THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools

Page created by Michele Contreras
THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
Issue 2                                                                                                                                March 2018

                                       THE BASH             Bnei Akiva Schools Headlines

                                      “very creative educational             if administrators exclusively deal          Another drawback of this system
                                      methodology.”                          with administrative matters, they         is that the administrators simply
Administrators, Teachers,
                                         Additionally, the word              lose “what education is all about,        do not have enough hours in the
or Both?                              ‘administrator’ should be              which is really represented in the        day to do both jobs - being an
                                      understood in the context of Bnei      classroom”. On a similar note, Mr.        administrator and teacher - to
Understanding BAS’s Hierarchical      Akiva Schools. Rabbi Grauer            Rapp believes that setting up the         their fullest capacities. Mrs. Munk
Structure                             defines an administrator as            system this way allows the                admits that “many times
                                      “someone involved in stuff other       administrators to “continue to            administrators don’t do everything
By: Layla Frischman                   than teaching,” who has a              develop their craft as teachers and       they’re supposed to as teachers”,
                                      “significant portion of their time     remain in touch with the                  and that she herself is always late
  One of the defining                 dedicated to administration”. For      experience of [the] students in the       to class due to her administrative
characteristics of the Bnei Akiva     example, a teacher who is involved     classroom”.                               duties. Similarly, Rabbi Grauer
Schools is its staggering number of   in a club or two would not make           Ultimately, there is an inherent       shares that not only do the
administrators. As the running joke   the coveted cut as an                  value to the administrators               administrators struggle on the
goes, there are more                  administrator.                         building relationships with their         teaching end, but on the
administrators than teachers and        Through my interview with Rabbi      students. Mrs Munk explains: “I           administrative end as well.
students combined. In order to        Grauer, I wanted to explore the        pride myself on teaching all the            Although this reality perhaps
better understand this                reasoning behind this system.          grade 9 students so I can get to          means that both ends are lacking,
administrative system, I              Rabbi Grauer believes that blurring    know each girl from the very              all of the administrators feel that
approached Rabbi Grauer (the          the line between administrators        beginning.” Mrs. Munk makes it            the system is worthwhile despite
mastermind behind this structure)     and teachers has many benefits.        clear that having personal                its setbacks. Rabbi Grauer believes
to gain a more informed               First, having administrators who       connections with the students             that the true goal is “to find the
perspective.                          teach means that when they             throughout their whole high               right balance between how many
  Before delving into this            implement rules which will be          school experience is quite                classes an administrator should
questionably effective system, it     imposed on teachers, they are not      significant.                              teach”, which would ideally solve
should be made clear what exactly     doing it from their ivory tower.         Mrs. Weinberg also agrees that          the issue of timing for the teaching
the system is: every administrator    Rather, any decision the               “to be a good administrator you           component of their jobs.
at Bnei Akiva Schools teaches         administration makes will affect       have to get to know your students           My main takeaway from these
classes in addition to their          them directly, which results in        as individuals” and the best way to       series of interviews is positive -
administrative duties. This means     more careful decision making. Mrs.     do so is in a classroom setting.          with hard work and
that the job of one or two            Fixler, the Director of Admissions        In our conversation, Mr. Rapp          communication, a brighter
administrators is spread amongst      and Academics, confirms this           also expressed the downside of            educational future exists. Let us
multiple people in order to make      point; she states that this setup      this structure. He feels “torn” by        hope that the
each administrator available to       allows the administrators “to be       the structure, as he loves teaching,      administrator/teacher complex will
teach as well. This contrasts with    able to see things from a teacher's    yet he explains, “I see an                be solved, and in doing so the line
schools’ traditional hierarchical     point of view and relate better to     inevitability of lessening my             between administrator and
structure which includes a select     the teaching staff”.                   teaching to better manage my              teacher will continue to blur to the
number of administrators who           Another reason why this system is     administrative responsibilities”. As      benefit of both
deal solely with administrative       successful is because it allows the    this inevitability comes to fruition,     teacher-administrators and
matters. The BAS is throwing          administrators to remain in touch      he hopes that he will not become          students.
tradition to the wind as it has       with the original purpose of their     too disconnected from his students
adopted what Rabbi Grauer calls, a    work. Rabbi Grauer points out that     and their academic experience.

                                                                            Colour War Leaving Some Teachers
                                                                            Feeling Blue                               When Colour War broke out on
                                      Benefits of Colour War Not
                                                                                                                     Tuesday, January 30th, between
                                      Black and White                       By: Temima Tova Gerstl

THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
Team Galil and Team Negev,                disrupts the flow of classroom           Ulpana can effectively provide both        reduce death and injury in alcohol,
excitement filled the halls of Ulpanat    consistency that is vital to learning,   formal education and informal              drug and risk-related crashes and
Orot. Colour War at Ulpana has long       but also crams too many activities       education, such as Colour War,             incidents. Many teachers are
been a perennial favourite. Students      into a short period of time, wasting a   without sacrificing one for the sake       confident that the students have
clamour for the two-day activity          lot of “mental and emotional energy”     of the other: “I imagine it's not a very   gained a lot from the trip to
extravaganza all year long,               that could be directed instead toward    appealing sales pitch to say we just       Sunnybrook hospital and a decrease
speculating as to when the breakout       mastering the curriculum.                teach,” he admitted. “But the more         in risky student activities is
will be, and occasionally even going                                               time I spend thinking about this, the      anticipated.
so far as to stage protests when their                                             more I'm convinced that educating
calculations are incorrect and they                                                the whole child is best accomplished       Rabbanit at Ulpana
are left disappointed. The idea                                                    in well-defined and discrete parts.”       Purim Play and Fundraiser Event
behind the program is to give each                                                   Well there you have it, it looks like
girl an outlet for her talents--whether                                            Colour War is nothing if not a grey        By: Chana Silverman
they be academic, artistic, or                                                     area in the Bnei Akiva Schools
athletic--and to create unity among                                                Education.
                                                                                                                                At Ulpana, the grade eleven
the grades. However, as much as
                                                                                                                              students recently held the annual
Colour War is beloved by students,
                                                                                   Sunny Days Ahead                           Rabbanit evening, featuring a
the teachers have been largely silent
                                             Sharon Fixler, Director of            YOC Students Visit Sunnybrook              Purim-infused production of Aladdin
on their views of this staple of
                                          Admissions and Academics at              Hospital                                   as well as a fundraiser.
Ulpana culture, leaving some to
wonder as to their true feelings          Ulpanat Orot, also weighed in, saying
                                          that she had “mixed feelings” toward     By: Yochanan Goldstein
toward this intrusion into their class
time.                                     Colour War. “I love the the ruach and
                                          achdut it creates within students and       On February 6 , Grade 10 and 11

                                          the opportunity it gives for so many     students at YOC participated in
                                          students to shine. On the other hand,    Sunnybrook Hospital’s “PARTY”
                                          over the years I have seen a decrease    program. The program is tailored for
                                          in overall student participation.”       high school students and focuses
                                             Naomi Glogauer, a Grade 12            primarily on risk assessment and
                                          student, seemed to confirm Mrs.          prevention, with several graphic             As one of the writers and directors
                                          Fixler’s impression about the decline    presentations designed to highlight        of the play, I had the privilege of
                                          in student participation in Colour       the importance of taking                   working with my class to make the
                                          War when she admitted that to her,       preventative measures to ensure            evening possible, and together we
                                          the program is “a complete waste of      safety in adolescents.                     put on a spectacular performance
   When probed for their views of         time that I don’t participate in,”          Grade 11 student Yair Moll noted,       (totally unbiased here). The play was
Colour War and its place in the           adding that she views the two-day        “The trip was extremely essential for      complete with great acting and
school schedule, some teachers            period as “time off [from] school.”      all teenagers. We got to hear              choreography, beautiful costumes,
expressed hesitation about speaking       Along the same lines, Mrs. Fixler        firsthand from a police officer who        sets, and props that our committees
out against this venerable Ulpana         noted that “by day two [of Colour        conveyed her experiences dealing           worked hard to make.
tradition. When reached for               War], numbers have dwindled and          with traumas caused by impaired              Our grade’s charity of choice was
comment, Hillel Rapp, Director of         students are exhausted by it,” an        driving. I think that that is especially   the Machlis Shabbat Project, a
Education at Bnei Akiva Schools,          assessment that is supported by the      important for vulnerable teenagers         Jerusalem based charity that
began by praising the “many positive      many empty chairs at Tefillah and the    who may come in contact with a case        provides Shabbat meals and lodging
elements of informal education that       roster of students marked “Absent”       like this.”                                to visitors and people who cannot
are captured by an experience like        on the second day of activities each        Students toured the building and        afford to buy meals. In order to raise
[Colour War],” going on to explain        year.                                    heard from medical professionals           money, the fundraising committee
that “educational moments in                In addition, Mrs. Fixler, like Mr.     about the hospital’s many features.        ran an auction at school in which
leadership, collaboration,                Rapp, expressed the “educational         Some were even brave enough to             grades bid on prizes generously
improvisation, creativity,                concern of losing class time to yet      witness the CICU (Critical Intensive       donated by teachers and students
self-expression, and Jewish identity      another program.” This concern           Care Unit) firsthand. In the               such as class slurpee walks, BBQs,
are just a few of the opportunities       stems from the fact that teachers at     afternoon, students were captivated        pizza parties and more. Additionally,
[that Colour War] can provide.”           Ulpana are regularly forced to give up   by personal stories of survivors of        on our Rabbanit evening, we had a
   However, Mr. Rapp admitted that        class time for various other school      accidents, who inspired messages of        raffle with cool prizes including a
he believes that overall, the             programs such as speakers and trips,     hope despite their horrific                personalized jersey, gift cards, and
fundamental structure of Colour War       and the two days of Colour War leave     experiences.                               Raptors tickets.
may be educationally flawed. In his       teachers with even less time to finish      While the trip was praised by many        Lastly, in true Ulpana fashion, we
opinion, the two components that          the provincial curriculum.               Or Chaim students, some noted that         sold delicious snacks with all the
are critically important in pedagogy          Moving forward, Mrs. Fixler          it wasn’t as valuable as it could have     proceeds going towards the Machlis
are the need for teachers to “build       proposed a solution to these             been. One grade 10 student claimed         Shabbat Project.
ideas, lessons and units within a         concerns: shortening Colour War          that the trip, “Could have been              Congratulations to Dalya Mirlas for
linear, consistent and predictable        down to “one full, action-packed         structured better.” He noted that the      being voted as Rabbanit, and the
time frame,” and the necessity of         day” that is mandatory for all           students likely would have gained a        rules that she made that the school
focusing on one thing at a time and       students to attend. In this way, she     lot more from the trip had it been         had to follow for the week were so
not giving in to the “natural and         hopes to limit the class time teachers   slightly more engaging for all types of    much fun! (Including the teachers
well-intentioned impulse to be            will lose while still keeping the        students in Or Chaim.                      having to be Chazzanit at davening,
everything at once.” Education,           students engaged and invested in the        The Administration at Bnei Akiva        which was hilarious.)
according to Mr. Rapp, is “a              Colour War programming.                  Schools have claimed that the                Overall, I can truly attest that a lot
marathon and not a series of sprints,”       Mr. Rapp, on the other hand,          program was a vital component of           of hard work was put in by my grade
and in his view, Colour War not only      expressed wariness as to whether         the growing community effort to            to making Rabbanit so amazing this

THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
year. A huge thanks to everyone who       constant requests to follow these
helped, including all the donors of       accounts, which led many people to        Weizmann Physics Safe
the raffle and auction prizes, our        block or report them.
teachers who gave up class time to          Another problem that came up was
                                                                                    Ulpana Team is Victorious
let us practice, and Prof for all the     the use of people’s photos without
hard work she put in.                     their permission. I personally was a
                                                                                    By: Noa Muscat
                                          victim of this, when one of the many
                                          “shidduch accounts” took a picture of
                                          my face to pair me with someone              To many, physics is known as dull
                                          from Or Chaim. I wasn’t offended,         and boring. The reality, though is that
                                          but I did feel vulnerable because no      it can be one of the most hands on
                                          one asked me first before uploading       and interesting of the sciences. This
                                          this. Yes, I took a risk by letting a     is especially true when looking at the
                                          photo of me be put on social media        Shalheveth Freier Physics
                                          in the first place, but the person        Tournament, which challenges teams        Getting Down to Business
                                          behind that shidduch account should       from all over the world to create a       The YOC Finance Club
                                          have known better than to do it           safe that can be cracked using physics
YOC/UO Meme Accounts                                                                principles.
The Dark Side of Meme Accounts            without my consent. I am not the                                                    By: Hershel Ganz
                                          only one who this has happened to,           My team, consisting of Atara
                                          and that is not okay.                     Gasner, Dalya Mirlas, Margalit Mirlas,
By: Sarah Birnbaum                                                                                                              Yeshivat Or Chaim has many great
                                             Some meme accounts even went           and myself, used the principle of air
                                                                                                                              clubs but this article will focus on one
                                          so far as to involve people from other    pressure as the main component of
   For those of you who are                                                                                                   particular club, The Finance Club.
                                          schools in the GTA. It isn’t fair to      our safe. The other Ulpana team was
unfamiliar with the enigma of the                                                                                               The “CEO” of the finance club is
                                          those individuals that they had to be     composed of Atara Lipson, Marya
meme account, let me explain it to                                                                                            Jonah Mayer, a senior at Or Chaim.
                                          sucked into this mess when they           Nurgitz, Sheina Franco, Meira
you: A meme is an idea, behaviour, or                                                                                         The goal of the club is to encourage
                                          were never related to any of it in the    Torczyner, and Chana Silverman. The
style that spreads from person to                                                                                             and educate young entrepreneurs
                                          first place. The more that this           primary principle used in their safe
person within a culture, often with                                                                                           and those interested in careers in
                                          happened, the more it turned into         was circuits and sound waves.
the aim of conveying a particular                                                                                             business and finance.
                                          full-blown cyber bullying, with some      Both teams worked for months in
phenomenon, theme, or meaning                                                                                                   The club has had different business
                                          accounts going so far as to use crude     order to prepare for the national
represented by the meme. The                                                                                                  professionals come to educate, share
                                          adjectives to describe people and         competition, which took place in
anonymous creators of meme                                                                                                    their experiences, and provide
                                          using language calling for violence.      Montreal earlier this year.
accounts on Instagram are dedicated                                                                                           insider information in their field. One
                                          For example, on one of the Bnei              The competition itself consists of
to posting memes, often asking their                                                                                          of the speakers was Mr. Edward
                                          Akiva Schools meme pages, Ulpana          two components; cracking the
followers to submit some, which can                                                                                           Kholodenko, the President and Ceo
                                          girls were referred to as “thots”,        competing teams’ safes and
then be posted on these popular                                                                                               of Questrade. He came to Or Chaim
                                          meaning “that hoe over there”. Aside      presenting our safe to each of the
accounts.                                                                                                                     to speak and share his experiences
                                          from being primitive, this language is    three judges individually. This was an
   People enjoy seeing what will be                                                                                           and he talked about not only his
                                          also degrading and offensive.             extremely enjoyable and challenging
posted next and talking about it with                                                                                         successes, but also about his failures.
                                          Individual students have also been        experience.
their friends, whether it be because                                                                                            The club also has interactive
                                          penalized on this page.                      Out of the thirteen competing
the most recent post was funny,                                                                                               activities for its members such as the
                                            The biggest issue with the meme         teams, two were victorious and will
shocking, or downright outrageous.                                                                                            stock market game. The stock market
                                          accounts, however, is that they were      proceed to the international
When done respectfully and without                                                                                            game is a mock online stock market
                                          all anonymous. People become              competition which is held in Israel at
harming others, they can connect the                                                                                          where players are given a certain
                                          bolder when they are unidentified;        the Weizmann Institute. One team
Bnei Akiva Schools through shared                                                                                             amount of startup money to buy
                                          since there is no accountability, these   from Montreal won, as well as my
humour and relatability. The original                                                                                         stocks and hopefully make some
                                          people could do or say whatever they      team, and we will be going to Israel
Ulpana meme page, Uowhatitis, was                                                                                             equity.
                                          want with impunity. To put it simply,     from March 19th to the 22nd! Mrs.
created last year by an anonymous                                                                                               Between the high quality speakers
                                          they know who you are, but you            Chocron, who helped guide both UO
Ulpana student and it has been a                                                                                              and the hands on activities, this is a
                                          don’t know who they are. This leads       teams to create their safes, will be
source of appropriate and hilarious                                                                                           very useful club for a young, striving
                                          to another problem, because if a          accompanying my team on as we
memes.                                                                                                                        entrepreneur.
                                          victim wanted to ask an account to        enter the second phase of the
   Soon enough, these Instagram
                                          take down a post, they’d be doing it      competition.
accounts became a popular trend at
                                          with the risk of becoming even more          Participating in the safe
the beginning of this school year,
                                          of a target than they already are.        competition has been an educational
with new ones seemingly popping up
                                          Complaining gives the account owner       and exciting experience to be a part
every few days. Now that they have
                                          more fuel to add to the flames.           of. Thank you to all involved!
died down and seem to have lost
their popularity, it is time to reflect     Meme accounts are supposed to be
on them, and understand why they          harmless fun and a way for people to
were so controversial.                    find common ground over funny                                                       Yeshiva University Model UN
  The first piece of evidence that        images and captions. Unfortunately,                                                 Conference
these accounts were becoming a            many of them simply became a                                                        Tales from YUNMUN
problem was how fast they were            means to anonymously bully people
being created. It started off with just   with no repercussions. We may never                                                 By: Ahava Helfenbaum
one or two of them, until it seemed       know the names of the people who
like another one was up every few         operated the accounts, but hopefully
                                                                                                                                I was so busy frantically
days. It spiraled out of control and      by enlightening people as to the
                                                                                                                              memorizing Afghanistan's foreign
many people became fed up with the        damage caused by them, we can
                                                                                                                              policy before my session started, I
                                          make sure that this does not happen
                                                                                                                              barely heard the thud of the 3 ring

THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
binder against the desk. When I                                                     going into my last Shabbaton, this
looked up, I must have been so                                                      was everything I could have wanted.”
terrified by the enormity of the                                                     Her classmate, Kinneret Witty
binder because the delegate holding                                                 comments that “the dancing, the
it smiled and said, “don't worry, half                                              smiles, bonding time, were all parts
of the papers in here are last year's                                               of it being so great.” Whether you
Tanach notes.”                                                                      were taking advantage of the
   For me, Yeshiva University Model                                                 structured activities, or just enjoying
UN conference was a highly                                                          the company of your classmates,
enjoyable experience, but an                                                        there is no doubt you were having a
unexpectedly rigorous one as well. I,                                               great time.                                 The chessed committee, Eliana
along with eight other Bnei Akiva        Ulpana Shabbaton 2018                                                                Grunbaum, Tehila Greenberg, Shira
School students, travelled to New        A Shabbaton to be Remembered                                                         Mammon, Zahava Fortinsky, and I
York along with hundreds of students                                                                                          thank all of you for coming to Mother
from all across North America and        By: Leora Kronenberg                                                                 Daughter Night 2018 to show your
beyond to participate in the                                                                                                  support for Sharsheret. We could not
conference. All nine of us were in one      Everyone knows that the Ulpana                                                    have raised this money without each
of the fifteen committees, which         Shabbaton is highlight of every year.                                                and every one of you!
ranged from the Security Council to      From getting the sweaters, to              All in all, this Shabbaton was one that
the World Food Program. All of the       dancing with everyone in the dining        will be remembered. Thank you to
committees mirrored committees           room, Ulpana Shabbatons tend to be         everyone involved in the planning,
existing in the UN itself and had the    fun-filled and exciting. Chances are, if   the upbeat atmosphere, and the
exact same procedures.                   you are lucky enough to go on one,         memories!
   The objective of each delegate was    you’re probably going to have an
to enter his or her committee as a       amazing time.                              Mother Daughter Night
representative of one of the two            The Shabbaton of 2017 was the           Successful Sharsheret Fundraiser
countries their school had been          one where everyone made new
assigned (BAS’s were Afghanistan and     friends or stepped out of their            By: Hannah Lipson
Myanmar), and debate with up to 25       respective comfort zones. This
other delegates on thoroughly            Shabbaton made everyone laugh, but           The chessed committee organized
researched topics. Eventually,           it also made everyone cry. This one                                                  Let’s Talk
                                                                                    the annual mother daughter night          Mental Health: What Is It?
delegates broke into groups with         was the greatest, most joyous, and         event this past February 7th. This
other students and met throughout        most exhilarating Shabbaton yet.           year, the event coincided with
the conference (in my case until 2                                                                                            By: Yosef Zeldman
                                                                                    Sharsheret awareness day. Due to
am) to construct two resolution                                                     this, we felt that it was only
papers in the hopes of them passing                                                                                              On Tuesday, January 30th, 2018, I
                                                                                    appropriate to donate our funds to
their committee’s vote.                                                                                                       gave a presentation to the students
                                                                                    Sharsheret; a charity in the US which
This rigorous research was                                                                                                    and faculty of Yeshivat Or Chaim
                                                                                    helps and supports Jewish women
admittedly due in part to the                                                                                                 about mental health awareness for
                                                                                    who are facing breast and/ or ovarian
ultra-competitive environment the                                                                                             Bell Let’s Talk Day. I spoke about the
conference perpetuated and, as                                                                                                variety of the diverse mental illnesses
                                                                                      Mothers and daughters came
delegates rushed from snack break to                                                                                          that affect our society in the masses,
                                         So, what made this Shabbaton so            dressed in pink in support of
sessions, you could feel the                                                                                                  the way the brain works under the
                                         special?                                   Sharsheret. The evening’s events
excitement in the air.                                                                                                        influence of certain mental illnesses,
                                           Lots of people agreed that it was        included a dvar Torah from Mrs.
   Being in a conference hall with 500                                                                                        the indications that someone is a
                                         because of the bonds it created            Munk, a pink themed dessert
other aspiring lawyers and politicians                                                                                        victim of mental illness, and, most
                                         within the school. “It brought me          reception and a cake wars
was intimidating, especially since                                                                                            importantly, what you can do about
                                         closer to my friends,” said Elyanna        competition judged by none other
most of them were veteran debate                                                                                              mental illness even if it doesn’t
                                         Remer, a sophomore. She continued          than Hardcor Snackie herself.
champions. But, the rush of                                                                                                   directly affect you. I plan to use this
                                         to say that, “It really united the           Each mother and daughter received
participation immediately eliminated                                                                                          article to properly instruct you on
                                         school. It was so much fun and there       one cupcake to decorate and came
any lingering stage fright. I can                                                                                             how to not only spread awareness of
                                         was so much ruach. It made the             together with the rest of their table
confidently say that none of those                                                                                            mental illness, but actively take a
                                         school feel more like a family.” Shmuli    to create a unified image depicting
perpetually-open research tabs on                                                                                             stance in helping others through
                                         Cohen, a junior, also commented that       the importance of Sharsheret.
my computers went to waste                                                                                                    various mental health crises.
                                         the, “Ulpana Shabbaton was                   Thank you to Elyse, Mrs. Klein and
because, as I learned, there is no                                                                                               One of the most important things
                                         awesome because it created a               Prof for helping us plan and organize
such thing as too much research. I                                                                                            in counteracting any issue is being
                                         stronger sense of unity and                the incredible event. As a school, we
also learned that Unmoderated                                                                                                 aware of the issue itself. There are,
                                         friendship within the Ulpana               raised almost $1500 for Sharsheret
Caucus is a lot more fun than it                                                                                              unfortunately, a plethora of mental
                                         mishpacha.” Clearly, after this            (over double what the chessed
sounds.                                                                                                                       illnesses that are out there.
                                         Shabbaton, everyone felt an even           committee has raised in previous
   I speak on behalf of the whole BAS                                                                                         Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Bipolar
                                         stronger sense of kinship towards          years)!
delegation when I say we are wholly                                                                                           disorder, Gender Dysphoria,
                                         their friends and teachers.
grateful to Sarah Wapner, Mr. Rapp,                                                                                           Schizophrenia, Anorexia and
                                           The activities and the way the
and Mrs. Kagan for making all our                                                                                             Dementia are only a few of the
                                         Shabbaton was planned out were
hard work come to fruition.                                                                                                   hundreds of different mental
                                         real factors which contributed to the
   Who knows, maybe next year we'll                                                                                           illnesses. Knowing what they are and
                                         atmosphere of the Shabbaton. Orly
all be lugging last year’s Torah notes                                                                                        how they affect us is crucial in
                                         Aziza, a senior, put it best: “It was
to make an impression, but I have a                                                                                           actively counteracting everything
                                         well planned but not too planned
feeling we won’t be needing them.                                                                                             that is out there.
                                         out.” Orly continued, “As a senior

THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
For the sake of being more concise,                                                 change, and, together, we can be
however, I’m going to use this article                                                that change.
to talk about depression and its link
to suicidality, the most prevalent
mental illness among young
teenagers. 11% of Canadians aged
15-24 have met the criteria for
depression. Suicide is the second                                                                                                    Penina Basser, a senior, reflected on
leading cause of death amongst                                                                                                     the season, “Our volleyball season
15-24 year olds (second only to car                                                   Night-time for the Knights                   has finally come to an end. Our
                                             Now that I’ve thoroughly explained
accidents). Unfortunately, I am very                                                  The UO Knights volleyball team close         resilience and strong team stood out
                                          depression and its effect on the
aware of the effects of depression                                                    their season                                 this season and we all had so much
                                          brain, I’m going to tell you what you
and suicidality first hand, as my                                                                                                  fun playing as the Knights.”
                                          can do about it. If you personally feel
father (Aaron Zeldman ‫) ז”ב‬                                                           By: Hannah Aaron                               The team will be losing four current
                                          that you’re seeing early signs of
committed suicide back in 2010. I’ve                                                                                               seniors next year, all of whom were
                                          depression, such as overwhelming
also struggled through my own bouts                                                      Spanning over approximately two           valuable players who lead the team
                                          sadness, excessive self-deprecation
with depression and suicide                                                           months, the UO Knights volleyball            this past year.
                                          or loss of interest in hobbies or
attempts, something I have since                                                      team played their hearts out over the          Fortunately, the Knights have a
                                          activities, I beg of you to reach out to
been able to overcome entirely                                                        course of a gut-wrenching season,            promising future ahead and we wish
                                          someone for help. We live in a world
through therapy and medication.                                                       which ultimately came to an end on           them the best of luck in their future
                                          where there isn’t shame in coming
Since suicide has had a very                                                          March 1st.                                   endeavors - which will hopefully earn
                                          clean about mental illness, and there
significant effect on me and my                                                         The team, consisting of 50% new            them a new trophy to proudly display
                                          are so many outlets in and outside of
family, I have an immense interest in                                                 players, welcomed their new coach
                                          YOC/UO that can help you find the                                                        in our school. Go Knights!
studying the topic and educating                                                      Mr. Jonathan Parker who introduced
                                          right method to getting out of a
others on the subject.                                                                a different style of play, called a 6-2; a
   To further illustrate the awareness
                                          depressive state. For the rest of us,
                                                                                      system that brought the team great
                                                                                                                                   Ice in the Desert
                                          however, knowing that a statistically                                                    The Israeli Olympic Team
of the effect of depression, I’m going                                                success.
                                          overwhelming majority of people do
to explain what depression does to                                                       The members of the team include
                                          not suffer from depression, there are                                                    Shmuel Laitman STAFF WRITER
the brain directly. When under the                                                    Penina Basser (‘18), Adina Weitzner
                                          many things you can do to take a
influence of depression, the brain’s                                                  (‘18), Layla Frischman (‘18), Dorothy
                                          stance against mental illness.                                                              We all have that one friend who is
chemicals are all out of whack, and                                                   Paling (‘18), Hadar Wercberger (‘19),
                                             As I said before, being aware of                                                      seemingly good at everything. That
certain areas of the brain are far less                                               Hannah Aaron (‘20), Hanna-Eden
                                          what’s out there is a crucial first step.                                                friend that is a great student, very
active than they should be, whilst                                                    Ibghi (‘20), Sarah Abbou (‘20), Ariella
                                          If you think a friend, family member,                                                    athletic and not socially awkward.
other areas are hyperactive and out                                                   Spiro (‘20), Aliza Balsam (‘21), Adina
                                          colleague or acquaintance is suffering                                                   That friend, on a more global level, is
of control. The amygdala, the part of                                                 Judelman (‘21), and Nina Samson
                                          from depression or anxiety, do not                                                       Israel.
the brain responsible for processing                                                  (‘21). They played a total of 11
                                          hesitate to reach out to them before                                                        Until recently, the world had Israel
emotion, is loud and out of control                                                   games, including an exhibition game
                                          it’s too late. Although the number of                                                    beat in one thing: winter sports. But
when in a depressive state, rendering                                                 against CHAT and three playoff
                                          suicides is going up every year, the                                                     during the Pyeongchang Winter
the prefrontal cortex, the area of the                                                games.
                                          number of people coming clean                                                            Olympics, Israel proved that it could
brain responsible for logical thinking,
                                          about their mental illness and                                                           compete with the world’s best, even
inherently ineffective. For example:
                                          seeking rehabilitation are                                                               in the cold. Israel sent ten athletes –
Let’s say I’m talking to someone I’m
                                          astronomically high as well. If you see                                                  including eight skaters – to the
trying to make a good impression on.
                                          someone on the side, someone who                                                         games. Unfortunately, the Israeli
I accidentally slur my words, and
                                          sits in the corner, someone generally                                                    competitors were unable to bring a
instead of saying “How are you?” I
                                          upset or content, it's your                                                              medal back home but, in the eyes of
end up saying “How you are?”. This is
                                          responsibility as a caring, empathic                                                     many, merely qualifying was an
a small, unimportant error, right?
                                          human being to go up to them and                                                         achievement in and of itself.
Well, to any logical person, it would
                                          offer your help. If you don’t feel that
be. But when the brain is under the
                                          you’re adequate in dealing with
influence of depression, logic is
                                          mental health issues, however,                The Knights started their season
rendered innate and emotion takes
                                          please point the person to someone          strong, earning themselves a record
over all processes of thinking, which
                                          who is qualified to help them.              of 4-0, which by the end of the
causes the brain to spiral downwards
into negative overthinking.                  The more we start to do this, the        season helped push them into the
  Depression puts a gray veil over the    more we lift the negative stigma            third seed in their division and a spot
world. Everything is sad, nothing has     around mental illness, the more             in the playoffs for their second year
a point, and there’s no reason to stick   people we will help, the more lives         in a row. The team demonstrated a
                                          we will save, means we will make the                                                       The question remains: how can a
around for it. For most of us, we can                                                 tremendous amount of integrity               country with just four skating rinks –
find positivity in many things because    world a better place overall. There         during the playoffs (which happened
                                          are also many hospitals that                                                             a country that rarely experiences
our brains are working just fine. With                                                to fall on Purim). Many members of           temperatures below zero – produce
people under the influence of             specialize in child rehabilitation, such    the team brought Mishloach Manot
                                          as Holland Bloorview hospital, that                                                      eight Olympic level skaters?
depression, however, emotion                                                          for the entire team, including Coach           The answer is not as miraculous as
dominates their thought process, not      welcome and encourage high school           Parker. When the dust had settled,
                                          volunteers. I plan to volunteer at this                                                  you would think. In fact, it is anything
logic.                                                                                the team tied finished tied for 5th          but miraculous. Most of us know
                                          centre in the future, and I encourage       place overall.
                                          everyone do to the same, or find a                                                       about the 1988 Jamaican Bobsled
                                          place that does something similar.                                                       Team and have watched Disney’s film
                                          Every issue desperately needs                                                            Cool Runnings, which follows the
                                                                                                                                   “miraculous” journey of the team’s
                                                                                                                                   members. Despite what Disney

THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
would like you to think, the true story     Although we were not victorious in
of the Jamaican Bobsled Team is           the regular season or in the                    When radical feminists get bored,       The New Canada
nothing like its portrayal in the film.   tournament, our team’s unparalleled          they identify politically incorrect        Politically Correct Prime Minister
Miracles don’t happen in the              chemistry made us all winners.               minutiae as an attack on women.            Makes Faux Pas
Olympics (except that one in 1980,        Without a question, the unmatched            This most recent episode of “super
which also took place on ice).            team bonding component of this               important issues that threaten             By: Raphi Singer
So, if the Israeli Winter Olympic Team    squad trumps any potential                   women” featured the passing of Bill
isn’t a miracle, then what is it?         championship trophy.                         C-210. This Bill tackles the allegedly       At a recent town hall event in
   The truth is, only three of Israel’s                                                offensive lyrics in the Canadian           Edmonton, Alberta, Prime Minister
ten athletes are Israeli by birth. The                                                 national anthem which read “in all         Justin Trudeau was asked a question
teams star – Alexei Bychenko – along                                                   thy sons command”. You might be            by a young woman regarding the
with three other members of the                                                        perplexed as to the significance of        status of religious charitable
team were born in Ukraine while the                                                    this single line, so allow me to           organizations in recent legislation.
remaining three Israeli athletes are                                                   explain: The use of the word “sons” is     She was ending her question with,
from the United States.                          ‫מדוע חשוב לשלוט בשפה‬                  an attack on women now. This is            “the future of mankind,” when all of
  Although Israel isn’t the                             ?‫העברית כיהודי‬                 absurd. I don’t feel assaulted… Do         a sudden Trudeau interrupted her
winter-sport powerhouse we all wish       ?‫מדוע חשוב לשלוט ביותר משפה אחת‬              you?                                       declaring, “We like to say people
it were, athletes wanting to play for                                                     There is no attack on women             kind, not necessarily mankind. It's
Israel’s team shows that Israel as a                                   ‫ אלי יסר‬:By     within this statement. Within most         more inclusive.” The crowd erupted
country can still attract top-tier                                                     languages, when referring to a group       in cheers with the woman thanking
foreigners with blue and white in                                                      of both men and women, the male
                                             ‫וודאי שמעתם על התועלת האקדמית‬                                                        Trudeau for his useful words. The
their veins.                                                                           pronoun is used. And even if this
                                           – .‫שידיעת שפה שניה יכולה להביא לכם‬                                                     exchange soon went viral with many
                                              ,‫ שיפור הזיכרון‬,‫יותר הזדמנויות עבודה‬     were an issue, the original version of     around the world lambasting and
The Players Tribune: The                    ,‫ אבל‬.‫ וזה נהדר‬.‫הגברת היצירתיות ועוד‬       the anthem states “Thou dost in us         making fun of the Prime Minister’s
Sunshine State                                   ‫האם חשבתם אי פעם על היתרון של‬         command” which was still                   gaffe.
YOC Knights Take Their Talents to                        ?‫ידיעת השפה העברית כיהודי‬     gender-neutral. Why not revert to
South Beach                                  ‫כל כך הרבה מהתרבות שלנו מסתמכת‬            the original version, if this is their
                                                   ‫ העברית‬.‫ העברית‬:‫על השפה שלנו‬        concern?
By: Jacob Fine                                    ‫עוזרת לנו ליצור קשר עמוק יותר עם‬        We are now expected to sing “in all
                                               ‫ מעצימה את הרוחניות‬,‫המקורות שלנו‬        of us command” because, apparently,
                                               ‫ו ואת ההבנה שבתפילה ובקריאת‬,‫שלנ‬         feminism now trumps grammar.
  The disheartening loss in the
                                                        .‫ אין תחליף‬,‫ ולזה‬.‫ספרי התנ"ך‬   Since patriot love is commanded and
TDCAA semi-finals served as
                                          ‫ההעצמה הרוחנית מאפשרת לנו להאחז‬              not the sons’ or the sons, we should
motivation for my teammates and I
                                                    ‫ זה עוזר לנו להבין‬,‫במדינת ישראל‬    be singing “in all of us commands”.
to achieve success in the Florida                                                                                                   Trudeau’s response to the woman’s
                                                  .‫בשלמות את ציוני ההיסטוריה שלנו‬      Apparently, feminists couldn’t even
Tournament.                                                                                                                       question should not surprise anyone
                                                      ‫הבנת התפילה בעברית )השפה‬         create a new lyric properly.
  With cohesive cooperation, we                                                                                                   around the world, especially not in
                                                ‫המקורית( מאפשרת לנו להרגיש יותר‬          This is not a new complaint, as
won our first three games. Avi                                                                                                    Canada. As soon as he got elected to
                                                ‫ היא דבר‬,‫מחוברים לתפילתנו שכידוע‬       women have whined about exclusion
Karakowsky, who developed his game                                                                                                office, his Liberal Cabinet was filled
                                                            .‫קשה לכל יהודי באשר הוא‬    from the national anthem since the
tremendously since Grade 9, carried                                                                                               with half women and half men,
                                           ‫ ידיעת השפה העברית מקלה על‬,‫ולסיום‬           1950’s. In the 50’s, women were
the team on his back, scoring over 80                                                                                             signifying the importance of gender
                                                      ‫ההבנה העמוקה בקריאת התנ"ך‬        fighting to be seen as equal to men.
points throughout the entire                                                                                                      equality in 2015. Trudeau promptly
                                          ‫ "רבי שמואל בר נחמן‬:‫ לדוגמה‬.‫והמקורות‬         Instead of focusing solely on the
tournament. Additionally, William                                                                                                 declared himself a so called
                                          ,‫ שהופיעה פנים כנגד פרעה‬,‫פועה‬...:‫אמר‬         important things, however, they
Ayayi set the tone for us at the                                                                                                  “Feminist,” and even went as far to
                                           ‫ אוי לו לאותו‬:‫ ואמרה לו‬.‫וזקפה חוטמה בו‬      seemed to think that these lyrical
defensive end of the floor. This was                                                                                              pen an article in which he wrote
                                             !‫ כשיבוא האלוהים להיפרע ממנו‬,‫האיש‬         issues deserved the same amount of
matched by clutch shooting from                                                                                                   about “boys escaping the pressure of
                                                   ,‫ שפרה‬.‫נתמלא עליה חימה להרגה‬        attention.
Jonah Mayer. as well as Aaron                                                                                                     masculinity” in order to become
                                           ‫ ומפייסת‬,‫שהייתה משפרת על דברי בתה‬              In 1997, Frances Wright first
Ekstein's crisp three-pointers. All of                                                                                            feminists. Further, just a few short
                                                 ?‫ על זה אתה משגיח‬:‫ אמרה לו‬,‫עליה‬       noticed this egregious violation of
these individual efforts set the tone                                                                                             weeks ago, the lyrics of the Canadian
                                               ‫תינוקת היא ואינה יודעת כלום" )שמות‬      human rights. A friend asked her,
for us as a team and further enabled                                                                                              national anthem were amended from
                                           .‫ לדוגמאות כאלה אין סוף‬.(‫רבה פרשה א‬         after singing the anthem "Why are
the rest of our guys to perform at a                                                                                              “in all thy sons command,” to “in all
                                              ‫תודות רבות לאליעזר בן יהודה מחייה‬        you singing that sexist anthem,
high level on the court.                                                                                                          of us command.” If you couldn’t
                                               ‫ פירסם‬1879 ‫ באפריל‬.‫השפה העברית‬          Frances?". Wright realized that her
                                                                                                                                  figure out already, the reason was to
                                                       ,‫אליעזר בן יהודה מאמר פוליטי‬    friend was correct, the lyrics only
                                                                                                                                  have a gender-neutral anthem where
                                            ‫״שאלה נכבדה״ ששם כתב שעם ישראל‬             referred to sons and not daughters.
                                                                                                                                  no one's feelings would be hurt by a
                                                   ‫יגיע לחיות בארץ ישראל עם השפה‬       "Where are the women?" she asked
                                                                                                                                  couple of words. This is yet another
                                               ‫ לא היתה דרך אחרת‬,‫ לדעתו‬.‫העברית‬         herself. Soon afterwards, she
                                                                                                                                  example of Trudeau’s bizarre focus
                                                .‫משום שאין לאום ללא שפה משותפת‬         spearheaded the movement, being
                                                                                                                                  with respect to governing this
                                               ‫זהו המאמר הראשון שבו הוא החליף‬          passed from Senator to Senator in an
                                                          .‫ לבן יהודה‬,‫את שמו מפרלמן‬    attempt to have her voice heard.
                                                                                       Nearly 20 years later, her oddly              The Prime Minister does not
                                                                                       specific dream came true when Bill         understand that not all Canadians
                                                                                       C-210 was passed.                          agree with his political correctness
                                                                                                                                  agenda, nor do they want him
  Despite our combined efforts, we        Canada and the Terrible,                        With any luck, there will be a silver
                                                                                                                                  changing our way of speaking. Sixty
lost in the tournament finals by three    Horrible, No good, Very Bad                  lining to this insanity. Not only will
                                                                                                                                  percent of Canadians believe that
points; it was absolutely devastating.                                                 our anthem finally be conscious of
This would be the last time many of
                                          National Anthem                              gender, but perhaps the world will
                                                                                                                                  people are too offended by the
                                          Canadian Anthem Revision                                                                language use of others. And it’s not
us would dawn the blue and gold.                                                       finally see Canada for what it truly is:
                                                                                                                                  just Trudeau who uses these crazy
When we left the game, some of us                                                      a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad
                                          By: Naomi Glogauer                                                                      “PC” words. Universities around the
were sad, grieving over the loss.                                                      social justice warrior of a country.

THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
world have started to ban words like                                                  Elon Musk made sure to make it an
“sportsmanship”, “right hand man”,                                                    entertaining vehicle for those
and “manpower”.                                                                       without particular interest towards
  Are we as a society going to start                                                  the rocket itself. Mr. Musk took it
policing what kinds of words we use                                                   upon himself to place a Tesla
when talking to different people? Are                                                 roadster with a seated astronaut
we going to take out words from the                                                   mannequin nicknamed “Starman”
dictionary and replace them with                                                      within the Falcon Heavy as a dummy
gender neutral ones? Are we going to                                                  payload. This action gained him
                                                                                                                                   There has been a lot of commotion
start getting in trouble if people get                                                points with a younger audience with
                                             Being a genius, billionaire, engineer,                                             amongst Canadians ever since Prime
offended by the words that we use (if                                                 its absurdity, lending itself to the
                                          inventor, philanthropist Mr. Musk has                                                 Minister Trudeau’s government
we haven’t already)?                                                                  creation of many memes and being
                                          a rather busy schedule. Whether he                                                    declared the legalization of
   If Canada continues on this                                                        seen as such a peculiar choice that it
                                          is occupied creating the world's                                                      marijuana. Many individuals believe
dangerous trend towards correcting                                                    made the news and countless
                                          fastest roadster available for                                                        that this declaration is beneficial, and
speech, then there will be mayhem.                                                    headlines.
                                          purchase commercially, or selling                                                     that the outcome will have a
We wouldn’t be able to have a                                                            Elon Musk has clearly shown
                                          flame throwers to the public to raise                                                 significant impact, while others
province Manitoba anymore, instead                                                    himself to be a pinnacle figure in
                                          awareness and funds for his “Boring                                                   highly disagree.
it would become “People-itoba.” You                                                   almost every field of technological
                                          Company”, the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX                                                    I have gathered numerous opinions
wouldn’t be able to go use the men’s                                                  advancements especially that of
                                          and Neraulink seems to have his                                                       from the staff and students of Bnei
room or ladies’ room in public places,                                                space exploration. With Musk’s plans
                                          hands full.                                                                           Akiva Schools, who all share unique,
instead you would use the “People’s                                                   for SpaceX containing human
                                              Although his schedule seems to be                                                 informative opinions.
Room.” And that manhole in the                                                        transports to Mars by 2019, it seems
                                          consistently jam packed, Time                                                           “My opinion is that legalization is
street that you just avoided, those do                                                as though Elon Musk no longer
                                          Magazine’s 20th most influential                                                      the wrong choice. My main concern
not exist anymore. Instead they are                                                   wishes to continue reaching the stars
                                          person of 2017 has spent the better                                                   is that substance use is often a stress
called “People-holes.” See how                                                        on his own, but wants to let
                                          part of the past year overlooking the                                                 reliever on the spectrum of mental
absurd Canada and the world would                                                     everyone enjoy in this amazing
                                          Falcon Heavy project at SpaceX. The                                                   health issues. As a substance that is
become if we talked like this?                                                        experience.
                                          Falcon Heavy is a super heavy-lift                                                    labeled ‘criminal’, users are charged
   Trudeau’s agenda is not necessarily
                                          launch vehicle able to be partially                                                   with an offence when what they
the agenda that all Canadians want                                                    The Legalization of
                                          reused. A super heavy-lift launch                                                     really need is help with the
to see, and frankly, if people get
offended by others using normal,
                                          vehicle (SHLLV) is a launch vehicle         Marijuana                                 underlying reasons for their use.
                                          capable of lifting more than 50,000         Pros and Cons of Controversial            Decriminalization of substance use in
everyday words then that is their
                                          kg (110,000 lbs) of payload into low        Legalization                              general is a good choice because
prerogative. If a person cannot go
                                          Earth orbit (LEO). While, at first                                                    those who use substances should not
into the world without being
                                          glance, the Falcon Heavy may seem           By: Orly Davidov                          be treated as criminals. Legalization
offended by harmless words, then
                                          like any other rocket, it is actually                                                 takes the issue a step to far because
they are setting themselves up for
                                          able to support more than twice the            In just a few short months,            it legitimizes substance use, makes
failure. Trudeau went too far by
                                          payload of the next closest                 Canadian Citizens will be able to         the substance more readily available,
interrupting the ladies question and
                                          operational SHLLV, the Delta IV             purchase marijuana from retail            and allows businesses and
adding his two-cents. One could
                                          Heavy, and costs only one third of its      stores. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau     government agencies to profit from
further argue that he certainly went
                                          competitor’s price.                         has decided to legalize marijuana,        mental health issues.
too far by changing our national
                                              The rocket is assembled with 3          which has been a long time wait for          Although, legalization can’t be
                                          Falcon 9 boosters, with a total of 27       Canadians. Prime Minister Trudeau’s       labeled as wholly negative.
   Perhaps the saddest part about all
                                          engines allowing it to generate 5           liberal party ruled that marijuana        Legalization will allow the sale and
of this is that the Prime Minister has
                                          million pounds of thrust, making it         would be legalized in the summer of       therefore taxation of marijuana. The
failed to realize that you cannot spell
                                          cable of lifting 64 metric tons, or 18,     2018, and the Health Department           additional tax revenue could be
“woman,” without “man.” You heard
                                          747 aircrafts, or 13,157,894 iPhones.       claimed that, "As previously              useful in creating social programs.
that right. Women have just become
                                          Due to all of this, the Falcon Heavy        indicated, the government of Canada       However, this immediate benefit will
                                          has the second highest payload of           intends to bring the proposed             be outweighed by increased health
  Oh... Canada…
                                          any SHLLV ever made. The                    Cannabis Act into force no later than     care costs if marijuana usage
                                          specifications of the Falcon Heavy          July 2018.''                              increases.
Reach for the Stars                       clearly prove it to be one of the most        Several provinces will sell marijuana      From a strictly economic view, I
Elon Musk Continues to Innovate           advanced SHLLVs and deserving of            from shops that are run by the            believe that the reduction in health
                                          the copious levels of intrigue they         provincial government, including          care costs through disease
By: Ben Nemirov                           have caused. But what has caused            Ontario, while the western provinces      prevention would far outweigh tax
                                          most of the excitement around the           of Manitoba and Alberta claimed that      revenue gained from selling
  “Reach for the stars” is a quote to     vehicle is its ability to be launched,      they will sell marijuana through          substances that harm health. This
inspire those who feel discouraged or     landed and reused. The ability of a         private businesses who require            applies to tobacco, alcohol, and
to motivate people strive for a           rocket to be reused is a major              designated licenses.                      marijuana. Unfortunately, healthcare
seemingly impossible goal. It is a        stepping stone for space exploration,         In Ontario, the legal age to            savings would not be realized for
quote to inspire people to work           especially when coupled with the            purchase marijuana will be 19 years       decades after political changes.
towards what they believe in. And, if     most powerful rocket worldwide. The         old. In other provinces, the legal age    Increases in tax revenues that will be
you’re Elon Musk, this quote is not       Falcon Heavy truly a feat of special        is 18 years old, but the provinces        seen now are a much more attractive
only something you have succeeded         advancements as its capabilities            have the option to raise the age if       prospect for a party that may not
in doing, but actually exceeded.          could, in the future, contribute to a       they so choose.                           even be in power ten years from
                                          stable travel system to other planets         The Ontario Government expects          now.
                                          and back.                                   there to be online distribution of           My experience of social media is
                                             In addition to his groundbreaking        marijuana available by July 2018, and     that there is a large movement of
                                          achievements with the Falcon Heavy,         150 stores open by the year 2020.         people who believe that marijuana

THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
use is harmless and only has positive     Lastly, it seems trivial to argue        majorly increases depression,
effects. Medical benefits are often       against marijuana usage just because     anxiety, psychosis, and other mood
cited as one of the major arguments       it may cause negative side effects.      disorders. Many people use
of this movement. Unfortunately,          Cigarettes give you lung cancer. Why     marijuana for its joy-filled and
these are the deluded opinions of         have something that causes cancer,       relaxing effects. Although, some
people who are only interested in         over something that could be used        people also experience feelings of
getting high without social               beneficially?                            fear and stress or paranoia when
repudiation. Positive uses for               Overall, in the future, I would       intoxicated. So, marijuana could be
cannabis are cherry picked to make        rather my child smoking marijuana        used to relieve anxiety or stress for
their point while dismissing negative     over cigarettes anyday.”                 some, while causing others to feel
points as conspiracy.                      -Ariela Shick, Grade 10 Student in      nervous/eager.
   Marijuana, along with most             Ulpanat Orot                               Due to this legalization, marijuana
psychoactive substances, has been            “I do agree with legalization and     will no longer be grouped with
shown to permanently interrupt            the government treating marijuana        dangerous drugs, such as cocaine and
normal brain development. This can        like any other controlled substance,     heroin. This legalization will create
lead to greater instances of mental       such as alcohol or cigarettes. All       hundreds of new jobs for
health problems such as                   these substances are potentially very    unemployed citizens, ultimately
schizophrenia, and decreased              harmful, and so are guns and             raising Canada’s economy. Through
capacity for concentration and            automobiles. The role of government      the research that I have done, I am
learning.                                 should be to protect the liberty of      certain that the positive attributions
   From a more holistic point of view,    the individual to decide how he          of this legalization have
the physical and mental health, and       conducts his own life, with the power    outnumbered the negative ones.
the standard of living of citizens        only to try and ensure that a person     - Raquel Soberano, Grade 10 Student
should be of greater importance than      with poor judgement does not harm        in Ulpanat Orot
the economic implications. Social         others.
programs, higher minimum wage,               This is beneficial for Canadians        Overall, it seems as though there is
community building, healthy lifestyle     because if we don't take seriously the   a never-ending stream of opinions
promotion, etc. will be of greater        idea of rights, we may as well not be    regarding the legalization of
benefit to the population and             a democracy. If our rights are indeed    marijuana in Canada. All of the
actually reduce the desire to make        inalienable, then they are not           opinions above are educational and
use of substances as an escape. It        transferable to any government. If       enlightening, and contrastive in their
would also create a healthier more        adults have a right to make a choice     own way. Until the legalization of
productive population which would,        for themselves that does not harm        marijuana occurs, nobody knows the
in turn, benefit the economy.”            another, that right must include the     impact it will leave on Canada and
 - Dr. Clapham, Bnei Akiva Schools        right to make the wrong choice.”         Canadian citizens.
Staff                                     - Mr. Rapp, Director of Education

 “I believe that the legalization of        “In my opinion, there are many
marijuana is beneficial in several        pros and cons with the legalization of
ways for the Canadian population.         marijuana. I believe that there will
Marijuana has been proven to treat a      be dramatic changes in Canada
lot of medical conditions which           socially and economically. The
ordinary medication could not. Some       Canadian government will be able to
of these conditions include epilepsy,     collect taxes from Canadian citizens
Crohn's disease, PTSD, and as well as     who choose to smoke marijuana.
different types of cancer.                Although, I believe that a portion of
Additionally, through the Canadian        the tax revenue should be used for
government’s selling of marijuana,        education, and programs for
the Canadian economy is predicted         substance abusers. Also, with the
to increase by 22.6 billion dollars.      legalization, there is a much lower
Another important point is that with      chance of contaminants being
the legalization of marijuana, it can     contained in marijuana, since there
now be purchased safely from a            will be government oriented stores
trusted resource. This will therefore     where you could safely purchase
prevent Canadians from purchasing         marijuana. When individuals
street drugs.                             purchase marijuana from drug
Recently there have been many             dealers, it creates more of a hazard.
reports of fentanyl-laced marijuana       For example, drug dealers might offer
in marijuana sold in the streets.         their buyer other illegal substances
Fentanyl is a highly addictive narcotic   they could purchase that are more
that many drug dealers lace               dangerous and addictive, such as
marijuana with. This is an easy way to    heroin, since many of them do not
ensure future business, as smoking        specialize in selling just one kind of
marijuana that is laced with fentanyl     drug.
will likely lead one to overdose, and       However, as much as this
potentially kill themselves. Hopefully    legalization could potentially impact
soon these dealers will lose all power    Canada positively, I am aware of the
with the presence government              negative changes that come with this
distributors.                             legalization. The usage of marijuana

THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
THE BASH - Bnei Akiva Schools
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