THE AFRICA eJOURNAL - Corporate Council on Africa

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THE AFRICA eJOURNAL - Corporate Council on Africa

                                                                                                         A NEWSLETTER BY THE
                                                                                                  CORPORATE COUNCIL ON AFRICA

                                                                                                              IN THIS ISSUE

                                               predicted to remain over 3 percent, slightly higher             CCA HIGH-LEVEL DIALOGUE
                                                                                                               WITH SEAN CAIRNCROSS,
                                               than the global average, fueled by high growth rates
                                                                                                               CEO, MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE
                                               in many countries (for example, Cote d’Ivoire,                  CORPORATION - P.2
                                               Ethiopia, Ghana and Rwanda each had about 7%
                                               GDP growth in 2019, according to the World Bank.)
                                                                                                                NEXT STEPS IN U.S –
                                               Dr. Zeufack predicted that four of the fastest                   KENYA FREE TRADE
  PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE                          growing economies in the world will still be in Africa           NEGOTIATIONS - P.3
        BY FLORIZELLE LISER                    in 2020 and that African countries continue to top
                                               the list of global economic reformers. There is new              A BUSINESS BREAKFAST
                                               optimism in Sudan and Ethiopia and hopes for                     AND ROUNDTABLE ON
  Happy New Year and greetings from CCA!
                                                                                                                COMBATING HEPATITIS
  We started the year with our annual          peaceful 2020 elections in Ethiopia, Cote d’Ivoire,
                                                                                                                IN AFRICA - P.4
  economic outlook in Africa – providing       Ghana and Tanzania.
  CCA members and stakeholders with the                                                                 the corona virus is a new source of
  major economic trends expected on the        However, the continent also faces some major             significant uncertainty and concern, for
  continent in 2020. Dr. Albert Zeufack,       challenges. South Africa, Nigeria and Angola – which     Africa as in the rest of the world.
  Chief Economist for Africa at the World      together make up 60% of Africa’s GDP – continue to
  Bank, our annual speaker and foremost        show tepid growth. Global economic uncertainty,          Notwithstanding these concerns, I pointed
  expert on Africa’s economy, painted a        declining commodity prices, the effects of climate       out in a speech at Georgetown
  mixed picture of the continent’s economic    change and slow investment growth are drags on           University’s Africa Business Conference on
  health – and that’s where my thinking is     Africa’s overall economic prospects. Rising debt         February 1 that the African Continental
  as well as we start the new decade.          levels are also a big concern. There has been uneven     Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) holds
                                               progress in poverty reduction, compounded by             great promise for more intra-African as
  There are many reasons to cheer in Africa.   governance challenges.        Locust swarms in East      well as global trade and investment. But
  Overall GDP growth on the continent is       Africa (and now Congo) pose a worrying threat and        with the lowest level of overall foreign
                                                                                                                             ...continued on page 7
THE AFRICA eJOURNAL - Corporate Council on Africa


From L to R: Ade Johnson, Winston and Strawn LLP, Sean Cairncross,       From L to R: Florizelle Liser, CCA moderates a fireside chat with
                     MCC, Florizelle Liser, CCA                                    Sean Cairncross, MCC, Florizelle Liser, CCA

On February 19, 2020, Corporate Council on         be in the program. Failure to meet              Cairncross    encouraged      U.S.
Africa hosted a High-Level Dialogue                this requirement could lead to the              companies to bid on MCC-funded
featuring Sean Cairncross, CEO of the              scale down or even termination of               projects. MCC stresses best value,
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC),            funding.                                        not lowest price, which often
who spoke about the agency’s priorities,                                                           means U.S. companies are more
particularly in Africa.                            MCC compacts average about $350                 competitive.
                                                   million but can scale up to $800
Mr. Cairncross started the dialogue by             million. They work with partner                 He outlined how MCC programs
introducing MCC as an independent and              countries and their economic                    (compacts and the earlier phase
innovative U.S foreign assistance agency           teams to develop compacts that                  Threshold Programs) are an
created by Congress in the George W. Bush          focus    on     addressing   core               alternative to China’s model for
administration in 2004, with currently about       constraints to economic growth.                 development, by bringing country
70 percent of its portfolio in Africa. The                                                         ownership, economic growth, and
agency’s main goal is to reduce poverty                                                            sustainability to a country through
through economic growth, focusing on low-                                                          institutional change.
and low-middle income countries. MCC
priorities include improving markets for                                                           As the event rounded off,
private capital, increasing public-private                                                         Cairncross stated that he wants
partnerships     and     blended     finance,                                                      MCC during his tenure to form
strengthening human capital, encouraging                                                           successful          public-private
innovation and smart risk taking, improving                                                        partnerships, with private capital
governance      and    accountability,   and                                                       at the front end of projects, and
enhancing institutional reforms.                                                                   policies that focus on women’s
                                                                                                   economic empowerment.
Cairncross noted that good governance and            From L to R: Florizelle Liser, CCA, Sean
accountability are crucial for countries to be                  Cairncross, MCC
THE AFRICA eJOURNAL - Corporate Council on Africa

                                                                                                  A successful U.S.-Kenya FTA will stand as a
                                                                                                  landmark for East Africa and for all of

                                                                                                  Kenya's      Principal    Secretary,    State
                                                                                                  Department of Trade, Amb. Johnson Weru
                                                                                                  appreciated       the    synergy     between
                                                                                                  Government and private sector, adding
                                                                                                  that the government is willing to walk this
                                                                                                  journey together with the private sector.
                                                                                                  “As we speak there is a government team
                                                                                                  that is also dissecting the deliberations that
    From L to R: AmCham CEO Maxwell Otieno, KEPSA Director Brenda Mbathi, CCA President           took place in Washington last week. Kenya
    and CEO Florizelle Liser, KEPSA CEO Carole Karuga, PS Trade Johnson Weru, KEPSA Director      has a great appetite for this opportunity.”
              Graham Shaw & Former KEPSA Chair Vimal Shah | Photo Credit: KEPSA
On February 13, 2020, Corporate Council on         “We would like to use this platform to         Dr. Ruth Kagia, Senior Advisor, in the Office
Africa (CCA), in partnership with Kenya Private    provide regular updates on ongoing             of the President, appreciated the
Sector Alliance (KEPSA) hosted a roundtable        negotiations,    ensure     private  sector    discussion that took place in Washington
discussion with Kenyan and U.S. business leaders   participation and support, and extract real    pointing out that this has the highest
and government officials to explore how the        time opportunities for businesses.”            political support.
private sector can support this bilateral effort
and take full advantage of investment and trade    KEPSA CEO, Ms. Carole Karuga, in her           A Kenya-U.S. FTA would build on the
opportunities that will arise from a Kenya-U.S.    opening remarks emphasized the importance      success Kenya has experienced in
Free Trade Agreement.                              of growth of the FTA between Kenya and the     producing and exporting a range of value-
                                                   USA, stating that the increased trade          added products to the U.S. market under
This comes as a follow-up to the recent visit of opportunity for export and import would          the African Growth and Opportunity Act
H.E. President Kenyatta to the United States, lead to growth of business.                         (AGOA), while enhancing two-way trade,
during which the U.S. and Kenyan Government                                                       strengthening commercial cooperation,
announced the launch of talks aimed at Ms. Karuga pointed out that Kenya is the                   and spurring investment into key sectors.
establishing a free trade agreement (FTA) leader of the East African Community and
between the two countries. If successful, it would went further to underscore that Kenya,         KEPSA and CCA signed an MoU to promote
be the first U.S. FTA with a sub-Saharan African among the businesses in Africa participating     mutual interests through cooperation in
nation and potentially a model the United States in global trade, is leading the pack.            the promotion of trade and investment
will use to enhance its trade and investment                                                      opportunities in Kenya. It emphasizes the
relationship with other African countries.         “Kenya should draw lessons from Morocco        need to explore opportunities between
                                                   on the challenges and opportunities that are   Kenya and the U.S. against the backdrop of
Ms. Florizelle Liser, President and CEO of the emerging with the free trade agreement             the commencement of the free trade
Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), noted that a between them and the US in order to learn         agreement negotiations between Kenya
Kenya-U.S. FTA could build on Kenya's success in and eventually do better,” she urged.            and USA.
trading value-added products under the African
Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). "It is also U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Kyle McCarter             Free trade increases prosperity for the
an opportunity" she said, "for the private sectors who spoke at the event said: “We look          citizens of all participating nations by
of both the U.S. and Kenya to deepen trade and forward to working together to create a free-      allowing consumers to buy more, better-
investment ties in key sectors from energy to trade agreement that allows Kenyan and              quality products at lower costs. It drives
banking, construction, ICT/digital trade, health, American businesses to benefit from             economic growth, enhances efficiency,
manufacturing and services trade."                 increased access to each other’s markets and   increases innovation, and seeks greater
                                                   one where both our consumers will enjoy        fairness that accompanies a rules-based
Ms. Liser mentioned that the roundtable was greater prosperity through expanded choice            system. These benefits increase as overall
the first of many that CCA plans on hosting and competition within the marketplace.               trade increases.
with KEPSA as a long-time partner.
THE AFRICA eJOURNAL - Corporate Council on Africa

                         HEPATITIS IN AFRICA

From L to R: Mr. Bassem Bibi, Abbot, Florizelle Liser, CCA, H.E. Aïssata
                                                                            From L to R: Zouera Youssoufou, Dangote Foundation moderates a
  Issoufou Mahamadou, Republic of Niger, Minister Dr. Idi Illiassou
                                                                              fireside chat with H.E. Aïssata Issoufou Mahamadou, First Lady,
 Mainassara, Niger, Amb. Jessye Lapenn, U.S. Mission to the African
                                                                                                      Republic of Niger
             Union, Dr. Papa Salif Sow, Gilead Sciences

  On February 11th, CCA hosted a ‘Business              new declaration. Each year 1.4                  Treatment       in   Africa.    The
  Breakfast and Roundtable on Combating                 million people die from hepatitis B             declaration places investing in
  Hepatitis in Africa’ on the sidelines of the          and C, which has increased 22                   viral hepatitis elimination high on
  2020 African Union Summit. The roundtable             percent since 2000. In 2016, 47                 African governments agendas. It
  convened a select group of roughly 60 high-           African Governments adopted the                 seeks to scale-up care and
  level U.S. and African decision makers from           Africa Regional Framework for                   antiviral treatment for people
  the public and private sectors. The program           Hepatitis Control (2016-2020), which            with viral hepatitis as well as
  included special remarks from H.E. Aïssata            called for Member States to develop             increase domestic funding and
  Issoufou Mahamadou, First Lady, Republic of           and implement Hepatitis-specific                the number of trained health
  Niger; H.E. Amira El Fadil, Commissioner for          National Strategic Plans. To date,              providers to prevent deaths in
  Social Affairs, African Union Commission;             only 18 countries have formulated a             the medium and long-term.
  H.E. Dr. Idi Illiassou Mainassara Minister of         national hepatitis strategic plan.
  Public Health, Niger and Amb. Jessye Lapenn,                                                          The roundtable included a
  U.S. Ambassador, U.S. Mission to the African          At this year’s AU Summit, Heads of              moderated      discussion    on
  Union as well as Mr. Bassem Bibi, VP and              State adopted the Cairo Declaration             leveraging PPPs to combat
  General Manager, Infectious Disease - Africa,         on Hepatitis Prevention, Care and               hepatitis which was moderated
  Rapid Diagnostics, Abbott and Dr. Papa Salif                                                          by Michael Ninburg, President,
  Sow,    VP       Program   Development     &                                                          World Hepatitis Alliance and a
  Management, Access Operations & Emerging                                                              fireside chat with H.E. Aïssata
  Markets, Africa/Geneva, Gilead Sciences.                                                              Issoufou Mahamadou, First Lady,
  Government representatives from Chad,                                                                 Republic of Niger and Zouera
  Mali, Zimbabwe, Burundi, Ethiopia and                                                                 Youssoufou, Managing Director
  Mozambique also attended.                                                                             and CEO, Dangote Foundation.
                                                                                                        During    her    remarks,   H.E.
  The purpose of the roundtable was to                                                                  Mahamadou appealed to H.E.
  discuss strategies aimed at achieving the                                                             Amira El Fadil and the private
  AU’s political declaration to eradicate                                                               sector to mobilize resources for
  hepatitis in Africa, which was launched at                                                            Africa to achieve its goal of
  this year’s AU Summit. The roundtable                                                                 eliminating viral hepatitis by
  featured keynote remarks from H.E. El Fadil                                                           2030.    The   roundtable   was
  who highlighted the rising threat of viral             H.E. Amira El Fadil, Commissioner for Social   sponsored by Abbot and Gilead
  hepatitis in the region, and the goals of the               Affairs, African Union Commission         Sciences.
THE AFRICA eJOURNAL - Corporate Council on Africa

                   DEPARTMENT OF STATE

From L to R: Cherine Yassien, Medtronic, Ambassador Deborah L. Birx,
                                                                        A cross section of delegates at the health working group meeting
 U.S. Department of State, Florizelle Liser, CCA, Morayor Essieh, CCA

On February 4, 2020, Corporate Council on         address structural barriers to the prevention, PEPFAR has invested $4
Africa (CCA) hosted “A Roundtable                 implementation of preventative efforts. billion in male HIV/AIDS prevention and
Discussion with Ambassador Deborah L.                                                      $1 billion on female HIV/AIDS
Birx, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator & Special      Ambassador Birx highlighted the prevention. PEPFAR is also a partner in
Representative      for    Global      Health     importance of political leadership in The DREAMS Partnership Program
Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State.” CCA         African countries in ensuring that their which addresses the needs of young
President and CEO, Florizelle Liser, gave the     policies will allow money to translate women through market segmentation.
welcome remarks followed by opening               into action. She acclaimed Namibia’s As of 2019, DREAMS has reached 1.5
remarks from Cherine Yassien, Principal,          success in treating and diagnosing HIV million adolescent girls and young
International Relations – EMEA and LATAM,         through political will and the use of women with critical comprehensive HIV
Medtronic, Inc. Co-Chair CCA Health               data.                                    prevention.
Working Group.
                                                  The PEPFAR platform drives health             During the Q&A, Birx acknowledged
Ambassador Deborah L. Birx, M.D., U.S.            improvements by providing guidance            that there are coalitions of African
Global AIDS Coordinator and Special               through leadership, making program            governments willing to segment their
Representative      for    Global     Health      data reliable, ensuring communities are       needs and start outsourcing. She
Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State kicked        at the forefront of planning and              advised that this should be done
off her presentation by outlining the work        implementation, and defining actual           through strengthening local logistical
of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS        costs. Three of PEPFAR’s key goals for        chains.
Relief (PEPFAR). PEPFAR is a U.S.                 2020 are to sustain the gains in
government initiative seeking to decrease         countries that have achieved control of       Birx concluded her presentation by
the absolute number of new HIV/AIDS               the disease, help countries that don’t        informing the audience of the
infections by over 50%         through the        have control achieve it, and address          importance of what PEPFAR does in
continuous improvement of program                 the rising new infections in key              accessing data, having the ability to
implementation at scale. PEPFAR ensures           population epidemics around the               develop client-centered approaches,
the implementation of the World Health            world.                                        finding fraud and corruption, and
Organization’s health policies at the on-site                                                   identifying collective successes and
level which allows them to immediately        In their effort towards HIV/AIDS                  failures.
THE AFRICA eJOURNAL - Corporate Council on Africa

                           AFRICA’S 2020 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK

 From L to R: Tom Trimble, Winston & Strawn LLP, Albert Zeufack,
                                                                        A cross section of delegates at the working group meeting
                 World Bank, Florizelle Liser, CCA

On January 22, 2020, Corporate Council on        to pick up to 3.1% in 2020 and 3.2% in     an improved business climate, with
Africa hosted a meeting on Africa’s 2020         2021. He forecasted that Africa will       the top 10 reformers in the region
Economic Outlook. Welcome remarks were           continue to have four of the fastest       being     Togo,   Senegal,     Niger,
given by Thomas B. Trimble, a Partner at         growing economies in the world in          Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Gambia, Côte
Winston & Strawn LLP and Florizelle Liser,       2020, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Cote D’Ivoire,     d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mauritania, and
President and CEO of Corporate Council on        and Guinea.                                Uganda. The top 10 African countries
Africa. Dr. Albert G. Zeufack, Chief                                                        according World Bank's Ease of Doing
Economist, Africa Region at the World Bank       Dr. Zeufack underlined four challenges     Business Index are: Mauritius,
Group, gave the main presentation.               to Africa’s economic outlook in 2020.      Rwanda, Kenya, South Africa, Zambia,
                                                 First, Sub-Saharan Africa is facing a      Botswana, Togo, Seychelles, Namibia,
Dr. Zeufack kicked off his presentation by       minimally       supportive      external   Malawi.
recognizing the importance of private sector     environment with heightened global
investment for the creation of jobs in Africa.   uncertainty and a decline of metal and     In ending the meeting, Dr. Zeufack
He then outlined how 60% of Africa’s GDP         energy prices. Weakening exports and       considered the digital transformation
comes from its three largest economies,          climate change are negatively affecting    of economic sectors to be beneficial
Nigeria, Angola, and South Africa. Each of       Africa’s production, predominantly in      in aiding job creation in Africa.
these economies are commodity-dependent          the agriculture sector, and the
and have experienced sluggish economic           weakness of institutional frameworks    He advised the U.S. private sector to
growth since 2016. However, despite weaker       coupled with a lack of reform is furtherthink and source regionally when
economic performance than anticipated in         inhibiting Africa’s economic growth.    looking at African markets. The
Africa’s largest economies, when you                                                     upcoming African Continental Free
remove these three economies the                 Despite these challenges, Zeufack Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) should
remaining countries in Africa, according to      remained optimistic about Africa’s strengthen regionally integrated
Zeufack, have grown by over 4%. Overall, Dr.     economic outlook. He highlighted that value chains and help create more
Zeufack projected GDP growth in Africa           Africa does, and will continue to have, jobs on the continent.
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE...continued from front page                                                                                               7

 direct investment of any region in the world,     Chairman of the Prosper Africa               CCA hosted a High-Level Dialogue with MCC
 Africa will need to be able to attract more       Initiative, and Prosper held its first big   CEO Sean Cairncross. While there is a
 investment for the AfCFTA to succeed, and         event with over 900 participants in          perception that MCC engagement is
 African governments should continue to            Tunisia. The United States and Nigeria       declining, he said, the organization has
 focus on how to make their countries more         concluded a Binational Commission            invested more than $13 billion through 37
 investor-friendly.                                meeting       and    Commercial       and    compacts with 29 partner countries in
                                                   Investment Dialogue that moved the           Africa, and has new authorities to do
 That said, the AfCFTA is an historic              ball on many business deals. And Cape        regional compacts. Combined with other
 undertaking that could be a game changer          Verde launched direct flights from           U.S. government tools – especially the new
 for Africa, and the AU is making notable          Washington D.C. to Praia.                    DFC and a newly empowered U.S. Eximbank
 progress in implementing the AfCFTA –                                                          – the United States will be putting even
 naming South African trade expert Wamkele         During the week of President Kenyatta’s      more resources into African economic
 Mene as the new AfCFTA Secretary General          visit, I spoke on a panel highlighting how   development and into supporting U.S.
 and making plans for the Secretariat’s            a free trade agreement can help small
                                                                                                companies looking to invest in and do
 launch in March.            During travel to      and medium sized enterprises, in the
                                                                                                business in Africa.
 Mozambique, Ethiopia and Kenya in the past        United States and Kenya. Speaking at
 few months, I heard a great deal of               an event in Baltimore hosted by the AU
                                                                                                The African Youth Survey found that young
 enthusiasm for U.S. business and                  and USAID, my Senior Advisor
                                                                                                Africans overwhelmingly (83 % of those
 investment in key sectors, not to mention         highlighted the benefits of AGOA –
                                                                                                surveyed) have a positive view of the
 for the role that Africa’s youth are playing as   including the tripling of African non-oil
 entrepreneurs and as both developers and                                                       United States. As Prosper Africa evolves,
                                                   exports to the United States over the
 users of the latest technologies driving                                                       we will need to do more to explain to
                                                   past two decades – but also pointed to
 Africa’s economic growth. South Africa’s          the importance of preparing for trade        Africans what is in it for them. We should
 Ichikowitz Family Foundation released the         arrangements when AGOA expires in            also continue to look for ways to support
 largest-ever African youth survey in              2025, whether through the AfCFTA,            the AfCFTA and highlight the stake that the
 February, pointing to a growing sense of          bilateral free trade agreements, or new      United States – both government and
 Afro-optimism among young Africans,               versions of AGOA.                            business – has in its successful
 reflecting a strong sense of individual                                                        implementation. Secretary Pompeo’s trip
 responsibility,     entrepreneurship       and    I am frequently struck by how much the       to Africa helped tell the story of what the
 confidence in Africans developing solutions       United States is doing in Africa that is     United States is doing in Africa – and it’s
 to African challenges.                            often not adequately understood or           not just about high level official visits. U.S.-
                                                   appreciated. For example, how many           African business relationships play a critical
 There is also a lot to celebrate in the U.S.-     Americans have heard of PEPFAR? But          role.
 Africa economic relationship. In February,        when I travel on the continent, Africans
 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made his           often praise the President’s Emergency       CCA’s U.S.-Africa Business Summit in
 first visit to Africa (Senegal, Angola and        Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) as one of      Marrakech on June 9-12 will be an
 Ethiopia), stressing the themes of business,      the best things the U.S. government has      outstanding opportunity to shine a light on
 entrepreneurship         and        women’s       done in Africa, literally saving             the opportunities in Africa and the U.S.-Africa
 empowerment.         The U.S. and Kenya           generations of HIV- infected people.         business relationship, and to create the
 announced the beginning of free trade             CCA was pleased to highlight PEPFAR’s        dialogue around working collaboratively –
 agreement (FTA) negotiations – a first in         contributions by hosting Ambassador          Africa and the U.S., both public and private
 sub-Saharan Africa – during President             Deborah Birx, the U.S. Global AIDS           sectors – to address some of the challenges
 Kenyatta’s visit to Washington. CCA, with         Coordinator. We also partnered with          facing the continent.       Hosted with the
 its partner the Kenya Private Sector Alliance     Abbott and Gilead to organize an event       Kingdom of Morocco, the theme this year will
 (KEPSA), was pleased to organize a                in Addis Ababa to shine a spotlight on a     be “New Pathways to U.S.-Africa Business
 roundtable in Nairobi the next week to            very encouraging development – the           Engagement,” to highlight new U.S. and
 begin bringing the U.S. and Kenyan private        African Union’s political declaration to     African business tools and innovations as well
 sector to the table with senior Kenyan and        eliminate hepatitis in Africa, and on the
                                                                                                as new trade and investment relationships.
 U.S. government officials to discuss the          role that the private sector can play in
                                                                                                The Summit will include sessions on
 opportunities and way forward on the              addressing that fight.
                                                                                                agriculture, manufacturing, ICT, health,
 Kenya-U.S. FTA. President Trump named
                                                                                                infrastructure, finance, entertainment, and
 Adam Boehler (the CEO of the new U.S.             The Millennium Challenge Corporation
                                                                                                women’s economic empowerment, among
 International      Development       Finance      (MCC) is another example of American
                                                                                                other issues. We hope to see you there!
 Corporation, DFC) as the new Executive            success on the continent. In February,

                                      APRIL 2020
                     CCA High-Level Dialogue with Amb. Tibor Nagy
                                 9 | Washington DC

                                        JUNE 2020
                               U.S.-Africa Business Summit
                               9-12 | Marrakech, Morocco

                                   WORKING GROUPS
CCA will host working group meetings on the continent and in the U.S. on key issues in the
     following sectors: Agribusiness, Capacity Building, Energy, Finance, Health, ICT,
                       Infrastructure, Security, Tourism and Trade.

  For more information, please visit

           1100 17th Street, NW, Suite 1200 * Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A
     Tel: 202.835.1115 * Fax: 202.835.1117 *
       The Corporate Council on Africa is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization
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