Thanks for joining us at the Alumni Lunch & Learn! - East ...

Page created by Brad Parks
Thanks for joining us at the Alumni Lunch & Learn! - East ...
August 2021 • Working Hard to Serve You

Thanks for joining us at the Alumni Lunch & Learn!
   On Friday, July 23, the East   approximately 15,000 square
Georgia State College (EGSC)      feet to the existing facility. The
Alumni Association host-          new addition has provided
ed a Lunch & Learn event to       much-needed student activ-
showcase a new addition to        ity space, including a large
the EGSC campus. The Jean         multi-purpose room, digital
Anderson Morgan Student           gaming, larger game room,
Center (JAM Center) Expan-        offices and a meeting room for
sion project began in 2018,       the Student Government As-
and the ribbon cutting was        sociation, Student Publication
held in October of 2020. Due      offices, and Student Life ad-
to COVID-19, only a limited       ministrative space. The exist-       open computing space and          like to thank Durden Banking
number of people were invit-      ing portion of the JAM Center        student group study nodes.        Company for providing the
ed to the event.                  was repurposed for a larger              The lunch on Friday gave      meals to everyone in atten-
  The expansion project added     College Bookstore, as well as        alumni and friends the oppor-     dance.
                                                                       tunity to tour the expansion        To stay up to date on alumni
                                                                       project, visit with other alum-   events and news, email Karen
                                                                       ni, and enjoy lunch in the din-   Guthrie, Alumni and Devel-
                                                                       ing hall on campus. The EGSC      opment Coordinator, at kguth-
                                                                       Alumni Association would

  EGSC welcomes our Fall 2021 semester with COVID-19 guidelines
    EGSC welcomes our students back to campus with in                    c) Students and employees may conduct and participate in
  person classes. Guidelines are in place to help everyone stay        face to-face meetings and activities using the social dis-
  safe from Covid-19. The guidelines are as follows:                   tancing, face covering, and mitigation guidelines contained
    a) Everyone is encouraged to wear a face covering in in-           herein.
  door spaces.                                                           d) Everyone is encouraged to use frequent hand hygiene
    b) Social distancing in classrooms will no longer be re-           and to clean personal spaces as needed.
  quired, but strongly encouraged for unvaccinated individu-             e) Clean workspaces and/or equipment throughout the
  als when possible. EGSC may not be able to guarantee social          day (for staff/employees, also at the end of the day)
  distancing in all interior spaces.                                     f) Vaccines are strongly encouraged
Thanks for joining us at the Alumni Lunch & Learn! - East ...
EGSC records $70 million economic impact in FY 2020
  In fiscal year 2020, the   EGSC’s service region         In terms of jobs gen-     stitution.                   and available data on
University System of         includes Emanuel, Bull-    erated, 34 percent were        The economic benefits      annual spending in the
Georgia (USG) served         och, Candler, Jefferson,   on-campus       positions    are estimated for sever-     specified     categories.
as a significant source      Johnson, Burke, and        (52,904 full-time equiv-     al important categories      Moreover, the emphasis
of stability and played      Toombs Counties. The       alent University System      of      college/universi-    is on funds received by
a critical role in the       institution serves a far   employees), while 66         ty-related expenditures:     residents in the region
state’s recovery with        larger region, however.    percent (102,106 jobs)       spending by the insti-       that hosts each college
an $18.6 billion state-        The economic impact      were off-campus in ei-       tutions themselves for       or university. The study
wide economic impact.        study found every dol-     ther the private or pub-     salaries and fringe ben-     reports     expenditures
USG’s impact grew            lar spent directly by      lic sectors. That means      efits, operating supplies
                                                                                                                  and impacts for the
0.6 percent over fiscal      USG institutions and       for every person em-         and expenses, and oth-
                                                                                                                  2020 fiscal year—July 1,
year 2019. The system        their students gener-      ployed at a USG institu-     er budgeted expendi-
                                                                                                                  2019, through June 30,
directly and indirectly      ated an additional 47      tion or the system itself,   tures; spending by the
generated 155,010 jobs.      cents for the surround-    two people have jobs         students who attend
   The annual study of       ing region’s economy.      that support the pres-       the institutions; and           The annual study is
the USG’s econom-            While $12.7 billion of     ence of the institution      spending by the institu-     conducted on behalf of
ic impact shows that         the $18.6 billion was      in the local community.      tions for capital projects   the Board of Regents by
East Georgia State Col-      a result of that direct    EGSC had a regional          (construction). The eco-     Jeffrey M. Humphreys,
lege (EGSC) had an           spending, the remain-      employment impact of         nomic impact estimates       Ph.D., director of the
$70,056,633 impact on        ing $5.9 billion was ad-   774 jobs. This employ-       are based on regional        Selig Center for Eco-
the communities in           ditional spending with-    ment impact includes         input-output      models     nomic Growth in the
its region during fis-       in local communities       on-campus       positions    of each institution’s re-    University of Georgia’s
cal year 2020. For the       sparked by the presence    and off-campus jobs          gional economy, certain      Terry College of Busi-
purpose of this study,       of a USG institution.      that exist due to the in-    necessary assumptions,       ness.

        EGSC-Statesboro launches B2E Program with GS
     In November 2018, East                                                                               tion and lowest net price as re-
Georgia State College and                                                                                 ported by the U.S. Department
Georgia Southern University                                                                               of Education’s most recent Col-
announced that EGSC would                                                                                 lege Affordability and Trans-
move its campus into the                                                                                  parency List.
Nessmith-Lane Continuing Ed-                                                                                 Georgia Southern University,
ucation Building. Similarly, the                                                                          a public Carnegie Doctoral/
functions of Continuing Educa-                                                                            R2 institution founded in 1906,
tion at Georgia Southern Uni-                                                                             offers approximately 140 differ-
versity will move to the EGSC                                                                             ent degree programs serving
campus on Highway 301 South.                                                                              almost 27,000 students through
EGSC’s move to the Georgia                                                                                10 colleges on three campuses
Southern campus is scheduled       oration, the Bobcat to Eagle        rollment management. “Both of      in Statesboro, Savannah, Hines-
to be complete by January 2022.    Program (B2E), signifies our        our institutions have the same     ville and online instruction. A
   East Georgia State College’s    commitment to the students of       goal of serving the students in
main campus is in Swainsboro                                                                              leader in higher education in
                                   this region. We are continuous-     this region. The new B2E pro-
but having the EGSC-States-                                                                               southeast Georgia, the Univer-
                                   ly looking for ways to better       gram puts a clear framework
boro campus provides an easy                                                                              sity provides a diverse student
                                   assist students in reaching their   in place for students to easily
transfer pathway to Georgia        educational goals. This pro-        transition from East Georgia to    population with expert faculty,
Southern. The two institutions                                                                            world-class scholarship and
                                   gram helps accomplish this by       Georgia Southern. It’s a win for
recently launched the B2E pro-                                                                            hands-on learning opportuni-
                                   enhancing the existing partner-     everyone involved - especially
gram to help the partnership                                                                              ties. Georgia Southern creates
                                   ship in various ways. Students      our students.”
continue to grow. This program                                                                            lifelong learners who serve as
                                   will be eligible to enroll in the     EGSC continues to grow, and
increases access and simplifies                                                                           responsible scholars, leaders
                                   B2E program beginning fall          it has become the college of
the process for progression to                                                                            and stewards in their commu-
                                   2021,” said Jessica Williamson,     choice for many students for
Georgia Southern University        Director of EGSC-Statesboro.        many reasons. Students who         nities. Visit GeorgiaSouthern.
for those students who start         “Georgia Southern is excited      attend EGSC can either transfer    edu.
out at East Georgia State Col-     to continue and expand a long-      to a larger institution, earn an       For more information about
lege-Statesboro.                   standing partnership with East      associate or bachelor’s degree.    the B2E Program, visit https://
   “This is not a new concept      Georgia State College,” said        It is ranked among the top 50      admissions.georgiasouthern.
as we have always had a part-      Amy Smith, Georgia Southern         institutions of higher education   edu/requirements/transfer/
nership, but this recent collab-   associate vice president of en-     in the U.S. with the lowest tui-   b2e/.
Thanks for joining us at the Alumni Lunch & Learn! - East ...
Our students are back for the Fall 2021 semester!
 Classes began at EGSC for fall 2021 on Wednesday, August 11. Students are busy going to classes, getting settled into their
dorms, enjoying Welcome Week activities, and meeting new and old friends. Welcome, future EGSC alumni!

Georgia House of Representatives honors political science professor
      The Georgia House                                        professional meetings on at       direct East Georgia State       Studies Society, 2010); an
Representatives recently                                       least a yearly basis; created     College’s Correll Scholars      edition of the classic study,
passed a resolution honor-                                     internships of both a policy      Program. He received his        A Theory of Public Opin-
ing Dr. Lee Cheek’s career                                     and law orientation avail-        bachelor’s degree from          ion (Transaction/Rutgers,
of teaching and mentoring                                      able to all students; and, he     Western Carolina Univer-        2013; reprinted, Routledge,
excellence. The resolution                                     has created honor society         sity, his M.Div. from Duke      2017); Patrick-Henry Onslow
honoring Dr. Cheek was                                         chapters to celebrate stu-        University, his M.P.A. from     Debate: Liberty and Republi-
introduced by Represen-                                        dent accomplishments.”            Western Carolina Univer-        canism in American Political
tative Matthew Gambill                                               For Gambill, “While         sity, and his Ph.D. from        Thought (Lexington, 2013);
(District 15). In nominating                                   Cheek has always been             The Catholic University of      and, The Founding of the
Cheek, Gambill noted that                                      aware of the need to ex-          America. As a senior min-       American Republic (Notre
“We strongly believe Dr.                                       plore, counsel, and pro-          ister in the United Method-     Dame University Press,
Cheek’s profound commit-                                       mote the professional pos-        ist Church (Western North       2022 [forthcoming]). He
ment to student mentoring                                      sibilities of political science   Carolina Conference) for        has also published dozens
                                 The remainder of Cheek’s
and preparing political sci-                                   students, his efforts began       thirty years, Cheek has         of scholarly articles in aca-
                               career has been spent at
ence students for careers in                                   to prosper at an even high-       served as a parish minis-       demic publications, and is
                               several institutions: Brew-
public service and the law                                     er level.” Gambill contin-        ter, visiting cleric, and U.S   a regular commentator on
                               ton-Parker College, Lee
demonstrate deserves rec-                                      ued: “In his last year at Lee,    Army chaplain.                  American politics and re-
                               University, Athens State
ognition. During his thir-                                     for example, ten of his Lee           He has been a congres-      ligion. Dr. Cheek’s current
                               University, University of
ty-five years of teaching in                                   University political science      sional aide and a political     research includes complet-
                               North Georgia, and East
and leading political sci-                                     students were accepted            consultant. Dr. Cheek’s         ing an intellectual biog-
                               Georgia State College. At
ence programs, Dr. Cheek                                       into law school, a record         books include Political         raphy of Francis Graham
                               Brewton-Parker College,
has amassed an amazing                                         for law school admissions         Philosophy and Cultur-          Wilson (I.S.I. Books), and
                               Dr. Cheek created a polit-
record of success in men-                                      during an academic year           al Renewal (Transaction/        a book on Patrick Henry’s
                               ical science program and
torship that continues even                                    within the Appalachian            Rutgers, 2001; reprinted,       constitutionalism and po-
                               served as division chair
today.”                                                        College Association. It is        Routledge, 2018 [with           litical theory. He current-
                               from 1997-2000. Over thir-
   In terms of Dr. Cheek’s                                     not hyperbolic to suggest         Kathy B. Cheek]); Calhoun       ly serves on the editorial
                               ty students majored in the
personal and profession-                                       that his pattern of career        and Popular Rule, published     boards of Studies in Burke,
                               program Cheek developed
al “narrative,” he began                                       mentorship has been re-           by the University of Mis-       Humanitas, The Political
                               and the majority of these
teaching and mentoring                                         markable, especially given        souri Press (2001; paper        Science Reviewer, Anam-
                               students remain in public
students at Western Car-                                       his commitment to institu-        edition, 2004); Calhoun: Se-    nesis, VoegelinView, and
                               service or education pur-
olina University in 1986,                                      tions without large support       lected Speeches and Writings    The University Bookman,
                               suits. According to Gam-
where many of his stu-                                         networks or endowments.”          (Regnery, 2003); Order and      as a Senior Fellow of the
                               bill, “Cheek implemented
dents were encouraged to                                         “For all these years, Cheek     Legitimacy (Transaction/        Alexander Hamilton In-
                               a process of student men-
assume positions in state                                      has also involved many of         Rutgers, 2004; reprinted,       stitute, and as a Fellow of
                               toring, civic awareness
government and in the                                          his students in student-fac-      Routledge, 2017); an edi-       the Academy of Philoso-
                               and engagement that has
diplomatic ranks. He cre-                                      ulty research opportuni-          tion of Calhoun’s A Dis-        phy and Letters (elected).
                               continued from his first
ated a model experiential                                      ties. When one encounters         quisition on Government         Cheek has been a Fellow
                               day of teaching in 1986
program called the Wash-                                       one of Dr. Cheek’s books,         (St. Augustine’s, 2007;         of the Wilbur Foundation,
                               until today. His “pattern”
ington Practicum, and took                                     each introduction, for ex-        reprinted, 2016); a criti-      the Earhart Foundation,
                               or “model” is wonderful-
students to Washington,                                        ample, is filled with notes       cal edition of W. H. Mal-       the Horowitz Foundation
                               ly wise and productive: at
D.C., every semester for an                                    of gratitude to the students      lock’s The Limits of Pure       for Social Policy, the Cen-
                               every institution where he
extensive public policy ex-                                    who helped him in his re-         Democracy (Transaction/         ter for Judicial Studies, and
                               has taught, Dr. Cheek has
perience. He continues to                                      search and the preparation        Rutgers, 2007; reprinted,       the Center for International
                               created student research
lead this groundbreaking                                       of the manuscripts,” sug-         Routledge, 2017); Confront-     Media Studies. Dr. Cheek
                               forums for political science
program, which now has a                                       gests Representative Gam-         ing Modernity: Towards a        lives on Tybee Island, Geor-
                               student research; taken
strong alumni base of sup-                                     bill.                             Theology of Ministry in the     gia, with his wife, Kathy B.
                               students to political science
port as well.                                                  Dr. Cheek continues to            Wesleyan Tradition (Wesley      Cheek.
Thanks for joining us at the Alumni Lunch & Learn! - East ...
ATTENTION ALUMNI!                                                            Alumni Bobcat
   Your monthly newsletter                                                    Cards available!
    could look like THIS!                                                   Anyone who attended East Georgia State Col-
                                                                          lege, East Georgia College, or Emanuel County
                                                                          Junior College is eligible for a free EGSC Alum-
                                                                          ni Bobcat Card. This card is good for discounts
                                                                          at area businesses. If you would like to receive
                                                                          your card, please email Karen Guthrie at kguth-
                                                                 Send her your request, and a head-
                                                                          shot picture of yourself to go onto the card, as
                                                                          well as a complete address you would like the
                                                                          card to be mailed to. The card will look like a
                                                                          student ID card, but it will say alumni.
                                                                            Participating area businesses are listed below.
                                                                          Swainsboro Locations
                                                                             1. Southern Traditions Floral and Gifts - 20%
                                                                                off in store purchase
                                                                             2. CPR Fitness and Tan Club - $5 off Tan-
                                                                                ning, $5 off a month for membership
                                                                             3. Lane Storage - 10% off monthly charge for
                                                                                storage unit
                                                                             4. Swainsboro Ford - $500 off any car pur-
                                                                                chase and 10% off an oil change
                                                                             5. Medical Center Pharmacy - 10% off,
                                                                                excluding medication
                                                                             6. Wendy’s - 10% off
                                                                             7. Ashley and Company Salon - Free eye-
                                                                                brow wax with color service and $10
                                                                                men’s haircuts
                                                                             8. Berni’s - 10% off lunch entrees
                                                                             9. Merle Norman Cosmetics - Buy 2 or more
                                                                                products, get 10% off on Tuesday
                                                                             10. Sonic - 10% off
                                                                             11. Dairy Queen - 10% off, excluding $6
                                                                                meals and any specials
                                                                             12. Plaza Pharmacy - 10% off, excluding
  Ready to read our Alumni Newsletter on your mobile device without             medication
having to download a PDF or visit our website? Sign up for our Alum-         13. Huddle House - 10% off
ni Mailing List today and get all the latest news and updates in a new,      14. Shop Rite Pharmacy - 10% off, excluding
easy to read and visually stunning email!
                                                                             15. Exhale Salon - 20% off haircutting
                                                                                services, 10% off spa services, and 15%
        Sign up for our new eNewsletter here!                                   off chemical services (Stylist Becky only
                                                                                for chemical services).
                                                                             16. Taco Bell - Free cinnamon twist with any
                                                                             17. Zaxby’s - 10% off order on Mondays (No

   We can’t wait until October when                                             more than two discounts at a time given
                                                                                in drive thru. Groups larger than two

   our most interesting and accom-                                              must come inside to receive the discount)
                                                                          Statesboro Locations
   plished alumni can be nominated                                           1. Superglass Windshield Repair - $10 off
                                                                                windshield repair. Call 912-764-2294
     for our new Alumni Awards!                                              2. Pins and Needles Alterations - Half price
                                                                                pants hemmed on Wednesday
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