Safety Statement - Niaron
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Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 2 of 61 Document History Revision Description Date Approved By 00 First issue of this document. Jan 15 N Keane 01 Items added as required for Trenching & Ducting contract March 15 N Keane 02 Working with height restricted machines under live June 15 N Keane overhead lines added 03 Annual Review completed by O’Dwyer Safety March 16 N Keane 04 Updated Company Structure & Risk Assessments June 16 N Keane 05 Added Risk assessment for tarmacadam & tar equipment August 16 N Keane & Materials 06 Added Risk assessment for working in floor of small sub Sept 16 N Keane stations 07 Changes to legislation Driving for work, ESB Audit Dec 16 N Keane requirements, 08 Irish Rail Contract & Requirements March 17 N Keane 09 Pedestrian & Traffic management Update to Aug 17 N Keane Organisation Chart 10 Annual Review by O’Dwyer Safety Ltd. Update to Dec. 17 N Keane legislation and authorised table for abrasive wheel use 11 Layout of Safety Statement & Risk Assessments Layouts. July 18 N Keane Edit to include Standard Gloves, Responsibilities of Machinery Drivers & Safety Representatives Layout revised, Determination of applicable legal July 19 N Keane 12 requirements introduced. Safety & Environmental Objects 2019/2020 included 13 Updated Legislation to 2019. Gross Misconduct, Safety Jan 2020 N Keane Culture included and changes to Plant Operators Duties to include small maintenance. Time constraints & allocation of resources. Occupational Asthma, Dermatitis & Hand Arm Vibration. Replace “Niall & Ronan Keane” with Niaron Management were relevant. Update Org Chart. Addition of section on Slavery, Social Inclusion, Corporate Social Responsibility & Smoking. Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 3 of 61 BUSINESS INFORMATION Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 4 of 61 Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 5 of 61 SITE SPECIFIC The company’s Safety Statement will generally apply to all sites and all reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure the health and safety of all that are likely to be affected by the works. Any additional hazards specific to this project, which are not included in the company Safety Statement, are listed in the project method statement. Project Details Name/ Tel No:: Project Address of Site: Client: PSDP: PSCS: Contractor: Safety Manager: Site Foreman: Safety Rep. on Site: First Aid Attendant: Other: Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 6 of 61 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS NAME/PLACE TEL NO: Ambulance: 112 or 999 Fire Brigade: 112 or 999 Garda: 112 or 999 Local Doctor: TBC based on location Garda Station: 061 212400 Henry Street Hospital: 061 301111 UHL Limerick ESB Networks: 1850 372 999 (Emergency) Gas Networks Ireland: 1850 205 050 Eir: 1901 Health & Safety Authority: 1890 289 389 Poison Centre 01 809 2166 (Beaumont Hosp) Emergency Assembly Point: TBC based on location Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 7 of 61 Contents 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Company Description .............................................................................................................................. 10 Company Language ................................................................................................................................ 10 Document Control & Record Control ....................................................................................................... 10 2 Applicable Regulatory Requirements .............................................................................................................. 12 Determination of applicable legal requirements and other requirements ................................................ 12 3 General Statement of Policy ............................................................................................................................ 13 Objectives for Health and Safety for Year 2020 ...................................................................................... 13 4 Environmental Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Objectives for Environmental for year 2020 .................................................................................................. 14 5 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................................ 15 Organisational Chart ................................................................................................................................ 15 Resources Allocated to Occupational Health and Safety ........................................................................ 16 Responsibilities of the Employer .............................................................................................................. 16 Responsibilities of Company Directors .................................................................................................... 16 Responsibilities of the Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) ........................................................ 17 Responsibilities of the Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) .................................................. 17 Responsibilities of Health & Safety Manager / Safety Director ............................................................... 17 Responsibilities of Contracts Manager/Project Manager ........................................................................ 18 Responsibilities of Site Managers, Site Agents & Supervisors & PICW’s ............................................... 19 Responsibilities of Safety Officer/Advisor ................................................................................................ 20 Duties of Employees ................................................................................................................................ 21 Duties of Plant Operators ........................................................................................................................ 21 Safety Representative ............................................................................................................................. 22 Responsibility of Sub-Contractors & Self-Employed Persons ................................................................. 22 Responsibility to General Public .............................................................................................................. 23 6 Emergency / Accident Procedures .................................................................................................................. 25 Accident Reporting................................................................................................................................... 25 Recording of Incidents, Accidents, Notifiable / convictions / Enforcement orders .................................. 25 Accident Reporting Procedures ............................................................................................................... 25 Dangerous Occurrence and Near Miss/Good Catch reporting. ............................................................... 26 Near Miss / Good Catch .......................................................................................................................... 26 Emergency Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 26 Alarm ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 Control ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Assembly Point ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Fire ........................................................................................................................................................... 27 6.11.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................................. 27 6.11.2 Flammable Materials .......................................................................................................................................................... 27 6.11.3 Compressed Gases (e.g. LPG, Acetylene) ......................................................................................................................... 27 6.11.4 Other Combustible Material ................................................................................................................................................ 27 6.11.5 Procedures on Discovering a Hazardous Spillage .............................................................................................................. 28 First Aider ................................................................................................................................................ 28 6.12.1 Niaron Ltd First Aiders ........................................................................................................................................................ 28 6.12.2 First Aid Facilities ............................................................................................................................................................... 28 7 Arrangements and Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 29 Consultation ............................................................................................................................................. 29 Culture ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 Employee Welfare.................................................................................................................................... 29 Smoking ................................................................................................................................................... 29 Slavery ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 Social Inclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Corporate Social Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 30 Training .................................................................................................................................................... 30 Induction .................................................................................................................................................. 30 Induction Training - New Employees ....................................................................................................... 31 Induction Training - On Site ..................................................................................................................... 31 Definition of Competence for Principal Grades of Staff (Updated December 2016) ............................... 32 8 General Arrangements for Safety .................................................................................................................... 34 Office Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 34 Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 8 of 61 Manual Handling of Loads ....................................................................................................................... 34 Visual Display Units (VDU) ...................................................................................................................... 34 Health / Hazardous Substances .............................................................................................................. 34 8.4.1 Occupational Asthma, ............................................................................................................................................................. 35 8.4.2 Occupational Dermatitis .......................................................................................................................................................... 35 8.4.3 Hand Arm Vibration ................................................................................................................................................................. 35 Health Surveillance .................................................................................................................................. 36 8.5.1 New Employee ........................................................................................................................................................................ 36 8.5.2 Health surveillance .................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Driving for Work ....................................................................................................................................... 36 8.6.1 Managing Driving for work ....................................................................................................................................................... 36 8.6.2 Vehicles .................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 8.6.3 The driver ................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 8.6.4 The Journey ............................................................................................................................................................................ 37 8.6.5 Driver Responsibilities................................................................................................................................................................. 38 8.6.6 Drink and Drugs Policy including medicines ............................................................................................................................ 38 8.6.7 Accident / Incident Procedure .................................................................................................................................................. 39 8.6.8 Mobile Phone Policy ................................................................................................................................................................ 39 8.6.9 Satellite Navigation Policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 39 8.6.10 Measuring & Reviewing performance ................................................................................................................................. 40 Disciplinary Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 40 8.7.1 Gross Misconduct.................................................................................................................................................................... 40 9 Arrangements for Site Safety ........................................................................................................................... 42 Pre-commencement................................................................................................................................. 42 9.1.1 Time Constraints & Allocation of Resources ............................................................................................................................ 42 Design Change Process .......................................................................................................................... 42 Interaction with the PSDP ........................................................................................................................ 42 Dissemination of Information ................................................................................................................... 43 Temporary Works Design ........................................................................................................................ 43 System Output Documentation ................................................................................................................ 43 9.6.1 Safety File Compilation ............................................................................................................................................................ 43 9.6.2 Content ................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Site Office & Set Up ................................................................................................................................. 44 Small Sites & Emergency works .............................................................................................................. 44 Site Access & induction ........................................................................................................................... 44 Welfare Facilities...................................................................................................................................... 45 9.10.1 Sanitary conveniences........................................................................................................................................................ 45 9.10.2 Washing facilities ................................................................................................................................................................ 45 9.10.3 Drinking water .................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ..................................................................................................... 45 9.11.1 Safety Gloves ..................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Safety Representatives ............................................................................................................................ 46 Toolbox Talks, Safety Briefings & Stand-downs ...................................................................................... 47 Information to be displayed on Notice boards ......................................................................................... 47 Safe Equipment & Machinery .................................................................................................................. 47 9.15.1 Equipment Testing, Inspection and Certification ................................................................................................................. 47 Laying Tar and Bitumen ........................................................................................................................... 48 Method statements .................................................................................................................................. 48 Particular risks ......................................................................................................................................... 49 Security .................................................................................................................................................... 50 Traffic Management – Public Safety, Pedestrian, Cyclists & Traffic Management ................................. 50 Control of sub-contractors ....................................................................................................................... 51 10 Audits, Inspection, Monitoring & Reviews ................................................................................................... 52 Checking and Corrective Action .............................................................................................................. 52 Site Prestart Meetings ............................................................................................................................. 52 Site Specific Construction Management Plan ......................................................................................... 52 Project Weekly Look Ahead Meetings ..................................................................................................... 53 Project Information Management ............................................................................................................. 53 Site Managers Weekly Audit .................................................................................................................... 53 Safety Managers/Safety Director Audit.................................................................................................... 53 ESB Monthly report .................................................................................................................................. 53 11 Work Force Consultation ............................................................................................................................. 54 Safety Representative Meetings .............................................................................................................. 54 Annual Director Meetings ........................................................................................................................ 54 Quarterly Consultation Review ................................................................................................................ 54 Health and Safety Consultants ......................................................................................... 54 Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 9 of 61 Health and Safety System Review .......................................................................................................... 54 11.5.1 Amendments ...................................................................................................................................................................... 54 11.5.2 Monitoring, Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................................ 54 11.5.3 Minutes............................................................................................................................................................................... 54 11.5.4 Audits and Inspections........................................................................................................................................................ 55 12 List of General Hazards and Preventative Procedures ............................................................................... 56 Hazard & Risk Assessment Completion .................................................................................................. 56 Ranking Risks .......................................................................................................................................... 56 Non-Exhaustive List of Hazards & Risks ................................................................................................. 57 General Principles of Prevention. ............................................................................................................ 59 13 Abrasive Wheel Authorised Personnel ........................................................................................................ 60 Training And Instruction ........................................................................................................................... 60 14 Acknowledgement of Safety Statement ....................................................................................................... 61 Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 10 of 61 1 Introduction This Safety, Health and Welfare Statement details the Employer, Niaron Ltd’s health and safety policy and procedures. The safety statement specifies how Niaron Ltd plans to minimise the risk of injury and ill health at work. Niaron Ltd is confident of the full support of all employees in achieving the aims of ensuring Health Safety and Welfare at work. It is therefore very important that you read the following document carefully and understand your role and the overall arrangements for health and safety throughout the organisation. Company Description Based in Co. Limerick, Niaron Ltd provide a broad range of construction services ranging from commercial, industrial, retail, refurbishment, residential, office fitouts, civil works, domestic, groundworks and light demolition. Niall Keane & Ronan Keane are the joint managing directors of the company. Company Language Niaron Ltd encourages diversity and inclusiveness in all its corporate pursuits. This includes employing individuals who may speak a language other than English as their primary means of communication. However, there are specific circumstances when the company requires that its employees converse in or take direction and guidance in English. This English-only policy addresses the specific circumstances where English- only rules must be observed due to business necessity. English will be used when communicating with employees, customers, co-workers and other business affiliates. Customers who express a preference for another language are an exception to this rule. All internal company communication and documents including meetings, policy documents, safety statements, risk assessments will be in English. All Employment Contracts and HR Department communication will be in English. All task directions and work directives will be provided in English. Employees engaged in team-related work efforts or project teams will be expected to communicate in English. All safety, facility and security-related materials will be provided in English, and team or departmental meetings that relate to business operations, safety, facility or personal security will be conducted in English. The use of the company Internet and intranet, as well as work-related e-mail and other communications that involve company safety and security matters, customer communications, specific work teams or projects, and other business-related group activities, will be in English, unless customer requirements state a preference that another language be used. Niaron Ltd remains committed to its diversity efforts, which include the use of languages in the workplace other than English. When specific business and operational requirements necessitate the use of English, all employees are expected to comply. Employees having concerns or questions regarding this policy should address them with their immediate supervisor or the human resource department. Document Control & Record Control All Niaron Ltd’s documents will be controlled by the following: Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 11 of 61 Document Control & Distribution Documentation: There are, for the purposes of this Occupational Health & Safety Management System, 3 types of “Controlled Document”: Contract Controlled: This means that the document cannot be changed in any way without being properly authorised (e.g. Safety Statement). Format Controlled: This applies to documents which have a fixed format, but where the user inserts the contents/text. (e.g. standard forms such as Accident Reports etc.) Distribution Controlled: This applies where it is important to ensure that the recipient has the latest revision of a document. The name of the recipient, the revision number of the document, and the date it was received / sent out would be recorded at head office. This would then be a “controlled copy” of the document. The same document might be sent to another person for information only (e.g. a copy of our Safety Statement might be given to a client or a consultant to let him know how our safety system works). This would be an uncontrolled copy. There would be no need to reissue a new revision to someone who held an uncontrolled copy. Principal Company Documents in the Occupational Health & Safety System Content Format Distribution Document Distribution Controlled Controlled Controlled Safety Policy Statement Yes Yes No Copy on Display At All Company / Site Offices Etc. Safety Statement Yes Yes No Copy to Staff. Other Copies Uncontrolled Site Specific Construction No, Format As Yes, Format No Master Copy Copy on Site, Copy on Management Plan (H&S, Per Master As Per Master In Site Safety File, To Consultant, Enviro & Quality) Document Copy File Client If Requested Accident Reports No Yes No Copy on Site, Copy to Head Office Method Statements No, Format As Yes, Format No Copy to Each Firm Per Master As Per Master Involved, Copy on Site Document Document Risk Assessments No Yes No Copy on Site, & Otherwise as Required Grievance & Disciplinary Yes Yes To Each To all Employees and Procedure Employee & Sub Sub-Contractor Contractor Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 12 of 61 2 Applicable Regulatory Requirements The following is a non-exhaustive list of health safety and welfare legislation that particularly applies to the Niaron Ltd’s business activities: • Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005. • Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007-2019 as amended • Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations, 2013 • Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Exposure to Asbestos) Regulations 2010 as amended Determination of applicable legal requirements and other requirements To ensure that the company is aware of, and can implement measures to ensure compliance with national legislation, applicable standards, and other requirements applicable to the company; the Managing Director (or a designated person) shall; 1. Identify / Review Identify and review legal and other requirements at least annually, relevant legislation sources which include: • Health and Safety Authority • Irish Standards Authority • Other applicable industry sources Identified legislation and other specific compliance requirements will be included within the company safety statement and company policies where applicable. 2. Apply The company policies and procedures will be reviewed with respect to compliance obligations when changes to relevant legal and other requirements occur. This includes making recommendations for review and amendment, as applicable. 3. Communicate legal and other requirements Legal and other requirements will be communicated to employees through the following means: • Circulation of documents, verbal briefings, toolbox talks, emails, bulletin, information alert, etc. References: The link gives access to various occupational safety and health and dangerous substances legislation and associated Codes of Practice which is administered and enforced, in whole or part, by the Health and Safety Authority. The webpage and documents are updated periodically, and while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the document, the Health and Safety Authority cannot guarantee it to be completely accurate. Access to all Irish legislation is available on (Website of the Office of the Attorney General). Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 13 of 61 3 General Statement of Policy Niaron Ltd, as the Employer, will dedicate adequate resources to ensure the Safety Health and Welfare of the employees, and other people affected by the contractor’s operations. Niaron Ltd will do all that is necessary to observe and comply with the requirements, of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and applicable regulations made there under. Niaron Ltd has prepared a Safety, Health and Welfare Statement detailing the practices and procedures to minimise the risk of injury and ill health at work. Niaron Ltd’s health safety and welfare aims are summarised below: • To provide and maintain and manage a safe and healthy working environment, safe equipment and safe systems of work for them self and others. • To conduct risk assessments and take into account the general principals of prevention when implementing safety, health and welfare control measures necessary to reduce risk. • To acquire information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary so as to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of them self and others while at work. • To ensure the prevention, of improper conduct or behaviour at work. • To prepare and maintain adequate procedures and plans to be followed in any emergency. • The development of a positive safety culture where every employee understands that Health and Safety is an inherent part of their work within this company. • To continually improve and monitor the development of the companies Safety Management System. • To ensure the identification and compliance of new health and safety legislation and construction industry best practise that applies to Niaron Ltd. Objectives for Health and Safety for Year 2020 • Continue to develop, formalise and catalogue forms and procedures as part of the overall development of the Safety Management System. • Continue to improve communication and documentation of root cause, subsequent actions / findings and follow up actions to ensure incident investigation is a closed loop system. Educate managers on Incident follow up. • Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Training for relevant employees across all departments to assist in improving participation in the analysis of work practices with a view to providing new / improved risk assessments. Niall Keane & Ronan Keane will review the safety statement and risk assessments annually and revise in the light of experience, developments or changes in work activities and any legislative changes. Niaron Ltd encourages others to put forward suggestions for improvements to the safety statement. Signed: Signed: Niall Keane Ronan Keane Director Director For and On Behalf Of For and on Behalf Of Niaron Ltd Niaron Ltd Date: 13th January 2020 Date: 13th January 2020 Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 14 of 61 4 Environmental Policy Niaron Ltd is a professional and environmentally conscious organisation, which acknowledges the impact that our operations may potentially have on the environment. Niaron Ltd’s objectives and targets are to minimise any impact on the environment by preventing pollution, reducing waste and ensuring, wherever practical, measures are implemented to protect and preserve natural habitats, flora and fauna. Considering the effects that our operations may have on the local community we will: • Act to eliminate or reduce, as far as practicable, any potentially adverse environmental impacts. • Promote environmental awareness amongst our suppliers, contractors and partners by implementation of operational procedures. • Seek to work in partnership with the community by behaving in a considerate and socially responsible manner. • Fully comply with the duties placed upon it within the requirements of Statutory Legislation. • All employees and sub-contractors are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy. • All employees will be provided with the necessary resources, equipment, information, instruction and training to fulfil the requirements of this policy. The Managing Director has overall responsibility for all Environmental matters. The operation of this policy and the associated procedures will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they remain current and applicable to the company's activities. This policy has been endorsed by the Managing Director who gives his full support to its implementation. Objectives for Environmental for year 2020 • Continue to develop, formalise and catalogue forms and procedures as part of the overall development of the Safety Management System. • Promote recycling and responsible disposal of waste. • Develop and roll out environmental awareness training. Signed: Signed: Niall Keane Ronan Keane Director Director For and On Behalf Of For and On Behalf Of Niaron Ltd Niaron Ltd Date: 13th January 2020 Date: 13th January 2020 Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 15 of 61 5 Responsibilities Organisational Chart Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 16 of 61 Resources Allocated to Occupational Health and Safety Niaron Ltd have made a commitment to occupational health and safety by allocating the necessary resources, both human, specialised skills, organisational infrastructure, technology and financial, in order to implement company policy and objectives. Sufficient financial resources are allocated in order that this document can be implemented in full. These financial resources are mainly utilised in areas such as the purchasing of personal protective equipment, providing training for employees along with other equipment necessary for employees to carry out their tasks in a safe manner. Niaron Ltd will not pass on to employees any financial costs associated with our duties relating to safety, health and welfare at work. Responsibilities of the Employer The Employer, Niaron Ltd, through Niall Keane & Ronan Keane will ensure that: • Adequate resources of time, personnel and finance are available for the effective implementation of the Safety Health and Welfare Statement. • Adequate consultation and commitment is undertaken with all persons involved at the place of work to ensure the safety arrangements of all parties. • Sub-Contractors provide a copy of their safety statement, training records and insurances and evidence that they are suitable for and competent to carry out the contracted works. Subcontractors must be aware of and understand and implement their health and safety roles and duties. • A safe place of work with safe access egress is designed, provided and maintained. • Plant and equipment that is safe and without risk to health is provided and ensure that regulatory inspections and examinations are conducted. • Safe Systems of work are planned, organised, maintained and revised. • Suitable and sufficient Information, Training, Instruction and Supervision where required are obtained and implemented for any work undertaken. • Adequate welfare facilities are provided and maintained. • Suitable protective clothing and equipment required by legislation or risk assessments is provided and maintained. • Any accidents and disease, and dangerous occurrences at work that requires notification is reported to the Health & Safety Authority. • Emergency plans and measures to be taken when there is an emergency or a risk of serious or imminent danger are prepared and revised. • Planned maintenance programmes are implemented to maintain the condition of premises, facilities and equipment. • Where necessary, the services of a competent person for the purpose of ensuring the safety, health & welfare is obtained. Responsibilities of Company Directors Niaron Ltd’s Directors Niall Keane & Ronan Keane will ensure that: • Take a pro-active role in driving H.S.E forward and continually improving standards within the company. • Niaron Ltd H.S.E policy is strictly enforced, monitored and reviewed on a continuous basis. • Adequate monies and facilities are made available to meet the requirements of the H.S.E Policies. • All Senior Staff are adequately knowledgeable with regard to safe working practices and accident prevention techniques, so that they can successfully apply the company H.S.E Safety Policy. • Arrangements and facilities are available to meet all H.S.E legislative requirements and guidelines at all times. • Promote and encourage a positive Health & Safety Culture within the organisation. • Policies are in place ensuring sound and safe working practices are observed throughout the company. • Arrangements are made ensuring that a high standard of Quality Control is adhered to in terms of Client interface, contract planning, contract completion and customer satisfaction. • Personal example is taken in relation to compliance to the company H.S.E policy: - this includes the wearing of required PPE when on-site. • The health & safety of employees and sub contactors as well as environmental protection is considered as an integral factor in the planning stage of each contract where we are the PSCS. Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 17 of 61 • Adequate and realistic timescale for the completion of the project. • All staff nominated to complete H.S.E responsibilities are qualified and competent to do so. • That all sub-contractors are monitored and reviewed on a continual basis regarding Health and Safety. • That the company H.S.E policy and procedures are reviewed on a regular basis and continuous improvement made. Responsibilities of the Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) Note: Niaron Ltd does not act as the PSDP; this is for information purposes only. The Duties of Project Supervisor for the Design Process (PSDP) as outlined in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 are to: • Identify hazards arising from the design or from the technical, organisational, planning, or time related aspects of the project. • Where possible, eliminate the hazards or reduce the risk. • Communicate necessary control measures, design assumptions, or remaining risks to the PSCS so they can be dealt with in the Safety and Health Plan. • Ensure that the work of designers is co-ordinated to ensure safety. • Organise cooperation between designers. • Prepare a written safety and health plan for any project where construction will take more the 500-person days or 30 working days or there is a particular risk and deliver it to the client prior to tender. • Prepare a safety file for the completed structure and give it to the client. • Notify the HSA and client of non-compliance with any written directions issued. • The PSDP may issue directions to designers or contractors or others. The above points are a brief summary, for information only, and are not a legal interpretation of the Regulations. Responsibilities of the Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) Niaron Ltd, when appointed Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS), will execute their duties as outlined in the Safety Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013, in particular the PSCS will: • Co-ordinate the identification of hazards, the elimination of the hazards or the reduction of risks during construction. • Further develop the Safety and Health Plan initially developed by the PSDP before construction commences. • Co-ordinate the implementation of the construction regulations by contractors. • Organise co-operation between contractors and the provision of information. • Co-ordinate the reporting of accidents to the HSA. • Notify the HSA (Form AF2) before construction commences where construction is likely to take more than 500-person days or 30 working days. • Provide information to the site safety representatives. • Co-ordinate the checking of safe working procedures. • Co-ordinate measures to restrict entry on to the site. • Co-ordinate the provision and maintenance of welfare facilities. • Co-ordinate arrangements to ensure that craft, general construction workers and security workers have a Safety Awareness card, e.g., Safe Pass and Construction Skills card where required. • Co-ordinate the appointment of a site safety representative where there are more than 20 persons on site. • Appoint a safety advisor where there are more than 100 persons on site. • Provide all necessary safety file information to the PSDP. • Monitor the compliance of contractors and others and take corrective action where necessary. • Notify the HSA and the client of non-compliance with any written directions issued. • Issue directions to designers and contractors when required. Responsibilities of Health & Safety Manager / Safety Director • Provide advice, guidance and instruction in all health & safety matters to management, safety representatives and employees (including sub-contractors where appropriate). • Regularly review and update the company Safety Policy and Safety Statement in line with new legislation, as required. This will be done by regularly checking the HSA & NISO web sites, Information Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 18 of 61 received from O’Dwyer Safety Services Ltd, alerts received from HSA & NISO. Niaron receive a monthly Magazine from Health & Safety review which has updates on legislation. • Submit reports to the Directors. • Ensure that project specific Health & Safety Plan including Risk Assessments specific to the work is drawn up prior to the commencement of work. • Advise management on training requirements and courses available. • Promote and encourage a positive Health & Safety Culture within the organisation. • Review site audit and inspection reports, suggestions, complaints and requests for information with follow up action. • Carry out accident investigation in conjunction with site management and safety officers. • Ensure that all accidents are reported, recorded and investigated and that suitable notifications given to the Directors, Health & Safety Authority and Insurers as required. • Compile accident statistics for the Directors. • Liaise with the Health & Safety Authority, Main Contractors and Clients where required. • Prepare an annual report on the management of Health & Safety in the company for submission to the Director with responsibility for health & safety. Responsibilities of Contracts Manager/Project Manager Each appointed Contracts Manager / Project Manager will ensure that: • Adequate provision of resources for Safety, Health and Welfare are made in planning contracts. • Complete the site-specific package for new projects as an addendum to the Safety Statement (Part V) when we are performing the role of Project Supervisor for Construction (PSCS). • The provisions of this policy statement are executed from project inception to completion on site and are reviewed on a regular basis. • Site Managers and Supervisors under the manager’s control will implement this policy and comply with statutory requirements. • Promote and encourage a positive Health & Safety Culture within the organisation. • Training is provided for site managers and supervisors to enable them to effectively carry out their responsibilities with regard to Safety, Health and Welfare. • Plant and machinery allocated for each site is in accordance with Regulations and inspected as required. Only personnel over 18 years of age and holders of a valid Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card will be allowed to operate such plant and machinery. • All personnel recruited for, or assigned to each site, is suitable for and competent to carry out the work required. • Training will be provided for employees to carry out tasks, in particular on scaffolding, plant operation, working at height and deep excavations and manual handling of loads. • Subcontractors and self-employed persons are made aware of company policy and have confirmed that they will comply. • Subcontractors will provide us with their own site-specific safety statement and copy shall be kept available for inspection at or near the place of work. • Subcontractors will comply with the requirements as outlined in Subcontractor and Self-Employed Persons Sections. • Competent persons required at any time to advise on Safety, Health and Welfare will be brought in, if not available within. • Adequate protection is provided on all sites to protect the public and in particular, where children are likely to enter sites, that perimeter hoarding/fencing is provided and maintained. • The Project Supervisor appointed for the Construction Stage (PSCS) receives co -operation and is provided with information, as appropriate, including a copy of the Safety Statement, and that any directions of the PSDP (Project Supervisor for the Design Process) will be taken into account, in compliance with current Construction Regulations. • The PSCS is provided with information in relation to any death, injury, condition or dangerous occurrence, which is required to be notified to the Health and Safety Authority, under the General Application Regulations. • Where Niaron Ltd are appointed Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage (PSCS), to be appointed in writing and accepted in writing, to obtain from the PSDP the preliminary Health & Safety plan. Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
Document Title Issue No Issue Date Page Safety Statement 13 13 January 2020 Page 19 of 61 • Where Niaron Ltd are appointed Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage (PSCS), to develop the Safety & Health Plan for the contract and ensure it is implemented and reviewed at regular intervals throughout the contract. • Sufficient numbers of Occupational First Aiders are on site as is necessary, taking account of the size and hazards of the project. • Adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees are provided and maintained in accordance with Part 14 of the Construction Regulations 2013. • Method Statements based on hazard identification and risk assessment, will be prepared for specific high- risk tasks if appropriate to the size and complexity of the project, to ensure a safe system of work. • A major accident - emergency plan is prepared, in consultation with the appropriate emergency services, if appropriate to the size and nature of the project. • Record and investigate all accidents with a view to preventing recurrence. (Ref. 2.9 Accident Reporting Procedures). • Ensure that accident or dangerous occurrence investigation is carried out and documented and corrective actions are implemented. • Arrange for the preparation and delivery to the PSDP of information required for them to develop the Safety File in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Regulations. • The PSCS will agree with the PSP & Client at the start of a project, what information is required for the hand over Health & Safety at the end of the project. This information is collected through the lifetime of the project by the PSCS and handed over to the PSDP at the completion of the project. • The project supervisor will apply for the substantial completion certificate when a project is finished and acquire release from the PSCS role on that project. • The project manager will organise to revisit site at 7 & or 30 days after completion to inspect the site for any issues. Photo records of the visit may be kept on file. If there are any issues to be rectified these will be organised and rectified as soon as practicable. Responsibilities of Site Managers, Site Agents, Supervisors & PICWs Each appointed Site Manager / Agent / Supervisor will: • Be familiar with the Safety and Health Legislation and company policy applicable to the work on which you are engaged and insist that the prescribed standards are observed. • Ensure so far as reasonably practicable, that safe systems of work are in place. • Maintain a tidy workplace, arrange for regular clean-up periods and appoint a responsible person. • Promote and encourage a positive Health & Safety Culture within the organisation. • Insist that all persons on site, employees, subcontractors, self-employed and visitors wear safety helmets and other PPE as required. Do not allow anyone to work without complying with this requirement. • Ensure that adequate access and egress is provided throughout the site. Segregate vehicle and pedestrian access where possible. • Ensure that the appropriate safety harness is worn when working where suitable fall protection is not available. • Ensure that construction activities will not proceed unless proper safety equipment / clothing has been provided and ensure its proper use by all personnel on site. • Ensure all workers on site have received induction training before commencing work and records are kept including valid SOLAS Safe Pass and/or CSCS card numbers. • Make certain that all plant and machinery operators are over 18 years of age and only allowed to operate equipment for which they have been properly trained and certified and hold a valid CSCS card or equivalent acceptable by SOLAS / HSA. • Ensure that machinery and plant, including power and hand tools, are in good condition. • Report defects in plant and equipment to Niaron Management • Ensure that firefighting equipment is available and replace used or defective equipment. • Ensure the safe handling and storage of all tools, plant and materials. • Ensure that first aid boxes are provided and properly maintained. • Provide good sound scaffolding and platform areas which conform to Construction Regulations and Scaffolding Code of Practice and nominate a competent person or persons for the erecting or dismantling and altering of such scaffoldings and maintain records of inspections at all times (Form GA3). • Ensure all ladders are sound, at the correct angle and tied while in use. • Ensure all Work at Height equipment is inspected weekly and records of the inspections are kept. (Form GA3). • Ensure certificates are available and current for all lifting equipment in the workplace. Niaron Ltd Leahies, Foynes, Co. Limerick Directors: Niall Keane & Ronan Keane
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