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Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
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   Friday 8 May, 2020
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
Friday 8th May 2020 • £1.50 €2.00                                                                                                                         
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Boycott concerns                                                                                                                                                          CAFOD issues
                                                                                                                                                                          appeal to help
                                                                                                                                                                          the world’s

over virus vaccine
                                                                                                                                                                          poorest fight
                                                                                                                                                                          Catholic aid charity CAFOD has warned
                                                                                                                                                                          that a coronavirus ‘tsunami’ could kill
                                                                                                                                                                          as many as three million people in the
                                                                                                                                                                          world’s poorest countries as it launched
Researchers’ use of
aborted foetus cells
                                            At this distance, I can hear your confession – just ...                                                                       a major emergency appeal to provide
                                                                                                                                                                          urgently needed aid.
                                                                                                                                                                             As Europe begins to edge out of the
offers potential ethical                                                                                                                                                  lockdown and ease restrictions caused
dilemma for Catholics                                                                                                                                                     by Covid-19, attention has turned to
                                                                                                                                                                          countries across Africa, the Middle
Simon Caldwell and Nick Benson                                                                                                                                            East and Asia where reports suggest
An ethical row looks likely to break                                                                                                                                      the spread of the virus is accelerating.
out after scientists working on a po-                                                                                                                                        The concern is, if Europe, with its
tential Covid-19 vaccine admitted they                                                                                                                                    sophisticated and expensive healthcare
were using cells derived from aborted                                                                                                                                     systems was nearly overwhelmed by
foetuses.                                                                                                                                                                 the virus, what impact will it have on
   While no vaccine currently exists                                                                                                                                      poor countries with few intensive care
for the deadly virus, many possibilities                                                                                                                                  beds, ventilators – and no PPE for
are being researched and some re-                                                                                                                                         frontline health staff?
searchers are using a cell-line derived                                                                                                                                      “Millions of poor communities have
from an unborn child aborted many                                                                                                                                         nothing to protect themselves from
years ago.                                                                                                                                                                its devastating impacts,” said Christine
   A researcher from a Catholic                                                                                                                                           Allen, CAFOD’s director as she
bioethics institute has said there would                                                                                                                                  launched the appeal.
be “no absolute duty” to boycott such                                                                                                                                        “The potential scale of the pandemic
a vaccine but the Society for the Pro-                                                                                                                                    across Africa, Asia, Latin America and
tection of Unborn Children (SPUC)                                                                                                                                         the Middle East – as well as among
has requested that the Government                                                                                                                                         refugee and displaced populations in
make available vaccines that are not                                                                                                                                      places such as Syria, South Sudan and
                                                                                                        Confession matters: Fr Paddy McCafferty resumed
made using cell lines derived from                                                                      hearing Confessions while observing social distancing             the Rohingya camps in Bangladesh –
the tissue of aborted unborn children.                                                                  though the locked gates of Corpus Christi Church in               is truly frightening.”
   Some of the vaccine teams do not                                                                     Ballymurphy, West Belfast. Full story - see pg 4                     The World Health Organisation has
use cells at all and others use plant or                                                                Photo: Niall Carson/PA                                            pinpointed Yemen – still in a state of
animal cells.                                                                                                                                                             civil war – as being a country of major
   However, scientists at the University                                                                                                                                  concern; while few cases of Covid-19
of Oxford have said they are using         and that a path be taken which re-        lished for the centre, which serves the   abuses, and some will feel, whether        have been reported so far, a lack of
cell lines from an aborted foetus. They    spects those with concerns of con-        Church in the UK and Ireland.             rightly or wrongly, called to a boycott    medical equipment and channels to
are now conducting human trials of         science in this area.                        Its use would be a matter of indi-     even if no alternative vaccine is avail-   inform the public of how to respond
a possible vaccine against the coron-         However, in a briefing paper issued    vidual conscience for Catholics, al-      able to them”.                             mean that if the virus were to take
avirus in the hope that it could be        on 27th April, Helen Watt, a senior       though they should strive to obtain          But when judging the researchers,       hold, it would be near impossible to
made ready for use by September.           research fellow with the Anscombe         alternative vaccines, made without        Watt continued, it was important to        control.
   If this vaccine were successful it      Bioethics Centre, Oxford, said it was     foetal cells, once such vaccines arrive   consider the wider implications of            And in Afghanistan, 500 random
could present an ethical dilemma for       not always wrong to use vaccines pro-     on the market.                            such a move on society, and always         coronavirus tests in Kabul came back
Catholics and all opposed to abortion.     duced via cell lines even if they were       “The moral onus is certainly on the    bear in mind that we have to live with     positive, raising fears of widespread
   In a letter to Jo Churchill, the Par-   from aborted foetuses.                    person to do this as a witness to the     previous injustices in many of the         undetected infections.
liamentary Under-Secretary at the De-         “Boycotting a Covid-19 vaccine in      value of human life and life-respecting   things we do today.                           “These are vulnerable families who
partment of Health and Social Care,        the absence of an alternative is a se-    research,” she said.                         “Remember that we when we walk          are unprepared to fight this virus and
SPUC urges her to make sure that           rious action that should be carefully        But she said boycotting a foetus-      in Rome we do so on paving laid by         are being pushed to the brink of
vaccines developed without using           considered because of its potentially     derived vaccine may be counter-pro-       slaves…we live in countries that our       hunger and poverty,” said Allen.
foetal cell-lines be supported in the      grave risks both for the person and       ductive: “Boycotts are often a means      ancestors unjustly invaded”.               CAFOD appeal:
fight against the Covid-19 pandemic,       for others,” she said in the paper pub-   of achieving change by highlighting       Continued on page 3                        See World - pg 16
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
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Irish faith
leaders unite                                            Talks open with Government
in plea to end
the closures                                             over reopening our churches
                                                         The five metropolitan archbishops of                                                                                             of the Mass and the other sacraments.
Church leaders in Ireland have
called for restrictions to be relaxed                    England and Wales have revealed that                                                                                                ‘Every bishop and priest recognises
in order to allow churches to re-open                    planning is underway for the re-open-                                                                                            the pain of Catholics who, at present,
for ‘individual visits and private                       ing of Catholic churches when lock-                                                                                              cannot pray in church or receive the
prayer’ where it can be done safely                      down restrictions are eased, and that                                                                                            sacraments. This weighs heavily.’
with social distancing measures.                         discussions with the statutory public                                                                                               However, the archbishops also write
   The leaders of the country’s main                     health agencies and Government rep-                                                                                              of the need to act in solidarity for the
Churches, including the Catholic                         resentatives are ongoing.                                                                                                        common good. ‘It is right that the
Primate of All-Ireland and Archbish-                        The revelation comes after Cardinal                                                                                           Catholic community fulfils its role in
op of Armagh, Eamon Martin, made                         Nichols insisted that people’s spiritual                                                                                         contributing to the common good of
the call following a video conference                    needs are “essential” and churches                                                                                               society. This must continue until the
meeting on Friday 1st May.                               are prepared to reopen but only when                                                                                             restrictions applied by the Government
   The faith leaders considered the                      “the time is right”.                                                                                                             are lifted.’
possibilities of re-opening for collec-                     The five metropolitan archbishops –                                                                                              Cardinal Nichols told Sky News:
tive worship and private personal                        Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop                                                                                             “The spiritual needs of people are es-
prayer.                                                  of Westminster; Archbishop Malcolm                                                                                               sential,” pointing out that for many,
   In the joint statement, signed by                     McMahon OP, Archbishop of Liver-                                                                                                 their spiritual needs are “right at the
the leaders of the Roman Catholic                        pool; Archbishop Bernard Longley,                                                                                                essence of their understanding of life”.
Church, Church of Ireland,                               Archbishop of Birmingham; Archbish-         A woman prays                                                                           Addressing the re-opening of
Methodist Church in Ireland, Pres-                       op George Stack, Archbishop of Cardiff;     at the closed door                                                                   churches, he said: “When it’s possible
byterian Church in Ireland and the                       Archbishop John Wilson, Archbishop          of Westminister                                                                      we’re ready.”
Irish Council of Churches, they                          of Southwark – note: ‘As the restrictions   Cathedral while                                                                         However, the cardinal also stressed
lament that congregations are un-                        are relaxed, we look forward to open-       Easter Mass was                                                                      the importance of taking any risks.
able to gather together in person for                    ing our churches and resuming our           taking place inside                                                                     “I think it’s very important that we
worship but acknowledge that ‘it is                      liturgical, spiritual, catechetical and                                                                                          take profoundly seriously the risks
important we all continue to adhere                      pastoral life step by step.’                                                                                                     involved and make all the necessary
to government advice on social dis-                         They point out that this will also       sacraments. Until then, we are con-      Church. ‘None of us would want to           preparations open to inspection so
tancing and other measures. The                          help those beyond the Church who            tinuing to pray and prepare.’            be in the situation in which we find        that we can be confident that in en-
current restrictions are for the com-                    depend on the charitable activity and          The archbishops also point to the     ourselves,’ they write. ‘While the live-    couraging people to come to that sa-
mon good of everyone on the island.’                     outreach shared by so many volunteers       risen Lord as a beacon of hope in        streaming of Mass is playing an im-         cred space which corresponds to
   They accept that it is not currently                  from Church communities.                    these challenging times, and recognise   portant part in maintaining the life        what’s inside of them, that we’re doing
appropriate to consider a full return                       ‘Together with Catholics across Eng-     that live-streamed Mass and other        of faith, there is no substitute for        it safely and contributing, I think to
to such gatherings, but do ask that                      land and Wales, we desire the opening       devotions, although faith-affirming,     Catholics being able to physically at-      the overall health of the nation,” he
‘the issue is kept under regular re-                     of our churches and access to the           are second-best to worshipping in        tend and participate in the celebration     said.
view, so that when it is safe to do so
there can be an easing of these re-
strictions,’ they say.
   However, the leaders point out
                                                         ‘Solution is to look at everything in a different light’
that the issue of church buildings                       The Catholic Church in Scotland             to draw up a strategy that would         finances. “Our diocese, we are okay           “From the moment our churches
being permitted to open for individ-                     has confirmed that it too is drawing        allow the churches to re-open.           for the first part of the year but the      were closed we’ve been thinking
ual visits and private prayer is ‘a dif-                 up plans for the phased re-opening            “We are not going to ask for our       longer it goes on the tougher it will       how they might look when we
ferent and a separate matter’.                           of churches including social                churches to be open when we don’t        get,” he said.                              reopen,” Mr Horan told STV News.
   ‘Where the advice indicates that                      distancing measures.                        think it is safe,” the bishop said.         “Most Catholics still want to give         Scotland’s First Minister Nicola
this limited step is possible, we                          The plans, to be shared with the            “One priest in a big church            money to the Church.”                       Sturgeon has encouraged
would urge the Executive to consid-                      Scottish Government, include                looked at social distancing – he had        Anthony Horan, director of the           organisations to be innovative
er easing this particular restriction                    blocking off of pews, the removal of        a church of 500 and he said that the     Scottish Catholic Parliamentary             when looking towards the easing of
sooner rather than later,’ they say.                     holy water fonts, and the                   maximum you could get in was 60,         Office, said the Church is already          restrictions and Mr Horan noted
   ‘We have seen the vast majority of                    withdrawal of hymn books.                   maybe two to a bench for instance.”      prepared with certain aspects of re-        that this is something the Church
the people embracing these chal-                           The Bishop of Paisley, John                 Bishop Keenan said the                 opening, as some potential measures         should be looking into. “We’re
lenging restrictions and making                          Keenan, said that an independent            lockdown and church closures had         were already in place shortly before        saying, ‘how is that going to look?
them work for the benefit of all.’                       working group is being established          also had an impact on parishes’          churches closed.                            about everything’,” he said.

                                                                        The Catholic

                                FOR 3 MONTHS

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                                                                                                     Bishop tells of his ‘shame’
            We are delighted to announce that we have commissioned
       Blue Market Media to manage the media space for The Catholic
     Universe and the CHB publications on behalf of UMG. Blue Market
                                                                                                     over decision to shut church
         Media are a fast-growing, independent media agency based in                                 Nick Benson                              Thatcher, told The Catholic Universe           “When the announcement of
      London that have great experience in managing media portfolios.                                A woman who produced a video ap-         that they had received “a dozen or          church closures happened I was aware
                                                                                                     pealing to Catholic bishops to re-open   more responses” after the video was         of a sense of frustration and helpless-
       They will be your new point of contact moving forward regarding
                                                                                                     churches has revealed that one bishop    circulated.                                 ness amongst some of my Catholic
             bookings, whether it be for inserts, press, or digital media.
                                                                                                     admitted to being “ashamed” for hav-        “One bishop told me: ‘I was              friends, others even felt angry. I wanted
                                                                                                     ing to close the churches.               ashamed to give the instruction for         to help channel that anger into some-
            For further information, rates and packages, please contact:                                The video, titled ‘Please Open Our    our churches to be closed and deny          thing productive, so together with
                                                                                                     Churches’ was sent to all British        the faithful access to the Blessed Sacra-   Ben and Sarah we decided to create a
                          Josh Stewart Head of Sales for BMM                                         Catholic bishops last month and is       ment’,” she said.                           video. The video wasn’t borne out of
                             e:                                          also available to view on YouTube.          “Another replied: ‘Thank you for         self-pity, but rather from a deep yearn-
                                                                                                        It includes pleas from a number of    making this poignant video appeal.          ing for the sacraments.”
                                            T: 0203 538 9753                                                                                  It breaks my heart that churches are           Ms Vaughan-Spruce also pointed
                                                                                                     Catholics to re-open churches, with
                                                                                                     one woman quoting Pope Francis,          closed... we will press for our churches    out that the video wasn’t simply a
                                                                                                     warning that “the forced isolation is    to be re-opened at the earliest op-         plea for the laity but for priests, too.
                       New and existing Catholic advertisers,                                        presenting the danger of people living   portunity’.”                                   “I know of priests who are no longer
                            please contact Catherine Kelly on                                        the faith only for themselves detached      Ms Vaughan-Spruce said it some-          celebrating even a private Mass be-
                 e:                                          from the sacraments, the Church and      times takes a crisis to make people         cause they feel so detached from the
                                                                                                     the people of God”.                      evaluate their priorities and during        Church. It reminds me that priests
                         T. 0161 820 5722 or 07538 830350                                               Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, who pro-       the pandemic she also became aware          need the people almost as much as
                                                                                                     duced the film with Ben and Sarah        of other people’s priorities too.           we need our priests.”
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
The Catholic Universe         |   Friday 8th May 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                  03

Brother Chris                                                                                                                                                                                       Priest surgeon
                                                                                                                                                                                                    critical of care
is happy to be                                                                                                                                                                                      home policies
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Simon Caldwell
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Elderly people are being left to die in

back in scrubs                                                                                                                                                                                      Britain’s nursing homes instead of being
                                                                                                                                                                                                    offered care in hospitals, a priest and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    former surgeon has claimed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fr Patrick Pullicino volunteered to re-

to fight virus                                                                                                                                                                                      turn to the NHS to work at the Nightingale
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hospital in London – one of seven tem-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    porary hospitals to provide extra capacity
                                                                                                                                                                                                    for the NHS. But they have treated very
                                                                                                                                                                                                    few patients as NHS bed capacity has
Michael Kelly (CNS)                            “I never wavered and once the back-                                                                                                                  remained above Covid-19 demands.
An Irish Dominican brother who              ing came, I was happy to go for it,” he                                                                                                                    Fr Pullicino said that the excess beds
trained as a doctor is back treating        said.                                                                                                                                                   can be explained by a policy of returning
patients with Covid-19.                        “My skills are quite limited in com-                                                                                                                 elderly patients from hospitals to care
   Br Chris Gault, who has been study-      parison to a lot of the colleagues I am                                                                                                                 homes even if they have Covid-19.
ing for the priesthood with the Do-         working with but they’ve been so                                                                                                                           “If somebody in a nursing home gets
minicans, has returned to his native        welcoming. They have been on the                                                                                                                        Covid, you don’t leave them there. Monitor
Belfast and donned surgical scrubs          front line now; their training is better                                                                                                                them, and if they get to a certain point
to be part of the fight against the virus   than mine.                                                                                                                                              you bring them into hospital. You don’t
in the Mater Misericordiae Hospital            “I will be looking to support them.                                                                                                                  leave them to die with hypoxia and pneu-
where he once served.                       They are true heroes. I have a great                                                                                                                    monia and put them on palliative care
   He graduated from Queen’s Uni-           admiration for them.”                                                                                                                                   in a nursing home,” he said.
versity in 2013 and completed foun-            The North Belfast man said it was                                                                                                                       Department of Health guidance advised
dation training as a doctor, but he         “pretty strange” being back in scrubs.                                                                                                                  the NHS to transfer elderly Covid patients
left medical life behind when he de-        While admitting there is a learning                                                                                                                     from their own homes into nursing homes
cided to answer a call to enter the         curve, he said the training “comes                                                                                                                      rather than allow them in a hospital.
priesthood.                                 back to you”.                                                                                                                                              Fr Pullicino said this policy was so
   He joined the Order of Preachers,           “It is rusty, so I am very much in a                                                                                                                 misguided that it should be the subject
making a profession of vows in 2018,        support position until I get back up                                                                                                                    of a public inquiry. He said the “mortality
and moved to Dublin to study phi-           to speed and I can help in a more                                                                                                                       among the elderly in care homes has
losophy as part of his formation.           concrete way.”                                                                                                                                          been terrible”.
   However, when he heard calls for            He said if he had to give people a                                                                                                                      “It is not just a mistake - maybe it was
any available medics to return to the       message, “it would be one of hope”.                                                                                                                     a mistake - but there is no feeling for
front line to help in the fight against        “Staff here are committed to beating                                                                                                                 these people. The NHS has abandoned a
the coronavirus, he decided he had          this thing and they are committed                                                                                                                       lot of these elderly sick,” he said.
to help.                                    with the help of God. I have no doubt       Brother Chris Gault poses in the
   “I talked to my superiors and they       that there is great hope.”                  chapel at Mater Misericordiae
were happy and encouraging,” he said.          “I would rather be living my religious   Hospital in Belfast. Staff he works                                  YOUR EASTERTIDE GIFT TO OUR RISEN CHRIST
                                            life in my monastery, praying with
   “I just volunteered. The trust and
the health service (are) undergoing a       my brothers, but this was a response
                                                                                        with are committed to beating the
                                                                                        coronavirus, he said.
                                                                                                                                                        HELP TRAIN A YOUNG MAN FOR
lot of change. They are adapting to a
lot of change in these current circum-
                                            at a time of need,” he added. “It is ex-
                                            traordinary and it is temporary. While      Photo: Mal McCann, courtesy Irish
                                                                                                                                    The Little Way
                                                                                                                                     Association        THE MISSIONARY PRIESTHOOD
stances.                                    it is needed, I am here to help.”           Catholic                                                                                            Each year THE LITTLE WAY ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                                                                                                            receives numerous requests from Religious
                                                                                                                                                                                            Orders in mission lands for help to train their

Boycott concerns over possible vaccine
                                                                                                                                                                                               It costs approximately £84 a month
                                                                                                                                                                                              (£1,000 per year) to feed, clothe and
Continued from page 1                                                                   create the rubella component of the                                                                   educate a student for the priesthood
                                             A scientist checks quality control
   However, Dr Anthony McCarthy,             of Covid-19 vaccine vials at the           MMR vaccine, which was developed                                                  The great majority of
SPUC’s director of research, stresses                                                   using products of abortion.                                                       young men who come
                                             Clinical Biomanufacturing                                                                                                    forward to offer their
that a vaccine that is acceptable to all     Facility in Oxford.                           Dr McCarthy argues that it is ‘clearly
                                                                                                                                                                          lives to God, and His
must be made available.                      Photo: Sean Elias                          in the interests of all’ that a vaccine                                           people, come from
   Dr McCarthy points out that con-                                                     acceptable to everyone is supported                                               poor families. Their
tentious foetal cell lines originate in                                                 and made available.                                                               parents do not have the
tissue sourced from abortions and                                                          ‘We are writing to ask that any non-                                           means to support them
one such cell-line used in the Covid-                                                   foetally developed vaccines be made                                               financially.
19 vaccine research is the HEK 293                                                      generously available to all.’               The cost of educating and maintaining seminarians is often a                                 MISSIONARIES
cell-line derived from foetal tissue                                                       ‘Society needs to respect the con-       heavy burden on the Religious Orders. It costs                                              NEED YOUR MASS
from an abortion in the 1970s, while                                                    sciences of its members who uphold          approximately £84 a month (£1,000 per year) to feed, clothe                                   OFFERINGS
another is the PER C6 cell-line from                                                    the inviolability of human life from        and educate a student for the priesthood. We appeal
                                                                                                                                    wholeheartedly, this Eastertide, to all readers to help train                                      !                 $
an 18-week old unborn child aborted                                                     conception and who do not wish to
                                                                                                                                    and support a candidate for the priesthood.
in 1985.                                                                                be involved in anything they may see                                                                                                                       #
   He explains that while using such                                                    as complicit with the unjust taking of      Any donation you can send will be most gratefully
                                            bond,’ writes Dr McCarthy. ‘Even those                                                  received, and will be sent without deduction,
a cell-line is not the same as using                                                    such life.                                  to help to train a young man for the priesthood.                                             We like to send a
foetal tissue itself, which involves        not opposed to all abortion may well           ‘It is disappointing that in the past,                                                                                               minimum of £5 or
close liaison with the abortion provider    have moral concerns over practices          ethically developed vaccines have not       Crossed POs and cheques should be sent and made                                             more for each Mass.
on the part of those collecting the tis-    which seem to treat opportunistically       been available to those who have            payable to: THE LITTLE WAY ASSOCIATION
                                            the remains of an aborted unborn                                                        Sacred Heart House, 119 Cedars Rd, Clapham Common,                                             WELLS NEEDED
sue and making it available, the use                                                    needed them, even when such alter-                                                                                                                              $
                                            child.                                                                                  London SW4 0PR (Registered Charity No. 235703)
of foetal cell-lines created from such                                                  native vaccines existed as in many                                                                                                                              $

                                                                                                                                    Tel. 020 7622 0466.
tissue can nonetheless pose problems           ‘With existing vaccines for condi-       cases they do for various conditions.                                                                                                                  "
                                                                                                                                    I enclose £ be allocated for:-                                    !
of conscience for those who may even-       tions like rubella, a non-foetal alter-        ‘Many people have serious objec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               "               "
tually be offered the vaccine.              native normally exists but is some-         tions to the use of vaccines developed      £............. TRAINING YOUNG MEN FOR THE PRIESTHOOD
   ‘For those of us who see the original    times difficult for people to access.       from procedures which undermine             £............. NEEDS OF MISSIONARIES                                                               $
                                            In addition to the request concerning                                                   £............. WELLS AND WATER                                                                     !   "
abortion as the unjustified taking of                                                   the ethical practice of medicine.’                                                           Please tick if you would
                                                                                                                                    £............. MASS STIPENDS (please state no. )                                                           "
the life of the unborn child, such use      a Covid-19 vaccine, SPUC is asking             The letter concludes: ‘We look for-                                                       like an acknowledgement
                                                                                                                                    £............. LITTLE WAY ADMIN. EXPENSES                                                          #               ! $
of the products of abortion, even a         that such existing alternatives be made     ward to hearing from you at this dif-       Name (Rev. Mr. Mrs. Miss)                                                                      $       "
cell line derived from the original tis-    available for these other conditions.       ficult time when we are all seeking         (Block letters please)
sue, risks sending out a harmful social        Dr McCarthy said that several faith      life-saving options and would be hap-                                                                                                     Can you help to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   provide a well?
message concerning the value of early       groups have raised concerns in the          py to discuss these issues further                                                                                                       ! $        $
human life and of the mother-child          past over the use of foetal tissue to       should you wish.’                           To donate online go to:                                           "        "
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Socially distanced queues as                                                                                                                                                  New support
                                                                                                                                                                              for domestic
                                                                                                                                                                              abuse victims
Fr Paddy holds open air Mass                                                                                                                                                  The Domestic Abuse Group of the
                                                                                                                                                                              Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Eng-
                                                                                                                                                                              land and Wales has issued guidance
There were socially-distanced queues                                                                                                                                          on how Catholic parishes can support
at a west Belfast church last weekend                                                                                                                                         victims of domestic abuse during the
as a Catholic priest heard confessions.                                                                                                                                       Covid-19 pandemic.
   Fr Paddy McCafferty of Corpus                                                                                                                                                 Since the lockdown began on 23rd
Christi in Ballymurphy was kept busy                                                                                                                                          March, there has been a 49 per cent
for an hour on Saturday, 2nd May as                                                                                                                                           increase in calls and online requests
parishioners waited in line.                                                                                                                                                  for help relating to domestic abuse.
   He sat in front of the church behind                                                                                                                                          This guidance includes information
the gates while those making their                                                                                                                                            about how parishes can raise aware-
confessions stood about two metres                                                                                                                                            ness of the issue including a list of
in front of him.                                                                                                                                                              helplines and information about how
   “I started hearing confessions at                                                                                                                                          to safely get help. These include: the
11.40 and I was kept busy for about                                                                                                                                           Freephone National Domestic Abuse
an hour with a constant stream of                                                                                                                                             Helpline, run by Refuge, on 0808 200
people, with everybody observing so-                                                                                                                                          0247; the Live Fear Free helpline
cial distancing,” he said. “As they came                                                                                                                                      (Wales), on 0808 80 10 800; and the
to me outside the church, there was a                                                                                                                                         Men’s Advice Line on 0808 801 0327,
two-metre distance, maybe more.                                                                                                                                               as well as many others.
   “There was no one close to them                                                                                                                                               The guidance advises those ‘in im-
to hear what they were saying and it                                                                                                                                          mediate danger’ to call 999 and those
was easy for me to hear what they                                                                                                                                             ‘in danger and unable to talk on the
were saying.                                                                                                                                                                  phone’ to call 999 and listen to the
   “Everything was observed, the sanc-                                                                                                                                        questions from the operator and if
tity and privacy as well as protecting                                                                                                                                        possible, respond by coughing or tap-
people from the virus. I intend to do                                                                                                                                         ping the head set. Then, if prompted,
it again until we are able to get people                                                                                                                                      press 55 to make yourself heard and
back into the church again.”                                                                                                                                                  this will transfer the call to the police.
   Fr McCafferty said previously he                                                                                                                                           However, pressing 55 only works on
had been hearing confessions by ap-                                                                                                                                           mobiles and does not allow police to
pointment, meeting parishioners out-                                                                                                                                          track your location.
side the church at a safe distance.                                                                                                                                              When 999 calls are made from land-
   “Before Easter I did the same, I was                                                                                                                                       lines, information about your location
outside the church and people were                                                                                                                                            should be automatically available to
coming but I decided to stop that as                                                                                                                                          the call handlers to help respond.
we went into Holy Week because the                                                                                                                                               The guidance also includes a step-
worry at that time was the virus was                                                                                                                                          by-step starter guide for how parishes
going to peak, so I didn’t want anyone                                                                                                                                        can work to support their local do-
at all leaving the house unnecessarily,”                                                                                                                                      mestic abuse services with donations.
he said.                                                                                                                                                                         Bishop John Sherrington, who chairs
   “There is nothing to stop you hear-                                                                                                                                        the Domestic Abuse Group, said:
ing confessions from people provided                                                                                                                                          “Every person has a right to live their
you observe all the precautions.                                                                                                                                              life free from abuse. Catholic parishes
   “I am aware of other priests who                                                                                                                                           can play an important role in the
are doing it too. We are not breaching                                                                                                                                        fighting domestic abuse, especially
any of the safety mechanisms and it                                                                Fr Paddy McCafferty hears confessions while observing social               during the Covid-19 pandemic where
does help people. Many were very                                                                   distancing though the locked gates of Corpus Christi Church                we are seeing some shocking statistics
moved to be able to do it, and we                                                                  in Ballymurphy, West Belfast. Photo: Niall Carson/PA                       from leading domestic abuse organi-
have to comfort people and strengthen                                                                                                                                         sations. My thanks go to those working
them in every way possible.                can't comfort them in the way you             “It is what it is, we can’t do anything   in an open top car offering benediction    so hard to ensure that people suffering
   “They are deprived of the Eucharist     would normally comfort a person, by         about it, we just have to make the          with the Blessed Sacrament.                domestic abuse can live safe lives.
at the moment, so to be able to give       putting your arm around them or try-        best and hope and trust the pandemic           He described the feedback after            “I hope that Catholics and parishes
any comfort and strength to people         ing to console them,” he said.              will pass. In the meanwhile we have         that as “overwhelmingly positive”.         will be inspired to take this up in their
is so important.”                            “At funerals, it is desperately painful   to try and help people.”                       “People were greatly comforted and      local area.
   Fr McCafferty described the pan-        because we have to stand back, it’s           Mass services are being streamed          that was the purpose, to comfort peo-      See:
demic as a challenging time.               just awful and it’s heartbreaking for       online and on Sunday, 26th April Fr         ple where they are, in their homes, at     work/health-social-care/coronavirus
   “When people are upset and you          them and everyone involved.                 McCafferty drove around the parish          their gates, at their doors,” he added.    -guidelines/domestic-abuse/

Food bank demand soars as people run out of cash
The coronavirus crisis has sparked a       times higher than this time last year.         The coalition called on the Gov-         network are seeing steep rises in need     the JRF, added: “It’s simply not right
huge increase in people using food            A coalition of charities – including     ernment to provide a Covid-19 emer-         for emergency food parcels as the          that so many more people are having
banks for essential supplies, according    the Trussell Trust, IFAN, Child Poverty     gency income support scheme that            consequences of Covid-19 take hold.        to turn to food banks because they
to charities.                              Action Group (CPAG), Children’s So-         helps individuals and families who            “The solution is not in trying to        are unable to meet their basic costs.
   The Trussell Trust said its network     ciety, Joseph Rowntree Foundation,          are already facing or at serious risk of    distribute more food parcels but in            “We all want to help each other
had seen its busiest-ever period, with     StepChange and Turn2us – is urging          financial hardship.                         providing sufficient income to the         weather this storm, but families with
81 per cent more emergency food            the Government to do more to help              Emma Revie, chief executive of the       huge numbers of people impacted by         children are being particularly hard
parcels being given out in the last two    protect people from being “swept into       Trussell Trust, said: “Like a tidal wave    this crisis and the poverty that pre-      hit and do not have the lifeline they
weeks of March.                            destitution” amid a huge rise in ap-        gathering pace, an economic crisis is       ceded it.”                                 need to stay afloat.”
   People struggling with the income       plications for Universal Credit in recent   sweeping towards us, but we don’t all         Alison Garnham, chief executive of         Luke Pollard, shadow secretary of
they were receiving from working or        weeks.                                      have lifeboats.                             the CPAG, said: “We need targeted          state for environment, food and rural
benefits was the main reason for the          Demand for emergency food parcels           “It’s not right that this has meant      support for children if we are to shield   affairs, said: “There is more than
increase, the trust said.                  had been soaring over the past five         some of us don’t have enough money          them from poverty. Raising the level       enough food in our supply chains to
   The Independent Food Aid Network        years, with research showing that           for essentials and are being pushed         of all benefits for children would be      make sure that everyone has enough
(IFAN) also reported a record level of     households referred to food banks           to food banks.”                             the most effective way of getting sup-     to eat. This is now not a crisis of food
need, with an average 59 per cent in-      are, on average, left with just £50 per        Sabine Goodwin, of IFAN, said: “In-      port to families quickly.”                 supply, it’s a crisis of poverty. People
crease from February to March - 17         week after housing costs.                   dependent food bank teams in our              Helen Barnard, acting director of        simply do not have enough money.”
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
The Catholic Universe         |   Friday 8th May 2020                                                                                                                                                         05

‘The sick experience Christ                                                                                                                                              Bishop backs
                                                                                                                                                                         call for ‘leave
in those who care for them’                                                                                                                                              to remain’
                                                                                                                                                                         The lead Catholic bishop for migration
                                                                                                                                                                         and asylum has joined over 20 organ-
                                                                                                                                                                         isations working with asylum seekers
The Bishop of Arundel & Brighton           the 6th Chapter of John’s Gospel, Bish-   Death and Resurrection makes pos-        the one in they serve: ‘Insofar as you     and refugees in calling for a grant of
has reminded the faithful that ‘Christ     op Moth pointed out that Jesus speaks     sible something that is truly wonder-    did this to the least of these, you did    a period of ‘leave to remain’ to those
Jesus is with you and in you in all you    of Himself as the Bread of Life.          ful. We see Him in others. In our hos-   if for me.’ The one who is sick is ex-     with insecure immigration status.
do’.                                         “He is always with us, walking with     pitals and care homes, in our houses     periencing the person of Christ in            A joint letter drafted by Jesuit
   Celebrating the second Mass for         us,” he said. “We see Him truly present   where the sick are in our care, there    those who care.”                           Refugee Service UK calls on the Prime
Carers, which was livestreamed from        in the Eucharist and he feeds us, sus-    lies a capacity for a wonderful en-         Bishop Moth went on to say: “We         Minister to protect public health and
Arundel Cathedral on Thursday, 30th        taining us on our journey.                counter.                                 grapple with the reality of illness and    the welfare by granting a period of
April, Bishop Richard Moth applauded         “The presence of Christ, all that He       “The carer, the healthcare worker,    suffering in all their forms. Death is     ‘leave to remain’ to those awaiting
all those who care for the sick in hos-    has done for the world in his Passion,    the parent cares for Jesus Himself in    sometimes seen as failure. Thoughts        decisions from the Home Office, those
pitals and care homes, as well as family                                                                                      and questions are, I suggest, a reaching   who have been refused asylum and
members who care for loved ones at                                                                                            out, a searching, even a prayer – even     those who are undocumented.
home and all those who support com-                                                                                           though the answers may not always             Such a period of leave is a vital step
munities, parishes and schools at this                                                                                        be very clear to us.”                      to protect public health during the
difficult time.                                                                                                                  The Mass from Arundel Cathedral         pandemic, they said. People with in-
   “Our presence on the streets is a                                                                                          was offered for NHS and Social Care        secure immigration status face mul-
very effective expression of solidarity                                                                                       workers, those who are sick and their      tiple barriers to accessing support,
and this Mass is the offering of the                                                                                          families.                                  housing and healthcare, and allowing
greatest prayer that we have for them,”                                                                                          This Mass was the second in a series    people to regularise their status is the
he said.                                                                                                                      of special services to be celebrated       most effective way of ensuring they
   At this “challenging moment” for                                                                                           by a different bishop, in a different      get the support they need, thereby
the whole word, the bishop reflected                                                                                          Cathedral, each Thursday at 7pm.           protecting UK society as a whole.
that “such a time prompts fundamen-                                                                                                                                         “I fully support this call to protect
tal questions: How can I best support                                                                                         The current schedule is:                   asylum seekers and refugees,” said
my family? Is my job at risk – or where                                                                                       Thursday 14th May – Bishop Robert          Bishop Paul McAleenan, chair of the
next for those who have lost jobs?                                                                                            Byrne CO, Newcastle Cathedral              Catholic bishops’ Office for Migration
Why has all this happened? Where is                                                                                           Thursday 21st May – Bishop Mark            Policy. “In this crisis everyone without
God in all of this? Why is a loved one                                                                                        Davies, Shrewsbury Cathedral               exception is given the right to protect
sick? Why has a loved one died?                                                                                               Thursday 28th May – Bishop Terence         themselves from Covid-19 and to re-
   “For those working at the front line                                                                                       Drainey, Middlesbrough Cathedral           ceive medical treatment if necessary.
in our hospitals, care homes and com-                                                                                                                                       “Those without permanent status
munities, there may be little time for      The Bishop of Arundel and                                                                                                    should be given the opportunity and
reflection, but the worries and fears
                                            Brighton, Richard Moth,                                                                                                      means to do so, to social distance, to
                                            during the Mass for Carers.                                                                                                  self isolate, to access healthcare and
will, I am sure, be there – resurfacing                                                                                       • Links for the live-streaming of
                                            (Screenshot taken by The
in the occasional quieter times.”                                                                                             these Masses can be found by               so lessen the possibility of jeopardising
                                            Catholic Universe).
   Reflecting on the day’s Gospel, from                                                                                       visiting the cathedrals’ webpages.         public health,” he added.
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
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  The Universe
   – Comment –                                    Relevance beyond the crisis: New
The re-opening of
churches soon?
                                                  pressures to curb individual rights
By now we have all started to come                David Alton
to terms with the fact that COVID-19
has completely changed the world                  In 1947, Albert Camus published his
as we know it. From when it was first             existential novel, The Plague. Set in
identified as a novel strain of coron-            the Algerian city of Oran, one of its
avirus on New Year’s Eve, the world               central characters is a doctor who
has been plunged into an unprece-                 treats the first victim, quickly coming
dented and uncharted upheaval.                    to see the scale of the threat.
   For we Catholics to be deprived so                He warns the lethargic authorities
suddenly and completely of partici-               that they must urgently act. In re-
pation in the Sacraments was also                 sponse, the civil authorities imposes
both traumatic, and bewildering.                  martial law and curfews, and cur-
   As the UK government begins the                tailed human rights – banning funer-
dangerous and difficult process of                al rites – demoralising the populace.
restarting social and commercial                     There are uncomfortable parallels
life, there is also hope that we can              with contemporary events. Oran was
begin the process of resuming the                 locked down and quarantined, stir-
communal practice of our faith.                   ring and unleashing baser instincts of
   The re-opening of our churches                 exploitation, criminality, violence
will have to be a slow and careful                and looting.
process, and the demands on us all                   In 2020, the surreal, dystopian na-
will be varied and challenging.                   ture of the coronavirus pandemic is
   This will be especially so for our             stranger than fiction. Thousands of
clergy, who will not only have to re-             people die each day, while civic
sume their normal ministry, but will              buildings and conference centers are
need to cope with numerous highly                 being repurposed as hospitals.
sensitive and stressful situations.                  Distinguished scientists, epidemi-
   It is at times like these when a               ologists and public health experts ar-       Controversial control: Police have been
parish community is needed most,                  gue over the numbers of anticipated          criticised for using drones to restrict
and is at its Christian best.                     fatalities, the closing down of              public behaviour and movements
   Over recent weeks we’ve already                economies, the locking down of com-          during the COVID-19 pandemic.
seen countless examples of Catholic               munities and the self-isolation of the
individuals and groups doing re-                  vulnerable while we ask ourselves          ployment of French soldiers in the in-    to take and to retain powers
markable and practical things to                  when will it end; what will the long-      terior of Morocco – and with the Lon-     which, in normal times, would
keep society together – from supply-              term implications be?                      don Evening Standard stirring the         have otherwise been denied it,
ing and running food deliveries, to                  Camus’ novel poses some of the          populace with headlines about end-        and those laws remained en-
manning support phone lines and                   same serious questions – about what        less Balkan uprisings, the British Par-   trenched for decades.
volunteering where possible in their              it means to be human, about the ef-        liament passed the Official Secrets          Two world wars, which saw
local communities.                                fects on the trajectory of our destiny     Act. Some of the Act’s legislation re-    mass internment, vast move-
   We’ve had priests saying Masses                and progress, and how quickly, under       mains in force to this day.               ments of peoples, and domestic
in car parks, hearing Confessions                 the cover of darkness, we will see the        Parliament enacted the legislation     provisions like the removal of
through parish railings, and even                 erosion of gains – democratic, social,     in less than 30 minutes. In a pell-mell   signposts to confuse an invad-
nuns singing on the high street.                  communal and personal.                     rush, it created far-reaching offences    ing enemy, all existed in a world
   Our Catholic charities too have                   As we try to focus on developing        ostensibly relating to espionage. But     where national security de-
continued to serve the most vulner-               road maps out of lockdown and on           Section 1 of the new law applied to       manded newspaper censorship
able during this pandemic, both at                the phenomenal economic and so-            anyone deemed to be working “for          and tight lips.
home and overseas. Your continued                 cial challenges, they look daunting.       any purpose prejudicial to the safety        Introduced in 1912, Defence
generosity is now more vital to them                 How will we manage the conse-           or interests of the State.”               and Security Media Advisory
than ever, so please do offer what                quences of fractured bonds in insti-          In 1962, the British Law Lords de-     Notices – official requests to
you can to those organisations who                tutions like the European Union; the       termined that Section 1 could also be     newspaper editors not to pub-
advertise within these pages.                     exposure of glaring and disfiguring        applied to anyone involved in sabo-       lish or broadcast items where
   A huge thank you also to you, our              inequality in society, especially in the   tage and other acts of physical inter-    national security might be
readers. We have been genuinely                   United States; the urgent need to re-      ference. And it did not end there.        compromised – are still in use
humbled by your kind words of en-                 calibrate our naive relationship with         During the Cold War, campaigners       in the UK.
couragement – it is what keeps us                 the hostile Chinese Communist Party        for freedom of information pointed           In 1945, at the end of World War II,      As Lord Jonathan Sumption, a re-
faithful to our mission.                          (CCP)? With only limited public            out that if a parent wanted to find out   Cabinet Minister Herbert Morrison,        cently retired Supreme Court Judge,
                                                  health support services available to       how best, in the event of a nuclear       who served as the Lord President of       has warned, the powers that the
   Keep safe, and keep the faith!                 them, how will developing nations          war, to look after their children, they   the Council, wrote that “We have          British government has taken are
                                                  respond to the looming COVID-19            were prohibited from doing so be-         learned much during the war, and          “frankly disgraceful.” Referring to the
                                                                                                                                                                                 decision of the Derbyshire police “to
          The Universe                            catastrophe?
                                                     In relighting “the lamps going out
                                                                                             cause it was an official secret.
                                                                                                Nor could they establish what poi-
                                                                                                                                       there should be no return to the old
                                                                                                                                       timidity and reticence.”                  shame people from using their un-
                                                  all over Europe” – a phrase used by        sonous gases were being emitted              He urged the disavowal of restric-     doubted right to travel to take exer-
        Editor: Joseph Kelly                      Sir Edward Grey at the outset of           from the factory chimney opposite         tions on free speech which, in peace-     cise in the country and wrecking
        Email: joseph.kelly@                      World War I – we will be faced by the      their home, because that too was an       time, could be used to undermine a        beauty spots so that people don’t                     worst levels of unemployment, bank-        official secret. These down-the-rab-      free and democratic society.              want to go there,” he said, “This is
                                                  ruptcy and economic decline since          bit-hole, Alice-in-Wonderland meas-          However, it proved far more diffi-     what a police state is like.”
     Universe Media Group Limited,                the Great Depression. We will also be      ures, were peacetime laws enacted in      cult to eliminate government powers          While accepting that powers are
       2nd Floor, Oakland House,                  faced with the age-old temptation to       a climate of fear and panic.              than for the government to take           needed to control the spread of the
  76 Talbot Road, Manchester M16 0PQ              keep emergency legislation in place.          Reformers also pointed out that        them. Until the rapidly enacted 2020      virus, he questioned whether we
                                                     All too easily our freedoms and lib-    these powers made it an offence for       Emergency Powers Act – put through        have the right to “put our population
News items:                                       erties can slip through our fingers.       the Queen’s gardeners (as employees       both houses of the British Parliament     into house imprisonment.”
                                                  We must be insistent that powers           of the Palace) to reveal the secrets of   at breakneck speed – most of us were         Some might call this the power of
                                                  seized by governments are quickly re-      the Queen’s compost heap or her           blissfully unaware of the sweeping        mass arrest.
All enquiries:                                    turned to parliaments and people. It       herb garden; or, more seriously, the      powers in the obscure Public Health          I doubt that this was the intention
                                                  too easily suits authorities to make       governance and workings of a whole        (Control of Disease) Act 1984.            of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who
Tel: 0161 820 5722                                permanent those powers taken “tem-         raft of civil organisations and public       Together, these laws provide pow-      is recovering from his own battle with
Subscription rates:                               porarily” at times of peril.               bodies.                                   ers to cancel important national and      coronavirus. But when he gave the
(Basic) £72 UK; 104€ Ireland/Europe.                                                                                                                                             police new powers of arrest, fines and
(Annual) £105 UK; 140€ Ireland/Europe.               In 1911, against a background of           The coming of war, followed by         regional elections and to suspend
To subscribe, please use the order form in this   espionage and the Agadir Crisis – a        grave economic and political uncer-       Parliament – actions normally associ-     detention to be used for those break-
issue or call 0161 820 5722.                      short-lived panic centered on the de-      tainty, gave the government the cover     ated with authoritarian states.           ing social distancing rules, it became
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
The Catholic Universe         |   Friday 8th May 2020                                                                                                                                                      07
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clear how quickly a local police chief      to be used by other organisations is a      distinguished lawyers Martin Lee QC
can take on the appearance of an            clear breach of civil liberties and the     and Margaret Ng, who were among

                                                                                                                                   Hard challenges ahead
overzealous Stasi operative.                right to privacy. Take it to its logical    the 15 pro-democracy leaders recent-
   In Scotland, under the cloak of try-     conclusion and violators will be sent       ly arrested under the cover of COVID-
ing to protect citizens from COVID-         to a reeducation center in Xinjiang.        19. Instead of sleepwalking, we need

                                                                                                                                   for our Western powers
19, Nicola Sturgeon’s government            Ask the Uighurs, Falun Gong, or oth-        to be far more alert to the danger of
tried to suspend jury trials for 18         er religious and political dissenters.      totalitarianism.
months. Senior lawyers warned that             It is the job of parliaments to insist      Authoritarians come in carpet slip-
once jury trials were ended, they           that liberty and the rule of law do not     pers – now bearing face masks and
would not be reinstated.                    become casualties of this epidemic          ventilators – as well as in Type 99 Chi-   William Kelly
   The right to a jury trial, established      In China, the coronavirus pandem-        nese battle tanks.
in 1215 in Article 39 of Magna Carta,       ic has produced heroes as well as vil-         Yet many seem oblivious to the          The news of China crushing
is a cornerstone of the British legal       lains. One of the greatest heroes was       dangers, distracted and over-              opposition is nothing new
system and should be jealously              ophthalmologist Li Wenliang, who            whelmed by the pandemic. One               in Western conversation.
guarded. In 1798, Thomas Jefferson          tried to warn the world of the im-          British newspaper poll suggested that      Still, in the wake of the
told Thomas Paine that “I consider          pending disaster.                           86 percent of British people would be      COVID-19 pandemic, some
trial by jury as the only anchor ever                                                   willing to give up civil liberties to      political leaders around the

yet imagined by man, by which a                                                         help beat coronavirus.                     world with authoritarian
government can be held to the prin-                                                        But there is a difference between       ambitions have been handed
ciples of its constitution.” In 2020, are                                               altruistically loaning the state powers    a golden opportunity.
we really willing to kick away this                                                     that the people had wrested away
bedrock of our judicial system with-
                                            There is a difference                       over centuries through great sacri-
                                                                                                                                      Whilst stories of
                                                                                                                                   Cantonese independence
out serious consideration for the           between altruistically                      fice, and handing them back perma-         advocates being arrested is
kind of society this would create?                                                      nently. Such powers restrict liberties
   Of course, this is not the Reich or
                                            loaning the state                           and freedoms bought with blood and
                                                                                                                                   nothing new to us,
                                                                                                                                   authoritarianism is now
Communist China. But the CCP                powers that the people                      toil since the promulgation of Magna       solidifying itself much
sneers at our liberal democracies and                                                   Carta.
tells us we must learn to be like them.
                                            had wrested away over                          In The Plague, Albert Camus ex-
                                                                                                                                   closer to home.
                                                                                                                                      The Prime Minister of
   To achieve that, it has a clear ideol-   centuries through                           plored the effects of lockdown and         Hungary, Viktor Orban,
ogy and strategy – everything from                                                      martial law on a grieving and demor-
controlling the World Health Organi-
                                            great sacrifice, and                        alized population. That was fiction.
                                                                                                                                   (pictured right), has this
                                                                                                                                   week passed a ‘Coronavirus
zation and United Nations agencies          handing them back                           Today, we can see the first signs of       law’ that allows him to rule
to influencing and infiltrating nation-                                                 despondence, mental illness and
al assets such as universities. China
                                            permanently. Such                           noncompliance. We see families
                                                                                                                                   absolutely by decree.
                                                                                                                                      What this means, when
owns British Steel, large swathes of        powers restrict                             holed up in tenement blocks, without       taking into account the
British industry and wants to control                                                   gardens, trying to cope with the con-
5G networks and the UK’s nuclear
                                            liberties and freedoms                      finement of toddlers and young chil-
                                                                                                                                   other checks and balances
                                                                                                                                   he has also erased, is that
energy.                                     bought with blood and                       dren. We see isolated elderly people,      Viktor Orban is now effectively the ‘King of Hungary’.
   China already owns 15 per cent of                                                    deprived of human contact without
the UK’s national debt, worth about
                                            toil since the                              the tools of social media. They need
                                                                                                                                      In theory this law could be repealed by the Hungarian Parliament,
                                                                                                                                   but Orban’s party is in full control of the Parliament, so there is
267 billion pounds (a move from the         promulgation of                             practical help, not the threat of fines    actually no real possibility of loosening his grip on power.
same playbook of debt dependency it                                                     and jail; not the loss of precious hu-
is using to conquer and colonise
                                            Magna Carta.                                man rights and liberties.
                                                                                                                                      With Hungary being a member of the EU, this seismic shift could
                                                                                                                                   have dire consequences across the rest of the union.
Africa). And look at how the Chinese                                                       Good governments may well be               There is also a broader geopolitical crisis facing the traditional
used coronavirus to demonstrate                He was forced to recant by the Chi-      motivated to take bad powers in the        Western powers. It has been claimed that Coronavirus in Asia has
their power and control of their pop-       nese authorities and subsequently           public interest. The danger for the fu-    been contained, despite scientific warnings of a possible second wave.
ulation.                                    died of COVID-19, along with three          ture will be bad governments keeping          Nations such as the Republic of China and South Korea have
   We have not yet introduced China’s       other doctors at his hospital in            what they see as useful powers to ex-      mercifully weathered the pandemic, and are in the same state of
Orwellian surveillance technology           Wuhan. The CCP’s concealment, si-           ert ever greater control of their own      recovery as the People’s Republic of China (Taiwan) – and these
(although we helped develop it).            lencing of opinion and dissent, and         people.                                    countries are now sending volunteers to more affected nations and
   However, coming our way soon             the repression of doctors trying to            It is the job of parliaments – cur-     are helping to fund research in the hopes of developing a vaccine.
will be the application that China re-      save lives is a far more deadly disease     rently missing in action – to insist          But their fellow Western allies are still in limbo for the moment.
quires citizens to have on their            than coronavirus itself. This is a          that liberty and the rule of law do not       As long as the lockdown in Europe and America persists the West
phones to be allowed to travel.             lethal system and ideology which has        become casualties of this epidemic:        will be unable to respond to any new type of crisis that may develop.
   The app is colour coded to show          brought enormous suffering to the           lost under the cloak of darkness.             One prime recent example of our inability to respond to a ‘threat’
your medical condition. Without the         world and, at last, all over the world,                                                was the American NATO exercises that were scheduled for this March.
right code, citizens cannot use the         from Left to Right, willful indifference    • Professor the Lord Alton of Liver-          It was to be the most massive troop deployment by the Americans
subway or enter many buildings.             and naivety about the CCP is giving         pool is an Independent Crossbench          since the Cold War, consisting of 20,000 soldiers. The exercise was
Break the rule and the CCP will be          way to a more hardheaded apprecia-          Member of the House of Lords.              cancelled in the wake of Europe’s lockdown. The actual presence of
sending their people to see you soon.       tion of the dangers it poses.               • This article first appeared on the       troops in Europe wasn’t the aim of this deployment– the intention was
   Giving the state the power to track         We should be listening to Hong           Geopolitical Intelligence Services         to see how capable America was in deploying forces to support its
your location and enabling such data        Kong’s pro-democracy protesters like        website:          allies. The cancellation may have been due to exceptional
                                                                                                                                   circumstances, but the fact remains American troops are in lockdown.
                                                                                                                                      To some it may seem as if the West is faltering, but there is hope.
                                                                                                                                   While we may not be able to force the People’s Republic of China to
                                                                                                                                   stop its arrests of Western activists in Hong Kong, the Cantonese
                                                                                                                                   people are doing well enough without our support. Even under the
                                                                                                                                   emergency restrictions on free movement in Asia, protests have still
                                                                                                                                   been staged – if not out in the streets of Hong Kong, then on the chat
                                                                                                                                   rooms and online servers of the internet. The Cantonese may stand-
                                                                                                                                   alone for now, but they are not without the West’s unwavering spirit to
                                                                                                                                   fight against soul-destroying tyranny and despotic oppression.
                                                                                                                                      Neither are the the people of Hungary without hope, as their
                                                                                                                                   support for Viktor Orban comes from a desire to see their country
                                                                                                                                   freed from EU rule. But Orban is walking a fine line. The parallels in
                                                                                                                                   his political moves and rhetoric are uncannily similar to that of
                                                                                                                                   another Hungarian dictator, Miklós Horthy.
                                                                                                                                      The Hungarian people remember his name well, not for his
                                                                                                                                   commitment to Hungary, but for his selling out to Hitler and the Nazi
                                                                                                                                   Reich. We should also not forget that the spirit of liberty is strong in
                                                                                                                                   Hungary – they were after all the first nation to break down the Iron
                                                                                                                                   Curtain through their Pan-European Picnic, freeing themselves from
                                                                                                                                   the enslavement of the Eastern Block to forge their own destiny.
                                                                                                                                      But these lessons of history shouldn’t lull us into a false sense of
                                                                                                                                   security. We are the ultimate safeguard of our principles, our families
                                                                                                                                   and our future. If we so wish to preserve our way of life we must
                                                                                                                                   stretch out the hand of liberty, to tell our fellow countrymen that it is
Wuhan, China: A citizen pays tribute to Dr Li Wenliang (inset) at Li’s hospital in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei                  the ambitions of insidious leaders that forsake a nation, not its people.
province on 7th February. Li, regarded a whistleblower on the pneumonia outbreak, had died of the novel coron-
avirus the previous night. (Image: © Shi Zhi/Utuku/Ropi via ZUMA Press)
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
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Comment                                                                                                                                    Follow the Catholic Universe on twitter @ukcatholicpress

action?                                 We must use virus’ legacy to
The Easter Alleluia hymn for
                                        rebuild society for good of all
                                                                                                                                                                   sit working on our respective lap-
morning prayer could not be more
                                                                                                                                                                   tops, and I get my hour’s exercise on
prescient: ‘Then Life and Death
                                                                                                                                                                   the newly installed treadmill.
together fought alleluia, each to a
                                                                                                                                                                      We’re remarkably lucky and while
strange extreme were brought al-
                                                                                                                                                                   we can’t guarantee that we won’t
   Certainly the coronavirus pan-
                                        Leon                                                                                                                       succumb, we count our blessings
demic is not allowing us to move        Spence                                                                                                                     that our circumstances mean we are
                                                                                                                                                                   less likely to than others.
too quickly through the Paschal
                                                                                                                                                                      I’m certain that countless other
mysteries this year. Yet the Gospel
                                        A few weeks ago, when it was first                                                                                         more fortunate people are contem-
message urges us to move forward.
                                        announced that Prince Charles had                                                                                          plating their positions, too. Last
As scripture scholar Walter Bruegge-
                                        contracted coronavirus, there was a                                                                                        week the world-renowned Eton Col-
mann reminds us in A Gospel of
                                        predictable response in the media.                                                                                         lege revealed that it would be using
Hope: ‘The Easter miracles happen
                                        Columnists and leader writers                                                                                              £100 million of its substantial chari-
here and there and the people of
                                        opined that it was proof that the                                                                                          table endowment to help educate
God sign on for the mystery of
                                        virus was ‘no respecter of privilege’,                                                                                     less advantaged children.
God’s transformative work. We
                                        that ‘it just goes to show that anyone                                                                                        The school’s Headmaster, Simon
covet the moments when the
                                        can succumb to this dreaded disease’.                                                                                      Henderson, said “Most private
power of death and injustice do
                                            As with most things in life, such a                                                                                    school pupils will not see any signifi-
not prevail in the world. We bear
                                        straightforward assertion seldom                                                                                           cant lasting harm from this crisis
witness to God's steadfast love’.
                                        proves to be particularly accurate,                                                                                        and their academic trajectory will
   Well before the pandemic broke
                                        even when there is an element of                                                                                           continue, but that is not the case for
there was practical evidence of
                                        truth to it.                                                                                                               many children from less advantaged
that transformative work of Gospel
                                            Inasmuch as any human can be                                                                                           and more vulnerable backgrounds,
action helping the homeless,
                                        infected by coronavirus, of course it                                                                                      whose progress will flatline or
assisting asylum seekers and
                                        is accurate to say it is ‘no respecter                                                                                     regress if they haven’t been in school
refugees, and providing support
                                        of privilege’, but the same can also                                                                                       for many months, are living in
for food banks. Some of this work
                                        be said of cancer or heart disease.                                                                                        cramped homes and don’t have ac-
was through traditional institutional
                                            Where the statement finds itself                                                                                       cess to computers.”
charities such as the St Vincent De
                                        departing from the real world is in                                                                                           As someone strongly against the
Paul Society. More often it was
                                        the implication that we are all                                                                                            idea of ever bigger government and
through quiet, personal and gen-
                                        equally at risk. The simple truth, and                                                                                     higher taxes, and someone who
erous action that kept these sup-
                                        it is becoming more and more evident,                                                                                      would much prefer a levelling of the
portive services going. But the
                                        is that we are not.                                                                                                        playing field to come about through
necessary institutional support
                                            Last week, data released by the                                                                                        personal responsibility and volun-
and funding in recent times of
                                        Office for National Statistics revealed        Artist Symon Mathieson stands next to a mural he painted in tribute         tary contributions, it’s also abun-
austerity has proved difficult to                                                           to Captain Tom and the NHS on a garden shed in Dundee centre
                                        that far from being an equal oppor-                                                                                        dantly clear that after this crisis is
sustain as charities and voluntary                                                                                                 Photo: Jane Barlow/PA
                                        tunity disease, you are far more                                                                                           over, a renewed focus on equality of
organisations have suffered from
                                        likely to die from Coronavirus if you                                                                                      opportunity, if not outcome, is
lack of access to grants and core
                                        live in a poorer area than a more af-     will be the rate of increase that will     Contrast that with families from      needed throughout society.
funding. At times of increasing
                                        fluent one.                               stand out.                               poorer backgrounds confined in             There have been many compar-
need and demands, keeping going
                                            As it stands at this point time,         Without doing anything it’s per-      small accommodation, or working         isons between this crisis and the
has proved harder. The hollowing
                                        there have been 25 deaths per             fectly feasible that the ratio of        in high risk, low pay public-facing     Second World War, so let me make
out of local institutional commu-
                                        100,000 of the population from            deaths between poorer and wealth-        jobs and you can see exactly where      another one.
nity support with the demise of
                                        coronavirus in more affluent areas.       ier neighbourhoods could become 3        the disparity originates from.             At the end of the Second World
community centres, tenants asso-
                                        In poorer ones? The figure is more        to 1, or even 4.                           The question has to be what, if       War the country came together to
ciations and local charitable and
                                        that doubled, at 55 deaths per               Contemplate the reality. If you are   anything, needs to be done to rem-      rebuild, both physically and in the
voluntary organisations has often
                                        100,000.                                  wealthy you are much likely to be        edy that difference and whose re-       public services that we rely upon.
led to school and churches as the
                                            Those numbers only serve to mir-      able to comply fully with guidelines     sponsibility is it?                        While the physical damage is in
only means of coming together.
                                        ror the wider truth that death rates      established for social distancing, for     My own family isn’t particularly      no way commensurate, we do need
   Without doubt the personal re-
                                        from all causes are much higher if        keeping us safe. You’re much more        wealthy but we are all acutely con-     to consider how our society works
sponse to the coronavirus lock
                                        you are poor.                             likely to be working in a white collar   scious that there are a great many      and how it can deliver for all; that
down crisis has been one of gener-
                                            And the reality is that those fig-    job which you can do at home,            people wh are far worse off than us.    needs to be the legacy of coron-
ous individual commitment.
                                        ures, that divide, is only likely to      you’re more likely to have your own      We’re fortunate to have a decent-size   avirus above all else.
Spontaneous food banks have
                                        worsen. While as a discrete disease it    private garden, or a cross trainer on    home where we can live without be-
sprung up in place such as St Vin-
                                        stands to reason that both the upper      which you can exercise in your own       ing on top of one another, my wife      Leon is a writer, political
cent’s Centre in Leeds. Some local
                                        and lower figure can only increase, it    private gym.                             and I have never been busier as we      commentator and charity trustee
councils have reorganised quickly,
setting up community hubs for
collection and distribution in con-
junction with local charities.
   But these are temporary, quick
response stop gaps which do not
                                        Do we really need to tell tales?
means test or assess need, and          Last week it was revealed that since      something of a top-up to try and         those trips were to provide care and    more than the recommended daily
which are not sustainable or            restrictions commenced, 200,000           get the ‘stay at home’ message into      support to vulnerable people.           exercise for their mental health.
funded for the long term. In other      calls have been made by members           their brains!                              Right now, people are worried.          Here’s a novel idea. Instead of
words, the generous individual re-      of the public to the police,                What that points to is an awful        That’s an entirely understandable       reporting your neighbours why not
sponse to calls for help are not a      reporting our neighbours for              lot of calls where neighbours are        state of mind, and many are             ask them if they need any help? If
substitute for the necessary longer     transgressing.                            shopping each other to the police        resorting to reporting neighbours       you’re close enough to be keeping
term transformational action               Reasons include neighbours             for what are often trivial and           when there is a perception that         tabs on them, then you’re certainly
which requires the rebuilding of        having parties, exercise being taken      baseless transgression – for             they are transgressing.                 close enough to shout an offer of
institutional frameworks of sup-        too frequently or people going to         example, there is no concept in the        The question is, ‘should you really   help over the garden fence!
port in local communities – and in      work when their job isn’t                 regulations of an ‘essential’ or         be phoning the police without             Who knows, it might foster a
this is a role for parishes.            ‘essential’.                              ‘non-essential’ job.                     talking to your neighbour first?’       better relationship with them
   Things will not be the same as          At the same time the police have         Last week I heard of a care              In all likelihood there is a          rather than them wondering who
the pandemic subsides but nor           issued only 9,000 fines, of which         worker whose vehicle had been            plausible explanation. The vast         reported them to cops and you
should they be. We need to move         half were to people who already           vandalised because she had been          majority of us are complying with       constantly worrying about how they
from individual generosity to sus-      have convictions for serious              taking too many trips out. She was       guidelines; many of those popping       might try and get back at you.
tained structural supportive work.      offences; in essence, many are            new to the area, kept herself to         out may be supporting elderly             It’s sometimes easier, and is usually
                                        being dished out to burglars as           herself, and no one knew that all of     relatives, others might be taking       far more productive, just to talk.
Thank you for subscribing to The Catholic Universe and Catholic Times - Friday 8th May, 2020
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