The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...

Page created by Randy Riley
The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
February 10-13, 2022
The 10th Annual TBWA Conference

               Austin Marriott North
2600 La Frontera Boulevard - Round Rock, Texas 78681
             Registration opens August 15, 2021


          Follow us at:
The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
President’s Welcome
Can you believe it?? Our February 2022 TBWA Conference is fast approaching!
It has been eleven years since the Texas Basket Weavers Association held its first conference! Whether you have been with us for
eleven years or if this is to be your first conference or something in between…WELCOME! We have some great teachers and
classes in store for you.
The last several months have been a trial for many of us. I know TBWA certainly did not expect to have to cancel the 2021
conference. I pray you all have stayed well and safe.
Please make sure that you use the information in this catalog or on our website to make your Austin Marriott North hotel reservations.
The link provided will ensure that you get the reduced room rate. If you make your reservations through a third-party agent
(Travelocity, Orbitz, Priceline, etc.) or lodge elsewhere, you will also have to pay day weaver fees for the days you take classes.
I know that many of you have spent some of the last year making new baskets, finishing up UFOs, and trying your hand at creating
your own new pattern. Well, this is your chance to show off all those in the Stars of Weaving and the Exhibition! Bring those new
baskets and woven art pieces for everyone to see. They can be of natural materials (such as reed, vines, gourds or seagrass), paper,
or recycled resources. Please let us know if you are a new weaver (less than 2 years of experience) or if the pattern is your original.
The annual meeting will be held at noon on Saturday. Please consider running for one of the open offices that will be elected at that
time. TBWA is your association and I encourage you to take an active leadership role.
We also will be awarding our Karen Hobbs Memorial Scholarship of $500 at the annual meeting. Please consider applying for this
award. The grant can be used to further your education in basket weaving by attending another conference or craft school to learn
something new. The grant application is available by emailing me at
Marketplace will take place on Saturday evening. If you have basket related items or other craft items or artwork you have made (no
third-party products, please), reserve your marketplace space when you register for the conference. There have been some beautiful
(or delicious) offerings in the past.
I look forward to seeing you in Round Rock!
Weave Away,

Juanita Holman

    Austin Marriott North
     2600 La Frontera Boulevard
       Round Rock, Texas 78681

Make reservations by calling:
Be sure to ask for Texas Basket
Weavers Association rate or book
online using TBWA’s link at
The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
Registration Information
Registration information is available in this TBWA 2022                When registering via the website, you must use PayPal to pay
“Decade of Weaving Together” catalog and on the TBWA                   for the total amount due. A PayPal account is not necessary to
website                                    pay with a credit card. The website program will compute the
                                                                       amount due (registration fee, marketplace fee, day weaver fees
Conference registration fee is still $45.00 per member.                if applicable, and logo items).
Non-members may register online using a 2-step process:                When registering through US Mail, you must pay by check. If
first, join TBWA online; second, register and pay online for           you want your class confirmation through US Mail, include a
membership and registration.                                           stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you do not send the return
OR                                                                     envelope, we will notify you via email. Be sure your check is for
                                                                       the total amount due (registration fee, marketplace fee, day
Non-members may register by mail, using the form on
                                                                       weaver fees if applicable, and logo items).
page 6. Please pay your TBWA membership fee along with
your registration fee.                                                 Make registration checks payable to:
                                                                       Texas Basket Weavers Association (TBWA)
No third-party booking agent (Travelocity, Orbitz, Priceline,          and mail with your form to:
etc.) qualifies for the TBWA hotel conference rate. If you book
                                                                               Elizabeth Lundquist
with a third-party, you will also have to pay the day weaver
                                                                               TBWA Registration Chairperson
fees for the days you take classes.
                                                                               5606 Porsche Lane
Conference attendees must be a TBWA member, pay for                            Austin, TX 78749
registration and pay for either:
                                                                       NOTE: REGISTRATION FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE CLASS FEES
1. Overnight accommodations at the Austin Marriott North,              Do not send money for class fees until you have received your
Round Rock, TX by using the link on the TBWA website or                class confirmation letter.
calling 512.733.6767 and asking for the Texas Basket Weavers               All cancellations must be in writing to
Association rate while attending the conference.                           TBWA c/o Elizabeth Lundquist
OR                                                                         (
2. A Day Weaver fee if not lodging at the Austin Marriott North            A $25.00 processing fee will be subtracted from
or if you book through a third-party agent. Fee(s) are collected           ALL refunds. Refunds will not be offered after
with registration.                                                         November 30, 2021, except as stated below.
         Thursday - $25.00                                             Meals
         Friday - $35.00
         Saturday - $35.00                                            TBWA 2022 Conference registrants will be provided lunch on
         Sunday - $20.00                                              Friday (Noon to 1:00 pm) and Saturday (Noon to 1:15 PM).
                                                                      Breakfast is on your own before classes start. Dinner is on your
Please complete all areas of the printed or online form including own 5:00 to 7:00 pm Thursday, 5:00 to 7:00 pm Friday, and 5:15
the class number and name. Class fees include all materials and to 7:00 pm Saturday. No meals are provided on Sunday.
teaching fees. Choose your preferred classes and alternate            The RC Grille offers food and beverages for breakfast, lunch,
choices for each day. When classes fill with 12 students they will and dinner. A small convenience store is also available in the
be closed. If you are registering via US Mail, please list at least 2 hotel. There are many eating establishments nearby and
or 3 choices for each day, but only list the classes you are willing restaurant meals may be delivered.
to take. It is best to list more than one choice since there is no    Outside food and drinks are not allowed in the weaving area,
guarantee that you will receive your first choice.                    per hotel guidelines.

                                                       COVID-19 Statement
The TBWA Board of Directors is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and wishes to assure our members that we are committed to
adhering to the recommendations and requirements that may be in place when our conference is held in February. In addition to
any requirements from Federal, State, County and Local entities, the Marriott Hotel group has implemented new practices to
ensure the safety of their guests. However, the TBWA may implement additional requirements of all those who attend the
conference. You will be updated as the situation changes by email and on the website.
Members are also requested to bring hand sanitizer, adequate personal protection equipment (such as masks, filters, gloves, face
shield, etc.) and disinfecting wipes for their personal use.
In the event it becomes necessary to cancel due to Governmental restrictions or mandates, all paid registrations will be 100%
refunded. Otherwise, the normal cancellation policy will apply to refund requests.

Membership dues will not be refunded.

The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
Registration Information
 ON SITE REGISTRATION DAILY HOURS                                          CLASS TIME INFORMATION
 Thursday, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm                                             Thursday classes start at 1:00 pm and end at 9:00 pm
 Friday, 7:30 am to 9:00 am                                                Friday classes start at 8:00 am and end at 9:00 pm
 Saturday, 7:30 am to 8:00 am                                              Saturday classes start at 8:00 am and end at 5:15 pm
 Sunday, 7:30 am to 8:00 am                                                Sunday classes start at 8:00 am and end at Noon

                Class Confirmation and
                                                                                Important Things to Bring to the Conference
       Basket Kit Order & Marketplace Fee Form
Many teachers will have additional basket kits for sale. These must         Basket(s) for Stars of Weaving
be ordered and paid for in advance. Conference registrants will             Basket(s) for The Exhibition
receive a Class Confirmation along with a Basket Kit Order &                Basket tools (please label)
Marketplace Fee Form by email. Registrants who provide a                    Special tools for your classes
self-addressed, stamped envelope will receive confirmation and
                                                                            Old towels
the form through the US Mail.
                                                                            Water bucket
Please follow the confirmation instructions and the Basket Kit              Water bottle/sprayer
Order & Marketplace Fee Form instructions when sending in your              Camera
checks for classes, basket kits, logo items and/or the marketplace.
                                                                            Address labels for your tickets
BASKET KIT ORDERS                                                           TBWA name badge holder
Ordered basket kits will be available for pick-up at the conference         TBWA windbreaker/sweatshirt
registration desk during registration hours. No kits will be mailed.        Light weight jacket
You must make arrangements to have your kits picked up if you
                                                                            Comfortable clothes and shoes
are unable to do so yourself.
MARKETPLACE                                                                 Most of all, bring your enthusiasm to learn all you
Saturday evening, February 12, Marketplace space is available to            can from the classes you take!
any registrant who wishes to sell basket related items or other
items they have made (no third-party products, please). There are
a limited number of Marketplace spaces. If you want to participate,
please mark your Basket Kit Order & Marketplace Fee Form and
pay the $10.00 fee to reserve a space. Marketplace will be held in
the weaving room from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. All individual
Marketplace spaces must be paid by November 15, 2021.

                                                      2022 Logo Items
 Logo items must be ordered in advance and paid for during the registration process. Two payment options: online through
 PayPal (a PayPal account is not necessary to pay with a credit card) or by mail (check payable to TBWA) with your printed
 registration form. Logo items will be available for pick-up at the registration desk. You must make arrangements to have your
 logo items picked up if you are unable to do so yourself.

                                                                                This stain-release apron gives you full-length protection.
We offer our 2022 A Decade of Weaving Together                                  Black, embroidered with TWBA logo
logo on a soft, 5.3oz., 100% cotton t-shirt in Carolina                         7-ounce, 100% cotton twill
blue. The back lists our ten year “weaving tour”                                Two waist-level patch pockets, pen pocket
through Texas. A true collector’s item!                                         Adjustable neck strap
Unisex style: S to XL for $18.00                                                One size fits all (measures 22" W x 30" L)
             XXL to XXXL for $23.00                                             Unisex style
The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
Registration Form
Please Type or Print Clearly

Name ________________________________________                                  List Roommate __________________________________
Address ______________________________________                                 Special meal needed? YES ____ NO ____
City, State, Zip _________________________________                             I will volunteer at conference. YES ____ NO ____
Phone ________________ Alt # ___________________                               I will donate for silent auction/drawing. YES ____ NO ____
Email ________________________________________                                 I will donate for welcome bags. YES ____ NO ____
  There is no guarantee you will get your first class choice
           Please list more than one class per day,                                        Registration OPENS August 15, 2021
                    in order of preference.
                                                                               Registrants must be a current TBWA member, pay the
                 Only list classes you are willing to take.
                                                                               registration fee and pay for either:
 Thursday                Class # & Name                 # Hours     Cost       1. Overnight accommodations at the Austin Marriott North
          1                                                                        while attending the conference. Please make
          2                                                                        reservations through the TBWA website link or by calling
          3                                                                        512.733.6767 (ask for the Texas Basket Weavers
                                                                                   Association Conference rate).
Thu. 7-9 pm              Class # & Name                 # Hours     Cost
             1                                             2                   2. A Day Weaver Fee for each day you are taking classes if
      # of classes you wish to take Thursday (circle)      1         2             not lodging at the Austin Marriott North or if you book
   Friday                Class # & Name                 # Hours     Cost           through a third-party agent.
           1                                                               Registration Fees                             Per Person        Total
                                                                           Conference Registration Fee                        $45.00
Fri. 7-9 pm              Class # & Name               # Hours   Cost       Membership Fee - newsletter via email              $30.00
           1                                             2
                                                                           Membership Fee - paper newsletter via USPS $45.00
           2                                             2
        # of classes you wish to take Friday (circle)    1    2   3        Day Weaver Fee                       Thursday      $25.00
 Saturday              Class # & Name                 # Hours   Cost       Day Weaver Fee                       Friday        $35.00
            2                                                              Day Weaver Fee                       Saturday      $35.00
            3                                                              Day Weaver Fee                       Sunday        $20.00
    # of classes you wish to take Saturday (circle)      1       2
  Sunday               Class # & Name                 # Hours   Cost       Marketplace Fee        DUE BY NOV. 15 , 2021       $10.00
            1                                                              TBWA Apron - Black (one size fits all)             $25.00
            2                                                              2022 A Decade of Weaving
                                                                                                                size ____     $18.00
Do not send money for class fees at this time.                             T-shirt (S-XL)
You will be billed separately for class and kit fees.                      2022 A Decade of Weaving
                                                                                                                size ____     $23.00
                                                                           T-shirt (XXL-XXXL)
You may register online. If you do, you must pay all                       Make check payable to TBWA                         TOTAL
registration fees online with PayPal through:                                                 A $25.00 fee will be charged per check returned for insufficient funds.
Note: You may pay online using a credit card without a PayPal                            Please sign the Cancellation Policy 
                                                                                          Understand the Cancellation Policy
If you would like to register by mail, mail your                           I understand that a refund, minus a $25 processing fee, may be
                                                                           obtained until November 30, 2021, with written notification sent to
registration form, a stamped, self-addressed envelope                      Elizabeth Lundquist ( There
and check made out to TBWA to:                                             will be no refunds after November 30, 2021, except as stated on the
                 Elizabeth Lundquist                                       bottom of page 4.
                 TBWA Registration Chairperson                             Signature:                                                  Date:
                 5606 Porsche Lane
                 Austin, TX 78749

The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
Please evaluate your skill level, not only for your total weaving experience, but also for your experience using the
techniques and materials offered in the classes you are considering. If you are trying a new technique, it may be best
to look for materials that you have used in the past. If you are trying new materials, it may be best to do so using
techniques you have mastered.
Beginner students have 2 years or less weaving experience, having woven none or only a few baskets. These weavers
are learning about basic weaving techniques, such as over/under weaving, start/stop weaving, twining, and rim
lashing. They are learning to control shapes. Please give extra consideration when taking a class using a material or
technique you have never used before.
Students have woven beginner baskets, consider themselves still a beginner but are ready for more challenges.
Intermediate students are proficient in basic weaving techniques. They do not have difficulty setting up bases, twining,
completing over/under weaves and creating rims using the materials offered in a class. Students are ready for new
weaving techniques.
Advanced students have intermediate weaving skills and are capable of designing a basket on their own, but seek
something more challenging. Students are comfortable with shaping and the more challenging aspects of weaving
such as intricate patterns and multiple weaves.
These classes are offered to students of all skill levels from Beginner to Advanced.

NOTE: Weaving Skill Levels abbreviations are used on the Class Summary Chart on page 8.

                                Come join in the fun, learn something new,
                                        meet new and old friends
                                   and share your stories and talents!

                                                            Opportunity Drawing / Silent Auction
    * * Shop Our Great Vendors * *
                                                            Ticket for the Opportunity Drawing will be sold from Thursday 11
Woven Designs Julie Kleinrath                               am through Saturday 5:15 pm. PRINT your NAME on the back of
Gifts by Brenda Brenda McKinnon                             your ticket or attach address labels for a quick way to identify
                                                            yourself for the drawing. Tickets must be deposited by 5:30 pm
Dani Sue Creations Dani Sue Anderson                        Saturday to be included in the drawing.
Linda's Art Linda Ormand                                    Silent Auction will be available Thursday 3:00 pm through
Atkinson Country House Sandy and Steve Atkinson             Saturday 5:15 pm. Individual silent auction numbers will be
Be sure to support the vendors at the Conference.           assigned by Registration and you will receive that number in your
They will be open:                                          registration packet.
      Thursday Noon to 9:00 pm                              Pick-up of drawing and auction items will be Saturday 8:30 pm.
      Friday 7:45 am to 5:00 pm and,7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
                                                            You must be present at the Conference or appoint someone to
      Saturday 7:45 am to 5:15 pm
      Sunday 7:45 am to 10:00 am                            pick up your items. Silent Auction items must be paid in full by
Please do not interrupt teachers who are vendors during     cash, check, credit card or debit card when winners are notified.
their classes to make a purchase.                           No items will be mailed.

The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
Class Summary Chart
              Thursday, February 10, 2022                                        Saturday, February 12, 2022
                  Classes start at 1:00 pm                                       Classes start at 8:00 am
              Dinner on your own 5:00-7:00 pm
                                                                   TBWA Business Meeting/Lunch provided Noon to 1:15 pm
                   Sweetheart Candy                                         Dinner on your own 5:15 -7:00 pm
101   B/I    1-5                          Julie Kleinrath
                                                                                         Toddler's Two Seat
102   All    1-5 Angel Wing Whisk Broom Vickie Gildon              301    All    8-12                         Steve Atkinson
103    I     1-9 Quilters/Sewing Basket   Sandy Atkinson           302     I    8-5:15 Fat Bottom Girl        Anne Bowers

104    I     1-9 Star Basket              Anne Bowers              303     I    8-5:15 All My X’s             Gina Kieft

105    I     1-9 What the Hex             Gina Kieft               304    B/I 8-5:15 Circuitry                Pam Milat

106   All    1-9 Flower Knots             Karen Kotecki            305    Adv 8-5:15 Doubled                  Karen Kotecki

107   All    1-9 Sculptural Sweetgrass    Polly Adams Sutton       306     I    8-5:15 Shaded Feathers        Julie Kleinrath

108    I     1-9 Unbroken Bowl            Jan Schmidt              307     I    8-5:15 Interlaced             Debbie Mroczenski

109    I     1-9 Geneva                   Debbie Mroczenski        308     I    8-5:15 Abundant Bushel        Jan Schmidt

                        Evening Class                              309    All 8-5:15 Sweet Split Cedar        Polly Adams Sutton
110   B      7-9 Grandma’s Wash Basket    Julie Kleinrath          310     I     5:15
                                                                                         Hexagon Stud         Sandy Atkinson
                                                                                 1:15-   Turkey Wing Whisk
               Friday, February 11, 2022                           311    All    5:15    Broom
                                                                                                              Vickie Gildon

                  Classes start at 8:00 am                                       1:15-
                                                                   312    All    5:15
                                                                                         Kingston Bar Stool   Steve Atkinson
            Lunch provided from Noon to 1:00 pm
              Dinner on your own 5:00-7:00 pm
201   All   8-12 Quad Point Footstool     Steve Atkinson
                                                                     Remember These Important Saturday Events!

202   B/I   8-12 Memories of the Sea      Julie Kleinrath                            Shop with Our Vendors
203    I     8-5 Black Bantam Oval Egg    Sandy Atkinson                  Opportunity Drawing Ends at 5:15 pm
204    I     8-5 Bear and Biscuits        Vickie Gildon
                                                                                Silent Auction Ends at 5:15 pm
205    I     8-5 Raising Cane             Gina Kieft
                                                                                   Marketplace 7:00-8:30 pm
206 Adv      8-5 Circuitous               Karen Kotecki
                                                                         Pick up winning items after Marketplace.
207    I     8-5 Quilt Block              Pam Milat
                                                                               Remember your Stars of Weaving
208   B/I    8-5 Sampler                  Debbie Mroczenski
                                                                                  and Exhibition baskets!
209    I     8-5 Double D                 Jan Schmidt

            Note: 210 and 211 are 10 hour classes                                 Sunday, February 13, 2022
210    I     8-9 Cedar in Many Colors     Polly Adams Sutton         Classes start at 8:00 am—Conference over at Noon
211 Adv      8-9 Corn Row Square Rib      Anne Bowers              401    B/I    8-12 All Knotted Up          Jan Schmidt

212   B/I    1-5 Love “Ewe” More          Julie Kleinrath          402     B     8-12 Potpourri               Gina Kieft

213   All    1-9 Rush Footstool           Steve Atkinson           403     I     8-12 Japanese Top Knot       Anne Bowers

                       Evening Classes                             404    B/I    8-12 Never Enough Chocolate Julie Kleinrath

214   All    7-9 Tear Drop                Debbie Mroczenski        405    All    8-12 Chocolate Mint Trifle   Pam Milat

215   All    7-9 Onion Basket & Beyond    Jan Schmidt              406    B/I    8-12 Harvest Bead            Debbie Mroczenski

216   All    7-9 Sailor's Knot Bracelet   Sandy Atkinson           407     I     8-12 Bootstrap Tote          Sandy Atkinson

217   B/I    7-9 Cherry Bird              Karen Kotecki            408     I     8-12 Ribbons                 Karen Kotecki

218   B      7-9 Popcorn Basket           Julie Kleinrath
  Don’t Forget to Vote in the Stars of Weaving Competition!
                          Friday Only

The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
Thursday (4 hrs.)                          Thursday (4 hrs.)                             Thursday (6 hrs.)
101 1 pm to 5 pm $45                       102 1 pm to 5 pm $36                          103 1 pm to 9 pm $75

 Sweetheart Candy Basket                      Angel Wing Whisk Broom                    The Quilters/Sewing Basket
           Julie Kleinrath                                Vickie Gildon                            Sandy Atkinson
           8” Diameter x 5” H                              6” W x 10” H                 19-1/2” L x 13” W x 14” H (with handle)
Woven on a wood base using a grid or        I want to continue Karen Hobbs’             A great way to keep thread, sewing
written instructions, learn to weave 4      legacy of broom making. Students will       accessories and projects together.
hearts on the side of the basket using      make an Angel wing whisk broom              Three divided sections in the basket,
                                            from natural broomcorn hurl. This           plus a filled-in base, and a D-handle
dyed and natural reed. Finished with a
                                            multi-purpose broom flares on both          with dowels that holds several spools,
matchstick rim.                             sides, resembling an angel’s gown. If       keeps it all handy. Elastic woven into
                                            time permits, students can make a           the sides will hold items. Natural and
Special tools: Small packing tool, spoke
                                            cake tester from left over hurl stems.      dyed reed with stained & varnished
                                            Special tools: Basket shears, flat awl or   handle. Makes a great gift.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate                packing tool                                Special tools: None
                                            Level: All                                  Level: Intermediate

   Thursday (6 hrs.)                          Thursday (6 hrs.)                            Thursday (6 hrs.)
104 1 pm to 9 pm $52                       105 1 pm to 9 pm $58                         106 1 pm to 9 pm $70

            Star Basket                                  What the Hex                              Flower Knots
            Anne Bowers                                    Gina Kieft                               Karen Kotecki
         11” Diameter x 3-1/2” H                    13” L x 13” W x 5-1/2” H                       7-1/2” L x 7” W x 5” H
Learn to weave the classic Star Basket.                                                 Start on an oval oak base. Japanese
The tri-axle weave creates 6 points on     Starting on a hexagon wood base, insert      weave gets you to the center section
which the basket rests. Students will      spokes with 5 different widths. Learn an     that is framed with twined arrows.
weave the base, then weave in a dyed       easy three row repeat in twill up the        The shaping challenge is getting a
                                                                                        graceful turned-up oval shape. Learn to
overlay. Anne’s picture pattern makes it   sides in your favorite color. Shaping will   braid the 6-strand flower knots with
easy to follow. Sides round out, rim is    be stressed. Top the rim with a fun braid    bleached cane that weaves like leather
lashed with cane with dyed rim filler.     using the rim filler. Color choices          when wet. An over/under weave finishes
Wonderful breadbasket or eye-catching      available in class.                          the top. Learn an intriguing stacked and
                                                                                        lashed rim using oval/oval as a rim filler
wall display.                              Special tools: None                          and coordinating waxed cord.
Special tools: Shears, awl, spoke weight   Level: Intermediate                          Special tools: Tapestry needle, glue
Level: Intermediate                                                                     Level: Intermediate

The 10th Annual TBWA Conference - February 10-13, 2022 - Austin Marriott North - Texas Basket Weavers ...
Thursday (6 hrs.)                          Thursday (6 hrs.)                          Thursday (6 hrs.)
107 1 pm to 9 pm $120                      108 1 pm to 9 pm $50                       109 1 pm to 9 pm $65

   Variation on Sculptural                          Unbroken Bowl                             Debbie Mroczenski
         Sweetgrass                                      Jan Schmidt                   12” L x 9” W x 4-1/2” H (with handles)
        Polly Adams Sutton                          8-1/2” Diameter x 6” H
         3” L x 2-1/2” W x 4” H                                                       This tray is all about the wrapped
                                           Unbroken because it is a double
                                                                                      handles. The cane wrapping starts at
The pliability of Northwest Sweetgrass     continuous weave. Woven on a slotted
                                                                                      the base of the weaving on one side
combined with the flexibility of           wooden base. Shaping will be
                                                                                      and the pattern continuously weaves
Western Red Cedar bark offers              emphasized. The combination of color
                                                                                      until it gets to the base of the weaving
opportunities to shape a unique            reed and natural round reed creates a
                                           very rich-looking basket. Perfect size     on the other side. The uniquely shaped
sculptural basket. Twining will be the                                                ash base adds to the elegance of the
overall technique used, with a choice of   bowl for a catch-all or fruit basket.
                                           Color choices available in class.          overall design.
two borders.
                                           Special tools: None                        Special Tools: Insta-cure purple labeled
Special tools: Squirt bottle, old towel,
packing tool, basket shears, tapestry                                                 glue, tapestry needle
needle                                     Level: Intermediate
                                                                                      Level: Intermediate
Level: All

   Thursday (2 hrs.)                           Friday (4 hrs.)                            Friday (4 hrs.)
110 7 pm to 9 pm $35                       201 8 am to Noon $58                       202 8 am to Noon $50

   Grandma's Wash Basket                           Quad Point Stool
            Julie Kleinrath                             Steve Atkinson                     Memories of the Sea
            6” L x 4” W x 6” H                  15-1/2” L x 15-1/2” W x 13” H                     Julie Kleinrath
                                           The seat of this stool is woven in a             6-1/2” Diameter x 2-1/2” H
 The woven base basket features
 clothespins for legs, space dyed reed     four-point quad twill using two colors.    Woven over a mold, included with the
                                           You will be learning two patterns, the     class, this basket features lots of
 for the design as well as the zig/zag     challenging quad twill with the
 pattern added to the rim after the                                                   twining, triple twining, and chain
                                           checkerboard on the underside. Pine
 basket is finished. A leather flower or   stool is stained, sealed and ready to      weave. Three rows of glass crow beads
 other embellishment is added. Reed        weave. Color choices for Shaker tape       are added as the basket is woven. The
 color and embellishment choices           and nylon webbing in class. NOT TO BE      basket is finished with a really nice
                                           USED AS A STEPPING STOOL.                  woven rim.
 available in class.
                                           Special tools: Four 3” clamps, long        Special tools: None
 Special tools: Small flat head packing    shank flat weaving tool or long knitting
 tool                                                                                 Level: Beginner/Intermediate
 Level: Beginner
                                           Level: All

Friday (8 hrs.)                                Friday (8 hrs.)                             Friday (8 hrs.)
203 8 am to 5 pm $60                           204 8 am to 5 pm $65                        205 8 am to 5 pm $68

    Black Bantam Oval Egg
           Sandy Atkinson                       I Saw the Bear & He Knows                              Raising Cane
   10” L x 6” W x 13” H (with handle)               I Made the Biscuits                                   Gina Kieft
An egg basket with a lot of detail. The                     Vickie Gildon                          10-1/2” L x 6-1/2” W x 6” H
handle is worked first using black                         11” L x 6” W x 6” H
Hamburg cane to match the rim,                                                             A larger version of my basket, Cane
                                               Pattern originated by Pat Walden (no        Fields. Start this double wall basket using
center belly design and the woven              copyright), Ozark Mountain Basket           your color choice to weave this
God’s eye. Ribs and weavers are oval/          Weavers. This basket has a story,           geometrically pleasing base. Use dyed
oval and flat reed. This class provides        literally. Students will learn how to       spokes to create the inside wall and the
thorough instruction in the concept of         triple twine and arrow weave natural        natural spokes to create the outside
rib weaving theory and facts. Students         and dyed reed. The “bear claws” will be     wall. Learn paired 3-rod wale with a
may not finish the basket but will have        added in the end for this stunning          step-up. Add an embellishment in dyed
the knowledge to do so later.                                                              Hamburg cane in a crisscross pattern and
                                               accent.                                     repeat the crisscross on the rim. Top
Special tools: Metal knitting needle or
blunt awl                                      Special tools: None                         with a narrow-notched handle.
                                               Level: Intermediate                         Special tools: None
Level: Intermediate
                                                                                           Level: Intermediate

     Friday (8 hrs.)                               Friday (8 hrs.)                             Friday (8 hrs.)
 206 8 am to 5 pm $85                          207 8 am to 5 pm $65                        208 8 am to 5 pm $80

             Karen Kotecki                                                                                Sampler
         10.5” L x 7.5” W x 5” H                           Quilt Block                              Debbie Mroczenski
Woven on a narrow-slotted oval oak base                      Pam Milat                                 12” Diameter x 5” H
(no twining). Learn shaping skills that will            7-1/2” Diameter x 3” H             Started on a slotted wood oblong base,
keep short sides from coming in faster than                                                this sampler is all about the spoke
long sides. Careful attention to weaving       A 7-1/2” diameter bowl of brilliant         placement, color and design. Start with 2
tension will be stressed when moving from      colors of natural and dyed reed woven       colored spokes. With the same weave
narrow center weavers to wide ones and         in a 1-3-5 twill style base then            around the basket you will come out with
back again. Glue spokes to rim row, lash       completed with continuous weave. This       4 different patterns. Weaving techniques
with waxed poly cord. Ring basket with                                                     include start/stop, twined arrows, twill
                                               striking beauty could be a display piece    arrow, leather handles and lashing with
double seagrass weavers using a loop-and-
catch method. Finally, learn the lashing       or used for a bread basket.                 poly cord.
technique to secure the bead and dowel         Special tools: Tapestry needle, 2-3 cloth   Special tools: Insta-cure purple labeled
handles. Lots to learn.                        spoke weights, 24+ alligator clips          glue, tapestry needle
Special tools: Glue, tapestry needle, sharp
side cutters.                                  Level: Intermediate                         Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Level: Advanced

Friday (8 hrs.)                           Friday (10 hrs.)                             Friday (10 hrs.)
 209 8 am to 5 pm $65                      210 8 am to 9 pm $125                         211 8 am to 9 pm $95

             Double D                             Cedar in Many Colors
            Jan Schmidt                                                                      Corn Row Square Rib
                                                        Polly Adams Sutton                          Anne Bowers
   12” L x 6” W x 8” H (with handles)               3” L x 3-1/2” W x 4-3/4” H                    10” L x 10” W x 10” H
This is a solid woven base incorporating                                                 This large square ribbed basket
                                             A variety of dyed Hamburg cane
two D-handles. Use space dyed reed to                                                    features the corn row cane handle
achieve the stained glass church             creates the backdrop for this colorful
                                                                                         and makes use of pre-formed ribs.
window effect. Learn to wrap weave           cedar bark basket. The technique is         Students will learn how to weave the
the handles as you go using the              twining with easy X’s using wire and        God’s eyes, whittling and inserting
Hamburg cane. The decorative X’s on          finished with a slanted lashed border.      both primary and secondary ribs, and
the sides of the basket are also                                                         weaving with cane and dyed reed.
Hamburg cane and may need to be              Special tools: Squirt bottle, old towel,    Color choices available in class.
finished on your own.                        packing tool, basket shears, tapestry
                                                                                         Special tools: Shears, sharpened knife,
Special tools: None                          needle                                      awl
Level: Intermediate                          Level: Intermediate                         Level: Advanced

    Friday (4 hrs.)                             Friday (6 hrs.)                              Friday (2 hrs.)
212 1 pm to 5 pm $45                        213 1 pm to 9 pm $54                         214 7 pm to 9 pm $30

       Love “Ewe” More                                  Rush Footstool                               Tear Drop
           Julie Kleinrath                               Steve Atkinson                          Debbie Mroczenski
          8” Diameter x 5” H                            10” L x 11” W x 12” H                      3-3/4” L x 1-1/4” W

Woven on a wood base that has a            The rush design goes with any décor.         Start with natural cane and continuously
“cartoon” drawing of a sheep that has      This is a basic pattern to learn how to      weave up this tear drop shape. Add a
been wood burned by the instructor.        rush, then the technique can be used on      leather hanger and wood bead and you
Curls of dyed maple are added to the       any chair. The pine stool comes stained
                                           and sealed, ready to weave. NOT TO BE        have an elegant and unique pendant
side of the basket as the basket is                                                     necklace or ornament. At least one tear
                                           USED AS A STEPPING STOOL.
woven. Lots of tricks to get this to                                                    drop will be completed in class. Supplies
work! The basket is lashed with black      Special tools: Spray water bottle, four 3”
waxed linen.                                                                            for 2 more tear drops are included in
                                           clamps, heavy duty packing tool,
                                           suggest rubber garden gloves to protect      your kit.
Special tools: None                        your hands                                   Special tools: None
Level: Beginner/Intermediate               Level: All                                   Level: All

Friday (2 hrs.)                              Friday (2 hrs.)                                 Friday (2 hrs.)
215 7 pm to 9 pm $20                         216 7 pm to 9 pm $18                            217 7 pm to 9 pm $35

                                                  Sailor’s Knot Bracelet                                 Cherry Bird
                                                         Sandy Atkinson                                  Karen Kotecki
  Onion Basket and Beyond                                                                               8” L, 6-1/2” wingspan
                                                      Made to fit your wrist
              Jan Schmidt                                                                    Cultures all over the world create
                                            An old traditional pattern but many
            8” Diameter x 10” H                                                              woven birds using leaves and barks. This
                                            people have wondered how it is woven.
This basket was first made to hold your     The Sailor’s Knot is a little tricky to start,   one uses cherry bark. Learn to measure
onions, but there are a lot of other uses   but the weaving is fun and creative.             and cut the bark for the wings. Learn the
for it (we store knotted plastic grocery    Learn this old basic skill in a short time       wing folding & joining technique. Move
bags in it). This basket is made with all   with a finished bracelet to wear or              on to O/U & diagonal weaving for the
round reed and weaves up quickly with       share. Rope is woven on a mold that is           body. An overhand knot creates the
a twine weave. You can shape this in        yours to keep so you can make more at            head and beak. The tail is free to flare.
any way you like. Add a leather strap for   home! You will make 2 bracelets in this          One Cherry Bird will be finished in class.
hanging with a special technique.           class.                                           Material for a second included in kit.
Special tools: None                         Special tools: None                              Special tools: Sharp shears, colored
                                                                                             pencil for marking
Level: All                                  Level: All                                       Level: Beginner/Intermediate

    Friday (2 hrs.)                            Saturday (4 hrs.)     Saturday (8 hrs.)
218 7 pm to 9 pm $35                        301 8 am to Noon $75 302 8 am to 5:15 pm $92

                                              Toddler’s Two Seat Bench
                                                         Steve Atkinson
         Popcorn Basket                     Seat: 24 1/2” W, 11” D, 12” H / Back: 20” H
            Julie Kleinrath                 This little double seated chair is made                    Fat Bottom Girl
                                            especially for the toddler. A little larger
        12” Diameter x 5-1/2” H             than the original, but perfect for the                        Anne Bowers
                                            growing little one and a friend. Choose                     21” H (with handle)
Woven on a wood base on a plastic
                                            from a great color selection of Shaker            Standing 21” at the top of the hand
mold in a continuous weave using            tape and/or nylon webbing and learn
space dyed reed. I will prestart your       two weaves on the bench, one on top,              tooled leather handle, this basket uses
basket so we can get right to the fun       one under the seat, but either can be             wide, doubled spokes and both round
part! The basket is finished with flat/     used on top of seat as you prefer. The            and flat oval weavers to achieve its
                                            pine seat comes stained and varnished,            curvaceous shape. A fun basket to
oval rim with a waxed linen lashing.
                                            ready to weave. NOT TO BE USED AS A               make with several good tips to learn.
Special tools: Small flat head packing      STEPPING STOOL.                                   Perfect to sit on the floor or mantle.
tool                                        Special tools: Heavy duty packing tool,
                                            four 3” clamps                                    Special tools: None
Level: Beginner                             Level: All                                        Level: Intermediate

Saturday (8 hrs.)                          Saturday (8 hrs.)                             Saturday (8 hrs.)
303 8 am to 5:15 pm $50 304 8 am to 5:15 pm $60 305 8 am to 5:15 pm $90

                                                                                                    Karen Kotecki
             All My X’s                                  Circuitry                         27” L (24” L base) x 10” W x 4” H
                                                                                                  (10” H with handle)
               Gina Kieft                                Pam Milat
           7-1/2” L X 5” W X 8” H                   10” L x 7” W x 2-1/2” H            Doubled is 2 baskets in one. This long
                                                                                       and strong beauty starts with 2 swing
 A basket full of weaving techniques       An eye-catching handy catch-all tray        handles and a double-spoked base. Top
 starts with an easy open weave base       that is woven in the 1-3-5 twill style      spokes form the inside and the bottom
 using dyed spokes. Use the same size      with 3 shades of brown reed. This is the    spokes form the outside basket. A
 dyed weaver to weave up the sides                                                     decorative X-crossing secures base
 working on shaping. Two rows of           perfect size tray to catch keys and loose
                                                                                       fillers. Weave sides using both shared
 Ti-Twining form ‘x’s’. Top half of the    change, a “man” tray.                       spoke and double-woven technique to
 basket emphasizes shaping by bringing                                                 weave the baskets together and
 the spokes inward as you weave. A         Special tools: Tapestry needle, 2-3 cloth   separately. Rimming this double basket
 wave weave makes the third set of         spoke weights, 24+ alligator clips          requires good scarfing and careful
 ‘x’s’. Top the basket with a matchstick                                               lashing. Up for the challenge?
 rim. Color choices available.                                                         Special tools: Sharp scarfing tools, glue,
                                           Level: Beginner/Intermediate                tapestry needle, good hand strength
 Special tools: None
 Level: Intermediate                                                                   Level: Advanced

      Saturday (8 hrs.)                          Saturday (8 hrs.)                             Saturday (8 hrs.)
306 8 am to 5:15 pm $65 307 8 am to 5:15 pm $80 308 8 am to 5:15 pm $65

        Shaded Feathers
                                                        Interlaced                              Abundant Bushel
          Wastebasket                              Debbie Mroczenski                                 Jan Schmidt
           Julie Kleinrath                           12” Diameter x 6” H                        13” L x 11” W x 8-1/2” H
     11-1/2” Diameter x 13-1/2” H
                                            Interlaced is all about the rim. Start      What a perfect size basket! Starts
Woven on a round wood base that has         with round reed spokes inserted into        with a solid woven base with
been glued to a plastic wastebasket.                                                    strategically placed color spokes
Woven in a twill design with an unusual     a slotted wood base. Weave on a
                                                                                        making a beautiful pattern. You won’t
design in the center of the basket          class mold for a quick weave to the         want to put anything in it! Weave up
surrounded by 4-rod wale. The basket        top. With plenty of time to spend on        the sides with a variety of weaves and
is finish with waxed linen lashing. The     the rim, you will be able to                colors. Learn how to put in bushel
design is added after the basket is         concentrate on the lovely interlaced
finished. You will be able to finish the                                                handles while creating a wave weave.
basket on your own using the detailed       technique that gives you this dynamic       Finish with seagrass wrapped handles
instructions.                               rim.                                        and wax linen lasher.
Special tools: Small flat head bent tool                                                Special tools: None
                                            Special tools: None
(for waxed linen)                                                                       Level: Intermediate
                                            Level: Intermediate
Level: Intermediate

Saturday (8 hrs.)                              Saturday (6 hrs.)                             Saturday (4 hrs.)
309 8 am to 5:15 pm $125 310 10 am to 5:15 pm $69 311 1:15 pm to 5:15 pm $45

                                                           Hexagon Stud
         Sweet Split Cedar                                  Sandy Atkinson
                                                                                               Turkey Wing Whisk Broom
          Polly Adams Sutton                                                                                 Vickie Gildon
                                                 15” L x 7-3/4” W x 13” h (with handle)
           2.5” L x 2.5” W x 5” H                                                                             15” L x 12” W
                                                 The unique shape of this basket is its
Using the natural thickness of cedar                                                          I want to continue Karen Hobbs’ legacy
                                                 hexagon (6 sides) shape. Woven in
bark, this basket will begin with a twill                                                     of broom making. Students will make a
                                                 smoked, natural, dyed dark green
base. The spokes will be split and then                                                       Turkey Wing whisk broom from natural
                                                 reeds, and cane with 2 wooden swing
twined with mellowed Northwest                                                                and dyed broomcorn hurl. This broom
                                                 handles. The studs, placed on the
Sweetgrass creating patterns on the
                                                 dark green reed, create a stunning           resembles the span of a turkey wing. If
outer wall of cedar. Two folded borders
                                                 accent along with the swing handles.         time permits, students may make a cake
finish the piece.
                                                 The studs are optional as they take          tester from the left-over hurl stems.
Special tools: Squirt bottle, old towel,         hand strength to insert.
packing tool, basket shears, tapestry                                                         Special tools: Basket scissors, awl or
needle                                           Special tools: None                          packing tool
Level: All                                       Level: Intermediate                          Level: All

        Saturday (4 hrs.)                            Sunday (4 hrs.)                              Sunday (4 hrs.)
   312 1:15 pm to 5:15 pm                        401 8 am to Noon $30                         402 8 am to Noon $38

        Kingston Bar Stool                                 All Knotted Up
            with Shaker Tape                                  Jan Schmidt                                     Potpourri
             Steve Atkinson                                 5” Diameter x 4” H
                                                                                                               Gina Kieft
            17” L x 17” W x 27” H
                                                 You’ll be weaving off a 3” slotted base.                  7” Diameter x 3-1/2”H
This woven bar stool is the perfect height
for a kitchen counter or a high table. Woven     The round reed to create the knots is
with Shaker tape and/or nylon webbing.           added as you weave up the basket.             This cute little basket contains a
Seat includes foam padding for comfort and       This is a continuous weave and shaping        potpourri of techniques! After lashing
luan for support. Students have choice of
pattern, 2 x 2 twill or checkerboard woven       of this small basket is taught. Finish off    the spokes together, learn Japanese
into the seat. Stool comes stained,              the top of the basket with seagrass and       weave, triple twine, four rod wale and
varnished, and ready to weave (notify us a       waxed linen lasher. Color choices             a simple braided border. Shaping will
least a month in advance if have preferred                                                     be stressed. Color choices available in
stain color or need a different height). Color   available.
choices in class. NOT TO BE USED AS A                                                          class.
STEPPING STOOL.                                  Special tools: Small packing tool
Special tools: Two large clamps, long shank                                                    Special tools: None
flat weaving tool or long knitting needle        Level: Beginner/Intermediate                  Level: Beginner
Level: All

Sunday (4 hrs.)                            Sunday (4 hrs.)                             Sunday (4 hrs.)
403 8 am to Noon $42                       404 8 am to Noon $40                        405 8 am to Noon $50

      Japanese Top Knot                      Never Enough Chocolate                         Chocolate Mint Trifle
                                                       Julie Kleinrath                               Pam Milat
           Anne Bowers
                                              10” L x 7” W x 9” H (with handle)                 9” L x 7” W x 4-1/2” H
          4” L x 4” W x 4” H
                                           This woven base basket is woven with
This little square ribbed basket is a      a fun design using chocolate colored        Woven of natural and dyed reed on a
sweetie that makes use of pre-formed       paper twist and colored cotton cording      racetrack wood base, this basket
ribs. Students will learn how to make      in a twill design with a flat-topped        features over/under and 3-rod wale
the God’s eyes, weave with cane and        swing handle. The basket is finished        techniques as it layers its way to a
                                           with natural waxed linen lashing,           folded rim. Let your taste buds delight
dyed reed and make the cane knot           adding a beaded embellishment on
on top of the handle.                      each side of the basket. Color choices      in this replica of a delightful dessert.
Special tools: Shears, sharpened knife,    for cotton cording in class.
                                                                                       Special tools: None
awl                                        Special tools: None                         Level: All
Level: Intermediate                        Level: Beginner/Intermediate

    Sunday (4 hrs.)                            Sunday (4 hrs.)                             Sunday (4 hrs.)
406 8 am to Noon $40                       407 8 am to Noon $53                        408 8 am to Noon $45

          Harvest Bead                               Bootstrap Tote                                  Ribbons
        Debbie Mroczenski                             Sandy Atkinson                              Karen Kotecki
           8” Diameter x 6” H                    12” L x 5-1/4” W x 7-3/4” H                  7-1/2” L x 6” W x 5-1/2” H
                                                (without 17” leather strap handle)

Woven in a harvest brown color, this       The filled-in base of the basket tote       Ribbons starts on an oval oak base and
                                           continues up the side and ends in           is a combination of reed and maple
round reed basket starts on a round                                                    wood strips. The shaping challenge is
                                           chicken feet. The front side has boot
wood base. Techniques include triple       hooks woven in so leather can be laced      to turn up the spokes from the base in
twining with step-ups and chase woven      up the side, creating a unique feature.     preparation for the side weaving of
shadow-weave. Wood beads add an            The specially designed leather handle       maple wood weavers. The rim is lashed
artistic accent. The braided rim adds an   has wooden rings on the upper strap         with waxed poly cord. Learn to
elegant finish.                            and is woven from the base up. A rim        manipulate the maple weavers to get
                                           filler of braided fabric finishes off the   firmly rounded ribbons, giving a
Special tools: None                        top edge with the cane lashing. Can be      beautiful dense texture to the basket.
                                           used as a purse or small tote.              Special tools: Tapestry needle, glue
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
                                           Special tools: None                         Level: Intermediate
                                           Level: Intermediate

2022 Teacher Biographies
Sandy Atkinson                                                            103, 203, 216, 310, 407
Sandy Atkinson began weaving in 1983 when she was home with her four daughters. In 1985 she and her husband,
Steve, opened Atkinson's Country House, where she could teach basket weaving and sell supplies. The success of
the business grew into a nationwide mail order company.
Sandy had a nation-wide PBS-TV series in the late 1980's and 1990's and has continued to teach around our great
country—in over 25 states! She has written several hundred patterns, has been featured in magazines, and is a
published author of her patterns and five books.
Her goal now is to promote basketry, especially to the younger group, to assure that the art will continue into the
Sandy and Steve love to travel around the USA teaching this wonderful art.

Steve Atkinson                                                            201, 213, 301, 312
Steve Atkinson worked for GM for 34 years. He retired in 2000 and joined his wife, Sandy, at Atkinson's Country
House full time. He oversees packing and shipping, plus anything else that needs doing. Steve also took up wood-
cutting and now cuts all the woodwork for the shop including building his own stools, rockers and chairs. He also
enjoys teaching the seat weaving classes.
He coached for 34 years at the high school level. Although his favorite sport is football, Steve has coached boys’
basketball, girls’ basketball, volleyball, baseball, and softball. He has had undefeated teams.
Steve and Sandy continue to work at the basket studio in Lennon, Michigan. They live on a small farm, have eight
grandchildren and love to travel around the USA to teach.

Anne Bowers                                                               104, 211, 302, 403
Anne is from the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia where she works in her studio designing and teaching baskets.
She was a production basket maker for many years, and she brings those skills into each basket that she teaches.
Ribbed basketry is her specialty, and some of her baskets have taken on a sculptural perspective in recent years.
Anne has participated in many basketry exhibits, shows, and has won many awards for her work. This past year she
produced a few baskets on huge moose antlers to be used by a floral designer for the Philadelphia Flower Show.
She is a member of the National Basketry Organization. She has taught on 3 basketry cruises, teaches basketry
widely and lectures about the woven form. She is in her 40th year of weaving and is still fascinated with the woven
form. This coming fall will mark her 32nd year of participation in the annual Over the Mountain Studio Tour. Her
goal is to make each student’s class a successful one.

Vickie Gildon                                                               102, 204, 311
Vickie began weaving with Rena Vickery as her teacher and mentor in 2001 and taught her first class in 2005.
Although a rookie to the convention floor, she has taught at her local arts guild, home extension groups, children’s
arts for all, and many local and private groups. Vickie began with baskets and has added brooms and foot stools to
her list of talents.

Gina Kieft                                                                   105, 205, 303, 402
Gina began weaving baskets at her local community education center and loved it from the start! She has been
teaching basket weaving for over 20 years. With over 100 patterns written, works published in two magazines and
several awards won at the AMB and the NCBA Conventions, Gina is thrilled for the opportunity to teach her love of
basketry. She enjoys teaching at the local Arts Council, Council on Aging, Scout Troops as well as private groups.
She really enjoys trying new mediums and new techniques and creating colorful dyed reed; however, twill is her

2022 Teacher Biographies

Julie Kleinrath                                                                   101, 110, 202, 212, 218, 306, 404
Julie has been weaving since 1990 and teaching since 1993. She published her first book in 2010 and is working on her second one
reflecting her own designs and tidbits that will assist any level of weaver. Julie’s baskets have been exhibited in galleries and have
won several awards. She has taught at conventions and for private groups in over 35 states. She is currently working out of her
studio located in Grand Junction, CO. Her favorite part of teaching is seeing the joy on her students faces when they finish their
first basket.

Karen Kotecki                                                                     106, 206, 217, 305, 408
Karen’s license plate holder says it all: “I’d Rather Be Basket Weaving.” Karen loves everything about the art and history of basketry
including weaving and designing. The best part for her is sharing her efforts with others through teaching. After 20+ years, it only
gets better and better!

Pam Milat                                                                         207, 304, 405
Pam has been designing and weaving baskets for 16+ years. Retired in 2016, Pam is now full throttle into sharing and teaching
basket weaving. Originally from MO, she lived 16 years in central FL (15 years as a Girl Scout Leader) before moving to coastal NC
and getting bit by the 'basket bug' in 2004. She is a member of NCBA and Port City Basketmakers guild. Pam has taught nationally
at conventions and weaving events and teaches baskets weekly at the Leland NC Cultural Arts Center. She was selected as the LCAC
3D Gallery Artist in October 2019 and returned for a 2nd gallery showing in June 2021.

Debbie Mroczenski                                                                 109, 208, 214, 307, 406
Debbie started weaving in 1992 at a PTO meeting. She has shared her skills with family and friends, and has taught at 4-H, East Troy
Basketry in WI, Canada, Jabez KY, FL, IL, IN, MI, MN, MO, PA and WV. In 2014, she won 1 st place in the professional/teacher
category at the Michigan convention and in 2016 she won a 3rd place in Missouri. Debbie was born and raised in Waukesha, WI and
has been married to Roger for 40 years. They are blessed to have 3 children and 6 grandchildren. Debbie enjoys all types of weav-
ing. It is a wonderful way to unwind & relax. She is looking forward to meeting and sharing her designs with all of you.

Jan Schmidt                                                                       108, 209, 215, 308, 401
Jan learned from the best, her mom, and now she wants to pass on her love of weaving to others. Jan has been teaching since 1990
in and around the Texas area as well as the larger conventions within the US. She is always thinking of new ways to challenge her
students with her patterns and new techniques as well as getting them to think outside the box.

Polly Adams Sutton                                                                107, 210, 309
Polly is a full-time studio artist working with cedar bark from logging areas in Washington State. She gathers the bark each spring
along with local Northwest sweetgrass. Her sculptural work is primarily twined with wire to create asymmetrical shapes and was
chosen for the cover of “500 Baskets.“ She has been teaching basketmaking for 35 years.

All TBWA members attending the Conference are invited to enter the 2022 Stars of Weaving Competition. This is your chance to showcase your originality, and
creativity with fellow weavers by submitting baskets of your own design.
There are 6 Juried Categories (each awarded a $50 prize)
         *Reed—Traditional reed material using any type of construction.
         *Art/Unique—Any type of construction or materials.
         *Natural Materials—Includes vines, roots, pods, gourds, pine needles, hard and softwoods.
         *New Weaver— Weaver has woven for less than two years.
         *Recycled Materials - Any type of construction using recycled materials.
         *Professional—Professional weavers may enter 1 basket in the Professional category.
Professional weavers may enter 1 basket in the Professional category only.
Non-professional weavers may enter a maximum of 2 baskets, each in a different category. Baskets must have been woven in the last two years.
Only members attending the TBWA Conference may submit baskets.
One entry (excluding the professional category) will be selected as the Viewer’s Choice and will receive a $50 prize. Voting for the Viewer’s
Choice award will be from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Friday ONLY.
Baskets will be accepted from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Thursday, and from 7:30 am to 8:00 am on Friday. You must
complete an entry form for each entry.
The winning baskets will be announced at the Annual Business Meeting on Saturday, February 12. You may pick up your entries beginning at
6:00 pm Saturday and all baskets must be picked by Noon on Sunday.
If you have any questions, contact: Diane Rausch at
The Exhibition
Everyone is encouraged to bring baskets for this non-juried exhibit. There are few things weavers enjoy as much as seeing other weaver’s
baskets, so share the joy. No prize money is awarded for The Exhibition baskets.
Baskets will be accepted from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Thursday, and from 7:30 am to 8:00 am on Friday. You must
complete an Exhibition form.

 You will want to attend our Annual Business Meeting on Saturday, February 12, 2022, during lunch at the Austin Marriott North.
 We have extended classes until 5:15 pm to be sure you have your full class time.
 During the Annual Business Meeting you will:
      Discover what your Board of Directors has accomplished this past year.
      Provide input regarding new ideas for TBWA.
      Elect President, Secretary, Membership Director and Members-at-Large Positions 2 & 4.
      Find out who will receive the Karen Hobbs Memorial Scholarship!
      Learn where the next Conference will be located.
 Please attend and have a voice in and support the organization because…it’s your organization.
 Thanks for making TBWA a success!

 Board of Directors 2021 — 2022                                                 2022 Conference Committee
 President: Juanita Holman                                                      Conference Chair: Linda Satter
 Vice President: Pam DeWeerd                                                    Registration Chair: Elizabeth Lundquist
 Secretary: Geraldine Kiser                                                     Teacher Coordinator: Vivian Schott
 Treasurer: Shelley Kessler                                                     Vendor Coordinator: Rebecca Switzer
 Membership Director: Gale Brom                                                 On-Site Facilities Coordinator: Sandra McElroy
 Member-at-Large Position 1: Karen Kotecki                                      Donations Coordinator: Cricket Rose
 Member-at-Large Position 2: Linda Satter                                       Publicity Coordinator:
 Member-at-Large Position 3: Diane Wilson                                       Printing Coordinator: Jolaine Lanehart
 Member-at-Large Position 4: Vickie Gildon                                      Stars of Weaving/Basket Exhibit Coordinator:
 Immediate Past President: Rebecca Shanks                                              Diane Rausch
                                                                                Conference Website: Linda Ormand
 Appointed Officers 2021 — 2022
 Web Master:
 Newsletter Editor: Barbara Green
 Parliamentarian: Linda Ormand
 Historian: Mary Brown
Round Rock


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