THE BAY QUARTERLY JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - Village of Williams Bay

Page created by Cody Richardson
THE BAY QUARTERLY JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - Village of Williams Bay

THE BAY QUARTERLY JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - Village of Williams Bay
250 Williams Street
                                                          PO Box 580
                                                    Williams Bay, WI 53191


Village Hall
                                    Contact Us
  03 From the President's Desk
                                    Village Hall Offices..........................(262) 245-2700
  04 Announcements                  Becky Tobin, Administrator
Departments                         Jackie Pankau, Clerk
                                    Lori Peternell, Treasurer
  05 Public Works
                                    Cynthia Stanek, Utility Clerk/Admin Assistant
  06 Police Department              Building Inspector Office............................ext. 415
  07-08 Library                     Bonnie Schaeffer, Zoning Administrator...ext. 407
  09 Recreation Department
                                    Water Department..........................(262) 245-2707
Meetings monthly, or as noted, at   Street Department..........................(262) 245-2706
Village Hall. Meetings may be
rescheduled. Check                  EMERGENCY....................................................9-1-1 for the most    Police Department...........................(262) 245-2710
up-to-date calendar.
                                    Fire Department..............................(262) 245-2712
Village Board:
1st & 3rd Monday 7:00PM             Recreation Department...................(262) 686-8001

Committee Meetings:                 Barrett Memorial Library.................(262) 245-2709
Following Wednesday after the
first Board Meeting 6:30PM          Court Clerk......................................(262) 245-2634

Plan Commission:
2nd Tuesday as needed 6:30PM
                                           Check out our Village Calendar at
Zoning Board of Appeals:             
3rd Tuesday as needed 6:30PM                   for upcoming events!
THE BAY QUARTERLY JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - Village of Williams Bay
On behalf of the Village Board and Staff I am sending greetings for a happy
and fruitful New Year.

2021 has indeed been an eventful year. We have faced the unprecedented
challenge of operating in the COVID environment. Our staff has done an
amazing job keeping Village operations going while adapting on the go. While
the COVID variants seem unrelenting we pledge to provide the best possible
services our citizens deserve.

We have seen some remarkable achievements in 2021 however. The Yerkes
Future Foundation has successfully acquired most of the land around the
Observatory and they have begun an extensive renovation to this historic         Bill Duncan, Village President
complex. We look forward to following their progress as the restoration and
new programming develops.

We are very pleased that the University of Chicago and Ann Drake have closed on the sale of the eight plus
acres of lakefront property south of the Observatory and east of George Williams College. Ms. Drake plans
on building a Women’s Resource Center on part of the land while being sensitive to the unique woodlands
that will surround it.

Staffing changes have been a challenge in 2021 but I am very pleased we are now fully staffed in our Police
Department and Administrative Offices.

Significant progress has been made in updating the Village website, telephone system and IT systems.

We were very pleased when we heard that the former Keg Room property has been sold to owners of the
Clear Water Spa and the Green Grocer. We look forward to seeing their plans and timeline for construction.

We will have to find solutions to some challenges we are facing in 2022 not the least of which is providing
EMS services that our citizens expect. The volunteer system which has served us well and heroically over
these many years is facing the reality of fewer volunteers and increasing training demands. The Board and
staff are in conversations with nearby communities to see if a cooperative system that will include paid
professional staff is possible. This will likely come at a considerable cost and a referendum to allow for an
increase in the tax levy is likely.

As always, our Board and Staff are always ready to respond to your questions, suggestions and needs in the
coming year.

Best wishes,

Bill Duncan, Village President

THE BAY QUARTERLY JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - Village of Williams Bay
The Village will chip brush and sticks on Tuesdays (weather permitting) throughout
the year. Please arrange for this service online at, or by
calling (262) 245-2700 ext. 9 and leave your name, address and phone number
when prompted.
   Calls made by noon on Mondays will be scheduled for chipping on Tuesday.
   Place brush and sticks by the roadside with cut ends facing the road.
   Sticks with a diameter of 6" or less are an acceptable size for chipping.
   Christmas Trees are accepted at the curb in January. No phone call needed.
   There is no charge if chipping takes 10 minutes or less.
   There is a $2.50 per minute charge for each minute after 10.
   Brush and sticks left by the road without scheduling will not be chipped.
   For Improved Single Family Residential Properties Only.

Dog License(s):
Licenses are to be renewed every year. All dogs five (5) months of age by the first of the year are required to
have a dog license. Licenses must be obtained by March 31st. After that date a $5.00 penalty will be
charged. You must provide a current proof of rabies vaccination certificate (not the tag) for each dog to be
licensed. Checks should be made payable to the Village of Williams Bay. Fees are $15.00 for an altered male
or female and $30.00 for an unaltered male or female. Dog licenses are required by State Statute, and they
help us reconnect you with your dog if your dog is lost. They also ensure that dogs in the community have
been properly vaccinated. Please remit a separate check for your dog license fees.

Tax Bills were mailed on December 2, 2021. If you have not received yours, please give our office a call so
we can verify your mailing information to update if necessary and get you another copy of your bill.
What options are available to make payments?
Payments can be made the following ways:
   Pay first installment in person during regular business hours. Checks should be made payable to the
   "Village of Williams Bay Treasurer".
   Drop off payments using the depository box located in the foyer at Village Hall.
   Mail payments to PO Box 580, Williams Bay, WI 53191. Please include remittance stubs with all
   We do not accept advance dated checks.
   Receipts will only be mailed if a self-addressed postage paid envelope is included with
Important!!! Please check the legibility and accuracy when writing out personal checks(s). We
may not be able to process your payment if the check amount is incorrect or not legible. PLEASE
REMEMBER TO ENDORSE ANY ESCROW CHECKS. Checks that are not legible or not completed properly
as well as escrow checks that aren’t endorsed/signed by the party(s) that they are issued to will be returned.
THE BAY QUARTERLY JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - Village of Williams Bay
  Take the cover off of the toilet tank. Add enough food coloring
  to the tank to give strong color to the tank water. Let it stand or
  sit overnight. If the toilet bowl has turned the color of the dye,
  you have a toilet leak.
  Look and listen. Take off the tank cover and see if the water is running into the overflow
  tube and also carefully listen for leaks. Don't rely completely on this test as only extreme
  leaks can be seen or heard.
  Watch for meter movement. To test the entire building or house for leaks, try this
  suggestion. First, find the water meter and place a toothpick over the meter pointer. Don't
  use any water for 15 minutes. After that time, if the pointer has moved, there is a leak
  somewhere in the house (most likely a toilet).
  Turn your water off at the meter if you're leaving for the winter (or even for a week).
  In order to avoid the minimum quarterly charge, you must have had your service
  discontinued for at least one year, then you will no longer be billed for this charge.
  Requests to discontinue service must be made by the homeowner in writing.
  A Water Meter is the instrument that actually measures the amount of water you use. The
  meter is located in the basement, crawl space or a pit. The outside remote reader (on the
  outside of your building) connects to the meter via a wire. This outside reader is the
  instrument the meter readers look at when obtaining your water reading. It is a good idea
  to check these readings periodically to make sure they match. It is also the homeowner's
  responsibility to keep the meter from freezing and insuring the meter is accessible to
  Village employees for testing, repairs, readings, etc.
  No customer may tamper or remove a meter. Call the Water Department at (262) 245-2707
  to have your meter removed or reinstalled.

                                      AUTO PAY
      Never worry about your Water Bill again! Login or create an account at
                                    to sign up for Auto Pay today!

                                              Benefits to Auto Pay:
                                    Never miss another payment      Regular Notifications
                                    It is FREE!                     Real-Time
                                    Fast Set-Up                     Flexible Payment Days
                                    Multiple Payment Methods        Secure

THE BAY QUARTERLY JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - Village of Williams Bay

Here at the Police Department we hope everyone enjoyed a happy and healthy
holiday season.

Since our last newsletter, we have hired three full-time police officers: Joe Scurto,
Michaela Shiroda and Valentino Rudi. Each of these officers brings a unique set of
skill sets to our department. We are excited for you to meet them and to see the
value they add to our community!

As we continue into the winter months, we want to remind you of the Village’s
winter parking ordinance. This ordinance does not allow parking on any street from
2AM through 6AM. This ordinance applies even if there is no snow on the ground
or in the forecast. This is to ensure the street department has adequate space to
snow plow if needed. If you run into an issue that requires you to park on the
street overnight, please call the Police Department.

Lastly, we are excited to announce that we have a new website! A big thanks goes
out to our Village Clerk for all of her hard work on this project. On our website you
will find information pertaining to our police department and law enforcement in
general. This is also where you will be able to access online forms.Currently, you’ll
find our House Check form there and more forms are to come in time. There is
also a link that allows you to pay citations online.Please be patient as we navigate
this new system. We are confident this will make contacting our department more
efficient in the long run.

From our department to you, we look forward to what the new year brings and
thank you, as always, for allowing us to serve and protect our beloved Village of
Williams Bay!

Chief Timm

THE BAY QUARTERLY JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - Village of Williams Bay
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