The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...

The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...
The Circular Economy
                   Opportunity for Auckland
                        and how business can realise it

Photo: Chris McLennan                               THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   |   1
The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...
                                     could liberate up to

                                in additional economic activity
                               and reduce carbon emissions by

                                     ktCO2e in 2030

The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...
Executive summary

        Auckland could liberate up to         These are the results of a new study carried out by       A circular economy de-couples resource use
                                              Sapere Research Group1 working with the Sustainable       from economic growth. Lifecycles of materials are
        $8.8 billion in additional economic   Business Network (SBN), in partnership with Auckland      maximised, usage optimised and at the end of life all
        activity and reduce carbon            Tourism, Events and Economic Development.                 materials are reutilised. It is restorative by design and
                                              The work was supported by Fuji Xerox NZ, Inzide           underpinned by the use of renewable energy.
        emissions by 2,700 ktCO2e in 2030     Commercial, Junk Run, 3R Group and the Ministry for
                                                                                                        A circular economy goes beyond an improvement
        by shifting from the current linear   the Environment.
                                                                                                        to the dominant linear economy. It is a viable
        take, make and waste model to a       Modelling analysis across Auckland’s economy              replacement for it. Shifting to it would generate huge
                                              has identified the potential contribution to the city’s   economic, environmental and societal benefits.
        circular economy.                     Gross Domestic Product as between $6.3 - $8.8 billion
                                                                                                        Applying circular economy thinking to Auckland will
                                              by 2030.
                                                                                                        install environmental and economic resilience into the
                                              The analysis focuses on food, transport and the built     city. It will trigger a new era of business innovation.
                                              environment. These three sectors have a significant       At the same time it will radically reduce the costs of our
                                              input into Auckland’s economy. They have also been        economic activity and the material inputs it requires.
                                              identified by SBN’s work in New Zealand and research
                                              overseas to be the sectors best positioned to make
                                              the transition to the circular economy. These sectors
                                              tend to include high waste, high cost and heavily
                                              polluting activities in the current linear economy
                                              model. The carbon reduction opportunity across them
                                              is identified as 2700 ktCO2e in 2030.

                                                                                                                                            circular economy for
                                                                                                                                           Auckland - scoping the
                                                                                                                                           potential economic benefits,
                                                                                                                                           Sapere Research Group, April

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                           THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND      |   3
The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...
New business models like the shared economy,            This report spells out the benefits of taking the lead,    For these opportunities to be realised, we must think
        ‘business as a service’ and renewable technologies      and how business can start to do that, by:                 and work differently across the entire value chain. We
        are already with us. The challenge now is to follow                                                                must adopt new business models. It will not be easy,
                                                                •   connecting entire processes within our economic
        the world-leading countries and cities reshaping                                                                   but it is necessary.
                                                                    system through innovation
        their economic operating systems to prepare them
                                                                                                                           The trajectory is clear and momentum is building, now
        for where these models are taking us. Because the       •   establishing procurement processes that favour
                                                                                                                           is the time for Auckland businesses to ‘go circular’.
        circular economy is inevitable. It is the only viable       products and services with a circular economy
        model with which we can successfully meet the               approach
        needs of a growing population on a planet within our
                                                                •   actively working with non-government
        planetary boundaries.
                                                                    organisations, government ministries and others to
        In New Zealand we have the added opportunity to             promote the circular economy
        align and refine circular economy thinking through
                                                                •   targeting investment to accelerate the transition to
        cooperation and collaboration with the business
                                                                    a circular economy
        models and worldview of the country’s indigenous
        people. Doing so successfully would lead to the         •   sharing and supporting training in the circular
        development of a holistic economic mindset                  economy
        that would also assist to dissolve current cultural
                                                                •   working to inform and influence the government
                                                                    policies required to enable the transition

                                                                                                                                                 Photo credit: Todd Eyre Photography Ltd

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                             THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND     |   4
The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...

        Executive summary
                           3 SECTION TWO                                      A sector focus 		 31

        Foreword 		                    6 Auckland – becoming                  Food 		 32
                                         a circular city 		                16
        About this report 		           7                                         Opportunities for business 		 34
                                         What’s already happening 		       18    Key actions
        Introduction 		                8                                         to catalyse change 		 35
                                         The benefits – boosting
                                         the economy while cutting
                                         carbon emissions 		 24               Transport and Logistics 		 36
                                                                                 Opportunities for business 		 38
                                         Six key levers 		 25
        The circular economy 		        9                                         Key actions
                                                                                 to catalyse change 		 40
        What’s in it for business? 		 12 How to make it happen –
                                         the enabling factors 		 26
        Circularity at work 		 14                                             Construction 		                      41
                                            Think and operate in systems		 26
                                                                                 Opportunities for business 		 42
        Closing time for                    Reset procurement 		 27
        business as usual 		 15                                                  Key actions to catalyse change 		 44
                                            Make circularity desirable 		 28
                                            Fund the transition         29    Conclusion 		 45
                                            Share knowledge and
                                                                              Acknowledgements 		 46
                                            develop skills capability 		 29
                                            Use data 		 30
                                            Set the rules to enable
                                            the transition 		 30

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                          THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   |   5
The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...

        The way we do business worldwide                           One of the ways this can be done is by transitioning         Globally, countries such as Sweden, Scotland and
                                                                   Auckland to a circular economy: an economy which             Japan are leading the charge on shifting to a circular
        is putting enormous stress on the                          seeks to de-couple resource use from economic                economy, the principles of which are being embraced
        environmental and societal systems                         growth, keep resources in use for as long as possible,       by some of the world’s biggest brands as well as the
                                                                   extract the maximum value from them, then recover            many local organisations referenced in this report.
        upon which our markets and                                 and regenerate products and materials at the end of
                                                                                                                                Auckland, Tourism, Events and Economic
        companies are entirely dependent.                          their use.
                                                                                                                                Development (ATEED) is delighted to partner with SBN
                                                                   From an economic development perspective,                    to develop an economic insights paper based on this
        Every year developed economies use between
                                                                   the circular economy represents new business                 comprehensive report.
        three and four times the amount of resources that
                                                                   opportunities in growing global markets including
        are sustainable for the long term. If left unchecked,                                                                   Circular Economy: A new dynamic for Auckland
                                                                   new business models in transport, waste to value
        the environmental damage being done to our planet                                                                       Businesses provides economic perspectives on a
                                                                   opportunities in the food sector and the re-use of
        threatens to disrupt our global markets and economies.                                                                  circular economy.
                                                                   construction materials.
        This report, entitled ‘The Circular Opportunity for                                                                     Auckland with its innovative, entrepreneurial business
                                                                   The World Economic Forum states that the circular
        Auckland and how business can realise it’, by the                                                                       culture has the opportunity to position itself as a
                                                                   economy’s potential for innovation, job creation
        Sustainable Business Network (SBN) with economic                                                                        circular economy city for the world. A co-ordinated
                                                                   and economic development is huge with estimates
        analysis by Sapere Research Group, is the first                                                                         approach is paramount, with central and local
                                                                   indicating a trillion-dollar opportunity on a world scale.
        quantification of the potential business benefits of                                                                    government, communities, businesses and individuals
        Auckland moving to a circular economy.                     The new economic analysis outlined in this SBN report        working closely to spearhead the impetus for this
                                                                   indicates Auckland could benefit from up to $8.8             essential change.
        The report looks at the financial and carbon reduction
                                                                   billion worth of additional economic activity a year by
        benefits Auckland could gain from shifting from the
                                                                   making the shift from the current linear take, make,
        current linear economy to a circular economy.
                                                                   waste model to a circular economy.                           Patrick McVeigh, General Manager,
        Sustainable development is a priority for all                                                                           Business, Innovation and Skills –
                                                                   For Auckland businesses, pursuing process and product
        communities, cities and countries. For Auckland, and                                                                    Auckland Tourism, Events &
                                                                   innovations that reflect circularity will create new forms
        New Zealand, there is a very real need for all residents                                                                Economic Development (ATEED)
                                                                   of value, open up new markets and support sustainable
        and businesses to make a contribution to becoming a
                                                                   growth by reducing reliance on finite resources.
        lower carbon economy.

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                                   THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   |   6
The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...
About this report

        This report provides an indication   It is based on economic modelling by Sapere                The report was developed by the Circular Economy
                                             Research Group. It represents the first such analysis in   Accelerator, a new team of business innovation
        of the potential economic and        a New Zealand context.                                     experts created by SBN. The Circular Economy
        carbon reduction benefits            The report expands on the Sustainable Business
                                                                                                        Accelerator’s aim is to collaborate with New Zealand
                                                                                                        businesses, government and other groups to hasten
        Auckland can realise from            Network (SBN)’s previous research into the key
                                                                                                        the installation of a circular economy in New Zealand.
                                             focus areas for enabling the transition to a circular
        embracing the transition to a        economy.2 Facilitated workshops and interviews with
                                                                                                        To find out more go to

        circular economy.                    key stakeholders across sectors have been conducted
                                             to build on that knowledge and apply it to Auckland.

                                                                                                             systems innovation
                                                                                                            A                                  understanding of the current
                                                                                                            ongoing programme of work          status of the Circular Economy in
                                                                                                            commencing in 2014 involving       NZ and the key leverage points
                                                                                                            multiple stakeholder interviews,   and opportunities to accelerate
                                                                                                            surveys, workshops, events         the transition to a more crcular
                                                                                                            and projects to provide a deep     economy.

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                 THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND         |   7
The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...

        In many ways the worldwide           Every year developed economies use between                The associated increase in greenhouse gases
                                             three and four times the amount of resources that are     generated from industry, agriculture and transport
        opportunities for New Zealand        sustainable in the long term.3 If things don’t change,    is adversely impacting our climate, health and
        business have never been greater.    we may find ourselves spending more time and effort       biosecurity.6 This is pushing costs up across the entire
                                             fighting over the remaining resources than putting        economy. It is also driving increased regulation and
                                             them to good use.                                         restrictions on businesses’ licence to operate.
        The global population continues
                                             The way we use resources is incredibly wasteful.          Left unchecked, the environmental damage being
        to grow. Populations of emerging     They are often used only briefly and then discarded.      done to our planet threatens to disrupt our global
        nations are increasingly             1.3 billion tonnes of waste is generated worldwide        markets and economies.
                                             every year. This is expected to increase to 2.2 billion
        procuring the goods and services     tonnes per year by 2025.4 Just the financial and
                                                                                                       Our current economic model needs a fundamental
        of prosperity. But the current       environmental costs of disposal are putting a brake
                                             on progress. We waste time and money dealing with
        extractive economic model this is    waste. And by 2050 there could be more plastic by
        based on has become the major        weight in the ocean than fish.5

        barrier to further progress. It is
        putting enormous stress on the
        environmental and social systems
        upon which our markets and
        businesses are entirely dependent.

                                                                                                           ress Release from Global
                                                                                                          P                              5
                                                                                                                                            he New Plastics Economy:
                                                                                                          Footprint Network, 2014          Rethinking the future of
                                                                                                         World Bank Urban                 plastics, Ellen MacArthur
                                                                                                          Development Series Report,       Foundation, 2016
                                                                                                          Chapter 3 “Waste Generation”   6
                                                                                                                                           Why climate change matters,
                                                                                                                                            Ministry for the Environment

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                            THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND      |   8
The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...
Section One              The circular economy
                                 At last, a compelling, prosperous,
                                 business model for a low carbon future
                                 A circular economy de-couples resource use from economic growth.
                                 Lifecycles of materials are maximised, usage optimised and at the
                                 end of life all materials are reutilised. It is restorative by design and
                                 underpinned by the use of renewable energy. A circular economy goes
                                 beyond an improvement to the dominant linear (‘take-make-waste’)
                                 economy. It is a sustainable and viable alternative to it. It represents a
                                 system shift to a new global operating system, one that will generate
                                 sustainable economic, environmental and societal benefits.

 Photo credit:BUSINESS
SUSTAINABLE    Chris McLennan
                       NETWORK                                      THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   |   9
The Circular Economy Opportunity for Auckland - and how business can realise it - Sustainable ...
The ‘butterfly diagram’                     Figure 1: Outline of material flows in a circular economy
       (right) is from the Ellen                                                                                     Photo credit:Ellen MacArthur Foundation

       MacArthur Foundation,
       the leading global circular
       economy advocacy
       organisation. The graphic
       illustrates how materials
       flow through a circular
        Resource value is maximised across
        the value chain and leakages in the
        system are minimised via feedback
        loops. Technical materials
        (e.g. manufactured products) are kept
        separate from biological materials (e.g.
        food) with the aim of keeping technical
        materials in continuous high value
        circulation and out of the biosphere,
        while biological materials can be used
        to regenerate nature (e.g. return
        to soil as compost).

        Technical materials are fed back into
        the system through maintenance,
        reuse, remanufacture and recycling
        (which tends to be the lowest value

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                   THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   |   10
The circular economy
                                               has been estimated to represent a
                                             USD$4.5 trillion economic opportunity
                                                           by 2030.7 It:

                               •   provides an innovation platform for        •   improves resilience by lessening
                                   new services and business models               the exposure to interruption and
                                                                                  price shocks for virgin materials from
                               •   reduces costs by reducing the need
                                                                                  overseas supply chains
                                   for material inputs into the system
                                                                              •   improves environmental outcomes,
                               •   optimises the use of assets via sharing
                                                                                  including reducing carbon emissions,
                                   economy platforms
                                                                                  pollution and waste
                               •   increases the lifecycles of products via
                                                                              •   restores natural capital such as soil
                                   repair and remanufacturing services
                                                                                  and water quality
                               •   develops and expands waste to value
                                                                              •   drives better societal outcomes, such
                                                                                  as generating new local employment

                                        Crucially, it does all this and more within a coherent, comprehensive
                                          system design framework. This is the only way to ensure these
                                             processes are both self-sustaining and interlinked into an
                                                               all-encompassing approach.

                                                                                                                                        he Circular Economy Could Unlock
                                                                                                                                       $4.5 trillion of Economic Growth,
                                                                                                                                       Accenture Strategy, September 2015

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                               THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND    |   11
What’s in it for business?

        Circular economy thinking is        Airbnb, Bookabach and Yourdrive are all examples of        printing process that uses recycled plastic bottles.
                                            the sharing economy, which forms part of the overall       Its aim is to reduce waste and 3D printing material
        already enabling some of the        circular economy. Airbnb has become the world’s            costs to help accelerate community-based digital
        biggest business success stories,   largest accommodation provider,8 without owning any        manufacturing. It is currently in the process of setting
                                            property, by enabling underused private spare rooms        up and running a pilot project.
        both here and abroad.               and houses to be rented out. Bookabach and Yourdrive
                                                                                                       Air New Zealand has been working with AUT to
                                            use the same model for holiday homes and cars.
                                                                                                       create 3D printed parts for aircraft interiors, providing
                                            eBay and Trade Me enable the extension of product          significant cost savings.9
                                            lifecycles by facilitating the sale of second hand goods
                                                                                                       The Internet of Things enables automatic and remote
                                            on a mass scale.
                                                                                                       monitoring of the efficiency of a resource during
                                            Circular economy thinking can also drive the use           production, use and at the end of its use cycle. This
                                            of emerging technologies like 3D printing, which           means that all parts of the value chain can become
                                            provides an opportunity for distributed, small scale       more efficient. Once the time comes for a user to
                                            and on-demand manufacturing. For example,                  discard a product or asset, this can aid in the asset
         Photo credit: Yourdrive            Auckland-based Reforge NZ is developing a new 3D           retrieval, so components can be reused.

                                                                                                            acebook, Airbnb, Uber, and
                                                                                                           F                              9
                                                                                                                                               ir New Zealand to 3D print
                                                                                                           the unstoppable rise of the        its own aircraft interior parts,
                                                                                                           content non-generators,            Press Release, February 2016
                                                                                                           Independent, 2015

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                               THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND         |   12
Photo credit: Alsco

                                                                New value can be generated from                   •   	
                                                                                                                      Products  that have been designed at the
        "For IKEA, becoming circular is a huge                  material previously seen as waste.                    outset to have longer lifecycles provide a
        opportunity to innovate and find new ways to                                                                  lever with which to disrupt existing markets.
                                                            •   	Repair and remanufacturing services have
        meet people’s needs and dreams at home within               the potential to generate increased revenue   •    ptimised resource use can be facilitated
        the limits of the planet. By truly understanding            as goods are kept in service                      by organisations retaining ownership of
        people’s needs, we can design relevant offers               for longer.                                       products and selling their use as a service.
        and meet customers’ needs in new ways.
        We are just at the beginning, but are starting to
        test a range of solutions, including exploring
        new business models"                                                                                                               10
                                                                                                                                                 ngaging Customers in
                                                                                                                                                Shaping a Circular Society
        Håkan Nordkvist,
                                                                                                                                                Håkan Nordkvist, Head of
        Head of Sustainability Innovation, IKEA Group10                                                                                         Sustainability Innovation,
                                                                                                                                                IKEA Group.

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND    |   13
Circularity at work                                                                                                                                 “Once we sell
                                                                                                                                                         the benefits of the
                                                                                                                                                       products instead of the
                                                                                                                                                      products themselves, we
                                                                                                                                                    begin to design for longevity,
        LanzaTech, originating from Auckland, is developing        The Module Project is an emerging Auckland based            Toast Ale in
                                                                                                                                                    multiple reuse, and eventual
        gas fermentation technology for industrial waste           company looking to disrupt the electronic goods             the UK makes
        gases. The sources include steel and alloy mills,          sector. It has produced a wireless speaker, Decibel,        brewing beer                   recycling”
        municipal solid waste, organic industrial waste and        designed to last a lifetime. All components are user        from surplus             Frans van Houten, Chief Executive
        agricultural waste. The technology creates high-value      upgradeable.                                                bread.                         Officer and Chairman,
                                                                                                                                                                   Royal Philips11
        chemicals and gases. It has generated more than
                                                                                                                               Adidas is one of the
        $200m in investment to date.
                                                                                                                               countless companies
        Wishbone Design Studio uses recycled residential                                                                       making products out of ocean
        carpet for its Recycled Edition children’s bikes.                                                                      plastic waste.
        Innovations like this have fuelled growth of 25%
                                                                                                                               Caterpillar has established Cat Reman that
        annually and distribution in more than 40 countries.
                                                                                                                               recovers materials through technology and restores
        Wishbone Bikes is also disrupting the global toy
                                                                                                                               components to good-as-new condition.
        market’s ‘throw away’ culture by incorporating aspects
        like repairability and adaptability, where the bikes are                                                               Patagonia encourages customer repairs via its ‘Worn
        adjustable to match the growth of a child.                                                                             Wear’ initiative, driving customer loyalty.

        Alsco provides a fully managed rental service for                                              Photo credit: Decibel   MUD Jeans leases jeans for a monthly fee. After the
        uniforms and repairs, reconditions and reuses them to                                                                  lease period of one year, customers can switch them
        maximise their lifecycle.                                                                                              for another pair and continue leasing, return them for
                                                                   Oh Rent Me is an Auckland based company that
                                                                                                                               recycling or upcycling purposes, or keep them. The
        CHEP manufactures pallets, crates, and containers for      allows you to rent designer clothing.
                                                                                                                               lease contract includes free unlimited repair services.
        businesses and rents them out through its pallet and
                                                                   Yourdrive is enabling spare capacity in the car market
        container pooling service.
                                                                   to be accessed through private rental, generating
        Green Spot Technologies is developing flour from           revenue for the car owner and the company.
        apple waste.
                                                                   Philips Lighting offers a ‘pay per lux’ lighting service
                                                                                                                                                                Why we need a circular

        Auckland Drum Sustainability Services provides             where customers pay for the amount of light (lux)                                            economy, blog by Frans van
        a national collection, remanufacturing and reuse           they need and Philips retains control over the items it                                      Houten, Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                                                Officer of Philips, published by
        programme for bulk packaging drums. It collects and        produces, enabling better maintenance, reconditioning                                        the World Economic Forum,
        supplies reconditioned and remanufactured drums.           and recovery.                                                                                January 2014

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                                  THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND        |   14
Closing time for
        business as usual

        Successful business relies on responding
        early to emerging trends and needs.
        New Zealand is relatively small and remote. If New Zealand
        businesses do not keep pace with the growing global
        movement towards a circular economy they will simply be left
        behind. This is likely to be experienced as increasing costs in
        raw materials, reduced demand from increasingly conscious
        consumers, and increased barriers to entry for overseas markets.

        Knowing this, it is likely that the New Zealand government, like
        those around the world, will be compelled to make increasing
        aspects of the circular economy compulsory.

        Businesses that act early on this will gain significant advantage.

                                                                                                  Photo credit: Todd Eyre

Section Two            Auckland –
                               becoming a circular city
                               More than one half of the world’s people now
                               live in cities. This is predicted to be 70% by
                               2050.12 This means cities and the businesses
                               that fuel their growth will be at the heart of
                               the required economic redesign.

                                                                              Photo credit: Chris McLennan

A circular city embeds the                               Auckland, like many leading cities across the world,

        principles of a circular                                 is at the beginning of its journey towards circularity.               The opportunities of a unique
                                                                 The circular economy is the best methodology we                       Māori (holistic) perspective
        economy across all its functions.                        have to secure economic prosperity that can keep
                                                                 pace with population growth while operating within                    Māori have an important and unique world view
        It establishes an urban system                           our planetary boundaries.                                             (te ao Māori) in driving circular thinking and action in
        that is regenerative and                                                                                                       New Zealand.
                                                                 Co-ordinated circular economy action at a
        restorative by design. The idea                          city level is still in its infancy. But Auckland is
                                                                                                                                       Māori have a holistic understanding of our
                                                                                                                                       environment, and see the environment as an
        of waste is eliminated. Assets                           well placed to take a lead. It has a well-proven
                                                                                                                                       interconnected whole.
                                                                 innovative, entrepreneurial business culture and a
        are kept at their highest levels                         highly connected community, including a vibrant                       Māori express their connection with the environment
        of utility at all times. Digital                         and dynamic indigenous culture. We can learn                          through Kaitiakitanga (environmental guardianship)
                                                                 much from the indigenous notion of stewardship                        – a way of managing the environment. The Māori
        technologies support processes                           (kaitiakitanga) and intergenerational thinking, which                 world view and Māori values, including tikanga
        where appropriate.                                       has strong links with restoring systems.                              (customary practice), whakapapa, manaakitanga
                                                                                                                                       (acts of giving and caring for) and kaitiakitanga,
                                                                 Auckland can achieve the benefits outlined in this
        A circular city generates prosperity and economic                                                                              as well as their intergenerational approach are all
                                                                 report. It can go further, establishing itself as a
        resilience while separating value creation from the                                                                            congruent with Circular Economy thinking.
                                                                 model circular economy city.
        consumption of finite resources.13 The 21st century
                                                                                                                                       Harnessing this thinking and the unique and strong
        circular economy city is likely to become a global       To do this we must embark on an unprecedented
                                                                                                                                       indigenous culture we have in NZ will help drive
        growth model, and a key target market for all kinds      level of co-operation and co-ordination, not only
                                                                                                                                       New Zealand’s transition towards a circular economy.
        of goods and services.                                   across business but communities, and central and
                                                                 local government.
        It is too early to cite cities that have gone entirely
        circular. But there are a number of cities that are in   Auckland generated 1.646 million tonnes of
        transition. Amsterdam, Helsinki, Vancouver, London       domestic and commercial waste in 2016. That’s
        and Glasgow have all identified opportunities for a      more than one tonne for every Aucklander.14 This is
        move towards a circular economy.                         likely to increase unless a new approach is taken.            12
                                                                                                                                     ircular Economy in Cities:
                                                                                                                                    C                                   13
                                                                                                                                                                             ities in the Circular Economy: An
                                                                 Estimates suggest we’ll add 833,000 more people                    Evolving the model for a                Initial Exploration, Ellen MacArthur
                                                                 to Auckland in the coming decades, putting our                     sustainable urban future, World         Foundation, 2017
                                                                 population at 2.3 million by 2043.                                 Economic Forum, 2018                  Draft Auckland Council Waste and

                                                                                                                                                                            Minimisation Plan 2018

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                                                 THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND         |   17
What’s already                                                                     There are many great examples of organisations
                                                                                           already using circular economy thinking and
        happening                                                                          ways of operating in New Zealand. There are also
                                                                                           examples of established businesses that have
                                                                                           adopted inherently circular models from the outset.

        Product as a service

        What they do:

        CHEP is a global provider of supply chain products and services for the consumer
        goods, fresh food, beverage, manufacturing and retail sectors. CHEP’s pooling
        business model incorporates elements of both the circular and sharing economies.
        CHEP retains full ownership of equipment. It has been CEMARS certified since
        2014. 100% of its timber is supplied from certified sources.

        Benefits of a circular approach:

        Each time CHEP’s customers choose sharable and reusable options instead of one
        way packaging, carbon emissions are reduced, waste is avoided and raw materials
        are saved. See diagram for worldwide savings.

                                                                                                                                             Image credit: CHEP

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                           THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   |   18
Maximising value and lifecycles
        via product stewardship

        Inzide Commercial/                       At the end of their usable life, tiles are   Envirocon                                 work and transport the waste to
                                                 sent back to the manufacturing plant,                                                  Envirocon, which transforms the waste
        Interface Carpet Tiles                   stripped and remanufactured into new
                                                                                              What they do:
                                                                                                                                        cement into cement ready to use again
        What they do:                            carpet tiles.                                Envirocon is a voluntary product          in Interbloc’s modular wall system.
                                                                                              stewardship scheme that involves
        Inzide Commercial supplies               In New Zealand this happens via the                                                    Benefits of a circular approach:
                                                                                              Auckland’s local cement organisations
        sustainable flooring solutions for       Ministry for the Environment accredited
                                                                                              and the construction company              • The programme aims to divert
        commercial interiors. Interface          Interface ReEntry Programme product
                                                                                              Interbloc.                                   80,000 tonnes of waste concrete
        carpet tiles incorporate multiple        stewardship scheme.
                                                                                                                                           and wastewater per year by 2022.
        circular economy attributes. Designs                                                  Envirocon provides a facility for waste
                                                 Benefits of a circular approach:
        influenced by the randomness of                                                       concrete to be brought to Interbloc       • It reduces truck movements by an
        nature allow for easy installation and   • Ease of installation and                   which uses the waste to build cement         estimated 1.4 million km per annum.
        replacement of individual tiles. The        replacement of individual tiles.          walls. Cement companies finish the
        TacTiles technology eliminates the
                                                 • The ReEntry programme has
        need for glue to connect the tiles to
        the floor.
                                                    diverted more than 44,000 cubic           Auckland District                         Benefits of a circular approach:
                                                    metres of carpet tiles from landfill
                                                    (220 tonnes).
                                                                                              Health Board                              • The hospital initiative has resulted
                                                                                              What they do:                                in approximately 9,000 kg of plastic
                                                                                                                                           waste diverted from landfill.
                                                                                               The Auckland District Health Board
                                                                                              is taking a leading role in reducing      • Approximately 2,300 kg of
                                                                                              medical waste and redirecting non-           recyclable plastics and cardboard
                                                                                              hazardous plastic waste, aluminium and       material is recycled every month as
                                                                                              metal waste from landfill to recycling.      part of a recycling programme for
                                                                                                                                           home patients in partnership with
                                                                                              The DHB initially started recycling
                                                                                                                                           Baxter Healthcare.
                                                                                              plastic tubing, oxygen masks and IV
                                                                                              bags. The plastic collected is recycled   • The waste recycled as part of
                                                                                              in New Zealand to create playground          the home patient programme is
                                                                                              outdoor matting. This is exported            equivalent to about 300 cubic metres
           Photo Credit: INZIDE Commercial
                                                                                              around the world.                            (uncompacted) of landfill per year.

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                            THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   |   19
Fuji Xerox                                             Benefits of a circular approach:
        What they do:                                          • Fuji Xerox NZ’s MfE accredited Product
                                                                                                                         What they do:
                                                                  Stewardship scheme diverts on average 700
        Fuji Xerox New Zealand promotes the reuse and
                                                                  tonnes of waste from landfill annually.                The Resene PaintWise programme allows
        recycling of its products through its Ministry for
                                                                                                                         customers to return paint cans, regardless
        Environment (MfE) accredited Product Stewardship          Its products are designed for easy separation and
                                                                                                                         of whether they are empty or half full, to
        Scheme. This scheme is a free take-back service           disassembly, ensuring where possible machines
                                                                                                                         be recycled. The paint is then donated to
        offered to all of its customers for machines, used        and parts get a second chance at life as refurbished
                                                                                                                         community groups who use the paint to cover
        parts and consumables, ensuring they are reused and       eco machines.
                                                                                                                         graffiti. Paint that cannot be donated is sent to
        responsibly recycled rather than sent to landfill.
                                                               • By partnering with Close the Loop, Fuji Xerox NZ's      solvent recovery so the ingredients can be used
        Thanks to the scheme Fuji Xerox NZ has achieved a        toner is also given a second life in a product called   in other industries.
        re-use and recycling rate of over 99.5% for returned     TonerPave™.
                                                                                                                         Resene has created PaintCrete which uses the
        equipment, which, when part of a lifecycle recycling
                                                                  TonerPave is a low carbon asphalt that is more         recycled paint ingredients in concrete which in
        programme, helps reduce the carbon footprint of a
                                                                  durable than standard asphalt and helps to reduce      turn improves concrete quality.
        road by up to 23%.
                                                                  the carbon footprint of a road by up to 23% over its
                                                                                                                         Benefits of a circular approach:
                                                                                                                         • Resene has helped recycle 120,000kg of
                                                                                                                            steel and repurpose 140,000 litres of partially
                                                                                                                            used paint since the launch of its PaintWise
                                                                                                                            programme in 2004.

                                                                                                                         • Over 300,000 packs have been collected
                                                                                                                            from Resene ColorShops over the past 14

                                                                                                                                                     Photo credit: 3R Group

                                                               Image credit: Fuji Xerox NZ

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                         THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   | 20
Sharing economy

       Yourdrive                                                   The Compost Collective                        Cityhop
        What they do:                                                                                            What they do:
                                                                   What they do:
        Yourdrive is a NZ based peer-to-peer car sharing                                                         Cityhop is a car sharing service that allows members
                                                                   The Compost Collective is a collaborative
        platform that enables people to rent privately owned                                                     to rent cars by the hour. Membership offers
                                                                   project aimed at increasing the number of
        cars. Owners generate income from sharing their                                                          businesses an alternative option to purchasing a pool
                                                                   Auckland households engaged in composting
        idle asset and renters gain access to a wide range                                                       car. Packages include the call centre, insurance, petrol,
                                                                   and organic waste reduction. The Collective
        of better value rental vehicles in dispersed locations.                                                  on-road costs, fleet team and staff benefits. This saves
                                                                   operates, an online
        Over the last three years, Yourdrive has facilitated                                                     companies transport and parking costs, creating
                                                                   platform to connect people who wish
        more than 4,000 journeys and currently has over 600                                                      efficiencies and eliminating administrative work.
                                                                   to recycle their kitchen scraps with their
        vehicles listed on the platform.
                                                                   neighbours who are already composting,        Benefits of a circular approach:
        Benefits of a circular approach:                           worm-farming or keeping chickens.
                                                                                                                 • Reduced car ownership - 59% of Cityhop members
                                                                   In addition, they run composting workshops
        • Supporting the local economy. Since 2015, Yourdrive                                                      have sold a car or delayed the purchase of their
                                                                   throughout the greater Auckland area.
           has paid out more than half a million dollars to Kiwi                                                   next car because of car sharing. Cityhop estimates
           vehicle owners.                                         Benefits of a circular approach:                1,000 privately-owned vehicles have been removed
                                                                                                                   from the road as a result of the service
        • Reducing car ownership. A survey of Yourdrive            • 14,969 people have
           renters found that 75% had reduced their vehicle           been involved in the                                                • Reduced parking and street
           ownership after using Yourdrive.                           collective to date.                                                   congestion

        • Increasing use of other sustainable transport modes.                                                                            • Reduced carbon emissions
           The same survey found that 68% of respondents
                                                                                                                                          • Cityhop estimates it provides
           increased their use of active-transport modes such
                                                                                                                                            $5,000,000 back to Auckland
           as walking and cycling after using Yourdrive.
                                                                                                                                            annually through the benefits
                                                                                                                                            of its car-sharing scheme

                                                                                                                  Photo credit: Cityhop

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                     THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   |   21
Resource recovery / Waste to value

            EcoStock Supplies                    Junk Run                                   Critical Design NZ                             Offcut
            What they do:                        What they do:                              What they do:                                  What they do:

            EcoStock Supplies collects food      Junk Run sends junk to a better place.     Critical Design is a community-                Offcut produces hats made from
            waste from food manufacturers,       Whether commercial, construction or        based organisation in Mount Roskill,           off-cuts of fabric from a clothing
            food distributors and food           residential inorganic waste, it all goes   Auckland, constructing high-value              manufacturer. This fabric would
            retailers. The company transforms    through the Junk Run collection and        furniture out of local waste. It provides      traditionally be disposed to landfill.
            it into high quality sustainable     recycle/redistribution system. This        low-income students with resources             With every hat purchased, Offcut
            animal feed. Most of this food is    results in 70% of all waste collected      and instruction on how to design               plants a tree via one of its partner
            in multiple layers of packaging.     being diverted from landfill. Every        and create. The revenue earned is              organisations.
            The company uses manual and          job has real time data collection          distributed among its members.
                                                                                                                                           Benefits of a circular approach:
            mechanised means to separate         and analysis, enabling the provision
                                                                                            Benefits of a circular approach:
            the packaging and prevent it from    of detailed waste reports to help                                                         • Reduction of waste to landfill from
            contaminating the stock feed.        companies promote their own                • Creating high-value furniture                   the fabric manufacturing industry.
                                                 sustainability message and goals.             products out of waste.
            Benefits of a circular approach:                                                                                               • Offcut has produced approximately
                                                 Benefits of a circular approach:           • Diverting recyclables from being                1,500 hats, which equates to about
            The initiative enables:
                                                                                               sent abroad or to landfill.                    225kg of fabric diverted from landfill.
                                                 • 8007 cubic metres of waste diverted
            • Over 175 New Zealand
                                                   from landfill in the last 12 months.
              businesses to divert 30,000
              tonnes a year of industrial food   • Examples of diversion include
              waste from landfill.                 refrigeration panels from an Auckland
                                                   commercial defit being utilised by a
            • Over 2,000 tonnes of
                                                   Waikato mushroom farm and industrial
              cardboard, plastic, metal and
                                                   kitchen equipment used as community
              wood is recycled.                                                                                           Photo credit:
                                                   facilities.                                                          Critical Design

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                              THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   | 22
Helensville Community                                         Resource Rescue                                    Green Gorilla
        Recycling Centre                                              What they do:                                      What they do:

        What they do:                                                 Resource Rescue recovers whiteware from            Green Gorilla provides recycling and waste
                                                                      Auckland's Inorganic Recovery Project, either      minimisation services, skips and bins, and waste
        The Helensville Community Recycling Centre is one
                                                                      repairing appliances for reuse, or recovering      management solutions for Auckland. The company’s
        of 12 waste collecting centres that are members of
                                                                      parts to be used in the repair of other            focus is to maximise recycling and diversion from
        Auckland Council’s Resource Recovery Network.
                                                                      appliances.                                        landfill. This helps its customers achieve their own
        Once sorted, any items that can be reused or
                                                                                                                         sustainability initiatives.
        upcycled are cleaned and sold at the centre’s shop.           Benefits of a circular approach:
        The centre also hosts sewing nights, where volunteers                                                            Green Gorilla’s 2.7ha waste processing facility
                                                                      • 30 tonnes of appliances diverted from landfill
        use waste fabric to create reusable bags.                                                                        in Onehunga is dedicated to the recycling and
                                                                      • 870 appliances refurbished/recovered             processing of waste material. Initiatives include the
        Benefits of a circular approach:
                                                                                                                         recycling of waste plasterboard into gypsum for the
                                                                      • •$200,000 generated in revenue
        • Between July 2017 and February 2018 Helensville                                                                agricultural sector, and the chipping of waste timber
           Community Recycling Centre processed 393,732                                                                  into biofuel for Golden Bay Cement as a replacement
           kg of waste with 73% diverted from landfill.             Photo credit: GreenGorilla                           for coal.

        • Approximately 250,000 kg of this waste is recycled                                                             Benefits of a circular approach:
           and 40,000 kg is resold.
                                                                                                                         • The Green Gorilla Waste Processing Facility diverts
        • Anything that isn’t sold is donated to local charities.                                                           approximately 75% of collected construction waste
                                                                                                                            from landfill.

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                           THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   | 23
The benefits –

                               Economic analysis

                               indicates the
       boosting the economy    economic potential
       while cutting carbon    for Auckland’s

                               transition to a
                               circular economy                        BILLION
                               could be up to an                          in GDP in 2030.

                               The initial analysis draws on           The analysis also indicates that
                               research from overseas and              by transitioning to a circular
                               applies it to the Auckland economy.     economy the city could reduce
                               This methodology suggests the           carbon emissions (embodied and
                               opportunity ranges from $0.8-$8.8       generated) by around 2,700 ktCO2e
                               billion. Further analysis of specific   in 2030 across the food, transport
                               opportunities in Auckland, drawing      and the built environment sectors.
                               on local data across just three
                               sectors indicates a range of $6.3
                               -$8.8 billion benefit to the economy
                               – towards the upper end of the
                               initial estimation.

Six key levers
        Previous analysis of the circular economy in New Zealand has been
        completed by the Sustainable Business Network. This identified six
        key drivers to overcome the barriers to this transition. They are:

        Design for a circular economy               existing linear offerings. It is imperative   Businesses should invest in co-             printing is facilitating local production to
        rather than retrofit solutions.             that increased effort is made to make         operating and collaborating with other      order, as opposed to mass production
                                                    longevity, upgrading, repair and reuse a      organisations to create the necessary       for prospective orders. In addition,
        It is fundamental that product and
                                                    preferred choice among buyers. From a         infrastructure.                             3D printing has the ability to prolong
        systems design incorporates ‘circular’
                                                    business-to-business perspective, ‘end                                                    product life cycles with printed spare
        thinking, and avoids locking in linear                                                    Adopt new circular business models.
                                                    of life’ solutions and a focus on ‘whole of                                               parts. A better understanding of how
        pathways, from the outset. This means
                                                    life’ costs as opposed to initial cost need   In particular, business models that move    organisations can incorporate such
        that, for example, products need to be
                                                    to be core parts of procurement policies.     the customer away from ownership            technology into their businesses is key
        designed for longevity, incorporating
                                                                                                  are crucial. In ‘product as a service’      to gaining the scale required to realise
        the ability to repair, upgrade, reuse       As well as actively and creatively
                                                                                                  business models the manufacturer            the benefits.
        and disassemble so at the end of life       promoting the circular economy within
                                                                                                  retains ownership of the product while
        precious materials can be harvested         their own sectors, businesses should                                                      Develop the required enabling policy.
                                                                                                  in use with the customer. In the sharing
        and reutilised.                             support the continuing role for non-
                                                                                                  economy business model, underutilised       Understanding and implementing the
                                                    government organisations to raise
        Businesses should look to partner with                                                    assets (e.g. cars) are shared, further      right policies is crucial to achieving a
                                                    awareness on issues in the current
        system thinkers and academic research                                                     encouraging customers to rethink the        circular economy. The linear economy
                                                    economic system and promote circular
        institutions to refine and apply circular                                                 need for ‘ownership’.                       still dominates. Appropriate new rules
                                                    economy solutions.
        economy thinking to their sector.                                                                                                     will be required to at least level the
                                                                                                  Harness new technology, including
                                                    Develop the infrastructure required to                                                    playing field and mainstream this
        Generate demand for circular                                                              3D printing, Internet of Things and
                                                    support a circular economy.                                                               transition.
        economy solutions.                                                                        Artificial Intelligence.
                                                    Even if a product is designed for circular
        While pioneering organisations are                                                        Fast emerging technology is creating
                                                    economy product stewardship, New
        gaining early mover advantage,                                                            new opportunities to facilitate the shift
                                                    Zealand’s geographically dispersed and
        current consumer demand for circular                                                      to the circular economy. The internet
                                                    relatively small population means the
        solutions is not sufficient to compel                                                     has helped to enable the sharing
                                                    infrastructure for making this possible
        many organisations to change their                                                        economy. The emergence of 3D
                                                    does not always exist.

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                                  THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   | 25
How to make                       Think and operate
        it happen – the                   in systems
        enabling factors
        Analysis of the Sustainable       A fundamental approach businesses need
        Business Network’s work           to adopt, quickly, is to both think and                                               like a system,
        to date, together with a          operate in ‘systems’, based on an applying                                              act like an
        workshop and interviews with      an understanding of the relationships                                                 entrepreneur."
        stakeholders across Auckland’s    between a system’s constituent parts and                                                Kate Conway,
                                                                                                                                  RSA, London15
        economy, indicate the following   the way they work within larger structures.
        thinking and actions are
                                          We need to redesign how materials flow through        A good example of a systems approach in action
        fundamental across sectors        the city. This can only be done successfully if the   is the way Air New Zealand’s catering partner
        to enable the transition to a     whole system is considered. Co-ordination and         LSG Sky Chefs and the Ministry for Primary
                                          collaboration is required. Potential unintended       Industries worked together on inflight waste16
        circular economy.                 consequences need to be avoided and waste
                                                                                                The initiative has enabled 40 Air New Zealand
                                          across the system needs to be eliminated,
                                                                                                inflight products, that were previously sent to
                                          not just moved up or down the value chain.
                                                                                                landfill for biosecurity reasons, to be reclassified.
                                          A systems approach recognises that no one
                                                                                                They can now be reused on future flights if
                                          organisation has the power to shift a system,
                                                                                                removed from aircraft sealed and untouched.
                                          let alone an economy. This approach creates
                                                                                                The initiative is expected to be able to reuse 150
                                          the platform and necessity to purposefully
                                                                                                tonnes of products a year.
                                          collaborate to develop circular solutions.

                                                                                                      rom Design Thinking to
                                                                                                     F                           16
                                                                                                                                       ir New Zealand leads the
                                                                                                     Systems Change: How to           way with inflight waste.
                                                                                                     invest in innovation for         Press Release, October
                                                                                                     social impact, RSA, 2017         2017

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                 THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND         | 26
Reset procurement

                                                                    It provides the motivation and incentives for suppliers   •   The quality of the furniture Vero selected during a
        The way organisations procure                               and manufacturers to design out waste in the product,         refurbishment 18 years ago enabled Junk Run to
        goods and services profoundly                               or design feedback loops that maximise the value of           reallocate 98.4% of it to communities in need rather
                                                                    the materials.                                                than landfill when it came to changing it.
        influences the marketplace.
                                                                    Sustainable procurement, or smart procurement,            •   Auckland Council is a procurer of $4 billion worth
        Procurement criteria need to evolve. They must              is the emerging best practice. It reimagines the              of goods and services each year. This makes it an
        enable more circular solutions to be competitive by         purpose of procurement as delivering value for the            obvious candidate for championing progressive,
        demonstrating their value. The focus of procurement         whole organisation, embedded within society and               mature approaches to procurement that progress
        should be on whole of life costs, rather than just          environment. It’s not just about securing goods and           us towards a circular economy.
        initial purchase cost. This would mean solutions with       services at minimal cost. It’s about mitigating risks,
                                                                                                                                  Fuji Xerox and Interface products are specifically
        longer life cycles could compete more effectively with      uncovering inefficiencies, contributing to brand and
                                                                                                                                  designed for recovery, reuse and, ultimately, to be
        solutions with less longevity but lower initial costs.      messaging, and building collaborations with suppliers
                                                                                                                                  recycled at the end of life.
                                                                    to drive innovation.
        End of life solutions must play a greater role. If the
        supplier doesn’t provide any end of life solutions, the     If properly mandated, procurement teams can
        customer often bears the cost of disposal. On the           contribute to the circular economy in various ways.
        other hand, putting responsibility for end of life on the   They can buy fewer, better and longer lasting
        supplier puts responsibility where it is most effective.    products. They can use services instead of products
                                                                    wherever possible. They can tender and contract on
                                                                    outcomes rather than outputs. They can showcase
                                                                    the organisation’s values through careful choice of
                                                                    suppliers and continuing procurement-led innovations.

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                                  THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   | 27
Make circularity desirable

        Demand for more circular solutions       Businesses providing circular solutions should harness   Adidas harnessed the global popularity and influence
                                                 successful communication and marketing techniques        of the Real Madrid and Bayern Munich football teams
        needs to be stimulated.                  for their circular economy related messages and make     to promote its range of sports equipment made from
        A product may have a long life cycle,    circularity desirable.                                   waste plastic in collaboration with Parley.

        repairability and full supplier-         Imagine if the hugely influential Apple brand had        Identifying and harnessing the influencers in Auckland
                                                 embraced circularity as part of its design ethos. It     across sport, the arts and media could help make
        provided end-of-life solutions. But      would mean incorporating more modular design             circularity desirable.
        it won’t sell unless its core function   elements to facilitate upgrades of elements of an
                                                                                                          The recently launched ‘Bags Not’ campaign to
                                                 iPhone, such as the camera, rather than encouraging
        is at least as good as its linear        the replacement of the whole phone (as per the
                                                                                                          encourage shoppers not to use plastic bags utilises
                                                                                                          the likes of Dick Frizzell and Jaquie Brown to
        competitors and its proposition          modular Fairphone). The electronic device sector
                                                                                                          communicate the message.
                                                 would have a very different landscape to the one we
        resonates with customers.                see now.

                                                 Utilising an association with sport is a route that
                                                 resonates with mass markets. Auckland has recently
                                                 seen how the Volvo Ocean Race’s visit to Auckland
                                                 provided a communication platform for the issue of
                                                 plastic in seas.

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                            THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   | 28
Fund the                                           Share knowledge and
        transition                                         develop skills capability
        Investment and funding signals                     A circular approach is new to many organisations.
        to business still often favour                     Couple this with rapid advancements in technology,
        adherence to the linear economy.                   and a knowledge and skills gap exists.

        We need to level the playing field and access      Simple methods of bridging this gap include           Innovation and Entrepreneurship. An example
        targeted investment for circular solutions.        platforms for sharing knowledge and case              is the Auckland Climathon weekend, involving
                                                           studies. The Going Circular category of the 2017      Vector.17
        Existing ways of doing that include the Waste
                                                           NZI Sustainable Business Network Awards,
        Minimisation Fund (national), Waste Levy                                                                 An open source approach can enable common
                                                           sponsored by Auckland Council, is an example
        funds distributed by Auckland Council (Waste                                                             knowledge platforms from which businesses
                                                           of both. In its first year it attracted the highest
        Minimisation and Innovation Fund), and                                                                   can innovate. For example, the sharing
                                                           number of entries of any category in the 15-
        Callaghan Innovation. In March 2018 the Ministry                                                         economy requires new types of insurance
                                                           year history of the awards. The online platform
        for the Environment began requesting applicants                                                          or leases to accommodate multiple, rather
                                                           and regular learning and networking events
        to the Waste Minimisation Fund highlight how                                                             than single, users. An open source template
                                                           of the Circular Economy Accelerator are other
        their projects accelerate New Zealand towards                                                            would mean innovation can occur through
                                                           examples of ways to bridge the knowledge gap.
        becoming a circular economy.                                                                             the user experience, avoiding unnecessary
                                                           Engaging with programmers will leverage new           administration.
        There is also a major role for impact investing.
                                                           digital technology. This could take a ‘hackathon’
        This where investments are made on the basis                                                             Platforms like and
                                                           approach. This is where programmers and other
        of social and environmental outcomes as well as                                                          Simmonds Stewart are used by start-ups and
                                                           experts tackle specific challenges in limited
        financial gains. Ensuring this investment sector                                                         can provide inspiration for how simple and
                                                           timescales. This could be facilitated through
        continues to grow and Auckland entrepreneurs                                                             accessible shared templates can be.
                                                           collaboration with education institutions already
        can access such investments is crucial.
                                                           engaging businesses such as Unitec’s Tech
        Organisations such as Ākina Foundation and the
                                                           Futures Lab and Auckland University’s Centre for                              Auckland Climathon 2017,
        Icehouse have a key role to play in this.                                                                                     17 

                                                                                                                                         Vector, October 2017

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                             THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   | 29
Use data                                                               Set the rules to
                                                                               enable the transition
        Making data influential and actionable                                 Appropriate national policy can ensure the
        is central to advancing the circular                                   benefits of a circular economy can be achieved
        economy in Auckland.                                                   sooner rather than later.

        Businesses need accurate data around material flows and losses         A fundamental fiscal measure that is       circular products, would also be very
        of value to incentivise and enable investment in the circular          often first cited by businesses is an      influential. The European Commission,
        economy. How much of a particular material is being wasted,            increase in the Waste Levy. An analysis    for example, is considering changes
        when is it happening and what is its value?                            of the effect of possible changes to the   in tax laws to allow lower or zero VAT
                                                                               waste disposal levy last year indicated    [GST] rates for products with recycled
        An open source platform that collects waste data from
                                                                               that increasing the levy from $10 per      content. This is intended to boost the
        organisations would be a starting point for making better
                                                                               tonne to $140 per tonne could deliver      demand for recycled materials.
        collective decisions around waste. This could then be used to
                                                                               up to $500m in net benefits to the
        help map material flows through the city.                                                                         A comprehensive analysis across
                                                                               economy each year and create up to
                                                                                                                          sectors to determine priority areas and
        There are several companies here in NZ exploring the use of the        9,000 jobs.18
                                                                                                                          the sector specific issues would be
        Internet of Things, combined with artificial intelligence and/or
                                                                               Banning or severely restricting the most   required.
        Blockchain technology. The Cacophony Project in Akaroa has built
                                                                               troublesome materials, like micro beads
        a prototype for identifying and killing predators to assist with the
                                                                               or single use plastics, could help to
        Department of Conservation’s national target to become Pest Free
                                                                               focus innovation on circular economy
        by 2050.
                                                                               solutions. Compulsory product
        Litterati is a platform that turns crowd-sourced Instagram photos of   stewardship for certain sectors could
        litter into GPS data points, identifying problem items and locations   have a similar effect.                                     A Wasted Opportunity: Using

        to help influence companies to eliminate them.                                                                                    the waste disposal levy to
                                                                               Other fiscal measures, such as a                           create economic &
                                                                               change in the GST structure for                            environmental advantage for
                                                                                                                                          Aotearoa, Eunomia, 2017

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                                                       THE ECONOMY
                                                                                                                          THE CIRCULAR CIRCULAR OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND   | 30
A sector focus                   Three key sectors have been selected for high
                                          level analysis based on their significance to
                                          Auckland and ripeness for transitioning to a
                                          circular economy.
                                          1. Food      2. Transport          3. Construction
                                                           and logistics

Photo credit: Todd Eyre Photography Ltd


        The Food and Beverage sector constitutes
        approximately 4% of Auckland’s GDP.19
        Food waste in the city represents a significant proportion of the
        organic waste, representing around 19% of total waste to landfill by
        weight in 2016 – 137,000 tonnes from domestic waste and 168,000
        tonnes from commercial sources. It is the largest contributor to
        greenhouse gas emissions of all waste materials sent to landfill.20

        One third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted
        globally, which amounts to about 1.3 billion tons per year.21

        Food is lost or wasted throughout the supply chain, from initial
        agricultural production down to final household consumption.
        This represents an inefficient use of land, water, energy and other
        inputs as well as unnecessarily increasing costs and greenhouse
        gas emissions.

        It presents an enormous opportunity for transitioning to a                                                      Photo credit: Todd Eyre
        circular economy.

                                                                                   verview of Food and
                                                                                  O                                 Key facts on food loss and

                                                                                  Beverage Sector of Auckland,      waste you should know!
                                                                                  ATEED                             Food and Agriculture
                                                                                 Draft Auckland Waste
                                                                                                                    Organization of the
                                                                                 Management and                     United Nations
                                                                                 Minimisation Plan,
                                                                                 Auckland Council, 2018

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS NETWORK                                                                     THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY FOR AUCKLAND    | 32
Current status

        There are already some                                      •   	Commercial organic collection services, such   •   	Proactive community-based action is being
                                                                         as the one offered by We Compost and the              facilitated by the likes of The Compost Collective.
        noteworthy waste solutions                                       extension of domestic food waste collections
                                                                                                                          •   	Biogas from Auckland’s waste water is being
        happening in Auckland.                                           by Auckland Council are returning nutrients to
                                                                                                                                used to power the Mangere and Rosedale
                                                                         the soil.
                                                                                                                                treatment plants. The plants aim to be electricity
        Designing out food loss and waste is continually a          •   	Significant proportions of commercial food           neutral by 2025.22
        constant concern for growers, manufacturers and                  waste are being processed into animal feed
        retailers. But there is limited evidence of co-ordinated                                                          •   	Green Spot Technologies converts fruit and
                                                                         by companies like EcoStock, or rendered into
        collaborative approaches across the value chain to tackle                                                              vegetable by-products into high value-added
                                                                         tallow and other products.
        the systemic barriers to a circular economy in food.                                                                   food products.
                                                                    •   	The commercialisation of ‘ugly fruit’ (fresh
        This would go beyond cutting waste in one organisation                                                            •   	Greater amounts of non-sellable edible food
                                                                         produce still fine to consume but with
        by just passing it up or down the value chain, into a                                                                  waste, previously being sent to landfill, are
                                                                         visual defects) is a welcome addition to our
        circular economy approach to the sector as a whole.                                                                    being distributed by the burgeoning food rescue
                                                                         supermarket shelves.
                                                                                                                               sector with Kiwi Harvest being the key charity
                                                                    •   	Reducing post-consumer waste is being               organisation in Auckland. Of course the growth
                                                                         addressed by the Love Food Hate Waste                 of the sector further illustrates the waste issues
                                                                         campaign.                                             within the food system.

                                                                    •   	Household food waste collection services are
                                                                         being rolled out by Auckland Council.

                                                                                                                                                              atercare plans to run
                                                                                                                                                             treatment plants on biogas,
                                                                                                                                                             Bernard Orsman, NZ Herald,
                                                                                                                                                             February 2016

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