye mubati wehomwe           Kingdom, Hain akasimuka akati:
yehurumende ano remekedzwa kudarika        “Musi wa 20 Chikunguru, mutapi
vese vakambovapo pamakore makumi           wenhau anoremekedzwa, Hopewell
maviri apfuura…mubati wehomwe              Chin’ono, akasungwa ndokunyimwa
arinani pana vose kubva mugore ra 2000.    bail nekuda kwekushoropodza huwori.
Batai mazwi awa.”                          Anotogona kupika jeri kwemakore
                                           gumi. Hurumende yeUK haingatemeri
                                           here zvimwe zvirango pamakurukota
     Vakawanda vakaita
                                           eZimbabwe nevakuru vemauto?”
      saHopewell. Haasi                        Chin’ono aivawo netariro yekuti
    ega aimbova mutsigiri                  Mnangagwa aizotora rimwe gwara
     waMnangagwa ava                       rekutungamirira Zimbabwe. Haasi ega
     mupikisi wake nhasi                   aiva netariro iyi. Muna 2017, vazhinji
                                           vakazadza nhandare yeNational Sports
   Munyeza akazosarudzwa seumwe            Stadium, vachipemberera VaMnangagwa
chipangamazano waMnangag wa.               vachigadzwa. Yaiva tariro. Ndivo vana
Asi nhasi zvasanduka. Mazuvano             Hopewell; vaiva vatsigiri vaMnangagwa,
arikushoropodza hurumende                  asi nhasi uno vave vasungwa vake. ■
zuva nezuva, achiti vaMnangagwa
vanotungamira boka rinoita masaba
erima.                                     Shanduko: P.S. Rupiya
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                          Page 16

The symbol of
a disillusioned
Journalist Hopewell
Chin’ono backed
President Emmerson
Mnangagwa when he
succeeded Robert
                                                                        Photo: Jekesai
Mugabe. Now he’s in jail.                                               Njikizana/AFP

COMMENT                                        Chin’ono is, in a way, a symbol of the
Ranga Mberi                                 disillusionment with Mnangagwa, and
                                            evidence of how quickly the president has

F    or most of 2018, journalist Hopewell
     Chin’ono rose to Twitter fame as
a supporter of President Emmerson
                                            squandered his goodwill.

                                            The new dispensation
Mnangagwa, who had replaced Robert          Mugabe’s overthrow and Mnangagwa’s
Mugabe after a military coup the year       ascendency had widespread local and
before. Now he is into his third week in    international support. Mugabe, who
jail, on trumped-up charges of trying to    first came to power in 1980, had stayed
incite people to overthrow the man he       in office well past his bedtime. Worse, he
once praised.                               was about to anoint his wife, Grace, as
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                Page 17

his successor.                                 of him, and generally critical of MDC?”
   So, when army tanks arrived to pry          C h i n’on o re p l i e d : “E m m e r s on
him from office, just days after he had        Mnangagwa had promised that he was
fired Mnangagwa, thousands spilled             going to deliver the change that we were
into the streets in support of the deputy      looking for.”
president. When Mnangagwa took over,               It was all a lie, Chin’ono said, and he
less than three weeks after fleeing to South   realised this after discussions, late in 2018,
Africa, many Zimbabweans cast him as           with senior officials over a possible deal
the reformist they had been waiting for.       to reform Zimbabwe’s state broadcaster.
   Chin’ono was among the many. In             He had received a call from Monica
an article in April 2018, Chin’ono wrote       Mutsvangwa, the information minister,
about how Mnangagwa had “surprised             asking for help with modernising the
[visiting United States] senators and          Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation
their staffers when he turned on the           (ZBC).
charm offensive, only stopping once to             This would be a tough job, but
give way for remarks in his 90-minute          necessary. The station is stuck in the past.
address punctuated by calmness which           Its comical nightly news broadcasts fit
has always been an essential part of his       every caricature of a dictatorship’s media
persona and style”.                            mouthpiece.
   For Nelson Chamisa, who had vaulted
over equally ambitious rivals – and the           Chin’ono’s road-to-
party’s constitution – to take charge of
the opposition Movement for Democratic
                                                Damascus moment soon
Change (MDC) in February 2018, there              came after a media
was ridicule.                                    reform deal gone bad
   On Twitter, playing on Chamisa’s
nickname – he was called “Wamba dia               Chin’ono called on his contacts at
Wamba” in college – Chin’ono coined            foreign embassies and in international
the term “Wambology” to make fun of            media. The United Kingdom, he told
Chamisa’s often ambitious campaign             Ncube, was ready to “put £3-million
promises.                                      on the table” to train ZBC journalists.
   But Chin’ono’s road-to-Damascus             CNN, he said, was also prepared to train
moment soon came. It happened over a           journalists and make ZBC an affiliate
media reform deal gone bad. In a recent        broadcaster.
interview, newspaper publisher Trevor             But not everyone was as enthusiastic
Ncube asked him: “When Emmerson                about the reforms as Mutsvangwa had
Mnangagwa became president in 2017,            appeared to be. Soon, articles started
am I right that you were largely supportive    appearing in the state press: Chin’ono was
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                             Page 18

                                                                         novelist Tsitsi
                                                                            is arrested
                                                                       after staging an
                                                                             protest on
                                                                        July 31 (Photo:

a puppet trying to deliver state media to      and contracts that highlighted the depth
the West, the articles said.                   of the corruption.
     “At that point I realised that the
new dispensation was actually a new                Chin’ono went from
deception. There was nothing new about               leading the pro-
it,” Chin’ono recalled.
                                                   Mnangagwa brigade
The new deception                                   on Twitter to being
Mnangagwa had one less supporter.                   one of the shrillest
Chin’ono went from leading the pro-                critics of the regime
Mnangagwa brigade on Twitter to being
one of the shrillest critics of the regime.       Embarrassed, Mnangagwa wheeled
   Then, in April this year, it emerged that   out his lieutenants to attack Chin’ono. At
Drax International, a company alleged          a press conference, spokesman Patrick
to have links to one of Mnangagwa’s            Chinamasa singled out the journalist:
sons, had won a $60-million contract           “We have noted the systematic targeted
to supply drugs and personal protective        attacks of the first family members by
equipment to Zimbabwe. Relentlessly,           unscrupulous characters like Hopewell
Chin’ono tweeted about the scandal,            Chin’ono targeting the president’s son.”
posting leaked internal memorandums               Chin’ono tweeted in response: “My
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                             Page 19

life is now in danger after Zanu-PF           in 20 years … a better finance minister by
attacked me personally through their          far since 2000. Save this tweet.”
spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa. I am              Munyeza accepted a post as one
only a detractor of corruption.”              of Mnangagwa’s advisers. These
    He was right. On the morning of July      days, however, he tweets bitterly that
20, armed police smashed a glass door         Mnangagwa is the head of an “occult
and entered his house. “They are breaking     system”.
into my home. Alert the world!” tweeted           It was not just Zimbabweans who
Chin’ono. He was later charged for            fell for Mnangagwa’s apparent charms.
inciting violence against the government.     In March 2018, Britain’s former Africa
                                              minister, Peter Hain, visited Zimbabwe.
                                              He had just been appointed consultant for
        “My life is now
                                              Zunaid Moti, a controversial businessman
        in danger after                       running Africa Chrome Fields, a mine in
     Zanu-PF attacked me                      Zimbabwe.
      personally through                          “There is a new era in Zimbabwe as
      their spokesperson                      the former president is now gone and the
      Patrick Chinamasa.                      new president has a new agenda,” Hain
                                              told an interviewer. Mnangagwa, Hain
     I am only a detractor
                                              said, would be Zimbabwe’s Gorbachev. It
        of corruption.”                       was time to invest.
                                                  But on July 30, in the UK Parliament,
   As Mnangagwa failed to deliver on          Hain told his government: “On July 20
reforms and the economy, while allowing       highly respected journalist Hopewell
corruption and rights abuses to continue,     Chin’ono was arrested and denied bail
there are many Hopewells who have seen        for supporting an anti-corruption
through the ruse. Many of Mnangagwa’s         protest and faces 10 years in jail. Can the
most ardent supporters have become            government update its sanctions to cover
critical of him.                              more Zimbabwe ministers and security
   In September 2018, Mnangagwa               chiefs?”
appointed as finance minister Mthuli              Chin’ono had dared to hope that
Ncube, a banker who was once a vice-          Mnangagwa would take Zimbabwe on a
president at the African Development          different path. He was not alone. In 2017,
Bank and taught finance at the                thousands filled the National Sports
universities of the Witwatersrand and         Stadium to cheer on his inauguration.
Oxford. Businessman Shingi Munyeza,           But, like Hopewell, they have gone from
a longtime government critic, gushed:         being Mnangagwa’s supporters, to being
“This is the most credible finance minister   his prisoners. ■
The Continent
ISSUE 15. August 8 2020   Investigation   Page 20

               Inside the secret
             world of US commandos
                    in Africa
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                              Page 21

       A Mail & Guardian investigation reveals, for
       the first time, the vast African footprint of
       America’s most elite combat troops – and that
       more US commandos are deployed to Africa in
       secretive missions than anywhere else in the
       world, after the war zones of the Middle East.
       Nick Turse, Sam Mednick in Ouagadougou and Amanda
       Sperber in Nairobi. This investigation was produced in
       partnership with the Pulitzer Center

       T    he activities of the United States Special Operations forces – including
            Navy SEALs, Army Green Berets and Marine Corps Raiders – are
       shrouded in secrecy. These are the US military’s most secretive and highly-
       trained soldiers, responsible for sensitive counter-terrorism, counter-
       insurgency and “direct action combat raids.” Their operations are rarely
           Except when they go wrong.
           In 2017, Islamic State fighters in Niger ambushed American troops near
       the village of Tongo Tongo. Four US soldiers died, including two from the
       Green Berets.
           This incident provided a glimpse into the secret world of US commandos
       operating in Africa. A Mail & Guardian investigation can reveal, for the
       first time, the full extent of that world.
           In 2019, US Special Ops forces were active not just in Niger, but in a
       total of 22 African countries: Algeria, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon,
       Cape Verde, Chad, Côte D’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya,
       Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia,
       Tanzania and Tunisia.
           This accounts for a significant proportion of US Special Ops forces’
       global activity: more than 14% of US commandos deployed overseas in
       2019 were sent to Africa, the largest percentage of any region in the world
       except for the Middle East.
           These figures come from information provided to the M&G by the
       US military’s Special Operations Command and Africa Command
           An interview with Donald Bolduc, a retired brigadier general and head
       of Special Operations Command Africa until 2017, shed further light on
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                                                             Page 22

                                                             these operations. He said that as of 2017, US Special Ops forces had seen
                                                             combat in 13 African nations. America’s most elite troops continued to be
                                                             active in 10 of those countries – Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Kenya,
                                                             Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Somalia, and Tunisia – last year, he said.

                                                             Advise, assist, accompany
                                                             The military footprint of the United States in Africa is extensive. Previous
                                                             reporting has revealed the existence of a string of at least 29 military
                                                             bases across the continent, in 15 countries, few of which are officially
                                                             acknowledged by the US government.
                                                                   Even more secretive still are the activities of US Special Operations
                                                                                                                                                             forces. Their presence
                                                                                                                                                             in African countries
                                                                                                                                                             is rarely officially

                                                                                 Algeria               Libya
                                                                                                                                                             acknowledged, either
                                                                                                                                                             by the US or host
                                                    Senegal Mauritania       Mali           Niger
                                                                                                                                                             nations; citizens are
                                                                            B. Faso                                                        Djibouti          not told what these
                                                                                                                                                             elite combat troops are


                                                                                                      n                           Ethiopia

                                                                                                                                                             doing on their land.
                                                                      d’Ivoire                                                              Somalia
                                                                                                                                                                 The US military
                                                                          Country where
                                                                          US Special Forces
                                                                                                                                                             is tight-lipped about
                                                                          have a presence
                                                                                                                                                             e x a c t l y w h at it s
                                                                                                                                                             elite forces do in
                                                            Footprint of of        US                                na                                      each countr y, but
                                                                                                                st wa
                                                            Special  OpsForces forces                                                                        s p e c i a l op e r ators

                                                                    Africa                                                                                   have long conducted
                                                                                                                                                             missions that range
                                                                                                                                                             from capture-or-kill
                                                             commando raids to more banal training missions.
                                                                   The M&G has spoken to a wide range of sources to fill in the blanks,
                                                             including US military officers and diplomats; active and retired US special
                                                             forces operators; African government and military sources; recipients of
                                                             US military training in Africa; and civilian witnesses. What emerges is a
                                                             comprehensive picture of US Special Ops forces’ activities in Africa.
                                                                   Some special operations are conducted under the auspices of the so-
                                                             called 127e programs, named for the budgetary authority that allows
                                                             US Special Operations forces to use local military units as surrogates in
                                                             counterterrorism missions. For reasons of security, Special Operations
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                              Page 23

       Command will not release information on 127e programs, said
       spokesperson Ken McGraw.
           However, the M&G has confirmed that in recent years the US has
       conducted at least eight 127e programs in Africa, most of them in Somalia.
       Currently, the US is conducting two 127e programs in Somalia, according
       to an AFRICOM official. The M&G was able to obtain detailed information
       on how a 127e program has been used to create and train the Danab
       Brigade, an elite Somali special forces unit.
           Headquartered in Baledogle, a Soviet-built airport about 100 kilometres
       north of Mogadishu, Danab has a contingent of 850 troops. Baledogle
       itself is host to one of the largest concentrations of US defence personnel
       in Africa, behind only bases in Djibouti and Niger.
           The M&G spoke to two civilians who live near Baledogle, who both
       requested that their names be withheld. The first civilian said that since
       2012, the base has been getting “bigger and bigger”. According to the
       second civilian, the construction on the base – including a $12-million
       runway refurbishment – has led to more employment opportunities for
           In March this year, AFRICOM’s deputy director of operations Miguel
       Castellanos said that he expected the US to continue supporting Danab
       until at least 2027, with the goal to increase the size of the force to 3,000
           US commandos sometimes accompany Danab units on raids, with a
       mandate to “advise, assist and accompany” – although such missions can
       sometimes be indistinguishable from combat.
           The number of ground missions carried out by US commandos in
       Somalia has never previously been revealed, but US Air Force documents
       obtained by the M&G – via the Freedom of Information Act, and
       corroborated by Bolduc – indicate the scale of these efforts. The documents,
       from the 449th Air Expeditionary Group based in Camp Lemonnier in
       Djibouti, show that the US and partner nations conducted more than 200
       ground missions against Al Shabaab between June 2017 and June 2018.
           This number is no anomaly. “That’s about average, annually, for the
       time I was there, too,” said Bolduc, who headed the Special Operations
       Command Africa from April 2015 to June 2017.

       Counter-terrorism training
       Another major theatre of special forces operations is in north-west
       Africa. The flagship US military operation in the region is Juniper Shield,
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                            Page 24

       a counterterrorism effort involving 11 nations: Algeria, Burkina Faso,
       Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal
       and Tunisia.
          Under Juniper Shield, US Special Operations forces have trained,
       advised, assisted and accompanied local partner forces conducting
       missions aimed at terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda and its affiliates,
       Boko Haram and Islamic State. The effort, according to the AFRICOM
       documents, was ongoing as of February.
          To understand what this training looks like, the M&G spoke to several
       state security officers in Burkina Faso who have participated.
          One army officer based in Fada N’Gourma, the main town in the east,
       said teams have been receiving training from the US since 2018. Sessions
       are two weeks and include 30 people from the army and police. The men
       are trained by up to 20 Americans and taught the importance of winning
       civilian trust and counter-IED training, he said. They were given explosive
       detection kits, cameras and bags that could be used to send samples to the
          “The training was very good and very practical. Short but intense,” he

       Training in 2018 for Djibouti’s Rapid Intervention Brigade is
       overseen by US troops. (Photo: Timothy Ahearn/US Navy)
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                             Page 25

       said. He was not authorised to speak on the record.
          According to one Special Operations officer formerly based in Burkina
       Faso, who didn’t want to be named, the general approach was to combine
       military training with civil engagement, such as teaching the army to
       clear the roads of bombs, getting the police to set up checkpoints and then
       bringing in a company to repair the potholes, making it harder for armed
       groups to plant explosives. The officer told M&G that everything they did
       was classified under Operation Juniper Shield.
          Not all of the places where US Special Ops forces operate in Africa are
       in or near war zones. Take, for example, Botswana – one of the continent’s
       most established and peaceful democracies.
          In response to questions from the M&G, the US Embassy in Botswana
       said that Special Ops forces participated in Exercise Upward Minuteman,
       a three week training event held in June 2019 at the Thebephatshwa Air
       Base in Molepolole. The training involved 200 National Guardsmen from
       the North Carolina National Guard and an unspecified number of soldiers
       from the Botswana Defence Force (BDF). It included everything from
       weapons training to air and ground assault simulations.
          Botswana’s armed forces enjoy a relatively clean reputation. This is not
       true of all the countries with which the US has chosen to partner. Burkina
       Faso’s armed forces have been repeatedly implicated in serious human
       rights violations; as have the Danab Brigade in Somalia.
          A US State Department official, speaking on background, said they
       were closely monitoring alleged human rights by partner militaries, and it
       excludes from assistance and training individuals or units guilty of human
       rights violations.
           By partnering with these forces, the US risks legitimising these abuses,
       argues Temi Ibirogba, a program and research associate with the Africa
       Program at the Center for International Policy.
          “If the most powerful democratic nation in the world is supporting
       your military, you’ll surely believe that the human rights violations you’ve
       committed are excusable,“ she said.

       A ‘creeping build-up’
       Andy Duhon, a former US Special Operations forces officer with more
       than a decade of experience operating in the Sahel region, questioned the
       effectiveness of the US military’s involvement in Africa. He said that the
       US does not understand what African countries want, and as a result is
       unsure how to best intervene.
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                         Page 26

       War games: Commandos from the Botswana Defence Force in a
       training exercise with US Special Ops forces operators (Photo: US

          “The US isn’t doing enough. It wants to help but it needs to do a better
       job of understanding grassroots organizations, governments and the
       military, instead of just sending money towards long-term training and
       equipment programs,” said Duhon.
          Comfort Ero, the International Crisis Group’s Africa Program Director,
       said that the extent of US special forces operations in Africa illustrates the
       “creeping build-up” of the US military in Africa. Although, she added, it’s
       a mixed message: “There’s a build-up on the one hand, and restraint on the
       other. It’s clear that the US does not want to be on the front line.”
          Ero said that the lack of transparency – from both US and African
       governments – on the US military’s presence in Africa is a cause for
       concern, as is their apparent willingness to work with authoritarian
       governments. “It does feed into that broader concern that some states are
       being propped up...the US is seen as legitimising and further prolonging
       authoritarian tendencies, or states who are not seen as having legitimacy.” ■

       With additional reporting in Gaborone by Joel Konopo of the INK Centre for Investigative
       Journalism, and editing by Simon Allison. This investigation has been edited for length.
       The full version will be published on Monday August 10 on the Mail & Guardian’s website.
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                          Page 27

Take this quiz to find out
how well you really know
our continent


1. Which Bantu language, spoken                         woud one typically eat egusi
mostly in both Congos, borrows                          soup?
from French, Spanish, Portuguese                        7. King Letsie III is the monarch of
and English?                                            which country?
2. Mbabane and Lobamba are the                          8. Which four countries are
capitals of which country?                              considered the Horn of Africa?
3. Jacaranda trees are known to                         9. Which country celebrated its
flourish in four African countries.                     60th anniversary of independence
Name one.                                               on Friday August 7?
4. Footballer Romelu Lukaku                             10. What city was formerly known
was born and raised in Belgium.                         as Salisbury?
Where is his family from                                11. In which year was Nelson
originally?                                             Mandela elected president of
5. True or false: the hippopotamus                      South Africa?
is native to North Africa?                              12. The dirham is the currency of
6. In which region of the continent                     which country?

How did I do?                                0-4                   5-8               9-12
WhatsApp ‘ANSWERS’                       “I think I need to     “I can’t wait to     "Borders are
to +27 73 805 6068 and                  start reading more    explore more of this    an artificial
we will send you the                      newspapers.”            continent.”         construct."
answers immediately.
The Continent
ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                  Sport                                           Page 28

Pride beyond
Sharon Allela

I  t’s not every day that one gets a chance
   to speak to a world-class athlete. My
chat with one of Africa’s most celebrated
athletes, Springbok captain Siya Kolisi, left    Continental captain: The Springboks
my audience and me mind-blown.                   after the 2019 Rugby World Cup final
   When the Springboks won the Rugby             (Photo: Odd Andersen/AFP)
World Cup in 2019, South Africa was
going through a period of immense                of the continent which deserves to be one
challenges. One of the biggest was the           of the best continents in the world because
xenophobia that fuelled a wave of hatred         we have everything we need to be great,”
across the continent. Embassies were             he said.
being stoned, foreign-owned businesses               Tata Madiba once said that sport has
torched and thousands of people were             the power to unite people like little else
fearing for their lives.                         can. The Springboks and the historic
   On the weekend of the World Cup               world cup win brought Africa together.
finals, Nairobi told a totally different         They also showed us Kenyans that it is
story. The city was bustling with life           indeed possible for us to win the trophy
with sports enthusiasts donning the              for a nation that is one the world’s
Springboks jersey. We put our differences        powerhouses in the rugby sevens series.
aside to support our African brothers as         Like Eliud Kipchoge said, “no human is
they represented the continent on the            limited” and no African is limited.
global stage. When I asked Siya about                As we battle a pandemic, we are
that memorable weekend, he admitted              reminded of the spirit of pan-Africanism,
to being overwhelmed by the support              of times we were once united for a more
that the team got from other African             significant cause. At the moment, it seems
countries.                                       every man for himself and every country
   “Diversity of Africans is our strength.       for herself. We have to hold each other
We need each other as Africans, whether          accountable and act responsibly to pull
we like it or not. We need to start              through to the other side. ■
accepting that and start using it as the         Sharon Allela is a sports consultant and founder
asset that it is and use it for the betterment   of Adana Sports and Entertainment
The Continent
ISSUE 15. August 8 2020      Investigation                                       Page 29

   How a notorious arms dealer
     hijacked Niger’s budget
        Mark Anderson, Khadija Sharife, and Nathalie Prevost for the
            Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project

A    s militant groups spread across
     the Sahel, the West African nation
of Niger went on a US-backed military
                                             delivered, or purchased without going
                                             through a competitive bidding process.
                                                 “The rigged bidding process, fake
spending spree that totaled about            competition, and inflated pricing in
US$1-billion between 2011 and 2019.          these deals is astounding,” said Andrew
   But almost a third of that money was      Feinstein, a leading arms expert and
funnelled into inflated international        author of The Shadow World: Inside the
arms deals – seemingly designed to allow     Global Arms Trade.
corrupt officials and brokers to siphon          The Nigerien authorities are
off government funds, according to a         investigating the findings of the audit,
confidential government audit obtained       which have caused a scandal in the
by OCCRP that covers those eight years.      country after some details were reported
   The Inspection Générale des Armées,       in the press earlier this year.
an independent body that audits the              The country has become a key ally for
armed forces, found problems with            the United States in fighting groups like
contracts amounting to over $320-million     Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and
out of the $875-million in military          the Islamic State West Africa Province,
spending it reviewed. The US contributed     better known as Boko Haram. The surge
almost $240-million to Niger’s military      in spending over the last decade helped
budget over the same period.                 Niger become one of the most formidable
   The Inspection Générale’s auditors        military powers in the region. The country
said more than 76-billion West African       – one of the world’s poorest – bought
francs had been lost to corruption, which    arms ranging from attack helicopters
is about $137-million at the current         and fighter jets to armored vehicles and
exchange rate.                               automatic rifles. In addition to cash it
   They discovered that much of the          provided to Niger’s military, the US spent
equipment sourced from international         $280-million building a massive air base
firms – including Russian, Ukrainian, and    near the ancient trading city of Agadez in
Chinese state-owned defence companies –      the north of the country. The base, which
was significantly overpriced, not actually   reportedly costs $30-million a year to run,
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                     Page 30

Spoils of war: The palatial Niamey
mansion belonging to well-known
arms dealer Aboubacar Hima (Photo:
Nathalie Prevost/OCCRP)

allows US forces to launch drones for both     Hima – who goes by the nicknames
surveillance and air strikes.                  “Style Féroce” and “Petit Boubé,” – and
    American forces are also training          Aboubacar Charfo, a construction
Nigerien soldiers and fighting alongside       contractor with no previous experience in
them. In 2017, four US Special Operations      the defence sector. Auditors allege that the
forces officers were killed in an ambush       two men rigged bids by using companies
in the country’s frontier with Mali and        under their control to create the illusion
Burkina Faso, reportedly by fighters           of competition for contracts.
associated with the so-called Islamic State.       Their success points to the
    France and the European Union are          opportunities available to a small clique
also major donors to Niger’s military,         of well-connected insiders with close ties
which receives further aid through its         to Niger’s government.
membership in G5 Sahel, a regional                 Hima’s lawyer, Marc Le Bihan, declined
joint military force. The audit report         to answer reporters’ questions, saying
raises the possibility that some of the        that his client could not be reached and
military aid ended up in the pockets of        adding that he was not being prosecuted
unscrupulous private individuals and           in connection with the auditors’ report. ■
corrupt government officials.
    At the centre of the network of
                                               This investigation was first published by the
corruption are two Nigerien businessmen        Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting
who acted as intermediaries in the deals:      Project, and has been edited for length. The full
the well-known arms dealer Aboubacar           version is available here:
The Continent
ISSUE 15. August 8 2020             Analysis                                       Page 31

Social media alone can’t save
democracy in Zimbabwe
Bruce Mutsvairo                                 denials of digital interference, while
                                                anti-government digital activists have
Despite the rise of WhatsApp, Twitter           previously faced treason charges.
and Facebook, social media has many             Chin’ono’s arrest is itself a testimony
limitations as a way to liberate Africa’s       to the limitations of social media as
oppressed peoples. Recent events in             a weapon against what Zimbabwean
Zimbabwe explain why.                           government critics see as longstanding
    On July 31, anti-corruption                 authoritarianism. By detaining him, the
campaigners, journalists, and opposition        Zimbabwean government wants to remind
leaders joined forces to express their          everyone that they are still in charge.
opposition to the government of President          Digital activism has the potential to
Emmerson Mnangagwa. The government’s            change African politics, but authoritarian
response was heavy-handed. Before               governments can simply impose a
and on July 31, prominent outspoken             social media “tax” and arrest their
figures such as whistle-blowing journalist      most prominent critics. All of a sudden
Hopewell Chin’ono, opposition leader            Twitter and Facebook look like much less
Jacob Ngarivhume and Booker Prize               threatening spaces.
nominated writer Tsitsi Dangarembga                So what can be done? At some point
were arrested – along with many others.         we may need to recognise that digital
    These three figures had all been vocal on   activism will not remove Zanu-PF from
Twitter and Facebook calling for change.        power. Zanu-PF is part of Zimbabwe’s
Chin’ono is one of the most effective critics   problem but it may also have to be part
of government – his work has helped oust        of the solution. They simply cannot be
two ministers on corruption charges. But        wished away – and as a result digital
while those opposed to the ruling Zanu-PF       protest may need to go hand-in-hand with
party consider social media as a godsend        engagement. ■
for potential political emancipation,
history has taught us Zimbabwe’s deeply-        Bruce Mutsvairo is an author
rooted problems will not be mediated on         and Professor of Journalism
                                                at Auburn University in the
social media.                                   United States. This analysis is
    Last year, access to social media           published in partnership with
platforms was blocked amid government           Democracy in Africa
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                             Page 32

In Zimbabwe, even the
president’s inner circle
is unhappy
ANALYSIS                                        ruling party and opposition activists
Africa Confidential                             whose aim was to drive Mnangagwa from
                                                power with a campaign of mass protests.

A    fter two years of dangerous drift,
     military officers and state officials
are covertly talking to opposition figures
                                                Moyo claims his spies had discovered
                                                stocks of posters and placards calling
                                                for the toppling of Mnangagwa and
about the president’s exit and a transitional   praising his deputy former army general
authority.                                      Constantino Chiwenga stashed at the
   The extraordinary morning broadcast          homes of the party dissidents.
by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on
August 4 reinforced the national sense
that his legitimacy is eroding as fast as the
                                                The president’s broadcast
value of the Zimbabwean dollar. Heading          on August 4 reinforced
a government which has detained some of           the national sense that
the region’s best novelists and journalists,     his legitimacy is eroding
and abducted and tortured opposition            as fast as the value of the
activists, Mnangagwa warned citizens
about “the bad apples that have attempted           Zimbabwean dollar
to divide our people. Good shall triumph
over evil”.                                        According to Moyo, after Mnangagwa
   Those divisions are festering at             was forced out, the plan was that
the heart of his government. A week             Chiwenga would preside over a national
earlier at a meeting of the politburo, the      transitional authority committed to
50-strong policy-making body of the             constitutional and economic reforms and
ruling party, Mnangagwa called on Isaac         free elections. In other words, a classic
Moyo, director general of the Central           palace coup. An ironic reworking of the
Intelligence Organisation, to report on         putsch that Mnangagwa and Chiwenga
a “de-stabilisation” plot claimed to have       had jointly organised against President
been run by Claveria Chizema, a politburo       Robert Mugabe in November 2017.
member, and Tendai Savanhu, a former               As Moyo explained the details of the
MP for Mbare.                                   plot against Mnangagwa to the politburo,
   Moyo explained that the plot showed          Chiwenga, just back from another medical
collusion between dissidents within the         check-up in China, looked on impassively.
The Continent ISSUE 15. August 8 2020                                                            Page 33

Neither Moyo nor Mnangagwa accused                complaint by civilians that he is running
Chiwenga of complicity in the plot from           a military regime. It is mainly a thin stripe
which he was meant to benefit. But the            of top officers that have benefited in the
implied accusation hung in the room.              past two years.
   Despite their working together for                Until now, Mnangagwa has been
decades, relations between Mnangagwa              protected by a group of senior officers
and Chiwenga have cooled this year.               and security specialists from the Midlands
They are unlikely to have improved after          province – many of whom were in turn
Mnangagwa added the health portfolio              protected by Mnangagwa, for their role in
to Chiwenga’s responsibilities. Obadiah           the Gukurahundi massacre in the 1980s.
Moyo, the sacked health minister, is                 But according to Africa Confidential’s
being prosecuted for corruption after             sources, several people in this ruling
journalist Hopewell Chin’ono exposed              group now favour either Chiwenga or
a procurement scam involving the                  General Sibusiso Moyo to take over
minister and a businessman and friend of          from Mnangagwa in a palace coup that
Mnangagwa’s family.                               would allow the formation of a National
   Yet Chin’ono is being detained on              Transitional Authority, in consultation
charges of subversion, tied into the              with opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.
planned anti-corruption protests, and                The decision by the United States
minister Moyo is out on bail.                     Treasury on August 5 to sanction
                                                  Mnangagwa’s business ally Kudakwashe
 Despite working together                         Tagwirei, chief executive of Sakunda
  for decades relations                           Holdings and majority owner of Landela
                                                  Mining Ventures, raises the stakes. Widely
  between Mnangagwa                               seen as a proxy for Mnangagwa, Tagwirei’s
   and Chiwenga have                              dealings with commodity traders
     cooled this year                             Trafigura have made him immensely
                                                  wealthy in his own right.
    Both Chiwenga and the Commander                  This week, Tagwirei was looking
of the national army, Lieutenant General          uncharacteristically worried when
Edzai Chanyuka Chimonyo, have been                driving his new pink Rolls Royce through
telling colleagues and business people            Chisipite, one of Harare’s most prosperous
that the country is drifting dangerously.         suburbs. As, surely, is Mnangagwa –
A former officer told Africa Confidential         outside his fast-diminishing circle of
that such talk is army code meaning the           admirers, few believe that the president
junior officers will act if the senior officers   should hang on. ■
    Living conditions for junior officers         This was first published by Africa Confidential, and has
and the ranks have deteriorated sharply           been edited for length. The original is available here:
under Mnangagwa, despite the common     
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