The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...

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The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Q1 2022

Big Reset
             Global Private Banking
The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking                                          Investment Outlook Report

            Contributors                                                                    Global Chief Investment Officer
                                                                                            Willem Sels
                                                                                            +44 (0)207 860 5258

                         Global Investment Strategist,
                         Managing Editor                                                    Head of Asset Allocation
                         Neha Sahni                                                         Stanko Milojevic
                         +44 (0)207 024 1341                                                +44 (0)207 024 6577

            Regional Chief Investment Officers

                         Chief Investment Officer, Europe International
                         and MENA                                                           Chief Investment Officer, UK & CI
                         Georgios Leontaris                                                 Jonathan Sparks
                         +41 (0) 58 705 5746                                                +44 (0)20 7860 3248

                                                                                            Chief Investment Officer, Asia
                                                                                            Cheuk Wan Fan
                         Chief Investment Officer, Americas                       
                         Jose Rasco                                                         +852 2899 8648

                         Chief Investment Officer, North Asia                               Chief Investment Officer, Southeast Asia
                         Patrick Ho                                                         James Cheo
                         +852 2899 8691                                                     +65 6658 3885

                         CIO of Wealth Management and
                         Global Head of Research and Insights                               Global Head of Equities
                         Xian Chan                                                          Kevin Lyne Smith
                         +44 (0)207 991 9198                                                +44 (0)207 860 6597

                         Global Head of Fixed Income                                        Senior Fixed Income Credit Specialist
                         Laurent Lacroix                                                    Elena Kolchina
                         +44 (0)207 024 0613                                                +44 (0)207 860 3058

                         Global FX Coordinator
                         Nicoletta Trovisi
                         +44 (0)207 005 8569

                         Global Market Analyst, Real Estate Investment                      Head of European Hedge Fund Research
                         Guy Sheppard                                                       Alex Grievson
                         +44 (0)207 024 0522                                                +44 (0) 203 359 7065

                         Senior Product Specialist,
                         Private Market Investments
                         Jorge Huitron
                         +44 (0) 203 359 7040

The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking

Letter to clients                          05
Our portfolio strategy                     06
Strategic asset allocation                 12
Top four trends and
high conviction themes                     16
  1. Remaking Asia’s future                16
  2. Investing for a sustainable future   20
  3. Digital transformation                22
  4. Policy support for mid-cycle growth   24
Fixed income                               30
Currencies and commodities                 34
Hedge funds                                38
Private markets                            40
Real estate                                43

The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking                      Investment Outlook Report

                         Click below to watch
                         Our portfolio strategy and themes for 2022

The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking

Dear client
2021 was the year of the global               execution risk and the likelihood of more    a selective search for carry in bond
reopening, which boosted investor             market volatility, especially as there is    markets and a preference for quality
optimism and companies’ cash flows.           considerable uncertainty around the          stocks, while we also hold an overweight
And although the jump in demand               timing of the fall of global inflation and   position in hedge funds and position
contributed to supply chain issues            the potential for further COVID waves (as    for mild further USD strength. We have
and labour market shortages, causing          exemplified by the most recent volatility    reduced the number of sectors and
inflation to spike, these factors did not     linked to the Omicron variant).              markets that we have an overweight
halt global equity markets’ progress.         While policy makers are navigating this      position in, with the US, the Eurozone
Most companies managed to protect             transition, they are also planning a big     and EM Asia being our principal
their margins, and central banks very         reset for the global economy, together       overweights, while we keep a neutral
helpfully decided not to react too quickly    with the world’s CEOs, investors, voters     stance on the UK and China for now.
to rising inflation, keeping interest rates   and consumers. Clearly, the sustainability   At the same time, we position for the
very low.                                     revolution is the biggest project of all,    big reset by integrating sustainability
As we head into 2022, the economy             and it is no exaggeration to say that        throughout our portfolio, and by looking
has moved from the reopening to the           every company will be affected by the        at long term structural themes. Asia
mid-cycle stage. In that part of the cycle,   new regulation, huge investments and         remains a region with much potential,
equity market returns typically slow          opportunities, shareholder pressure          and our focus on long-term themes
but remain respectable, and volatility        and changing consumer choices. We            under the trend of “Remaking Asia’s
picks up somewhat. And policy is also         believe sustainability should be part of     future” helps us balance the long term
transitioning: some central banks have        both the core portfolio and investment       value and opportunity against short term
started tapering, while the US Fed and        thematics to manage risks and exploit        uncertainty. And of course, the reset
the Bank of England should soon start         opportunities, and before we invest in       would never be possible without the
to hike rates. On the fiscal side as well,    any company, we need to understand           digital transformation, with interesting
we should see the start of some tax           where they stand on all ESG aspects.         opportunities in biotech, automation,
hikes and less fiscal support than during     We are already seeing evidence of            digital security, and smart mobility.
the pandemic.                                 companies participating in the big reset,    Most of the market headlines may
But both fiscal and monetary tightening       as capex is picking up, and companies        well continue to be around the short
will be gradual. Central banks agree with     put some of their bumper cash positions      term policy transition. But it is key that
us that inflation will come down some         to work. They want to make their supply      investors position for the Big Reset which
time in 2022, and hence, the four rate        chains more resilient by diversifying them   is redefining the investment landscape.
hikes we expect from the Fed between          and they are investing in automation and     We wish our clients a happy and
June 2022 and September 2023 are              AI. In China, companies’ investments         prosperous 2022.
somewhat slower than what we’ve               are in line with the country’s desire
historically seen. And governments will       to become more technologically self-
try to avoid the backlash against the         sufficient and upgrade its manufacturing.
austerity that followed the Great Financial   So, as investors, we need to position
Crisis, and keep investing in priorities      for both the mid-cycle transition and
such as healthcare and infrastructure.        the big reset. We do the former by
That gradual approach should allow            remaining invested to capture the upside,    Willem Sels,
economic and earnings growth to               but by constructing resilient portfolios     Global Chief Investment Officer
continue, and keep bond yields low. Any       to navigate the volatility. We therefore     1st of December 2021
transition, however, comes with some          focus on portfolio diversification with

The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking                                    Investment Outlook Report

Our portfolio
The mid-cycle stage is still a positive    What we believe we know: the cycle,            the labour market before doing any
environment for riskier assets,            inflation, policy and structural trends        serious tightening, and neither tapering
and hence we remain invested               The major market drivers for 2022 are          nor rate hikes can solve the short term
with a mild risk-on stance. But the        relatively clear, in our mind. First and       supply-chain bottlenecks anyhow. We
exact inflation and growth path            foremost, we are in the mid-cycle stage,       expect the Fed to hike rates by 0.25%
is uncertain and will remain hotly         and not at the end of the economic             in June 22, September 22, March 23
debated in coming months, leading          cycle. While growth is slowing, and            and September 23, but this gradual
to continued volatility. So how can        we don’t yet know the full impact of           path should still leave its policy rate well
investors prepare for continued            the new Omicron variant discovered in          below the historical average.
growth, as well as the significant         South Africa, some parts of the economy        So the combination of growth and
uncertainties? We become more              are still reopening and accelerating.          inflation that we foresee in 2022 does not
selective in our country, sector and       Governments are making sure that               correspond to the stagflation scenario
stock picks, focusing on areas with        any fiscal tightening will not crush the       that some investors worry about. As
strong support, which warrant the          recovery. We are also seeing a strong          the cycle continues, we remain positive
valuation multiples. And to further        pickup in corporate investment, boosting       on equities, even though the slowdown
increase portfolio resilience and          the capex cycle, as CEOs put to work           means that we have reduced the
broaden the opportunity set, we are        some of their considerable cash piles,         cyclicality of our sector exposure. We
now overweight on hedge funds.             and invest to adapt to the post-pandemic       have also become more selective in the
                                           world. Granted, corporate earnings             geographies we are exposed to. The
    Fixed income                           growth will slow from the record levels        US remains our principal stock market
                                           we saw during the reopening, as demand         overweight due to the resilience of the
    Overweight: Global High yield, EM      growth will slow, input costs remain high      US economy and its quality style bias.
    Hard currency bonds (government and    for now and taxes are bound to rise. But       We are also overweight on Eurozone
    corporate)                             earnings growth should still manage to         stocks, as its economic recovery is
    Underweight: Developed market          match or beat historical averages.             lagging and therefore still has good
    sovereign bonds and inflation linked   We also remain of the view that inflation      momentum behind it, whilst also being
    bonds                                  will remain high in the short term, but        supported by the EU Next Generation
                                           come down in the course of 2022,               fund investments. By contrast we cut
    Equities                                                                              UK stocks to neutral in the last quarter
                                           although it is impossible to know when
                                           exactly this will happen. This is largely      of 2021 due to the planned rate hikes
    Overweight: USA, Eurozone, EM Asia
                                           because wage inflation and supply              and fiscal tightening there, and remain
    Underweight: EM Latin America, EM      chain issues still push up inflation, but      neutral on China as investors want more
    EMEA                                   structural deflationary forces such as         policy clarity. Till then, we invest in our
                                           technology, increasingly global labour         long term High Conviction Themes,
    Alternatives                           markets and the growth of the service          and diversify within Asia, which is our
                                           industry remain in place. Central banks        overweight region within EM equities.
    Overweight Hedge Funds                 thus tend to refer to current high inflation   Elsewhere, we are underweight on Latin
                                           levels as ‘transitory’. And consequently,      America and EM EMEA as we believe
                                           rightly or wrongly, the policy tightening      commodity prices will start to plateau.
                                           they are planning will be done as slowly       The low interest rate environment
                                           as possible. Most central banks still          keeps us away from cash and directs us
                                           want to see further improvement in             towards select carry opportunities in high

The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking

yield and EM markets, with a preference                          investment, while the increased focus on                    and private investment, collaboration
for corporates over governments. The                             people’s health should benefit biotech,                     on technological innovation, the rapid
fact that the Fed policy normalisation                           genomics and devices, given the great                       expansion of financing, and the focus on
remains ahead of most other central                              recent innovation in this space. But first                  biodiversity. The stakes for companies
banks means that the US dollar should                            and foremost, it is the sustainability topic                have just gone up dramatically, when
continue to see some mild upside.                                that will see huge investment and focus                     they put a foot wrong with clients
Aside from these macro-economic                                  from all stakeholders in 2022, and long                     or investors, miss out on the huge
drivers, there are a number of thematic                          into the future. One of the main insights                   opportunity or lag their competitors.
drivers that are important for our asset                         we took away from the COP26 summit                          Hence investors should consider
allocation as well. Governments’ fiscal                          was the sheer number of aspects that                        sustainability throughout their portfolio
priorities should support infrastructure                         will impact companies and investors,                        strategy, through an enhanced, thematic
                                                                 from regulation, to the huge government                     or impact approach.

How we see the 2022 investment environment: what we know and what’s uncertain

What we know                                                                               How do we prepare
1. The economic cycle continues, but earnings growth slows                                 Still invested, but we trimmed our global equity OW and reduced cyclicality

2. Commodity base effects will fade over time                                              We cut EM Latam and EM EMEA to underweight

3. Although inflation remains well above normal, central bank tightening is gradual       Underweight cash. Stay invested in selective fixed income carry strategies

4. The Fed is ahead of most other major economies                                          Position for mild USD strength

5. Sustainability is high on the agenda for all stakeholders                               Use ESG enhanced, thematic and impact approaches

6. Businesses start a capex cycle to innovate and prepare for the future                   Automation & AI, Next Generation Asian Tech Leaders themes

7. Governments want to be better prepared for a pandemic                                   Biotechnology, Genomics & Devices theme

8. Fiscal policy has to tighten but spending on priorities continues                       Infrastructure 2.0. Focus on companies with margin power

9. Long term opportunity in Asia vs short term challenges                                  Invest in long term Asian themes, diversification within Asia

10. The world’s biggest economy keeps running above trend                                  US is our largest equity overweight, American Renewal theme

What’s uncertain                                                                           How do we prepare
1. Timing of the fall in inflation and central bank policy changes                         A focus on quality stocks with strong margin power. Recent cut of EM LC bonds

2. Will COVID waves extend labour market shortages and supply chain issues                 Overweight consumer cyclicals, underweight industrials

3. Timing of the shifting market concerns over growth and inflation risks                  Overweight hedge funds. Remain exposed to both growth & value, cyclicals &
4. Timing of policy triggers to lift investor confidence and China’s market performance   Tactically neutral Chinese equities and Chinese hard currency bonds.

5. Geopolitical risks and elections                                                        Global diversification

The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking   Investment Outlook Report

The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking

What is uncertain: timing and                vaccination could speed up the return to      normalisation. That should anchor
sentiment                                    work. Other workers may have made the         Treasury yields, but market nervousness
While we think the big drivers for           decision to take a long break or retire.      around the outlook should make those
markets are relatively clear, it is more     There are just too many moving variables      yields volatile. We therefore expect
difficult than usual to time the market      for one to be absolutely sure about           to see a ‘low but volatile’ Treasury
or forecast changes in sentiment. Most       market timing and sentiment.                  environment, with 10-year yields in a
importantly, it is almost impossible to      The good news is that we can manage           broad 1-2% range. To manage our fixed
know when inflation will come down.          this uncertainty, to some extent. To          income risk amid the expected volatility,
Our core case is that year-on-year           deal with the risk of inflation remaining     we have cut EM local currency bonds
changes in US CPI will start to ease late    higher for even longer, we focus on           to neutral, as they are the most volatile
in Q2 or in Q3 2022. But we don’t really     quality companies with strong margin          sub-asset class within fixed income.
know when supply chain bottlenecks           power. Labour market shortages could          Regarding investor sentiment, we find
will ease, or when labour markets will       boost wages more than expected, which         it difficult to assess when international
see fewer shortages. Some workers still      should help consumer discretionary,           investors in particular will feel that they
seem uncomfortable with going back to        while the risk of extended supply chain       have enough clarity to move back into
work, and their return could be delayed if   shortages argues for an underweight of        Chinese stocks. Low valuations are a
new variants such as the latest Omicron      industrials.                                  good starting point, though, and more
were shown to be easily transmitted          Uncertainty around the labour market          monetary or fiscal support measures,
or if the vaccines are less effective        is one reason why both the US Fed and         and clarity around the 20th National
than previously hoped. Conversely, if        Bank of England recently said they want       Party Congress priorities should help
new variants are not too threatening,        to adopt a wait-and-see attitude and          create a rebound some time in 2022.
any advances in COVID treatment or           a slow approach to monetary policy            Until that happens, we remain neutral

Four growth / inflation scenarios and what they mean for portfolio strategy

    1         High growth, high inflation                             3        Lower growth, high inflation
              Continued rebound, with some bottlenecks                         Bottlenecks restrict growth, inflation hurts
                                                                               disposable income

                                                                               Policy action hurts sentiment

   Mild risk-on environment                                          Risk-off environment, volatility spikes
   Equity style bias: value                                          Sector stance: defensive
   EM: selective in EM bonds, more support for EM equities           EM: high volatility across equities and bonds: highly
   but DM outperforms EM                                             selective stance with focus on quality
   FX: mild USD strength                                             FX: pronounced USD strength
   Real assets including commodities and infrastructure              Real assets including infrastructure

              Still good growth, falling                                       Normalised growth and
    2         inflation
                                                                      4        normalised inflation
              Bottlenecks prove to be temporary while                          With time, the cycle naturally matures and
              the cycle continues                                              bottlenecks ease

   Risk-on environment, volatility drops                             Mild risk-on environment
   Sector / style stance: mildly cyclical                            Equity style bias: growth
   EM: positive for equities and bonds. Strong support for           EM: support for carry and quality strategies
   carry strategies                                                  FX: mild USD weakness
   FX: USD stalls

The Big Reset - Investment Outlook Q1 2022 - HSBC Global ...
Global Private Banking                                         Investment Outlook Report

on Chinese equities and Chinese hard            our portfolios, which is important in a
currency bonds, and focus on longer             year where we expect more volatility
term themes.                                    and lower returns for equities. We
We think that in 2022, markets will             particularly like macro, multi-strategy,
continue to see periods of optimism             event driven and distressed strategies as
and pessimism on both inflation and             they should be well positioned to take
growth, and flip-flop between those             advantage of the differences between
views until there is more clarity. In our       countries’ positioning in the cycle,
four quadrant scenario analysis on the          relative market valuations, the M&A and
previous page, we show what areas               credit default cycle, and companies’
of the market would typically do well           competitive positioning in a rapidly
in each of those circumstances. Our             changing world.
view is that scenarios 1 and 2 (above           We prefer hedge funds over gold as a
average growth) are much more realistic         diversifier, as mild US dollar strength,
than scenarios 3 and 4 (significantly           market fears of tapering pushing up real
lower growth), but we think that market         yields, and the mild risk-on tone of equity
opinion will shift between all four, and        markets are headwinds for gold. We
bad news around the omicron variant             think that the market is less enamoured
could temporarily push us into                  with gold, possibly because some see
scenario 3.                                     cryptocurrencies as a diversifier. We
As market opinion shifts back and               indeed find that cryptocurrencies can
forth, we think we will have periods            help diversify portfolios with equities and
of outperformance of cyclicals over             risky fixed income, but they are not safe
defensives, and value over growth, but          havens and do not seem to behave as
other periods where we get the opposite.        an inflation hedge. Correlations of crypto
Timing this will be near impossible             with riskier assets have been rising and
and could be counterproductive. But             we do not have a return forecast for
it should create a lot of opportunities         them, making it difficult to include
for hedge funds to exploit. We are              them in a portfolio optimisation process
overweight on hedge funds to diversify          at this stage.

Our current positioning along different risk assets

        Risk aversion                                               Risk appetite

        Fixed Income                                                Equity

          DM Bonds                                                  EM Bonds

       Short duration                                               Long duration

     Sovereign Bonds                                                Corporate Bonds

         DM equities                                                EM Equities

Large cap equities                                                  Small cap equities

          Defensives                                                Cyclicals

               Value                                                Growth

Note: arrows show how we have adjusted our views and positioning in the past quarter.

Global Private Banking

Although equities are not expensive compared to bonds, valuations are above
the historical average and we have become more selective

                            MSCI All Country World P/E ratio
21                          Equity risk premium (RHS)                              4.5


19                                                                                 4.0



14                                                                                 2.5


12                                                                                 2.0
Nov-16         Nov-17         Nov-18          Nov-19           Nov-20        Nov-21

Source: Bloomberg, I/B/E/S, HSBC Global Private Banking as at 30 November 2021.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance

Global Private Banking   Investment Outlook Report

Strategic Asset
Allocation: A long
term view for the
low-yield world

Global Private Banking

Low yields and low interest rates                  Some of the asset classes that are                      and such scenarios may challenge their
indicate that returns over the next                currently valued more attractively are                  typical negative correlation with equities.
decade are unlikely to be as strong                emerging market equities and bonds,                     In this context, hedge funds present a
as over the last ten years. Traditional            including corporate EM debt, and these                  more flexible alternative with a potential
portfolio diversifiers such as high                allocations are currently emphasised                    to be more adaptive to evolving market
grade bonds look expensive in                      in our strategic asset allocation.                      conditions. The rich universe of hedge
historical context. And following                  Furthermore, we see attractive                          funds strategies can help improve
an uninterrupted rally since March                 opportunities to diversify the portfolios               risk/return outcomes by introducing
2020, our expected returns for                     and reduce downside risk via hedge                      low-correlated sources of return to
equities are also substantially                    funds, and to boost expected portfolio                  investment portfolios. Our second
lower than their long-term average                 returns by building and maintaining                     chart, below, illustrates two historical
performance. So how can investors                  long term allocations to Private Equity.                efficient frontiers from a simplified
construct a portfolio with best                    Our chart below shows the detailed                      investment universe consisting of a mix
possible risk-adjusted returns?                    breakdown of our moderate risk strategic                of global stocks and global bonds, and a
Hedge funds and private equity can                 asset allocation.                                       composite of hedge funds. With a crude
be helpful additions, and we believe               Government bonds have been a very                       20% allocation to hedge funds integrated
that an ESG approach can add                       effective portfolio diversifier in recent               into naïve stock-bond portfolios,
elements of quality in the security                years, but we expect very low returns                   risk-adjusted returns were enhanced
selection without hurting returns.                 from this asset class in the coming                     through an upward, or leftward, shift of
                                                   decades. Government bonds are                           the efficient frontier all across the risk
                                                   particularly vulnerable to rising inflation,            spectrum.

          Strategic Asset Allocation, Moderate risk (USD)

           Equity related                   Credit related                    Rates related                    Diversifiers

           Developed                        Global IG Credit (11%)            Global Government                Cash (2%)
           markets (29%)                                                      Bonds (10%)

                                            Global High Yield (5%)                                             Commodity (5%)

                                            EMD Hard Currency (2%) EMD Local Currency                          *Other HFs (3%)
           Emerging Markets (6%)            EM Corporates (2%)

                                            Credit HFs (2%)                   Inflation-linked (1%)            Real Estate (3%)

           Equity Long/Short (2%)                                             Macro (3%)

           Event Driven (2%)

           Private Equity (5%)              Private Debt (3%)

           * Other HFs: Market Neutral, Managed Futures, Multi-Strategy Source: HSBC Global Private Banking, as at 30th November 2021.

Global Private Banking                                                        Investment Outlook Report

Realised risk and return outcomes with and without Hedge Funds                                                     governance (ESG) objectives is likely
                    8.5%                                                                                           to affect the overall portfolio returns.
                                                                                                                   The analysis in our chart below shows
                    8.0%                                                                                           that expected returns for ESG market
                                                                                                                   indices are not materially different from
                                                                                                                   the traditional market-cap indices.
                                                                                                                   This should encourage investors to
                                                                                                                   incorporate ESG considerations in their
Annualised Return

                                                                                                                   investment choices across the multi-
                                                                                                                   asset universe as a strategic proposition.
                                                                                                                   Finally, keeping a long-term focus, being
                                                                                                                   and remaining invested, and building
                                                                                                                   diversified portfolios will remain the key
                                                                                                                   ingredients for success in investing, in
                                                                                                                   our view. It may be tempting to ignore
                                                              Traditional Assets                                   these principles at times when markets
                                                                                                                   are seemingly driven by hype, fear and
                                                              Traditional Assets + 20% Hedge Funds
                                                                                                                   greed. However, history has shown that
                    4.5%                                                                                           sticking to a strategic asset allocation
                           2%   3%   4%   5%     6%      7%        8%      9%       10%      11%      12%
                                               Annualised Volatility                                               framework remains a reliable method of
Source: Refinitiv, Bloomberg, HSBC Global Private Banking, 30th November 2021. Annualised historical total         achieving investment objectives over the
returns and volatility of global MSCI, ICE BofA, HFRI indices denominated in USD, FX-hedged for bonds. Time        long term.
period between 1996 and 2021.

Private equity is one of the asset                         new vintages, but also incorporating
classes that continues to offer a high                     coinvestments and secondaries as
return potential, due to the long-term                     additional opportunities to diversify and
nature, carefully crafted leverage, and                    keep the allocation at target.
highly active management. This asset                       On the subject of risks and return,
class continues to experience strong                       most investors now readily accept that
growth, both in the size of the overall                    companies with better ESG credentials
opportunity set and in investor interest,                  will on average run lower risk of missing
but incorporating private equity into                      opportunities or making costly mistakes.
the broader portfolio is not always                        But some investors still question how the
straightforward. The “right” portfolio                     inclusion of environmental, social, and
allocation to private equity can vary
widely, and largely depends on each                       Comparison of expected returns between traditional market-cap and ESG indices
investor’s time horizon and tolerance
for illiquidity, amongst other factors,                    9%
including eligibility.                                                                                         Market Cap        ESG
Another challenge in private equity
is to actively maintain the strategic                      7%

asset allocation at target, as opposed                     6%
to allowing the capital calls and
distributions to dictate the broader
asset allocation dynamics. This can                        4%
be done by funding capital calls                           3%
from existing liquid investments and
using bridge financing or leverage
when making the initial allocation. In                     1%
subsequent years, as distributions begin                   0%
to flow in, remaining fully invested and                          IG Credit     Globla HY EMD (Local) EMD (Hard)          Corporate   DM                EM
maintaining diversification can be done                                                                                    EMD      Equities          Equities
by regularly reinvesting distributions into                Source: HSBC Asset Management, as at 30th November 2021. For illustrative purpose only. Based on a range
                                                           of index data from Bloomberg, MSCI and JP Morgan.

Global Private Banking

Global Private Banking                                     Investment Outlook Report

Top four trends and
high conviction
1. Remaking Asia’s Future
Asia’s fundamental strength has           PMI order backlogs in the US and EU much more severe than in Asia
been on full display as the region          65
has gained market share in global                        longer backlogs
trade during the pandemic and
stayed relatively resilient to supply       55
chain disruptions. In response              50
to the pandemic, supply chain
bottlenecks and the energy crunch,          45

Asian economies have stepped                40
up the technology upgrade,
energy transition, vaccination and           Jan-12               Jan-14               Jan-16              Jan-18       Jan-20
structural reforms to remake their
                                                        US & EU                 Emerging Asia
economies into a more sustainable,
                                          Source: Markit, HSBC Global Private Banking as at 30 November 2021.
quality-focused and resilient
growth model. Beijing’s pursuit           demand towards consumer goods and                      strong driver to support robust capex
of “common prosperity” and the            industrial products manufactured in Asia.              investment in Asia’s manufacturing
shift of its economic growth model        Export volumes in Asia ex-Japan are                    upgrade, automation and technological
from property construction towards        currently 15% above the pre-pandemic                   innovation.
high-end manufacturing and green          level, and the region’s market share                   Asia stands out as a global leader in
investments reflects a significant        has risen due to its highly competitive                energy transition and clean energy
change from the decades-long focus        manufacturing supply chains.                           investments, and revamping the region’s
on quantity of growth to high-            But notably, around 60% of goods                       power mix and industrial processes
quality, low-carbon and inclusive         traded by the Asian economies and                      away from coal power towards clean
growth.                                   60% of FDI are intra-regional. ASEAN                   energy and electrification will be key
As the home of 80% of global              has become China’s largest trading                     to the successful implementation of
semiconductor manufacturing capacity,     partner for the first time, overtaking the             COP26’s ‘Glasgow Climate Pact’. Asia
Asia is well placed to lead the world’s   EU, with the share of China’s exports to               accounted for 52% of global carbon
electronics supply chain upgrade          ASEAN economies jumping from 12%                       emissions in 2020 while China and
and technological innovation to meet      in 2015 to 15% in H1 2021. We believe                  India are the world’s number one and
unabated demand growth for chips          Asia’s powerful intra-regional trade                   third-largest carbon emitting countries.
and electronic products resulting from    networks and positive structural growth                Asia currently has 45% share of global
the global wave of digitalization and     will underpin further concentration                    installed renewable capacity, well
automation. Continued supply chain        of the global manufacturing supply                     above 25% in Europe and 16% in North
disruptions in the West have shifted      chains in the region. This will provide a              America. The International Energy

Global Private Banking

Agency (IEA) projects Asia alone will                   2022 to accelerate corporate investment        accounts for over 20% of global
account for 64% of new renewable                        in industrial upgrading and net zero           R&D spending. We see attractive
capacity additions globally between                     transition.                                    opportunities in domestic leaders
2019 and 2040.                                                                                         in innovative industries, high-tech
                                                        Next Generation Asia Tech Leaders              hardware industries, and providers of
The surprise China-US joint declaration
on enhancing climate actions announced                  Asia is currently a global centre of           critical technologies. Metaverse should
during COP26, together with new net                     technological innovation with mainland         take off with the successful launch of
zero targets announced by India (2070),                 China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan              Oculus Quest 2 to be followed by social
Thailand (2050, CO2 only) and Vietnam                   and Singapore being recognised as              networking and fitness apps. Asia
(2050), should offer new catalysts to                   world leaders in the development of            supply chains in displays, Fresnel lenses,
accelerate Asia’s green investments                     5G technology, artificial intelligence,        waveguide optics and cameras should
to achieve carbon neutrality. The IEA                   big data, semiconductor, fintech,              benefit from the metaverse innovation.
estimates that China would need to                      automation and health sciences. Under          We find attractive investment
invest more than RMB200trn (equivalent                  the common trade rules in the Regional         opportunities in Asia’s technology
                                                        Comprehensive Economic Partnership             leaders in the semiconductor, smart
                                                        signed by 10 ASEAN countries, China,           manufacturing, robotics, advanced
 Our four high conviction themes                        Japan, South Korea, Australia and New          machinery, electric vehicles, high-
                                                        Zealand, effective on 1 January 2022, the      tech materials and semiconductor
 1. Next Generation Asia Tech Leaders                   optimisation of the Asian supply chains        materials sectors in mainland China,
                                                        will be further enhanced.                      Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Taking
 2. China’s Green Revolution
                                                        In its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025),        advantage of the global supply chain
 3. Asia’s Consumer Revival
                                                        the technology upgrade and self-               diversification trend, ASEAN countries
 4. Asian Credit Opportunities
                                                        sufficiency is a strategic focus for           are expected to record an increase in
                                                        China. We forecast Chinese high-end            manufacturing FDI of up to USD22bn
to 200% of GDP in 2020) in the next 40
                                                        manufacturing investment to grow by            per annum, according to BCG forecasts.
years to achieve carbon neutrality. We
                                                        over 12% y-o-y per annum in the next           Strong FDI inflows into ASEAN and India
see a potential RMB2trn (around 2% of
                                                        five years. China is now the world’s           should bring new opportunities for the
GDP) technology and green stimulus
                                                        second largest spender on R&D and              domestic leaders in advanced and smart
package to be rolled out by Beijing in
China is transitioning to more high-end manufacturing
                                                                                                       China’s Green Revolution
        Industrial production (annual), RMB trn
  35                                                                                                   As China aims to reach the peak of its
  30                                                                                                   carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon
                                                                                                       neutrality by 2060, it will significantly
                                                                                                       ramp up investments in renewable
  20                                                                                                   energy, EV supply chains and green
  15                                                                                                   technologies with strong green financing
  10                                                                                                   support from the PBoC. The IEA
                                                                                                       estimates that China will need to invest
                                                                                                       an average RMB5trn every year till 2060
    0                                                                                                  in clean energy and industrial upgrading
    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
                                                                                                       to achieve carbon neutrality, with
         Low end manufacturing           Medium low           Medium high           High               electrification likely the largest driver of
Source: CEIC, HSBC Global Private Banking as of 30 November 2021. Past performance is not a reliable   green investments in the years ahead.
indicator of the future performance.

Global Private Banking                                             Investment Outlook Report

On 8 November, the PBoC rolled out               Thanks to strong government policy                     and new developments in COVID
a new liquidity tool to offer low-cost           support and changing consumer                          treatment should facilitate the economic
re-lending to encourage bank lending             preference, the adoption of NEV (New                   reopening and recovery of consumer
to green projects with preferential rates.       Energy Vehicles) is picking up rapidly                 spending in Asia, supporting a rebound
This should help drive rapid growth              across the country under Beijing’s                     in the service industry.
in solar and wind energy installations           appeal to step up electrification of                   Southeast Asia is now quickly reopening,
during the 14th Five-Year Plan. China            the transportation sector. We project                  led by Singapore which has expanded
has targeted to raise its total energy           2021-23e NEV annual growth to reach                    its Vaccinated Travel Lane with 17
mix from non-fossil fuel sources to              117%, 37% and 28%, respectively, and                   countries for quarantine-free travel. And
80% by 2060 to achieve the net zero              EV penetration rate could hit 31% in                   since 1 November, Thailand has allowed
goals. China’s total installed capacity of       2025e and 59% in 2030e, offering strong                vaccinated tourists from 63 low-risk
renewable energy is estimated to surge           support for companies in the EV and EV                 countries to visit the country without
to over 1,200GW by 2030. We expect the           supply chains sector.                                  quarantine requirement. We therefore
cumulative solar and wind installations          Asia’s Consumer Revival                                see attractive opportunities in the
to rise to 602GW and 557GW in 2025,                                                                     domestic leaders in the travel, hospitality
                                                 With rising vaccination rates and
respectively, from 252GW and 282GW                                                                      and ecommerce in Southeast Asia.
                                                 medical breakthroughs in oral antiviral
in 2020. The recent nationwide power
                                                 COVID-19 drugs, more Asian countries                   In China, the pursuit of “common
crunch has highlighted the urgency to
                                                 are moving away from lockdowns                         prosperity” should lead to further
secure stable renewable energy supply
                                                 towards the “Living with COVID-19”                     urbanisation, rising personal income
via better energy storage. So, we expect
                                                 strategy. China, Singapore, South Korea,               and the expansion of middle class
China’s renewable energy storage
                                                 Japan and Malaysia have vaccinated                     consumers. During the CCP’s Sixth
demand to jump dramatically to 890GW
                                                 close to 80% of their populations. In our              Plenum in November, Chinese President
in 2030, up 24.4x from 35GW in 2020.
                                                 view, the positive vaccination progress                Xi Jinping highlighted the strategic

                         China’s annual green investments are estimated to surpass RMB5trn on
                         average between 2020-2060





                                       2016-20            2030               2040              2050            2060

                                   Fuel Production                Elec tric ity Generation
                                   Infrastruc ture                Industry
                                   Transportation                 Buildings

                           Source: IEA estimates, HSBC Global Private Banking as at 30 November 2021.

Global Private Banking

goal to achieve “common prosperity”                    concentrated on the more fragile                 EM Asia credit, we favour Indonesian
which aims to boost household income                   lower-rated developers while the Asian           hard currency bonds whose credit
and promote a more even distribution                   high-grade sector has remained resilient         fundamentals remain strong in the face
of wealth. We expect the promotion                     as IG issuers benefit from their safe-           of the easing pandemic headwinds
of “common prosperity” to support                      haven qualities. We continue see credit          and most SOEs with USD bonds will
demand for mass consumption,                           opportunities in Asia, as the region offers      continue to receive support from the
consumption upgrade, digital and green                 an important source of yield pickup              government. The Indonesian HY sector is
consumption and healthcare services.                   over DM bonds. We manage China                   well supported by the positive demand-
The increased consumer preference for                  property contagion risks by increasing           supply dynamics and recent sharp rally
local Chinese goods and services should                our focus on quality issuers in Asian IG         of coal prices amid the global energy
provide tailwinds for strong domestic                  and Chinese SOEs. We also search for             crunch.
consumer brands. In February 2022,                     carry opportunities in Indonesian hard           China property HY bond yields are
China will host the Winter Olympics                    currency bonds, better quality Chinese           trading at a decade high, as aftershocks
which will boost aspiration consumption                green-tier developers and selected               from defaults, missed payments and
and bring tactical opportunities in                    Indian hard currency corporate credit.           ratings downgrades ripple through
domestic sportswear companies with                     Asian IG, which accounts for 80%                 the China HY bond market. To capture
strong brand names.                                    of the overall Asian credit market,              opportunities from the China property
Asian Credit Opportunities                             has seen credit spreads remaining                sector dislocation, we selectively
The sharp selloff in the Asian credit                  elevated compared to pre-pandemic                position in the BB+ to BBB- developers
markets in recent months has been                      levels and remains attractive versus             with improving balance sheets, decent
driven by intensified market concerns                  their DM and EM IG. We see scope for             credit profiles, clear deleveraging plans
about China’s property contagion risks.                credit spreading tightening for Asian            and a strong track record on sales
Notably, the selloff has been mostly                   IG credit in coming months. Within               momentum and cash flow generation.

                          Asian IG credit has remained resilient amid the China property HY selloff

                                                                             EM Corp LatAm
                                       1000                                  EM Corp CEEMEA
                                                                             EM Corp Asia
                                                                             EM Corp Asia H Y
                                                                             USD HY
                        Spread (bps)




                                              May-15   May-16    May-17     May-18      May-19       May-20      May-20

                          Source: HSBC Global Private Banking, Bloomberg, JPM, ICE BOFAML indices as at 30 November 2021.
                          Past performance is not a reliable indicator of the future performance.

Global Private Banking                                      Investment Outlook Report

2. Investing for a Sustainable future
Mother nature is yearning for help. If        take advantage of structural investment      that socially responsible companies
the recent natural calamities around          opportunities which offer the potential to   greatly benefit from a diverse workforce.
the globe epitomise anything, it              generate handsome returns.                   Companies with more diversity and
is the urgency to tackle climate              Energy Transition: With the realisation      inclusion are more innovative and less
change. It is really here and we              that tackling climate change is an           prone to making big mistakes, due to
all need to do our bit to halt what           urgency, global initiatives to move          diversity of thought. A diverse work
some scientists call the potential            away from fossil fuels towards climate       force can improve employee motivation
beginning of the ‘Sixth Mass                  friendly renewable sources of energy         and retention, broaden the talent
Extinction’. It’s time to turn words          have started in earnest. These include       pool and better serve their diverse
into action as humanity stands at             development of green infrastructure          clientele. All these are key components
the “edge of an abyss”, using the             which will reshape the energy model for      of corporate success. Beyond D&I,
phrase of UN Secretary-General                the society, technology upgrade which        social issues such as nutrition, quality
Antonio Guterres.                                                                          education, access to clean water and
The COP26 conference held in Glasgow                                                       sanitation are all growing in importance.
                                               Our four high conviction themes
in November 2021 marked one such                                                           Well-being is another UN SDG which
time to take action. Thousands of                                                          has gained relevance in the wake of the
                                               1. Energy Transition                        pandemic. Plus, longer expectancy of
delegates from the private sector,
climate activists and hundreds of heads        2. Sourcing Income in a                    life in general and higher government
of states gathered together with the               Sustainable Way                         deficits have raised the demand for
ambition to keep global warming limited        3. The rise of ‘S’ in ESG                   sustainable healthcare, a key component
to 1.5C, mostly by targeting net zero                                                      of fiscal spending in the developed
                                               4. Financing Biodiversity Action
carbon emissions by 2050 and halving                                                       world. Sustainable healthcare needs
global emissions by 2030. To get there,       will help renewable energy generation,       to be affordable, made possible by
it is clear that action is needed at every    carbon capture, sequestration                technological and pharmaceutical
level.                                        and energy management. Heavy                 research and advancements. These
                                              infrastructure spending in these areas       areas offer attractive sustainable
HSBC and other financial institutions
                                              offer attractive investment opportunities    investment opportunities, in our view.
have taken several initiatives to stem
climate change and reverse its adverse        for investors in our view.                   Financing Biodiversity Action:
impact. At COP26, for example, HSBC           Sourcing Income in a Sustainable             Biodiversity is vital for maintaining
joined the “Powering Past Coal Alliance”      Way: Finding income in a ‘low                natural cycles of weather, the food chain
to tackle the hard issues head-on, which      growth, low yield’ world remains a           and life on earth. But climate change and
includes phasing out the financing            challenge for all investors in today’s       rising pollution levels are increasingly
of coal-fired power and thermal coal          investment landscape. But by investing       contributing to loss of natural habitats
mining by 2030 in the EU and the OECD         in sustainable companies, investors          and as a result, the earth’s biodiversity is
and 2040 in all other markets. We are         will tend to increase their exposure to      in a sharp decline. The population sizes
working on structuring a relatively           high quality growth companies, while         of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians
speedy decarbonisation strategy; aligned      also weaving in ESG and sustainability       and reptiles have seen an alarming
with science-based targets for limiting       factors. That can make the portfolio         average drop of 68% since 1970. It’s
global warming to 1.5C above pre-             more resilient, without denting its          alarming that 50% of world’s habitable
industrial levels in 2100.                    returns or income. It is also noteworthy     land area is being used for agriculture
                                              that since the sustainable investments       and is leading to a sharp reduction
Beyond the action by governments and
                                              universe is multi-asset in nature,           in biodiversity. With more and more
institutions, individuals will play a key
                                              investing in an array of sustainable         of such stark statistics coming to the
role as well, and the way we invest will
                                              investments diversifies the risk exposure.   fore, public opinion is turning against
need to become more sustainable. We
                                                                                           companies which harm biodiversity,
believe sustainability should feature both    The rise of ‘S’ in ESG: While
                                                                                           putting pressure on corporates to
in the core portfolio strategy, but also in   environmental issues are often in the
                                                                                           preserve resources by facilitating
the thematic satellites, under our trend of   spotlight, social issues are just as
                                                                                           recycling and focusing on development
‘Investing for a Sustainable Future’. By      important and form an important part
                                                                                           of a circular economy. Shareholders
doing so, investors would not only help       of almost all UN SDGs (Sustainable
                                                                                           are calling on companies to adopt
save the planet, they’d also be able to       Development Goals). Research shows

Global Private Banking

targets to cut carbon emissions. But                      potential economic benefits too.                       open up new sustainable possibilities to
focusing on this isn’t just a charitable                  Innovative new technologies which                      meet the demand of a rising population.
effort. Adoption of such sustainability                   lead to better farming practices, use of               Sustainable fishing practices and water
focused measures comes with big                           new ingredients like alternative protein               sanitisation, development of new
                                                                                                                 biodegradable materials as alternatives
                                                                                                                 for plastic - all offer attractive structural
    More needs to be done                                                                                        investment opportunities for investors.
                                                                                                                 Along with the above four High
                                                                                                                 Conviction investment themes, we
                                                                                                                 think that an adequate allocation to
                                                                                                                 sustainable investments via Hedge
                                                                                                                 Funds and Private Equity (PE) also
    10/130                                  0.82c                                33yr                            offers new and attractive investment
                                                                                                                 opportunities. Hedge Funds and PE can
    The number of                     What women get paid                  US women’s labour force               play a pivotal role in decarbonising the
    female world                      for every 1$ men get                 participation is at a                 economy through their active ownership
    leaders at COP26                  paid in the US.                      33-year low, as more                  approach. As new technologies often
    against the number                                                     take on a caretaker role              originate in private markets and need
    of male leaders                                                        at home due to remote
                                                                                                                 time to develop, the longer-term
    depicts how we are                                                     schooling.
    still far from                                                                                               investment horizon of PE may be
    gender parity.                                                                                               well adapted. HF and PE are often
                                                                                                                 able to spot early stage investment
                                                                                                                 opportunities, which, if successful, can
 Source: HSBC Global Private Banking, COP 26, UK Office of National Statistics, US Bureau of Labor Statistics,
 as at 30th November                                                                                             proliferate and be exited later at lucrative

The environmental impact of food production

           Agriculture is responsible for                                 Food systems release                                Agriculture accounts for
           80% of global deforestation                                    29% of global GHGs                                  70% of freshwater use

                  80%                                                        29%                                                   70%

      GLOBAL DEFORESTATION                                                 GLOBAL GHGs                                        FRESHWATER USE

     Drivers linked to food production cause                    Drivers linked to food production cause                      52% of agricultural
     70% of terrestrial biodiversity loss                       50% of freshwater biodiversity loss                          production land is degraded

                  70%                                                         50%                                                  52%

              TERRESTRIAL                                                FRESHWATER                                            DEGRADED
           BIODIVERSITY LOSS                                          BIODIVERSITY LOSS                                    AGRICULTURAL LAND

Source: WWF Living planet report 2020; - CBD, GSDR, ELD initiative. As at 30th November 2021.

Global Private Banking                                            Investment Outlook Report

3. Digital Transformation
The world has been undergoing                  population expands by the predicted 2                 region. Automation is undergoing a
incremental disruptive technological           billion over the next 30 years, this will             wave of innovation spurred by advances
change in a host of areas for several          stress transportation systems and the                 in AI (artificial intelligence) facilitating
decades. However, it is only in                climate even further unless we adopt                  a greater number of applications.
recent years that the transformation           new transportation-related technologies.              AI use of deep learning, specialised
has gained serious momentum                    A number of industry segments should                  semiconductors and gaming engines
as technological advances have                 benefit from these positive trends                    enables automation software to be
caught up with ambitions and                   including electric vehicle manufacturers              enhanced through self-teaching,
the real benefits are starting                 and their suppliers; hydrogen and                     thus expanding and improving their
to emerge. Digitalisation is not               fuel cell industries; electrical and 5G               capabilities. Whether that is reading text
merely the switching of analogue               infrastructure manufacturers; battery                 on a parcel or letter; selecting the right
to an electronic data format, it is            manufacturers and developers; and the                 components on a production line; or
what that new format facilitates.              semiconductors and sensors industries.                recognising a person in a crowd, these
A parallel analogy would be if                 The industrial economy is reliant on                  new technologies will require continual
suddenly everyone in the world                 automation to improve productivity,                   software and hardware development,
could fluently speak and read a                especially at a time of rising inflation and          especially in semiconductors. For
single language, which would                   wage costs. Until recently the limits of              example, an electric vehicle requires
transform communication and                    technology hardware and software have                 over eight times more semiconductors
society. An example of the new                 limited their applications. But that has              compared with its petrol engine
formats is the shift of businesses             started to change. The World Robotics                 equivalent. This rapidly evolving area
to the metaverse that is gaining               2021 Industrial Robots report showed                  provides much potential for investors.
traction with the introduction of an           there are 3 million robots in factories               Healthcare budgets continue to be
interactive and more immersive 3D              around the world with robot sales                     challenged, so the sector needs to act
virtual world, which is helping to             booming. The International Federation                 intelligently. The use of AI offers some
drive growth in the digital economy.           of Robotics (IFR) forecasts unit sales of             interesting application opportunities for
Digitisation facilitates and enables           autonomous mobile robots rising by 31%                healthcare companies. Let’s start by
these developments.                            between 2020 and 2023.                                considering the fundamental building
                                               The majority of the market is in five                 blocks for life, namely DNA and the
 Our four high conviction themes               countries: China, Japan, the US, South                sequence of chemical bases that provide
                                               Korea and Germany with Asia being                     the unique biological code for each
 1. Smart Mobility
                                               the largest consumer with 71% of new                  living organism. The human genome
 2. Automation & AI                                                                                  contains 3 billion chemical bases that
                                               installations in 2020 coming from the
 3. Biotechnology, Genomics & Devices                                                                are unique to that individual. That is a
 4. Total Security                             Smart Mobility
                                               Global passenger vehicle sales by powertrain
We have decided to focus on                          120
four key areas where the wave of
transformational changes is underway
and offer the greatest opportunity to                     80

investors given their current state of flux.
In an increasingly environmentally
challenged world where transportation                     40

is a significant source of harmful                        20
emissions and pollution, the move to
smarter forms of mobility is logical and                  0
                                                           2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039
socially necessary. But smart mobility                        2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040
is not just about smarter choices or
modes of transport, it is also about the                       Internal combustion engine vehicles (ICE)    Battery electric vehicles (BEV)
integration of intelligent technologies in                     Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV)      Fuel cell vehicles (FCV)
transportation systems. If the world’s
                                               Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Global Private Bank as at 30th November 2021.

Global Private Banking

Automation and AI                                                                                   Biotechnology companies have used
Organisational Actions to Automate Business Functions (%)                                           other innovative technologies, such as
                                                100%                                                CRISPR to totally replace faulty genetic
Have set up a program for                                                                           sequences with corrected versions, and
automation across the business                   90%          16                      15
                                                                                                    they are using stem cells to regenerate
                                                 80%                                                irreparably damaged tissue. The benefits
                                                                                      16            are clear even if the science is complex.
Have at least 1 process but
                                                 70%          13
not scaled across business                                                                          The need for physical and digital security
                                                 60%                                                has increased with globalization and
                                                                                      35            more connected devices, companies,
Piloting automation in 1 function                50%
                                                              28                                    governments, and people. Recent
                                                 40%                                                cybercrime and terrorist attacks on
Have not begun to automate                                                                          financial, infrastructure and government
but plan to do so in the next year                                                                  networks have served to underline
                                                              18                      14
                                                 20%                                                the need for greater vigilance and
                                                 10%                                                more robust security. This should
Have not begun to automate                                    20                      16
and have no plans to do so.                                                                         exponentially increase the cybersecurity
                                                   0%                                               spending in the near future, offering
                                                             2018                    2020
                                                                                                    attractive investment opportunities to
Source: Mckinsey & Company, HSBC Global Private Bank as at 30th November 2021.
large amount of data in itself. Imagine                 Biotechnology companies have been           Digitalisation brings many positive
scientists wanting to compare the                       very effective at working on these new      aspects associated with the unhindered
genomes of several thousand humans to                   AI applications and developing new          flow of data, but that in itself brings
detect genetics anomalies or mutations                  targeted medicines that have greater        certain security risks. The digital
that may be responsible for a particular                efficacy and fewer side-effects. By         transformation that has accelerated
medical condition. A combination of                     identifying specific genetic mutations,     in recent years with the rise in remote
automated sequencing and screening                      scientists can develop proteins that        working, contactless payments,
using AI software can both enhance                      can act directly on a gene to prevent its   e-commerce, video conferencing,
and accelerate a process that would be                  expression, thereby blocking any harmful    etc., has brought with it an increase in
almost impossible by manual methods.                    effects.                                    security risks to people, business and
                                                                                                    the state.
                                                                                                    The increase in capital spending by
Biotechnology, Genomics and Devices
                                                                                                    companies and through government
Global average national health expenditure (% of GDP)
                                                                                                    infrastructure spending programs should
 10.2                                                                                               also boost spending on both physical
   10                                                                                               and digital security. Digital security
                                                                                                    incorporates hardware, software, and
                                                                                                    services to prevent and deter physical
  9.6                                                                                               and digital attacks.
  9.4                                                                                               The four different areas we have selected
  9.2                                                                                               clearly illustrate how digitalisation is not
                                                                                                    only driving a wave of innovation, but
                                                                                                    also positively transforming businesses
                                                                                                    and the global economy.



        2000     2002      2004      2006      2008       2010      2012     2014   2016    2018
Source: The World Bank, HSBC Global Private Bank as at 30th November 2021.

Global Private Banking                                        Investment Outlook Report

4. Policy support for                                                   backlash. This time around, any tax reform will probably be
                                                                        highly progressive, with tax increases oriented towards high

mid-cycle growth
                                                                        incomes and strong corporates on the one hand, but improved
                                                                        social security and rising minimum wages on the other.
                                                                        If tax policies are implemented in this way, labour markets
Economic growth and inflation have been well above                      continue to improve, and governments continue to roll out
normal in 2021, and both should come down in 2022. In                   effective vaccination programmes, consumer spending and the
the case of economic growth, the fear is that it slows                  outlook for consumer stocks should remain resilient. A resilient
too quickly, while for inflation, the fear is that it does              consumer and infrastructure investment should both contribute
not come down quickly enough. In other words, our                       to a soft landing for the economy. However, rising taxation and
hope and belief is that the inflation cycle is shorter                  rising wages will probably lead earnings growth to slow from
than the economic cycle; while those who worry about                    the record pace of recent months.
stagflation believe the opposite, i.e. that the inflation will
remain stubbornly high and contribute to the economic                   Monetary policy
slowdown. Policy makers have a big role to play on                      Engineering a soft landing of inflation is the task of central
both fronts and markets will therefore pay very close                   banks. They generally believe that some of the drivers of
attention to the policy measures they will take, on both                inflation (such as used car prices and commodity price base
the fiscal and monetary policy front.                                   effects) are temporary, and that inflation should therefore come
We believe the policy mix still remains favourable, and supports        down in the coming quarters. That should allow them to take
a range of thematics across equity and fixed income markets.            a gradual approach to policy tightening, and in turn keep real
                                                                        yields relatively low. But on the other hand, it is impossible to
                                                                        know when the supply chain issues and shortages in the labour
 Our five high conviction themes
                                                                        market will start to ease, and markets will therefore continue
                                                                        to react to the volatile economic news flow. So there are two
 1. Infrastructure 2.0
                                                                        aspects to the rate outlook: still low, but more volatile. And as
 2. European Growth Leaders
                                                                        a result, we continue to forecast a ‘low but volatile’ Treasury
 3. American Renewal                                                    outlook. Relative to 2021, where the 10-year US Treasury
 4. Resilient Carry in High Yield and EM                                mostly traded in a 1-1.5% range, we think we will see a broader
 5. DM Financials – Focus on Subordination                              1-2% range in 2022, as there is more uncertainty and inflation
                                                                        may stay high for most of H1.

Fiscal policy: spending and taxes                                       In summary, our ‘policy support for mid-cycle growth’ Top
                                                                        Trend refers to the stabilising forces coming from fiscal and
Through fiscal policy, governments can have a direct impact on
                                                                        monetary policy, which will help extend the cycle and dampen
economic growth. Big investments in infrastructure are likely to
                                                                        stagflation risks by trying to engineer a soft landing of growth
boost activity for several years and extend the economic cycle,
                                                                        and inflation. There are of course execution risks and potential
given the long duration of most infrastructure projects. This
                                                                        market surprises, which we will continue to monitor. But
is taking place around the world, in the US, Europe and Asia.
                                                                        overall, the fiscal policy measures we’ve seen so far support our
Investment in infrastructure such as roads, bridges, schools,
                                                                        high conviction themes related to infrastructure, the American
healthcare and digital infrastructure is much overdue in many
                                                                        renewal and European growth leaders. Monetary policy is
countries across developed and emerging markets.
                                                                        supportive of the search for yield and our High Conviction
Infrastructure can help fulfil another increasingly common              Investment Themes of Resilient carry in high yield and EM,
objective as well, of increased fairness and the fight against          and DM financials – focus on subordination.
inequality. The pandemic has further increased inequalities,
and inflation has put pressure on lower income households’              Our investment themes
finances. We think that governments will try to fine-tune their         Infrastructure 2.0: We are at the beginning of a multi-year
fiscal and social policies to try to halt or reverse the growing        rollout of next generation technologies that are expected to
inequality. So while governments cannot continue to spend               lift productivity and profitability across the globe. Physical
at the same pace as they did during the pandemic, and need              infrastructure should benefit from renewal, upgrades or
to address the rapid growth of the debt pile over the past              replacements, while digital infrastructure, especially next
few years, it is unlikely that they will resort to the austerity        generation mobile networks like 5G, is a key enabling
measures that were common after the great financial crisis,             component of the infrastructure upgrade.
because they increased inequality and produced a political

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