The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition

Page created by Roger Woods
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
The Albion Academy Headteacher
Newsflash 13th Edition
Friday 10th December 2021

Preparing for the weeks and months ahead
On Wednesday evening the Prime Minister discussed with the nation covid Plan B in response to the
growing concern around the Omicron variant that is starting to lead to a rise in cases across Salford,
Manchester and the rest of the country.

As ever we are doing our best to mitigate the spread of covid; good hand hygiene, use of face masks,
regular LFTing and requesting PCR tests if your child has any symptoms.

We have also been asked to look over our previous plans when we had the pupils in year group bubbles.
This is something we may have to revert to when we return in January so it is right that I mention this to
you all now so that if I have to contact you over the Christmas break you can refer back to this
Newsletter as the point at which I told you this could happen.

Unfortunately, like with the current rota situation there are somethings that happen and are simply out
of our control; a sudden increase in staff absences leaves us with some very difficult decisions to make.
It is never our intention to cause issues or problems for our parents and carers but when faced with
trying to run a school with very high absences doing basic things like covering lessons or duty points at
breaks and lunch times becomes difficult.

Currently Monday 13th looks like we will need to continue with a rota with absences, hopefully,
improving by Wednesday 15th. Monday 13th we will rota Year 9 to learn from home. Tuesday 14th we
will rota Year 7 to learn from home.

Proposed plan for January 2022 – staggered return and testing
The proposed plan in-line with current Department for Education advice which we will finalise and
confirm with you by the end of next week is currently as follows. Pupils begin to return on Wednesday
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
5th January 2022 for Years 7, 10 and 11 to come on site at specified times, take their covid test, return
home except Year 11 who will remain on site and continue with their GCSE studies. Years 8 and 9 to
remain at home and complete online learning. Thursday 6th January 2022 for Years 8 and 9 to come
onto site at specified times, take their covid test, return home. Year 11 to be on site from 08:40 to
continue with their GCSE studies. Years 7 and 10 to remain at home and complete online learning.
Should there be no further covid interruptions we expect that by Friday 7th January 2022 for all pupils to
return to full time, on site learning. Which means that children should be on site by 08:40, ready for
08:45 Form Time. If you arrive to school after 08:45 you are late.

Are your details correct?

Each time you change your phone number or address it helps us to keep track so we can make sure our
systems are up to date. To keep us in the loop you can use this online form which will do it all

Mr J Roberts

Head Teacher
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
Co-curricular Timetable - Half Term 2
       Day                   CLUB (weekly unless stated)                     Teacher        Room
     Monday                                       NO CLUBS – STAFF TRAINING
     Tuesday                    Archery – (KS3 Invite only)                    LLE        Sports Hall

                                 Football Club (Year 7 & 8)                   SMA          Astroturf

                                  Netball Club (All Years)                     CTO          MUGA

                               Drama “Matilda Rehearsals”                    ECA/EMC     Drama Studio

                                 Science STEM Club (KS3)                      HDU            F24

                                   SPARX Catch Up Club                        MGH            F10

                                  MFL Language Nut Club                        AFA           F20
   Wednesday               Drama “Matilda Rehearsals” (Week B)               ECA/EMC     Drama Studio

                                RAF Cadets (Year 9, 10, 11)                  JWA/RWA         F01

    Thursday                     Judo (Year 8 - invite only)                  AWA         Sports Hall

                               Girls Football Club (All years)                 LLE         Astroturf

                            My Language Club (All year groups)                MAL            F02

                          Year 10 Spanish Conversation (Week A)                SCO           F22

                              KS3 MFL Culture Club (Week B)                    SCO           F22

                               Computing Club (Year 7 and 8)                   PND           G13

                                       Art Club (KS3)                        PLE/AHO         G14

                                    RAF Cadets (Year 8)                      JWA/RWA         F01

                                 Seneca Club (Years 7-10)                      ESC            FIT

                                Seneca Lunch Club (Year 11)                    ESC           F29

                               Drama “Matilda Rehearsals”                    ECA/EMC     Drama Studio
      Friday                    Basketball Club (Years 9-11)                   RBE        Sports Hall

                                     Dance (ALL Years)                         CTO       Dance Studio

                             Boys Football Club (Year 9,10,11)                AWA          Astroturf

                               Tag Rugby League (Year 7 & 8)                   MFE          MUGA

                                    LGBTQ+ Pride Club                          RST           F17

                                   Creative Writing Club                       AAJ           F15

Attendance Matters – Every day counts
Difficult week as can be seen in the chart below. We have had lots of pupils going for PCR tests due to
showing symptoms of cold/flu/covid so naturally ruling out covid is really important but despite these
issues we still have instances where parents are keeping children off because it is their birthday. We
need you in every single day, on time, Ready To Learn by 08:40am.

      Year            Monday              Tuesday                Wednesday    Thursday        Friday
        7              86%                  90%                    91%          89%            88%
        8              91%                  90%                    85%          83%           100%
        9              82%                  82%                    81%          100%           73%
       10              90%                  90%                    89%          89%            83%
       11              87%                  86%                    85%          88%            85%
      WS               87%                  88%                    87%          87%            82%
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
Standards and expectations
Uniform Reminders

Each week via the NewsFlash we give you links to the website that tells you exactly what the uniform
expectations are. We have handed out 30 ties this week, mainly to the same children. Please ensure
that your child is dressed correctly each day before they leave home.

Mal's uniform shop is open each day and carries most of the school uniform stock.

                           Equipment - Ready to Learn

                           We ask that children have simple, basic equipment so that they can quickly
                           get involved in their learning from the first minute to the very last. Two
                           pens, a pencil, a small ruler and a bag is the very basic we expect. Again,
                           your child being responsible for their learning and preparing their bags the
                           night before will establish good habits and routines for life. There isn't a
                           problem we cannot solve when we work together.

School uniform information

You can find our school uniform using this link
which also includes links to uniform providers. Each week
we include images of acceptable school shoes so you know
what to buy your child, to make it easier we have identified
the most common styles of shoes in a green circle.

Mobile phones: Not seen or heard

                       To be absolutely clear about the rule around mobile phone use at the Albion is
                       quite simple; mobile phones are not seen or heard. If they are we keep them
                       until the end of the school day and return them to your child. This is not
                       negotiable, we do not negotiate with children if they have been seen with their
                       phone so please stress the importance to your child that if they are choosing to
                       take their phone into our school they do so under the condition that mobile
                      phones are not seen or heard.
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
Bedrock Big-Shots
A massive huge effort across Years 7, 8 and 9 over
the half term and this week. Everyone who has
done that little bit of extra learning should be
incredibly proud of what they have achieved.
Huge well done to the following children who have
topped the leader board in their year group this
week; Emmanuela A in Year 7, Ameena HB in Year
8 and Betiel in Year 9 have all topped their year
groups. A massive well done to Betiel again this week in Year 9 for topping the Whole School chart with
266 points.
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
Maths: Sparx Superstars
Every week your child is set homework on
either Sparx, Hegarty Maths or Dr Frost. If
your child is struggling with their homework,
they can attend our Sparx Superstars
homework club on a Tuesday at 3pm and get
help from a Mathematics teacher.

We are extremely proud of how hard our students work in Mathematics and would like to share with
you our top students and classes for this week.

We would also like to share with you our top 5 performing classes this week for Sparx.

A huge well done to these five classes. Mr Russell’s 7L1 & 9L2, Miss Robinson’s 7L2, Mr Ghulam’s 8L2
and finally Mr Ferdinand’s 8L1.

Please help us support your child by encouraging good homework routines. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
Year 11 Information
Reminder that our year 11 Virtual Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 16th December 3:30 –
6:30. This is an important evening and will provide you with an opportunity to speak to your
child’s subject teachers. The virtual event will be conducted using an online system called “School Cloud”.
To book your virtual appointment please visit . To login you will need the
following information: Student’s First Name, Student’s Surname and Student's DoB.

The ability to make/amend appointments will close on Wednesday 15th December. Should you wish to
make any changes after this date please contact the school office. If you do not have access to the
internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to add a telephone appointment on your
behalf. Alternatively, in the event that technical difficulties are encountered the member of teaching staff
will call you directly during your time slot. As always, we will continue to communicate whole school
updates via Twitter (@AlbionAcademy) and via the school website ( where you
will be able to find the “Parent’s guide for booking appointments”.

Year 11 SMUG Nominations and Awards
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
Seneca Super Stars
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
The Albion Academy Headteacher Newsflash 13th Edition
Safeguarding updates
If you are worried or concerned about a child please read
the information below.

So in terms of Albion Academy pupils we have a contact
email address please title
the email SAFEGUARDING CONCERN or alternatively
phone the main switchboard 0161 359 6100 and ask to
speak to the Safeguarding Team (Ms Clark - Designated
Safeguarding Officer, Ms Lawman Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Officer and Ms Waheed Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Officer).

But what if they do not go to the Albion and you don’t know which school they go to? Well, Salford
Council has some excellent advice and guidance on what you should do and how you can go about
reporting something that does not look or sound right.

This link will take you directly to the worried about a child site on the council website:

Parent Guides - This week:
The online link to the guides can be found here:

Alongside individual skill, impressive teamwork and some truly
epic matches, one of the most enjoyable things about this
summer’s European football championships has been the
sense of sportsmanship and fair play. Players have competed
fiercely, but they’ve (mostly) remembered that they’re
representing their country – and that bad behaviour,
dangerous play or outright cheating tends to last in people’s
memories for a long time after tournaments are over. The
same is true of how we act online – one error of judgement or
loss of control might only take a second, but can have results
that are difficult to forget. Instead, just like the heroes of the
Euros, we should aim for people to see us and feel proud and inspired. So, in a five-a-side line-up (with
five “dos” and five “don’ts”), here are our top tips for playing fair online.

In this guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as online strangers, hurtful messages
and an overspending of time online.
Counselling services available in the community and online

                                        The external services below are also recommended for use
                                        outside of the school’s working hours.

                                        The Mix

                                        Offers a mix of support and interventions that support young
                                        people under the age of 25. The following services are available

- helplines – via phone or email

- crisis support – via text

42nd Street

Offers a range of services and interventions for those in the Greater Manchester region

- Online support via chat rooms and live text chat

- 1:1 chat support

- Counselling service

- CBT intervention


Offers a range of services and interventions

- 1:1 chat support

- Counselling service


Offers a free text service that specialises in the following

- Depression – Anxiety – Abuse - Panic attacks - Suicidal thoughts - Self – Harm – Relationship problems
– Bullying
Important dates - Next week
(13.12.2021) is Week B

December 2021

Wednesday 15th – Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner and Christmas Reward Day.

Thursday 16th – Year 11 Parents Evening 3:30 – 6:30 (Virtual event

Friday 17th - Last day of term – finish at 12:30

January 2022

Tuesday 4th – INSET Day - No pupils on site

Wednesday 5th – Proposed Mass Testing for Years 7, 10 & 11 ONLY. Years 8 & 9 at home.

Thursday 6th – Proposed Mass Testing for Years 8 & 9 ONLY. Years 7 & 10 at home.

Friday 7th – Proposed full return of all pupils back to full time learning.

Friday 28th – INSET Day – No pupils on site


Any symptoms of covid or just not feeling well - GET A PCR TEST (not the lateral flow quick tests).

Social media

                                            Remember you can follow us on Twitter
@albionacademy or on YouTube ‘TheAlbionAcademySalford’

Have you got the Arbor App?
We will be relaunching our Arbor app as the main method of communication.
We currently have 60% of parents who logged on at least once to the app we
would like all of our parents to have the app so we can communicate with you
in a much easier fashion. That has been another increase from previous 55%.

You will receive a link to enable you to log on and reset your password this will only work if you have a
valid email address.
You could download the app via the App Store or the Google play store.

Here is the link on Google Play store:

Here is the link on the Apple App store:

School footwear
In order to help you make sure that your child is in the correct shoes we have created these images for
boys and girls footwear options so you never need to be fooled into buying black trainers in the ‘School
Shoes’ section from shops again. We have circled the most popular styles in green…
You can also read