The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University

Page created by Vanessa Patterson
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
The Apollo Bay Trail
Evi Janse de Jonge

                 Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University

Introduction                                     construction of a trail between Skenes
The Great Ocean Road celebrates its              Creek and Fairhaven.
                                                                                                                                           Skenes Creek
100 year anniversary this year. The 243          The proposed shared walking and cycling
kilometre road was constructed along             trail aims for the following outcomes:
the Victorian coastline by World War I
returning soldiers and is therefore the          1. Connectivity
largest War Memorial in the world. The
road connected the once isolated towns,          •   Connect Great Ocean Walk with Skenes
which are now crowded by tourists. Last              Creek to Fairhaven trail
year, more than 6 million people drove           •   Connect Apollo Bay town centre with                                      Apollo Bay
the scenic drive.1 This immensive tourism            foreshore and existing trails
puts its pressure on the region. Besides,        •   Improve signage and route of the Great
climate change impacts the area heavily              Ocean Walk                                       Image 1: Proposed
and is expected to do so even more in the        •   Make the harbour easier to find and              connection between
                                                                                                      Great Ocean Walk        Marengo
near future. At various points, the road is          accessible for tourists and community
                                                                                                      (south) and currently
damaged by landslides and sanddunes                                                                   investigated trail
erode quickly.                                   2. Resilience                                        between Skenes                                      N
                                                                                                      Creek and Fairhaven
This project focuses on Apollo Bay and its       •   The trail is constructed with                    (north).
surrounding area within the Great Ocean              sustainable, locally produced material
Road region. Approximately 1600 people           •   At certain points along the beach, the
live permanently in this coastal town. The           trail can serve as a seawall to prevent
town experiences dramatic beach erosion              the beach and dunes from erosion
(image 2) and some areas are subject to          •   At other points, the trail will be elevated
flooding. It is also a popular lunch stop            and therefore allow for flooding
for daytrip tourists. In summer, around 30           underneath
buses stop in Apollo Bay at lunch time,
which puts its pressure on the currently         3. Economic benefits
existing infrastructure, such as toilets and
bins. The town also provides the start of        •   Attract tourists to Apollo Bay to stay
the world-famous Great Ocean Walk.                   overnight
                                                 •   Attract more hikers and cyclists to the
This project proposes a shared walking               Great Ocean Road region in general
and cycling trail along the foreshore of         •   Stimulate daytrip tourists to spend more
Apollo Bay to Marengo (image 1). The                 time in Apollo Bay and its harbour
trail will not only follow the beach, but will
also go out in the sea and inlands. The          4. Health benefits
trail can be used as an alternative route
for the first few kilometers of the Great        •   Encourage active modes of transport
Ocean Walk. It will connect with this walk       •   Provide a safer alternative route for         Image 2: Tuxion car
                                                                                                   park in Apollo Bay
in Marengo and on the northern end it will           cyclists who are now riding on The
                                                                                                   after a storm in June
connect with the currently investigated              Great Ocean Road                              2018.2
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
Regional map
Proposal within local setting

                                            Skenes Creek

                                                           1         Hotspot
                                                                     Great Ocean Walk
                                                                     Coastal Trail Study route
                                    1                                Proposed Trail type 1
                          Apollo Bay
                                                                     Proposed Trail type 2
                                                                     Proposed Trail type 3
                                                                     Proposed Trail type 4

                                                                     Urban Area

                                                                     Green area


                                                               0,2 0,5   1      2                4

Image 3
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
The current situation
Identifying the challenges of Apollo Bay
Apollo Bay faces several issues that this projects aims to address. The challenges are
classified into four broader topics; lack of connectivity, environmental vulnerability, the
costs but not the benefits of tourism and infrastructural congestion.

                                                                                                  Image 5 (left): Beach
                                                                                                  erosion in Apollo

                                                                                                  Image 6 (right):
1. Lack of connectivity                            2. Environmental vulnerability                 Beach access
                                                                                                  interrupted by Great
The world-famous Great Ocean Walk                  The beach of Apollo Bay experiences            Ocean Road.
starts right next to Apollo Bay’s tourist          dramatic erosion (image 8). On the
information centre on the foreshore. It is         northside of the town, fences have been
unclear however in which direction the             placed to prevent the existing footpath
trail commences. There is no clear path            from collapsing (image 5). Another
to follow and the route sometimes gets             environmental issue is the high chance
interrupted (image 7). The Apollo Bay’s            of flooding. This risk is mainly located on
Surf Lifesaving Club forms a major barrier         the southside of the town, between Apollo
on the route.                                      Bay and Marengo. With a sealevel rise
Another issue is the poor connection               of 2 meters, most of this area including
between the foreshore and the towns’               camping grounds and Apollo Bays’
mainstreet Collingwood St.                         recreation Reserve will be flooded.

                                                   3. The costs but not the benefits of tourism

                                                   Apollo Bay is a popular lunchstop for
                                                   daytrip tourists. Especially in peak
                                                   season, these tourists put pressure on
                                                   the existing infrastructure. Except for        Image 7: Great
                                                   lunch, tourists do not spend their money       Ocean Walk in Apollo
                                                   in Apollo Bay. The town lacks activities to
                                                   attract visitors to stay overnight. There is
                                                   also a lack of hiking and mountainbiking
                                                   trails starting from the town.3                                                     Skenes Creek
Image 4: Pedestrian crossings on Collingwood St.
                                                   4. Infrastructural congestion
The above image shows the only
two existing pedestrian crossings on               Most people visit the Great Ocean Road
Collingwood St. Especially on busy days            either by car or bus tour. Tourists often
this street gets conjested, resulting in           take the same route, entering Apollo
unsafe situations. There is also no paved          Bay on the Northside and then driving
                                                                                                                                                      Very high erodibility

footpath going to the harbour.                     through Collingwood St. to continue their                              Apollo Bay                  Moderate erodibility

Currently, the possible construction of a
                                                                                                                                                      Low erodibility
                                                   journey towards the Twelve Apostles.
new walking trail between Skenes Creek
                                                                                                                                                      Great Ocean Road
                                                   As mentioned before, Apollo Bay is a
and Fairhaven is being studied. This trail         popular lunch stop. In peak season,

will connect with the Surf Coast Walk, but         the town can not cope with the influx of                                                           Urban Boundary
there is a gap between Skenes Creek                automobiles. There is not enough parking                               Marengo
and Apollo Bay (image 3). There is no              and Collingwood St. gets very conjested.
                                                                                                                                                      Green Space             N

continuous footpath existent between                                                              Image 8: Erodibility
                                                   There is no adequate parking and bins                                                                 0,5   1        2     4
                                                                                                  of Apollo Bay’s
these towns.                                       and toilets are overused.                      coast.4
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
The four trail types
The Apollo Bay trail is a shared walking and cycling trail running between Skenes
Creek and Marengo (image 3). Inspired by the Brisbane Riverwalk, there is a dedicated
lane for both cyclists and pedestrians. The physical separation of both groups is very
important as research shows this increases safety and convenience for both groups.5
Depending on the specific location of the trail, it can take various forms to contribute
to the earlier outlined environmental outcomes and to provide an attractive scenic trail.
The exact locations of the trail types can be found on image 3. The images below each
type are case studies and can be used as an inspiration. The following four types of
trails are proposed:

1. Regular trail                                   2. Seawall                                                                                 3. Out in the ocean                             4. Elevated in wetland

The first type of trail is the most                Apollo Bay’s beach is subjected to heavy                                                   The third path type will be constructed out     The fourth type of trail is proposed to be
straightforward one. This type is proposed         erosion (image 8). In order to prevent                                                     in the ocean, close to the foreshore. As        constructed in the wetlands between
to be implemented within the Apollo Bay            the sand dunes and beach from erosion                                                      the ocean is rough, it is advised to create     Marengo and Apollo Bay. Here, the
Foreshore Reserve. Providing a main                and the trail from collapsing, the trail                                                   an elevated, anchored bridge with railing       Barham River meanders into the ocean
trail with smaller paths connecting the            could serve as a seawall along the coast                                                   on both sides. This type will be used to        and the landscape forms a green wedge
beach and Collingwood St., creates a               where there is very high erodibility. The                                                  get pedestrians and cyclists around the         between the two towns. The area is
clear hierarchy. By doing so, people can           design of this seawall should be done with                                                 Apollo Bay Golf Club and the Marengo            targeted by the Colac Shire Council as a
easily access the beach from the town.             consideration to the natural environment.                                                  Holiday park. Besides the scenic lookouts       priority flood risk area. If sea level rises
Continuing the trail on to the harbour                                                                                                        this trail will provide, the benefits of this   with 2 meters, this area will be completely
will stimulate visitors to walk or ride            The seawall in Vancouver shown                                                             type is to create a more convenient, high       flooded. By elevating the trail, the land
there, making Apollo Bay overall a more            below, could be taken as an example.                                                       standard and easier to follow route. It         below can still flood without damaging the
attractive and exctiting place to visit. It will   It is a Corten steel seawall with dune                                                     can be used as a subsitute for the Great        path. The path will also connect the two
also benefit the local economy, once the           grasses and pine shrubs. The costs                                                         Ocean Walk. The existing route of this          towns in times of flooding, whereas the
harbour has been redeveloped.                      are comparable to a standard concrete                                                      walk is not clearly marked and crosses          Great Ocean Road will be under water.
                                                   seawall. The Corten steel will dissolve                                                    a residential area of Apollo Bay. Once
                                                   after 75 to 100 years, making it “just as                                                  hikers arrive in Marengo, they have to
                                                   mutable as the rest of the water-mitigating                                                walk through a caravan park before a
                                                   boulders on the beach”.6                                                                   dedicated walking trail starts.

                                                                                                 Image 9 (left): The   Image 11 (left):
                                                                                                 Fredriksdal Quay,     Brisbane Riverwalk.9
                                                                                                                       Image 12 (right):
                                                                                                 Image 10 (right):     Pedreira do Campo,
                                                                                                 Seawall Vancouver.8   Portugal.10
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
Hotspot 1 - Apollo Bay foreshore Reserve                                                                                                   Map hotspot 1 - Apollo Bay foreshore Reserve
As shown on image 3, the proposed trail has three targeted hotspots. These are areas
that are interesting and attractive spots for tourists to visit. All three hotspots will be
presented on the next 6 pages, showing conceptual maps on the left page and more                                                                                                            Starting point Great Ocean
detailed maps and case studies on the right page.                                                                                                                                           Main route proposed trail
                                                                                                                                                                                            Connecting paths
                                                                                                                                                                                            proposed trail

                                                                                                                                                                                            Great Ocean Walk


                                                                                                                                                                                            Urban Boundary

                                                                                                                                                                                            Green Space

                                                                                               Image 13:
                                                                                               Conceptual aspired
                                                                                               connection Apollo    Image 15: Proposed
                                                                                               Bay and the          route Apollo Bay
                                                                                               foreshore.           Foreshore Reserve.

One of the major issues for Apollo Bay         paths connecting the trail with the beach
is the poor connection between the main        and Collingwood St. (image 15). The case
street and the foreshore. There are only       study about the Bow RiverWalk, could
two crossings for pedestrians (image 4),       serve as an inspiration.
resulting in chaos on Collingwood St. on                                                                                                   Case study: Bow RiverWalk
busy days. The proposed shared bicycle-        The new trail can be used as a substitute                                                   The City of Calgary aimed to give their
walking trail will go through Apollo Bay’s     for the Great Ocean Walk, which starts                                                      River District its own identity and a
foreshore Reserve. In order to attract         next to the Visitor’s Centre. It is important                                               sense of place. The RiverWalk was part
tourists, but also local residents to use      that there is clear signage provided.                                                       of a broader masterplan for the area
the proposed trail, the path needs to be       Besides road signs, more subtle signs                                                       and now serves as a commuter route
well-connected with Apollo Bay’s town          as shown below, could provide more                                                          for pedestrians and cyclists. The path
centre as well as the beach. There need        guidance.                                                                                   reconnects Calgary’s CBD and the East
to be more pedestrian crossings and the                                                                                                    Village District. It also provides a place for
trail needs to be visible from Collingwood                                                                                                 residents of the city to gather with fellow
St. The trail should also connect with the                                                                                                 citizens and enjoy the waterfront. The
existing cycling network in Apollo Bay to                                                                                                  design is resilient, preventing the area
allow riding residents to make use of the                                                                                                  from erosion, overflow and flooding by
trail.                                                                                                                                     using plants, bioengineering and concrete
                                                                                                                                           walls. The construction of the RiverWalk
The current pedestrian paths in the                                                                                                        costed nearly $25 million AUD, but the
Reserve are winding and there is no                                                                                                        overall profit outcomes of the districts’
hierarchy. The proposed trail is a wide,                                                                                                   Masterplan is estimated at almost a billion
                                                                                               Image 14: Signage    Image 16: Bow
major pathway in the area, with smaller                                                        Great Ocean Walk.    RiverWalk, Canada.11   dollars. 12
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
Hotspot 2 - Apollo Bay Harbour                                                                                                              Map hotspot 2 - Apollo Bay Harbour

                                                                                                                                                                          Apollo Bay Harbour

                                                                                                                                                       Nelson S           Bre
                                                                                                                                                               t.            akw

                                                                                                                                                                                               Main route proposed trail
                                                                                                                                                                                               Connecting paths
                                                                                                                                                                                               proposed trail

                                                                                                                                                                                               Great Ocean Walk

                                                                                                                                                                                               Golf course


                                                                                                                                                                                               Urban Boundary
                                                                                                Image 17 Aspired                                                                                                           N
                                                                                                                                                                                               Green Space
                                                                                                connection foreshore   Image 18: Proposed
                                                                                                Apollo Bay and the     route Apollo Bay
                                                                                                harbour.               Harbour.

The harbour of Apollo Bay is an important       The Apollo Bay trail is going to connect
hub in the region. Apollo Bay is the            the harbour with Apollo Bay’s town centre.
crayfish capital of the Great Ocean Road.       The trail will continue from the foreshore
The harbour has been built in the 1950s         Reserve on to Nelson St. To accomodate
and now has a heritage overlay. The             both cyclists and pedestrians and due
Colac Otway Shire Council is currently          to the limited space because of the golf                                                    Case study: Chek Jawa Boardwalk
working on a redevelopment plan for the         course, the best option is to implement the                                                 On a rustic island in Singapore, the Chek
precint. A couple of priority activities that   trail on Nelson St. and to make the street                                                  Jawa Boardwalk swings around the cape
are suggested to be implemented include         a one-way street for cars. The trail can                                                    out in the ocean. The trail is 1.1 kilometre
crayfish tours, a spa, a coffee shop and a      then commence via Breakwater Rd until it                                                    long and it is built in an intertidal area.
sailing club.13 The long-term goal of the       is going out in the ocean.                                                                  The construction was part of a longt-term
Council and the community is to make the                                                                                                    sustainable visitor management plan. The
harbour more economically viable and            It is important that tourists visiting Apollo                                               island has a rich biodiversity with fragile
attractive.                                     Bay are excited to visit the harbour and                                                    marine ecosystems. CPG Consultants
                                                that they are able to find it. The placement                                                designed the redeveloment of the area,
There is no paved footpath connecting the       of a monolith on the foreshore Reserve                                                      trying to have a minimal inpact on the
Apollo Bay town centre and foreshore with       with a map and the activities listed, could                                                 environment and keeping costs as low as
the harbour. There is a small opening on        help to attract more visitors. There should                                                 possible.15
the beach allowing people to walk up the        also be adequate bicycle parking facilities
pier, but this is not an accessible entrance    at the harbour.
for disabled people or parents with prams.
                                                                                                                       Image 19: Chek
The only alternative is to drive to the
                                                                                                                       Jawa boardwalk,
harbour.                                                                                                               Singapore.14
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
Hotspot 3 - The Backwater                                                                                                                Map hotspot 3 - The Backwater

                                                                                                                                                                    The Backwater

                                                                                                                                                         Mare                          Main route proposed trail

                                                                                                                                                                                       Great Ocean Walk
                                                                                                                                                                    Holiday            Great Ocean Road


                                                                                               Image 20: Aspired                                                                       Urban Boundary
                                                                                               connection Apollo                                                                                                   N
                                                                                                                                                                                       Green Space
                                                                                               Bay, The Backwater   Image 21: Proposed
                                                                                               and Great Ocean      route through The
                                                                                               Walk.                Backwater.
The Backwater forms the green wedge          The Apollo Bay trail is going to cross
between Apollo Bay and Marengo. This         the Great Ocean Road and the Barham
is the area wheren the Barham River          river on the north side. The trail will then
flows in the ocean. The wetland has          enter the wetlands. Because of the risk
an environmental significance overlay        of flooding and the soggy soil, the trail
because the vulnerable Australian            should be elevated (trail type 4). The trail                                                Case study: Pedreira do Campo
Grayling habitates in the river, migrating   will then join the coastline again closer to                                                The pedestrian bridge in Portugal is
between the ocean and the freshwater of      Marengo. It will swing around Marengo                                                       located on Vila Do Porto, a Portugese
the Barham River.                            Holiday Park, so that Great Ocean Walk                                                      island located in the Atlantic Ocean. The
                                             hikers do not have to cross the caravan                                                     site is a natural monument, known for its
The wetland is subject to flooding.          park anymore. The proposed trail can end                                                    oceanic fossils abundance. The goal of
Riverine flooding and flash flooding are     with stairs for pedestrians, and a turning                                                  the project is to preserve the landscape
the main risks. This usually happends        point for cyclists. A rest area for trail users                                             and its indentity and at the same time to
after heavy rainfall. Besides this current   could also be implemented here, with                                                        educate visitors. The organic form of the
threat, there is a long-term risk coming     a stunning view on the wild ocean, the                                                      structure stimulates the visual aspect. The
from the rising sealevel. With a sealevel    Marengo Reefs Marine Sanctuary and a                                                        trail ends with a viewpoint on the ocean.17
rise of 2 meters, most of this area          possible view on whales and other marine
including camping grounds and Apollo         wildlife.
Bays’ recreation Reserve will be flooded.

                                                                                                                    Image 22: Pedreira
                                                                                                                    do Campo,
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
Policy and planning analysis
The next four pages describe the planning implementation of the Apollo Bay trail. The
trail will be implemented on the short-term and managed by the newly established
Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority.

Planning Policy Framework                    ‘Rural Conservation Zone’. These zones
Within the Victorian Planning Provisions     and overlays recognize the quality and
there are several Planning Policy            importance of the environment. The
Framework documents that are relevent        coastline and foreshore of both Apollo
to this proposal. Clause 11.03-5R outlines   Bay and Marengo fall under the ‘Public                                                      Proposed trail
the objective, strategies and relevant       Conservation And Resource Zone’. This
                                                                                                                                         Road Zone Category 1
policy documents for the Great Ocean         zone is safe from private development and
Road region. Some of the key outcomes        serves to “provide facilities which assist in                                               Rural Conservation Zone

of the document relevant to the Apollo Bay   public education and interpretation of the
                                                                                                                                         Rural Activity Zone
trail are:                                   natural environment”.19
                                                                                                                                         Industrial 1 Zone
•   Manage the impact of development         The Apollo Bay’s Visitor Centre, the
    on catchments and coastal areas, the     Apollo Bay harbour, a tree and a fountain                                                   Public Use Zone

    environmental and cultural values of     located on the foreshore Reserve all                                                        Special Use Zone
    the area                                 have a heritage overlay. This means
                                             that it is highly unlikely that the Colac                                                   Neighbourhood
                                                                                                                                         Residential Zone
•   Encourage sustainable tourism and        Otway Shire Council will grant a permit
    resource                                 for developements that remove or affect
                                                                                                                                         General Residential Zone

                                             these structures.                                Image 23: Land                             Commercial Zone

•   Respect the character of coastal                                                          Zones and
    towns and promoting best practice        Connecting to the wider region                   Overlays.20
    design                                   The proposed trail length between Skenes
                                             Creek and Marengo is approximately                                                 Skenes
Zones and overlays                           10 kilometres. In order to create a                                                Creek
The whole of the foreshore and harbour       long distance route and multiple route
of Apollo Bay and Marengo is Crown           options for cyclists, it is important that the
Land. The Victorian State Government         proposed trail connects with the currently
is responsible for managing this Crown       investigated Skenes Creek to Fairhaven
Land and it should provide environmental,    Coastal Trail. A draft concept of this trail
social, cultural and economic benefits       has recently been published. The studied
to the people of Victoria.18 Most of the     trail is suitable for both walking and
proposed trail will be implemented on        mountainbike riding. There are several
Crown Land, except for the Backwater         concepts of mountainbike trails starting on
located between Marengo and Apollo Bay.      this proposed trail in Wye River and Lorne                            Apollo Bay
                                             that will connect with Forrest, a village in
The Backwater between Apollo Bay and         the Great Otway National Park, where
Marengo including some parts of the          many mountainbike trails are already
Great Ocean Road have a ‘Land Subject        existent. After the implementation of both                                                  Proposed trail
to Inundation’ Overlay. The Barham River     the Skenes Creek to Fairhaven trail and                            Marengo                  Government roads
and its surrounding has an ‘Environmental    the proposed Apollo Bay trail, the trails                                                                             N
Significance Overlay’ and a ‘Significant     should be included in current trail maps,                                                   Crown Land
                                                                                              Image 24: Crown
Landscape Overlay’. It falls under the       tourism websites and brochures.                  Land.21
The Apollo Bay Trail Evi Janse de Jonge - Student no: 29968895, UPD4002 The Ecological City, Monash University
Governance and timeline

                                                                  The Great Ocean Road                                Present final project plan                                                                        Survey use of trail,
             The Great Ocean Road                                Coast and Parks Authority                             and inform community                                                                         investigate further changes
            Coast and Parks Authority                            advocates for federal and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and expension of routes
                  commences               Develop draft plan      state government funds
                                                                                                        Start community
                                                                                                          consultation                                                                        Opening Apollo
                                                                                                                                                                                                Bay trail
                                                                                     Create final project
  2020                          2021                                2022                               2023                           2024                               2025                            2026                        2027

                                                                                                                                      Construction trail
                                                                          Process community                                             commences
                                                                              feedback                         Process community
                                                             Start community                                  consultation feedback
                              Undertake trail study            consultation

Responsible authority                          •   Manage, protect, rehabilitate and                                                               Although the exact areas of coverage           as the environmental challenges are
Flowing from the Great Ocean Road                  foster resilience of the natural, cultural                                                      yet has to be decided, the fact that           currently forming a risk for Apollo Bay.
Action Plan, the Victorian Government              and heritage values of coastal Crown                                                            the new authority is going to manage           Tourism is expected to grow only more in
recently announced the establishment               land and marine waters along the                                                                coastal Crown land and marine waters           the next years and it is important for the
of a new and independent statutory                 Great Ocean Road                                                                                along the Great Ocean Road makes               township to receive the benefits from this
authority: “The Great Ocean Road Coast                                                                                                             this project fall under the responsibility     tourism, instead of only paying the costs.
and Parks Authority”. Over the past years,     •   Environmentally sustainable visitation                                                          of The Great Ocean Road Coast and
a transparant and decisive overarching             management for the National                                                                     Parks Authority. The trail also addresses      Community engagement
authority has been missing. There are              Heritage listed length of the Great                                                             all three purposes outlined by the State       Apollo Bay has a strong and engaged
currently 11 different authorities in charge       Ocean Road to improve the visitor                                                               Government and would therefore be a            community. For the quality of the
of different locations in the area. Not one        experience and manage visitation                                                                good first project for the new authority. It   proposed trail and the community as a
agency has the authority to manage land            ‘hot spots’ a ‘coordinator-general’                                                             is expected that the authority commences       whole, it is important to receive feedback
and waters along the full length of the            like function to coordinate the timely                                                          mid to late 2020. Traditional Owners will      from community members. Community
Great Ocean Road.                                  and efficient delivery of government                                                            be part of the board of the new Authority.     engagament will be organized twice
                                                   investment (such as visitor facilities                                                          The new Authority will have community          throughout the project process. This
The purpose of the new authority                   and infrastructure), to minimise the                                                            and environment advisory committees            should take various forms, such as an
is outlined by the Victorian State                 resultant disruption and inconvenience                                                          appointed at a later date.                     online platform, a presentation night and
Government as follow:                              to travellers and local communities,                                                                                                           drop-in sessions at various times and
                                                   and to deliver government                                                                       Timeline                                       locations in Apollo Bay, Marengo, Colac
                                                   construction projects                                                                           The above timeline shows the general           and Skenes Creek.
                                                                                                                                                   timeframe the project should be
                                               •   To recognise and protect the land and                                                           completed within. It is important that the
                                                   ocean of the area.22                                                                            project gets carried out on the short-term,
1        Martin, L. (2019). After 100 years, the Great Ocean Road is feeling the strain. The
Guardian. Retrieved from:
2        Fillmore, P. (2018). Large stretches of beach at Apollo Bay and Marengo were washed
away in winter storms. ABC News. Retrieved from:
3        Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism Ltd. (2018). Apollo Bay. Destination Action
Plan 2018-2020. Retrieved from:
4        CoastAdapt (2019). Coastal Risk Australia. Retrieved from:
5        Hatfield, J., & Prabhakharan, P. (2016). An investigation of behaviour and attitudes rele-
vant to the user safety of pedestrian/cyclist shared paths. Transportation research part F: traffic
psychology and behaviour, 40, 35-47.
6        Mortice, Z. (2015). A Seawall That Proves Strong Infrastructure Can Be Pretty, Too.
Retrieved from:
7        Nivå Landskapsarkitektur (n.d.). Fredriksdalskajen. Retrieved from: http://landezine.
8        Swanky, T. (2015). Metamorphous-by-Paul-Sangha-Landscape-Architecture-08. Re-
trieved from:
9        Brisbane City Council (2019). An artist’s impression of the Botanic Gardens River-
walk. Retrieved from:
10       Silva, A. (2014). Pedreira Do Campo Urban Planning. ArchDaily. Retrieved from: https://
11       Stantec. (2017). Bow RiverWalk Case Study. Canadian Urban Strategies. Retrieved
12       Stantec. (2017). Bow RiverWalk Case Study. Canadian Urban Strategies. Retrieved
13       Essential Economics Pty Ltd (2017). Apollo Bay Harbour Precinct Market Testing.
Retrieved from:
14       Koh, J., Prasad, V.J.M. (2014). Chek Jawa. Singapore Infopedia. Retrieved from: http://
15       Koh, J., Prasad, V.J.M. (2014). Chek Jawa. Singapore Infopedia. Retrieved from: http://
16       Silva, A. (2014). Pedreira Do Campo Urban Planning. ArchDaily. Retrieved from: https://
17       Silva, A. (2014). Pedreira Do Campo Urban Planning. ArchDaily. Retrieved from: https://
18       Victoria State Government (2013). Victorian Crown Land Area Statement. Retrieved
19       Victoria State Government (2019). Public Conservation and Resource Zone. Retrieved
20       Victoria State Government (2019). VicPlan. Retrieved from:
21       Victoria State Government (2013). Victorian Crown Land Area Statement. Retrieved
22       Victoria State Government (2018). Great Ocean Road Action Plan. Department of Envi-
ronment, Land, Water and Planning. Retrieved from:
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