The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility

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The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
The Clean Air Act
A Proven Tool for Healthy Air

                                       A report from

                                 Physicians for social



         Kristen Welker-Hood,
                     ScD MSN

            Barbara Gottlieb

      and John Suttles, JD LLM

        with Molly Rauch, MPH

                      May 2011
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
The Clean Air Act
A Proven Tool for Healthy Air

          A Report From

      Physicians For Social



        Kristen Welker-Hood, ScD MSN

              Barbara Gottlieb

            John Suttles, JD LLM

           with Molly Rauch, MPH
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following people who helped
make this report possible:
  William Snape III, JD of the Center for Biological Diversity read an early draft and
provided invaluable input. Jared Saylor and Brian Smith of Earthjustice also read the
text and offered suggestions. David Schneider, Shoko Kubotera and Tony Craddock Jr.,
PSR interns, provided much-appreciated research assistance; David also collaborated
on the writing. Finally, we thank the Energy Foundation, Compton Foundation, Marisla
Foundation and Earthjustice for their generous financial support.
  Any errors in the text are, of course, entirely our own.

For an electronic copy of this report, please see:

About Physicians for Social Responsibility
PSR has a long and respected history of physician-led activism to protect the public’s
health. Founded in 1961 by a group of physicians concerned about the impact of nuclear
proliferation, PSR shared the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize with International Physicians for
the Prevention of Nuclear War for building public pressure to end the nuclear arms race.
Today, PSR’s members, staff, and state and local chapters form a nationwide network of
key contacts and trained medical spokespeople who can effectively target threats to global
survival. Since 1991, when PSR formally expanded its work by creating its environment and
health program, PSR has addressed the issues of global warming and the toxic degradation
of our environment. PSR presses for policies to curb global warming, ensure clean air,
generate a sustainable energy future, prevent human exposures to toxic substances, and
minimize toxic pollution of air, food, and drinking water.

May 2011
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility

Executive Summary    iv

1. america’s urgent need for clean air    1

2. what does the clean air act do?    9

3. The Clean Air act, a success story    17

4. opportunities for saving lives    22
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
Executive Summary

          ince Congress created the Clean Air Act
          in 1970, it has proven to be one of the na-
          tion’s most important tools for improving
          public health. Air pollution from industri-
 alization, motor vehicles, and fossil fuel combus-
 tion is pervasive across America, and millions of
 Americans suffer death and debilitating illnesses
 as a result: respiratory illnesses, heart attacks,
 strokes, cancer, birth defects, mental retardation,
 and more.
    The Clean Air Act, by reducing emissions from
 many of the worst sources of air pollution, has
­dramatically improved air quality. In so doing it
 has prevented hundreds of thousands of prema-
 ture deaths and reduced disease and suffering for
 millions of people. Yet despite that resounding
 history of achievement, we as a nation still face
 major opportunities and challenges for improving
 air quality and public health. A fully implemented                                                          iStockphoto/Aldo Murillo

 Clean Air Act remains our best tool for making
those improvements.

How the Clean Air Act Works
The Clean Air Act combines several distinct ap-
proaches in order to prevent air pollution at the
source. For six harmful air pollutants that are         ants in the atmosphere. The 50 states then develop
found widely across the U.S.—particulate matter,        their own strategies for implementing the NAAQS
ground-level ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulfur diox-       standards. Pollutants subject to the NAAQS are
ide, carbon monoxide and lead—the Act requires          known as “criteria pollutants” because the EPA
the EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality       sets the standards using science-based guidelines
Standards, or NAAQS. These standards identify           (criteria) reflecting these substances’ damaging
the allowable concentration of each of these pollut-    impacts on human health and the environment.
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
Physicians for Social Responsibility                                                  The Clean Air act          v

     The Clean Air Act also establishes a category of          The number of lives saved and poor health out-
  hazardous air pollutants, commonly abbreviated as         comes averted by the Clean Air Act are estimated
  HAPs and referred to as “toxic air contaminants”          to be substantial. A recent EPA assessment deter-
  or “air toxics.” These are 188 pollutants and chemi-      mined that in 2010, the Act and its 1990 amend-
  cal groups known or suspected to cause serious            ments prevented 160,000 premature deaths due
  health effects including cancer, birth defects, and       to fine particulate matter alone; in 2020, the esti-
  respiratory tract and neurologic illness, even when       mated number of lives saved will rise to 230,000.
  exposure levels are low. Because HAPs are so po-          Reductions in particulate pollution are projected
  tent, the EPA must address all categories of major        to prevent as many as 200,000 heart attacks and
  air toxics sources and develop highly protective          2.4 million asthma attacks in 2020. Reduction of
  control standards for each category.                      ozone pollution has reduced hospital admissions,
     Finally, the Act sets operating standards for cer-     emergency room visits, restricted-activity days, and
  tain categories of major polluters. These include         days lost at school and work.
  stationary sources of pollution, such as power               There is another yardstick by which this legisla-
  plants and factories, and mobile sources such as          tion can be measured: The Clean Air Act has also
  cars, trucks and trains. Stationary sources are           proven to be an excellent investment in economic
  subject to different requirements depending on            terms. Cost-benefit analysis demonstrates that the
  whether they are located in areas in compliance           dollars saved from reduced illnesses, hospital ad-
  with the NAAQS standards or in non-compliance             missions, and lost days from work and school have
  areas. Controls over stationary sources may include       greatly exceeded the costs associated with reducing
  permitting requirements to assure clean function-         air pollution. The EPA estimates a return of $30 in
  ing, as well as offset requirements to reduce emis-       benefits for every one dollar spent on implemen-
  sions of criteria pollutants from other sources.          tation of pollution controls by 2020. By a similar
  Because mobile sources move readily across                token, the Act succeeded in reducing air pollution
  state lines, the EPA has near-exclusive authority         while the nation’s population and economy both
  over them. To control mobile sources, EPA sets            grew. Clean Air Act regulations have also spurred
­vehicle performance standards and operates a fuel          technological innovation, generating jobs and eco-
 ­regulation program.                                       nomic growth. The successes of the Clean Air Act
                                                            have shown that protection of health and econom-
                                                            ic growth can and do work hand in hand.
A History of Success
                                                               Finally, a success of a different sort: The Clean
The Clean Air Act has demonstrated dramatic suc-            Air Act was enacted in nonpartisan fashion, with
 cess over its 40-year history. Its success is visible in   leadership from both sides of the aisle, under
improvements to air quality and in the decreased            multiple administrations, both Republican and
cases of morbidity and mortality resulting from             Democrat. Lawmakers clearly recognized that the
reduced air pollution. The pollution controls put           goal of improving America’s health was a shared
in place by 1990 led to major decreases in ambi-            interest, far more important than the differences
ent criteria pollutant concentrations, compared to          that sometimes hinder policy-making.
the levels that would have been expected without
implementation of the Act. The greatest reductions
                                                            Future Opportunities for Cleaner
 were achieved through requiring power plants and
                                                            Air, Greater Benefits
 industries to install smokestack scrubbers to cap-
 ture sulfur dioxide and filters to capture particu-        Even as the benefits of the Act accrue, ambi-
 lates; switching to lower-sulfur fuels, and install-       ent concentrations of several pollutants are still
 ing catalytic converters to reduce nitrogen oxide          too high to adequately protect the American
­emissions from vehicles.                                   people, especially children, the elderly, those
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
vi    The Clean Air act 	Physicians for Social Responsibility

                                                                                                                istockphoto/ Daniel Stein
 l­ iving in highly polluted communities, and those         Particle emissions are likewise in urgent need
  with chronic health problems. Some 127 million         of stronger regulations. Fine particulate matter
  people live in areas of the country that are in        (particles smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter,
  non-attainment for at least one or more NAAQS.         called PM 2.5) poses a significant cardiovascular
  Additionally, according to EPA estimates, breath-      risk and contributes to heart attacks, strokes,
  ing air toxics over a lifetime of exposure contrib-    heart failure, and irregular heartbeats. The cur-
  utes to nearly 30 percent of overall cancer risk in    rent PM 2.5 standards were last revised in 2006 but
  the U.S. Some regions in the U.S. are even more        are not stringent enough to protect public health.
  heavily affected, with two million (one in 10,000)     EPA was scheduled to propose new national limits
  people facing increased lifetime cancer risk from      (standards) for PM 2.5 in February 2011, but had not
  air toxics exposure. These risks far overshoot EPA’s   done so as of mid-April.
  “acceptable” risks goal of one in a million and
  highlight the need to control pollutant emissions
                                                         A Health Imperative
  more effectively.
       Two criteria pollutants stand out as in need of   The U.S. medical and health community has sup-
  immediate strengthening of pollution controls.         ported federal action for clean air for over half
  Fortifying the standards for ground-level ozone        a century. Cognizant that clean air to breathe
  should be a top priority. When EPA last revised the    is essential to America’s health, groups such as
 ozone standard in 2008, it disregarded the recom-       the American Medical Association, American
 mendations of its own panel of expert scientists        Public Health Association, American Academy of
 and physicians, the Clean Air Scientific Advisory       Pediatrics, and Physicians for Social Responsibility
 Committee, which advised that the maximum limit         continue to press for robust, proactive and nation-
 for ambient ozone concentrations be lowered from        ally uniform protection from deadly air pollutants.
 84 parts per billion (ppb) to a range between 60        The Clean Air Act is our best tool to that end. It
 to 70 ppb measured as an 8-hour average. Instead,       is essential that we safeguard the Clean Air Act
 EPA proposed a limit of 75 ppb. To protect public       from political maneuvering. It is a public health
 health, the EPA should set the ozone standard           law that is a proven life-saver, and its job — and
at the most health-protective level of 60 ppb            its ­benefits to the American people — are still far
­immediately.                                            from ­complete.
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
1. America’s Urgent Need
for Clean Air


                                                         Its passage paved the way for monumental gains in
              angerous air pollutants damage             public health, including major reductions in blood
              our health from before we are born         lead levels nationwide and reductions in premature
              through our final days. Such pollutants    deaths, illnesses and hospitalizations stemming
              as particulate matter, nitrous oxides,     from air pollution exposure.
sulfur dioxide, ozone, heavy metals and other air            This report reviews the role the CAA has played
toxics inflict irreparable harm on our airways,          in health promotion and disease prevention over
lungs, heart and circulatory systems, undermin-          the past 40 years. It reviews the context in which
ing all our major organ systems. Air pollutants in-      the CAA was created, the methods by which it reg-
crease hospitalizations and emergency room visits,       ulates pollutants, its successes in protecting health,
time lost from school and work, and premature            and the challenges it faces for controlling the air
deaths due to cardiopulmonary disease. In fact,          pollutants of today. The report begins by examin-
air pollution contributes to four of the five leading    ing the air pollution calamities that revealed to the
causes of mortality in the United States: heart dis-     nation the depth of its air pollution problem and
ease, cancer, stroke, and chronic lower respiratory      prompted a powerful national response.
   To curb the rising incidence of these diseases,
                                                         Air Pollution Calamities Lead
we must reduce the pollutants that contribute to
                                                         to the Clean Air Act
their development and exacerbation. That means
controlling emissions of pollutants from the dirti-      Air pollution isn’t a new problem; throughout histo-
est and most widespread sources: coal-fired power        ry there have been accounts of large cities plagued
plants, motor vehicles, heavy industry, and refiner-     by “heavy air” and acrid odors. In the industrial age,
ies. The Clean Air Act (CAA) is the most effective       with coal feeding the fires of the industrial revolu-
tool we have to accomplish this goal. It allows com-     tion, air toxics joined the mixture of urban pollut-
munities across the U.S. to combat multiple pol-         ants. Today, emissions from the combustion of coal
lutants at their source, resulting in significant pro-   and oil have been joined by a multitude of toxic
tections for human health. The CAA is designed           air pollutants, including gasoline and diesel fuels,
to establish science-based pollution mitigation          heavy metals, asbestos, solvents, paint strippers, and
strategies that will safeguard public health, protect    persistent organic pollutants, among others. Despite
our most vulnerable individuals, and assure envi-        the dangers to health from this chemical stew, it
ronmental quality for future generations. The Act        took decades of air pollution tragedies to spur ad-
has been highly successful in achieving these goals.     equate action for air pollution controls.
The Clean air act A Proven Tool for Healthy Air - A report from physiciAns for sociAl - Physicians for Social Responsibility
2     The Clean Air act 	Physicians for Social Responsibility

                                                                                   those with respiratory problems. A similar incident
                                                                                   recurred in 1956. This led to the establishment in
                                                                                   England of stringent air pollution laws including
                                                                                   the Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 19685 that required
                                                                                   relocating power stations outside cities, increas-
                                                                                   ing stack heights, fuel switching to cleaner fuel,
                                                                                   and banning black smoke. These statutes greatly
                                                                                   decreased the smoke that was able to accumulate

                                                         Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
                                                                                   during fog inversion caps, making London’s “killer
                                                                                   smog” a thing of the past.
                                                                                      Large industrial cities in the U.S. such as
                                                                                   Pittsburg, St. Louis, New York and Los Angeles
                                                                                   suffered their own deadly bouts of smog. West
                                                                                   Coast cities witnessed a new kind of air pollution
Noontime smog on a street in Donora, PA, 1948
                                                                                   on hot, sunny days. This pollution hung over cit-
                                                                                   ies as a thick brown haze, causing lung irritation
    One of the earliest documented air pollution                                   and burning eyes. Los Angeles’ poor air quality
tragedies occurred in Belgium in 1930. A five-day                                  resulted from growing motor vehicle usage, waste
fog and temperature inversion trapped cold air                                     incineration, maritime and rail shipping, and an
close to the earth, preventing air circulation and                                 increase in petrochemical and refinery activity.
causing a tremendous build-up of smoke and other                                   During the 1960s, New York’s dangerous air pollu-
contaminants from nearby industries. The result                                    tion resulted in over 1,100 deaths, with additional
of this toxic accumulation was 60 deaths and over                                  cases of non-fatal illnesses.6
6,000 illnesses.2 While there had been earlier ac-
counts of illness and premature death associated
                                                                                   The Fight for Clean Air
with fogs in other cities of the world (such as in
Glasgow and London), the Meuse River Valley                                        The shocking morbidity and mortality caused
event was the fist case in which increased incidence                               by air pollution spurred the American public to
of morbidity and mortality was directly associated                                 demand action to clean up the air. Initially, air
with air pollution.3 The U.S. experienced a similar                                pollution control strategies in the U.S. relied on
tragic event in 1948, when a temperature inver-                                    legal challenges such as common-law torts, public
sion cap occurred in a river valley near the small                                 nuisance, private nuisance, trespass and liability
industrial town of Donora, Pennsylvania, trapping                                  lawsuits. Plaintiffs rarely won these cases because
air pollution from a local zinc smelter for five days.                             of the inherent difficulty in identifying a pollut-
The first documented U.S. air pollution disaster,                                  ant’s source (since air pollutants can travel long
it killed 20 people and caused 6,000 of the town’s                                 distances), demonstrating harm (due to the la-
14,000 residents to fall ill.4                                                     tency periods of many diseases), and limitations
    In 1952, air pollution created the first large-                                in scientific knowledge regarding toxicants and
scale disaster. The trade winds that normally car-                                 related illnesses. Even when cases were successful,
ried away London’s air pollution died down, allow-                                 defendants were often paid a pittance of the real
ing a “killer fog” to set in. The combination of fog                               damages incurred, and the polluter was able to
and coal smoke was so intense that people were                                     return to business as usual. Not surprisingly, this
forced to breathe through cloth masks to protect                                   approach garnered only mediocre pollution con-
their burning throats and lungs, and visibility was                                trols, with the result that by the mid-1960s, states
so reduced that people had to feel their way down                                  and local governments were stepping up to take
the sidewalk. Four thousand people died as a result                                control of air quality problems by passing local
of this event, including the elderly, the young, and                               ­ordinances.7
Physicians for Social Responsibility                                                               The Clean Air act              3

   The state-based approach, however, had its own                   rules and standards. The timeline of these clean
weaknesses. The patchwork of pollution rules that                   air acts and their regulatory scope is presented
emerged was inadequate to protect public health.                    in Figure 1.
Not only did protection of public health vary from                     With each amendment to the original Clean
state to state, but the states had no mechanism                     Air Act of 1970, the regulation was enhanced to
for regulating the sources of windborne pollution                   provide better solutions for controlling different
that blew in from neighboring jurisdictions. To                     types of pollutants from different sources. While
aid the states’ efforts and more effectively protect                considerable health improvements were achieved
public health, the federal government began to                      during the CAA of 1970, acid rain caused by
pass a series of “clean air acts” establishing federal              Midwestern coal power plants burning high-sulfur
programs to control air pollution using nationwide                  coal was killing lakes and forests in the Northeast

Figure 1. Timeline of U.S. air pollution regulation and highlights of regulatory strengthening

   Air Pollution               Clean                   Air                Clean Air Act           Clean Air Act           Clean Air Act
   Control Act                 Air Act              Quality Act            Extension              Amendments              Amendments

        1955                    1963                    1967                   1970                    1977                    1990
  The first federal      The first Clean         Divided the            Increased             Authorized provi-      Established the
  legislation involv-     Air Act. It grant-        nation into Air        federal enforce-         sions related to      Acid Rain Pro-
  ing air pollution.      ed $95 million            Quality Con-           ment authority.          prevention of         gram to control
  It recognized air       dollars to state          trol Regions           Authorized the          significant dete-     sulfur dioxide
  pollution as a          and local govern-         and initiated           development of          rioration (PSD),      and nitrogen
  danger to public        ments in order            enforcement             comprehensive          requiring areas        oxides.
  health and the          to research air           proceedings in          federal and state      with air quality       Created the
  environment.            monitoring and            areas subject           regulations to         better than the        emissions trad-
  Gave the Secre-        create pollution          to interstate           limit emissions        national stan-         ing program
  tary of Health,         control programs.         air pollution so        from industrial        dard to maintain       (the original
  Education and           Set emission             as to achieve           stationary sourc-      their level of air     cap & trade
  Welfare the             standards for             consistent air          es and mobile          ­quality.              program)
  power to under-         ­stationary               quality.                sources.              Authorized provi-      to achieve
  take and recom-          sources such as         Established a          It set forth four      sions to NAAQS         air p
                                                                                                                              ­ ollution
  mend research            power plants and        national emis-          major regulatory        to establish a         reductions
  programs for air         steel mills.            sions standard          programs:               major permitting       from ­stationary
  pollution control.      Authorized              for stationary                                  review require-        sources like
                                                                           1.  National Am-
  Dedicated federal       research into           sources as op-                                  ment for areas         coal-fired power
                                                                              bient Air Qual-
   funds to support        techniques to           posed to regu-                                  unable to attain       plants.
                                                                              ity Standards
   research and            minimize air pol-       lating emissions                                air quality stan-      Authorized a
   technical as-           lution.                 by industry.                                    dards.                  program to
                                                                           2. State Imple-
   sistance for the       Motor Vehicle Air       Authorized ex-                                Marked the              ­control 189 toxic
   states.                Pollution Act of          panded studies                                first attempts            air pollutants.
  State and local        1965—an amend-            of air pollutant                              to p­ revent the        Added provi-
                                                    emission inven-        3. New Source          destruction of
  governments             ment of the CAA                                     Performance                                  sions requiring
  maintained the          that established          tories, ambi-                                 stratospheric            the phase-out of
                                                    ent monitoring            Standards;          ozone.
  authority to set        standards for                                                                                    ozone-depleting
                                                    techniques, and        4. National Emis-
  air pollution laws,     automobile                                                                                       chemicals.
                                                    control tech-             sion Standards
  but reserved for        ­emissions.                                                                                     Established
                                                    niques.                   for Hazardous
  Congress the                                                                                                            Title V per-
                                                                              Air Pollutants.
  right to act in the                                                                                                     mit program
  future.                                                                                                                 ­requirements.

Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2010, Nov.). History of the Clean Air Act. Retrieved April 18, 2011 from

American Meteorological Society. (n.d.). Clean Air Acts 1955, 1963, 1970 and 1990: a look at U.S. Air pollution laws and their amendments.
  Retrieved April 18,2011 from
4      The Clean Air act 	Physicians for Social Responsibility

    Health community support for the CAA
    One notable element in the effort to create         contained in the CAA “necessary public health
    clean air legislation was the growing support of    measures.” 15
    the organized health and medical community,          The American Public Health Association
    which has been visible for over half a century.     (APHA) chose to focus on the scientific validity
    As far back as 1955, the American Medical           of the then-current air quality standards. Much
    Association (AMA) testified before the U.S.         that is known about air pollution today was
    Senate, applauding the idea of a coordinated        new at that time, since much of the research
    national program to “stimulate the interest         was conducted only after CAA air quality
    of local agencies” in air pollution control and     standards were promulgated. For example, the
    supporting “limited federal funds” to support       APHA testimony drew attention to the fact that
    research activities in the field.12 By the time     sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, when in-
    the Air Quality Act of 1967 was introduced,         haled together, created synergistic effects; that
    the AMA was urging the federal government           because fine particulate matter was so signifi-
    to take a preventive approach to air pollution,     cant to health, pollution abatement measures
    with a special emphasis on cleaner fuel and         that reduced coarse particulates might fulfill air
    vehicles. The AMA also recognized that pollu-       quality standards without benefitting human
    tion was often an interstate problem and called     health; and that studies had clarified the mech-
    for regional air quality commissions. While         anisms by which carbon monoxide interfered
    emphasizing action by local, state and regional     with cardiac function. The APHA concluded
    jurisdictions, the AMA supported enactment of       that the available scientific evidence gave no
    uniform national laws to control air pollution.13   grounds for relaxing air quality standards.16
      Only a few years later, the AMA’s tone had         In the wake of the 1974 oil shortage, the Amer-
    become more urgent. In testimony before the         ican Lung Association (ALA)’s testimony urged
    U.S. Senate in 1970, it emphasized that air in      “that attempts to weaken (the CAA) under the
    the United States had grown more polluted           guise of energy or economic need be rejected,
    and that hazards to health had increased. “We       and that the nation’s halting progress toward
    must take stronger action to reverse this direc-    clean air be speeded up, not aborted.”17 It called
    tion . . . than we have taken in the past,” AMA     for a robust program to desulfurize gasoline and
    urged. “Measures which a few years ago were         for maximum sulfur dioxide emissions controls
    deemed adequate . . . simply have not achieved      on stationary sources that burned fossil fuels.
    the ­desired goals.”14                              The ALA also opposed extending the deadlines
      By 1975, the American Public Health As-           for implementing air quality controls. And with
    sociation and the American Lung Associa-            prescience, it proposed an amendment to the
    tion had joined the AMA in testifying before        CAA to allow the EPA to regulate any pollutants
    Congress for clean air legislation. The AMA         which were significantly related to serious health
    focused on the health impacts of air pollu-         effects, including where sufficient scientific data
    tion, calling for additional research into the      was not yet available.
    health impacts of prolonged exposure to low          Today these and other national health organi-
    levels of air pollution, the impacts of simul-      zations, such as Physicians for Social Responsi-
    taneous exposure to multiple pollutants, and        bility and the American Academy of Pediatrics,
    the role of air pollution as a causative agent      continue to present the medical community’s
    in diseases then on the rise: heart disease,        consensus: that having clean air to breathe is
    stroke, chronic bronchitis and emphysema            essential to America’s health, and that a robust,
    and cancer, especially lung cancer. It called       fully implemented Clean Air Act is our best tool
    the air quality standards and time schedules        to that end.
Physicians for Social Responsibility                                             The Clean Air act          5

                                                                                                                istockphoto/ Nina Shannon
and Canada.8 In 1984 the Union Carbide disaster        ­ ipartisan fashion to add strengthening measures.
occurred in Bhopal, India, when a pesticide plant      Through a process of debate and public hear-
leaked forty tons of deadly methyl isocyanate gas,     ings, the result became the modern Clean Air Act
killing 3,000 people and damaging the health of        Amendments of 1990.
over 100,000.9 This accident prompted U.S. citi-           Even this brief summary of the Clean Air Act’s
zens to worry just how safe their air at home was      history underscores several significant points. First,
from toxic air chemicals. Congress investigated        real improvement to air quality occurred only after
and determined that in the 14 years since the pas-     consistent federal standards were set for the whole
sage of the CAA of 1970, the EPA had recognized        nation. Because air pollution is mobile and does
only five substances as toxic under the Act, leaving   not stay within geographic boundaries, it was nec-
thousands of chemicals registered and in produc-       essary to establish national air quality standards;
tion yet unevaluated for safety. This finding led      preservation of downwind air quality depended
Congress to pass a right-to-know law that included     on addressing interstate pollution. Second, the
a Toxic Release Inventory to assist communities        health and medical communities supported fed-
in accessing valuable information about the types      eral regulation of air pollutants and continue to
and amounts of chemicals released into their air.10    do so today: They find it an essential component
   In 1989 George H.W. Bush became president           of safeguarding public health. Finally, in response
and prioritized as a goal of his Administration the    to the growing evidence of air pollution’s threat
strengthening of the CAA to address Americans’         to health, various Congresses took action to cre-
concerns for both acid rain and air toxics.11          ate federal regulation of air pollution. This hap-
President Bush submitted a bill to strengthen the      pened over the course of many years and multiple
Clean Air Act, which Congress then worked in           presidential administrations, yet was achieved in
6     The Clean Air act 	Physicians for Social Responsibility

essentially bipartisan fashion. The EPA was born
during the tenure of President Richard Nixon, a
Republican, and the Clean Air Act itself was re-
peatedly strengthened—as with the addition of the
Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990—under both
Republican and Democratic presidents.

                                                                                                                    istockphoto/matteo NATALE
Common but Deadly: The “Criteria”
Air Pollutants
Since the nation launched its earliest attempts
to regulate air pollution, scientific research has
proceeded to identify and document the most
common and most health-damaging air pollutants
and has pinpointed many of their impacts on the           l­ower and upper respiratory diseases such as
human body. The EPA has flagged six pollutants as          chronic and acute bronchitis; asthma and asthma
particularly widespread across the nation and harm-        exacerbations; heart attacks; strokes, and cancer.
ful to both health and the environment. These six          Particle pollution is also linked to low birth weight,
are: particulate matter, ground-level ozone, carbon        premature birth, and sudden infant death. It is
monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and lead.        estimated that PM causes an estimated 60,000 pre-
They are known as “criteria pollutants” because the        mature deaths each year.
EPA sets national air quality standards for their con-
centration in the atmosphere, using science-based         ground-level ozone:   Ozone, the major component
guidelines (criteria) that reflect their impact on        of smog, is the most pervasive outdoor air pollut-
human health and the environment.                         ant in the U.S. It forms when pollutants released
   Criteria pollutants share two defining charac-         by cars, power plants and other sources react with
teristics: They endanger public health and wel-           sunlight and heat. In conjunction with particulate
fare, and they are widely present in the outside          matter, ozone can cause and exacerbate respiratory
air, ­a ffecting much of the U.S. As a rule, criteria     problems. It is linked to lung cancer development
pollutants are emitted by multiple sources, com-          and mortality and also harms the cardiovascular
monly found, such as cars, diesel vehicles, coal-         system.
fired ­power plants and industrial facilities. In ad-
dition, rather than settling out of the air to form                            ( no x ): Nitrogen oxides are
                                                          n i t roge n ox i de s
“hotspots” in the immediate vicinity around their         ­irritants to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. High
source, these pollutants tend to disperse widely.           levels of exposure can seriously damage tissues in
For these reasons, effective regulation of criteria         the throat and upper respiratory tract. Nitrogen
pollutants is done not on a source-by-source basis,         oxides are linked to respiratory disease and
but by monitoring their level in the atmosphere            ­premature death.
in every state and assuring that they remain at
non-harmful levels. The health effects of the six         su l f u r diox i de ( so 2 ): Sulfur dioxide can cause
criteria pollutants are summarized below; more            breathing difficulty for people with asthma, while
information is presented in Figure 2 (on pages            long-term exposure causes respiratory illness and
14–15).                                                   aggravates cardiovascular diseases. It is linked to
                                                          infant death, ischemic stroke, respiratory disease,
pa rt icu l at e m at t e r : Particulate matter is one   and premature death. Its effects on infants include
of the nation’s deadliest air pollutants. It causes       low birth weight, preterm birth, and increased risk
or contributes to decreased pulmonary ­function;          of infant death.
Physicians for Social Responsibility                                               The Clean Air act            7

c a r bon monox i de ( co ): Carbon monoxide inter-     Thirty-three of these compounds are included in
feres with oxygen transport through the body by         a priority list of HAPs that are of special concern
bonding with hemoglobin in the blood. CO expo-          because of their widespread use and potential
sure has been linked to death from cardiovascular       for causing cancer (carcinogenicity) and devel-
effects, including stroke. People with pre-existing     opmental malformations, especially in the fetus
heart conditions, infants (who require more             ­(teratogenicity).
oxygen than adults) and pregnant women are                  Studies have found that estimated levels of some
particularly vulnerable to harm. Risks to fetuses,       of the HAPs are a potential public health problem
newborns, and children include birth defects, low        in many parts of the United States.19,20,21 Among
birth weight, neonatal respiratory mortality, and        them, benzene, formaldehyde, and 1,3-butadiene
asthma.                                                  may contribute to extra cases of cancer (at least
                                                         1 extra case per million people exposed) in more
l e a d ( pb ): Lead, a heavy metal, is highly neuro-    than 90 percent of the census tracts in the lower
toxic. It damages kidney function as well as the         48 states of the U.S. Vehicles account for approxi-
nervous, immune, reproductive, developmental,            mately half of HAPs emissions but may contribute
and cardiovascular systems. In infants and young         to 88 percent of the added risk from HAPs.22 In
children it contributes to learning problems, be-        general, the health risks from this broad category
havioral problems, learning deficits, and decreased      of air pollutants may be underestimated, because
IQ. In adults it is linked to high blood pressure and    there is limited information on toxicity values for
heart disease.                                           many of the HAPs,23 and the risk models did not
                                                         consider the greater vulnerability of children.
Air Toxics
                                                        Vulnerable Populations:
The six criteria pollutants may be the most wide-
                                                        Most Affected by Air Pollution
spread air pollutants in the nation, but they are far
from the only dangerous ones. The EPA has also          While air pollution is a problem that affects many
established a category of hazardous air pollutants,     Americans, some groups of people are more vul-
commonly abbreviated as HAPs and referred to            nerable than others. These groups are multiple
as “toxic air contaminants” or “air toxics.” These      and may be overlapping; they include people with
are 188 pollutants and chemical groups known or         respiratory ailments such as asthma, chronic bron-
suspected to cause serious health effects including     chitis and emphysema; people with cardiovascular
reproductive dysfunction, developmental disabili-       disease or diabetes; young children; the elderly,
ties, birth defects, cancer, cardiovascular, respira-   and the poor. When ambient air quality standards
tory tract and neurologic illness.18                    are set, special attention needs to be paid to ensure
   The Clean Air Act directs the EPA to regulate        that the levels established are stringent enough to
HAPs, which include compounds such as polycyclic        protect these vulnerable populations and not only
aromatic hydrocarbons, acrolein, and benzene,           those who are fully grown and in good health.
found in gasoline; solvents such as hexane and tol-         Children are especially vulnerable to the harm-
uene; hexavalent chromium from chrome-plating           ful effects of air pollution.24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Children’s
facilities; perchloroethylene, which is emitted from    ongoing lung development, incomplete metabolic
some dry cleaning facilities; methylene chloride,       systems, high infection rate, and behavioral traits
which is used as a solvent and paint stripper by        like high activity levels and time spent outdoors
a number of industries; asbestos; metals such as        make children more susceptible to harm from air-
mercury and cadmium; and persistent organic pol-        borne pollutants. 29, 30Air pollution can also harm
lutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls. In 2001,     children before they are born. Intrauterine mortal-
diesel exhaust was listed as a mobile-source HAP.       ity has been linked to exposure to nitrogen oxides,
8     The Clean Air act 	Physicians for Social Responsibility

as well as to the synergistic effects of simultaneous
exposure to nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and
carbon monoxide. 31 The developing fetal lung, as
well as the infant lung, is more susceptible to injury
by lung toxicants (including air pollutants), even
at exposure levels below the official “no-effects
level” for adults.32 These findings highlight the vul-
nerability of the 41.7 million children age 18 and
under who live with dangerous levels of ozone pol-
lution, the 17.6 million children exposed to dan-
gerous short-term particulate pollution, and the
7.7 million children living in areas with dangerous
year-round particulate levels. 33 Standards for air
pollution levels may have to be adjusted to protect

this ­v ulnerable population.
   The elderly are also highly susceptible to crite-
ria air pollutants. The findings of one study indi-
cate that carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and
particulate matter are associated with increased
cardiovascular hospital admissions in the elderly.34
Another study suggests that the elderly are at risk      levels of short-term particle pollu­t ion, and nearly
of dying from air pollution at levels deemed ac-         1.8 million adults and over 721,000 children with
ceptable for the general population.35 These find-       asthma who live in counties with unhealthy year-
ings are particularly significant in light of the over   round levels of particle pollution. People with car-
19.8 million people over the age of 65 who live in       diovascular disease (coronary heart disease, heart
counties with unhealthy levels of ozone, the nearly      attacks, strokes, hypertension and angina pectoris)
8.2 million seniors living in areas with unhealthy       are among those who are particularly sensitive to
short-term PM levels, and the over 3.1 million se-       particulate matter, and a whopping 18.6 million
niors living in areas with dangerous year-round          people with cardiovascular diseases live in counties
levels of PM. 36                                         with unhealthful levels of short-term particle pollu-
   Another vulnerable population is made up              tion, putting them at risk for additional complica-
of people with pre-existing medical conditions,          tions and possibly premature death.
especially asthma and cardiovascular conditions.            Finally, the simple fact of living in poverty is
These populations are particularly susceptible           correlated with elevated risk for harm from air
to particulate matter. Millions of people in air         pollution. People living in poverty are particularly
pollution-­sensitive populations live in counties with   at risk from particulate matter. Over 9.8 million
high levels of particulate matter. This includes, ac-    people in poverty live in counties with unhealthful
cording to the American Lung Association, nearly         levels of short-term particle pollution, and nearly
4.6 million adults with asthma and nearly 1.7 mil-       4.4 million live in counties with un­healthy year-
lion children with asthma living in areas with high      round levels of particle pollution.
2. What Does the Clean Air Act Do?

             he Clean Air Act is a remarkably com-       elimination of air pollution at its source—is the
             prehensive and complex statute,37, 38       best way to protect public health from harmful air
             but its fundamental purpose is simple:      pollution.41 This critical determination animates
             Congress enacted the Clean Air Act         the Clean Air Act’s pollution control programs
to protect people and the environment from the          and is an essential reason for the Act’s profound
mounting dangers of air pollution caused by rapid       ­success in protecting the American public.
industrialization, urban growth, and increasing
use of motor vehicles.39 The overarching goal of        How the Clean Air Act Works
the Act is “to protect and enhance the quality of
the Nation’s air resources so as to promote the         The Air Quality Approach
public health and welfare and the productive            The most prominent feature of the Clean Air Act
­capacity of the population.” 40 In its scope and its   is a system to ensure that outside air quality in all
 effect, the Clean Air Act has proven to be one of      areas of the country meets minimum standards to
 the most important and successful public health        protect people and the environment. Under this
 laws ever enacted.                                     system, EPA first identifies air pollutants that are
    To achieve the Act’s public health and environ-     widely present in the outside air and which endan-
 mental protection goals, Congress has established      ger public health and welfare.42 These pollutants
 a number of programs to address air pollution           are known as “criteria pollutants,” because the Act
 threats from different types of significant pollu-      requires EPA to establish air quality “criteria” that
 tion sources: mobile sources like cars, trucks, and     reflect the kinds and extent of adverse effects the
 off-road equipment, small stationary sources like       various pollutants may have on people and the
 dry cleaners and paint shops, and large station-       ­environment.43
 ary sources like power plants, refineries, and large        After designating criteria pollutants, EPA must
 industrial factories. Each of these types of air       then determine the maximum allowable levels
 pollution sources poses different challenges and       of these air pollutants in the outside air to pro-
 opportunities that require different regulatory        tect people’s health and the environment. These
 approaches. In response, Congress has designed         are known as the National Ambient Air Quality
 the Clean Air Act as a carefully crafted, targeted,     Standards, or “NAAQS.”44 Primary NAAQS are
 and integrated statutory system that effectively ad-   designed to protect people’s health, with an ad-
 dresses these diverse challenges. And each of the      equate margin of safety to protect especially vul-
 Act’s various programs reflects and builds upon        nerable people such as children, the elderly, and
 an essential Congressional determination: that the     people who suffer from chronic illnesses.45 EPA
 prevention of pollution—that is, the reduction or       is required by law to set primary NAAQS at the
10    The Clean Air act 	Physicians for Social Responsibility

levels ­necessary to protect public health, without      quality in the area fails to meet the Act’s health-
regard to costs. Secondary NAAQS are designed to         protection-based NAAQS for one or more pollut-
protect public welfare, which includes the environ-      ants; or (3) unclassifiable, meaning there is not
ment, wildlife, weather, visibility, crops and plants,   enough data to determine if an area meets or fails
and personal comfort and well-being.46 Congress          to meet the NAAQS; these areas are considered to
has directed EPA to review and update the NAAQS          be in attainment unless otherwise shown.49 Each
at least every five years to reflect advances in medi-   state’s implementation plan has to meet minimum
cal and scientific understanding of the adverse          federal requirements and must contain enforce-
health ­effects of criteria pollutants.47                able limitations on air emissions plus other control
    Once EPA sets these nationwide air quality           measures for stationary and mobile air pollution
standards, the states are primarily responsible for      sources, as well as air quality monitoring to show
implementing them by enacting a system of state-         compliance with the NAAQS. In attainment areas,
specific regulations known as “state implementa-         state implementation plans must demonstrate that
tion plans.” States, with EPA approval, first are        the plan will preserve healthy air quality and pro-
required to sub-divide geographical areas within         tect against degradation from new or expanded air
their borders into “air quality control regions.”48      pollution sources. State implementation plans for
Based on monitored air pollution levels, EPA clas-       nonattainment areas must contain more stringent
sifies each air quality control region as either:        pollution reduction requirements to bring the ar-
(1) an attainment area, meaning the area meets           eas into attainment as expeditiously as practicable,
the Act’s health-protection-based NAAQS for each         and by no later than specific deadlines included in
pollutant; (2) a nonattainment area, meaning air         the Act.50

                                                                                                                istockphoto/Catherine Yeulet
Physicians for Social Responsibility                                              The Clean Air act         11

Controlling Air Pollution at the Source                 standards—and another for non-attainment
                                                        areas, where air quality does not meet NAAQS
To control harmful pollution from major station-
                                                        health-protection standards for one or more cri-
ary air sources, Congress developed a comprehen-
                                                        teria pollutants. The prevention of significant
sive system of complementary approaches. They
                                                        deterioration, or “PSD,” program covers areas that
rely principally on three programs: (1) New Source
                                                        meet—or have “attained”—ambient air ­quality
Performance Standards, which establish minimum
                                                        standards. The non-attainment new source re-
pollution control standards for new and existing
                                                        view, or “NNSR,” program applies in areas that
sources and acts as a safety net; (2) the “new source
                                                        do not meet air quality standards, and it contains
review” program, which is designed to make sure
                                                        more rigorous requirements that are designed to
that large, new sources of air pollution do not de-
                                                        improve air quality to meet and maintain healthy
grade air quality or threaten people’s health; and
                                                        air quality. An area can be in attainment for one
(3) the hazardous air pollution program, which re-
                                                        criteria pollutant and non-attainment for another.
quires the most stringent pollution controls for 188
                                                        Under those circumstances, the PSD provisions
of the most toxic air pollutants. Pollution sources
                                                        would apply to all pollutants that meet the air qual-
that are subject to new source performance stan-
                                                        ity standards and the NNSR provisions would apply
dards, new source review, and the hazardous air
                                                        to any pollutant that does not.
pollution program must undergo rigorous analysis
                                                             The PSD program requires a preconstruction
and, before the source can be constructed, modi-
                                                        analysis and demonstration that a proposed new
fied, or operated, obtain a permit demonstrating
                                                        pollution source will meet three essential require-
that they are designed and will be constructed and
                                                        ments before the source can commence construc-
operated to meet the requirements of each pro-
                                                        tion.53 First, the proposed source must demon-
                                                        strate that its projected air pollution emissions will
New Source Performance Standards                        not cause or contribute to a violation of the health-
                                                        based NAAQS, which is essential to maintaining
Congress required EPA to identify categories of
                                                        healthy air quality.54 Second, to make sure that new
new and modified pollution sources that contribute
                                                         air pollution sources do not degrade existing air
significantly to air pollution that may endanger
                                                         quality or create a risk of violating health protec-
public health or welfare.51 EPA must then establish
                                                         tion standards, the source must demonstrate that
quantified emission limits for each source category,
                                                         it will not exceed a specified “increment” of al-
based on the best level of emission control that has
                                                         lowable additional air pollution.55 In this manner,
been adequately demonstrated for that type of pol-
                                                         the Clean Air Act balances the desire for future
lution source.52 These “new source performance
                                                         industrial growth with the need to achieve and
standards” operate as a baseline level of the mini-
                                                         maintain healthy air quality. Third, the source
mum allowable pollution control for each source
                                                         must demonstrate that it will meet the best level
category. More stringent pollution controls may
                                                         of pollution control that is achievable based on
be required for criteria pollutants under the new
                                                         available technology.56 This technology-based re-
source review program and for hazardous air pol-
                                                         quirement is known as the best available control
lutants under the hazardous air pollutant program.
                                                         technology, or “BACT,” standard, and it is designed
New Source Review                                        to require state-of-the art controls for new and
                                                         modified sources and to promote technological
The new source review program focuses on “cri-
                                                        ­advancement and innovation.57
teria pollutants,” such as soot-forming particle
                                                             The non-attainment new source review
pollution and ground level ozone (smog). The
                                                         (“NNSR”) program for areas in non-attainment
new source review provisions actually comprise
                                                         is more rigorous.58 Its level of stringency depends
two distinct programs: one to address attainment
                                                        to some degree on the severity of the air pollution
areas—in which air quality meets all the NAAQS
12    The Clean Air act 	Physicians for Social Responsibility

problem in the area and the amount of time that          better protect public health and the environment
has elapsed beyond the Act’s deadline for attaining      from routine emissions of air toxics.65
the applicable air quality standards.59 In general,         Those updates classify nearly 200 contaminants
however, the NNSR program requires states to            as hazardous air pollutants and create a ­stringent
demonstrate the methods by which they will re-          national program to lower their emissions.66
duce pollution concentrations in the ambient air to     In particular, Congress directed EPA to list all
meet applicable air quality standards by specified       categories of major sources of air toxics and to
deadlines.60 The new implementation plans also           develop highly protective, maximum achievable
must provide for “reasonable further progress” in        pollution control standards for each listed catego-
improving air quality to confirm the areas are on        ry on an aggressive schedule.67 For new sources,
target to meet the attainment deadlines.61              the resulting emission controls were required
   Under the non-attainment program, all new or         to achieve levels of emission control achieved in
modified major sources of air pollution must ob-        practice by the best-controlled similar source.
tain preconstruction permits demonstrating that         This established a minimum or “floor” level of
the source will meet an enhanced level of pollution     control. Beyond that floor, control levels must
control, known as the “lowest achievable emission       be tightened as much as possible, taking into ac-
rate,” for all “non-attainment pollutants.” The “low-   count available technologies, costs, non-air qual-
est achievable emission rate” is based on either the    ity health and environmental impacts, and energy
most stringent emission limitation adopted as part      requirements.68 Existing sources also must at least
of any state’s implementation plan, or the lowest       meet a “floor” level of control that is based on the
emission rate achieved in practice by any similar       best performing 12 percent of sources.69 The floor
pollution source, whichever is lower.62 In addition,    level of control for new and existing sources is set
the new or modified pollution source must obtain        irrespective of the cost or difficulty in achieving
emission offsets, which are reductions of the same      the level of emission control and can result from
nonattainment pollutant from other, existing            the application of technological controls as well
sources in the area in order to offset the new pollu-   as from other factors like the use of cleaner fuels
tion.63 In this way, the NNSR program assures that      or raw materials.70
new pollution sources do not increase air pollution          To enforce these standards, the Act prohibits
concentrations, while allowing for additional in-       construction or modification of a major source
dustrial growth and economic expansion.                 of hazardous air pollutants unless EPA (or a state
                                                        with delegated authority) first determines and
Hazardous Air Pollutants                                issues a permit requiring that the source will
When Congress enacted the modern Clean Air              meet maximum achievable pollution control re-
Act in 1970, it recognized that certain types of air    quirements.71 Where EPA has not yet established
pollutants, known as “hazardous air pollutants,”        a federal maximum pollution control require-
are acutely and chronically toxic to people even        ments for a category of sources, the Act and its
in small amounts and, thus, present greater risks       implementing regulations require a “case-by-case”
of serious harm to public health. Thus Congress         ­determination.72
directed EPA to establish highly protective stan-
dards for toxic air pollutants and the sources that
                                                        Mobile Sources
emit them. However in the ensuing 20 years, EPA
established standards for only seven hazardous air      Mobile sources such as cars, trucks, trains, air-
pollutants and addressed only a limited number of       planes and boats emit many of the same types of
possible sources of these pollutants.64 Thus, when      pollutants as large stationary sources, particularly
Congress updated the Act in 1990, it overhauled         volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide,
the hazardous air pollutant provisions of the Act to    nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. Moreover,
Physicians for Social Responsibility                                              The Clean Air act          13

                                                                                                                  istockphoto/David Parsons
 while individual mobile source emissions pale in        the types and amounts of ­pollutants that different
 comparison to large stationary sources, cumula-         mobile sources can emit, typically on a per-mile-
 tively, mobile sources account for an enormous          traveled basis. These standards are designed to
 percentage of emissions of these pollutants.            assure that mobile source engines will comply with
 Nevertheless, Congress treated mobile sources           applicable emission standards over the life cycle of
 quite differently than stationary sources.              the source. This involves initial certification that
    Whereas states have a great deal of discretion as    each engine prototype meets emission standards;
 to how they implement the Clean Air Act’s mini-         evaluation of production ­processes to assure that
 mum requirements for stationary sources, EPA has        the “as-manufactured” product meets the same
 near-exclusive authority to set mobile source stan-     standards as the prototype; in-use testing, to assure
 dards.73 This owes in large part to the fact that mo-   that the engines perform properly under normal
 bile sources, by their nature, regularly cross state    operating conditions; and provisions to recall
 boundaries. Additionally, Congress determined           faulty engines. These standards are “technology-
 that a patchwork of different regulations by the        forcing”—­meaning they should spur technological
 states could wreak havoc with the motor vehicle         advancement and innovation—and, accordingly,
 manufacturing industry. Thus, mobile source regu-       are u
                                                             ­ pdated as the state of technology improves.
 lation is largely a federal matter, and it is illegal      The second type of mobile source regulation
 to market or sell a mobile source engine without        focuses on fuels.78 These regulations are designed
­complying with EPA regulations.74                       either to reduce mobile source emissions, or to re-
    Title II of the Act establishes EPA’s authority to   quire a public health assessment of the risks associ-
 regulate mobile sources and provides for two basic      ated with different types of fuels. If a public health
 types of regulations.75 The first involves perfor-      assessment indicates that certain fuels present a
 mance standards for different categories of mobile      significant risk to public health—as was the case
 sources, such as cars, heavy duty truck, buses, and     with leaded gasoline—then EPA may limit or pro-
 diesel locomotives, that emit significant amounts       hibit use of that fuel.79 Conversely, if available in-
 of air pollution.76,77 Performance standards limit      formation demonstrates that different fuels result
14                                     The Clean Air act 	Physicians for Social Responsibility

Figure 2. Health Effects of Criteria Pollutants

                                       Description                         Sources                                Health Effects

                                        Mixture of small solid par-        Fuel combustion; electricity          Dependent on the size of the particle
                                          ticles and tiny acid droplets.      generation, especially coal-fired     and how deeply it penetrates into the
                                          Some can be seen with               power plants; motor vehicles;         airway
                                          the naked eye (dust, dirt,          industrial processes                 Exposure to PM2.5 (fine particles) is as-
                                          soot, or smoke). Others can       Windblown dust from fields,            sociated with:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13
                                           be detected only with an           construction, landfills, and            increased respiratory symptoms,
 Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10)

                                          ­electron microscope.               ­agricultural processes                  such as irritation of airway, coughing,
                                        Inhalable “coarse particles”       Wildfires, cooking fires, and             or difficulty breathing
                                           (PM10) have diameters               brush/waste burning                    decreased lung function
                                         between 2.5 and 10 micro–­         Can be formed in the atmo-               worsening asthma
                                         meters. These particles               sphere by emissions of other           development of chronic bronchitis
                                         serve as the general indica-          gases (ex. SO2, NOx, or VOCs)          irregular heartbeat and fatal heart
                                         tor of exposure to PM.             PM10 is a good measure of                 attacks
                                        “Fine particles” (PM2.5)            the complex mix of particles             premature death in people with
                                          have diameters that are 2.5        and dust that result from fuel            preexisting heart or lung disease
                                         ­micrometers and smaller.           ­combustion in vehicles.                 ischemic stroke
                                        There is a strong correla-                                                   lung cancer
                                          tion between the presence                                                Particle pollution is also linked to:14
                                          of PM10 and that of other air                                               low birth weight
                                         pollutants.                                                                  premature birth
                                        PM2.5 NAAQS standards:                                                       chronic airway obstruction and
                                          15 µg/m3 annual (arithme-                                                    remodeling
                                           tic average) and 35 µg/m3                                                  sudden infant death
                                           per 24 hours. PM10 NAAQS
                                         standards: 150 µg/m3 per
                                           24 hours

                                        Group of highly reactive          Formed from high-temperature            Short-term exposures (30 minutes to
                                         gases known as “oxides of         combustion of fossil fuels,              24 hours):15
                                         nitrogen” or “nitrogen ox-        ­including:                                airway inflammation in healthy
                                         ides” (NOx) including nitrous       Generation of electricity; coal-         people
                                         acid and nitric acid                 fired power plants                      coughing, shortness of breath, nau-
                                        Reddish-brown in color with         Non-vehicle equipment burning            sea
                                         an acrid, biting odor                gasoline or diesel                      dampens immune function,
                                        Precursor to ozone forma-           To a lesser extent, chemical
 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

                                                                                                                       ­decreasing ability to resist respira-
                                         tion and acidic precipitation        plant emissions                           tory infections such as influenza
                                         (acid rain)                                                                  worsening asthma symptoms
                                        Forms acidic PM particles in                                                 increased emergency room vis-
                                         the atmosphere                                                                 its, hospitalizations for respiratory
                                        Nitrogen dioxide NAAQS                                                         ­issues, especially asthma
                                         standards: 100 ppb per hour                                                  fatal cardiac arrhythmias
                                         and 53 ppb annually                                                       When NOx mixes with ammonia,
                                         (arithmetic average).                                                      moisture and other chemicals, small
                                                                                                                    particles created can:
                                                                                                                      penetrate deeply into sensitive parts
                                                                                                                         of the lung
                                                                                                                      cause or worsen respiratory disease
                                                                                                                         such as emphysema and bronchitis
                                                                                                                      aggravate existing heart disease
                                                                                                                      lead to increased hospital admissions
                                                                                                                         and premature death

The notes to this table appear on pages 30–31.
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