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The Beacon, April 18, 2011 - FIU Digital Commons
A Forum for Free Student Expression at Florida International University
   Vol. 22, Issue 38                                                                                                                                                      Monday, April 18, 2011

                 JORDAN                                                                    LIBYA                                                                          SYRIA
         Dozens wounded as protesters clash                                    Gadhafi forces intensify assault on city                                       Tear gas fired as many march in Syria
     Hundreds of protesting Islamic hard-liners clashed with supporters         A resident says Moammar Gadhafi’s forces have launched an                     Security forces fired tear gas and beat protesters as thousands of
     of Jordan’s king, wounding dozens, by the extremist movement to            assault on the rebel city of Misrata, pushing troops and tanks into           people marched toward the capital demanding greater reforms than
     assert itself amid the wave of anti-government demonstrations.             the city center amid heavy bombardment.                                       the limited concessions offered by President Bashar Assad.

   POKER FACE                                                                                                  University’s strategic plan
                                                                                                               outlining next five years
                                                                                                                     GABRIEL ARRARÁS                    ties with this plan compared to              University Provost Douglas
                                                                                                                      News Director                     our earlier plans,” said Rosen-          Wartzok, who shared the stage
                                                                                                                                                        berg to a nearly full crowd              with Rosenberg, expanded on
                                                                                                                   University President Mark            at the Graham Center Ball-               the University’s commitment
                                                                                                               Rosenberg addressed crowds               rooms on April 14. “We’re                to student success.
                                                                                                               at the Modesto Maidique                  maintaining and redoubling                   According to Wartzok, part
                                                                                                               and Biscayne Bay campuses,               our commitment to building               of the strategic plan would be
                                                                                                               outlining the University’s               a top urban public research              increasing the student popu-
                                                                                                               goals for the next five years.           university.”                             lation from 42,000 to 52,000,
                                                                                                                   Rosenberg hailed the five-               However, the Worlds                  changing the mix of students
                                                                                                               year Worlds Ahead Strategic              Ahead Strategic Plan comes               from 18 percent graduate
                                                                                                               Plan as the end result of a              with some differences.                   students to 20 percent, moving
                                                                                                               “very collaborative process,”                “We are book-ending the              online course offerings from
                                                                                                               which included the partici-              centrality of research and               14 percent to 20 percent,
                                                                                                               pation of a committee of 115             creative work with an added              increasing out-of-state and
                                                                                                               members made up of faculty,              commitment to student success            international students by one
                                                                                                               staff and students.                      and global engagement,” added
                                                                                                                   “There are a lot of similari-        Rosenberg.                               PLAN, page 8

                                                                                                               New dean for Arts, Architecture
                                                                                                                 ALEXANDRA CAMEJO                       been very fortunate here,”                  According to Schriner,
                                                                                                                  Asst. News Director                   said Schriner.                           the College has been consid-
                                                                                                                                                            Having served as the                 erably held back since it
                                                                                                                  Even after more than                  College’s interim dean for               was founded in 2006 due to
                                                                                                               20 years of service to the               the past two years, Schriner             University budget cuts.
                                                                                                               University, Brian Schriner               is more than familiar with                  “The college was formed
                                                                                                               does not consider his recent             the tasks that come with his             when the budget cuts hit, so
                                                                                                               appointment to Dean of the               new title.                               for the first couple of years
                                                                                                               College of Architecture and                  Yet, for the first time since        prior to my becoming interim
                                                                                                               The Arts to be his “shining              he took on the interim posi-             dean it was about reorga-
                                                                                                               moment.”                                 tion, the College of Archi-              nizing the units to meet the
                                                                                 SANA ULLAH/THE BEACON            “I hope not.       Every              tecture and The Arts is antic-           demands of the budget cuts.
   Sophomore Moktader Anand, who is majoring in biology, plays cards between                                   moment should be a shining               ipating significant growth               There really wasn’t an awful
   study sessions in the Green Library before finals week.                                                     moment. It’s been over 20                and development in each of
                                                                                                               something years, and I’ve                its seven departments.                   SCHRINER, page 2


United Faculty of Florida fights for smoke breaks at FIU
         MELISSA CACERES                      all clear what kind of discipline would                                                       weeks after the approval, Dr. Kathleen        environment,” said Moore. “All items
           Staff Writer                       be imposed if someone violated the                                                            Wilson, the president of FIU-UFF,             included in the memorandum of
                                              ban. So we negotiated this Memo-                  We understand the                           demanded that bargaining take place           understanding were of mutual interest
    While the smoke has cleared               randum of Understanding, which                  impact this policy has                        on how the regulation would effect the        to the University and the faculty and
from the passing of the tobacco ban           says that after the six-month period              on our employees                            faculty.                                      in alignment with the University’s
on University property, the faculty           that no one is going to get fired for                                                             Members of the FIU-UFF                    planned implementation.”
continues to fight for its rights.            smoking, unless it becomes a chronic               and students and                           bargaining team and University                    Voting to approve the ratification
    After engaging in numerous                problem.”                                        appreciate everyone’s                        administration have meet numerous             took place over a span of two days at
bargaining sessions with University               Along with the agreement of no              support to promote a                          times since then to negotiate the             all three campuses during the end of
administration, the FIU chapter of the        disciplinary action during the first                                                          points that the faculty brought up,           March. UFF members tabled at the
                                              six months of implementation, which
                                                                                                  healthy campus                            which were the issues of sanctions and        campus libraries and informed faculty
United Faculty of Florida succeeded
in passing a vote to ratify the details of    began on Jan. 1, 2011, the approved                  environment.                             smoking breaks.                               voters of the protections that the MOU
the ban in regards to faculty and staff.      MOU states the University must give                                                               According to Tonja Moore, Univer-         would provide.
                                                                                            Tonja Moore, Chief Negotiator and
    They believed that the administra-        the faculty a chance to take smoking                                                          sity chief negotiator and associate vice          “We have to follow our own
                                                                                                  Associate Vice President
tion broke with the current contract          breaks during the workday.                                                                    president of academic affairs, who            contract, even if they [FIU adminis-
                                                                                                     Academic Affairs
between them and the faculty when                 “The University shall make                                                                bargained on behalf of the FIU admin-         tration] think that they don’t have to,”
the regulation was implemented                reasonable efforts, consistent with the                                                       istration, the University went through        said Lauren Christos, vice-president
without first bargaining its terms and        academic needs of the University, to        shall be at the sole discretion of the            “a very open and inclusive dialogue”          of the FIU-UFF at the Biscayne Bay
conditions with the FIU-UFF.                  allow employees to adjust their sched-      employee,” according to the MOU.                  with the UFF. She also stated that the        Campus. “So it’s just on principal that
    “We think that the University has         uled activities where necessary so that        The ban, which was approved by                 dialogue “was very productive and we          we inform them that this is a legally
the right to change policy but we             they make reasonable breaks between         the Board of Trustees in November                 were able to address successfully our         binding agreement.”
have the right to then demand impact          scheduled activities to leave University    2010 and put into action in Jan. 2011,            respective concerns.”
bargaining over how our faculty will          property to use tobacco or to partici-      prohibits the use of tobacco products                 “We understand the impact this                Melissa Caceres works as a Beat
be effected by the ban,” said Alan            pate in smoking cessation programs.         on all university campuses.                       policy has on our employees and               Writer, covering the FIU Founda-
Gummerson, FIU-UFF treasurer and              Participation in any smoking cessa-            In a letter sent to University pres-           students and appreciate everyone’s            tion, Board of Trustees and Faculty
professor of Economics. “It wasn’t at         tion program shall be voluntary and         ident Mark Rosenberg a couple of                  support to promote a healthy campus           Senate.
The Beacon, April 18, 2011 - FIU Digital Commons
2         The Beacon – Monday, April 18, 2011                                                                         NEWS                                                                

             NEWS FLASH                                                Schriner looks to enhance College of
       Immigrants come ashore in
         Palm Beach County
                                                                       Arts and Architecture’s infrastructure
                                                                       SCHRINER, page 1
       Officials say 14 to 15 people believed to be illegal
    immigrants came ashore on Singer Island.                           lot of talking about going
       Riveria Beach police spokeswoman Rose Anne                      forward—it was survival                                   We want to make sure that we main-
                                                                       mode,” said Schriner.
    Brown says about half of the group was rounded up
    shortly after they came ashore just before 7:30 a.m.                   In the Worlds Ahead                                tain our quality. We want to make sure
    Friday. Officials believe they are from the Dominican
    Republic and Haiti.
                                                                       Strategic Plan, an outline
                                                                       of goals set forth by the
                                                                                                                              that we don’t just grow the college with-
       Brown says a pregnant woman who went into
    labor was taken to a hospital. A search continues for
                                                                       University for the next
                                                                       five years, the Arts has
                                                                                                                              out building the infrastructure to continue
    the remaining members of the group.                                been established as one of
                                                                       four targeted areas aimed
                                                                                                                              the quality.
                                                                       for     improvement      and
    UN judgments due in Croatian                                       expansion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Brian Schriner, Dean
                                                                                                                                                                                       College of Architecture and The Arts
          war crimes case                                                  Due to the current limi-
                                                                       tations on faculty and                           about how we can expand           Schriner.                        for his role as dean.
                                                                       space, a focus will be                           our degree offerings,” said           “Instead of just having          With the experience
       A U.N. court is handing down verdicts on three                  placed on enhancing the                          Schriner.                         a play about domestic            from his past positions,
    Croat generals charged in the murder, mistreatment                 College’s     infrastructure,                        Both Schriner and the         violence—What about the          Schriner feels that he has
    and deportation of Serbs in a 1995 military blitz.                 which involves hiring more                       Strategic Plan intend to          teaching that goes along         been “trained” to handle
       Large screens have been set up around Croatia to                faculty and increasing                           use the arts to commu-            with it? What about the          the responsibility for his
    broadcast the verdicts in a trial focused on Operation             the number of academic                           nity problem solving and          talk after the presentation?     role as dean.
    Storm, a lightning offensive that seized back land                 advisors.                                        give students opportuni-          Getting the actors involved          “90 percent is listening
    annexed by rebel Serbs at the start of the Balkans                     “We want to make                             ties to participate in service    in community service             to what other people have
    conflict.                                                          sure that we maintain our                        learning.                         would expand on that,”           to say, because most if not
       The three generals charged in the case, Ante Goto-              quality. We want to make                             “I think the President        said Schriner.                   all of the ideas come from
    vina, Ivan Cermak and Mladen Markac, are considered                sure that we don’t just                          and the Provost realize that          This isn’t the first time    someone else. The role
    heroes in their home country.                                      grow the college without                         the Arts are critical to a city   that the newly appointed         of the dean or someone in
                                                                       building the infrastructure                      and a University’s develop-       dean has taken on an admin-      this position is to facilitate
       Nigeria police: Muslim sect                                     to continue the quality,”                        ment. The city we live in is      istrative role at FIU.           and to try to bring them
                                                                       said Schriner.                                   amazing in terms of access            Throughout his more          together,” said Schriner.
           kills 2 before vote                                             With    an     improved                      to culture and the arts,”         than two decade career at            While Schriner has
                                                                       infrastructure, plans are                        said Schriner.                    the University, Schriner         always been a part of the
        Authorities in northern Nigeria are blaming a radi-            underway to expand the                               Capitalizing on South         has served as the Associate      limelight at the Univer-
    cal Muslim sect for killing two people and wounding                College’s degree offerings                       Florida’s diverse culture         Dean of Academic Affairs,        sity and in the Theatre
    five others a day ahead of the country’s presidential              as well.                                         and access, the Strategic         Director of the School of        program—being         named
    election.                                                              A bachelor’s degree                          Plan emphasizes an impor-         Theatre, Dance, and Speech       FIU’s Instructor of the
        Borno State Police Commissioner Michael Zuoku-                 in communication arts                            tance on local, national          Communication, the Chair         Year and publishing three
    mor said gunmen who hid their Kalashnikov rifles in                was just recently autho-                         and international engage-         of the Speech Commu-             communication            text-
    long flowing gowns attacked residents Friday morning               rized, and others are being                      ment from every facet of          nication Department, the         books—he assure that he
    in the city of Maiduguri.                                          considered after faculty                         the Arts.                         Director of FIU Forensics        has never had a desire for
        The radical group known as Boko Haram has been                 evaluation.                                          “It’s not just about          Program and the Director         that spot on stage.
    killing politicians and security agents in the area for                “We’ve had talk of                           putting on a play or a            of Faculty for FIU’s Legal           “I’ve been on stage
    months. Last week, a bomb exploded at a polling sta-               expanding      degrees     in                    concert. It’s about looking       Studies Institute.               multiple time for student
    tion near a market, killing at least one person.                   music, theatre, architec-                        at our community and the              Schriner     feels    that   projects, but I haven’t my
                                                                       ture, so those are all poten-                    various problems that face        through the experience           big break. I’m more of a
                                                                       tial ideas. We do have the                       it, and we can engage the         from his past positions,         behind the scenes guy—
                                 – Compiled by Nicole Castro
                                                                       opportunity, because of                          community through the arts        he has been “trained” to         maybe box office,” said
                                                                       the strategic plan, to think                     to solve the problem,” said       handle the responsibility        Schriner.

         E-BOARD AND PRODUCTION STAFF                                  CONTACT INFORMATION

            EDITOR IN CHIEF               ASST. OPINION EDITOR             Modesto Maidique Campus:
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The Beacon, April 18, 2011 - FIU Digital Commons
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  Sports Director

   The Beacon – 3                                                                                                                                       Monday, April 18, 2011


Final regular season match canceled due to weather
                                                                                                BRANDON WISE                    SENIOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS                   different from anything I had
                                                                                                  Staff Writer                                                           done before.”
                                                                                                                                  This was to be the last time
                                                                                                                                                                            Over the course of their four
                                                                                                                               two seniors, Liset Brito and
                                                                                          The FIU Golden Panthers                                                        seasons at FIU, Brito and Spen-
                                                                                                                               Maria Spenceley, would play a
                                                                                       tennis team, ranked No. 69 in                                                     celey have led the Golden
                                                                                                                               match on their home court. Spen-
                                                                                       the nation, ran into a disap-                                                     Panthers to a 56-30 record, a 2009
                                                                                                                               celey is proud of her accomplish-
                                                                                       pointing day on April 16 as rain                                                  Sun Belt Title, and two appear-
                                                                                                                               ments while she was here.
                                                                                       caused their match against the                                                    ances in the NCAA Tournament.
                                                                                                                                  “I definitely had my ups and
                                                                                       Central Florida Golden Knights,                                                      Brito has had a bright career
                                                                                                                               downs,” said Spenceley. “But this
                                                                                       ranked No. 68 in the nation, to be                                                and is currently tied for fifth on
                                                                                                                               year was one of my best out of
                                                                                       cancelled.                                                                        the all-time wins list at FIU with
                                                                                                                               the four. I am happy to leave on
                                                                                          The match had only just begun                                                  59 victories as well as fourth all-
                                                                                                                               that note.”
                                                                                       when the rain began to fall on                                                    time in doubles with 56 victories.
                                                                                                                                  Brito has felt nothing but pride
                                                                                       the courts, causing an hour and a                                                 She was ranked as high as No.
                                                                                                                               playing here at FIU.
                                                                                       half rain delay. When the teams                                                   57 in the nation and was also a
                                                                                                                                  “I am very proud of being a
                                                                                       returned to the court, it was only                                                member of the Sun Belt Academic
                                                                                                                               Golden Panther,” said Brito. “A
                                                                                       minutes before the rain began                                                     Honor Roll.
                                                                                                                               lot of people ask me since I stay
                                                                                       again and forced the teams to                                                        Spenceley finishes her career
                                                                                                                               here in Miami ‘Oh, you went to
                                                                                       call it a day. Senior Maria Spen-                                                 on the Sun Belt Academic Honor
                                                                                                                               Miami’ and I just say no I went
                                                                                       celey was sad to see her last home                                                Roll and tied for twelfth all time
                                                                                                                               to FIU and I really liked it. It has
                                                                                       match end the way it did.
                                                                                          “It is disappointing,” said
                                                                                                                               been a great four years and very          TENNIS, page 4
                                                                                       Spenceley. “It was our last home
                                                                                       game and we got to play about
                                                                                       three games in total. But it does               2011 Regular                               2011 Regular
                                                                                       happen, there is nothing we can                 Season Stats                               Season Stats
                                                                                       do about it.”
                                                                                                                                                     W-L: 17-8                                    W-L: 12-14
                                                                                          Liset Brito, ranked No. 61 in
                                                                                       the nation, had a slightly different                          Dual: 12-4                                   Dual: 9-7
                                                                                       feeling about today.
                                                                                                                                                     Last 10: 9-1                                 Last 10: 9-1
                                                                                          “It is always good to play,”
                                                           CAROLOS MONINO/THE BEACON   said Brito. “But this isn’t going                             Rank: 62                                     Rank: --
                                                                                       to affect us.”
Lisa Johnson [above] goes for a serve during a home match for FIU.                                                                     LISET BRITO                              MARIA SPENCELEY
Their season finale vs. UCF was canceled due to inclement weather.

BASEBALL                                                                                                     SOFTBALL

Fondon picks up win over                                                                                     Golden Panthers split
Louisiana to even series                                                                                     doubleheader vs. WKU
       ANDRES LEON                      Zimmermann            would     left field.                                     MALCOLM SHIELDS                          base, the throw by catcher Karavin Dew
        Staff Writer                continue to struggle with his           After compiling a 6-2 lead,                   Staff Writer                           was offline and trickled into the outfield
                                    fastball throughout the game.       the Golden Panthers scored                                                               which allowed Alfonso to score to tie the
    The Golden Panthers tried           Iosmel Leon knocked             two more insurance runs in the          The Golden Panthers returned home to             game.
to bounce back against Ragin’       single to center field, driving     seventh and eighth innings to        open up a crucial three game conference                 The Golden Panthers added two more
Cajuns in the second game of        Shantz home to give FIU a 3-0       seal the deal.                       series against Western Kentucky begin-              runs in the second inning after FIU
the three-game set on April         lead over the Cajuns.                   “We had a tough night last       ning on April 16 in a doubleheader.                 put runners on second and third when
16 and starter R.J. Fondon              After Louisiana scored on       night, but R.J. really stepped          FIU split the doubleheader, winning              Jenny Welch was hit by a pitch and was
continued his success on the        a sacrifice fly in the top of the   up and was in rhythm. He only        the first game 7-1 and falling in game              followed by a double by Alex Casals.
mound as the Golden Panthers        fourth, FIU responded back in       struck out two, but he read the      two to the Hilltoppers by a 5-4 score.              Alfonso drove in both runners on a RBI
got the best out of the Ragin’      the bottom half of the inning.      hitters pretty well tonight,”                                                            single to left to give FIU a 3-1 lead.
                                                                                                                              FIU 7, WKU 1
Cajuns with an 8-2 victory.         Martinez and Henry both had         said Thomas, who was pleased                                                                 “We put the ball in play and moved
    Fondon only gave up one         singles up the middle to give       with giving the bullpen some            Starting pitcher Jenn Gniadek got off            runners over [in] situational hitting,”
earned run in eight innings of      FIU (21-16, SBC 6-8) runners        rest.                                to a slow start in the top of the first inning      McClain said. “We just swung big.
work.                               on first and second. Shantz             Bryam Garcia, the only           for the Golden Panthers. The Hilltoppers            Coming into the game that was our
    “Fondon is a four pitch         stepped into the box and drove      relief pitcher needed that night,    placed runners at first and second with             adjustment and we went out there trying
guy, fastball, change up, cutter,   a ball past third base to load      pitched the ninth for FIU.           no outs on a Kelsie Mattox walk and on a            to get hits.”
and a slider. If he gets them all   the bases for FIU, forcing ULL          “It was important to get this    fielding error by Jessy Alfonso on a bunt               McClain had a solid game at the plate
going we’ll be in good shape,”      (20-15, SBC 8-6) to change          win and take it to a game three      by Ciara Garcia.                                    as she went 2-for-4 with a solo home run
said coach Turtle Thomas            pitchers.                           with something to contend, but          Both Western Kentucky base runners               in the third inning and a two-run homer
about Fondon.                           Yoandy Barroso knocked          we have to be more consis-           advanced a base on a passed ball and                in the sixth.
    While Fondon was having         single to right field to bring      tent and play all three spots        Laura Smith delivered an RBI single to                  “I was looking for a pitch to hit,”
success against the Ragin’          Martinez.       Iosmel      Leon    better,” said Thomas. “If we         right field scoring Mattox to give Western          McClain said. “I saw a pitch I liked and
Cajun bats, Joe Zimmerman,          grounded into a double play as      slip on either defense, pitching     Kentucky an early 1-0 lead.                         swung hard.”
Louisiana’s starter, struggled      Jabari Henry scored to put FIU      or even our hitting we’ll let the       On the same play, Ashley McClain                     FIU added a run in the fourth inning
against the Golden Panthers         up 5-1 going into the fifth.        others slip as well.”                threw a strike from right field to retire           on Alex Casals’s first home run of the
offense.                                Zimmerman only pitched                                               Garcia who attempted to score from                  season.
                                                                                  UL 7, FIU 3
    After allowing two runners      three innings, giving up four                                            second base to limit the scoring to one                 After giving up a run in the first
on base in part of an error and     earned runs while allowing             The Golden Panthers               run.                                                inning, Gniadek slowed down the Hill-
a walk, Jeremy Patton singled       five hits.FIU had to respond        began a three-game set against          In the bottom half of the inning, the            topper lineup as she only gave up three
down the right side for the first   once again after the Ragin’         the Ragin’ Cajuns on April 14.       Golden Panthers took advantage of two               hits in the game to collect her eleventh
run of the game.                    Cajuns cut the deficit to 5-2 in    Louisiana-Lafayette came in          Hilltopper errors to put a run on the               win on the season.
    With a 1-0 lead early on,       the fifth.                          fourth place in the Sun Belt         board. Alfonso led off the inning with an               “I thought she was in control the entire
Rudy Flores hit a dribbler past         After a base hit from Wittels   Conference. ULL (19-14, SBC          infield single and after a sacrifice bunt           game,” coach Beth Torina said. “After
second. Although Patton got         and ground out by Patton,           7-5) had lefty Taylor Hubbell        by Beth Peller that advanced Alfonso to             the first inning, there wasn’t a real threat
called out on the play, Wittels     which advanced Wittels to           on the mound going up against        second base, McClain reached base on an             for the rest of the game.”
sped home for FIU’s second          second, Mike Martinez drove                                              error by shortstop Amanda Thomas.
score.                              in another run with a single to     BASEBALL, page 4                        On McClain’s attempt to steal second             SOFTBALL, page 4
The Beacon, April 18, 2011 - FIU Digital Commons                                                                                  SPORTS                                                   The Beacon – Monday, April 18, 2011                 4

Pitching falters in series opener against Louisiana
BASEBALL, page 3                                                                                                                                                 home run over the left field wall to not only give
                                                                                                                                                                 Louisiana a 4-3 lead but also forcing the FIU
Phil Haig for FIU (20-14, SBC 5-7).                                                                                                                              pitching coaches to make a change.
    Prior to the series opener, Haig made eight                                                                                                                      FIU brought in Jose Velazquez in relief for
appearances for the Golden Panthers, pitching                                                                                                                    Haig, but things did not change.
48 innings with an ERA of 4.10. The Golden                                                                                                                           Mike Petello continued to make the situa-
Panthers were denied of any hope of a sweep                                                                                                                      tion difficult for FIU. In the seventh inning, the
this weekend, losing to the Ragin’ Cajuns 7-3,                                                                                                                   right fielder for the Ragin’ Cajuns would double
slipping after building a three-run lead early on.                                                                                                               to left field, bringing their leadoff Alex Fuselier
    Things appeared to open up well for the                                                                                                                      home for an insurance run to build a 5-3 lead.
Golden Panthers. Leadoff Bermudez has had a                                                                                                                          After just pitching two innings and getting
great season offensively up to now with a batting                                                                                                                five strikeouts, Mason McVay would relieve
average of .425. Hubbell took no chances,                                                                                                                        Velazquez in the seventh inning. McVay, another
walking Bermudez to put him at first.                                                                                                                            lefty would give UL another insurance run, after
    After a Garrett Wittels singled to right field                                                                                                               a low pitch to Lance Marvel resulted in a double
to take the speedster Bermudez to third, Mike                                                                                                                    down the left field line, bringing Petello home
Martinez grounded out to the shortstop to score                                                                                                                  for the 6-3 lead.
Bermudez in the bottom of the first.                                                                                                                                 The Golden Panthers would make two more
    With the lead in their favor, the Golden                                                                                            ALEX GARCIA/THE BEACON
                                                                                                                                                                 pitching changes after McVay. Logan Dodds
Panthers opened the second inning with a bang.                                                                                                                   was sent to the mound but after one inning of
                                                     Jabari Henry [No. 14] is congratulated by his teammates after a home run on April 15.
Jabari Henry crushed a solo shot to left field,                                                                                                                  play, Dodds would be relieved by another lefty,
putting FIU up 2-0. Henry, who belted 12 home                                                                                                                    D.J. Swatscheno to close for FIU.
                                                         Bermudez is already halfway past his hits        three consecutive batters to load the bases for
runs last season, recorded his fifth home run of                                                                                                                     Despite all five pitchers combining for 14
                                                     total from the previous season. In 2010, the         Louisiana. Haig plunked the following hitter,
the season.                                                                                                                                                      strikeouts, the pitching staff allowed seven runs,
                                                     centerfielder had 85 hits. He is currently at 52     Michael Strentz to give the Ragin’ Cajuns their
    Another FIU bat rose to the occasion in the                                                                                                                  which resulted in a 7-3 loss to the Ragin’ Cajuns.
                                                     this season.                                         first run of the game.
following inning. Off a low, sinking pitch from                                                                                                                  Haig gave up four runs in his outing, resulting in
                                                         Phil Haig pitched three innings of score-            Haig would continue to struggle in the fifth.
Hubbell in the third, Bermudez belted his first                                                                                                                  his third loss of the year.
                                                     less baseball, until the top of the fourth inning.   After striking out Jordan Poirrier earlier in the
homerun of the season. It was another solo                                                                                                                           “We imploded on the mound. We couldn’t
                                                     Louisiana’s bats began to grow patient on the        game, the Cajun second baseman would take
homerun for the Golden Panthers, this time a                                                                                                                     find the strike zone,” coach Turtle Thomas said
                                                     redshirt junior. During the fourth, Haig walked      revenge. With two runners on, Poirrier hit a
shot past the center field wall.                                                                                                                                 after the loss.

Late home run spoils FIU chance for sweep
                                                                         SOFTBALL, page 3

                                                                                               WKU 5, FIU 4
                                                                                                                                                     We just swung big. Coming into
                                                                            Through the first four innings, the Golden Panthers had              the game that was our adjustment
                                                                         multiple opportunities to put runs on the scoreboard but
                                                                         left runners stranded on base.                                          and we went out there trying to get
                                                                            In the first inning, the Golden Panthers loaded the
                                                                         bases with no outs. On a Brie Rojas flyout to right field,
                                                                         Alfonso was thrown out at home on a throw by Smith for                                                             Ashley McClain
                                                                         the Hilltoppers. Kayla Burri followed with a groundout to                                                          Pitcher/Outfielder
                                                                         end the inning.
                                                                            In the second and third innings, the Golden Panthers             to get back into the game. Casals started with a one out
                                                                         put runners on base but were unable to drive them in as             single and following an Alfonso walk, Peller was hit by
                                                                         Mallorie Sulaski for Western Kentucky was able to pitch             a pitch to load the bases. In a very tough at bat, McClain
                                                                         out of jams. Golden Panthers’ starting pitcher Mariah               battled Sulaski and drew a bases loaded walk. With two
                                                                         Dawson matched Sulaski pitch for pitch as she kept the              outs Burri cleared the bases with a double to left center to
                                                                         Hilltoppers scoreless through three innings.                        give FIU a 4-3 lead.
                                                                            In the fourth inning, the Hilltoppers got timely hits to            “I guess I hit well under pressure,” Burri said. “I was
                                                                         take the lead. Western Kentucky put two runners on base             looking for [a pitch] inside in my zone. When there are
                                                                         and Amanda Walden executed a sacrifice bunt to move                 runners out there, I just hit.”
                                                                         both runners to second and third. Megan Johnson laced a                The Golden Panthers (24-22, 10-7 SBC) were unable
                                                                         doubled to left center field, which gave Western Kentucky           to hold on to the slim lead as Dew, who went 2-for-3, hit a
                                                                         a 2-0 lead.                                                         two out, two-run homer to left, to give the Hilltoppers a 5-
                                              KRISTI CAMARA/THE BEACON      The Hilltoppers added another run in the fifth inning            4 lead. Sulaski closed out the game for Western Kentucky
                                                                         on a Dew triple to right field.                                     (23-21, 4-10 SBC) to collect her tenth win of the season.
Mariah Dawson [above] started for FIU in their loss to WKU                  In the fifth inning, the Golden Panthers got a chance
in the second game of a doubleheader on April 16.

FIU will look to add
another conference title
TENNIS, page 3                                       know, anybody can beat anybody on any
                                                     given day.”
in doubles competition with 42 wins.                    The team will play their first match on
           LOOKING FORWARD                           Friday against either the No. 8 or 9 seed in
                                                     the tournament at 9 A.M.
   The Golden Panthers are now looking
forward to next week’s Sun Belt Confer-
ence Tournament, which will begin on
Thursday, April 21. They will be hoping to
win another conference title, adding to the
                                                         SUN BELT TOURNAMENT
four they have won since 2005.
   The will enter the tournament with the                FIU vs. TBA
No. 1 seed and are expecting nothing but
a championship from their trip to Mobile,                • Time: TBA
AL. Spenceley thinks the team will                       • When: 04/21/11
   “I expect us to win and beat every-
                                                         • Where: Mobile, AL.
body,” said Spenceley. “But you never
The Beacon, April 18, 2011 - FIU Digital Commons
  Contact Us
  Adriana Rodriguez
  Life! Editor

   The Beacon – 5                                                                                                                        Monday, April 18, 2011

                                                    LAST HURRAH
SPC president leaves imprint on organization
     ASHLEY MARIE               and concerts. Today, the         autonomy.”                      VP of Outreach, but she
       LAPADULA                 council programs over 70            Members of SPC, such         “explored programming,
      Staff Writer              events for students and the      as Gabriela Lambertus, VP       assisted with the daily
                                community.                       of Outreach, said, “Cris-       office operations and
   The Student Program-             SPC       continues     to   tina quickly became an          oversaw what is now a
ming Council at FIU’s           develop and will continue        essential part of SPC.          $320,000 budget.”
Modesto A. Maidique             to provide cultural, educa-         “Few times in life               A year later she became
Campus just finished            tional, recreational and         have I seen someone as          President of SPC and had
another great semester          social programs directed         passionate and committed        the opportunity to develop
with     Cristina   Rodri-      at building unity and pride      as Cristina is with SPC.        professionally in the field
guez, the proud president,      among the student body.          She truly has left a strong     of Student Affairs. She
leading the way.                    When asked how she           mark on the organization        became the Student Proj-
   Currently a senior,          keeps up with school and         itself as well as all of us     ects Coordinator for the
majoring in public rela-        all the events she said, “I      that have had the privilege     NACA South Conference
tions with a minor in           keep organized with meet-        of working beside her.”         which offers students a
Spanish, Rodriguez will         ings, planners and my               Lukas Calafell, trea-        wide variety of resources
be attending graduate           Blackberry.”                     surer of SPC, added, “Cris-     for college event plan-
school at DePaul Univer-            Rodriguez believes that      tina has always maintained      ning     including     work
sity in Chicago to pursue a     in order to be able to run       a positive influence in the     shops and entertainment
Masters of Public Service       an organization such as          organization.                   information.
with a concentration in         SPC, “You need to be able           “She always kept in              Rodriguez finished the
higher education this           to have an eye for detail.       mind that we do what we         year as the reelected pres-
upcoming fall.                  Whether it is program-           do for our fellow students      ident of SPC, guiding the
   If you are wondering         ming, marketing, finances,       and peers. I believe she        organization through a
what the Student Program-       administration or member-        set a positive and proac-       second transition.
ming Council (SPC) is           ship, it is all equally essen-   tive foundation and vision          Stephanie Suarez, Vice
about, you are in luck.         tial for success.” She has       for the organization and        President of Programming,
   Rodriguez spoke with         been able to attain much         for those who will follow       said, “UP-Roar week
The Beacon Newspaper            success for SPC.                 after her term as SPC           turned out amazing. All of
and gave us some insight            “Part of our accom-          President.”                     SPC worked very hard and
on the council and what         plishments        has    been       Rodriguez began her          I think it showed through
she calls, “The organi-         having a shared vision           involvement with SPC as a       all of the events. All of
zation that has been the        and allowing for all the         General Member in 2007.         the UP-Roar events were
rhythm of my college            members of the organi-           She was selected as the VP      filled with students who
experience.”                    zation to have owner-            of Outreach for the 2008 -      definitely were enjoying
   As president of SPC,         ship of that vision,” said       2009 academic year and          themselves and having a
Rodriguez’s main focus          Rodriguez.                       embarked into the world         great time. Overall, I’m
is    scheduling     events         “I have been lucky to        of marketing and public         definitely very pleased.”
                                have such a talented team,       relations.                          For more info, contact                                               ESRA ERDOGAN/THE BEACON
throughout each semester.
The events range from           with members specialized            Not only did she    or follow         Senior Christina Rodriguez (above) is graduating and ending
comedy shows to movies,         in various areas, which has      learn how to properly           them through their website    her term as president of SPC. “The organization has been the
lectures, pool parties          made SPC a well-rounded          market the programs as          at          rhythm of my college experience,“ says Rodriguez.


  Summer brings steamy weather and an end of an era
      Since I have early menopause (undi-             Short shorts like these are intimi-         best inanimate friend, the v-neck tee.       are suitable for the office.
   agnosed), summer is always unwelcome.           dating to a lot of girls. I’m terrified of        Don’t be afraid to play with color            At least I get to wear heels!
   I’m always suffocating in the heat even         them and go through a routine every            when it comes to summer.                         Summer also brings the end of my
   when I’m wearing the tiniest amount of          time I wear them.                                 Whether the color is in style or not,     column. I’ve had a lot of fun writing this
   clothing.                                          There’s lotion (the moisturizing and        if it’s bright, you can wear it. Corals,     column for the past year. It’s definitely
                       Summer is full of           self tanning kinds), squat and lunge           turquoise and neon colors are easy           been a trial and error process because
     COLUMNIST      vacations, beach trips         exercises around my house (they don’t          to wear during the summer. They’re           a fashion column hasn’t always been a
                    and lazy days with a           actually do much but provide emotional         blinding and can only be worn in small       part of The Beacon’s vision.
                    book you actually want         support), and about half an hour spent         doses in other seasons, but for summer           I’m happy to be the one to include
                    to read and aren’t forced      trying to figure out which shoe gives me       they can all be brought of the closet.       talk of shoes, clothes and bags into every
                    to for class.                  the proper proportions and doesn’t cut            Sunglasses are also a good way to         issue.
                       It’s also full of           me off at my not-so-beloved ”cankles”.         have some fun with style. Forever 21             I hope I’ve been able to give everyone
                    steaming hot weather              It’s really about choosing the right        offers loads of styles and they’re all       a tiny piece of advice that they have actu-
      ADRIANA       thanks to the Florida          length when picking shorts. If you don’t       under $10. Try cat eyes, oversized Jackie    ally enjoyed or applied to their life.
     RODRIGUEZ      sun. You can tell that         look like a supermodel or toothpick            O styles, aviators and wayfarers.                I wish you all the best, broke
                    I’m spoiled because I’m        and feel more comfortable with a little           I’m a classic Ray-Ban girl. I love the    fashionistas.
   complaining about having warm, trop-            coverage, choose a longer mid-thigh            style and it was worth the investment            And just for a little self-endorsement,
   ical weather all the time.                      length short.                                  because I wear them all the time. I love     I’m in the process of starting my own
      Battling the heat, staying comfort-             Note: A longer short is not easy with       them so much I even wear them indoors        fashion blog. It doesn’t have a name or a
   able and actually looking cute aren’t the       proportions. Go for a boyfriend fit short,     sometimes. Yes, I’m that person.             URL or anything yet but it’s a good idea,
   easiest of tasks.                               these are loose and sit lower on the hip.         I haven’t decided if I’m fortunate or     I swear. I’m sure the next columnist will
      To me, Daisy Dukes, or denim cutoffs         Then pair them with a billowy top so           unfortunate for getting an internship this   namedrop me all the time once it’s up.
   as they are more commonly known, are            you can look all bohemian without even         summer, but I’ll have to wear business       No pressure.
   the easiest solution to the heat.               trying.                                        casual clothes all season. The fun will be
      Albeit a little cowgirl trashy, plenty          I like to pair denim shorts with peasant    figuring out ways to incorporate color          Fashion Finds is a weekly column on
   of girls can rock the look.                     tops and light button downs. Oh, and my        and light breezy fabrics into outfits that   fashion. Look for it every Monday.
6          The Beacon – Monday, April 18, 2011                                                                    LIFE!                                                                        

SoBe Bass Museum home to year-round art shows
                                                                                                                                                                                                    PHOTOS COURTESY OF BASSMUSEUM.ORG

                    KATHY PAZ                               “Come Together,” an exhibition by married                  various 14th centry Flemish and Italian                Commissioners and the John S. and James
                    Staff Writer                            artists Frances Trombly and Leyden                         altarpieces.                                           L. Knight Foundation.
                                                            Rodriguez-Casanova.                                           One of the collection’s most prized                    Hosted in the Kaiser and Kosh Family
    The week of Art Basel isn’t the only                        The couple, widely known in the Miami                  pieces, “Coronation of the Virgin with                 Gallery, the exhibition is comprised of
time South Beach offers a cultural experi-                  art scene, put together installations that are             Saints” by Sandro Botticelli and Domenico              16 ancient Egyptian artifacts, including a
ence in the arts to both visitors and locals.               inspired by everyday objects.                              Ghirlandaio, will also be on display. “An              sarcophagus and mummy, that have been
In fact, the area hosts a prominent and                         Those who attended last year’s                         Invitation to LOOK” is on exhibit until                gifted to the museum or are on long-term
well-established South Florida museum.                      “Aesthetics and Values Fine Art Exhibi-                    early July.                                            loans from the Brooklyn Museum and
    Year round, The Bass Museum of Art                      tion” at the Frost Art Museum may recall                       In addition to the two, current exhibi-            Lowe Art Museum.
strives to expose the community to both                     Trombly’s works.                                           tions, the Bass Museum of Art is also the                  The museum is open to the public from
classic and contemporary pieces that                            For “Come Together,” the artists                       home of Florida’s only Egyptian gallery.               Wednesday to Sunday.
provoke discussion and engage audiences.                    combine their efforts; Trombly showcases                      This sponsored collection is made                       Admission is $6 for students with a
     The Bass Museum of Art was estab-                      hand-stitched, embroidered household                       possible by multiple entities including                valid ID on location or $2.50 via Culture
lished in 1963 when John and Johanna                        pieces such as mops, canvases and drop                     the City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs               Shock Miami for those who are aged 22
Bass donated a private collection of 500                    cloths, and Rodriguez-Casanova takes                       Program, the Miami-Dade Board of County                and under.
Renaissance and Baroque works to the                        decorative items and attempts to decon-
city. Most of the pieces were European                      struct a domestic environment.
paintings, important textiles and religious                     In this, they will merge and contrast
sculptures.                                                 hand-made elements with mass-produced                          ON THE PROWL
    Since its founding, the museum has                      ones. This exhibition will be up until June
grown considerably, now housing over
3,000 pieces that include 15th century to
present European painting and sculpture;
                                                                 A second current hosting is “An Invi-
                                                            tation to LOOK.” Featuring approximately
                                                                                                                           Girls making the first move
seventh to 20th century textiles, tapestries
and ecclesiastical vestments and artifacts;
20th and 21st-century North American,
                                                            40 works from the permanent collection,
                                                            this presentation aims to move away from
                                                            the conventional approaches taken by
                                                                                                                           could be good for everyone
Latin American, Asian and Caribbean art.                    museums in organizing and arranging art                            The female gender has         actual date, but just like             If after a few minutes the
    Along with these, there are photo-                      by historical context.                                         undergone some serious            women, men are attracted to       guy appears to be promising,
graphs, prints and drawings and modern                          The exhibition features paintings by                       evolutionary changes in           confidence.                       I usually up the ante on the
and contemporary architecture and design                    American, Dutch, English and French                            society. We’re now inde-              I don’t know about you,       flirting. Once the conver-
with emphasis on the pre and postwar                        artists. Among those are Impressionist                                             pendent       but when a guy sweetly            sation starts, it’ll naturally
design history of Miami Beach.                              pieces by Jean-Baptist Armand Guil-                                                women         plants a kiss on my lips          progress to exchanging
     Currently on display at the Bass is                    laumin, small etchings by Rembrandt and                            COLUMNIST
                                                                                                                                               that can      while on the first date, it’s     information if need be. If
                                                                                                                                               buy our       much more effective than          he’s not what I expected,
                                                                                                                                               own cars,     when he asks if he can first.     then at least I know I’ve
                            THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS                                                                                                houses        It shows me he’s a confident      made a new friend who may
                                                                                                                                               and other     person, but not so confi-         have cute friends!
          MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2011                                      TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2011                                  LIANAMAR        luxuries.     dent to the point where it’s           Fellas, when a woman
                                                                                                                                 DÁVILA        We’re         repulsive.                        comes up to you, you better
BBC BANQUET                  “INSTITUTIONS COUNT:            BSU TENDAJI GRADU-          FEDERALIST SOCIETY                                    aggres-           I’ve recently been trying     recognize the incredible
WHEN: 6 p.m.                 THEIR SIGNIFICANCE              ATION GALA                  PRESENTS:                              SANABRIA
                             IN LATIN AMERICAN                                           Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg,                            sive and      this out by making baby           amount of courage it took
HOW MUCH: Free                                               WHEN: 8-10 p.m.
                             DEVELOPMENT”                    HOW MUCH: Free              US Court Of Appeals For The                           we call       steps. I’ve yet to go all out     for her to do that and appre-
                             Introducing Alejandro Portes    WHERE: MMC GC               DC Circuit.                       the shots in high-powered         and just walk up to a guy         ciate it. Unless it’s a woman
                             from Princeton University.      Ballrooms                   WHEN: 11 a.m.-1:40 p.m.           positions originally held         and say “hey, I think you’re      that is obviously giving off
HATHA YOGA                   WHEN: 4 p.m.                                                WHERE: MMC Large                  only by men.                      cute so let’s go out on a         the “skank” vibe and regu-
                             WHERE: MMC MARC Pavilion        FOOD BANK/ PET              Courtroom
                                                             CARE SUPPLIES                                                     So why are we still afraid    date,” but I’ve definitely        larly goes up to men with
                             BIOLOGY HONORS                  DRIVE                       WEEKLY MEDITATION                 to make the first move? Why       been throwing out bones.          “other” intentions.
                             PRESENTATIONS                   WHEN: All Day               TUESDAY                           are we still shying away              I’ve been single for a             Ladies, I know it’s disap-
                             WHEN: 2-5:30 p.m.               WHERE: MMC DM 331/                                            from initiating a date?           while now and feel I’m            pointing when you find out
WHEN: 1:30-2:30 p.m.         HOW MUCH: Free and open         Briarwood Animal                                                  No, it’s not the man’s        ready to start dating seri-       attractive guys have zero
WHERE: Behind the organic    to all FIU students and         Hospital                                                      “job.” It can be anyone’s         ously again. So I’m not           personality, but never be
garden                       facult                                                                                        job.                              passing up any chances of         rude. Just find a polite way
                                                             MAPS STUDY GROUPS
                             WHERE: MMC WC 130                                           WHEN: 2-3 p.m.                        Yeah, it’s nerve-wracking     meeting an eligible bach-         to excuse yourself from the
                                                             WHEN: 8-9:30 p.m.
GOING GLOBAL:                                                                            HOW MUCH: Free
BRINGING EMBRAER             WEEKLY MEDITATION               WHERE: MMC GC 287A                                            to initiate conversation or ask   elor just because he didn’t       conversation and continue
                             TUESDAY                                                     WHERE: MMC GC 314                 someone out, but the thrill       approach me first. It’s 2011,     your prowl.
                                                             “PROMOTING ALTERNA-                                           of the risk is what makes         ladies and gents.                      I’m graduating from
WHEN: 2-4 p.m.
                                                             TIVE ENERGY TECHNOL- END OF SEMESTER
WHERE: MMC GCBallrooms                                       OGIES IN DEVELOPING PRAY FOR FINALS                           it fun. After all, you have           If I see an attractive guy,   FIU’s School of Journalism
                                                             COUNTRIES”           LUNCH                                    absolutely nothing to lose.       I make any excuse to start        and Mass Communications
SCHOOL SUPPLY                                                Introducing Dr. David Renné, WHEN: 11 a.m.-1 p.m.             You didn’t have a date with       up some small talk. It can        on May 2nd, so this is my
DRIVE FOR COLLEGE            WHEN: 3-4 p.m.                  President of the Internation-                                 him before you approached         be anything from compli-          last installment of “On The
KICKSTART                                                    al Solar Energy Society.      WHERE: MMC GC 343
                             HOW MUCH: Free                                                                                him and if you walk away          menting something he’s            Prowl.” Thanks to all those
WHEN: All Day                WHERE: MMC GC 305               WHEN: 9 a..m.-12 p.m.
WHERE: MMC ZEB, 3rd                                          WHERE: MMC SIPA Confer-                                       without one, working up           wearing or commenting             that actually read it. If you’re
                                                                                           If you are interested           the courage to actually do        on something happening            interested in continuing OTP
Floor, box near the                                          ence Room 524
                             FOOD BANK/ PET                                              in having an event
elevators                    CARE SUPPLIES                                               featured in the                   it says a lot about you and       nearby. It really doesn’t         as a columnist, please email
                                                             BREAKFAST BIBLE                                               your confidence level.            matter what you say because       the Life! Editor.
RESUME & COVER               DRIVE                           STUDIES                     calendar, contact:
LETTER WRITING               WHEN: All Day                   WHEN: 7:30-8:15 a.m.                    I’m not saying you have       he’ll be more impressed by             It’s been fun. Happy
WORKSHOP                     WHERE: MMC DM 331/              WHERE: MMC ROTC Trailer                                       to make all the moves from        the fact that you came up to      dating, OTP readers! XO,
WHEN: 2-3 p.m.               Briarwood Animal                next to W10A                                                  now on and while on your          him first.                        LDS.
WHERE: MMC GC 230            Hospital
   Contact Us
   Jasmyn Elliott
   Opinion Editor

    Monday, April 18, 2011                                                                                                                                                                                    The Beacon – 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Contract, fee increase must
    Deficit compromise a limited solution                                                                                                                                                              produce tangible results
        I  n recent weeks, the media’s atten-
           tion has been focused on how best to
    address America’s looming budget deficit
                                                                  deficit. Realistically, the government needs
                                                                  to generate more revenue and that will only
                                                                  come through increased income taxes.
                                                                                                                                      Unfortunately, former President George
                                                                                                                                  W. Bush and Congress undid Clinton’s
                                                                                                                                  progress with $1.65 trillion in tax cuts for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           When the University finalized and announced
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the extension of Pete Garcia’s contract on
                                                                                                                                                                                                       April 1, they locked themselves into a long-
                        and ballooning debt. Pres-                    President Obama provides a great anal-                      the wealthy, a typical Republican position                           term investment to the tune of $1.9 million in
       COLUMNIST        ident Barack Obama is                     ysis. During his speech on April 13, the Pres-                  on taxes. This paved the way for increased                           base salary, making him by far the highest paid
                        looking to address this                   ident summarized the poor plan designed                         deficits, on which track we continue to                              athletic director in the Sun Belt Conference.
                        issue by increasing taxes                 by Republicans. He said, “There’s nothing                       travel. I am not in any way defending no                                 Though Garcia’s four years at the Univer-
                        on some people while                      serious about a plan that claims to reduce                      cuts to the budget. Obviously, government                            sity have seen, by most measures, an increase
                        curtailing the budget.                    the deficit by spending a trillion dollars on                   spending needs to be brought under control                           in on-field success, particularly in the revenue-
                        On April 7, Congress                      tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.”                    if we have any hope of cutting and elimi-                            generating sports, it is still prudent for students
                        approved a funding plan                       Let’s back-track a little to the 90’s with                  nating the deficit.                                                  to question whether that investment will prove
     NEDA GHOMESHI that          reduces   federal                former President Bill Clinton, a Demo-                              Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin,                           fruitful moving forward.
                        agency budgets by more                    crat. In an article published on April 12, the                  chairman of the House Budget Committee,                                  While an athletic director’s main goal is to
    than $38 billion for the second half of the                   New York Times summarized the economy                           has similar goals as Obama, but an unfea-                            maximize the school’s athletic performance,
    year. However, this funding plan was only                     stating, “The Clinton years disproved                           sible plan to attain that goal. According to                         there is also an expectation that the department
    approved to temporarily eliminate any threat                  the notion that higher taxes would inevi-                       the Washington Times, Ryan’s plan entails                            will be represented well in public matters. In this
    of a government shutdown. Neither party is                    tably stifle economic growth, or cost politi-                   the following: “Medicaid would become a                              area, The Beacon feels Garcia’s tenure has been
    pleased with the decision, and the problem                    cians their jobs. Taxes were raised in 1993,                    block grant controlled by the states; Medi-                          far from successful.
    is not being solved.                                          including higher income tax rates on the                        care would become a voucher program                                      The 2009 season saw much contention from
        Idealism can be admirable only if it incor-               wealthiest. The economy was strong, and                         starting in 2022. On taxes, Ryan would                               Garcia. From the controversial and oft mocked
    porates reality. The current United States’                   the stock market surged. Taxes were then                        continue the Bush tax cuts for wealthy                               hiring of men’s basketball head coach Isiah
    debt is over $14 trillion. Republicans have                   cut in 1997 in a deal with the Republican-                      Americans set to expire at the end of next                           Thomas and the ensuing embarrassment with
    thoroughly thought of an illogical plan: they                 controlled Congress, but by then the combi-                     year.” Basically, Ryan plans on neglecting                           regards to the “Coaches Vs. Cancer” tourna-
    would like to cut spending on government                      nation of higher tax rates on the wealthy, a                    senior citizens while the rich continue to                           ment,” to former University President Modesto
    programs over the next decade by $4.3 tril-                   strong economy and a rising stock market                        thrive.                                                              Maidique’s admonishment and reprimand of
    lion in addition to further cutting tax reve-                 was boosting revenues significantly. By                             As of now, the problem is being addressed,                       Garcia for “unprofessional management and
    nues by $4.2 trillion. Their plan does not                    the end of President Bill Clinton’s term,                       but not taken care of. The new budget plan                           poor leadership style, misuse of state resources
    lead the U.S. towards a balanced budget. In                   the federal budget had been in surplus for                      implemented is merely the simple way to                              [and] hostile work environment,” Garcia’s time
    fact, if this ridiculous plan is implemented,                 four straight years.” This example supports                     avoid a government shutdown, not a solu-                             here has been marked by a seemingly constant
    the U.S. is looking at an even deeper deficit.                that a mixture of budget cuts and increase in                   tion to America’s deficit.                                           series of public relations missteps.
    The current deficit is too large, and merely                  revenue is a necessity to shrink the deficit                        Econ with Neda is an economics op-ed                                 It would be hard to question the success
    shrinking the budget will not eliminate the                   and reduce the debt.                                            column.                                                              Athletics has seen under Garcia, but when taken
                                                                                                                                                                                                       in totality, Garcia has a lot to improve on to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       make that investment worthwhile.

Student, professor integrity on the fritz                                                                                                                                                                  The timing of Garcia’s contract also brings
                                                                                                                                                                                                       some questions with it, as it came just weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                                       before a proposal to increase the athletic fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                       students pay with each credit hour received by
       KELLY MALAMBRI                          knowledge intended. Profes-                                                                                                                             up to five percent.
         Staff Writer                          sors and students alike should                                                                                                                              According to University Chief Financial
   Integrity is one of the
                                               practice more honest tech-
                                               niques in order to obtain the
                                                                                                   In a time when it is easier to                                                                      Officer Kenneth Jessell, part of Garcia’s salary
                                                                                                                                                                                                       comes from the athletics fee, along with other
greatest attributes any human
being can have; it leads to
                                               education they claim to be
                                               working and paying for.
                                                                                               cheat, and more prosperous to                                                                           auxiliary funds and the South Beach Wine and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Food Festival.
success in every aspect of
one’s life. Unfortunately, I
                                                   For example, in recent
                                               classes of mine, professors
                                                                                               have students pass, the lack of                                                                             Locking in the contract prior to the athletics
                                                                                                                                                                                                       fee vote seems to pressure the committee, made
have recently noticed several
displays of a lack of integrity
                                               will offer extra credit oppor-
                                               tunities to those students who
                                                                                               integrity displayed by students                                                                         up of both students and faculty members, into
                                                                                                                                                                                                       approving at least a partial increase in order to
throughout the University. If
students hope to be successful
                                               did poorly on exams when the
                                               number of students who have
                                                                                               and professors will continue on.                                                                        make up the difference.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           As students, we view the athletics fee as an
in their future careers, and if                failed is great. Opportunities                                                                                                                          investment, taken from our pockets and diverted
professors intend on teaching                  such as these provide students              scheduled time. By taking                               life’s work to teaching students                    towards Athletics to fund the sports teams
students thoroughly, then this                 with grades they simply did                 away actual learning time, and                          should care whether or not                          competing on our behalf. Students also receive
behavior must change.                          not earn, and there is no integ-            giving away grades, profes-                             their students pass honestly                        free admission to all sporting events on campus
   Recently, I have noticed                    rity in this practice.                      sors are not “molding minds”                            and learn the material being                        in which student athletes compete, as well as
some professors making it                          Recently in a class of                  in any sense of the phrase.                             offered. It seems, however,                         the occasional discounted ticket to on-campus
exceedingly easy for students                  mine, the amount of extra                       In    another     extremely                         that in a time when it is easier                    events, such as the upcoming Gold Cup soccer
who may be slacking off                        credit given in such a circum-              appalling instance, a professor                         to cheat, and more prosperous                       games.
or running behind because                      stance was equivalent to one                sent out an email that hinted to                        to have students pass, the                              However, we feel Athletics can and should
of busy schedules to get by                    letter grade on an exam worth               students certain online classes                         lack of integrity displayed by                      do more to give students a return on their invest-
with excellent grades without                  35 percent of students’ total               to take that had glitches in                            students and professors will                        ment. From the U.S. Century Bank Arena to the
putting in the needed effort.                  grade, and was not available                them, making it easier for                              continue on.                                        football stadium, students are effectively barred
While I am sure many students                  to all because of scheduling                students to pass the class these                            In order to achieve the best                    from using Athletics’ facilities when games are
appreciate the help, but by                    conflicts. Those who could                  classes with flying colors and                          education possible, and in                          not being held. Increased access to facilities
giving away grades profes-                     not make the event but tried                boost their grade point aver-                           order to achieve what profes-                       is just one way in which Athletics can reward
sors are doing more damage                     honestly on the test were put               ages. When I finally managed                            sors claim to be their true                         students with a return on their investment; free
to students than help, and are                 at a letter grades’ worth of a              to close my mouth after staring                         goal, students and professors                       tickets which a fraction of the university popula-
essentially wasting students’                  disadvantage.                               at the screen in shock, I was                           alike must demonstrate more                         tion takes advantage of is not enough.
money.                                             Meanwhile,       the   same             infuriated.                                             integrity. The honest students                          With how heavily we subsidize the depart-
   It simply does not make                     professor canceled the sched-                   If not the students who                             and professors who do so will                       ment’s budget, the onus is on them to see to
sense to pay for an education                  uled class because the event                are paying for their educa-                             come to grow, excel and hope-                       develop a positive relationship with students
but receive only a piece of                    conflicted with his ability to              tion, then at least the profes-                         fully change lives through                          and see to it that we are not wasting our money.
paper instead of the practical                 attend class at the normally                sors who claim to devote their                          such education.

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