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The Catholic Chronicle - Charlotte ...
The Catholic Chronicle
    Volume XXXVI/Issue V                                The Charlotte Catholic High School Newspaper                                           January 25, 2022

         CCHS Students Show off their Spirit, Inside and Out
Staff Reporter
From sweatshirts to car stickers to       The plan is for the closet to be con-     it will sell the same items as the        ally, the store would love to receive
cowbells, there is no doubt that the      verted into a walk in store, complete     outdoor store, such as sweatshirts,       feedback from the students on what
Charlotte Catholic community loves        with products and prices on display       t-shirts, hats, water bottles, and cow-   they would like to see being sold and
to show off their cougar pride. Cur-      across all of the walls. This walk-in     bells. Angie Johnston, who is leading     possibly create new CCHS branded
rently, Charlotte Catholic’s Keffer       experience is different from the Kef-     the creation of the new spirit store,     products. Payments via cash or credit
Stadium is home to a spirit store         fer stadium spirit store, being a walk-   said that “the store is looking to ex-    card will be acceptable.
where students and parents can pur-       up store.                                 pand and offer seasonal items such as              While there is no set open-
chase CCHS merchandise during the         As far as inventory for the new store,    shorts and beach towels.” Addition-       ing date, “the desire is to have a soft
football season. Soon, students will                                                                                          launch by the end of January with
have the opportunity to shop from a                                                                                           limited hours,” said Mrs. Johnston.
new spirit store that will be located                                                                                         Optimally, the store will be open for
inside of the main school building.                                                                                           a few hours during break and lunch
         Thanks to athletic booster                                                                                           on certain days each week for the
funding, a closet in the cafeteria will                                                                                       entire school year. Hours of operation
be transformed into the new spirit                                                                                            are still under consideration; student
store. Parent volunteers have already                                                                                         interest and the willingness of parent
begun to clean out the closet, making                                                                                         volunteers to run the store will deter-
way for a fresh coat of paint, display                                                                                        mine when the store will be open.
installations, and decorations.                                                                                                        Lawrence Nazarian, student
         The Keffer Stadium spirit                                                                                            council executive president and hype
store is great during the football sea-                                                                                       squad member, said he is excited
son, but not so much during adverse                                                                                           about the new store because he thinks
weather. The new store will not only                                                                                          “having a more accessible spirit store
resolve the weather issue, but better                                                                                         for all students will help to spread the
reach and service the entire student                                                                                          Red Machine pride and give nobody
population within Charlotte Catholic.                                                                                         an excuse not to show school spirit!”
                                                                                      Photo Credit: Tess Valkovschi

                         Student of the Month: Ben the Beekeeper
 Staff Reporter

   For most students at Charlotte         official school activities such as        didn’t mean he clicked the link           other participants in the program
Catholic, there exists a well-suited      football and band, a student would        any slower when the chance to             were able, with the help of trained
extracurricular activity. Between         struggle to find an uninteresting         become a certified beekeeper did          professionals, to get up close and
the student-run clubs like the            extracurricular activity. Unfortu-        arise.                                    personal with the bees.
Super Smash Bros club and the             nately for Senior Benjamin Pin-               The first few weeks of the                In order to ensure the bees
                                                    gree, Charlotte Catholic        seven week beekeeping course are          have enough nutrients to survive
                                                    legally can not offer what      not as entertaining as one might          the winter, sugar and other food
                                                    he is really interested in:     expect. Ben compared it to a his-         substances were placed atop each
                                                    beekeeping.                     tory class in that a good amount of       hive. Although he never got to
                                                        “Until recently,” Ben       time was spent looking at presen-         fully take care of a hive by him-
                                                    said, “I hadn’t even been       tations and taking notes on impor-        self, to Ben it “was still worth the
                                                    a huge fan of bees. I’ve        tant details. Though Ben said the         hours of sitting I had to do. I’ve
                                                    just always enjoyed ani-        two hour sessions were “certainly         definitely learned to appreciate
                                                    mals and plants. Y’know.        not the most fun,” he also added          bees. And how loud they are.”
                                                    Farmer stuff. ” And             that it “didn’t bother me too much.           While it is cool to be legally
                                                    indeed, once Ben turns          I mean, it was just a few more            certified, Ben shared that there is
                                                    on his Zoom camera, you         weeks until I got to actually touch       not much that he can practically
                                                    can easily locate a wall        some bees.” And with each pass-           do with it at the moment. “Keep-
                                                    full of plants and maybe        ing Monday, Ben became closer to          ing a beehive on our property is
                                                    even some pictures of           becoming a licensed beekeeper.            really impractical.” They take
                                                    goats. “It didn’t even              The final day was among the           a lot of time and management,
                                                    have to be bees.                best, as it was a departure from          which most high school students
                                                        I would have happily        the indoor presentations he had           know they do not have. “But I
                                                    gotten a goat license or        come to expect, and was entirely          suspect it will help my future as
                                                    anything if that had been       focused on being outdoors with            a farmer in Idaho,” he said, only
                                                    offered instead.” But that      the bees. Better yet, Ben and all         half-jokingly.

Photo Credit: Ben Pingree, Master Beekeeper

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                 Features                                               Features                                        Entertainment
The Catholic Chronicle - Charlotte ...
Volume XXXVI/Issue V
                                                             Features                                                                             January 25, 2022

                                                                ‘21 and Done
Staff Reporter
    Similarly to the preceding year,      ous sources, such as the stock market          Later on in the year, President       years on from 9/11.
2021 began with a bang. On January        jitters caused by thousands of young        Biden would make the controversial           In 2021, we finally celebrated the
6th, a group of belligerent US citizens   stock traders on Reddit.                    decision to withdraw U.S. troops from    Summer Olympics after a year’s delay
incited an insurrection at the Capitol        Their actions resulted in a surge in    Afghanistan quickly, resulting in the    due to the pandemic. One student, who
building. One student referred to this    the purchases of GameStop stock in          Taliban takeover of the area.            was supposed to be a visitor at the
event as “an embarrassment.” This         order to stop corrupt hedge funds from         Politically, events caused frustra-   2020 Olympics, said it was disappoint-
sparked debates about Donald Trump’s      harming the businesses.                     tion. Notably, the debate over racism    ing that she was not able to attend and
presidency, Joe Biden’s presidency,           For weeks, traders were rushing to      in America and gun control continued     also mentioned how she noticed “it
and unrest within the country.            buy and sell stocks in order to retain or   into this year with cases such as the    messed with the athletes” by delaying
    This led to the second impeachment    gain a profit. In addition to this finan-   Ahmaud Arbery case and the Kyle Rit-     the games a year.
trial of Donald Trump, almost a year      cial upheaval, almost two months later,     tenhouse case.                               While 2021 had its highs and lows,
after his first impeachment.              the Suez Canal was blocked by the ship         According to Reuter’s graphics,       it proved to us as individuals and as
    Financially and politically, the      “The Ever Given” for six days, result-      President Biden’s approval rating fell   a society that despite tragedies and
United States faced pressure from vari-   ing in global shipping delays.              from 55% on January 21st to 48% on       setbacks, we can keep fighting. This
                                                                                      December 10th. However, some deci-       year, China was declared malaria-free.
                                                                                      sions, such as rejoining WHO (World      Juneteenth became a federal holiday.
                                                                                      Health Organization) and the Paris           The creation of Covid-19 vaccines
                                                                                      Climate Accord, might prove to be        has helped in slowing the spread of
                                                                                      positive.                                the disease as well as diminishing its
                                                                                         2021 saw great loss of life in un-    lethality. SpaceX made developments
                                                                                      expected disasters. In February, Texas   in space technology and orchestrated
                                                                                      suffered a massive cold wave that left   the first launch of a private crew into
                                                                                      many Texans without power. Around        orbit. Blue Origin took Star Trek star
                                                                                      210 people died as a result. In June,    William Shatner to space.
                                                                                      a condominium building in Miami              This year, humans achieved several
                                                                                      would collapse, killing 98 people. Ap-   incredible feats and on an individual
                                                                                      proximately 386,000 people in the U.S.   level, there is no telling how many
                                                                                      died from Covid-19 this year. Hur-       other good things have happened this
                                                                                      ricane Ida devastated Louisiana and      year.
                                                                                      2021 marked the grim milestone of 20
Photo Credit: NBC New York

                   Cougars Collaborate with ‘Cottie and Cake’
Staff Reporter
    Today, it seems individuals           first of its kind in the state.             Ann Douglas O’Brien and Kevin            the board are proud to be making
making impacts in their commu-                The Cottie and Cake Fund was            Kennelly, both freshmen, and             a difference in their communities.
nities and the world are getting          started by a local family who lost          Andrew O’Brien, a junior. Though         Ann Douglas even alluded to her
younger. Role models like Greta           one of their twin girls after a com-        not completely sure how their fun-       goals of taking the cause further,
Thurnberg or Malala Yousafzai             plicated, high-risk pregnancy.              draising efforts will turn out with      saying, “though it’s just local for
have captivated millions and im-              Throughout the difficult pro-           Covid-19 being on the rise again,        now, that might not be the same
pacted the world in a beneficial          cess, the family found strength in          Ann Douglas said she was “very           in a few years.” The board hopes
way. Could we perhaps find some           each other and through the sup-             excited to get the ball rolling in the   that they will find success in their
of these young people in our city,        port the staff at Levine Children’s         new year” and that the organization      efforts in the new year and make a
maybe even our school?                    Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care          has a “special fundraising event”        difference in their communities.
    Obviously, the answer to this         Nursery (NICN) showed them.                 planned for the winter of
question is yes. Charlotte Catholic           To honor their children and             2022.
is home to three students who are         show their gratitude for the care              Kevin added that he is
heads of a fundraising board for          they received, the family started           “looking forward to being
the Cottie and Cake Fund, a local         the “Cottie and Cake” Fund (after           part of such a unique, moti-
philanthropic organization that sup-      the nicknames given to the twins)           vated group of kids” and that
ports the neonatology program at          to raise money for neonatal care at         he will be helping as much
Levine Children’s Hospital.               Levine Children’s Hospital. The             as possible with the fundrais-
    Established in 2010, they have        money then funds projects like              ing efforts. He also hopes
raised over $440,000 to date, and         buying state-of-the-art machinery           Covid-19 won’t have a major
late last year introduced their first     for operating on the newborns.              impact on raising money or
ever board of fundraisers made up             Currently, there are three stu-         spreading awareness for the
entirely of middle and high school        dents at Charlotte Catholic who are         cause.
students from around Charlotte, the       on the board for the organization:             All in all, the students on

                                                                                                                                        Photo Credit: Google Images

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                  Features                                               Features                                         Entertainment
The Catholic Chronicle - Charlotte ...
Volume XXXVI/Issue V
                                                               Features                                                                                   January 25, 2022

                                  Omicron Appears on the World Stage
Staff Reporter

     During the past two years, the           on November 11, 2021. It moved              to Americans ages 12 and over. The            but must wear a mask for five days
 Covid-19 pandemic has been at the            swiftly across the world and had            booster shot builds on pre-existing           upon return. If they continue to have
 forefront of the world’s mind. What          reached San Francisco by November           antibodies to increase protection             symptoms, they must stay home
 used to be unfamiliar and scary is           22, 2021. It was named a “variant of        against Covid-19 and the variants.            until their symptoms resolve.
 now normal. Masks, social distanc-           concern” by the CDC on November             The CDC also recommends wearing                   It was noted that when masks are
 ing, and vaccinations are a part of          26, 2021.                                   a mask indoors, regardless of vac-            required for Covid-19 procedures
 everyday life. The world has be-                This variant differs from the            cination status.                              post-exposure, the “mask exemp-
 come resilient to everything thrown          Delta variant because of its ability to         Charlotte Catholic issued a               tion form” does not apply until the
 our way, but it is uncertain if we are       spread quickly. However, according          statement on January 3, 2022 de-              procedure is completed.
 resilient enough.                            to The Los Angeles Times, people            tailing their protocols for the situ-             With the rise of Omicron, some
     Omicron is a variant of Covid-19,        infected with the Omicron variant           ation. They are continuing to offer           students are worried about the po-
 first discovered in Botswana, Africa         are 45% less likely to be hospital-         Zoom accommodations to students               tential consequences, but others trust
                                                                 ized than those          infected with Covid-19 who have               that CCHS will make the right deci-
                                                                 infected with the        contacted Nurse Holder.                       sions. One junior, Maddie Sternberg,
                                                                 Delta variant, but           The school updated their rules            said, “I’m glad Charlotte Catholic
                                                                 this fact does not       on January 4, 2022, requiring masks           is doing what they can to keep us
                                                                 mean that Omi-           for indoor sports events, as they are         in school. I don’t know what’s go-
                                                                 cron should be           considered Covid-19 hotspots. On              ing to happen, but I’m sure we will
                                                                 taken lightly.           January 5, 2022, Charlotte Catholic           find a way to get through this rough
                                                                     The CDC              made the decision to move to virtual          patch.”
                                                                 maintains that the       learning, resuming in-person in-                  After two long years of Co-
                                                                 most effective           struction on January 11.                      vid-19, people began to hope that
                                                                 way to slow the              Regardless of vaccination status,         2021 would see the end of the pan-
                                                                 Omicron variant          students exposed to Covid-19 must             demic. Unfortunately, we have been
                                                                 is to get vacci-         quarantine for five days and get              thrown back into the unfamiliar.
                                                                 nated. Recently,         tested. If the student tests positive
                                                                 the booster shot         and does not have symptoms after
                                                                 became available         five days, they may return to school
Photo Credit: The Guardian

                                                            Eatin’ Less Chikin
Staff Reporter
As we enter the new year, we are still        shortages, high commodity prices, and                Chicken products are rising          the chicken prices in the school cafeteria
facing multiple challenges. Not only are      consumer demand contribute to fewer         in price, and the amount of poultry in        rise, students and staff will continue to
Covid-19 cases rising, but certain foods      chicken products available to consumers.    stores is decreasing daily. These changes     buy chicken tenders and wings no matter
are getting more expensive. In 2021,          The New York Post reported “underper-       directly impact families. People are          how expensive they are. So, in a school
food shortages continued to climb. These      forming roosters that aren’t producing      already struggling financially because of     full of students with social media, the
shortages have been highlighted through       as many chicks as expected are partly       Covid-19, and many will not be able to        news of chicken shortages spread like
social media, with the chicken shortage       to blame for the US poultry shortage.”      afford the higher prices of the poultry.      wildfire. Junior Joe Hickman said “if
taking the spotlight. Teenagers began         Tyson, one of the largest poultry produc-   Chicken is a main protein source and          Catholic ran out of chicken, I would be
to post about the situation, thus causing     ers in the                                                                  a staple      devastated because I love the chicken
a panic over the loss of their beloved        country,                                                                    in family     choices.”
chicken nuggets, tenders, and more.           has been                                                                    kitchens.     Joe weighed in on the scope of this
          Social media played a major role    using new                                                                   Rising        problem. He said, “I don’t understand
in spreading the word about these food        roosters for                                                                costs af-     how there would be a chicken short-
shortages to the general public. Once         fertilizing                                                                 fect lower    age in the first place because there are
the news of the chicken shortage spread,      eggs. This                                                                  income        millions of chickens in the world.” He
people began to worry that it would last      has been                                                                    house-        added, “the effect would be negative
into the new year. The answer? Yes,           a struggle                                                                  holds. It     because millions of people throughout
there will still be shortages of chicken      since the                                                                   will be       the world rely on chicken for their main
products.                                     breeding                                                                    harder for    protein source.” Another junior, Ashley
The Daily Gazette, a New York based           of these                                                                    them to af-   Sofarelli, said, “if Catholic ran out of
newspaper, interviewed Joan Driggs,           new chicks                                                                  ford good,    chicken, that would be awful because
vice-president of analytics firm IRI,         “simply aren’t hitting expectations.” The   protein-filled meats. They will have to       it is the main choice on the menu and
about the issue. “We’re not anywhere          eggs fertilized by these new roosters       buy processed, cheaper substitutes that       is one of my favorite things to buy for
near the empty shelves that we saw in         hatch less often, limiting the country’s    are not as healthy.                           breakfast or lunch.”
the spring of 2020, but we can really an-     chicken supply. Tyson wishes to resolve              At Charlotte Catholic, chicken                 Despite the hardships that
ticipate a lot of shortages continuing into   this issue by replacing the roosters        tenders and nuggets on the daily menu         chicken lovers faced in 2021, the world
the first half of 2022,” Driggs said. Ac-     responsible for nearly half of Tyson’s      are student favorites during break and        hopes that 2022 will be a chicken-filled
cording to Driggs, volatile raw material      chicken shortage.                           lunch. However, students believe that if      year!

                                                                    Photo Credit: Google Images

                     Page 2                                                    Page 3                                                Page 4
                    Features                                                  Features                                            Entertainment
The Catholic Chronicle - Charlotte ...
Volume XXXVI/Issue V
                                           Entertainment                                                                                         January 25, 2022

                                           Slytherin Back to Hogwarts
Staff Reporter
    Reunions of popular television        takes us into the Great Hall decorated     of academy award winners Maggie          the world. Senior Annie Borda shared
shows and movies have become              for the Christmas season. All the          Smith and Gary Oldman. Oldman            that sentiment, saying, “the Harry
increasingly popular. HBO Max has         while she encounters actors who have       chats to his onscreen godson Daniel      Potter movies and books have truly
produced several of these reunions,       played memorable characters from the       Radcliffe about his time playing Sir-    been areas of comfort and escape
including Friends: The Reunion, a         series, like Bonnie Wright and Evanna      ius Black. Radcliffe also spends time    for me in my hardest times.” As the
highly anticipated television event of    Lynch, who played Ginny Weasley            with Helena Bonham Carter, whose         world continues to go through trying
2021. On New Year’s Day, Harry Pot-       and Luna Lovegood.                         performance as Bellatrix Lestrange is    times, the reemergence of the Harry
ter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hog-          Harry Potter 20th Anniversary:         one of her more memorable.               Potter series in people’s lives echoes
warts came to HBO Max, reuniting          Return to Hogwarts chronicles the              One of the rather touching mo-       one of Professor Dumbledore’s iconic
the cast of one of the most beloved       production and filming of the eight        ments in the special is the acknowl-     quotes: “Happiness can be found even
franchises of all time.                   films in chronological order. Chris        edgement of the Harry Potter cast        in the darkest of times if one only
    The special celebrates the 20th       Columbus, the director of the first two    members who have passed away             remembers to turn on the light;” or in
anniversary of Harry Potter and the       films recounted the daunting task of       since the last film premiered in 2011,   this case, our televisions.
Sorcerer’s Stone, the first film in the   casting the main characters of the se-     including Alan Rickman, whose
series based on the popular novels.       ries: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger,       portrayal of Professor Severus Snape
The nearly two hour special opens on      and of course, Harry Potter himself.       was integral in the
actors who play some of Harry Pot-        They found the trio in Rupert Grint,       series. This portion
ter’s recognizable characters receiv-     Emma Watson, and Daniel Radcliffe.         of the special is
ing an invitation to come back to             The director of each movie is inter-   appropriately tied
Hogwarts in celebration of the 20th       viewed about their work and experi-        to the Sirius Black
anniversary, the most well-known be-      ence making the films. As the reunion      quote, “the ones
ing Emma Watson who played one of         progresses, cast members who grew          who love us never
the films main characters, Hermione       up making the films talk about what        truly leave us.”
Granger.                                  it was like to come of age as their            The special
    Viewers are instantly whisked         characters did.                            touches on how
back into the magic of the Harry              While these roles were breakout        the Harry Potter
Potter world as we follow Watson to       moments for younger cast members,          books and movies
platform 9 ¾, where she catches the       the Harry Potter movies have a notori-     provided comfort
Hogwarts Express back to school and       ously star-studded adult cast the likes    for people around

                                                                                     Photo Credit: Google Images

                                               ‘Red’ Steals Fans’ Hearts
Staff Reporter
 Taylor Swift again tops the charts       new label with Republic Records and        Braun would still profit. Swift de-      from popular musicians such as Ed
 with her newly re-released album         Universal Music group. She came            clined the deal, stating that “Scoot-    Sheeran, Phoebe Bridgers, and Chris
 “Red (Taylor’s Version).” The origi-     out stating that from now on she will      er’s participation is a non-starter      Stapelton.
 nal album was released October 22,       completely own all the music she           for me.” As of 2020, a provision in      In addition to the ten minute version
 2012 and was Taylor’s fourth studio      puts out.                                  Swift’s record with Big Machine          of “All Too Well,” Swift also directed
 album. She was 22 when the original      In 2019, high profile music execu-         Records allows her to re-record and      her own short film to accompany the
 album was released and was strug-        tive Scooter Braun became the owner        re-release all of her previous albums.   song, featuring well-known actors
 gling with the milestone switch          of Big Machine Records. Braun is           On April 9, 2021, Swift re-released      Dylan O’Brien and Sadie Sink. Swift
 from her teen to adult years. Swift      well known for working with many           “Fearless,” along with a collection of   also released a music video for the
 has been able to re-release her early    famous artists that have harmed her        songs “From The Vault” that didn’t       Vault song “I Bet You Think About
 albums, since she now fully owns the     career, including Kanye West, who          make it onto the first record. Since     Me,” which was directed by Blake
 rights to them.                          notoriously stole Swift’s spotlight        she re-released her second album         Lively.
  For a large part of her musical         at the VMAs when he interrupted            first, fans were kept guessing which     Taylor Swift’s avid fan base, which
 career, Taylor Swift was signed with     her victory speech for “Best Music         album she would re-release next.         includes many Charlotte Catholic
 Big Machine Record Company. She          Video.” This further complicated the       In June, Swift announced that she        students, is back to guessing which
 signed as a teenager in 2005, and        situation.                                 would be releasing “Red (Taylor’s        album she will release next. Charlotte
 when she decided to leave in 2018,       Swift soon discovered online that          Version)” on November 12th, 2021.        Catholic Junior Lauren Brockman
 her previous contracts would not al-     Scooter Braun had sold her records         Along with the original songs on the     predicts Swift will release the album
 low her to profit off of her music or    to Ithaca Holdings LLC without her         record, Swift also added nine new        “1989” next, her personal favorite.
 purchase her discography.                knowledge. In 2020, her masters            tracks from the Vault, including the     Junior Megan Pons, on the other
 Swift openly negotiated with Big         were sold again to Shamrock Hold-          long-awaited ten minute version of       hand believes she will release the
 Machine Records, but they refused to     ings. The sale, rumored to amount to       “All Too Well.” The original version     album “Speak Now” next, because
 give her the rights to her own music.    300 million dollars, was kept a secret     of the song was ten minutes long,        Swift “has hinted to it on her social
 They never even allowed the young        from Swift.                                but only five minutes made it onto       media.” With four possible studio al-
 musician to bid on her records. Later    Shamrock Holdings offered a con-           the first album. Many of these Vault     bums to re-release, who knows what
 that year, Taylor Swift announced her    tract with Taylor Swift, but Scooter       songs include features and duets         Swift’s next move will be?

                  Page 2                                                 Page 3                                             Page 4
                 Features                                               Features                                         Entertainment
The Catholic Chronicle - Charlotte ...
Volume XXXVI/Issue V
                                        Entertainment                                                                                          January 25, 2022

          Staff                          LEONARDO YON
                                                          Marvel Finds Their Way Home
                                         Staff Reporter

         Editors                            On December 17, 2021, Marvel
                                        Studios, in association with Colum-
                                                                                  fully, this movie did not fail to please
                                                                                                                               the people closest to him. While most
                                                                                                                               viewers will never become superhe-
          Joseph Flynn                  bia Pictures, released Spider-Man:            A standout feature of this movie is      roes, there are aspects of the story
         Peter O’Connell                No Way Home. Directed by Jon              the reintroduction of characters from        that everyone can relate to. The film
                                        Watts and starring Tom Holland,           previous iterations of Spider-Man.           incorporates the classic Marvel mov-

      Reporters                         Zendaya, and Benedict Cumberbatch,
                                        the movie is the 27th installment in
                                                                                  Williem Dafoe reprises his role as the
                                                                                  “Green Goblin” and Alfred Molina
                                                                                                                               ie action viewers expect while adding
                                                                                                                               a layer of emotion most Marvel mov-
        Madelyn Bronson                 the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or         returns as “Doctor Octopus” from the         ies do not explore. This component
       Natalie Dominguez                MCU.                                      first trilogy.                               enriches the story and brings out the
                                            The third movie in the current Spi-       Jamie Foxx continues his role as         human side of a superhero.
        Margaret Frantz
                                        der-Man trilogy was a smash hit at        “Electro” from the second iteration.         While the story is great, so are the
         Grace Gilrane                  the box office over the holidays. The     Implementing these characters again          special effects. Marvel Studios’ ef-
         William Hicks                  movie currently sits at 94% on Rotten     opens up the concept of the “multi-          fects team really outdid themselves.
         Ellen Michaels                 Tomatoes and 8.8/10 on IMDb.              verse,” a concept explored in length         From seeing Spider-Man swing from
                                            With a budget of $200 million, it     in Marvel comics but making its              building to building across the New
         Tess Mulligan                                                            debut in this film. Fans were eager to       York City skyline to the geometric
                                        has currently grossed $609.9 million
          Alex Newell                   in the United States alone. The movie     see how Marvel would translate this          shapes and patterns of Dr. Strange’s
         Kevin O’Brien                  also took the spot for the third big-     into film. Its transition into the film is   “Mirror Dimension,” viewers are
       Fernanda Ramirez                 gest opening weekend ever, previ-         faithful to the original idea but adds       continuously engaged and excited by
                                        ously held by Star Wars: The Force        its own twist to keep viewers inter-         what appears on the screen.
        Tess Valkovschi                 Awakens, which was released in            ested.                                       All in all, I am glad to see that the
         Leonardo Yon                   2015.                                         The film picks up after the events       film lives up to my expectations.
                                                                                  of Spider-Man: Far From Home,                Marvel found their way home and
                                            After the mixed receptions of
                                        Marvel’s previous film Eternals,          where Peter’s identity is revealed           closed out 2021 well. I am excited to
                                        many fans were hoping that this           to the public. Peter deals with the          see what they hold in store for 2022.
           David Smith
                                        movie would restore their faith in the    consequences of the news and real-
                                        evolving Marvel Universe. Thank-          izes how his two different lives affect

                                            Down to the Waiver Wire
Staff Reporter

    The autumn and winter are the       Fantasy football is key for creating      barrassing challenges. The incen-            before, this shouldn’t be too bad.”
most exciting seasons for sports.       new fans for players that have been       tive of a challenge encourages team          Afterward, however, Piene ex-
Football fans eagerly anticipate        performing well throughout the            owners to make trades often, check           pressed that the wings “can’t even
the 18 weeks of America’s most          season. Players like Cooper Kupp,         their fantasy apps constantly, and           be described as spicy, they’re just
popular sport. However, in cities       Justin Jefferson, and Jonathan Tay-       agonize over early-season injuries           pain encapsulated in a meal.”
with no football team, or cities like   lor proved to fans that they were         to star players.                                Other fantasy leagues had
Charlotte where the home team is        valuable members of both a foot-              Nathan Peine, a senior at Catho-         the idea of wearing a Halloween
usually mediocre, the games on the      ball franchise as well as a fantasy       lic, had the misfortune of finishing         costume for one week straight,
field aren’t enough for diehard fans.   football team.                            last in his fantasy league. Luckily          taping the loser to a tree and throw-
Spectators sometimes bet on games           Players having a breakout             for him, the league decided to go            ing eggs at them, and doing other
to prove their dedication to the        season are pleasant surprises to          easy on him and, instead of sever-           embarrassing challenges in public.
pastime, while others watch ana-        team owners who drafted them              ing a digit, they made him eat a             Safe to say, finishing last in fantasy
lysts argue and predict the best and    late or added them from the waiver        dozen of the Atomic Spicy Wings              football isn’t fun.
worst teams of each season. Sev-        wire. The waiver wire is a fantasy        from Wing-
eral even participate in what are       football concept where players            Stop.
famously known as “fantasy foot-        that didn’t get drafted onto fantasy          Prior to
ball leagues.”                          teams are put in limbo to wait for        his punish-
    Fantasy football brings addi-       team owners to pick them up if one        ment, Nathan
tional competition to the NFL, as       of their starters gets injured.           affirmed his
groups of friends act as general            For fantasy footballers, bragging     belief that
managers in their own leagues of        rights are not enough. It is common       “consider-
hand-picked teams, competing            for leagues to put money on the           ing I’ve had
against each other to see who can       line for the winner, and the loser is     spicy wings
build the best and worst teams.         often forced to participate in em-        many times

                                                                                     Photo Credit: ESPN Fantasy

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                 Features                                             Features                                           Entertainment
The Catholic Chronicle - Charlotte ...
Volume XXXVI/Issue V
                                                         Features                                                                          January 25, 2022

                                                    New Year, New Me
Staff Reporter
    January 1 is the first day           lutions to pay their debts and         touching a peacock.                      ress, anticipate problems, and
of the new year where hun-               return farming equipment.                  Although people today no             to go easy on yourself.
dreds of thousands of people                 The traditions of the Baby-        longer go around touching pea-               Making a resolution is the
set goals for the following              lonian new year were later ad-         cocks and returning borrowed             first step in achieving your
365 days. Whether it be going            opted by the ancient Romans.           farm equipment when the clock            goals, so remaining positive
to the gym, picking up a new             After the                                                       strikes         and persistent is half the battle.
hobby, or totally changing life          creation of                                                     midnight,           To kick off the new year on
habits, New Year’s resolutions           the Julian                                                      New             a positive note, some Charlotte
have become a staple to start-           calendar,                                                       Year’s          Catholic students have made
ing off the year on a good note.         the holi-                                                       resolu-         their own resolutions for 2022.
But where did this tradition             day was                                                         tions               Several students stated that
originate? How does one pick a           moved to                                                        have            they wanted to get in better
good resolution? Is it even pos-         the month                                                       remained        shape, grow in their relation-
sible to carry them out?                 newly                                                           a constant      ship with God, and stop pro-
    Dating back to 2000 B.C.,            named                                                           tradition       crastinating. Sophomore Elaina
the citizens of Babylon started          “January”                                                       through         Grady said she wants “to look
the new year with a 12 day               after their                                                     the ages.       on the positive side of things
festival called Akitu that began         god Janus, the god of new be-              This leads us to our next big        and try to keep a good attitude
with the vernal equinox, when            ginnings, reflection, and resolu-      question: how does one pick a            even when things can get really
the sun crosses the celestial            tions. Like the Babylonians and        good resolution? According to            rough. I just want to live my
equator. At the start of the new         Romans, knights in the Middle, it’s best to pick          life.”
year, the Babylonians would              Ages also made New Year’s              one resolution for the entire
crown their king, begin their            resolutions, annually renew-           year. In addition, it’s important
farming season, and make reso-           ing their pledge to chivalry by        to plan ahead, track your prog-

                                                                                Photo Credit: Google Images

                                     The “Worst Month of the Year”
Staff Reporter
    I am writing this article the        January is my question. As I look      on December 26th is “364 more               I have set goals revolving
Monday after returning from winter       back over the course of the year,      days,” showing our attachment to         around softball and prioritizing my
break, the day before it is due. You     January is a blur. I think of myself   Christmas and its effects on our         sleep schedule, which was defi-
are probably wondering why I did         sitting in a classroom, reminisc-      happiness.                               nitely a wreck this past semester. I
not write it over break. After all,      ing over winter break and count-           However, as we bask in the           think it is important that everyone
I had two weeks and should have          ing down the seconds until Spring      afterglow of Christmas, we must          sets a goal, even if it may not seem
been able to find the time. That is a    Break.                                 realize that the season is not entire-   to make the largest difference. I
good question.                               The weather is unpredictable; in   ly over. According to the Catholic       think once a person sets a goal, it
    I am still trying to figure that     Charlotte, we get a few snow storms    Church, the Christmas season does        can motivate them to set and ac-
out. I am here to write about Janu-      or even 80 degree weather. People      not end until January 6th with the       complish more goals.
ary, and how it appears to be every-     always seem to be sick. There is a     Epiphany of Jesus, also referred to         As I write this article, originally
one’s least favorite month. Consid-      constant cold going around, and this   as “Three Kings Day.” Therefore,         intending to focus on the sadness
ering that I and all other students      year Covid as well.                    do not lament over relatives leav-       and seasonal depression felt by
have returned to more assignments            “Post-holiday blues” plague the    ing after a visit or that Santa will     students walking through the halls
and due dates after living stress free   month of January. This syndrome        not make an appearance for another       on the first week back from break,
for the past two weeks, I too partake    leaves individuals feeling down or     12 months. Instead, continue on the      I would like to take a new perspec-
in this sentiment.                       depressed because the holiday sea-     Christmas spirit until the feast day     tive on January.
    January. What even goes on in        son is over. A common joke shared      that marks the revelation of Jesus.         Let’s try to make January a
                                                                                    With New Year’s resolutions          memorable month for when we
                                                                                floating around, I guess you can call    review the year. Try to make the
                                                                                it a month of new possibilities. I       most of it. Set those goals and enjoy
                                                                                know some view January as a fresh        every moment of your journey to-
                                                                                start: an opportunity to better one-     wards accomplishing them.
                                                                                self and try something new, myself

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