The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia - High-Profile Research Initiative Explores How Electrifying Ammonia Production Can Enable ...
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Business & Technology Surveillance The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia High-Profile Research Initiative Explores How Electrifying Ammonia Production Can Enable Cooperatives to Decarbonize Their Grids and Agriculture By Michael Matz MARCH 2022
Business & Technology Surveillance The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia High-Profile Research Initiative Explores How Electrifying Ammonia Production Can Enable Cooperatives to Decarbonize Their Grids and Agriculture By Michael Matz MARCH 2022 SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT ON THIS TOPIC Brian Sloboda, NRECA Consumer Solutions Director: This article is a product of the Distributed Energy Resources Work Group. ARTICLE SNAPSHOT WHAT HAS CHANGED? Ammonia production today is largely powered by fossil fuels. There is growing interest in producing zero- carbon or “green” ammonia using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Green ammonia has several potential uses that could significantly contribute to the efforts of electric cooperatives to decarbonize their grids and integrate variable renewable energy. These include transportable energy storage, transport fuel, and hydrogen carriers. WHAT IS THE IMPACT ON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES? With nearly $30 million in funding and participation by 20 diverse stakeholders, a new research initiative in Minnesota is investigating numerous aspects of green ammonia, including production, use, commercialization, and decarbonization potential. For cooperatives, green ammonia offers potential new business models and synergies with the agricultural industry. WHAT DO ELECTRIC CO-OPS NEED TO KNOW OR DO ABOUT IT? Green ammonia is a potential opportunity for cooperatives to pursue beneficial electrification, enabling greenhouse gas emissions reductions across multiple industries; more reliable, cost-effective electric grid operations; and lower costs for members.
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia |3 What is Green Ammonia? energy-intensive and has high capital and operating costs. To reduce costs, researchers Most ammonia worldwide is produced are investigating ways to enable production with processes that use natural gas or coal, at lower temperatures and pressures. accounting for about 2% of total final energy consumption and 1.3% of CO2 emissions • More cost-effective approaches are needed from global energy systems—equivalent to to extract ammonia from the Haber-Bosch the energy system emissions of South Africa. reaction mixture. About 70% of global ammonia production • Much of today’s ammonia production is used to make fertilizers for agriculture. occurs in very large, centralized facilities Based on these figures, ammonia represents that produce about 3,000 tons per day. a significant decarbonization opportunity Such facilities are located close to cheap for both energy systems and agriculture.1 fossil fuel sources, take several years to In addition, the United States imports more build, and require several billion dollars than $700 million worth of ammonia annu- in investment. To make green ammonia ally, presenting an economic opportunity for production viable in rural, agricultural domestic production.2 areas, smaller scale production needs to be In recent years, there has been growing cost-competitive. interest in producing zero-carbon or “green” ammonia. This would involve electrifying Green Ammonia Applications ammonia production with the use of electric- for the Electric Power Sector ity from renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar or other zero-carbon sources Green ammonia has several potential uses that like nuclear power. It is envisioned that there could significantly contribute to the efforts of would be three primary production steps, electric cooperatives to decarbonize their grids each powered by zero-carbon energy: and integrate variable renewable energy: • A process known as electrolysis splits water • Transportable energy storage: Green into hydrogen and oxygen ammonia can provide zero-carbon, medium- and long-duration energy stor- • An air separation process produces nitro- age for distribution and transmission grid gen from air applications, such as shaving peak demand • The Haber-Bosch process combines nitro- and absorbing excess wind and solar gen and hydrogen to form ammonia generation. Research at the University of Minnesota has shown that ammonia-based, A number of technical barriers need to be grid-scale storage is lower cost than bat- overcome in order to make green ammo- teries.3 Another key advantage is that it is nia production cost-effective, including the transportable. Because large quantities of following: ammonia are produced and traded globally today, extensive infrastructure for safe, reli- • Ammonia production typically does not able ammonia storage and transportation work well with variable energy sources, is already well-established—much more so such as wind and solar. Process refinements than hydrogen.4 As a result, ammonia offers are needed to address this challenge. significant potential to cost-effectively • Because production traditionally requires transport zero-carbon energy by road, rail, high temperatures and high pressures, it is ship, or pipeline.5 Many ports already have 1 Data on final energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and ammonia fertilizer production from: International Energy Agency, Ammonia Technology Roadmap: Towards More Sustainable Nitrogen Fertiliser Production, October 2021, p. 1. 2 See: and country/ALL/year/2019/tradeflow/Imports/partner/WLD/product/281410 3 Matthew J. Palys, Prodromos Daoutidis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota. “Using hydrogen and ammonia for renewable energy storage: A geographically comprehensive tech- no-economic study,” Computers and Chemical Engineering, Volume 136, 2020. 4 International Energy Agency, Ammonia Technology Roadmap: Towards More Sustainable Nitrogen Fertiliser Production, October 2021, p. 71. 5 The Royal Society, Ammonia: Zero-Carbon Fertiliser, Fuel and Energy Store, February 2020, p. 4. < PREVIOUS VIEW > FOR NRECA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia |4 ammonia transport terminals. When stored In the trucking industry, green ammonia can ammonia arrives at its destination, it can be enable electrification and decarbonization. It converted to electricity either by combust- can be delivered to a network of hydrogen ing it or using it in fuel cells. fueling stations and converted back to hydro- gen for use in fuel cells in heavy-duty trucks. • Transport fuel: Green ammonia can be Similarly, decarbonization in the maritime used as a zero-carbon fuel in gas turbines, industry is possible through the use of green portable internal combustion generators ammonia for engine fuel in ships. A recent (also known as gensets), and fuel cells. It maritime industry survey by Lloyd’s Register has a wide range of potential applications, and Lloyd’s List found that industry stake- including heavy-duty vehicles, ships, holders expect ammonia to account for 20% of trains, and aviation. shipping fuel by 2050.8 Major manufacturers • Hydrogen carriers: Relative to hydrogen, like Man Energy Solutions and Wärtsilä are ammonia is easier and cheaper to trans- developing ammonia-powered engines for the port and store because of its higher energy maritime industry. Man expects its engines to density and liquefaction temperature, as be commercially available by 2024. well as its well-developed transportation infrastructure. Regions with abundant As with green ammonia production, a num- renewable energy resources could poten- ber of barriers with ammonia use need to be tially produce green ammonia and ship it as addressed. For example, fuel cells need to be a zero-carbon hydrogen carrier to regions more durable. While ammonia combustion with limited renewable energy, where it in engines and turbines does not produce would be split or “cracked” into hydrogen CO2 emissions, it does emit nitrogen oxides for use in fuel cells and other hydrogen (NOx) that can have adverse local environ- applications.6 mental impacts, such as acid rain and haze. Researchers are developing approaches to • Thermal energy storage: Ammonia can reduce NOx emissions. Additionally, codes store thermal energy through phase and standards will be needed for utility changes (such as liquid to gas), potentially applications of ammonia. enabling decarbonization of heating and cooling systems. For example, UK-based company Star Refrigeration has developed A Multifaceted Green Ammonia a heat pump based on ammonia.7 Research Initiative in Minnesota For cooperatives, these uses could potentially Fall 2021 marked the launch of an extensive lead to new business models and synergies set of green ammonia research projects in Min- with other industries. Agriculture presents nesota. The research spans numerous aspects particularly compelling opportunities. Spring of ammonia production and use, with total and fall are the peak seasons for agricultural funding of nearly $30 million (see Appendix A use of ammonia and ammonia-based fertil- “A Deep Dive into the Green Ammonia izers, while summer and winter are when Ecosystem”). This includes $10 million from green ammonia might be used to reduce peak the Minnesota legislature and more than $18 electricity demand. This complementary million from the Renewable Energy to Fuels timing could enable cooperatives to partner Through Utilization of Energy-Dense Liquids with farms and other agricultural stakeholders plus Integration and Testing (REFUEL+IT) on green ammonia production, storage, and program funded by the U.S. Department of transport in rural areas. In addition, green Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agen- ammonia can be used as a fuel to operate farm cy-Energy (ARPA-E). The research and devel- equipment and grain dryers. opment timeline is about four years. 6 Information on ammonia’s ease of transport and use as a hydrogen carrier can be found in publication: International Energy Agency, Ammonia Technology Roadmap: Towards More Sustainable Nitrogen Fertiliser Production, October 2021, p. 71. 7 The Royal Society, Ammonia: Zero-Carbon Fertiliser, Fuel and Energy Store, February 2020, p. 32. 8 Lloyd’s Register provides engineering and technology services for the maritime industry. Lloyd’s List is a maritime industry publication. < PREVIOUS VIEW > FOR NRECA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia |5 There is substantial interest in the initiative, generation and other uses. This potential for with participation from 20 partners, including the two industries to share infrastructure demonstrators, technology providers, poten- could potentially reduce the cost of numerous tial licensors, and end users (see Appendix B green ammonia applications. “An Impressive Roster of Participants”). The projects integrate and build upon prior green An operational small-scale, modular, flexible ammonia research by many of these stakehold- pilot plant producing one metric ton of ammo- ers, mostly funded by ARPA-E’s REFUEL pro- nia per day9 is expected to be completed in two gram. One notable example is the University of years. An additional year is planned for testing Minnesota’s West Central Research & Outreach in real-world conditions and developing busi- Center (WCROC), which conducts applied ness models. The next commercialization step agricultural research for farmers and rural would be to develop and demonstrate a larger communities. In 2013, WCROC commissioned plant suitable for an agricultural cooperative. a first-of-its-kind pilot facility that uses wind This would take approximately three years. power to produce green ammonia. Since then, it has used the facility to investigate the poten- A Perspective from Runestone tial for green ammonia production in rural agri- Electric Association cultural areas. Many of the research activities Runestone Electric Association (REA) is a launched this fall will take place at WCROC. member-owned electric cooperative that serves By establishing and upgrading a test facility 15,000 members in seven counties in west at WCROC, the initiative aims to demonstrate central Minnesota. In 2020, its electricity sales efficient, cost-effective green ammonia pro- were 42.8% residential, 30.4% agricultural, and duction in small-scale, modular distributed 11.7% commercial. The cooperative provides facilities that can accommodate the various electricity to WCROC. REA and WCROC have size requirements of different farms and had a long working relationship, previously agricultural cooperatives in rural areas. This collaborating on a number of research projects includes enabling production that can toler- on distributed energy resources. ate variable electricity sources. With the test According to REA’s CEO Al Haman, there is facility, researchers also seek to demonstrate already significant ammonia storage, han- the technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness dling, and transportation infrastructure in of several green ammonia uses, including REA’s service territory, and the cooperative’s storage, power generation, fuel, hydrogen, members are comfortable and familiar with and heat. the infrastructure. A significant proportion of the storage facilities sit idle for a good per- The team will craft comprehensive commer- centage of the year. The potential to produce cialization packages of ammonia production and use green ammonia for grid operations and use technologies that are economically presents opportunities for REA to engage with attractive for the agricultural and electric its members and local agricultural cooper- power industries. Researchers are investigat- atives on ways to make better use of that ing synergies between these two industries infrastructure. in the Midwest. According to WCROC’s Renewable Energy Program Director Michael “We have 4.9 members per mile of line, so Reese, numerous large, refrigerated ammonia we have to be creative on keeping down the storage facilities across the Midwest are used costs to serve our members,” said REA Energy to support application of fertilizer on farms in Services Manager Ryan Rooney. the spring and fall. These are shoulder seasons for utilities when they typically have light REA is participating in the research initiative power demand and would not need ammonia because it is interested in connecting ammo- for long-term energy storage. In the summer nia-fueled portable generators to the distri- and winter, when fertilizer is not needed and bution system for short-duration, high loads. power demand is high, the facilities are avail- This could potentially serve as a non-wires able for utilities to store ammonia for power alternative to defer or eliminate traditional < PREVIOUS VIEW > FOR NRECA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia |6 grid infrastructure investments, such as new program to encourage commercial customers to substations and reconductoring power lines. use ammonia instead of diesel for generators. The research team is studying two specific applications for REA’s grid: A Perspective from 1. Corn-drying loads during harvest: In a Great River Energy highly agricultural part of REA’s service Great River Energy, a wholesale electric territory, numerous farms run large fans to cooperative which provides electricity to 28 dry their corn for about six weeks during distribution cooperatives in Minnesota, is the harvest season. In 2016, REA built a participating in the research initiative because new substation to serve this high load of its relevance to the cooperative’s long-term because its existing grid infrastructure generation planning. It has a high penetration could not accommodate it. Researchers of wind power today, with 669 megawatts of are investigating whether a portable capacity in its 2,800 megawatt power supply ammonia-powered generator could have portfolio. It is planning for a future with a addressed this challenge and avoided much higher penetration. Great River Energy the need for the substation. The coopera- anticipates adding 900 megawatts of wind tive has provided the research team with capacity by 2025 and has set a goal of having technical data on this part of its grid to 50% renewables by 2030. inform the analysis. REA is considering this application if a similar challenge were “The decision to power our system with new to emerge in the future. sources of wind energy is in line with our mis- sion to provide member-owners with afford- 2. Vacation homes around lakes: REA’s ser- able, reliable, sustainable energy,” said Great vice territory has many lakes surrounded River Energy Vice President and Chief Power by vacation homes used most often on Supply Officer Jon Brekke. summer weekends. Typically, visitors arrive on Friday afternoons, turn on their During the spring and fall when wind produc- air conditioners, and use their ovens to tion is typically high and power demand low, make dinner. According to REA’s Haman, the price Great River Energy receives for wind the resulting load spikes are manageable on the wholesale market operated by MISO now. However, REA is concerned that (Midcontinent Independent System Operator) its grid infrastructure will not be able to can be very low. The cooperative also periodi- accommodate the load in the future if a cally contends with grid congestion due to the larger proportion of the visitors drive EVs significant wind production. According to Jeff and charge their vehicles when they arrive Haase, who manages member services and for the weekend. The research team is end use strategy at Great River Energy, green evaluating whether connecting an ammo- ammonia production facilities sited near wind nia-powered genset to the distribution turbines present a promising option to use grid in a lake neighborhood could address that low-cost wind energy and reduce the con- such a scenario to defer or eliminate grid gestion. This solution has potential to increase investments. Haman said that the genset revenue and reduce electricity costs for Great could potentially be moved in the winter River Energy and its members. to a different part of REA’s territory with a high heating demand. Also notable is Great River Energy’s long-standing relationship with the University In addition to the use of green ammonia for of Minnesota and WCROC, including a recent non-wires alternatives, REA is also interested project to explore electrification opportuni- in using ammonia-based energy storage for ties for the WCROC campus. As part of the demand management. According to Haman, current research initiative, Great River Energy potential demand management applications is partnering with WCROC on potential green include power generation to shave peaks and a ammonia applications for the electric grid. 9 When operating at 100% power capacity, the plant will make 1 metric ton per day of ammonia. When in load-follow- ing mode, the plant will not run at 100% capacity so its daily production will be lower. < PREVIOUS VIEW > FOR NRECA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia |7 Haase said that if green ammonia production ammonia demonstration system in the UK, facilities become cost-effective at commercial and industrial giant Mitsubishi is investing in scale, a number of issues would need to be green ammonia production and developing addressed in order to build local ammonia mar- an ammonia-fired gas turbine. U.S. company kets. A key would be to encourage the use of HEC-TINA developed and demonstrated green ammonia by electric cooperatives. Power an ammonia-powered internal combustion providers and other local stakeholders would engine about five years ago. The member- need to identify locations for production facili- ship of the Ammonia Energy Association—a ties that have access to water, wind power, and non-profit organization that aims to decar- transportation infrastructure, such as rail and bonize ammonia for existing and new uses— road. Sites would need to be optimally located includes companies such as multinational to support local distribution grid operations as utility Engie, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, well as local economic development. Shell, engineering firm Black & Veatch, and shipping giant Maersk. The broad spectrum There also is the question of how to encour- of stakeholders involved in advancing green age investment in green ammonia production ammonia reflect its rapidly growing promise. facilities. “Would there be an appetite among incumbent ammonia producers that currently Increasing need for energy storage to enable rely on natural gas to build large green ammo- high levels of renewable energy. In a grow- nia facilities?” said Haase. “Or will an entirely ing number of regions, wind and solar are new industry emerge in the Midwest to build among the lowest cost energy sources and these facilities? What policies could help?” offer a clear path for cooperatives to achieve their decarbonization goals. As the pene- The Importance of Monitoring tration of these variable resources reaches high levels, cooperatives will need both Green Ammonia Developments short- and long-duration energy storage to There are a number of reasons why coopera- balance energy supply and demand. Relative tives should pay attention to the Minnesota to batteries, green ammonia offers a lower research initiative, monitor other ammonia cost approach to store wind and solar power research developments, and consider ammo- when there is excess generation, reducing the nia’s implications for their grid operations. costs of running the grid. Because ammonia Research focus on commercialization. The is transportable, it can help avoid the need to Minnesota initiative is evaluating and demon- build expensive transmission lines to deliver strating a comprehensive set of business renewable energy from remote locations. models that span green ammonia production Additionally, ammonia potentially offers a and use. The research team also is developing cost-effective approach to store and transport a license package for potential use by fertilizer hydrogen to various parts of a cooperative’s companies, utilities, and logistics companies. service territory. Significant public investment. There is high New business opportunities and synergies level of policymaker interest and public with other industries. There are potential investment in green ammonia—at both the opportunities for cooperatives to work with state and federal levels—as a tool to reduce existing fertilizer companies and agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. cooperatives on business ventures to produce and use green ammonia. These partnerships Significant investment and research in the can help decarbonize both the utility and private sector. There is an active ecosystem agricultural industries by taking advantage of research in the private sector spanning of complementary timing: Ammonia can numerous aspects of green ammonia pro- be used by farms for fertilizer in the spring duction and use. For instance, multinational and fall, and used by utilities in the sum- manufacturer Siemens has built a green mer and winter when electricity demand is < PREVIOUS VIEW > FOR NRECA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia |8 higher. Since green ammonia can be a drop-in contract can enable cooperatives to lock in low replacement for conventional ammonia, there costs for green ammonia production. is minimal disruption for farming operations. In contrast, other routes to decarbonizing Consider the size of your region’s agricul- agriculture, such as changing crop produc- tural industry and how much ammonia tion systems, are very disruptive. Growing it uses for fertilizer. In the United States, interest in green ammonia in the trucking and regions with the best wind resources are maritime industries could lead to additional typically agricultural. The corn belt is nearly business opportunities for cooperatives. identical to the wind belt. This synergy makes it logistically easier for agricultural and utility A big opportunity for beneficial electrification. stakeholders in a given region to collabo- Green ammonia production leverages zero-car- rate on ammonia production and use. Corn bon wind and solar power in a process that production has a particularly high ammonia would otherwise use natural gas. At the same demand, and green ammonia can reduce its time, it enables applications (such as power fossil fuel use by more than 90%.10 generation, fuel, energy storage, and hydrogen fuel cells) that have the following benefits: Consider the existing ammonia storage and transportation infrastructure in your region • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and how it is used. Cooperatives can leverage • More reliable grid operations (through ammonia storage facilities if they are inactive approaches such as peak demand or not fully utilized during periods of high reduction) power demand. • Lower grid costs due to infrastructure investment deferral and the ability to use Understand ammonia safety concerns. While excess wind and solar energy ammonia is corrosive and toxic to humans if inhaled, the ammonia industry has estab- • Lower costs for customers lished safety protocols to avoid human health impacts during storage, handling, and trans- What Cooperatives in Other portation.11 Cooperatives can take advantage Regions Can Do to Explore of existing knowledge on ammonia safety. Green Ammonia Opportunities Get connected with stakeholders active in Consider your energy mix. Cooperatives green ammonia research and development. that have access to inexpensive wind or solar These may include companies like General power in their service territories or in adja- Electric, universities located in a cooperative’s cent territories could potentially use green service territory, and industry trade groups ammonia for transportable, long-term energy such as the Ammonia Energy Association. storage to balance variable renewable energy and decarbonize the grid. For example, a Min- Monitor the availability of federal and state nesota cooperative could use abundant wind research grants for green ammonia. Grants resources in South Dakota and North Dakota can serve as a catalyst for cooperatives to to produce green ammonia and then transport engage their members to generate ideas it to Minnesota for various applications. A related to green ammonia. n long-term, low-priced wind or solar energy 10 The 90% reduction in fossil fuel use is based on research by the University of Minnesota’s WCROC to collect crop production energy consumption data. It assumes that green ammonia can be used to replace conventional nitrogen fertilizer and as fuel for grain drying, tractors, and trucks. See page 9 of the University of Minnesota presentation at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. 11 Ash, N. and Scarbrough, T., Sailing on solar: Could green ammonia decarbonise international shipping?, Environmental Defense Fund, 2019, p. 39. < PREVIOUS VIEW > FOR NRECA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia |9 APPENDIX A: A DEEP DIVE INTO THE GREEN AMMONIA ECOSYSTEM A defining feature of the Minnesota • Demonstrate a portable ammonia-fueled research initiative launched this fall is its fuel cell to produce electricity for backup, comprehensive nature. More than a dozen off-grid applications, and substation distinct, yet related, research activities support delve into a broad spectrum of green • Demonstrate a process to crack ammonia to ammonia production and use issues that produce hydrogen for use in fuel cells require attention to enable widespread commercialization. • Model control strategies for microgrids that incorporate green ammonia and hydrogen Research activities related to green ammonia production, storage, and use for power production include: generation • Demonstrate a modular facility that can • Evaluate the potential to use ammonia produce one metric ton of green ammonia instead of diesel in tractors per day at low temperatures and pressures • Develop and operate an ammonia-powered • Test process controls that can adjust forklift production levels with varying wind power output and electricity market prices Other research activities: to enable load-following operation and • Develop planning tools to couple the use production turndowns of up to 90% of green ammonia in electric grid and • Test a new method developed by agricultural operations University of Minnesota to separate • Develop an ultra-safe, stationary ammonia ammonia as it is produced storage system for use in high-population Research activities related to green ammonia areas applications include: • Quantify the costs and carbon intensity for green ammonia production and use at • Develop and demonstrate a 250-kilowatt various production scales and geographies mobile electric generator (genset) powered by green ammonia • Evaluate the commercialization potential for green ammonia production and use • Evaluate the potential for use of ammonia based on analyses of competitors in energy storage and ammonia-powered gensets as storage, fuel, and fertilizer markets non-wired distributed power generation alternatives and to stabilize the grid • Evaluate policy options to support green ammonia production • Develop retrofit options for ammonia combustion in gas turbines and conduct related modeling and economic studies < PREVIOUS VIEW > FOR NRECA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia | 10 APPENDIX B: AN IMPRESSIVE ROSTER OF PARTICIPANTS A remarkable aspect of the Minnesota green • Nutrien (one of the world’s largest fertilizer ammonia initiative is the large number of producers with 500,000 grower accounts) stakeholders involved. Led by the University is providing operational and safety know- of Minnesota and non-profit research institute how and is evaluating the production facili- RTI International, twenty companies, universi- ty’s implications for fertilizer production. It ties, and other organizations are participating. is also a potential licensor of the facility. The broad participation reflects the wide range • Utah-based clean energy startup Chem- of research activities aimed at commercializing tronergy is demonstrating a direct ammo- a comprehensive lifecycle of green ammonia nia-powered fuel cell. production and use. The team includes: • University of Minnesota’s Mechanical • University of Minnesota’s WCROC is Engineering Department is investigating providing its wind-powered green ammo- ammonia-fueled tractors. nia production facility and is hosting and leading numerous aspects of the research at • The University at Buffalo/State University the facility. of New York, University of South Carolina, Gas Technology Institute (GTI), and Media • Swiss ammonia production technology and Process Technology are developing provider Casale, RTI International, and a novel ammonia cracking reactor for Texas Tech University are developing hydrogen production. Pacifica (a Washing- various aspects of the modular production ton state–based company that assembles facility to optimize operations and lower various types of vehicles) is designing and costs. assembling an ammonia-powered forklift • University of Minnesota’s Department that uses the cracking reactor. of Chemical Engineering and Materials • Electric cooperative Runestone Electric Science is developing a novel technology Association, wholesale energy provider to separate ammonia from the reaction Great River Energy, Otter Tail Power mixture. It is also modeling supply chains Company, and Xcel Energy are evaluating and other technical and economic aspects energy storage and power generation appli- of green ammonia, and it is conducting life cations of green ammonia. cycle assessments of ammonia production and use technologies. • Software company OATI is developing an approach to send price signals to the • Nel Hydrogen, one of the world’s largest production facility so that it can adjust to manufacturers of electrolyzers, is develop- variable wind output and energy prices. ing the electrolysis process for the produc- tion facility. • The Agricultural Utilization Research Insti- tute (AURI) is evaluating potential business • General Electric (GE) is examining how to opportunities for farmers and utilities in retrofit a gas turbine to enable combustion rural regions. of ammonia for power generation. • Multinational energy company Shell is analyzing the economics and commercial- ization potential of ammonia use for fuels, energy storage, and power generation. < PREVIOUS VIEW > FOR NRECA VOTING MEMBERS ONLY
The Breakthrough Potential of Green Ammonia | 11 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michael Matz is a writer and editor with decades of experience distilling insights and crafting stories from interviews with experts in a broad range of subjects, including energy, environment, policy, science, and technology. In recent years, he has gained wide-ranging expertise in utilities and energy through stints as managing editor of EPRI Journal (the flagship publication of the Electric Power Research Institute) and associate editor at Photon (a magazine covering the global solar industry). Before that, he was a science writer at the Exploratorium (a science museum in San Francisco), a consultant for the Natural Resources Defense Council, and communications manager at Conservation International. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS • Brian Sloboda, NRECA Consumer Solutions Director: • To find more resources on business and technology issues for cooperatives, visit our website. DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES WORK GROUP The Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Work Group, part of NRECA’s Business and Technology Strategies department, is focused on identifying the opportunities and challenges presented by the continued evolution of distributed generation, energy storage, energy efficiency and demand response resources. For more information, please visit, and for the current work by the Business and Technology Strategies department of NRECA, please see our Portfolio. LEGAL NOTICE This work contains findings that are general in nature. Readers are reminded to perform due diligence in applying these findings to their specific needs, as it is not possible for NRECA to have sufficient understanding of any specific situation to ensure applicability of the findings in all cases. The information in this work is not a recommendation, model, or standard for all electric cooperatives. Electric cooperatives are: (1) independent entities; (2) governed by independent boards of directors; and (3) affected by different member, financial, legal, political, policy, operational, and other considerations. For these reasons, electric cooperatives make independent decisions and investments based upon their individual needs, desires, and constraints. Neither the authors nor NRECA assume liability for how readers may use, interpret, or apply the information, analysis, templates, and guidance herein or with respect to the use of, or damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or process contained herein. In addition, the authors and NRECA make no warranty or representation that the use of these contents does not infringe on privately held rights. This work product constitutes the intellectual property of NRECA and its suppliers, and as such, it must be used in accordance with the NRECA copyright policy. Copyright © 2022 by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. < PREVIOUS VIEW >
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