The Campus: March 30, 2018 - Allegheny College DSpace Repository
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Allegheny College Allegheny College DSpace Repository Student Publications The Campus Newspaper Collection 2018-03-30 The Campus: March 30, 2018 Allegheny College Copyright: 2008-2014, Allegheny College. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed beyond the Allegheny College community without permission. All materials in the Allegheny College DSpace Repository are subject to college policies and Title 17 of the U.S. Code.
VOLUME 142, ISSUE 19 – FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 2018 – WWW.ALLEGHENYCAMPUS.COM EVERYTHING IN THIS ISSUE IS FAKE NEWS. SAD! Campus-wide carpal tunnel affects seniors By DAENERYS TARGARYEN Rachelle Honson, ’19, is The Mother of Dragons only a junior and already fears that fate has led her to Allegheny students are developing a severe case of unable to finish their senior carpal tunnel. comprehensive projects with “It was late one Tuesday the onset of severe carpal night when my hand started tunnel syndrome across to cramp, and I knew I was campus. in trouble,” Honson said. “I In a survey carried out feel personally victimized by by the Hohn J. Bardner In- Allegheny, carpal tunnel and stitute, a non-profit organi- my professors who give me zation focused on improv- TORMUND/THE COMPOST multiple 12 page papers to ing students lives in higher President of the United States Donald Trump poses outside of the Henderson Campus Center during his visit to write each week.” education, which partnered Allegheny College on Sunday, March 25, 2018. Assistant Professor of En- with Allegheny as part of glish Genny Rox sees carpal Con Role’s faculty staffing plan, it was discovered that 98 percent of seniors will be tunnel as a badge of honor from Allegheny. “There isn’t another Allegheny announces Trump as annual Civility Prize recipient graduating with carpal tun- school out there that gives nel. you carpal tunnel like Al- Carpal tunnel causes legheny does,” Rox said. pain, numbness and tingling “Students should wear it as a Jane Smith, ’18, was throw- “I have a Pacifist Club meet- the president of ASG, said. “Our By JON SNOW in the hand and arm. This badge of honor to show how Guardian of the North ing bricks through the windows ing in half an hour, and I don’t normal meetings are so busy, condition occurs when one much hard work they’ve put of administrative buildings. want to miss Pacifist Club,” and we work so hard to pretend of the major nerves to the Allegheny College an- into their academic career.” Smith said the action was infu- Smith said. “So if they reverse to accomplish so much. It was hand is squeezed or com- nounced President Donald Students are finding that riating and disrespectful. their decision by then, that nice that we got to hold an un- Trump as the recipient of its pressed as it travels through carpal tunnel has not only “The administration does would be great.” eventful session for once.” annual Civility Prize during a the wrist, according to the left them incapable of fin- not really seem to respect us Joe Doe stood on the steps of Studley said during the meet- ceremony on Sunday, March 25. Allegheny’s We Don’t Give ishing their senior projects, here,” Smith said. “First, they Bentley Hall in front of a crowd ing, ASG officially removed all Tim Cullen, president of Notes But Get Well Soon but opening doors to most Allegheny, made the official an- double the price of a hamburg- of students, feeding add cards references to the organization’s Center. buildings has become al- nouncement in a speech to the er at McKinley’s. Next, they into a bonfire. Doe said he felt powers and responsibilities Following the onset of most impossible. Since its college. take away the underwater bas- outraged at what he saw as a be- from the constitution. carpal tunnel, panic has establishment in 1815, Al- “From rewriting the rules of ket weaving major, leaving all trayal of trust. “We used to have protocols spread across campus as the legheny has yet to update its civility in public discourse, to three of us future basket weavers “That’s why I’ve dedicated for how we were supposed to due dates for senior projects expanding the boundaries of without any career prospects. myself to standing here outside operate and actually get stuff buildings, making it a very grow near. Many are unsure what it means to be civil in to- Now, they do this. How does Bentley, demanding the admin- done,” Studley said. “Now we inaccessible campus. if they will finish in time. day’s society, Donald has made a this show respect for the stu- istration reverse their decision,” removed all references to things Due to the inaccessible “I sit here and ask myself, career out of pushing civility to dents as learners?” Doe said. “This is completely in- like voting and passing resolu- buildings and an inability ‘how am I supposed to write new boundaries,” Cullen said. Smith said she was glad she excusable, and I will not budge tions. It’s all meaningless buzz- to type or write, seniors are Trump thanked Cullen for did not have any classes that day, from this spot until justice is words, sort of like the phrase 90 pages in two different now required to memorize the prize in a series of tweets as she could spend more time served.” ‘constituent feedback.’ We all languages with carpal tun- and read aloud their entire during the event. protesting. Doe swiftly broke off the in- want to be lawyers someday, but nel’,” Golly Donnell, ’18, said. senior project under the “Little Man Cullen has a “The administration needs terview, claiming he had to leave that was too much legalese.” “I’ve barely lived my life and Rustic Bridge while their huge soul and a huge spirit,” to realize they have made a for his Psychology of Inanimate Rim Tott, Allegheny’s Dean this isn’t even a masters pro- advisers, the administration Trump said. “Very huge. He’s mockery of the idea of civility, Objects class. As he left, a large of Students, declined to com- gram.” and all non-senior Allegh- as well as the civility prize itself,” group of protestors detached ment, as she was too busy build- also a president too, you know. Senior projects are re- eny students are forced to Smith said. “But all actions have from the crowd, dispersing to ing a wall around her office. Tott Surprisingly, he doesn’t have quired by Allegheny College stand above and listen. consequences. They shall be the various academic buildings explained it was to keep out to worry about bureaucratic in order to graduate. Project “As underclassmen be- nonsense such as term limits. I met with fire and fury, the likes on campus. journalists, especially from The topics vary across depart- come upperclassmen they wonder how he did it. I should of which has never been seen In response to the rioting, Compost. ments and are considered need to be careful,” Donnell probably take some advice.” before. I hope they cannot sleep Allegheny Student Government “The Compost is fake news, an independent study or said. “Carpal tunnel is lurk- Students protested the an- tonight. They deserve what is held an emergency meeting. and it’s really sad,” Tott said. research paper with some ing everywhere and it will nouncement with riots carefully coming, every bit of it.” “Nothing happened, nothing “Also, everything I ever will say, being 40 pages in length to get you when you least ex- orchestrated as to not interfere Smith hoped the announce- really got done, it was actually and ever have said, is retroac- over 100. pect it.” with classes. ment would be quickly reversed. quite nice,” Matt Studley, ’18, tively off the record.” Compost staff drinks blood from mugs during break By JON SNOW officially make it on staff un- Mort Stein, ’20, the junior lege, said the college was aware Guardian of the North less they earned their mugs. features editor of The Com- the party had taken place. Those who did not receive a post, said the party was one “As long as they are not The Compost editorial mug would have their blood of the main reasons he ap- committing any alcohol viola- staff was seen drinking the consumed during the next plied for a staff position on the tions, there should not be any blood of contributing writers year’s spring break party. newspaper. out of The Compost coffee “It’s a way to encourage “When I got my mug, I was problems,” Haadi said. “I’m mugs at a spring break party people to take articles,” Flim- ecstatic,” Stein said. “I knew I not saying we fully endorse the on Saturday, March 17. ber said. “The staff doesn’t was in the clear, and I couldn’t practice, but if it’s a way to cut The Compost News Editor want to have to write stories wait until I got to drink the down on the number of inci- Laura Flimber, ’19, said the either, so we try to find ways blood of a poor contributing dents we have to respond to, party was a Compost tradi- to get others to do our work. writer who didn’t make grade.” then I’m all for it.” tion. That’s how you get ahead in Jimmy James, ’21, said the When asked if the party vi- “When I was a contrib- the world of journalism.” main event of the party terri- olated any state or federal laws, uting writer, the staff always Flimber said the idea of fied him. seemed to hype up these drinking blood out of coffee “I have to write some ar- Haadi said she did not know. Compost-branded coffee mugs was not as strange as ticles for my Journalism 100 She explained that due to an mugs as a reward for getting some may think. class, and I don’t think I’ll be unfortunate incident involving five articles published,” Flim- “I’m in the sorority Alpha able to do the five needed for a paper shredder and a burn- ber said. “I never understood Beta Gamma, and we do that me to get a mug,” James said. ing garbage truck, the relevant why they were such a big deal. kind of thing all the time during “I only have two so far, and be- documents were not available I mean, they’re kind of cool, chapter meetings,” Flimber said. cause of all the other clubs I’m for review at the time. but it won’t incentivize me “It’s a great way to encourage involved with, I just don’t have to write more than I already group bonding, and it helps en- time. I guess I’ll have to find a “Let’s just say that I’d love to SANSA STARK/THE COMPOST would.” sure people remain committed way to get the last three done.” help, but I don’t have the in- Mugs sit in the Compost newsroom after the editorial Flimber explained con- to attending sorority events. The Abby Haadi, director of formation right now,” Haadi staff enjoys a drink on Saturday, March 17, 2018. tributing writers could not same logic applies here.” Public Safety at Allegheny Col- said.
2 March 30, 2018 The Compost [News] Room draw system to feature Hunger Games-like competition By SANSA STARK a unique room draw process. jors made it clear they were Lady of Winterfell “This is sure to be the best taking the competition seri- way to satisfy everyone at Al- ously, chaos ensued, accord- By ARYA STARK legheny,” Houndsmith said. ing to Hunter. Many students Tiny but Mighty “Students are divided by class tried to make alliances, using Allegheny College’s Office year, and the reaping is held in McKinley’s munch money of Residence Life announced the Henderson Campus Cen- as their greatest bargaining the new room draw system ter. It will last two full days.” tool. It quickly became clear on Friday, March 16. The new Although the new meth- that those who had been care- system will include a “Hun- od was to give the college a less with their munch money ger Games-like competition,” unique take on the dreaded would not do well in the com- according to Jessica Hound- yearly room draw, the reality petition. smith, associate dean of stu- of the competition is proving “There was a kid beside me to be far worse, according to who only had $2.50 left on his dents and director of resi- surviving sophomore Joseph card,” Hunter said. “You can’t dence life. Hunter. Once students heard even buy a quesadilla with Residence Life decided to about the new room draw that. That was the last I saw of announce the new system the system, they started trying to him.” day before spring break so make alliances with one an- Daniel Broach, ’21, said he students can begin preparing other. Initially, the meetings was not entirely sure how to and training for room draw to make alliances were very handle the impending com- ahead of time. orderly. petition as a first-year. SANSA STARK/THE COMPOST “Initially, we were going to Students stand in the Henderson Campus Center to make alliances in preparation for “We’d all gather in the “All of my friends claimed average students’ numbers at campus center and try to form they were intended econom- the room draw competition on March 29, 2018. room draw, but we got a lot teams, or something like that. ics majors, and they’ve made of pushback from students,” Then one day, all these eco- good alliances,” Broach said. Dint, ’19, denied Bolton’s maniacal laughter floating and began training with one Houndsmith said. “I was nomics majors broke through “I’ve already bargained what’s claims. from the building, but there another. Class attendance has watching the Hunger Games, the crowd and tried to take left of my munch money, so “We work just as hard as has been no other sign of the dropped to a record low as the and inspiration just came to control of everything,” Hunt- I’m starting to get a bit ner- the econ majors,” Dint said. two students. date of the competition draws me. I thought, ‘We should do er said. “It was kind of a mess vous.” “So does every other student Seated comfortably in her closer. Senior students started a something like that in order to after that.” While some students are here. We’re just trying to carefully locked and secured gambling empire, as they take pick rooms.’ The next morn- Raquel Bolton, ’19, said worrying over the allianc- make strong alliances, and a office, Houndsmith said she bets on which groups they be- ing, I went into the office and her fellow Economics ma- es that are slowly forming in lot of us have been talking to did not notice any of the lieve will survive the competi- told the rest of my staff, and jors were desperate for good the student community, a few econ majors to try to get some mounting animosity amongst tion and which will fail early. we were all in agreement. This rooms. economics majors are growing of them to join our team.” students. Keeping her blinds drawn, was the perfect solution.” “We’re all just kind of an- concerned with the mathemat- While the Economics and “I expect a fair, friend- The new method was Mathematics majors have ly and fun competition,” however, Houndsmith failed to gry all the time,” Bolton said. ics majors, according to Bolton. meant to reward the strongest “We’re all squished into the been trying to makes alliances Houndsmith said. “After all, see the camps just outside her “The math kids are trying student with the best room top floor of Quigley, and ev- to lump themselves in with us,” despite their differences, Al- students asked for the room window. on campus, allow room for eryone always asks us to do Bolton said. “They know we legheny’s two Chemistry ma- draw system to be changed.” “I’m looking forward the incoming first-year students their taxes. We figured we at have the power, and they’re try- jors have vanished into Stef- Outside of her office, stu- competition,” Houndsmith and set the college apart from least deserved good rooms.” ing to take advantage of that.” fee Hall. A few students have dents organized into various said. “I honestly can’t see what others in the nation with such Once the Economics ma- Mathematics major Jim reported colored smoke and camps based on their alliances could possibly go wrong.” College to give snowshoes to every student By DAENERYS TARGARYEN “Not only are we giv- The Mother of Dragons en snowshoes to prepare us for the harsh life in winter Starting with the matric- during and after college, but ulation of Fall 2018, all in- the new major shows us how coming first-year and current to use our degrees to fend students will be receiving off bears,” said Alison Rabo, SANSA STARK/THE COMPOST snowshoes to cut the cost of ’21. “Animals can smell how Allegheny Student Government failed to book their usual room for their meeting on Tuesday, March 27, 2018. snow removal at Allegheny expensive, time consuming ASG President Matt Studley, ‘18, wandered off campus before he could prepare the room for the meeting. college. and worthless an Allegheny As the college’s endow- degree is which scares them ment shrinks, tuition rises for ASG president steals club credit away.” the 27th time and the atten- College administration dance rate drops due to adults views snowshoes and the new not wanting to birth annoying major as a positive addition to card, uses money to buy drinks children anymore, the school will be removing the Manual Weed Department. The Weed the college’s unusual combi- nations reputation. To show- case the schools use of snow- Department is in charge of shoes, Admissions is offering By SANSA STARK I thought it would be nice After he realized Studley drained every bit of energy ground operations and main- every prospective student that Lady of Winterfell to let everyone else in ASG was about to use the ASG and happiness I once found tenance as well as any renova- visits before the early decision have a fun night too.” credit card, Cullen called in life. Using their credit card Allegheny Student Gov- tions or construction needs deadline their own custom Sneaking the credit card Hurts to ask if she knew what felt sort of therapeutic, in a ernment failed to accomplish on campus. pair and a bag of Life Savers. from the room, Studley wan- was happening. Knowing she weird way.” anything during its meeting “Second winter hit hard in dered off campus into Mead- would need help, Hurts im- Hurts said Studley took Prospective students vis- on Tuesday, March 27. Three ville and eventually found his Meadville, and we can no lon- mediately brought the ASG one more shot then passed iting outside of the wintery Allegheny administrators way into Nickel Bar. Allegh- cabinet with her into Mead- ger afford it,” said Con Role, out on the floor of the bar. months will be taken to the had been invited to explain eny College President Tim ville. The rest of the senators provost and dean of the col- She tried to stop other ASG Quigley Hall basement by their yearly accomplish- Cullen was getting food with followed, curious to see their lege. “Snowshoes lets us add members from drinking tour guides to test their new ments and as always, refuse his family in a restaurant near broken president. more staff to the “we’re letting since she still hoped to get a shoes out. There will also be to answer any questions from Nickel Bar when he spotted By the time they reached you go plan” which saves us a live demonstration of bear ASG. However, when the the clearly intoxicated Stud- Nickel Bar, Studley had man- refund for the purchase, but money.” vs. Allegheny degree every administrators arrived, they ley waving the ASG credit aged to finish another shot there were too many sena- Sidewalks, roads and path- Monday, Wednesday and Fri- found an empty room. card wildly through the air. and purchased 500 drinks tors for her to control. Once ways will no longer be salted day making the basement the The failed ASG meeting Cullen said he called out to from the bar. When every she realized she would not be or shoveled after the Spring 2018 semester. Students will number one spot on the tour began when ASG President Studley to see if he could help ASG senator entered the bar, able to get the money back, Matt Studley, ’18, took one use their snowshoes to get to guides list of “top ten places to in any way. Hurts said Studley was an- Hurts said she gave up and and a half shots in his room and from classes. visit before graduating from Once he went into Nick- noyed it had taken them so drank more than anyone else. just before he left for the “We never actually salted Allegheny.” el Bar, Studley said he took long to come to him, as he “At one point, I tripped Henderson Campus Center. or removed snow in the first Different colors and sizes three more shots then decid- had texted them an invitation over Matt’s body, and that’s “I always knew Matt was place, but I am sad I won’t be will be available to students ed to buy all the drinks the an hour earlier. when I remember he’d passed a lightweight,” said ASG Vice able to drive the gator utility not majoring in how to use bar had to prepare for the rest “He forgot to actually send out, like, an hour before,” President Mallory Hurts, ’18. vehicle anymore” said Carl your degree to survive in the of ASG’s arrival. the invitation,” Hurts said. “I Hurts said. “So I told the oth- “I heard he couldn’t even fin- Baker, a Weed Department wilderness from the Merri- Outside of the bar, Cul- found it written on his phone ers to help me get him back ish the second shot.” worker. “The bricks made for man Bookstore starting on len said he thought Studley after I took it from him be- to campus.” After drinking in his was visiting Nickel Bar for an great jumps, and you won’t April 22. The price of snow- cause he was trying to send ASG returned to campus room, Studley went to the ASG-sponsored event. a Facebook invitation to the believe how high those gators shoes will range from $200 to around 9:30 p.m. $1000 depending on the col- campus center. Before he “I crossed the street and entire school.” can fly.” “It wasn’t until we put Matt or, patterns, and any engrav- could set up for the meeting, looked through the window Hurts said she tried to re- Meadville, Pennsylvania Studley said he saw the ASG to bed that I realized we’d left receives over 30 feet of snow a ing students would like added of the bar to see if Studley turn the drinks, but Nickel credit card sitting on the the credit card in Nickel Bar,” year along with three winters to them. needed anything,” Cullen Bar refused to refund Stud- desk. said, offering a different ac- Hurts said. “When I went making snowshoes a necessi- “Snowshoes help bring in ley’s purchase. Although the “It must have been left out count of what happened once ASG credit card was charged back this morning to look, ty. Snowshoes have also led to money and more prospec- from the last purchase,” Stud- Studley was inside Nickel Bar. over $1000 Tuesday night, it was gone. We still haven’t the creation of the how to use tive students,” said Flornell ley said the next morning. “That was when I saw him or- Studley said he did not regret found it.” your degree to survive in the SeLane, Dean of Admis- He sat in McKinley’s Dining der his first shot, take a small spending that much money Director of Finance Betsy wilderness major. This major sions. “Fraternities have been Hall wearing a pair of sun- sip then drop the glass on the on drinks. Blue, ’20, declined to com- teaches students lifelong skills pre-ordering snowshoes like glasses and staring at a plate floor. He offered to buy every “It’s been a long year, and ment, as she could not stop such as burning their paper crazy to show they have the of untouched chicken fingers. drink at Nickel Bar to make I needed to relax a bit,” Stud- crying long enough to lift her degree for warmth when they biggest pair on campus, it’s “I’d had a lot to drink, and up for the broken glass.” ley said. “Honestly, ASG has head from the desk. are jobless and living in shacks. great!” [News] The Compost March 30, 2018 3 The Compost is printed annually around April 1. EVENTS CALENDAR Advertising: (555) 555-5555 Box 5, P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney Fraternity Event to Make Allegheny a Dry Campus Friday, March 30, Schultz Hall, 12:15 a.m. Fraternities on campus have started working together to support the idea of Allegheny becoming a dry campus. They will be hosting an event to raise support and awareness for the cause. All are invited. BYOB. Administration Open-House for Prospective Students’ Families THE COMPOST Friday, March 30, Loomis Street, 11 p.m. To ensure prospective students’ families understand all Allegheny WWW.ALLEGHENYComost.COM has to offer, Administration will host an open-house that will give the families a tour of a weekend at Allegheny. Families are expected to bring their own mixers, but drinks will be provided. The campus- NED STARK Head of the King wide crawl will begin at 11 p.m. Anyone still sober by 12 a.m. will be ARYA STARK Tiny but Mighty asked to leave campus. Allegheny Student Government Party Saturday, March 31, College Court, 11 p.m. SANSA STARK Lady of Winterfell Hopeful to find a way for students to notice them, ASG will hold a party in College Court. The theme is worst American Senators, and JON SNOW Guardian of the North everyone on campus is invited. Administration will visit briefly to DAENERYS TARGARYEN The Mother of Dragons answer students’ questions (lol jk, no they’re not). Drinks will be provided. TJ the Erie Guy Concert Monday, April 2, Arter Hall Basement, 1 p.m. LYANNA MORMONT Lady of Bear Island Realizing he failed to perform for half of his slotted time, TJ the Erie PODRICK PAYNE Squire Guy has offered to return to Allegheny to give another performance. The only available space is the Arter Hall basement in the afternoon. CATELYN STARK Queen Mother Students who are attending class during the concert are asked to bring ear plugs so they can continue to work during the performance. What About the Male Orgasm? GENDRY The Bull Monday, April 2, Shafer Auditorium, 5 p.m. JAIME LANNISTER King Slayer Following the popular talk about the female orgasm, three guest speakers will visit Allegheny’s campus to present “What About the Male Orgasm?”. The presentation will be about a subject that is rarely discussed: the male orgasm. The talk will focus on misconceptions surrounding the taboo subject and will empower men to learn to BRIENNE OF TARTH Brienne the Beauty truly appreciate the male orgasm. TYRION LANNISTER Hand of the Queen Sorority Hazing Event Monday, April 2, Campus Center Lobby, 10 p.m. To fight an unjust system in which fraternities may haze but sororities cannot, all sororities on campus will hold a hazing event in the KHAL DROGO Chieftain campus center lobby. The event will begin with a guest speaker who GREGOR CLEGANE The Hill will talk about her best hazing memories. It will conclude with a campus-wide hazing event, in which everyone who attends will be blindfolded and given tasks to complete. Attendance is mandatory. SANDOR CLEGANE The Hound Administration Public Forum Tuesday, April 3, Campus Center Lobby, 12-2 p.m. TORMUND Giantsbane The Allegheny Administration will be holding an open discussion to give students a chance to voice their thoughts about the decision to remove Oddfellows Hall and extend the Robertson Complex on campus. Areas for the new water polo and cheese racing teams to OLENA TYRELL Murdering Grandma practice will be built in the place Oddfellows Hall currently stands. All students are encouraged to attend. Office of Public Safety Picnic HODOR Master of the Door Friday, April 6, Gator Quad, 12-3 p.m. In preparation for the fast-approaching Springfest, the Office of Public Safety will hold a picnic on the Gator Quad. The picnic will be open to anyone, but administrators are especially encouraged to come, as the event will serve as a last moment of peace before the SAMWELL TARLY Prince Pork-chop Springfest activities. Drinks will be provided to anyone who will not be enjoying Springfest. Art Department Party Follow us on Twitter @ACCompost Friday, March 30, Campus Center Lobby, 11 p.m. In an attempt to keep Allegheny from completely erasing the Art Follow us on Instagram @ac_compost Department after the removal of the Art History major, faculty Like us on Facebook “The Compost Newspaper” and student members of the Art Department will host a party in the Campus Center lobby. The party will include a show displaying abstract works from both faculty and students. Food will be provided, but the party will be BYOB. Brooks Hall Rave Saturday, March 31, Brooks Hall, 9 p.m. CRIME BLOTTER To adjust to the near-constant fire alarms that have been plaguing Brooks Hall all year, residents of the dormitory will hold a rave March 24, 2018 during the next bout of alarms. The rave will include music set to the Campus Center beat of alarm and a strobe light, which will be played on Brooks Walk Student trashes McKinley’s Dining Hall after receiving same cow joke in preparation for evacuation. All students are invited. Alcohol will be on every chocolate milk carton. provided, but students are asked to arrive already drunk. March 24, 2018. Ghost Walk Rustic Bridge Saturday, March 31, Brooks Wall, 3 a.m. Student arrested for stealing wrong plank. The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life will host a Ghost Walk that will cover Allegheny’s entire campus. The walk will begin in Brooks March 25, 2018 Hall, where students will be asked to look for a dark-haired girl Campus Center wandering from room to room. The tour will conclude in the campus Student robbed of all Munch Money. Security thoroughly bamboozled. center lobby, where students can convene to discuss what they saw throughout the night. Anyone who spots a ghostly cow is asked to March 26, 2018 immediately notify the group. Brooks Walk Student arrested for attempting to steal all bricks on Brooks Walk. Only Gladiator Competition partially successful. Thursday, April 5, Gator Quad, 2:31 p.m. To find the new Dean of Students, the Allegheny administration has March 27, 2018 decided to hold a Gladiator-style competition in which the three final Quigley Hall candidates will engage in a fight to the death. The administration History majors stage their own version of the French Revolution. invites all students to visit the Gator Quad and place bets on the winner and losers. March 27, 2018 Quigley Hall Book Drive Three members of History Department faculty maimed or seriously Friday, April 6 at 12 p.m. injured. To help students handle the cost of books for next semester, the Allegheny administration has organized a book drive. All students are March 28, 2018 invited to buy and sell books for the Fall Semester. The lowest prices Loomis Street will begin at $415, and will stop at $700. McKinley’s Munch Money Former Dean of Students arrested attemps to enter college party. has been announced as an acceptable form of payment. All students Students alerted Meadville Police Immediately. are welcome to attend.
4 March 30, 2018 The Compost [CLASSIFIEDS] Careers Liquor or alcohol Buying any liquor or alcohol from anyone on campus. I am For Sale One Trump voter twenty-one, I just want someone else it get it for me from town. I am twenty-one. Safe-space gauge Okay, this is less of a job and more of a one time thing. Hon- For those of you who have ever walked into a room and felt Cargo for cargo pants estly, I just want proof that you exist. Literally, I cannot find a threatened by the opinions of others, this is the gadget for you. single student here who admits they voted for Trump. I even It basically works like a Geiger Counter, except instead of de- went to the College Conservatives meeting and all of them were tecting radioactivity, it will alert the operator when it encoun- too scared to admit they voted for him! You must exist. Please I am that guy who is always ready for anything. You know ters dissenting opinions and possible areas of valid disagree- just meet me at McKinley’s this Saturday. me. I wear flannels, hiking shoes and cargo pants as if I just ment. Take it with you on the go, and make sure every space is walked out of an episode of The Walking Dead. Or maybe you a safe one. don’t see me around, because I often wear camo-stuff too. Ei- Expert poll e-mailer ther way, I am buying stuff to fill all the cargo space I have now, so please respond to this article if you have: matches or any ADVERTISEMENT sort of fire-starter I might need in class; a multi-tool where So I’m that typical club president who emails out a doodle all the pliers, knives and saws were made so small for conve- poll, and then three seconds later has to blast out another round nience that it rendered them unusable anyway; carabiners for LOOKING FOR FAIR MAIDEN of emails apologizing about how the original link didn’t work the rock-climbing I do on my way to Brooks; anything with and how “hopefully this one does.” Long story short, my club para-cord attached. members are pissed I keep spamming them every week, so I’ve decided to outsource. I know what the ad says, but you don’t need to be an expert at Gmail or Doodle Polls. You really just need to be able to copy and paste a link for me. I know, it’s not rocket science, but for some reason I can’t seem to do it. Services Perspective giver Willing to hold stuff I need someone to give my roommate some perspective. For three semesters I’ve been hearing about how hard his comp Are you looking for a friend to hold onto something for is, even though it’s only a two semester comp. I am dead se- you? Look no further. I am a trust-worthy guy willing to hold rious. Last night, he was writing in his room for two hours, onto something for a friend. I am trustworthy sophomore, not even though the entire time he was texting and scrolling Face- sketchy, and trustworthy. Just looking to score a little extra cash. book, and then he walked out and groaned as if he had just You have something you don’t want to be carrying around with been through Normandy. This job literally entails you telling you or keeping in your room? Send it my way. I’ll hold onto it him that every single person who has graduated Allegheny has for a friend, and if someone catches me with it, I will not tell I am a single guy, adept at horse riding, fal- written a comp and that he should get a grip. them I’m holding onto it for a friend. Don’t worry, I’m a trust- worthy guy. coning and dancing. I excel in martial prowess, and have a full head of hair, blue eyes and good Newspaper editor ADVERTISEMENT jaw line. But that last bit does not matter because I am never taking this helmet off no matter how For this job, you need to be majoring in the social science or many times you ask. humanities, and have good verbal and writing communication skills. Additionally, you need to be enthusiastic, maybe take you ARYA STARK FOR ASG PRESIDENT job too seriously, actually take your job and yourself way too se- riously, think you can change the world with a breaking story in a small college paper no one reads, and then be resilient enough to remember no one reads it and just go on with life. Education Pre-law student Saegertown University Founded and staffed exclusively by former Allegheny faculty Following Tony Hallway’s latest lawsuit, Allegheny College who took the buy-out, come expand your education with the will be hiring a pre-law track student to serve as his legal rep- most experienced professors in the region. resentative in order to save the college millions in legal fees. Successful candidates should have experience in spinning the truth to the breaking point and avoiding journalists’ calls and emails. The position will be paid $7.25 an hour, with a ten cent raise every time Hallway is named in another lawsuit. Pay is Self-defense classes capped at $500 an hour. STARK, ’19, IS RUNNING FOR ASG PRESI- Have you ever been walking alone on campus late at night, DENT ON THE PROMISE TO TURN IT INTO when out of nowhere, someone approaches you and starts to AN AUTOCRATIC REGIME. SHE IS ALSO ask pointed questions about the fundamental assumptions THE CURRENT LEADER OF THE ONLY FREE underlying your thesis? Have you ever been in an office with Wanted PRESS APPARATUS ON CAMPUS, WHICH IS CONVENIENT. two professor who are critiquing your work, and suddenly felt physically vulnerable? This is the class for you. Come learn how to not only ward off would-be muggers, but also defend your comp from challenging questions. Learn to identify an oppor- ES major reqs’ tunity to apply a choke-hold, while also looking for logical gaps and straw men. Hey everyone! I am a just a freshman, but I am looking to get Will do anything a jump start on declaring my environmental studies major next year! Unfortunately though, I do not have a car on campus, so Hey all! I am just a guy who is struggling to make friends. As a result, I have resorted to making a spectacle of myself. I have Science fair! I am looking to buy all the required materials from people here now developed a destructive personality, and will do literally This is a call for all Allegheny students to submit a project for at Allegehny. If you are willing to sell any of the following items, any dare. Give me something to do. I will do it. Give me some- this year’s science fair. All you need to do is get a green take-out please let me know! I need a Patagonia jacket, a Nalgene water thing to drink. You think I won’t drink it? Give me something box from Brooks this week, eat a meal out of it, and then leave bottle, a collection of alternative stickers for my laptop and a to do that will land me on someone’s Snapchat story, please. it in your room and see what grows! Second place prizes will be pair of hiking sandals. Thank you! offered to the worst smelling protein shaker and third place will go to the grimiest unwashed travel coffee mug. PHILOSOPHERZ It was about time they let me o ut of jail. Imman d uel! I prison I KANT! State of know I tol ut my Nature you abo n we he crime w ed ck were lo go tell up, but I’m ge the jud for t innocen n be ca me so I o! freed to State of Nature [science] The Compost March 30, 2018 5 Students design robot to replace counseling staff By BRIENNE OF TARTH Now, Sherman is nearly Brienne the Beauty ready, Carey said, to debut as a counselor. Four first-year computer An application and a for- science students are applying mal proposal to begin Sher- classroom learning to serve man’s transition into the the campus community. counseling center’s sole staff Natalie Ayers, Shane position have both been sub- Burns, Sullivan Carey and mitted to and filed in the ap- Cam Lennox, all members of the class of 2021, spent winter propriate offices. “ break in the basement of Al- den Hall designing and build- ing a human-like robot. “It started out as just a fun thing for us to do,” Burns said. “None of us could travel home We are starting to for break, and we wanted to think robots could keep ourselves busy. But as solve a lot of the we progressed and Geraldine came to life, we realized this could be part of something college’s problems. “ bigger than us.” The students named their creation Geraldine Sherman and have programmed Sher- Sullivan Carey man to apply for a counseling Class of 2021 position in the Counseling Contributed by Pixabay and Personal Development Geraldine Sherman, a robot designed and built by first-year students Natalie Ayers, Shane Burns, Sullivan Carey and Cam Lennox, has applied for a counseling position in the Counseling and Personal Development Center. After Counseling and Person- Center. Sherman appears to be be- addressing glitches over spring break, the students believe Sherman is ready to serve the campus as a professional al Development Center staff tween 35 and 45 years old, can counselor. could not be reached for com- speak fluent English, Spanish ment after six attempts by the and French and is able to rec- The students have been views in the unlikely event the next week,” Carey said. last week we sort of had an computer science students ognize and label several hu- resourceful, using materials Counseling and Personal De- The students returned with epiphany,” Lennox said. “We and eight by The Compost. man emotions, including an- from the basement of Do- velopment Center returned Sherman to Alden dismayed, miscalculated some chemical “We still have some issues ger, disgust and sadness. The ane Hall of Art and campus the students’ phone calls and protecting their hopeful work ratios in the leg battery packs with the typical and undesir- students said they believe the dumpsters, and Sherman emails about Sherman. of art from the afternoon rain and had to recalculate some of able behaviors, but we kind campus community will not would not require a salary “The leg is something we with a tarp. the electronic responses in the of understand that those are be able to notice major differ- — only regular maintenance can fix because we think it’s “We were afraid this would robot brain.” never really going to go away ences between their robotic and adjustments if it eventu- just a loose connection, but happen,” Carey said. “Even Lennox and the other stu- no matter how we program,” design and current counsel- ally transcends physiological the hand is tricky,” Carey said. though we did the program- dents said they wished they Carey said. “We just hope the ing staff. needs, Ayers explained. “When we placed a pen and ming ourselves, the thing just would have had more math college will realize this.” “We thought we could The students have experi- piece of paper on the table won’t stray from typical and practice so these issues could Ayers, Burns, Carey and really help the college in its enced some issues with Sher- in Tippie, you know, to prac- undesirable behaviors.” have been avoided. Lennox have also been work- downsizing initiative by re- man’s programming, however, tice filling out paperwork, the The students said they Last semester, Carey and ing on a similar design to re- placing the counseling center and may need to reconstruct hand could only write ‘How would not allow this setback to Lennox decided to enroll place Residence Life staff. For staff with one person, I mean some of Sherman’s robotic are you doing this week’ and impede their success, so they in other spring courses af- now, they wait in Alden in be- robot,” Ayers said. “It could limbs, according to Burns. ‘See you next week.’” ate, worked and slept in Alden ter learning that math was tween classes and pass time by be so beneficial for everyone Burns said he and Carey When Burns and Ayers during spring break to recon- rumored to be obsolete in administering Turing Tests to in the long-run. Having Ger- noticed issues with Sherman’s tried to confront Sherman figure Sherman and ultimately computer science studies, one another. aldine wouldn’t be a drastic right leg and right hand when about the apparent glitch, attributed their shortcomings but they expressed some re- “We are starting to think change for students, and the they brought Sherman to the Sherman’s voice box could to miscalculations. gret after making, what Carey robots could solve a lot of college would save a lot of Tippie Alumni Center last only repeat, “You’ll have to “This has been a frus- described as, “embarrassing the college’s problems,” Carey money.” month to stage practice inter- wait outside” and “See you trating time for all of us, but mistakes.” said. Humanities classrooms to move into science buildings Changes coming for English, philosophy and religious studies departments By TYRION LANNISTER following the end of their use, a separate, aboveground wing Hand of the Queen administrators said the college of Steffee Hall, and faculty of- will work to ensure the transi- fices will be housed in reno- The Allegheny College ad- tions are smooth and comfort- vated maintenance closets. ministration announced plans able for students and faculty. “We think that sharing Monday, March 26, 2018, to “We are pleased to an- these spaces will create an im- move all humanities class- portant bonding opportuni- nounce the donation made rooms into the basements of ty for the staff that will really by distinguished alumni of Carr Hall and Steffee Hall. contribute to the community plaques for the Reis Room, The move comes after an feel of this campus,” Role said. the Quigley Room and the investigation into the struc- Odd Fellows Room,” Con Faculty reactions to the an- tural integrity of Odd Fellows Role, provost and dean of the nouncement have been mixed. Hall, Reis Hall and Quigley college, said. “So long as creative writ- Hall. A further budget review ing, particularly poetry, par- “ cemented administrators’ ticularly poetry taught by a plans to minimize building competent professor with maintenance expenditures. sufficient knowledge of Greek “In light of recent efforts culture, is given its place, the to downsize the college as a We would like to see move will be tolerable,” said whole, President Cullen felt the return of these Contributed by Chmee2/WikimediaCommons resources would best be di- rected toward buildings that already house vital laborato- halls one day. “ English Department Chair Blister Hawken. Science faculty expressed concerns, particularly about Physical Plant staff discovered asbestos in Odd Fellows Hall last spring, prompting plans to move all classes typically held in Odd Fellows to Carr and Steffee Halls. An official date for the move has not been announced. ry equipment,” said Tammy the lack of adequate space to Ryan, assistant to the presi- house mice, fish and other dent. “We will take deliberate animal test subjects. Multiple measures to ensure that all Con Role professors also complained humanities professors have Provost and about the potential disruption access to chalkboards and Dean of the College caused by classes being held chalk as well as erasers.” throughout the night to en- Allegheny College Presi- Role said the plaques will sure each course can continue dent Tim Cullen was unavail- represent the legacies of the to be offered. able for comment as he was in historic buildings and serve “As of right now, human- a meeting to finalize his pen- as a permanent reminder of ities classes will likely be held sion. student and faculty laugh- 18 to 20 hours a day due to The move is perceived by ter, tears and memories from classroom availability,” Role Physical Plant, which con- each building. said. “New soundproofing ducted the investigation, as Each of these rooms will will be put into the ceilings an absolute necessity. house classes in the depart- above the basement in each “After receiving reports of ments taught in the current building to ensure absolute illness from several student academic buildings, ac- focus during late-night labs employees following an at- cording to Ryan. Additional and study sessions.” tempt to remove asbestos in classrooms will be added as Role expressed optimism Odd Fellows, we decided to student interest in incoming and confidence in the college’s move the English, philosophy classes is evaluated. direction. and religious studies depart- “We would like to see the “We’ve really taken into ments into Steffee Hall,” said return of these halls one day,” account student desire and Gorge Williams, director of Role said. “We just mean hall communicated heavily,” Role Contributed by Pixabay physical plant. as in hallway in this particular said. “Students have contin- The proposed move will involve renovations to the basements of both Carr Hall and While no future plans have scenario.” ued to smile at President Cul- Steffee Hall. These renovation plans include installing soundproofing material, pic- been announced for the ex- Role added the new busi- len in McKinley’s throughout tured here, in the new humanities classrooms to create a barrier between the basement isting humanities buildings ness major will be housed in the entire process.” humanities spaces and the upper-floor laboratories.
6 March 30, 2018 The Compost [Features] Let’s taco bout Parish leaving over the lack of nachos Allegheny College removes cantina for being too delicious for students By CATELYN STARK the snow while wearing her the cantina into the sitting and roommates. that deprives its students of have access to nachos. Queen Mother cheerleading uniform in or- area, Parish was greeted by a “At the time, I had no idea nachos,” Parish said. The campaign has already der to get her plate of nachos. cafeteria full of students gulp- how bad it was,” said Bodak. Parish withdrew herself gained hundreds of signa- Allegheny College offers Parish wanted nothing more ing down mozzarella sticks As hard as Bodak and Par- from the college bright and tures. However, Marley refus- its students a wide variety of than a plate of nachos to re- while another batch waited ish’s other three roommates early Monday morning with es to stop there. dining options, ranging from lieve her stress before heading for the grille to start serving tried, they could not find a the support of her parents. “Hopefully by the end of standard dining hall food to bed. breakfast sandwiches. way to calm their friend. “I really wish Allegheny this year we will have thou- in Brooks Dining Hall to an She had barely passed the Parish immediately Parish’s mind had been would’ve considered the con- sands of signatures. Depriv- extensive sandwich bar and Phi Beta Kappa fraternity slammed down her pom made up, and she decided sequences before making this ing students of nachos is a grille in McKinley’s Food house when she heard the first poms and stomped across Court. murmur that the cantina was campus to Bentley Hall in or- Throughout their college being shut down and removed der to find who was responsi- careers, every student will at from the college campus. ble for this decision. some point find themselves After the results of the Since it was creeping into attracted to one specific type 2017 student satisfaction sur- the early morning of the of comfort food. vey were released and studied, hours, Parish was greeted by A lot of students find it was concluded that much of nothing except a locked door. themselves at the grille wait- the dissatisfaction with the At this point, Parish was ing for mozzarella sticks while school came from Allegheny frustrated and unsure of others cannot wait to get their providing their students with what to do so she settled on hands on a quesadilla or fries. too many delicious dining op- storming back to her room in Campus Co-Editor-in- tions. North Village I. She proceed- Chief Marley Parish, ’19, was Allegheny immediately ed to slam every single door one of these many students. sprang into action to recti- behind her, which woke up After a long night of cheer- fy the situation. The college about twenty residents in the leading practice, Parish want- came to the conclusion that building. ed nothing more than a plate providing a Mexican dining “Marley must be devastat- of nachos. option was too extravagant ed. I just don’t know how she “Marley has been one of and overwhelming for stu- is going to function with the my best friends since fresh- dents. closing of Cantina. Nachos man year. The first thing I ever However, the college did are what keep her sane,” said knew about her was her love not predict the impact the Marianne. of nachos, ” Marianne Gratzi, removal of the cantina would Parish made it back to her ’19, said. “Before I even knew have on the student popula- dorm before collapsing into a ARYA STARK/THE CAMPUS her name, I knew this was a tion, or more specifically, the crying heap on her floor, still A passionate lover of Taco Bell, Marley Parish, ’19, poses with one of the greatest loves girl who just had an immense effect it would have on Parish. dressed in her cheerleading of her life, a burrito. amount of love for nachos.” Parish reached the Hen- uniform. However, on the night of derson Campus Center from “I didn’t check on her at that she would no longer be radical of a decision,” Parish problem that is near and dear Friday, March 9, Parish was Phi Beta Kappa in record first because I thought she able to attend Allegheny Col- said. to my heart, and I just hope unable to get her late night time, only to discover that her was laughing. That’s how hard lege. Since leaving Allegheny that nobody will ever have nachos. biggest fear had come true. she was crying,” said Lau- “As much as I love Allegh- College, Parish has started a to go through what I went She had marched all the Instead of seeing the nor- ra Bodak, ’19, who is one of eny, I just can’t find it in my- campaign to advocate for the through ever again,” Parish way across the campus in mal long lines stretching from Marley’s long time friends self to attend an institution rights of college students to said. Sold out show: DJ Marley P breaks major concert records By ARYA STARK logs, The Compost was able Tiny but Mighty to confirm this decrease. “I used to not work week- The Shafer Auditorium ends because I wanted to stage has been the host of spend more time with my countless performers like Bil- wife and children. Now, I fight for those late shifts on Friday ly Joel, Third Eye Blind, Mac and Saturday nights because I Miller, Hoodie Allen and love to listen to Marley’s tunes Daya for the bi-annual major while making my rounds, Ar- concert, an event organized mando said. “Just the other by the major events commit- day, I decided to follow her tee. This year, the committee on Spotify, and I just can’t found its headliner a little stop listening to her playlists. closer to home and chose fel- ‘Merry LITmas’ is my favorite low gator, DJ Marley P, ’19, as one. It’s not your average hol- the main performer for the iday playlist, but the live ver- show. sion at parties is the best mu- Once it was announced sic experience you will ever Marley P would be raising the have. Everyone should go to a roof of the Henderson Cam- DJ Marley P party.” pus Center, ticket sales sky- Marley said she is beyond rocketed and broke a college excited, honored and hum- record after the show sold out bled to have been asked to in four minutes. perform for this year’s con- “You know, there were no cert. She said music was al- hesitations about giving Mar- ways her way of expressing ley the stage for the night,” herself, and she cannot wait to “ CONTRIBUTED BY CREATIVE COMMONS, EDITED said ASG President Matt The amazing and talented DJ Marley P raised the roof of the Henderson Campus Center for the Allegheny Major Studley, ’18. “I have heard her Event Concert. work at parties and at Town Tav on the weekends. She just memories.” was the first ticket sale. She She was just so friendly. After nounce the concert openers. knows what beats to drop and I have Marley’s name While the cat is out of the said she is pumped to see that, I always saw her sitting tattooed on my arm, Kaftan said she has never seen always pleases the crowd. My bag, and Marley’s role in the Marley perform in such a in booth in McKinley’s day af- roommates and I tried to book and I have been to concert has been made pub- public setting and described ter day. I am so glad she is be- Marley more excited than her for one of our parties, but every single one of lic, she is keeping her setlist her first encounter with Mar- ing recognized for her talent. then moment GAP and the the waiting list is so long. She the parties she has under lock and key. ley. I hope she brings cheese and MEC asked her to collaborate is in really high demand, but I been the DJ at. I re- “I have a wide variety of “The first time I ever saw pizza to the concert. Marley is and help find the other acts. cannot thank her enough for ally hope they find a music on my playlists. It all Marley was the weekend be- full of surprises, and food is “Marley is such a happy bigger venue. If not, taking the time to perform at the concert this year.” Marley P began her career at one of Allegheny’s own my entire Allegheny experience will be ruined. “ depends on my mood and who my audience is,” Mar- ley said. “I am a huge fan of 2000s rap and hip hop, the fore Thanksgiving break. I was at a party with my friend, Tarah, at red house, and to this day, it is still my favorite always involved.” The MEC decided to hold off on booking opening acts until after it was announced person, and I can tell that she really wants to give the audi- ence a performance they will fraternity houses, Tau Chai. Jonas Brothers, maybe even night of college,” Shaw said. Marley would be the main never forget,” Kaftan said. “It On the weekend, house walls Loganne Carla some songs from High School “The song ‘Everytime We performer. According to Ga- was a no-brainer to ask her to vibrate with the beats of her Class of 2018 Musical. You’ll all have to wait Touch’ came on the speaker, tor Activities Programming help pick the other artists who music selections, according and see at the concert, I don’t and my heart stopped. I just President Lauren Kaftan, ’18, will be performing with her.” to one of her fans, Marianne share passion with her peers want to give everything away love that song so much, and this was a smart move because Marley said she is look- Gratzi, ’19. and community members. all at once. Just know that I I knew I had to find out who artists are now contacting the ing forward to the show and “I have know Marley since “Music is just something have quite a few surprises up was controlling the music. I concert organizers asking to our freshman year, and I am hopes that she will not disap- I have always been passion- my sleeve.” looked up, and there was this pay them to be able to work still in awe of how talented she ate about, but I didn’t realize Due to the high demand woman dancing in a formal and perform with Marley. point the crowd. is,” Gratzi said. “She is my best how much I loved it until I for tickets, the MEC is con- dress, sweatpants and rain “We only have so much “I just love being able to friend, roommate and favorite came to college,” Marley said. sidering booking another lo- boots. She was holding a box money to spend for the major change the whole dynamic of DJ. She’s always jamming out “I went to a party, and I no- cation to hold the event. of pizza, a plate of cheese and concert,” Kaftan said. “Marley a room, and I cannot wait to and listening to music. Our ticed all of these people just “I am DJ Marley P’s biggest passing out food to everyone refused to accept any form of see Shafer full of people danc- apartment is a party all of the standing around awkwardly. fan, and my heart shattered at the party. I turned to my payment and instead suggest- ing, having a good time and time. It doesn’t matter if she’s Why wasn’t anyone dancing? when I didn’t get a ticket to friend and said, ‘She’s the DJ.’” ed all proceeds from ticket showering, cooking, cleaning So, I went to the guy playing the concert,” Loganne Car- Shaw said she saw Mar- sales be used in order to sup- eating some Taco Bell. This or doing laundry. It is always music and go, ‘Hey, can I try la, ’18, said. “I have Marley’s ley around campus after that ply an unlimited amount of is a once in a lifetime experi- lit.” to play a few songs?’ He hand- name tattooed on my arm, night, and she was deter- Taco Bell for concert attend- ence, and I am so honored to Director of Public Safety ed me the aux, and I put on and I have been to every sin- mined to befriend her. ees. Everyone thought that be able to share this moment and Chief of Police Abe Ar- one of my favorites, ‘Come on gle one of the parties she has “Before I left the party, I was a great idea.” with my peers — my Allegh- mando said noise complaints Eileen.’ The crowd went wild. been the DJ at. I really hope got the courage to walk over to As of now, the MEC, with eny family. I cannot thank the have declined since August There were people dancing on they find a bigger venue. If her and say, ‘Girl, you are liv- Marley’s assistance, are con- 2015, the time Marley be- tables and hitting the ceiling not, my entire Allegheny ex- ing your best life,’” Shaw said. sidering their options for college community enough came a student at the college. with their hands. That is by far perience will be ruined.” “Marley gave me the biggest opening acts. Once a decision for providing me with this op- After reviewing the crime one of my favorite Allegheny First-year Kristin Shaw smile, a hug and thanked me. has been made they will an- portunity.”
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