The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen

Page created by Jennifer Lyons
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
            Official Publication of Washington State Horsemen Inc. / 33515 SE 301st St - Ravensdale WA 98051-9773

     VOLUME FORTY-THREE                                       SECOND QUARTER 2021


Bonnie Schuchman aboard Lord Scotty at the WSABC Congress 2020. Bonnie is a member
of Zone 1 and serves as the Trails and Pleasure Director and Zone Director #9 on the WSH
 Executive Board. Additionally, she is the Buckskin Director for the Horse Show Division.
In 2020, Lord Scotty received a n ABRA Register of Merit in Open Ranch Trail and Superior
 Register of Merit in Horsemanship. Visit Page 13 for more of this team’s amazing accom-
      plishments despite the pandemic in 2020. Congratulations, Bonnie and Scotty!
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
Page 2 - WSH Canter / April 2021

           Executive Board
             President - Emma Tanner
  208.446.4557 /
                                                                      I’ve Become a “Mrs.”
          Vice President - Terri Lehnertz
       509.993.5439 /
          Treasurer - Jessie McLaughlin
       509.434.4555 /
                                                           Hello friends! Happy Spring! I hope that you all are doing well
               Secretary - Jole Chick                      and getting ready for the show season. I say that because our
    509.954.3913 /              2021 season is, definitely, looking better than 2020’s season! Our
                                                           membership reflected the loss of our beloved 2020 shows and
   Immediate Past President - Terri Lehnertz               other in-person events like Convention but things are looking
       509.993.5439 /                 brighter and it is time to “Bring On the Fun” as we renew our
                                                           memberships, ready our horses, load up the trailers, and RE-
                                                           ENGAGE with Washington State Horsemen. Remember…WSH is
                                                           the only multi-discipline, multi-breed, and multi-age equine or-
       Games Director - Melissa Stockman                   ganization in Washington.
    509.220.9099 /                To those that have already rejoined again this year...THANK YOU
       Horse Show Director - Lisa Gardner                  for your continued support! If you haven’t joined yet...please con-
         253.208.8319 /                   tact your club secretary as soon as possible or if you do not be-
                                                           long to a club, the membership form is on the final page of the
Trails & Pleasure Directors - Bonnie Schuchman             Canter and on our website.
       509.424.0906 /
                                                           The WSH Full Board is scheduled to meet on Saturday, April 10 at
                     Kim Lansing                           9:00 a.m. via Zoom. Board Members will be receiving login infor-
          509.539.0247 /                mation in an e-mail from me, however, all WSH Members are eli-
                                                           gible to attend. If you are interested in attending, please reach
                                                           out to me for the login information…we’d love to “SEE” you there.
                                                           To our Board Members…Your continued dedication to this organ-
                                                           ization is truly appreciated. I know with COVID in 2020 and what
 Director 1 (Canal) - Tammy Call-Jones (12/31/21)          seems like a long winter, it has been tough re-engaging with our
           360.871.2953 /                 WSH friends. Let’s dust ourselves off and reach out…now is the
                                                           time! We also have two Zoom “Town Hall” meetings coming up in
 Director 2 (Cascade) - Kamie McDowell (12/31/22)          May; one for the East Side Zones and one for the West Side Zones.
        425.301.6492 /                All WSH Members and those interested in learning more about
                                                           WSH are encouraged to attend. Login information is included in
   Director 3 (NC) - Arlene Marquart (12/31/21)            this issue of the Canter.
     509.760.7689 /
                                                           We are also planning for a wonderful IN PERSON Convention at
     Director 4 (NE) - Terri Lehnertz (12/31/22)           the Spokane Airport Ramada, November 12-14. We will likely be
       509.993.5439 /                 putting out a survey later this year to our membership asking
                                                           about your intent to participate in Convention 2021. The hotel is
 Director 5 (NWB) - Kelvin Plagerman (12/31/21)            set and ready for us…are you ready to come and play? Don’t for-
      360.815.5662 /              get the hotel has an indoor pool...AND A WATER SLIDE!

          Director 6 (Olympic) - Still TBD                 Since my last message in January, I became Mrs. Tanner! On Jan-
                                                           uary 16, Kody and I adhered to all of the gathering rules and had
  Director 7 (Prairie) - Stephanie Price (12/31/21)        a beautiful wedding in the Spokane LDS Temple and then a super-
   360.495.4369 /           fun DRIVE-THRU reception at a church building nearby. Who
                                                           would have ever thought? It will be a day that I remember for so
      Director 8 (Puget) - Teri Blair (12/31/22)           many reasons. I have been a member of WSH all of my life and
          253.318.6010 /              many of you have watched me grow up. I want to thank all of my
                                                           WSH family for their love and support. This was a wonderful way
  Director 9 (Z1) - Bonnie Schuchman (12/31/21)            to start 2021 and so…Let’s continue to “Bring On the Fun” as we
       509.424.0906 /               head further into what is shaping up to be an amazing year!
                                                           #WSHLifestyle -- Emma (McLaughlin) Tanner

   Please feel free to reach out to any of the Executive
    Board Members listed above with any questions.
                                                            The Canter or e-Canter are published in January, April, July, and
       They are ready, willing, and able to assist.         October each year. Deadlines for submission are the 15th of the
   They are your connection to WSH on the State level.           month immediately prior to publication. Please e-mail
                                                                          articles to
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
Page 3 - WSH Canter / April 2021

                                                          YOUTH MERIT
                                              Brighter Days are Ahead...Let’s Get Out and Learn / Play!

Many of you are still doing some at-home learning and our Youth Merit Workbooks             Youth Merit had only one essay submission this last year. Josie Beck from the
can sometimes be utilized for reading and writing hours (check with your teachers).         Northeast Zone presented her essay during Sunday’s Youth Merit Meeting as
What a great way to pair required schooling and equine learning! I want to thank all        part of the 2020 WSH Convention on Zoom. The essay subject for 2020 was
of our Youth Merit Members and Leaders that worked through 2020 and continued               “Horse Breeds of Foreign Origin” and Josie chose the Azteca Horse. The 2021
to engage in Youth Merit. Without the ability to meet in person, I know that this was
often a little difficult. As the State continues to phase upward and the number of
                                                                                            topic is “Horse Breeds of American Origin”. Those having received the Gold
people allowed to meet in groups increases, I can’t wait to hear what fun activities        Medallion (or higher) last year are invited to contact Jessie McLaughlin to
you have planned for 2021 in your Zone Youth Merit groups. Northeast Zone mem-              reserve their speech topic.
bers took a tour of a new aqua therapy site in Deer Park earlier this year. Those
                                                                                            “The Azteca is a horse breed from Mexico. They are well-muscled horses that may
present were even able to get in and try it out themselves! These learning opportu-
                                                                                            be of any solid color, most common color is gray. Mexican Azteca breed associa-
nities leave lasting memories and I know that when my children were in Youth Merit,         tions permit white markings on the face and on the lower legs, but not on the body
we toured the WSU Vet School, Black Rock Ranch, and the Appaloosa Horse Muse-               The Azteca horse is a very versatile horse known for its elegant paces. They are
um (just to name a few). Determine fun tours in your area and start making plans.
                                                                                            easy to train and do well in equestrian disciplines requiring collection.
Although you will not need to be officially “registered” to join us for the on-line meet-   The Azteca was first bred in 1972 by the traditional horsemen of Mexico known as a
ing, you will need to register to have points count for awards this year!                   charros. The charros are Mexican Cowboys and they use them for all manners of
                                                                                            ranch work. In addition, they are used in reining, cutting and team penning events.
1.    REGISTER: Visit the WSH website, download a Youth Merit application,                  Their comfortable paces and good temperament make them good pleasure mounts
      complete and return to either Cheryl Hayward (West Side) or Jessie McLaugh-           and their bravery, agility and grace has suited them to partner the Rejonero (a
      lin (East Side).                                                                      bullfighter). The Mexican registry for the original Azteca has registration rules that
2.    WORKBOOK: While on the website, download either Workbook 1 (for mem-                  vary in several key aspects including bloodlines and physical requirements. The
      bers that are still too young to do their own writing), Workbook 2 (for all other     Azteca was first developed in Mexico in 1972, from a blend of Andalusian, Ameri-
      new members), or Workbook 3 (for those that have completed Workbook 2).               can Quarter Horse and Mexican Criollo bloodlines. The three breeds were chosen
3.    HAVE FUN: Answer questions in the workbooks, complete and record                      to produce a breed that combined athletic ability with a good temperament and
      “demonstration” tasks, record points for items done through school and in the         certain physical characteristics as breeders sought a horse that was agile, fast, and
      community.                                                                            that had the cow sense to work on local ranches. Aztecas are compact but powerful
4.    TURN IT IN: Turn in your completed workbook to your Zone Youth Merit                  horses. Azteca stallions and geldings are between 15 and 16.1 hands while mares
      Advisor (if one has been appointed) or mail the original to the West or East-         are 14.3 and 16 hands. Both sexes usually weigh from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds. The
      Side Chair. We encourage you to take a copy of your workbook before mail-             breed profile is with a neck that is slightly arched, well-muscled, with broad croup
      ing it off in case it is lost in transit. Keep the copy for your records. Once the    and chest, as well as long sloping shoulders. Gates are free with natural collection.
      workbook is “graded”, it will be returned to you so that you can continue on.         The Mexican registry breed standard says that they cannot have more than 75
5.    AWARDS: Beginning at just 50 points, youth will receive awards. The points            percent of their parentage from any one of the foundation breeds (Andalusian,
      are cumulative from year to year. Please remember that you can earn up to             Quarter Horse and Mexican Criollo); Criollo blood may be no more than 50%,
      one medallion level each year. So in your first year, you can earn as many            Azteca horses must conform to a strict standard established by the Mexican agricul-
      points as you would like but you will only receive up to the Bronze Medallion         ture ministry, which requires inspection of foals at seven months for the issue of a
      for awards (plaque, tags, t-shirt, medallion). Any points above and beyond the        "birth certificate"; a foal that does not meet the breed standards may be denied
      medallion level earned will be carried over for 2021.                                 registration even if both parents are registered Aztecas approved for breeding. Full
                                                                                            registration and approval for breeding are subject to a second and more detailed
                    Participation Plaque (50 Points)                                        inspection at age three or more, and granted only to those horses that fully satisfy
              Yellow Tag / Certificate of Merit (100 Points)                                the requirements of the standard. The Azteca of today is still bred for its original
            Red Tag / Certificate of Excellence (200 Points)                                purpose, ranch work, but this versatile breed excels in many disciplines. Azteca
          Blue Tag / T-Shirt / Honor of Excellence (300 Points)
                     Bronze Medallion (500 Points)
                                                                                            horses have excellent cow sense, making them talented working horses. They are
                      Superior Jacket (650 Points)                                          also ridden both English and Western. These horses can do just about anything,
                      Silver Medallion (800 Points)                                         including jumping, driving, penning, dressage, trail riding, and more. They are ath-
                     Supreme Buckle (1,000 Points)                                          letic, agile, and smart, making them a preferred mount by many riders who are
                       Gold Medallion (1,200 pts)                                           competing, enjoying some pleasure riding, or seeking a working mount to partner
              $50 / 75 / 100 Cash Awards (1,400+ points)                                    with.
                                                                                            On November 4, 1982, the Azteca horse was recognized as the national horse of
                                                                                            Mexico. In the Azteca's history, breeders realized the need for a unified breeding
     VIRTUAL MEETING JUST FOR YOU !!                                                        program in order to produce horses that met the required characteristics. The Az-
                                                                                            teca Horse Research Center was created at Lake Texcoco, and in partnership with
                                                                                            breeders developed the requirements of the breed today. The first official Azteca
 Youth Merit is hosting a special “get-to-know-you” event                                   was a stallion named Casarejo, who was a cross between an Andalusian stallion
 on Zoom! All WSH Members 17 and Under are invited to                                       named Ocultado and a Quarter Horse mare named Americana. Mexican Breeders
   attend (as well as our amazing Youth Merit Leaders).                                     Association for the Azteca Horse, is the original breed registry and still maintains
                                                                                            the international registry. The International Azteca Horse Association was formed in
                                                                                            1992. The majority of Aztecas are found in Mexico, and the Mexican association
               JOIN US ON ZOOM.US USING                                                     has registered between 10,000 and 15,000 horses, adding about 1000 horses each
                Meeting ID: 916 3977 5067
                                                                                            Versatile, noble, and with a smooth, enjoyable gaits, the Azteca excels in countless
                    Passcode: 171131                                                        disciplines today. You’re likely to find this horse competing in dressage, exploring
                                                                                            the trails, or working hard on a cattle ranch. This athletic breed is sensible, hardy,
                          MAY 23 at 7:00 PM                                                 and agile, and while it once hailed from Mexico, this breed has become highly
                                                                                            popular among American riders, too.”

                                                  For more information contact:
                         East Side Chair - Jessie McLaughlin at / 509.434.4555
                       West Side Chair - Cheryl Hayward at / 360.280.4933
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
Page 4 - WSH Canter / April 2021

                                             CONVENTION 2021
The Northeast Zone and its members are super excited to welcome our WSH friends to Spokane. They were ready for us in
2020 but with COVID, had to wait another year to officially welcome us. This year’s convention dates are November 12-14.
As Zones, we can begin preparing by making plans to donate a centerpiece or $25 to purchase a centerpiece. The items will
be auctioned off at the end of Saturday's dinner. Zones should also plan to hold their 2021 Officer elections in October which
will allow the new officers to attend Convention in their elected role and be involved in various meetings. Watch for a poll on
the WSH Facebook page a little later this spring/summer inquiring on your intent to participate in person.
The registration fees for this year’s Convention are the same as last year and thus those members registering on or before
September 30 will see a considerable savings in the registration fee and in the cost of the banquet meal. This year’s host
hotel is the Airport Ramada Inn where we have a limited number of hotel rooms held for our members at the special rate of
$95 per night plus tax. This rate includes breakfast, complimentary shuttle service to/from the airport as well as to areas in
Airway Heights, high speed wireless internet service, FREE parking, and a $20/pet/weekend pet rate (maximum of 2 pets
and they must be under 80 pounds). When reserving (call 509.838.5211), be sure to tell them that you are with Washington
State Horsemen to get the special room rate. We are required to have a minimum of 6 rooms Thursday Night, 21 rooms
Friday Night, and 21 rooms Saturday Night in order to meet the conditions of our agreement with the hotel.

                                                Spokane, WA
                                                 November 12-14, 2021

This year’s Convention schedule is already uploaded to the WSH website and will be included in the July and October issues
of the Canter. The schedule has been massaged to provide some time to socialize including an off-site Friday activity at
Heber Hatchets and dinner at Dick’s Drive-In. If you are interested in attending, you’ll need to let us know early so that we
can reserve enough “lanes”. We’ll carpool so even if you have flown in for this year’s Convention, we’ll be sure to get you
to and from this activity.
A little more about our host hotel - it is just a quick walk (if you don’t want to wait for the shuttle) from the baggage claim
area at the airport. The hotel has onsite dining and lounge, is located near I-90, has large outdoor open spaces and beauti-
ful landscaped gardens and an outdoor courtyard with fire pits (bring your own s’mores fixings or they can be purchased
from the front desk), includes a business center and fitness facilities, and something we’ve all been wanting for

The last time the WSH Convention was held in Spokane was 2009 and our beautiful city, the Lilac City, has made lots of
changes since your last visit! If you are spending a little extra time with us, you might want to take in some of the follow-
ing - Self-Guided Tour of the Historic Davenport Hotel, a spin on the Looff Carrousel in its new building at Riverfront Park,
outside ice skating at the Ribbon at Riverfront Park, Gondola (Skyride) at Riverfront Park, snow skiing / snowshoeing at Mt.
Spokane (if it is open), Downtown shopping or visiting
shops/restaurants at Kendall Yards, taking in the MAC
Museum and adjoining Campbell House, Mobius Chil-
dren’s Museum, Mobius Science Center, Cat Tails Zoo-
logical Center, or Blue Zoo Aquarium (new). Although
much prettier in the summer, Manito Park is still a great
place to walk through a stunning park. With a little ex-
tra time, you and your friends/family could also indulge
in one of our Escape Rooms, climb at Wild Walls, or play
laser tag at Laser Quest. If you would like to try your
luck at an area casino...Airway Heights (available by
hotel shuttle) has two for you to choose from - Northern
Quest Casino and Spokane Tribe Casino. Next to North-
ern Quest, Movie and Dinner (M&D) provides you with a
super fun way to watch a movie and have dinner all at
the same time. Our area also has loads of micro brewer-
ies and wineries to visit. As you can see, Spokane has so
many things to do if you find time to get
many, that we are inviting you to also return in 2022!

Each year WSH awards special perpetual trophies to deserving members and clubs. Further information and criteria will be
included in the October issue of the Canter. Please begin thinking about worthy nominees for this year’s Club of the Year,
Twin Benson Memorial (Member of the Year), Junior Inspirational Award, and the Jesselyn Roehr Lifetime Achievement
Award. Additionally, nominations will be accepted by Lisa Gardner for the Jerry Prigge Memorial Award.
As a reminder, the October Canter will also include all division rule change proposals and bylaw change proposals. Division
rule change proposals must be submitted directly to Lisa Gardner (Horse Show), Melissa Stockman (Games), and Bonnie
Schuchman or Kim Lansing (Trails) by the deadline established in each division. Bylaw change proposals must be submitted
directly to President Emma Tanner at on or before September 1.
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
                                                                    Annual Convention Registration
                                                                             November 12-14, 2021
                                                                  Airport Ramada Inn - Spokane WA

Those registering early will save by paying the “early bird” fee for registration and meals. Room reservations may be made by con-
tacting the Airport Ramada Inn at (509) 777-3054 or e-mailing We have blocked only a few rooms this year
so reserve early to get the group rate. On the dinner portion of this form, please circle either “A” for adult or “C” for child (8 and un-
der) in the appropriate date column. Refunds (registration and dinners) will not be granted after November 8.

        I WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE DINNER AND                                           I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MY VOICE HEARD AND
           AWARDS CEREMONY ON SATURDAY                                                        ATTEND THIS YEAR’S MEETINGS

       Attendee’s Name (Please Print)                         < 10/15        >10/15                   Attendee’s Name                                  WSH #

                                                              A / C          A / C

                                                              A / C          A / C

                                                              A / C          A / C

                                                              A / C          A / C

                                                              A / C          A / C

                                                              A / C          A / C

       A = Adult Dinner Cost - $35 (On or Before 10/15), $40 (after 10/15)                Member Cost - $15 (Before 9/30), $20 (10/1-15), $25 (after 10/15)
       C = Child Dinner Cost - $17 (On or Before 10/15), $20 (after 10/15)                Family Cost - $35 (Before 9/30), $40 (10/1-15), $45 (after 10/15)

Total Fees for Banquet Dinners:                                         $              Total Fees for Meeting Attendance:                          $

                     Adult Plate (9 and Over)
     Pepper Crusted New York Strip / Garlic Grilled Shrimp                               Children 8 and Under are invited to go
Baked Potato / Penne Pasta and Cheese / Roasted Brussel Sprouts
        Caesar Salad / Washington Apple Waldorff Salad                                    through the regular buffet line at a
       Chilled Relish and Vegetable Platter with Dressing                                       discounted rate of $17.
       Fresh Fruit and Cheese Platter with Pineapple Dip
      Sliced Fontana Bread / Coffee, Tea, Ice Tea, or Soda
                 Cheesecake with Fresh Berries

Address: _____________________________________________________                        Phone: ________________________________________
City / State / Zip: ______________________________________________                    Zone: _________________________________________
E-Mail: _______________________________________________________                       Club: _________________________________________

     Sorry no credit                     Please Make Checks / Money Orders Out to WSH and Mail To:                                   Sorry no credit
      cards in 2021                          7210 E Fairview Ave - Spokane Valley WA 99212-1526                                       cards in 2021
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
Page 6 - WSH Canter / April 2021

 ZONE PRESIDENTS                                                           PRAIRIE ZONE
                                                                     Stephanie Price - Reporter
        Canal - Madison Hammon
     PO Box 2024 - Kingston WA 98346-2024        Prairie Zone kicked off 2021 with our Annual Awards Celebration in Janu-
    360.979.6387 /       ary recognizing all of our amazing riders and their horses for their ac-
                                                 complishments in 2020. While our time together for the awards celebra-
      Cascade - Camille Ducharme                 tion was only virtual, we had a grand time honoring those who had the
         2316 284th St E - Roy WA 98580          opportunity to get out there and show off their skills and those of their 4-
   253.347.5567 /     legged partners. Here are our 2020 PRZ Award Winners -
                                                 Halter Only: Aubrey Pastor
    North Central - Chris Thompson
      12596 Road A NW - Ephrata WA 98823         English Only: (Green / Limit Rider) 1. Aubrey Pastor, 2. Marissa Bar-
   509.760.6760 /      toldo, (W/T Senior Exhibitor) Willie Hansen, (13 and Under) 1. Savannah
                                                 Price, 2. Sydney Smith, 3. Melanie Frost, (14-17) 1. Sami Stang, 2. Haylee
        Northeast - George Chick                 Dorsey
      8810 S Spotted Rd - Cheney WA 99004
    509.954.7814 /    Western Only: (Green / Limit Rider) 1. Aubrey Pastor, 2. Marissa Bar-
                                                 toldo, 3. Charmayne Garrison, (W/T 10 & Under) Mason Price, (W/T Sen-
 Northwest Border - Kelvin Plagerman             ior Exhibitor) Willie Hansen, (13 & Under) 1. Savannah Price, 2. Sydney
                                                 Smith, 3. Melanie Frost, (14-17) 1. Sami Stang, 2. Haylee Dorsey
      1199 Kale Lane - Bellingham WA 98226
    360.815.5662 /      Ranch Riding: (W/T Senior Exhibitor) Willie Hansen, (13 and Under)
                                                 Savannah Price
        Olympic - Tina Cozzolino
   464 Sandhagen Rd - Port Angeles WA 98362      Overall Performance High Point Winners: (Green/Limit Rider) 1. Aubrey
        360.460.4321 /            Pastor on Obviously Fate, 2. Marissa Bartoldo on Sock Brokers Phantom,
                                                 3. Charmayne Garrison on Good Girls Wear Pink, (W/T 10 and Under)
         Prairie - Stephanie Price               Mason Price on I Tuck My Tail, (W/T Senior Exhibitor) Willie Hansen on
      426 Oak Ln - McCleary WA 98557-9526        Hagrid of Hogwarts, (13 and Under) 1. Savannah Price on Negotiate by
 360.495.4369 /   Zippo, 2. Sydney Smith (Longterm Investment), 3. Melanie Frost on CR
                                                 Two Black Bears, (14-17) 1. Sami Stang on CR Two Black Bears, 2. Haylee
     Puget Sound - Sondrea Garcia                Dorsey on Just Sweetly Travlyn
       PO Box 907 - Orting WA 98360-0907
    360.893.3231 /      In addition to the traditional performance awards, we also have special
                                                 PRZ Perpetual Awards we bestowed upon our members.
         Zone One - Kim Lansing                  •   PRZ Member of the Year - Georgina Fair (awarded posthumously)
      831 N Forsell Rd - Grandview WA 98930
       509.539.0247 /         •   PRZ Most Improved Rider - Mason Price
                                                 •   PRZ Most Improved Horse - Good Girls Wear Pink ridden by Char-
                                                     mayne Garrison
  Washington State Horsemen members
  are encouraged to become involved in all       •   PRZ High Point in Member of Chance - Negotiate by Zippo ridden by
                                                     Savannah Price
  levels (club, Zone, and State) of our State
  -Wide organization.                            Finally, we introduced a brand-new PRZ Perpetual Award in honor of
                                                 Georgina Fair, who passed in January 2021. The new award is the
                                                 “Georgina Fair Helping Hands Award”. This award will go to a member
  Contact your Zone President to see how         or supporter of PRZ who goes above and beyond for their fellow horse
  you can become more involved. Start            friends and family. This year, the award was presented to her daughters,
  today by attending your Zone’s next            Lori Fair and Heidi Fair-Hughes, as the apple doesn’t fall far from the
  meeting where members from all disci-          tree.
  plines in neighboring vicinities join to-
  gether to conduct business as well as
  visit and share stories of their equine

  WSH Members are also invited to attend
  the quarterly WSH Board Meetings.

   Where can you find more information                   July 6, 1947 - January 5, 2021
     about WSH, Zones, and Clubs?
                                                 We look forward to a great year with our PRZ family and friends, as well               as the new and current friends we connect with along the way. Happy
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
Page 7 - WSH Canter / April 2021

                        HORSE SHOW DIVISION
  DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE: We are excited to head into 2021 with a full slate of horse shows! The Horse Show Division
  Advisory Board voted to not charge non-member fees to our WAHSET members that wish to attend an approved B Show
  in 2021. Spread the word and invite those youth. The judges and stewards have a great scholarship program so if you
  have been thinking about becoming a judge...check out the financial help you can receive to join our official’s roster.
  Further information is available on the WSH website. The yearend awards sign up forms have been uploaded to the web-
  site so be sure to print and fill them out before your first show to avoid the morning rush at the show office. Completed
  forms can be turned into your show steward at the show grounds. Haven’t sent in your membership yet? Now’s the time!
  Contact your club secretary (club members) or visit the WSH website (non-club members) for more information. If you
  still have questions and need answers feel free to email me at -- Lisa Gardner.

              Approved Horse Shows                                            Approved Dressage Shows
  24-25 Fat and Fuzzy (Spokane)                                       MAY
                                                                      1-2      LPSD May Flowers #1 and #2
  MAY                                                                          (Gig Harbor)
  1-2      46th Annual Springtime Open (Pasco)                        7-9      Post Falls Equestrian Center Dressage
                                                                               (Post Falls, ID)
  5-6      Summerfest (Pasco)                                         JUNE
  19-20    Cascade English Western Quad Show (Graham)                 12       Appleatchee Dressage Show (Wenatchee)
                                                                      12-13    LPSDC Jolly June Show #1 and #2
  JULY                                                                JULY
  2-4      Star Spangled (Port Angeles)                               11       Sizzling Summer Show (Bainbridge Island)
  2-4      65th Fist Full of Silver (Spokane)
  10-11    Beat the Heat (Wenatchee)                                  AUGUST
  31       Four Seasons Horsemen 3-in-1 (Spokane)                     7     Hot August Nights (Port Orchard)

  AUGUST                                                              SEPTEMBER
  1     Four Seasons Horsemen 3-in-1 (Spokane)                        3-5   Post Falls Equestrian Center Dressage
  13-15 Hot August Nights (Olympia)                                         (Post Falls, ID)

                                                                      1-2  LPSDC Final Fall Fling (Yelm)
  24-26 WS Finals / Jerry Prigge Memorial (Monroe)

  2-3  Late, Late Show (Spokane)

  TBA   WA State Junior Horse and Open Show (Yakima)

                        Who are the 2021 Minor Breed Division Directors?
 All Other Breeds - Teri Blair              Driving - Sondrea Garcia
 Appaloosa - George Chick                   English - Pam Kiehn                         Pinto - Kyle Ellis
 Arab / Half Arab - Kathy Norton            Equitation - Sherri Williams                Pony / POA / Welsh - Sondrea Garcia
 Buckskin - Bonnie Schuchman                Hunter and Jumper - Patti Burns             Quarter Horse - Anna Rodriguez
 Dressage - Mary Brady                      Miniature Horse - Willie Hansen             Reining - Deb Walk
 Drill Team - Bonnie Schuchman              Paint Horse - Terri Lehnertz                Western - Kamie McDowell

There are still openings for Directors in these areas: Draft, Morgan, Mustang, Palomino, Paso, Saddlebred, and Walking Horse.
If you are interested in representing one of these breeds...please contact Lisa Gardner ASAP at

HORSE RIDDLE #1: A man buys a horse for $60, then sells it for $70. He buys the horse back for $80, and then sells the
horse for $90. How much money did he make or lose?

HORSE RIDDLE #2: A white horse jumps over a tower and lands on a priest, who immediately disappears from the
landscape. Where did this take place? ANSWERS TO BOTH RIDDLES CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 14.
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
Page 8 - WSH Canter / April 2021

 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE: Welcome to 2021! What a great year we are going to have with our equine friends! At Convention
 2020, Willie Hansen retired as the Division Director. We want to thank her for her service to this Division over the years. Kim
 Lansing and myself were elected as the 2021 Division Co-Directors. We have updated all of this year’s registration forms as well
 as the time-tracking sheet for the Division and they are available on the WSH website at
 If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either Kim or myself. Also, if you have any pictures that you would like
 to submit - please do so! Again, we are looking forward to having a great (and fun) year -- Bonnie Schuchman.
 Those in the Spokane / Coeur d’ Alene Area, here are a few maps for rides in your area. As you get out on the trails this year,
 please be sure to share your stories with us by submitting them (along with your photos) to

 The trailhead is located on English Point Road immediately
 south of Lancaster Road in Hayden Idaho. English Point Road is
 approximately 3.5 miles east of US 95. Lancaster is approxi-
 mately 6 miles north of I-90.

                                                  For more information contact:
                              Bonnie Schuchman at / 509.424.0906
                                     Kim Lansing at / 509.539.0247
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
Page 9 - WSH Canter / April 2021

The hearts of our Washington State Horsemen members go out
to youth that have traditionally participated in 4-H and WAH-
SET in the State of Washington.
Due to COVID-19, much (if not all) of their seasons were can-
celed in 2020. Things are looking brighter in some areas of the
State and shows are beginning to take place but we would like
to invite all WAHSET and 4-H Members to join us in 2021 at our
events offering you the opportunity to ride and demonstrate
the skills that you have been practicing so long to master!

Gaming Events - Contact Division Director Melissa Stockman at for more information. You can still
qualify for the opportunity to compete for saddles and addi-
tional prizes at this year’s 2021 Washington State Champion-
ship Show!
Performance Shows — This year’s show calendar is beginning to
develop right before our eyes. Contact Division Director Lisa
Gardner for more information at
The CANTER - Washington State Horsemen
Page 10 - WSH Canter / April 2021

Jessie Bensley (JR-A, H/E, E, W )

                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEED AN OFFICIAL ? BOOK ONE TODAY.
8510 Rocky Lane SE - Olympia WA 98513 / Cell 360-791-5620 / Home 360-528-8071 /
Steve Bryson (SR QH, W, St/E, H, Rn, PtHA,WAHSET )
6017 Sherwood Ln SE - Lacey WA 98513 / Home 360-455-1481 / Cell 360-888-6675 /
Patricia Burns (SR-H/E, St/E, H/J, W and Steward PNW 4-H, WAHSET)
PO Box 444 - Buckley WA 98321 / Home 360-829-6467 / Cell 360-829-7599 /
Tammy Call-Jones (Jr- St/E, H/E,E,W, Steward)
2363 Mountain View Rd E - Port Orchard WA 98366 / Cell 360-710-3049 / Home 360-871-2953 /

Gerald P “Jerry” Canda (USEF Judge, “R” Arabian)
25615 SE 416th St - Federal Way WA 98022 / Cell 206-356-5480 /
Jacqui Dodd (Sr A, W, St/E, Rn, USEF “ R” Arabian)
1385 W Brunner Rd - Athol ID 83801 / Phone 208-659-6622 /
Lillian Evaniew-Phelan (Jr- QH, W, E, H/E, EQ Canada-GP,POAC, NSBA, IBHA, HCBC W, WSDAC, USEF “R” W, ABRA,PNW 4H Judge)
212 Greenacres Rd - Riverside WA 98849 / Cell 509-322-0971 /
Lisa Gardner (Steward)
PO Box 1010 - McKenna WA 98558 / Cell 253-208-8319 /
Loris Gies (Steward)
3840 77th Ave SE H - Olympia WA 98501 / Cell 360-250-5083 / Home 360-456-3799 /

                                                                                                                    HONORARY OFFICIALS: William Ford, Barb Hento, Mickey Lofgren, and Lea Williams
Jaime Gray (JR- P, Pt, St/E, QH, POA, ISHSA, AMA)
4714 Mill Pond Dr SE #406 - Auburn WA 98092 / Cell 253-241-1404 /
Jill Hallin (SR E, W, St/E)
21051 188th Ave SE - Renton WA 98058 / Home 425-413-9306 / Cell 206-387-3080 /

Kristen Hansen (SR - E, W, H/E, A)
5533 NW English Hill Ct - Bremerton WA 98312 / Phone 206-930-8872 /
Debbie Hoines (JR-E,W,SS/E, Pt, POA, WAHSET)
5907 Johnson Point Rd NE - Olympia WA 98516 / Cell 360-556-1227 / Home 360-456-4879 /
Pam Kiehn (JR-E, W, H/E, St/E, POA, WAHSET)
363 Rogers Rd - Chehalis WA 98532 / Cell 360-269-5285 / Home 360-748-6006 /
Barbara Lantz-Manning (Jr-A, Mini, Pinto, W/E)
9511 Amanda Drive NE - Olympia WA 98516 / Cell 360-464-5902 / Home 360-456-7688 /

David Masengale (JR-St/E, QH, Ap, POA, WAHSET)
PO Box 60 - Harrah WA 98933 / Cell 509-480-7432 /
Heidi Masengale (JR-St/E, H/E, QH, Rn, POA, WAHSET)
PO Box 60 - Harrah WA 98933 / Cell 509-480-7430 / Home 509-480-7432 /
Genevieve Miller (JR-H/E, W, QH, APOA, ABRA, NSBA, ApHc, PHBA, Level 1 AQHA, WAHSET)
6181 Reecer Creek Rd - Ellensburg WA 98926 / Phone 509-929-4244 /
Dan Moriarty (Jr- W, E, W/E, Ap, PNW 4-H, WAHSET)
26728 W Tucker Prairie Rd - Cheney WA 99004 / Cell 509-999-0436 / Home 509-299-4191 /
Sue Muir (JR – A, Rn, SS/E, SR– E,W,H/E, St/E, NRHA)
1925 198th Pl SW - Lynnwood WA 98036 / Cell 206-979-2836 / Home 425-771-9273 /

Kathy Norton (JR-A,E,SS/E, St/E)
918 S 40th Ave #51 - Yakima WA 98908 / Cell 509-952-7865 /
Carrie Olson (SR-A, E, W, SS/E)
2943 Olympic Pl - Enumclaw WA 98022 / Phone 253-740-8042 /
Amy Ross (Steward)
2988 A Roskam Rd - Valley WA 99181 / Phone 509-570-8590 /
Nicole Rowley (SR – W, A, H/E, St/E)
PO Box 207 - Thorp WA 98946 / Cell 253-740-3980 / Home 509-962-3443 /
Joan Shelton-Palelek (SR-H, W, ST, E, H/E, Steward, USEF “R” Arabian, USEF Steward C1 C2)
8930 W Melville Rd - Cheney WA 99004 / Home 206-972-2163 /
Dawn Spencer (JR-POA, B, St/E, Steward ARBA, POA, ISHA, PNW 4-H, WAHSET)
PO Box 93 - Brinnon WA 98320 / Cell 509-767-7247 / /

Dale Waite (JR-W, St/E, QH, B, ABRA, OHA, OFEA, WAHSET)
18910 NE 112th St - Brush Prairie WA 98606-8831 / Cell 360-903-1142 /
Tammie Whitt (SR-W, St/E,H/E, PNW 4-H, WAHSET, Level 1 AQHA, POAC, PthA, ASHA)
7540 Whittaker Rd NW - Olympia WA 98502 / Cell 360-561-5843 / Home 360-866-7105 /
Sherri Williams (SR-SS/E, St/E, W, A, Rn, WAHSET)
7503 Lyons Lane - Yakima WA 98903 / Cell 509-949-0291 /
Page 11 - WSH Canter / April 2021

                                                GAMES DIVISION
DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE: Well...we have moved into Phase 3 and I myself am hoping things will be easier this
year to make happen. I also know that we can make our shows matter what as long as we are doing                             2020 SPONSORS
our best to follow the Covid guidelines. We hosted our 3rd Annual Tack Swap and will be putting $300 towards
State awards. Thank you to our members that came and was very much appreciated. We will be holding
our WSCS Benefit Show on April 11 at the Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. Show approvals are still coming
                                                                                                                                      AGE GROUP HIGH POINT
in so for the latest...check out the events portion of our Facebook page to see the dates. They are also posted on                     Bob-Mart (Deer Park)
the WSH website.
                                                                                                                                    Jodie Field and Associates
It is time to renew your Judge’s / Timer’s cards if you have not already as they expired on March 31, 2021. If you              McKinlay & Peters Equine Hospital
need to renew, please be sure to e-mail and request the updated test. These tests are                             McKinstry Foundation
open book! Without officials, the shows will not be able to take place. Even if you can help with just a piece of an
event or two at a show, you don’t know how much this means to the other officials that are also trying to ride. If you           Triple Creek Ranch / Jim Riddle
attended Convention 2020, you will not need to take a test. Just be sure to send a message to Jessie Mclaughlin                    Ziggy’s Home Improvement
after you’ve received your updated WSH Membership Card and she will get you a new official’s card.
Sponsorship forms for the 2021 Washington State Championship Show are available on the WSH website at                                        SUPPORTERS under Games then Games Forms. We would love to be able to give away
another $10,000 to $15,000 in cash and prizes to those competing in the WSCS but to do so, we will need your                         ALT Training & Horsemanship
help in making sure that we can reach that goal. Please begin asking those you come in contact with for their                           American Leak Detection
support at this year’s show. Ad space begins at just $25! Once a sponsor is obtained, please e-mail their infor-                     Armored Lion Trade Company
mation / program artwork (or ad) to and mail the payment to Treasurer Jodie Field.                          Cheryl Beck / Charlotte Trejbal
The sooner we receive these items, the sooner we can start thanking these amazing sponsors / supporters!                         Coeur d’ Alene Police Benevolent Fund
                                                                                                                                Coeur d’ Alene Police Officers Association
A list of the currently approved shows for 2021 are included below. Hopefully, we’ll have a few more dates added                         Dark Timber Taxidermy
this season. Please be sure to invite a friend to come and ride with you at the next show. We would love to meet                          Detros Western Store
them and the more the merrier! Happy riding and hope to see you at shows soon -- Melissa Stockman.                                           Hawkins Family
                                                                                                                                               Ellen Lentz
                  April 9-10: North Country Riders (Deer Park)                                                                              Lyngstad Family
       April 11: Washington State Championship Show Benefit (Spokane)                                                                        McCoul Family
                     April 17-18: Desert Duellers (Ephrata)                                                                               NRF2 / Alyson Rehm
                   May 8-9: North Country Riders (Deer Park)                                                                             Omak Feed and Supply
                  May 22-23: North Country Riders (Tonasket)
                     June 5-6: Desert Duellers (Coulee City)
                 June 19-20: North Country Riders (Deer Park)                                                                                Heather Rogers
                 June 26-27: North Country Riders (Tonasket)                                                                              Sally Cloke Memorial
                 July 10-11: North Country Riders (Deer Park)                                                                        The Pickett Fence (Deer Park)
                  July 24-25: North Country Riders (Tonasket)                                                                                 James Vidrine
                     July 31-August 1: Cowgirl Up (Cusick)                                                                          Washington Potato Commission
       August 27-29: Washington State Championship Show (Cashmere)                                                                   Will Rogers Saddle Company
                 Sept. 25-26: North Country Riders (Deer Park)
                   Oct. 2-3: North Country Riders (Deer Park)
                      Oct. 9-10: Desert Duellers (Ephrata)
                                                                                                                                2021 SHOW APPROVALS
                                                                                                                              Show Committees...please e-mail your
RULE CHANGES APPROVED AT THE 2020 WSH CONVENTION (For 2021):                                                                  show approval forms to Secretary Jes-
                                                                                                                              sie McLaughlin and mail payment to
Page 6 / General Rules / Section 9 (Starting / Finishing). Change to read, “The judge is the person of authority on           Treasurer Jodie Field at least 10 days
course and will signal course ready with a green flag or green light. After being given the course the rider has sixty        prior to your show for approval.
(60) forty-five (45) seconds to start. Rider must start and finish from his half of the arena. In the Cowhide Race, the       Thank you to our Show Committees
judge will not give the signal that the course is ready until after the rope is dallied on the horn of the saddle and horse   for all of the hard work that they put
and rider are ready.”                                                                                                         into making it possible for our riders
                                                                                                                              to qualify for a spot at the WSCS!
Page 22 / Acceptance of Show. Add paragraph to read, “Shows held July 1 and prior to last weekend of July:
Return original results plus 60 cents per ride postmarked within forty-eight (48) hours and must be mailed first class
mail. Clubs will be assessed $25.00 for failing to comply with show results deadline. Further, that approval for subse-
quent shows will be withheld until all payments are received. Also, there will be notification in the Canter of delinquent
show results. Additionally, arena sheets must be posted to the website within forty-eight (48 hours).”
                                                                                                                                          2021 OFFICERS
                                                                                                                                         Melissa Stockman (Director)
Page 22 / First Paragraph. Add sentence to read, “A WSH member leadline rider at a regular season show must be                        Kimberlee McCoul (East Side Vice)
led by a WSH member that is 14 years of age or over.”                                                                                 Larry Plagerman (West Side Vice)
                                                                                                                                        Jessie McLaughlin (Secretary)
Page 22 / First Paragraph. Change fifth sentence to read, “Leadline contestants must be led by a WSH Member 18                              Jodie Field (Treasurer)
14 and over with only participation awards (non-monetary) to be received for the WSCS Show.”                                             Wade Field (Times Keeper)
                                                                                                                                        Maizy Sandoval (Jr. Rider Rep)
Page 31 / Washington State Championship Show / Special Awards. Change 4th and 5th sentences to read, “Two
                                                                                                                                     Scott Howe (Rules Committee Chair)
Three or more riders each competing in at least 5 of the 7 individual events are required to compete to be eligible for       Sharon Kelsey and Kelvin Plagerman (Rules Committee)
High Point Age Division Awards at the Washington State Championship Show. If less than two three riders, age                          Terri Lowry (Rules Committee Alt)
groups will be combined.”

                                         For more information contact the Games Division Chair:
                                     Melissa Stockman at / 509.220.9099
Page 12 - WSH Canter / April 2021

                                  TOWN HALL MEETINGS
Our Town Hall Meetings last year were a great success and we have set up TWO of them for 2021. Please make plans to join us
and visit with members of the Executive Board and your Zone President. Everyone interested in Washington State Horsemen
(current member or not) is invited to attend. How do you join the virtual town hall meeting?
If you do not already have a Zoom account, go to and create an account (free) / download the app. You’ll want to do
this well before the start of the meeting so that when the meeting time rolls around, you are ready to access the app easily. You
can then get onto the Zoom meeting through any of your devices (Smart phone, desk top, tablet, laptop). If you don’t have access
to any of these items, you can call in on your phone. The log-in codes for the meetings have been shared on the WSH Facebook
page (under events) but are also available on the website event calendar. We encourage you to invite all horse enthusiasts from
your area to attend. “See” you at the meeting!
The meetings will begin as an entire group from your side of the State. After some introductory information from the Executive
Board, the meetings will then be split into into Zones via breakout rooms. Zone Presidents, please feel free to use this time to con-
duct any Zone business that you have in the “hopper”.

                                 WEST SIDE ZONES                                                WSH TOWN HALL MEETING
                                   May 2 at 7 p.m.
          Canal, Cascade, Northwest Border, Olympic, Prairie, Puget Sound

                                  EAST SIDE ZONES
                                    May 6 at 7 p.m.
                            North Central, Northeast, and Zone 1

                     My name is Anna Rodriguez and I have two AQHA show
                     horses, On A Southern Breeze “Belle” and Lets Invite Har-           LEGISLATIVE UPDATE
                     ley “Randy”.
                                                                                   Washington’s Legislative Session - any bill that
                     I grew up showing at Washington State Horsemen B Sys-         did not pass its policy committee is dead. Howev-
                     tem Shows with my Solid Paint Bred mare. This is my fourth

                                                                                   er, with that said, bills with significant financial
                     year showing at AQHA and WSQHA shows. My five-year-           consequences are exempt from the cutoff period.
                     old mare Belle and I show in the all-around events and my     Additionally, bills can be resurrected from the
                     four-year-old gelding Randy and I show in the Hunter Under    dead if the leaderships desires. Numerous pro-
                     Saddle.                                                       posals for new taxes have been put forward in-
                     I am also the Reporter for the Washington State Quarter       cluding an income tax on capital gains, an in-
                     Horse Youth Association. I’m a Junior at Explorer Academy     creased estate tax, a carbon tax, a wealth tax, and
                     and have been taking all my classes online for the past       a tax on health insurance. At the time of writing
                                                           three years now         this update, the Senate Republicans have released
                                                           which has allowed       a proposal for the 2021-23 budget. The majority
                                                           me to be able to        party budget proposal may still be a few weeks in
                                                           attend more horse       the making. A couple of agriculture-related bills
                                                           shows. My goal for      include HB 1395 and House Joint Resolution 4205.
                                                           this year is to have    HB 1395 directs the State Department of Agricul-
                                                           good     rides   with   ture to report to the legislature by 10/31/22 on
                                                           Randy for my first      progress, gaps, and recommendations to improve
                                                           trip to the AQHYA       outreach to and resources for historically un-
                                                           World Show and to       derrepresented farmers and ranchers. House
                                                           start showing my        Joint Resolution 4205 would add a new section to
                                                           mare in trail.          the State Constitution—the new portion would
                                                                                   give the people of Washington the right to a clean
                                                           For    more    infor-
                                                                                   and healthy environment, and the state shall serve
                                                           mation regarding the
                                                           Quarter Horse Divi-     as trustee of the natural resources of the State, and
                                                           sion, please contact    that the State shall equitably protect these rights
                                                           Director Anna Rodri-    for all people. Constitutional amendments require
                                                           guez at annarinwa       a 2/3s vote of both the House and the Senate as
                                                              well as a vote of the people to change thus many
                                                                                   steps still are still required.
Page 13 - WSH Canter / April 2021

                                               BUCKSKIN DIVISION: Welcome to 2021. There are many shows for the 2021 season (too many to list). Please refer to the
                                               American Buckskin Registry Association as the shows that are approved are listed with the dates and contact information on
                                               their website. The current rulebook may also be downloaded from the website. Just as a reminder, if you are needing to re-
                                               new memberships or amateur cards to ABRA, they can be obtained online also. The first Spring show in being held in Spo-
                                               kane at the Fair and Expo Center. The next show is the end of April in Moses Lake. We are always looking for buckskins to
                                               come join WSH for yearend awards (Both A & B Systems). I am so pleased and proud to share that the Final ABRA Honor
                                               Roll has been posted on the website under Honor Roll. Lord Scotty and Bonnie Schuchman received Register of Merit in
                                               Open Ranch Trail and tied for Reserve Champion Honor Roll. They also received Superior Register of Merit in Horsemanship
                                               and made Top 5 Honor Roll. Pretty incredible for not having many shows in 2020. Good luck to all in this 2021 season! For
                                               more information regarding the Buckskin Division, please contact Director Bonnie Schuchman at bonschuch-

                                      or via phone at 509.424.0906.

                                                DRESSAGE: Happy springtime! We are hoping for a normal horse show season. We will plan our shows
                                                using COVID safety protocols. Several WSH B Shows are planned across the State. Lower Puget Sound
                                                Dressage Club will offer a series of schooling shows / WSH “B” Shows beginning in May and ending in
                                                August. The championship show will be held at Aspen Farm in Yelm WA on October 2 – 3 (
                                                The club offered a Winter Virtual Series January through April (see photos below). These shows have
                                                been a great success with participants from all over the State. LPSDC voted at the last virtual meeting to
                                                start the exploration process of bringing an “L” judge program to Region 6 in 2021-22. We feel that it’s a
                                                valuable and wonderful educational opportunity to bring to the region again.
                                                                           WSH shows are counted from October 1 through September 30. To sign up for
                                                                           high score awards in the Dressage Division, you must be a WSH Member,
                                                                           register for Dressage High Score Awards in WSH, and get a dressage score
                                                                           report from the WSH website Horse Show forms and downloads
                                                                           ( Amateur cards are free for dressage riders
                                                                           competing in one high score award. The rider is responsible for submitting his/
                                                                           her own scores to the Dressage Points Keeper, Gena Loper at 208.660.0955 or
                                                                           via e-mail at Please submit scores in September im-
                                                                           mediately after your last show. For more information regarding the Dressage
                                                                           Division, please contact Director Mary Brady at or via
                                                                           phone      at    360.894.5855      or    Points    Keeper     Gena       Loper
                                                                           at or via phone at 208.660.0955.

                                               WESTERN: We asked Bonnie Schuchman to write this issue’s article for the Western Division. Bonnie is a member of Zone One.
                                               What a great honor and privilege to be asked to write this article for the Western Division of WSH. So where does one start? Some
                                               history! Lord Scotty (aka Scotty) came to me at the ripe age of two. My mom had seen him tied up to a trailer at a show in Spokane
                                               where I was showing my other horse Justa Lil Red Rebel (aka Quizzy). Come to find out, Debi Gumm had originally owned Quizzy
                                               so one thing led to another and Debi said she was the one who owned the buckskin and that he was for sale. My mother was always
                                               partial to buckskins. Long story short...we went to Farmington WA a few weeks later and you guessed it, Lord Scotty came to the
                                               Schuchman household. His name was “Bucky” but it was changed to “Scotty” in a heartbeat. That was mid-summer 2006. He was
                                               started lightly in 2006 and the spring of 2007, lots of hand driving, in hand trail. We showed walk-trot 2007 western, halter, showman-
                                               ship, and did in-hand trail. We were ready to attempt walk-trot- lope classes at Silver Spurs when tragedy happened with my Mom.
                                               The tragedy, unfortunately, resulted in her passing from a brain bleed (aneurysm). God had decided to take her to heaven. My mom
                                               is my guardian angel for sure and I know she rides on my or Scotty's shoulder every ride.

                                               Scotty is truly a blessing to me in so many ways - he has fantastic personality and a kind heart and he is quite the character. I can
                                               say he is my all-around horse and he has never refused anything I have asked of him to try. From showing in Western, English, Trail,
                                               and Side Saddle to the trail rides we go on, he is amazing. He is my challenge horse - being that he is a smart horse, he keeps me
                                               on my toes and challenges me as a rider to outsmart him, LOL. My Mom and I had said from the beginning that if Scotty was good
                                               enough, we wanted to take him to A System Buckskin Shows and maybe bigger. With the help and advice from several judges and
                                               encouragement of friends (my horse show family) we have done that and more. My dream was to take him to the World Show and
                                               we did get to do that in 2014 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We went and all I was hoping for was a top ten. Well...we achieved that and nev-
                                               er did I think we would bring home 1 World Title and 5 Reserve buckles (little alone the All-Around Amateur Select Saddle). Wow,
                                               just amazing. We travel far and wide to different shows and venues, many States, and have been able to meet new people and
                                               become friends. We love the road trips!

                                               Over the years we have been fortunate to have won many awards and have achieved goals that I have set out to obtain. We had a
                                               crazy 2020 with COVID. With what shows we had...we had a great year! Our 2020 WSH High Score Awards highlights include All
                                               Around High Point Senior Exhibitor Award, President's Cup High Score A System Western Horse, Judges Choice Perpetual Award,
                                               Lu Ann Perpetual HSD Senior Inspirational Award, Jim Simpson Memorial, All Around Buckskin Horse Perpetual, Jan Schuchman
                                               Versatile, High Score Senior Quarter Horse Trophy, The Vern Berk Memorial Senior Am Perpetual, Gladys Cluphf Memorial Equita-
                                               tion, The Dan Strong Memorial High Point Horse and Rider 31 & over, and the Slid in Miss Kitty Memorial Trail Horse.

                                               Our 2020 ABRA Awards include Register of Merit in Open Ranch Trail (along with a tie for Reserve Champion National Honor Roll
                                               Open Ranch Trail) and Superior Register of Merit in Horsemanship (along with Top Five National Honor Roll). I feel that I have
                                               some amazing horses and friends and I want to thank WSH and everyone that has supported us over the years.

                                               For more information regarding the Western Division, please contact Director Kamie McDowell at or
                                               via phone at 425.301.6492.
Page 14 - WSH Canter / April 2021

                    NORTHEAST ZONE                                                                        ZONE ONE
The Games Division held an awards banquet on the afternoon of November                   Bonnie Schuchman reports, “The Zone held a meeting
14 in the Stockman Arena. Although a little nippy (thank goodness for pro-               earlier this year and discussed the Equi-Fair two-show
pane heaters), everyone was grateful to be able to come together to cele-                series. The first one, scheduled for March 21, with
brate this year’s accomplishments...appropriately social-distanced, of                   Nicole Rowley as judge. The second show is sched-
course. This year’s top awards went to -                                                 uled for April 17 with Sherri Williams as judge. Show
                                                                                         office opens at 7:30 a.m. with the show starting at 8:30
     •   Bob and Joan Deardorff Memorial Award: DeeAnn Neumann                           a.m. Exhibitors are asked to utilize the online entry
     •   Leadline: Wade McCoul on Fritz                                                  found at The show is offering
     •   Buckaroo: Ellie Snyder on Shrek                                                 55 classes including Halter, English, Western, and
     •   Junior: Jacqueline Reedy on Zoey                                                Ranch classes. The shows are being held at the Black
     •   Intermediate: Evelyn Friebus on Reba who also received the Don-                 Rock Arena in Moxee, WA. Please contact Marcia
         ny Kenworthy Memorial Trophy                                                    Porter at 307.640.1029 with any questions. The Zone
     •   Senior A: Courtney Stockman on Driftin’ My Way                                  also discussed the Washington State Jr Horse Show B
                                                                                         System Show being held June 25-27. Initially, it was
     •   Senior B: Kristina Baker on Petey’s Two Socks
                                                                                         slated for Yakima however the State Fair Park is no
     •   Super Senior A: Melissa Stockman on Okies Bueno Bar who also                    longer available due to remodeling, taking down Du-
         received the Jet Bar Joker Memorial Trophy
                                                                                         rand arena, and the barns being dismantled. Options
     •   Super Senior B: Yvette Henderson on Holly                                       for relocation include Goldendale and Ellensburg. If
     •   Tora (ridden by Skyler Neumann) received an “A” Plate in Barrels                we go to Goldendale, we will have to change week-
                                                                                         ends. The Bloom in Ellensburg is available for the
The Northeast Zone is looking forward to the start of 2021 shows with the
                                                                                         show’s regular weekend. We discussed having 3
Games Division beginning with a North Country Riders Show on April 9 and
the Horse Show Division beginning with the Fat and Fuzzy Show on April 24                judges, so Kim Lansing is working on securing judges.
and 25. The Zone meets on the 1st Thursday (September through May) thus                  We will be having the next meeting after the first
the next meeting is slated for May 6. Visit the Zone’s Facebook page for                 schooling show to discuss the pros and cons of the
more information. What an exciting year this is going to be!                             schooling shows.”

                                            HISTORICAL COMMITTEE
Mary Brady, serves as the WSH Historical Committee Chair, and provides us with a
glimpse of our organization’s history from time to time which we SO APPRECIATE!
They say that you can’t know who you are until you know where you’ve been. This
issue’s glimpse back in time takes us to April 1982 (almost 40 years ago). The Presi-
dent was Del Haack and the Vice President was Chet Kelley. Both of these men are
remembered each year in the Youth Merit Division with two very special perpetual
trophies. The Del Haack Junior Achievement Award is given to the Youth Merit
Member earning the most NEW overall points that year. The Chet Kelley Memorial
Award is given to the Youth Merit Member with the most NEW participation points
earned through community service, school-related activities, church activities, etc.

                                                 The “fun” to the left was also includ-
                                                 ed on the first page of the issue.
                                                 How well would you do on this triv-
                                                 ia puzzle? So that you don’t begin
                                                 looking for the answers elsewhere in
                                                 this issue of the Canter, I’ve includ-
                                                 ed them below. No cheating!

                                                 As the current editor of the Canter, I
                                                 really appreciate all that our early
                                                 members did to get this publication
                                                 out to the members (back then it
                                                 was monthly). The tools that we
                                                 have today make editing so much
                                                 easier. Case in point, with the swish
                                                 of a mouse, I was able to turn the
                                                 answers upside down!

                                                     Page 7 Answers - $20, Chess Board
                                                   Tony, Glen Strange, Buttermilk, Scout,
Page 15 - WSH Canter / April 2021

               CLUB CONTACTS                                                         WSH DUES ARE DUE
                                                                                      Speaking from the perspective of a Show
CANAL                                                                                   Chair, let me explain how you as a rider
   Kitsap Saddle Club - Teresa Ford /                                                can help make the experience of registra-
    360.689.4234 /
                                                                                      tion smoother for show management and,
   Lower Puget Sound Dressage Club - Christine Erikson /
    253.857.3662 /                                                     more importantly, for YOU!
   Silver Spur Saddle Club – Trish Strong /
    360.471.3754 /                                             It really comes down to this one thing -
                                                                                              RENEW YOUR WSH
   Cascade Riding Club – Camille Ducharme /
    253.347.5567 /                                                MEMBERSHIP TODAY!
   Circle C Riders – Christine Oliver-Hammond /                                            (Don’t wait until the first show).
    253.227.3138 /

NORTH CENTRAL                                                                        It’s easily done by utilizing one of two methods:
   Desert Duellers – Scott Howe / 509.771.1097 /             1. If you are a member of a club (either 100%
   Sun Basin Riders – Emilie DeLong /                                                  club or affiliated club), contact your Club
    509.398.1052 /
                                                                                        Secretary for the amount due and then mail
NORTHEAST                                                                               the Club Secretary a check. They will sub-
   Four Seasons Horsemen – Cheryl Moriarty /
                                                                                        mit the information to WSH on your behalf.
    509.299.4191 /                                                 2. If you are not associated with a club, utilize
   Knights of Santiago – Jole Sue Chick /                                              the form on the back page of the Canter or
    509.954.3913 /                                           go to the WSH website for a Non-Club
   North Country Riders – Melissa Stockman /                                           Membership Form. After completing the
    509.220.9099 /
                                                                                        form, mail to the WSH Membership Chair,
NORTHWEST BORDER                                                                        Kamie McDowell at 33515 SE 301st St -
   Anacortes Horsemen – Jane Millard /
                                                                                        Ravensdale WA 98051-9773.
    360.941.7454 /
   BB Stablemates – Barb Hento / 360.398.2729 /             Once the information and payment are received
                                                                                     by the WSH Membership Chair, she will mail a
OLYMPIC                                                                              2021 WSH Membership Card to the address
   B Bar S – Jan Peterson / 360.457.5561 /                    you provided. This card may then be shown to
   Star Spangled Horse Club – Sherri Ellis /                                        show management upon checking in. Show
    360.460.8481 /
                                                                                     Management will be greatly appreciative of the
PRAIRIE                                                                              pre-show efforts you have made.
   South Sound Saddle Club – Stephanie Price /                                      As a reminder, ALL memberships have expired
    360.495.4369 /
                                                                                     unless you have renewed for 2021 already this
PUGET SOUND                                                                          year. Board Members and Zone Officers...if you
   Lope On In – Lisa Gardner / 253.208.8319 /
                                                                                     have not already sent in your 2021 membership
   Meridian Riding Club – Colleen Edmondson /
                                                                                     dues, this will need to be done immediately.
    253.845.9051 /                                          Thank you for being a part of WSH in 2021!

   Franklin County Saddle Club – Nell Cliff / 509.627.4306 /
   Pegasus Patrol Club – Shane Laib / 509.629.1354 /           Interested in placing an ad in the July
   Rock N Horse – Kim Lansing / 509.539.0247 /                         2021 issue of the e-Canter?
STATE-WIDE CLUBS                                                                        Please send the ad (jpg format) to
   Washington Equestrian Club - Sherri Williams /                                 
    509.949.0291 /                                                      no later than June 15.
   Year End Awards (YEA) Club - Teri Blair /                                          Business Card - $25      Quarter Page - $40
    253.318.6010 /
                                                                                        Half Page - $80          Full Page - $160
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