The "Bermuda Triangle" of Neonatal Neurology: Cerebral Palsy, Neonatal Encephalopathy, and Intrapartum Asphyxia

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The “Bermuda Triangle” of Neonatal Neurology: Cerebral Palsy,
          Neonatal Encephalopathy, and Intrapartum Asphyxia
                                          Michael I. Shevell, MD, CM, FRCPC

The terms “cerebral palsy,” “neonatal encephalopathy,” and “intrapartum asphyxia” are frequently used in
pediatric neurology. This article presents concise, verifiable definitions for each of these entities based on our
current understanding and formulates the nature of the interrelationships between them. The aim is to provide a
level of clarity that will enhance diagnostic and pathogenetic precision and minimize conceptual misunderstand-
ing. This should aid future therapeutic and research efforts in this important area.
© 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

T     HE TERM “Bermuda triangle” has entered
      our lexicon as an eponymous synonym for
mystery or confusion. Nominally denoting a
                                                                      spectrum of neurodevelopmental disabilities of 5% to
                                                                      7% of the pediatric population.5
                                                                         This article provides a systematic review of the
largely open stretch of the Atlantic Ocean with its                   consensus definitions of these 3 concepts, together
apices on Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, its                      with a brief survey of what we know about them.
lore is a seemingly disproportionate share of un-                     It then systematically explores the relationships
explained disappearances of ships and airplanes.                      between these concepts.
Careful scrutiny of the actual record has revealed                                      CEREBRAL PALSY
that the triangle is no more dangerous than any
                                                                         “Cerebral palsy” is a historical term first intro-
other equivalent stretch of open ocean and that a
                                                                      duced into the medical literature in the latter half of
rational explanation (most commonly weather or
                                                                      the nineteenth century.6 It is a clinically defined
human error) can explain the misfortunes that have                    symptom complex that functions as a “term of
occurred there.1                                                      convenience” and provides a shorthand way to
   Cerebral palsy (CP), neonatal encephalopathy,                      communicate about a group of commonly encoun-
and intrapartum asphyxia are all concepts integral                    tered children with developmental disability.2 Va-
to an understanding of neonatal neurology. How-                       lidity for the concept is imparted by a commonality
ever, these terms are often used imprecisely, sow-                    of core features shared by the members of this
ing confusion that can take on the appearance of a                    group, including impairments, challenges, medical
quagmire. This confusion hampers communication                        requirements, and rehabilitation needs.7 Persons
among health professionals and may convey erro-                       with CP display considerable variability in terms
neous impressions regarding clinical evolution and                    of severity8 and comorbid conditions.9 CP is but
causality. However, like the actual Bermuda trian-                    one type of childhood neurodevelopmental disabil-
gle of popular mythology, careful scrutiny can help                   ity encountered in practice.
clarify the relationships among these entities.                          A consensus definition for CP was not offered
   Epidemiologic prevalence data highlight the scope                  until 1958.10 The most recent consensus definition
of the problem. CP occurs in 1.5 to 2.5/1000 live                     defines CP as “an umbrella term covering a group
births;2 neonatal encephalopathy, in 1.8 to 7.7/1000                  of non-progressive but often changing motor im-
live births;3 and intrapartum asphyxia, in 1.5 to 3.0/                pairment syndromes secondary to lesions or anom-
1000 live births.4 These numbers must be considered                   alies of the brain arising in the early stages of its
in the context of an overall frequency of the full                    development.”11 Stated more simplistically, CP is
                                                                      a static, nonprogressive motor impairment of early
                                                                      onset that is cerebral in origin. Here, “static and
   From the Departments of Neurology/Neurosurgery and Pe-             nonprogressive” means that the process responsi-
diatrics, McGill University and Division of Pediatric Neurol-         ble for the neurologic deficits cannot be ongoing,
ogy, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.          with the infliction of additional injury or damage
   Address reprint requests to Michael Shevell, CM, FRCPC,            on the brain as time proceeds.12 This effectively
Montreal Children’s Hospital, Room A-514, 2300 Tupper                 excludes neoplastic, neurodegenerative, and meta-
Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3H 1P3.
  © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.                           bolic processes from the rubric of CP.13 However,
  1071-9091/04/1101-0000$30.00/0                                      although the pathological lesions are nonprogres-
  doi:10.1016/j.spen.2004.01.005                                      sive, it is well recognized that the apparent clinical

24                                                              Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, Vol 11, No 1 (March), 2004: pp 24-30
“BERMUDA TRIANGLE” OF NEONATAL NEUROLOGY                                                                 25

manifestations may change against the backdrop of      cause has been emphasized23-25 with considerable
a maturing nervous system.7                            obstetrical and medicolegal implications.26 Recent
   All individuals with CP have motor impairment       advances in imaging technology,27 the molecular
characterized by objective, reproducible abnormal-     understanding of neuroembryology,28 and identi-
ities on systematic examination.14 This includes       fying specific deficits in the coagulation cascade29
alterations in tone, posture, response to muscle       that exert a prothrombotic effect have worked
stretch, and reflexes.15 Clinically, this motor im-    jointly to increase etiologic yield. Understanding
pairment may manifest as delayed acquisition of        the causal spectrum of CP requires the systematic
motor skills, clumsiness, and gait/ambulatory dif-     assessment of affected individuals together with
ficulties. Other neurologic disabilities (eg, epi-     the application of these advances to properly ad-
lepsy, mental retardation) often co-occur with CP      dress the question of why a particular individual is
yet are not necessary features for diagnosis or an     so affected.19
invariable accompaniment.                                 Recent studies have documented that the causal
   Universal agreement does not yet exist on the       spectrum for CP is a function of the type of CP and
“early onset” component of the definition of CP.7      gestational age.19 Detailed investigations reveal a
The upper limit for inclusion of postnatal cases of    cause in most cases, with consensus that intrapar-
acquired CP can vary considerably.16 In addition,      tum asphyxia is a cause in only a minority of cases
the initial age at which the diagnosis can be enter-   (certainly ⬍20%, perhaps even as little as
tained is also not uniformly agreed on, given the      ⬍10%).19 Consensus has also been reached that
potential for transitory early neurologic abnormal-    intrapartum asphyxia of sufficient severity to cause
ities that resolve on a second evaluation at a later   later CP must produce evidence of a significant
date.17 Symptomatically, early onset is manifested     acute neonatal neurologic dysfunction (ie, neonatal
by early hand preference, motor delay, stiffness, or   encephalopathy).30 Thus neonatal encephalopathy
seizures.                                              is a “way station” through which intrapartum as-
   Traditionally, a long list of syndromic disorders   phyxia passes to yield later CP and is invariably
or chromosomal abnormalities have been excluded        present if intrapartum asphyxia is causal for this
from the concept of CP.13 It is acknowledged that      eventual outcome.
local idiosyncrasies may influence the precise con-
text of this approach. What is agreed on is that               NEONATAL ENCEPHALOPATHY
neural tube defects and neuromuscular disorders,          Like CP, neonatal encephalopathy is also a clin-
which may in themselves result in early-onset          ically defined symptom complex. Neonatal en-
motor impairment syndromes, are excluded from          cephalopathy is essentially a constellation of neu-
the CP diagnostic label.                               rologic signs noted within the first 7 days after
   From the foregoing, it is apparent that CP is       birth. It has been defined as a “syndrome of dis-
conceptualized as a possible outcome. It is a quite    turbed neurologic function in the earliest days of
heterogeneous entity with respect to pathogenesis,     life in the term infant manifested by difficulty with
clinical manifestations, and evolution.18 Although     initiating and maintaining respiration, depression
there may be a multiplicity of possible causes,19      of tone and reflexes, sub-normal levels of con-
from a pathogenetic perspective what is shared is a    sciousness and often by seizures.”31 It is mani-
congenital aberration or acquired injury to the        fested by acute neonatal neurologic dysfunction
maturing, not yet fully formed, central nervous        that remains the single best early clue that a new-
system. The onset of this aberration or injury may     born is potentially neurologically compromised
be prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal in timing.        and potentially at increased risk for later neurode-
   Etiologically heterogeneous, clinical research in   velopmental sequelae.32
CP has traditionally focused on the identification        The severity of observed neonatal encephalopa-
of prenatal and perinatal risk factors for the later   thy varies and can be graded as mild, moderate, or
identification of CP.20-22 This has permitted the      severe at the bedside according to the classification
elucidation of possible pathogenetic mechanisms.       scheme of Sarnat and Sarnat first developed in
Uncertainty exists regarding the actual causal spec-   1976 (Table 1).32 The grade is based on behavioral
trum of CP and the relative contribution of the        observations, response to handling, tone changes,
various causes.5 Traditionally, the role and contri-   the presence and frequency of seizures, and any
bution of intrapartum asphyxia as an etiologic         evidence of brainstem dysfunction. Although
26                                                                                         MICHAEL I. SHEVELL

           Table 1.   Neonatal Encephalopathy            enhanced individual resiliency and is a favorable
 Mild                                                    prognostic indicator.36
   ● Increased irritability                                 It is recognized that intrapartum asphyxia is but
   ● Hyperexcitability                                   one cause of neonatal encephalopathy. Indeed,
   ● Jitteriness
                                                         there is strong evidence to suggest that, as for CP,
   ● Exaggerated Moro and tendon reflexes
   ● Sympathetic overreactivity                          it is only an infrequent cause.19,31 However, as
   ● Transient changes in tone (⬍6 hours)                noted earlier, neonatal encephalopathy at a moder-
 Moderate                                                ate or severe level is a necessary antecedent to later
   ● Lethargy                                            CP if intrapartum asphyxia is causally responsible
   ● Hypotonia
                                                         for the CP.
   ● Diminished reflexes
   ● With or without associated seizures
                                                                    INTRAPARTUM ASPHYXIA
   ● Profound obtundation/coma                              The definition of intrapartum asphyxia has two
   ● Flaccid muscle tone                                 components. Asphyxia is defined as impaired re-
   ● Brainstem dysfunction
                                                         spiratory gas exchange accompanied by the devel-
   ● Apnea
   ● Skew deviation, nystagmus, sucking and swallowing   opment of acidosis. Biochemically, the hallmarks
     abnormalities                                       are hypoxemia, hypercapnea, and, most important,
   ● Increased intracranial tension                      metabolic acidosis, characterized by reduced bicar-
   ● Seizures, frequently refractory                     bonate and elevated negative base excess. Intrapar-
                                                         tum refers to occurrence during the process of
                                                         labor and parturition. The importance of intrapar-
largely lacking operationalization and validation,33     tum asphyxia is its potential, if sufficiently sus-
this grading system for neonatal encephalopathy          tained and severe, to result in end organ (ie, central
has proven useful as a predictor of later potential of   nervous system) injury.42
survival and neurodevelopmental sequelae in both            Thus intrapartum asphyxia is conceptualized as
the intermediate and long term.34,35 As a useful         a mechanism of acquired injury or pathogenesis. It
predictor, clinicians have relied on neonatal en-        is a process that can be incited by various events
cephalopathy as a mechanism of influencing acute         that then triggers a cascade of cellular and patho-
treatment intervention in conjunction with other         physiologic responses that can then yield various
objective markers, such as electroencephalography        possible short-term (eg, neonatal encephalopathy)
and neuroimaging.36                                      and eventual (eg, CP) outcomes.42 The significance
   Neonatal encephalopathy and CP also share an          of intrapartum asphyxia lies in the potential for its
etiologically heterogeneous character.31 There are       prevention and possible intervention to either
a multiplicity of potential causes. Frequently, the      avoid triggering the asphyxial cascade or modify it
term “hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy” is used           once it begins, thus reducing the risk of eventual
synonymously with neonatal encephalopathy;               neurodevelopmental sequelae.42 These neurode-
however, this is inappropriate in the absence of         velopmental sequelae often have significant life-
certainty that intrapartum asphyxia is causal for the    long morbidity implications and attendant care
observed neonatal encephalopathy.37,38 Little is         costs at individual, familial, and societal levels.43
actually known regarding the precise etiologic           Pragmatically, there are substantial medicolegal
spectrum of neonatal encephalopathy; however,            implications with respect to the 2 often-linked
recent studies have identified significant antepar-      questions of (1) whether the inciting events them-
tum and intrapartum risk factors, including small        selves were foreseeable and perhaps preventable,
gestational age, maternal fever or viral illness,        and (2) whether the cause and its outcome could
placental abnormalities, and severe preeclamp-           have been avoided by timely obstetrical interven-
sia.39,40 The presence of neonatal encephalopathy        tion (ie, rapid delivery by one of various meth-
suggests, but does not necessarily imply, a rela-        ods).44
tively recent antepartum or intrapartum compro-             A particular challenge has been the ability to
mise. Although the severity of neonatal encepha-         accurately and reliably diagnose intrapartum as-
lopathy relates directly to the risk of later adverse    phyxia. Simply put, at present there is no single
outcome,41 observed improvement in the actual            gold standard for either clinical or laboratory di-
grade of neonatal encephalopathy acutely suggests        agnosis.31 It is readily apparent that the single
“BERMUDA TRIANGLE” OF NEONATAL NEUROLOGY                                                                                 27

   Table 2. American Academy of Pediatrics/American                 Table 4.   American College of Obstetrics and
       College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1992)                               Gynecology (2002)

         ● Profound metabolic acidosis (pH ⬍7.0)                  Asphyxia
         ●Apgar 3 or lower beyond 5 minutes                         ● pH ⬍7.0; base deficit ⬎12 mmol/L
         ● Neonatal encephalopathy                                  ● Moderate to severe neonatal encephalopathy
         ● Multiorgan system dysfunction                            ● CP: spastic, quadriparesis, dyskinetic, or mixed
                                                                    ● Exclusion of other etiologies
                                                                    ● Sentinel event associated with labor
markers that have been identified and evaluated—                    ● Fetal heart rate changes: bradycardia, loss of
including fetal heart rate changes, meconium pas-                     variability, decelerations
sage, Apgar scores, pH/base deficit, time to first                  ● Apgar 3 or lower beyond 5 minutes
breath or need for resuscitation, neonatal enceph-                  ● Multisystem involvement
                                                                    ● Early imaging changes
alopathy, other organ (ie, non– central nervous sys-
tem) dysfunction, electrophysiologic changes (ie,
electroencephalography, evoked potentials), and
imaging changes (eg, computed tomography, mag-
                                                              include neonatal encephalopathy, profound meta-
netic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance spec-
                                                              bolic acidosis with precise cutoffs specified (ie,
troscopy, diffusion-weighted imaging)— have rel-
                                                              pH, base excess), multiple systemic involvement
atively low sensitivity and specificity for accurate
                                                              (typically renal), and depressed Apgar scores at
diagnosis.36,45 Many pathophysiologic processes
                                                              and beyond 5 minutes of age.46-48 The 2 more
other than intrapartum asphyxia may result in ab-
                                                              recent consensus criteria47,48 have restricted the
normalities in any of these single markers.
                                                              diagnosis of intrapartum asphyxia to only certain
   To respond to this diagnostic challenge, empha-
                                                              types of CP and provided additional supportive
sis has been placed on a constellation of signs (ie,
                                                              features of intrapartum timing and objective mark-
the presence of multiple markers) to diagnose in-
                                                              ers (ie, electroencephalography and/or imaging) of
trapartum asphyxia. Some of these signs are
                                                              asphyxiation. The last consensus criterion48 also
deemed essential; others, supportive. Some are
                                                              calls for the careful search for and exclusion of
diagnostic of asphyxia, and others are diagnostic of
                                                              other possible etiologies. The extent of this search
timing. Since 1992, 3 different consensus state-
                                                              and its mechanism is not specified, however.
ments have addressed the diagnosis of intrapartum
                                                                 The restriction of intrapartum asphyxia to cer-
asphyxia (Tables 2, 3, and 4).46-48 Experience has
                                                              tain types of CP47,48 is problematic in that it is put
also shown that adverse events occurring during
                                                              forward without the possibility of absolute verifi-
the intrapartum period do not occur in isolation and
                                                              cation. That is, a single case of intrapartum as-
often reflect an antepartum predisposition for a
                                                              phyxia resulting in an outcome other than spastic
fetus to respond inappropriately to the physiolog-
                                                              quadriparesis, dyskinetic, or mixed CP will render
ical stresses of normal labor and delivery.49
                                                              the scheme erroneous. Also it requires an eventual
   All 3 consensus statements elaborated thus far
                                                              outcome (ie, a specific type of CP),49 which may
share an emphasis on the concurrent observation
                                                              not be apparent for several years, as a means of
and documentation of multiple markers to make a
                                                              diagnosing what is an acute process. Subsequent to
diagnosis of intrapartum asphyxia. These markers
                                                              intrapartum asphyxia, a range of possible outcomes
                                                              exists, from normal through the entire spectrum of
  Table 3.   International Cerebral Palsy Task Force (1999)   neurodevelopmental disability (eg, sensorineural
    Essential                                                 hearing loss, developmental coordination disorder,
      ● Moderate to severe neonatal encephalopathy            attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning
      ● pH ⬍7.0                                               disability, global developmental delay, mental re-
      ● CP: spastic, quadraparetic, dyskinetic, or mixed      tardation, and CP), largely reflecting the dynamic
                                                              interplay between the severity of asphyxia and the
      ● Sentinel event
      ● Severe fetal heart rate changes                       resiliency of the individual.50
      ● Apgar lower than 6 beyond 5 minutes                      With respect to intrapartum asphyxia, it is ap-
      ● Multisystem dysfunction                               parent that the presence of multiple markers is a
      ● Evidence of acute cerebral involvement                necessary precondition for diagnosis in the scheme
                                                              of neonatal encephalopathy. For some infants with
28                                                                                                MICHAEL I. SHEVELL

  Fig 1. Venn diagram illustrating relationships between neonatal encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, intrapartum asphyxia,
non-cerebral palsy neurodevelopmental disability, and normality.

intrapartum asphyxia, an antepartum precondition                   trapartum asphyxia. (Note that 4 and 5 are
may predispose to intrapartum asphyxia occur-                      equivalent statements.)
rence. The threat of injury initiates a cellular and           6. Most children with later CP will not have
physiological cascade that reflects individual vari-               previous intrapartum asphyxia.
ation in resiliency and the capacity to adapt to this          7. Most children with later CP will not have
threat. Eventual outcomes are variable; CP is but                  previous neonatal encephalopathy.
one type of potential outcome of intrapartum as-               8. All children with CP will have a neurodevel-
phyxia.                                                            opmental disability.
                                                               9. Some children with a later non-CP neurode-
                  RELATIONSHIPS                                    velopmental disability will have had previous
   From the foregoing, based on our present knowl-                 intrapartum asphyxia.
edge and understanding, it is possible to elaborate           10. Some children with a later non-CP neurode-
a number of statements regarding the interrelation-                velopmental disability will have had previous
ships between CP, neonatal encephalopathy, and                     neonatal encephalopathy but no intrapartum
intrapartum asphyxia within the context of children                asphyxia.
encountered in practice (ie, those with and without           11. Most children with a later non-CP neurodevel-
neurodevelopmental disability). There relation-                    opmental disability will not have had previous
ships are shown schematically in Figure 1 and are                  neonatal encephalopathy.
listed below:                                                 12. Some normal children will have had previous
  1. Some children with neonatal encephalopathy                    intrapartum asphyxia.
     will have intrapartum asphyxia.                          13. Some normal children will have had previous
  2. All children with intrapartum asphyxia will                   neonatal encephalopathy but no intrapartum
     have neonatal encephalopathy.                                 asphyxia.
  3. Some children with intrapartum asphyxia will               The relationships between causes, neonatal pre-
     develop later CP.                                        sentation, and outcome are also shown schemati-
  4. Some children with neonatal encephalopathy               cally in Figure 2. This figure highlights that fetal
     and no intrapartum asphyxia will develop later           predisposing conditions may or may not exist as an
     CP.                                                      antecedent of possible intrapartum asphyxia. A
  5. Some children with later CP will have had                multitude of possible causes other than intrapartum
     previous neonatal encephalopathy and no in-              asphyxia exists to explain neonatal encephalopa-
“BERMUDA TRIANGLE” OF NEONATAL NEUROLOGY                                                                                        29

  Fig 2. Schematic diagram illustrating relationships between fetal status, intrapartum asphyxia, neonatal encephalopathy, and
eventual outcome.

thy. There also exists a multitude of possible out-                occurrence of asphyxia and modify eventual out-
comes subsequent to neonatal encephalopathy,                       comes need to be identified. Identification of such
ranging from normality to CP to a non-CP neuro-                    predisposing conditions, reliable diagnostic mark-
developmental disability. Causes other than those                  ers, and mechanisms of resiliency, coupled with
operating through intrapartum asphyxia and/or                      elaboration of the cellular and physiological cas-
neonatal encephalopathy may also result in CP and                  cade in response to injury, will provide potential
non-CP neurodevelopmental disability.                              means for intervention both acutely and in the long
                                                                   term. Ancillary to this will be improvement in
                      CONCLUSION                                   maternal/fetal health promotion and health service
   Improving the clarity and understanding of key                  delivery to the affected population, which will both
terminology and concepts, together with their in-                  reduce the number of those affected and minimize
terrelationships, will help us focus our future ef-                the impacts at multiple levels of neurodevelopmen-
forts more sharply. Better means and mechanisms                    tal disability.
(ie, markers) for reliable, earlier, and more certain
diagnosis are needed. Clarification of interrelation-
ships will depend on the application of these mark-                  The author thanks Alba Rinaldi for secretarial assistance in
                                                                   preparing this manuscript and the Montreal Children’s Hospital
ers to the clinical situation and on the performance               Foundation for support during the writing of this manuscript.
of longitudinal studies that more sharply define                   The author is a Chercheur Boursier Clinicien (Clinical Research
possible outcomes. Factors that predispose to the                  Scholar) of the Fonds de Recherche en Sante du Quebec.

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