Thailand Key Hotel Market Trends & Outlook - November 2021 - Horwath HTL

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Thailand Key Hotel Market Trends & Outlook - November 2021 - Horwath HTL
Key Hotel Market Trends & Outlook

                                    November 2021
Thailand Key Hotel Market Trends & Outlook - November 2021 - Horwath HTL
Thailand Key Hotel Market Trend & Outlook
Horwath HTL Methodology

                               Analyze historical performance, demand characteristics, travel                                   Review existing supply and pipeline to
                       01       and tourism drivers for Thailand relative to global markets
                                                                                                                       03    identify trends and model supply outlook

                                Historical                   Reopening and                       Historical                               Historical RNA
                                  ADR                      Vaccination Progress                    RNO                                        Source: STR
                                 Source: STR           Source: TAT and Our World in Data         Source: STR &
                                                                                                 Horwath HTL

                                                                                                                             Estimate Room Additions to Hotel Markets
                                 Forecast hotel performance based on historical statistics,                                                 Source: Horwath HTL
                       02      recovery patterns, demand growth by segment & nationality

                                                                                           Forecast RNO                                     Forecast RNA

                                                                                     04                     Use RNO and RNA to calculate market occupancy

                                  Forecast ADR                                                                                                 Forecast Occupancy %
                                                             05                  Check for anomalies and draw conclusion

                                                                     2022 THAILAND HOTEL MARKET OUTLOOK

                     Note: RNO = Room Night Occupied, RNA = Room Night Available, ADR = Average Daily Rate

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                                                                                                       2
Thailand Key Hotel Market Trends & Outlook - November 2021 - Horwath HTL
Thailand Reopening & Vaccination Progress
                     Reopening Plan Update                                    • The Thai authorities expect one million tourist
                                                                                arrivals from November 2021 to March 2022. For
                     • The kingdom has reopened its doors to fully              the first half of November, a new record of 50,000
                       vaccinated travellers from 63 countries without a        visitors is a big improvement from 100,000 visitors
                       quarantine requirement since November 1, 2021.           through various entry schemes during January-
                       The list includes a majority of Thailand’s               October. The Phuket Sandbox program in
                       important source markets, such as China, the             particular attracted 60,000 visitors from July to
                       U.S., the UK, and many European countries.               October, with the top five markets being the U.S.,
                                                                                Israel, the UK, Germany, and France.
                     • Besides full-dose vaccination, the Thailand entry
                       checklist includes additional screening measures:      • However, the travel and tourism industry should
                       1. A stay in the listed 63 countries for the past 21     be mindful of inconsistency and uncertainty of
                          consecutive days;                                     restrictions across countries. China and Australia,
                       2. Negative PCR test result within 72 hours              for example, have maintained border closures
                          before departure;                                     over travel to Thailand. Reciprocal free travel
                       3. PCR test upon arrival; and                            between Thailand and any countries depends on
                       4. Medical insurance with a coverage of USD              both the achievement of national vaccination
                          50,000.                                               coverage and the governments’ sentiment
                                                                                towards the pandemic.
                     • Fully vaccinated travellers from countries that are
                       not on the exemption list will be able to choose       Vaccination Progress
                       from the 17 ‘Blue Zone’ destinations (expanded
                       coverage from the Sandbox model), including            • Thailand has started COVID-19 vaccination since
                       Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya and Hua Hin, for a              February, 2021. As of October 31, around 11.5
                       seven-night mandatory stay within the destination        million (16 percent) of the Thai population are
                       before travelling to other parts of the country.         partly vaccinated and 30.7 million (44 percent) are
                                                                                fully vaccinated. The inoculation rate accelerated
                     • A ten-day quarantine measure remains in place            in the second of half of 2021 and, since October,
                       for unvaccinated travellers.                             around 600,000 to 800,000 doses are
                                                                                administrated daily. The vaccines used are mainly
                     • A night-time curfew (11pm to 3am) was lifted             Sinovac/Sinopharm (49 percent) and Astra
                       nationwide except for 6 high risk provinces, which       Zeneca (45 percent). mRNA makes up a small
                       are not tourism hotspots. Meanwhile, a temporary         fraction of 6 percent.
                       ban on night entertainment has been extended to
                       mid January.                                           • The government aims for 100 million doses or 50
                                                                                million fully vaccinated people, a 70 percent target
© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                              for national immunity, by the end of 2021.         3
Thailand Key Hotel Market Trends & Outlook - November 2021 - Horwath HTL
Global Pandemic Situation at a Glance
As of October 31, 2021
                                                                 Vaccination Rate: 55%
                                                                 Total Cases (millions): 65.38
                                                                 Cases per Million People: 87,292
                                                                 Death Rate%: 2.0%

             North America
             Vaccination Rate: 52%
             Total Cases (millions): 55.28
             Cases per Million People: 92,666
             Death Rate%: 2.0%                                                                                      Asia
                                                                                                                    Vaccination Rate: 43%
                                                                                                                    Total Cases (millions): 79.37
                                                                                                                    Cases per Million People: 16,964
                                                                                                                    Death Rate%: 1.5%

                              South America
                              Vaccination Rate: 52%              Africa
                              Total Cases (millions): 38.37      Vaccination Rate: 6%
                                                                 Total Cases (millions): 8.50       Oceania
                              Cases per Million People: 88,369
                                                                 Cases per Million People: 6,188    Vaccination Rate: 48%
                              Death Rate%: 3.0%
                                                                 Death Rate%: 2.6%                  Total Cases: 260,526
                                                                                                    Cases per Million People: 6,028
                                                                                                    Death Rate%: 1.1%

                                                                    Vaccination Rate

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                Source:                                                           4
Thailand Key Hotel Market Trends & Outlook - November 2021 - Horwath HTL
Pandemic Situation in Thailand vs. Key Source Markets
As of October 31, 2021

             China                                            75%                                                 10%   85%     97,320               67              4.8%
                                                                                                                               Total Cases   Cases per Mil People   Death Rate

 United Kingdom                                         67%                                             6%      73%             9.1 M            133,424              1.6%
                                                                                                                               Total Cases   Cases per Mil People   Death Rate

    United States                                 57%                                       9%       66%                       46.01 M           138,195              1.6%
                                                                                                                               Total Cases   Cases per Mil People   Death Rate

          Thailand                         44%                                 16%           60%                                1.91 M            27,334              1.0%
                                                                                                                               Total Cases   Cases per Mil People   Death Rate

            Europe                               55%                                  5%     59%                               65.38 M            87,292              2.0%
                                                                                                                               Total Cases   Cases per Mil People   Death Rate

                     0%      10%         20%        30%         40%          50%         60%           70%        80%    90%
                          Share of people fully vaccinated          Share of people only partly vaccinated

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                 Source:                                                                    5
Thailand Key Hotel Market Trends & Outlook - November 2021 - Horwath HTL
Pandemic Situation in Thailand vs. Key Source Markets
Vaccinations vs. Deaths – January 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021


                      Daily new COVID-19 deaths per million people



                                        0                                  40                      80                    120              160
                                   January 1, 2021                        Total vaccination doses administered per 100 people       October 31, 2021

                                                                          UK       China           US           Thailand   Europe

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                 Source:                                          6
Thailand Hotel Performance Trends
                                               Occupancy                                            ADR

                                               • As in many tourism-dependent countries,            • The nationwide ADR in Baht dropped by 9
                                                 Thailand’s hotel market has been hit hard by the     percent in 2020. Phuket’s unusually high ADR
                                                 COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, hotel occupancy          was led by a peak season in Q1 before COVID-
                                                 dropped sharply by 44 percentage points              19 hit the world. With strong domestic support,
                                                 nationwide. Pattaya and Hua Hin benefitted from      Hua Hin maintained its ADR level. Meanwhile,
                                                 strong domestic demand and were able to              volume driven markets like Bangkok and Pattaya
                                                 achieve relatively higher occupancies compared       continued to register rates below the nationwide
                                                 to Bangkok and Phuket. These two world-famous        average. Bangkok’s ADR took the most severe
                                                 destinations are vulnerable to international         hit as its shortfall was more significant than in any
                                                 demand volatility.                                   of the three markets.

                                               • With a series of major outbreaks and lockdowns     • As of YTD August 2021, ADR weakened further
                                                 in 2021, Pattaya and Hua Hin could not sustain       across all four markets, to a larger extent for
                                   Bangkok       their occupancy levels. A downfall was more          Phuket and Bangkok. Phuket’s rate fell by 46
                                                 apparent in Pattaya while Hua Hin was better at      percent YOY as its focus switched to the
                                     Pattaya     containing the spread. As of YTD August,             domestic market. Bangkok’s rate slid by 33
                                                 Pattaya and Phuket’s occupancy levels were           percent YOY and was ranked at the bottom due
                                                 below the nationwide average. Despite the mass       to low-rate quarantine business.
                              Hua Hin            vaccination coverage and the launch of Phuket
                                                 Sandbox model by July, complicated travel
                                                 measure and low season weather deterred            RevPAR
                                                 holidaymakers from spending time in Phuket. On
                                                 the other hand, Bangkok and Hua Hin recorded       • The nationwide RevPAR declined significantly
                                                 superior occupancy levels, attributed to             from THB 2,329 in 2019 to THB 848 in 2020, by
                                                 quarantine and domestic vacation demand              64 percent.
                     Phuket                                                                         • As of YTD August 2021, a further decline to THB
                                                                                                      391 was recorded. In comparison to 2019 level,
                                                                                                      RevPAR was down by 83 percent.

© 2021 Horwath HTL   Source: Google Images                                                                                                                7
Thailand Hotel Performance Trends
Performance Snapshot, 4 Key Markets, 2019 to 2021 YTD August

                           THB 4,500

                           THB 4,000
                                                                      Phuket                                 Hua Hin
                                                                                             Hua Hin

                           THB 3,500                                                                                         Phuket
                                                                 Hua Hin

                           THB 3,000                                                                                    Bangkok

                                                                                           Pattaya                           Pattaya
                           THB 2,500                                  Bangkok

                           THB 2,000

                           THB 1,500
                                       0%    10%          20%          30%           40%               50%   60%       70%            80%

                                                                YTD 2021         2020             2019

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                  Source: STR and Horwath HTL Analysis                                    8
Thailand Hotel Performance Trends
Occupancy & Recovery Index Comparison, 4 Key Markets, 2019 to 2021 YTD August
                     Occupancy                                                  Recovery Index Against 2019 Level

© 2021 Horwath HTL                       Source: STR and Horwath HTL Analysis                                       9
Thailand Hotel Performance Trends
ADR & Recovery Index Comparison, 4 Key Markets, 2019 to 2021 YTD August
                        ADR                                                     Recovery Index Against 2019 Level

© 2021 Horwath HTL                       Source: STR and Horwath HTL Analysis                                       10
Thailand Hotel Performance Trends
RevPAR & Recovery Index Comparison, 4 Key Markets, 2019 to 2021 YTD August

                       RevPAR                                                   Recovery Index Against 2019 Level

© 2021 Horwath HTL                       Source: STR and Horwath HTL Analysis                                       11
Thailand vs. Global Comparison
                                             • Several factors come into play for the healing of        Latest news showed the widespread emergence of
                                               the travel and tourism industry, which could turn        Delta variant in China and sudden outbursts in many
                                               into a gradual and lengthy process. Looking at the       parts of Europe such as the UK, Germany and
                                               global hotel market, a recovery journey is               Austria. The uncertainty raised a public concern over
                                               contingent on not only vaccination progress, but         vaccine efficacy against new variants and the
                                               also the relaxation of movement control and border       readiness of health care system in handling a new
                                               restriction. Air connectivity and travel procedures,     normal of living with COVID-19.
                                               such as the EU Digital COVID-19 certificate, play
                                               important roles in influencing a return of travellers.   ADR

                                             • Demand in the early stage of the world’s reopening       Overall, rate recovery appears to be weak to mild
                                               is mainly from domestic and short-haul regional          across most hotel markets while they are rebuilding
                                               travels. China benefited from keeping opulent            occupancy. Without high yielding international
                                               tourism demand within the country. Singapore rode        demand, Thailand and Singapore saw ADR plunging
                                               out the pandemic with quarantine and staycation          through 2021.
                                               bookings on the back of its relatively small market.
                                               Specifically for the U.S. and Europe, a strong           The only exception, Maldives drove 2020 and 2021
                                               summer travel season signalled a market rebound.         YTD ADRs up from the pre-pandemic level mainly
                                                                                                        due to high season performance in Q1.
                                             • On the contrary, Maldives’ success story hinged on
                                               its first mover advantage to consolidate beach
                                               vacation demand while access to tropical islands         RevPAR
                                               around the world remained tightly controlled. Its
                                               promotion of winter escapes strongly appealed to         Maldives is one of the pioneers to successfully open
                                               the European market, particularly Russian-               up for foreign travellers even when it had not
                                               speaking countries. The number of visitors from          achieved herd immunity. Its focus on tranquil getaway
                                               this region in 2021 exceeded a pre-covid level.          experience is compatible with social distancing norms
                                                                                                        and isolation requirements.
                                             • However, during a transition period, several
                                               frontrunning countries on the national vaccination       The U.S. and China were able to curb the virus
                                               coverage experienced a subsequent surge in new           spread and stabilize domestic activities for the most
                                               cases after the easing of travel precautions. They       part of 2021, resulting in a quick RevPAR turnaround.
                                               went back into another lockdown, which became a
                                               setback for the hotel market. Examples include           In contrast, Thailand was ambushed by the Delta
                                               The UK, UAE and Maldives.                                variant and entered another long lockdown while
                                                                                                        ramping up inoculations, hurting 2021 RevPAR.
© 2021 Horwath HTL   Source: Google Images                                                                                                                12
Thailand vs. Global Destinations
5 Select Markets, Occupancy & Recovery Index Comparison, 2019 to 2021 YTD August

                        Occupancy                                                Recovery Index Against 2019 Level

© 2021 Horwath HTL                        Source: STR and Horwath HTL Analysis                                       13
Thailand vs. Global Destinations
5 Select Markets, ADR & Recovery Index Comparison, 2019 to 2021 YTD August

                        ADR                                                      Recovery Index Against 2019 Level

© 2021 Horwath HTL                        Source: STR and Horwath HTL Analysis                                       14
Thailand vs. Global Destinations
5 Select Markets, RevPAR & Recovery Index Comparison, 2019 to 2021 YTD August

                        RevPAR                                                  Recovery Index Against 2019 Level

© 2021 Horwath HTL                       Source: STR and Horwath HTL Analysis                                       15
Thailand Demand and Supply Factors
                                 Demand and supply trends in Thailand and a broader         However, some headwinds listed below are inevitable.
                                 global context are taken into consideration to determine
                                 where the Thailand hotel market is heading in 2022.        •   Gradual return of international demand has been
                                                                                                evident from the Phuket Sandbox Model on the
                                 The following positive movements in Thailand and its           back of tedious and unclear travel procedures as
                                 key source markets will stimulate demand growth.               well as additional travel costs from testing and
                                                                                                insurance requirements;
                                 •   Thailand’s reopening to fully vaccinated travellers
                                     from countries on the quarantine exemption list.       •   China, the largest single source market for
                                     Such a bold move is expected to induce demand              Thailand, is likely to keep its border closed until
                                     from key source markets that have scaled back              the National Congress in October 2022. Another
                                     border restrictions such as the U.S., the UK and           major demand source for Thailand beach resorts,
                                     Europe;                                                    Russia is not on the quarantine exemption list in
                                                                                                the meantime due to low vaccination rate;
                                 •   Pent-up demand and the upcoming high season.
                                     Several industries and affluent business people        •   Vaccine efficacy against new variants, uncertainty
                                     are not affected by the COVID-19 situation and             of vaccine immunity period and risk of subsequent
                                     have a high propensity to spend;                           outbreaks as evident across the world;

                                 •   Thailand’s full-dose vaccination rate is expected to   •   Competition from destinations that have recently
                                     reach 70 percent by end-2021 and higher levels in          followed Thailand’s restriction easing; and
                                     main tourism spots;
                                                                                            •   Supply pressure on occupancy and ADR growth
                                 •   Domestic corporate and leisure demand boosted              from newly constructed hotels, alternative
                                     by travel stimulus packages (so-called in Thai             accommodations (e.g. condotels and room
                                     “Rao Tiew Duay Gan”);                                      rentals) and reopening of hotels that were closed
                                                                                                during the pandemic.
                                 •   Further improvement of immunization coverage
                                     globally and green shoots evident in the U.S. and      Going forward, it is expected that transient demand,
                                     Europe; and                                            particularly among leisure travellers, will enjoy the
                                                                                            most significant recovery in 2022. Meanwhile, group
                                 •   Appreciation of major currencies against Baht.         demand will likely be sourced from the domestic
                                                                                            corporate market. International corporate and leisure
                                                                                            groups from China, South Korea, Japan and India
                                                                                            show no sign of immediate return.

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                                                                            16
Demand Characteristics
Business Mix (LHS) & Nationality Mix (RHS), 2019

                                     Business Mix             Nationality Mix









            Bangkok      Pattaya           Hua Hin   Phuket
                      Transient    Group    Others

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                              17
Supply Pipeline
By Opening Year (LHS) & By Positioning (RHS)

                           New Hotel Rooms by Opening Year                                       2022 New Supply by Positioning


                                                                       Midscale &                                  Upper            Upper
3,500                                                                    Below             Upper                 Midscale &       Upscale &
                                                                                         Upscale &                 Below           Upscale
3,000                                                                                     Upscale


                                                                              Bangkok                                     Pattaya

1,000                                                                                                                               Luxury


                 Bangkok         Pattaya            Hua Hin   Phuket     Upper                                      Upper            Upscale &
                                                                       Midscale &       Luxury                    Midscale &          Upscale
                               2019   2020   2021    2022                Below                                      Below

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                            Hua Hin                                     Phuket                 18
Supply Movements
Total Room Nights Available, YOY Change, 2018 to 2022

                                   Bangkok   Pattaya   Hua Hin      Phuket







                            2018             2019            2020            2021   2022

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                         19
2022 Thailand Hotel Market Outlook
                                 Thailand’s continued efforts in achieving herd           Despite a strong domestic support and a relatively
                                 immunity and reopening for a much needed                 moderate supply increase, Pattaya is expected to
                                 international support, on top of optimism in major       pick up even more slowly, due to its heavy reliance
                                 advanced economies, show a glimpse of hope that          on Asian markets and group demand. According to
                                 the country is coming out of the pandemic. In our        the International Air Transport Association (IATA),
                                 opinion, the overall hotel market is also expected to    Asia’s regional travel is anticipated to be relatively
                                 bottom out, but its initial recovery is known to be      sluggish due to the modest easing of border controls.
                                 slow and unsteady. The market performance is             Uncertainty looms over outbound travels from China
                                 unlikely to return to a pre-COVID level in 2022.         and India, which have proven to be a strong base for
                                                                                          Pattaya in normal days.
                                 Hua Hin is expected to lead the performance in
                                 both occupancy and ADR in 2022, driven by the            The recovery of Hua Hin and Pattaya will drive
                                 first wave of returning Europeans on the back of its     growth in Bangkok, the gateway to Thailand.
                                 strong reputation among locals. The domestic             However, it will inevitably face supply challenges
                                 market makes up at least one-third of total demand.      similar to Phuket i.e. a massive supply pipeline and a
                                 Additionally, the commercialization of the Hua Hin       full resumption of existing hotels’ operation. Like
                                 International Airport will make Hua Hin “open to the     Pattaya, the capital will endure a slow recovery in
                                 world” and thus attract more foreign visitors who        Asian markets, particularly group demand. The two
                                 prefer relaxed and peaceful holidays with local          negative causes will exert an enormous pressure on
                                 lifestyles.                                              Bangkok’s occupancy and ADR growth.

                                 As the very first Asian resort destination to open up,
                                 Phuket should witness a relatively strong
                                 international demand rebound in the high season,
                                 especially with the reopening of Phi Phi islands
                                 after a two-year rehabilitation. However, it is
                                 anticipated that Phuket’s recovery pace will be
                                 slower than Hua Hin’s due to a rapid increase of
                                 new supply, the reopening of existing hotels that
                                 previously suspended operation, and limited
                                 demand from two major source markets, China and

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                                                                         20
Thailand Hotel Market Outlook
Forecast vs. Historical Performance, 4 Key Markets, 2019 to 2022

© 2021 Horwath HTL                          Source: STR and Horwath HTL Analysis   21
Thailand Hotel Market Outlook
Occupancy Forecast, 2022

                                                          2019      2022 Forecast










                            Bangkok   Pattaya   Hua Hin          Phuket
© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                  22
Thailand Hotel Market Outlook
ADR Forecast, 2022

                                                                                                   2019          2022 Forecast
                     THB 4,000

                     THB 3,200                                                                                       80-90%

                                                        75-85%                80-90%
                     THB 2,400                          Recovered             Recovered

                     THB 1,600

                      THB 800

                        THB 0
                                          Bangkok                   Pattaya           Hua Hin               Phuket
                                 Exchange Rate: EUR/THB=36.9715
© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                                                               23
Thailand Hotel Market Outlook
RevPAR Forecast, 2022

                                                                                                     2019       2022 Forecast
                     THB 2,500

                     THB 2,000

                     THB 1,500

                     THB 1,000
                                                         25-40%                                                                 Recovered
                                                         Recovered             25-40%
                      THB 500

                        THB 0
                                          Bangkok                    Pattaya               Hua Hin                  Phuket
                                 Exchange Rate: EUR/THB=36.9715
© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                                                                          24
                            Nikhom Jensiriratanakorn (aka Nick) is a Director                           Vicky Jian is a Project Director of Horwath HTL, based in
                            of Horwarth HTL. Nikhom has advised both local                              the Singapore office. She joined Horwath HTL in 2014
                            and international investors in the Thailand                                 after graduating from the School of Hotel Administration
                            hospitality sector and extends oversight to the                             at Cornell University. Since then, she has worked on
                            Indochina region.                                                           more than 50 hotel related assignments in 8 countries
                                                                                                        across the Asia Pacific region, including Maldives,
                            He has brought with him comprehensive skills in                             Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China,
                            feasibility analysis, investment underwriting and                           Philippines, and Singapore. She has strong experience in
                            asset management, as well as years of                                       conducting feasibility studies, valuations, repositioning/
                            experience with hotel management companies,                                 renovation studies, and destination master planning.
                            investment funds and consulting firms, namely
                            Pan Pacific Hotels Group, Jumeirah Group, Host                              Vicky’s expertise is in market and financial feasibility and
                            Hotels and Resorts and PricewaterhouseCooper                                valuation for resort destinations, which involves market
                            Thailand respectively.                                                      research, site inspection, competitor analysis, best-use
 Nikhom Jensiriratanakorn                                                       Vicky Jian              facility recommendations and financial projections. She
 Director                                                                       Project Director        also manages the Horwath HTL Annual Benchmarking
 Horwath HTL Thailand                                                           Horwath HTL Singapore   Studies, which cover 15 Asian markets with a total of                                                    approximately 2,500 hotels and serviced apartments
                                                                                                        participating every year.

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                                                                                                25
Horwath HTL
 At Horwath HTL, our focus is one hundred percent         Our Expertise:                    Horwath HTL Thailand
 on hotel, tourism and leisure consulting. Our services                                     The Great Room,
 cover every aspect of hotel real estate, tourism and     • Hotel Planning & Development    Gaysorn Tower Level 25-26,
 leisure development.                                     • Hotel Asset Management          127 Ratchadamri Road,
 We are a global brand with 52 offices in 40 countries,   • Hotel Valuation                 Lumpini, Pathumwan,
 who have successfully carried out over 30,000                                              Bangkok, Thailand
                                                          • Health & Wellness               +66 62 891 9478
 assignments for private and public clients.
                                                          • Transactional Advisory
 We are part of Crowe Global, a top 10 accounting                                           Horwath HTL Singapore
 and financial services network. We are the number        • Expert Witness & Litigation
                                                                                            15 Scotts Road, #08-10/11,
 one choice for companies and financial institutions      • Tourism & Leisure               Thong Teck Building,
 looking to invest and develop in the industry.                                             Singapore
                                                          • Hospitality Crisis Management
 We are Horwath HTL, the global leader in hotel,                                            +65 6735 1886
 tourism and leisure consulting.

© 2021 Horwath HTL                                                                                                       26
Thank You
    South Africa
                                           Asia Pacific
                                           China – Beijing
                                                                                                                        The Netherlands
                                                                                                                                                                        Latin America
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        North America
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Atlanta, GA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Denver, CO
                                           China – Hong Kong                                     Croatia                Portugal                                        Chile                                           Los Angeles, CA
                                           China – Shanghai                                      Cyprus                 Russia                                          Dominican                                       Miami, FL
                                           China – Shenzhen                                      Germany                Serbia                                          Republic                                        New York, NY
                                           India                                                 Greece                 Spain                                           Mexico                                          Norfolk, VA
                                           Indonesia                                             Hungary                Switzerland                                                                                     Orlando, FL
                                           Japan                                                 Ireland                Turkey                                                                                          Canada – Montréal
                                           Malaysia                                              Italy                  United Kingdom                                                                                  Canada – Toronto
                                                                                                                                                                        Middle East
                                           New Zealand
                                           Singapore                                                                                                                    UAE and Oman

Horwath HTL is a member of Crowe Global, a Swiss verein. Each member firm of Crowe Global is a separate and independent legal entity. Horwath HTL and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for any acts or omissions of Crowe Global or any other member of Crowe Global. Crowe Global does not
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© 2021 Horwath HTL
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