The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands

Page created by Roger May
The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
The 2023
  Outlook for
  CPG Brands
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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
Table of Contents

Introduction                                         3   What You Can Do In 2023   16
Inflation and Cost-of-Living                         4   Conclusion                19
Shifting Consumer Behaviors                          8
Sustainability and Product Attributes               11
Omnichannel Sales Growth                            13

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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
With 2022 behind us, what awaits emerging and growth brands in
2022 was a challenging year for                                              To make things a little easier for          Some of the areas we'll address
many brands. Between inflationary                                            emerging and growth brands,                 are:
pressures, supply chain issues, and                                          we've put together this overview of
shifting consumers behaviors                                                 the state of the market and                 ▪   The state of inflation and
there has been a lot going on. So,                                           addressed trends that we believe                cost-of-living issues
what does this mean for the CPG                                              you need to consider in your 2023           ▪   Shifting consumer behaviors
Outlook for Emerging Brands in                                               planning.                                   ▪   Sustainability and product
2023?                                                                                                                        attribute alignment
                                                                             We took a look at the top issues            ▪   Omnichannel sales growth
Unfortunately, planning for                                                  facing emerging brands in the               ▪   How you can use this
demand and a shifting market in                                              second half of 2022, how                        information to plan for a
the coming year will be a bit                                                consumers are reacting to market                strong 2023
complicated. But not everything                                              changes, and the early results
on the horizon looks bleak. In fact,                                         we’re seeing from holiday sales to
there look to be many
opportunities for emerging and
                                                                             determine the challenges and
                                                                             opportunities awaiting your
                                                                                                                             of global consumers plan to buy
growth brands to make moves                                                  emerging or growth brand in the
and continue to grow.                                                        new year.                                       more from smaller brands in the

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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
The State of Inflation and

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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
State of Inflation

Going into 2023, you can't make                                              So, what are shoppers doing to                                                But, there are still opportunities
any plans without first                                                      deal with inflation?                                                          in 2023 for emerging and growth
understanding the state of                                                                                                                                 brands.
inflation and its impact on the cost                                         To start with, 44% of shoppers are
of living.                                                                   now cooking at home and 40%                                                   As inflation peaked in October,
                                                                             have reported consciously trying                                              value-based retailers’ sales
Early Q4 numbers are promising,                                              to minimize waste. A further, 31%                                             jumped by 10%, capturing 42% of
as the Consumer Price Index (CPI)                                            said they will buy whatever is on                                             CPG sales. Additionally,
report for October showed                                                    promotion and 26% have stopped                                                promotional sales are starting to
inflation dropped to 7.7%                                                    shopping certain categories                                                   trend slightly higher than the
compared to 8.2% in September.                                               altogether, demonstrating that                                                total market growth (up 11%
CPG inflation has also stabilized for                                        shoppers are directly responding                                              versus 9%).
the past three months, though it is                                          to the crisis by buying less and
still holding at the record high of                                          being more responsible with their
12% compared to last year—a                                                  waste.
decrease of 0.1% over September’s
figure.                                                                      This declining consumption is a
                                                                             concern as consumers focus their                                                     67%
October reported a 9% lift in dollar                                         spending on the essentials and will                                                  of Americans think we are
sales, whereas unit consumption                                              be more careful with the money                                                       currently in a recession
dropped by 3%.                                                               they do wish to spend.

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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
The cost to consume is up
                                                    across the globe.

                                                    Consumers are feeling
                                                    the pressure and their
                                                    spending habits are

                                                    The US is facing less
                                                    inflationary pressure than
                                                    other countries, but brands
                                                    still need to factor in the
                                                    impact on consumers as
                                                    they plan for the coming

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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
How are Manufacturers reacting?

Shrinkflation                                                                  Revising Promotions                Focusing on Core Products

Shrinkflation is a term coined by                                              Many brands are seeking to         Another area where we’re seeing
economists almost a decade ago,                                                manage price reductions to be      brands cut back is in their
referring to the phenomenon                                                    more profitable and to manage      assortment offerings. Brands
where the physical size of products                                            inventory​. We saw this during     that overextend can see weaker
shrinks while prices either remain                                             some of the early sales with 32%   returns than those that focus on
the same or simultaneously                                                     of consumers stating that the      fewer products as consumers
increase.                                                                      deals fell a bit short in          pull back.
                                                                               comparison to typical Black
We have begun to see this in                                                   Friday holiday deals.              Historically, this is a good move
response to inflationary pressures                                                                                as brands can optimize without
around the globe. Since                                                        Going into 2023, promotions will   much additional cost. For
consumers are less likely to notice                                            continue to be closely monitored   example, an assortment
shrinkflation rather than price                                                to ensure brands don’t lose out    optimization program can
increases, it is undoubtedly                                                   on valuable revenue growth by      deliver up to 20% in incremental
something we will continue to                                                  trying to appeal to consumer’s     sales and profit for both
witness during 2023.                                                           thriftiness.                       suppliers and retailers by
                                                                                                                  reducing item cannibalization.

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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
Shifting Consumer

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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
Shifting Consumer Behaviors

In recent years, consumer behavior has been
                                                                                              Consumer Future Spending Intentions
changing fairly quickly, but 2020-2022 saw
drastic changes arrive. Consumers were forced
to adapt to a tumultuous environment with
inflationary pressure, pandemic bubbles, and
more. But, consumers still needed to purchase
CPG products for their daily lives, so they were
forced to shift the paradigm.

Some highlights of the list were the adoption
of DTC and online sales, social selling, and
omnichannel shopping.

But are these going to continue into 2023, or is
there something new on the horizon?

Source: NielsenIQ 2022 Consumer Outlook Survey, June 2022 – US – Spending in next 12 months
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The 2023 Outlook for Emerging CPG Brands
Top Consumer Trends

Private Label Adoption                                                           Buy Now Pay Later                                                        Convenience Is Key

One of the big ways consumers                                                    The “Buy Now Pay Later” model                                            The total number of online
are tightening their belts is by                                                 has been around for years, but                                           grocery customers, which
eschewing big brand names for                                                    2022 has seen an exponential                                             includes sales of food and
Private Label products. Private                                                  growth in BNPL companies like                                            alcohol, grew from 16.1 million in
Label, which on average provides                                                 Klarna and Afterpay. It has even                                         June 2019 to 45.6 million by June
14% savings versus other brands,                                                 seen banking and payment apps                                            of 2020. Today, more than one in
has set a new report share, now                                                  like PayPal add these schemes to                                         five (22%) of shoppers plan an in-
accounting for 19% of CPG sales in                                               their offerings.                                                         store shopping trip combined
the U.S.                                                                                                                                                  with a prior online order.
                                                                                 According to MarketWatch,
We have seen that as prices rise, so                                             overall revenue from BNPL was                                            With more tools available to
does the growth of private-label                                                 up 72% year-over-year for the                                            them, like efficient mobile apps
goods, which reported an increase                                                week of Black Friday. Going into                                         and click-and-collect options,
of +13% in September. With more                                                  2023, we can expect to see this                                          consumers are planning out
consumers shifting their spending                                                trend continue as more                                                   their shopping more than ever
habits, brands will need to                                                      millennial and Gen Z consumers                                           before. Getting customers the
differentiate and continue to                                                    adopt the model for more of                                              products they want in the
innovate in order to win back the                                                their purchases.                                                         manner they want will be
consumer wallet.                                                                                                                                          paramount.

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Sustainability and Product

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Sustainability and Product Attributes                                                                                              Changes will shape and
                                                                                                                                   guide ​consumer choice
Green consumerism has been on                                                Over the past three years, total
the rise for some time, but the                                              food and beverage sales increased
COVID-19 pandemic kicked it into                                             by 24.7% and sales of products
high gear. Many consumers are
avoiding brands that don’t align
                                                                             that make claims based on
                                                                             environmental sustainability, social
                                                                                                                                  of consumers surveyed say a
(or don’t appear to align) with their                                        responsibility and animal welfare
                                                                                                                                  sustainable lifestyle is important
stance on the environment and                                                outpaced this growth.                                to them
other sustainability issues.
                                                                             An emerging consumer focus on
Brands themselves have become
increasingly sustainability-focused
                                                                             attributes means manufacturers
                                                                             need new granular ways to
                                                                                                                                  agree environmental issues are
across the world, and 2022 has                                               analyze performance across
seen some ingenious solutions to                                             channels. NielsenIQ’s omnichannel                    having an adverse impact on
                                                                                                                                  their current and future health.
reduce environmental impact.                                                 solutions can help brands see a
When surveyed, almost 60% of                                                 sales breakdown by channel,
shoppers indicated that the first                                            category and these deep sub-
action brands should take to be                                              category listings. This kind of data                 31%
considered 'sustainable' is to                                               can help CPG manufacturers                           are more likely to buy products
reduce the amount of plastic in                                              capture new omnichannel                              with sustainable credentials
packaging.                                                                   shoppers.

Source: NielsenIQ Global Health & Wellness Study of 17 markets, September 2021, US results; NielsenIQ Omnibus Survey, Dec 202 1
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Omnichannel Sales

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Omnichannel Sales Growth

Footfall in-stores remains high                                                Shoppers now have more options                                                 Insights into omnishopper
despite the convenience of online                                              than ever to get their products.                                               behavior can help a consumer
shopping. The appeal of the                                                    From traditional shopping down                                                 goods brand pinpoint where and
physical shopping spree has                                                    the aisle to delivery within a few                                             when consumers are shifting
returned since 2020 and it doesn't                                             hours or a day or two to click-and-                                            and take further steps through
look like brick-and-mortar shops                                               collect orders for inside the store                                            pricing or promotion changes
are headed anywhere anytime                                                    and curbside. Where your                                                       online or by negotiating for more
soon. But, omnichannel shopping,                                               products are listed and how                                                    prominent positioning in a
that is buying products both                                                   they’re listed matters more than                                               retailer's e-commerce storefront,
online and in-store, has been                                                  ever.                                                                          for example. Brands can make
trending up for years.                                                                                                                                        proactive moves to shore up
                                                                               This level of control lets consumers                                           their omnichannel sales.
According to NielsenIQ data, 86%                                               do plenty of product research and
of shoppers are now combining                                                  comparison before making a
their shopping habits to include                                               purchase, which presents a
both online and in-store shopping.                                             challenge for retailers. Impulse
That leaves only 14% shopping in-                                              purchases aren’t as much of a                                                        86%
store only. So, how can you meet                                               temptation when shoppers can                                                         consumers purchasing FMCG
this growing need for multiple                                                 plan their grocery list and visits                                                   products both in-store and online
touchpoints?                                                                   with such high precision.

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Omnichannel Strategies Matter

1. Highlight Relevant Attributes                                            2. Keep Branding Consistent                                                  3. Use Social Media

With more consumers searching                                               No matter the channel, your brand                                            As brands look for new ways to
for products online, there has been                                         is how consumers connect your                                                connect with shoppers, social
a marked change in their search                                             products to you. You need to be                                              media gradually moves up the
behaviors. In the U.S., shoppers                                            consistent across all channels and                                           ranks of importance as an
searching for “organic” products                                            still able to stand out on shelf and                                         ecommerce channel.
online increased by 163% since last                                         online.
year and “plant-based” searches                                                                                                                          In a recent study by Dash
grew 148%. Sales of “keto”                                                  This is particularly important for                                           Hudson and NielsenIQ, we
products increased 265%                                                     mobile-shopping as consumers                                                 identified significant correlation
compared to three years ago, and                                            scroll quickly and your products                                             between entertainment-based
“vegan” product sales grew 102% in                                          can get lost in the mix. If your                                             content on TikTok and omni-
the same time frame.                                                        brand is easily identifiable and                                             channel sales growth for beauty
                                                                            stands out, you’re in a better                                               brands. The brands that leverage
This means brands that can                                                  position across channels. In fact,                                           entertainment as a content
identify the right attributes to                                            60% of consumers who shop both                                               strategy grow at a rate 34%
feature on packaging and in                                                 online and in-store surveyed said                                            faster than those who approach
product listings are appearing in                                           they browse for anything that                                                the platform with a traditional
searches more often and more                                                looks interesting.                                                           marketing mindset.
likely to make sales.

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What You Can Do To
Succeed In 2023

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What You Can Do In 2023

Understanding what’s going on in the market is meaningless if you don’t know how to act on it. Emerging and growth
brands are in a unique position as they tend to be more agile and forward-thinking than many of their
established competitors.

With that in mind, here are some of our top tips on how you can keep growing in 2023:

1. Focus on Revenue Growth Management                          2. Embrace Omnichannel

Revenue growth management (RGM) is no                          Today’s shopper moves more fluidly across retailers
longer a once or twice a year process. The                     and channels, making it more challenging to see the
                                                               full landscape and know how to prioritize
challenge for manufacturers in 2023 will be
                                                               opportunities. CPG brands need to understand their
balancing the increase in net prices with                      shoppers to know how they’re changing in 2023 and
efficient trade promotions to gain margins and                 where to focus to gain their attention and gain
profits.                                                       market share.

To protect margins and effectively use trade                   Digging into the details of how consumers' brand
spend in varying market scenarios, revenue                     shifting behavior is impacting sales across all
managers should equip themselves with                          channels will help brands deploy savvy strategies for
regularly refreshed data that reflects the latest              capturing more of their buyers’ dollars.
market dynamics.

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What You Can Do In 2023

3. Be Authentic                                                              4. Stay Agile                         5. Invest in Data and Insights

Today’s customers, younger                                                   With the market undergoing so         Building an effective growth
generations in particular, expect                                            many changes, CPG brands need         plan hinges on your ability to
brands to be fully honest about                                              to be able to react swiftly and       access up-to-date and accurate
who they are. Many brands try to                                             decisively in the new year. This      data. One of the biggest gaps
engage Gen Z consumers by being                                              means understanding the impact        between high-performing
young and playful, but it doesn’t                                            of assortment, space, pricing and     companies and the rest is that
match their brand. This comes off                                            promotions. Then, identifying         they incorporate daily data
as disingenuous and only serves to                                           which retailers can help you          practices from the top all the
push potential customers further                                             become a category leader, and         way down.
away.                                                                        stay that way. This agility can pay
                                                                             dividends.                            That’s why it’s vital to understand
In 2023, stay open and honest                                                                                      how CPG data can help your
about who you are and why it                                                 High-performing businesses are        business grow and dedicate a
matters. Don’t be fake to try and                                            57% more likely than their peers      budget to investing in a good
make sales. Transparency can go a                                            to report altering their long-term    data platform. You’ll also need to
long way in building brand loyalty                                           strategy in response to data and      build data into your decision-
and firmly establishing your                                                 analytics. It’s this agility and      making throughout your entire
position in the new year and                                                 reaction to data and trends that      growth strategy to let you act
beyond.                                                                      makes them high performers.           early and intelligently to shifts in
                                                                                                                   consumer demand.
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What You Can Do In 2023
NIQ can help you put the pieces together in 2023

When the market is shifting, you                    Some of the solutions we can provide
need to be on top of your game if                   include:
you're going to come out on top.
                                                    •   POS & Shopper Data
NielsenIQ offers emerging and                       •   Product Attribute Trends
growth brands access to the
same best-in-class, accurate data                   •   Omnichannel Sales Data
and high-quality insights that                      •   Demand Forecasting                   Photo placeholder
Fortune 500 brands leverage—at                      •   Pricing & Promotion Optimization
a price customized for their                        •   Assortment Optimization
                                                    •   Expert Insights into Market Trends
We also know that businesses at                     •   And More
different stages have diverse
needs. Whether you’re looking to
nail your next retailer pitch, are
expanding distribution, or need
to defend your turf, we have the                         Learn More About Our
data and tools you need to                              Emerging Brand Solutions

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For more insights:

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