Texas Commercial Fishing Guide 2018-2019 - EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1, 2018 THROUGH AUG. 31, 2019 - Texas.gov
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2018–2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1, 2018 THROUGH AUG. 31, 2019 Information in this guide may change due to Legislative or Commission action. IMPORTANT: See Important Notices, Page 2
Texas’ Wildlife Crime-Stoppers Program You can make a difference by reporting poaching, pollution and dumping, arson in state parks, and intoxicated boaters! Up to $1,000 may be paid for information leading to arrest and conviction of a person for a violation of our state’s wildlife and fisheries laws, as well as for certain laws related to environ- mental crime, arson, and intoxicated boaters. Reward Hotline (800) 792-GAME Operation Game Thief is privately funded. Please consider supporting efforts to protect our precious natural resources and keep our waterways safe by sending your tax deductible donation to Operation Game Thief, or by becoming an Operation Game Thief Member. Please visit www.ogttx.com for membership information. Donations can be sent to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas 78744, or you may also call (512) 389-8801 to make a donation by credit card.
A GUIDE TO TEXAS COMMERCIAL FISHING INDUSTRY REGULATIONS Commercial fishing is any activity involving taking or handling fresh or saltwater aquatic products for pay or for the purpose of barter, sale or exchange. This publication is a summary of regulations for the commercial fishing industry in Texas and is designed as a guide only. Regulations concerning sport fishing are contained in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Outdoor Annual which is available free of charge from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) offices and from bait, tackle and sporting goods dealers where fishing licenses are sold. More detailed information concerning commercial fishing industry regulations can be obtained from TPWD game wardens or any law enforcement office of TPWD. IMPORTANT NOTICES................................................................................................................................................ 2 OFFSHORE AQUACULTURE REGULATIONS........................................................................................................ 3 GENERAL REGULATIONS......................................................................................................................................... 3 Rules Requiring Draining of Water................................................................................................................ 3 Civil Restitution.................................................................................................................................................. 4 Possession of Prohibited Fishing Devices................................................................................................... 4 Definitions............................................................................................................................................................ 4 Freshwater and Saltwater Devices, Means and Methods........................................................................ 7 LICENSE REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................................... 12 Recreational License Requirements for Commercial Fishermen.......................................................... 12 Shrimp, Crab, Finfish and Oyster License Management.......................................................................... 12 General Licenses................................................................................................................................................ 12 Bait Dealers’ Licenses....................................................................................................................................... 14 Other Business Licenses and Permits.......................................................................................................... 15 Boat Licenses...................................................................................................................................................... 16 Harvester/Shell Recovery Tags...................................................................................................................... 17 PURCHASE OF AQUATIC PRODUCTS FOR RESALE.......................................................................................... 17 SHIPPING REGULATIONS.......................................................................................................................................... 18 Aquatic Product Transportation Invoices.................................................................................................... 18 Interstate Transportation................................................................................................................................ 18 Containers............................................................................................................................................................ 19 Licenses................................................................................................................................................................ 19 RECORDS...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Commercial Harvest Reports.......................................................................................................................... 19 MARKING OF VEHICLES............................................................................................................................................ 20 IMPORTATION REGULATIONS................................................................................................................................. 20 Commercially Protected Fish.......................................................................................................................... 20 FRESHWATER/SALTWATER BOUNDARY............................................................................................................. 22 FISH................................................................................................................................................................................ 23 General Regulations.......................................................................................................................................... 23 Prohibited Acts in all Public Waters.............................................................................................................. 23 Sale of Fish — Fresh Water.............................................................................................................................. 23 Sale of Fish — Salt Water.................................................................................................................................. 24 Texas State Waters — Federal Waters.......................................................................................................... 25 Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) for Red Snapper........................................................................................ 25 Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for Gulf Menhaden....................................................................................... 25 Padre Island National Seashore — Special Regulations............................................................................ 25 How to Measure Fish and Crabs..................................................................................................................... 25 Commercial Bag, Possession and Length Limits....................................................................................... 26 SHRIMP.......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 General Regulations.......................................................................................................................................... 27 Display Boat Numbers...................................................................................................................................... 28 Method of Net Measurement.......................................................................................................................... 28 Special Regulations (Bay and Bait Shrimping)........................................................................................... 28 Waters Defined................................................................................................................................................... 29 Map of Gulf Shrimp Fishery Management Zones....................................................................................... 30 Outside Waters................................................................................................................................................... 31 Inside Waters....................................................................................................................................................... 34 BRD and TED Illustrations................................................................................................................................ 36-40 CRABS............................................................................................................................................................................ 41 OYSTERS....................................................................................................................................................................... 44 MUSSELS AND CLAMS.............................................................................................................................................. 45 SEA TURTLES AND OTHER AQUATIC LIFE.......................................................................................................... 45 CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL VALUE RECOVERY..................................................................................... 45
IMPORTANT NOTICES NOTICES BY TPWD the presence of environmental contaminants 1. A Harvester/Shell Recovery Tag and alerts the public through bans and advi- a. The tag must be affixed to the out- sories when a threat to human health may side of each sack of oysters at the occur from the consumption of contaminated time of harvest, in the location of fish. harvest, contain information required In waters with consumption bans, both by the Department of State Health possession and consumption of fish and/or Services under the National Shell- shellfish are prohibited. Catch-and-release fish Sanitation Program, and remain fishing from these areas is allowed. A con- affixed during transportation of the sumption advisory is a recommendation to oysters to a dealer. limit consumption to specified quantities, b. The appropriate Harvester/Shell species, and sizes of fish. For a listing of Recovery Tag (green or white) must all consumption bans and advisories, and be affixed to the sack regardless of a listing of areas tested where no bans or the season or whether the require- advisories were issued, visit dshs.texas.gov/ ments of 25 TAC §241.57 (relating to seafood, call (800) 685-0361 (shellfish) or Molluscan Shellfish Harvesting and (512) 834-6757 (fish) or email: Handling) apply. seafood.regulatory@dshs.texas.gov. 2. All commercial shipments of aquatic products must be accompanied by an RETENTION BANS ON FINFISH AND invoice and containers must be labeled. SHELLFISH (See Page 18 — SHIPPING REGULA- By order of the Texas Department of State TIONS.) Health Services (TDSHS) retention bans on 3. The Shipper and Receiver of commer- finfish and shellfish are in effect in the cial shipments of aquatic products must following areas: keep the shipping invoices on file as a record for one year from the date of 1. The area of Lavaca Bay inshore of a shipment. (See page 19 — RECORDS.) line beginning at the last point of land 4. Consumption of Clams, Mussels, and at the northeastern approach of the Other Molluscan Shellfish taken from pub- Lavaca Bay Causeway, then in a south- lic fresh waters is prohibited by the Texas west direction to Aquatic Life Marker Department of State Health Services. A to Aquatic Life Marker B to Channel 5. Clams, Mussels, Oysters, and Other Marker #12, then in a southeastern Molluscan Shellfish taken from public direction to Aquatic Life Marker C to salt waters may be taken only from Aquatic Life Marker D to Aquatic Life waters approved by the Texas Depart- Marker E to Channel Marker #74, then ment of State Health Services. Maps in a northeastern direction to Aquatic identifying approved areas may be Life Marker F to the southernmost point obtained from the Texas Department of of land on the spoil island east of the State Health Services, Seafood Safety ship channel, is closed to the retention Division (512) 834-6757. Additional of finfish and crabs. (Catch and release information concerning area closures of finfish and crabs is lawful. This clo- may be obtained 24 hours a day, 7 days sure is due to mercury contamination.) a week by calling (800) 685-0361. 2. The Donna Irrigation System in Hidalgo County is declared a prohibited area for CONSUMPTION ADVISORIES the taking of all species of aquatic life. The Texas Department of State Health Ser- This closure is due to elevated levels of vices (TDSHS) monitors fish in the state for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in fish samples. 2 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide
OFFSHORE AQUACULTURE REGULATIONS The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department water quality standards, the Texas General adopted rules that prescribe the procedures Land Office (GLO) is responsible for managing and conditions for operating an offshore state-owned submerged lands, the Texas Ani- aquaculture facility in Texas waters, and mal Health Commission (TAHC) is responsible implement the department’s responsibilities for management of animal disease necessary under Agriculture Code, Chapter 134 by pro- to protect agriculture, and the Texas Depart- viding protection for marine resources in the ment of State Health Services (TDSHS) is the wild, including endangered species. TPWD’s primary agency for protecting human health responsibility is to protect the health and and safety, including seafood safety. The viability of native populations of fish, shellfish, United States Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and aquatic life in state waters, including and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) are endangered species. In general, the new rules responsible for establishing maritime naviga- prescribe the conditions under which marine tion standards and the identification, marking, species may be introduced into an offshore and mitigation of navigational hazards. aquaculture facility without damaging sur- The intent of this rulemaking is that individ- rounding water and marine resources. uals applying to the various agencies for their The regulation of offshore aquaculture necessary permissions be able to do so simul- involves both state and federal jurisdic- taneously so that the many needed reviews, tions. With respect to state agencies, the inspections and other activities can be accom- Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is plished in the minimum amount of time. How- the primary agency responsible for regulat- ever, the rule also specifies that all of these ing aquaculture, the Texas Commission on other permissions be obtained before the per- Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has primary mit is approved by TPWD. For more informa- responsibility for establishing and enforcing tion, call Robert Adami at (361) 939-7784. GENERAL REGULATIONS These rules also apply to fish, shrimp, crabs vessels and on-board receptacles (includes or other aquatic life caught in the Exclusive live wells, bilges, motors and any other recep- Economic Zone and landed in Texas. tacles or water-intake systems coming into contact with public waters). This rule applies Texas residents 17 years of age or older while at all sites where boats can be launched and fishing, hunting or trapping MUST have on includes all types and sizes of boats whether their person a driver’s license or personal powered or not, personal watercraft, sailboats, identification certificate issued by the Depart- kayaks/canoes, or any other vessel used to ment of Public Safety. Non-residents must travel on public waters. have similar documents issued by the agency • Live fish, including personally caught live of the state or country of which the person is bait, cannot be transported in or aboard a a resident that is authorized to issue driver’s vessel in water that comes from the water licenses or personal identification certificates. body where the fish were caught. Person- ally caught live bait can be used in the Waste of Fish – It is unlawful to leave edible water body where it was caught. fish or bait fish taken from the public waters • Transport and use of commercially of the state to die without the intent to purchased live bait in water while fishing retain the fish for consumption or bait. from a vessel is allowed, provided persons in possession of the bait have a receipt RULES REQUIRING DRAINING that identifies the source of the bait. Any OF WATER FROM VESSELS live bait purchased from a location on or AND HOLDING TANKS USED adjacent to a public water body that is ON PUBLIC FRESH WATERS transported in water from that water body Persons leaving or approaching public fresh can only be used as bait on that same water are required to drain all water from their water body. 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide 3
• A vessel leaving a public freshwater body in this document as legal devices. may be transported on a public roadway In coastal waters, a prohibited device may without water being drained, provided the be possessed on board a vessel if the vessel is vessel is transported via the most direct in port or in a marked channel going directly route to another access point located on the to or from an area in this state where the use same water body during that same day. of the device is permitted. • Marine sanitary systems are not covered by Gill nets, trammel nets, strike nets and these regulations. seines (other than minnow seines) may not Following these procedures does not exempt be possessed within 500 yards of any public persons from complying with prohibitions coastal waters. against transporting exotic aquatic species that are visible to the unaided eye, such as DEFINITIONS adult zebra mussels, which may be attached Aquaculture: The business of producing to boats or trailers. and selling cultured species raised in private facilities. CIVIL RESTITUTION Aquatic Product: Any live or dead uncooked, When a Texas Game Warden encounters a fresh or frozen aquatic animal life. violation of hunting and fishing regulations, there will be a criminal complaint filed in Artificial Lure: Any lure (including flies) with either a justice court or a county court. Fines hook or hooks attached that is man-made for such violations are assessed by the presid- and is used as a bait while fishing. ing judge hearing the case, and commercial Bait: Something used to lure any wildlife aquatic products harvested in violation of the resource. It is UNLAWFUL to use game fish or law may be confiscated and sold. In addition any part thereof as bait. to assessed fines that may be associated with a criminal complaint, violators are also liable Barrel of Oysters: As defined in Parks and to civil restitution for the loss of or damage Wildlife Code, §76.001, a barrel of oysters is to wildlife resources that have resulted from three boxes of oysters in the shell or two the violation. Civil restitution will be assessed gallons of shucked oysters without shells. following each violation and each violator will The dimensions of a box are ten inches by receive an invoice for this restitution from the 20 inches by 13 1/2 inches. In filling a box for department. Failure to pay the civil recovery measurement the oysters may not be piled value will result in the department’s refusal to more than 2 1/2 inches above the height of issue any license, tag or permit in the viola- the box at the center. tor’s name until restitution is made. An indi- Bycatch Reduction Device (BRD): A device vidual who hunts or fishes after such a refusal installed in the cod end (tail bag) of a shrimp commits a Class A misdemeanor which is pun- trawl for the purpose of excluding finfish from ishable by a fine not less than $500 or more the net. NOTE: BRDs are required in certain than $4,000; punishment in jail not to exceed trawls. one year; or both fine and confinement. For questions concerning civil restitution call Cast Net: A net which can be hand-thrown (512) 389-4630. or cast to drop over an area. Charter Vessel: A vessel less than 100 gross IMPORTANT NOTICE: A person who seeks tons that meets the requirements of the U.S. reinstatement of license privileges following Coast Guard to carry six or fewer passengers license revocation or denial must apply for for hire and that carries a passenger for hire license privilege reinstatement and pay a at any time during the calendar year. A char- $100 application fee. ter vessel with a commercial permit is con- sidered to be operating as a charter vessel POSSESSION OF PROHIBITED when it carries a passenger who pays a fee FISHING DEVICES or when there are more than three persons It is UNLAWFUL to possess a device designed aboard, including operator and crew. to catch fish or other aquatic life in or on the Circle Hook: A hook originally designed and public water of this state where the use of manufactured so that the point of the hook is the device is prohibited or are not identified 4 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide
turned perpendicularly back toward the shank • Drum, red • Snook of the hook to form a generally circular or • Mackerel, king • Spearfish, longbill oval shape. • Mackerel, Spanish • Swordfish, broadbill • Marlin, blue • Tarpon Community Fishing Lake: All public impound- • Marlin, white • Tripletail ments 75 acres or smaller located totally • Pickerel • Trout, brown within an incorporated city limits or a public • Sailfish • Trout, rainbow park, and all impoundments of any size lying • Sauger • Wahoo totally within the boundaries of a state park. • Seatrout, spotted • Walleye • Sharks For a list of community fishing lakes in your area, call (800) 792-1112 or visit www.tpwd. Gear Tag: A tag constructed of material as texas.gov/fishboat/fish/recreational/lakes/cfl. durable as the device to which it is attached. phtml. The gear tag must be clearly legible and show the name and address of the person Crab Line: A baited line with no hook or pole using the device and except for saltwater attached. trotlines and crab traps, the date the device Crab Measurement: Blue crabs are measured is set out. (See Page 7 for details.) across the widest point of the body from tip Gig: Any hand-held shaft with single or of spine to tip of spine. Stone crab claws are multiple points, barbed or barbless. measured by the propodus length which is that distance from the tip of the immovable Handfishing: Fishing by the use of HANDS claw finger to the first joint behind the claw. ONLY. The use of ANY other fishing device (See Page 25 for details.) while handfishing (including but not limited to gaff, pole hook, trap, spear, or stick) is Daily Bag Limit: The quantity of a species UNLAWFUL. that may be taken in one day. Harvester/Shell Recovery Tag: An identify- Day: A 24-hour period of time that begins at ing marker that must be affixed to the out- midnight and ends the following midnight. side of each sack of oysters at the time and Dip Net: A mesh bag suspended from a location of harvest containing information frame attached to a handle. required by the Texas Department of State Fishing: Taking or attempting to take fish, Health Services under the National Shellfish shrimp, crabs, oysters, clams, mussels or any Sanitation Program. The tag must remain other aquatic life by any means. affixed during transportation of the oysters to a dealer. Fishing Guide: A person who, for compensa- tion, accompanies, assists, or transports a Headboat: A vessel that holds a valid person or persons engaged in fishing in the Certificate of Inspection issued by the U.S. waters of this state. Coast Guard to carry passengers for hire. A headboat with a commercial vessel permit Fishing Guide Deck Hand: A person in the is considered to be operating as a headboat employ of a fishing guide who assists in oper- when it carries a passenger who pays a fee or, ating a boat for compensation to accompany in the case of persons aboard fishing for or or to transport a person or persons engaged possessing coastal migratory fish or Gulf reef in fishing in the water of this state fish, when there are more than three persons Gaff: Any hand-held pole with a hook attached aboard, including operator and crew. directly to the pole. Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ): A form of Game Fish (includes hybrids or subspecies of limited access that assigns a fixed share of fish on this list): the total allowable catch to each user of the resource. • Bass, Alabama • Bass, yellow • Bass, Guadalupe • Catfish, blue Jug Line: For use in FRESH WATER only. A • Bass, largemouth • Catfish, channel fishing line with five or less hooks tied to an • Bass, smallmouth • Catfish, flathead orange buoy. • Bass, spotted • Cobia • Bass, striped • Crappie, black Lawful Archery Equipment: Includes longbow, • Bass, white • Crappie, white recurved bow, compound bow, and crossbow. 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide 5
Mussels and Clams: Includes all freshwater Residence: A permanent structure where a and marine bivalve mollusks except oysters. person regularly sleeps and keeps personal belongings such as furniture and clothes, • Freshwater mussels – bivalve mollusks of but does not include a temporary abode or the family Unionidae. dwelling such as a hunting or fishing club, or Natural Bait: A whole or cut-up portion of a any club house, cabin, tent, or trailer house fish or shellfish or a whole or cut-up portion or mobile home used as a hunting or fishing of plant material in its natural state, provided camp, or any hotel, motel or rooming house that none of these may be altered beyond used on a temporary basis. cutting into portions. Resident: A person who has lived in Texas Nongame Fish: All species not listed as continuously for more than 6 months imme- game fish except endangered or threatened diately before applying for a license. (This fish which are defined and regulated under includes residents and their spouses or separate rules. unmarried children living at home who enter Non-resident: A person who does not meet the United States Armed Forces and con- the resident requirements. tinue to list Texas as their state of residency with the armed forces.) Offshore Aquaculture Facility: All enclosures and associated infrastructure used to produce, Sack of Oysters: A volume of oysters equiva- hold, propagate, transport or sell stock under lent to a box (see definition of Barrel of authority of an offshore aquaculture permit. Oysters) that weighs no more than 110 pounds of oysters including dead shell and the weight Paddle Craft: Any non-motorized vessel. of the sack. Paddle-craft Fishing Guide: A person who, Seine (includes a push net): A section of for compensation, accompanies, assists, or non-metallic mesh webbing, with the top transports a person or persons by means of edge buoyed upwards by a floatline and the a non-motorized vessel engaged in fishing in bottom edge weighted. the coastal waters of this state. Shark Fin: The fresh and uncooked, or Permanent Structure: A building designed, cooked, frozen, dried, or otherwise pro- planned and constructed so as to remain at cessed, detached fin or tail of a shark. one location. Spear: Any shaft with single or multiple Place of Business: means a permanent struc- points, barbed or barbless, which may be ture on land or a motor vehicle where aquatic propelled by any means, but does not include products or orders for aquatic products are arrows. received or where aquatic products are sold or purchased, but does not include a boat or any Spear Gun: Any hand operated device type of floating device, a public cold-storage designed and used for propelling a spear, vault, the portion of a structure that is used as but does not include the crossbow. a residence, or a vehicle from which no orders Stock: Native species of fish, shellfish, or are taken or no shipments or deliveries are aquatic plants intended for use in, being made other than to the place of business of a transported to, or contained within an off- licensee in this state. shore aquaculture facility under the terms of Pole and Line (which includes rod and an offshore aquaculture permit. reel): A line with hook, attached to a pole. Throwline: For use in FRESH WATER only. A Possession Limit: The maximum number of fishing line with five or less hooks and with a species of game, fish or other animals that one end attached to a permanent fixture. may be possessed at one time. Components of a throwline may also include swivels, snaps, rubber, and rigid support Purse Seine: A net with flotation on the structures. corkline adequate to support the net in open water without touching bottom with a rope Trap: A rigid device of various designs and or wire cable strung through rings attached dimensions used to entrap aquatic organisms. along the bottom edge to close the bottom Trawl: A beam trawl or otter trawl with a bag- of the net. shaped net which is used to catch shrimp. 6 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide
• Beam Trawl – A trawl, without wings, the Umbrella Net: A non-metallic mesh net that mouth of which is held open by a rigid is suspended horizontally in the water by beam of wood or metal. multiple lines attached to a rigid frame. • Otter Trawl – A funnel-shaped trawl, with Wildlife Resources: Any wild animal, wild wings, the mouth of which is held open bird, or aquatic life. by floats and weights and spread by trawl doors fastened to the wings. POTENTIALLY HARMFUL EXOTIC FISH, Trotline: A non-metallic main fishing line SHELLFISH AND AQUATIC PLANTS with more than five hooks attached and with The importation, sale, transportation and each end attached to a fixture. release of exotic fish, shellfish, or aquatic Turtle Excluder Device (TED): A device plants designated harmful or potentially installed in a shrimp trawl forward of the harmful by the Texas Parks and Wildlife cod end (tail bag) for the purpose of exclud- Commission are prohibited except by special ing sea turtles from the net. NOTE: TEDs permit from the department. The list of are required in certain trawls. (See Page potentially harmful species may be obtained 40 — APPROVED TED DESIGNS or federal by calling (800) 792-1112 or visit: regulation CFR Part 223 §223.207 for TED www.tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/species/ specifications). exotic/prohibited_aquatic.phtml. FRESH WATER AND SALT WATER DEVICES, MEANS AND METHODS ONLY DEVICES AND RESTRICTIONS LISTED MAY BE USED TO TAKE OR ATTEMPT TO TAKE AQUATIC LIFE A person may fish with multiple poles or other Gaff: devices, except as provided in this guide. In • May only be used to aid in the landing of Fresh Water it is UNLAWFUL to fish with more fish caught by other legal devices, means, than 100 hooks on all devices combined. or methods. Bycatch Reduction Device (BRD): • Fish landed with a gaff may not be below BRDs are required in certain trawls (See Page the minimum, above the maximum, or 37 — SHRIMP for trawl design restrictions). within a protected length limit. Cast Net: Gear Tag: The GEAR TAG must be legible, • Legal only for taking NONGAME fish and contain the name and address of the person other aquatic animal life. using the device and the date the device was • May not be greater than 14 feet in diameter. set out (See Page 5 — DEFINITIONS). • In SALT WATER, NONGAME fish and other Gig: May be used to take NONGAME fish only. aquatic animal life may be taken for bait Handfishing: purposes only. • The use of ANY other fishing device while Circle Hook: It is UNLAWFUL to fish for red handfishing (including but not limited to snapper using any kind of hook other than a gaff, pole hook, trap, spear or stick) is circle hook when using natural bait. UNLAWFUL. Crab Trap: See Pages 41-43 — CRAB for crab • No person may intentionally place a trap trap design restrictions. (including such devices as boxes, barrels or pipes) in public fresh water for the Dip Net: purpose of taking catfish by handfishing. • Legal only for taking NONGAME fish and • May be used to take channel catfish and other aquatic animal life. blue catfish in FRESH WATER only. • May be used to aid in the landing of fish • For handfishing under a commercial caught by other legal devices. license, flathead catfish may not be • In SALT WATER, NONGAME fish and other retained or possessed. aquatic animal life may be taken for bait purposes only. 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide 7
Harvester/Shell Recovery Tag: Lawful Archery Equipment: • Must be affixed to the outside of each sack • May be used to take NONGAME fish only. of oysters at the time of harvest. • Any fish that is edible or can be used for • Must be filled out completely with all infor- bait (includes all gar species, common mation as indicated on the tag. Must carp, and buffalo) may not be released remain affixed during transportation of the back into the water after being taken with oysters to a dealer. lawful archery equipment. See also “Waste Jugline: For use in FRESH WATER only. of Fish” on Page 3. • May be used to take NONGAME fish, • State regulations permit bow fishing in channel catfish and blue catfish only. most public waters. EXCEPT it is UNLAW- • For juglines fished under a commercial FUL to possess, shoot or hunt with a bow license, flathead catfish may not be and arrow or crossbow on all water in the retained or possessed. Aransas and Poesta rivers in Bee County; • Placement and Location Restrictions: on all public water in the state-owned Juglines may not be used in: riverbeds of La Salle or McMullen counties; and on all public water in the state-owned • Community Fishing Lakes (See Page 5 riverbeds of the Nueces, Frio and Atascosa for definition) rivers in Live Oak County. • Reservoirs or sections of rivers lying • Additionally, bow fishers are advised to totally within the boundaries of a state check with local authorities that may have park ordinances restricting use of archery • Bellwood Lake in Smith County equipment. • Boerne Lake in Kendall County • A person fishing with lawful archery equip- • Canyon Lake Project #6 in Lubbock ment on a navigable stream in Dimmit, County Edwards, Frio, Kenedy, Llano, Maverick, • Dixieland Reservoir in Cameron County Real, Uvalde, or Zavala counties may not • Gibbons Creek Reservoir in Grimes possess an arrow equipped with fletching County of any kind, an unbarbed arrow, or a bow • Lake Bastrop in Bastrop County that is not equipped with a reel and line. • Lake Bryan in Brazos County • Lakes Coffee Mill and Davy Crockett in Minnow Trap: Fannin County • Legal only for taking NONGAME fish and • Lake Naconiche in Nacogdoches County other aquatic animal life. • Lake Pflugerville in Travis County • NONGAME fish may be taken for bait • North Concho River from O.C. Fisher purposes only. dam to the Bell Street dam • Trap may not exceed 24 inches in length. • South Concho River from Lone Wolf The throat may not exceed 1 inch by dam to Bell Street dam 3 inches. • Tankersley Reservoir in Titus County • The trap must have a GEAR TAG attached • Wheeler Branch Reservoir in Somervell (See Page 5) which is valid only for 10 County days. • Tagging and Marking Requirements: Oyster Dredge: For use in SALT WATER only • Must be used with a valid GEAR TAG • May be used to take OYSTERS only. (See Page 5) attached within 6 inches of • Oysters may be taken by the use of a legal the free-floating device; gear tag is valid oyster dredge in places, at times, and in for 10 days after the date set out and manners as authorized by TPWD (see must include the number of the section on Oysters for details). permit to sell nongame fish taken from • May not exceed 48 inches in width and a fresh water, if applicable. 2-barrel capacity. • For juglines, properly-marked buoys or floats qualify as valid GEAR TAGS. • For commercial purposes, a jugline must be marked with an orange, free-floating device. 8 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide
Perch Traps: For use in SALT WATER only. Purse Seine: For use in SALT WATER only. • Legal only for taking NONGAME fish and • Purse seines with not less than 1-1/2 inch other aquatic animal life. stretched mesh, not including the bag, • NONGAME fish and other aquatic animal may be used only for taking menhaden life may be taken for bait purposes only. from the third Monday in April through the • May not exceed 18 cubic feet. first day in November. • Must be marked with a floating visible • Purse seines for taking menhaden may not orange buoy not less than 6 inches in be used in any bay, river, pass or tributary, height and 6 inches in width .The buoy nor within one mile of any barrier, jetty, must have a GEAR TAG (See Page 5) valid island or pass, nor within 1/2 mile offshore only for 10 days attached. in the Gulf of Mexico. • Must be equipped with a degradable panel • When using a purse seine to take menha- as described for crab traps (See Page 43 den, edible aquatic products may not for design details). exceed five percent by volume of the • Buoys or floats may not be made of plastic menhaden in possession. bottle(s) of any color or size. Seine (Includes a push net): • It is UNLAWFUL to place any type of trap • Legal only for taking NONGAME fish and within the area in Cedar Bayou between a other aquatic animal life. department sign erected where Mesquite • May not be longer than 20 feet. Bay flows into Cedar Bayou and the • May not have mesh exceeding 1/2-inch department sign erected near the point square. where the pass empties into the Gulf of • Must be manually operated. Mexico. • In SALT WATER, NONGAME fish and other Pole and Line (fished under a commercial aquatic animal life may be taken by seine fishing license): for BAIT PURPOSES only. • May be used to take NONGAME fish only. Shad Trawl: For use in FRESH WATER only. • GAME FISH may not be retained or • Legal only for taking NONGAME fish and possessed EXCEPT for blue catfish and other aquatic animal life. channel catfish. • May not be longer than 6 feet or with a • It is UNLAWFUL to use a pole and line to mouth larger than 36 inches in diameter. take or attempt to take fish by foul-hook- • May be equipped with a funnel or throat ing, snagging, or jerking. A fish is foul- and must be towed by boat or hand. hooked when caught by a hook in an area other than the fish’s mouth. Shrimp Trawl: For use in SALT WATER only. • For community fishing lakes, pole and line • “Legal shrimping operations” means the is the only lawful method for taking GAME use of a legal trawl in places, at times, and FISH (EXCEPT blue catfish and channel in manners as authorized by TPWD (See catfish may be retained or possessed) and Page 27 — Shrimp). NONGAME fish from Community Fishing • Seasons, area restrictions and trawl design Lakes (See Page 5 — Definitions); includes restrictions (See Page 27 — Shrimp). impoundments lying totally within the • NONGAME fish (EXCEPT those species reg- boundaries of a state park), sections of riv- ulated by bag or size limits) taken by cer- ers lying totally within boundaries of a tain legal shrimping operations may be state park, the North Concho River from retained (See Page 27 — Shrimp for O.C. Fisher dam to the Bell Street dam, the details). South Concho River from Lone Wolf dam • May be used to take NONGAME fish only. to Bell Street dam, Wheeler Branch Reser- Spear Gun: voir, Lake Pflugerville, and Canyon Lake • May be used to take NONGAME fish only. Project #6. • Not a legal means to take fish in a community fishing lake. 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide 9
Throwline: For use in FRESH WATER only. Trotlines in Fresh Water: • May be used to take NONGAME fish, • Tag Requirements: Must be used with a channel catfish and blue catfish. valid GEAR TAG (See Page 5 — DEFINITIONS). • For throwlines used under a commercial • Properly-marked buoys or floats qualify as license, flathead catfish may not be valid GEAR TAGS. retained or possessed. • GEAR TAGS must be attached within 3 feet • Must be used with a valid gear tag of the first hook at each end of the trotline attached. Gear tag is valid for 10 days and are valid for 10 days after the date set after the date set out. out. • Placement and Location Restrictions: • Construction and Design Restrictions: Throwlines may not be used in: May not have more than 50 hooks on any • Community Fishing Lakes (See Page one trotline. 5 — Definitions) • Placement and Location Restrictions: • Reservoirs or sections of rivers lying Trotlines may not be used in: totally within the boundaries of a state • Community Fishing Lakes (See Page 5 — park Definitions) • Bellwood Lake in Smith County • Reservoirs or sections of rivers lying • Boerne Lake in Kendall County totally within the boundaries of a state • Canyon Lake Project #6 in Lubbock park County • Bellwood Lake in Smith County • Dixieland Reservoir in Cameron County • Boerne Lake in Kendall County • Gibbons Creek Reservoir in Grimes County • Canyon Lake Project #6 in Lubbock • Lake Bastrop in Bastrop County County • Lake Bryan in Brazos County • Dixieland Reservoir in Cameron County • Lakes Coffee Mill and Davy Crockett in • Fayette County Reservoir in Fayette Fannin County County • Lake Naconiche in Nacogdoches County • Gibbons Creek Reservoir in Grimes • Lake Pflugerville in Travis County County • North Concho River from O.C. Fisher • Lake Bastrop in Bastrop County dam to the Bell Street dam • Lake Bryan in Brazos County • South Concho River from Lone Wolf • Lakes Coffee Mill and Davy Crockett in dam to Bell Street dam Fannin County • Tankersley Reservoir in Titus County • Lake Naconiche in Nacogdoches County • Wheeler Branch Reservoir in Somervell • Lake Pflugerville in Travis County County • Pinkston Reservoir in Shelby County Trotline: • North Concho River from O.C. Fisher • NONGAME fish, channel catfish and blue dam to the Bell Street dam catfish may be taken by trotline. • South Concho River from Lone Wolf • For trotlines fished under a commercial dam to Bell Street dam license, flathead catfish may not be • Tankersley Reservoir in Titus County retained or possessed. • Wheeler Branch Reservoir in Somervell • Red drum, spotted seatrout, and sharks County caught on a trotline may not be retained Trotlines in Salt Water: or possessed. • Maximum Number of Trotlines Allowed: It is • General Construction and Design Restric- UNLAWFUL to fish for commercial purposes tions: Trotlines may not be used with: with more than 20 trotlines at one time. • A mainline length exceeding 600 feet; • Tag Requirements: • Hooks spaced less than 3 horizontal feet • Must be used with valid GEAR TAGS apart; (See Page 5 — Definitions) which must • Metallic stakes; or be attached within 3 feet of the first • The main fishing line and attached hook at each end of the trotline. hooks and stagings placed above the • For trotlines in SALT WATER fished water’s surface. under a commercial license, date is not required on a valid GEAR TAG. 10 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide
• Must be marked with yellow flagging line of the Live Oak Peninsula past the attached to stakes or with a yellow buoy town of Fulton, past Nine-Mile Point, showing the commercial finfish fisher- past the town of Rockport to a point at man’s license plate number. The letters the east end of Talley Island, including must be in a contrasting color at least that part of Copano Bay within 1,000 two inches high and attached to end feet of the causeway between Lamar fixtures. Peninsula and Live Oak Peninsula. • Construction and Design Restrictions: • No trotline or trotline components • The mainline length may not exceed including lines and hooks, but excluding 600 feet. poles, may be left in or on coastal • May not use metallic stakes. waters between the hours of 1 p.m. on • May not place the main fishing line and Friday through 1 p.m. on Sunday of each attached hooks and stagings above the week, except that attended sail lines are water’s surface. excluded from the restrictions imposed • Must be marked with yellow flagging by this clause. Under the authority of attached to stakes or with a yellow the Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart- floating buoy not less than 6 inches in ment Code, §66.206(b), in the event height and 6 inches in width, attached small craft advisories or higher marine to end fixtures. weather advisories issued by the • Floats must be yellow. National Weather Service are in place at • Buoys or floats may not be made of 8 a.m. on Friday, trotlines may remain in plastic bottle(s) of any color or size. the water until 6 p.m. on Friday. If small • May not be baited with other than natu- craft advisories are in place at 1 p.m. on ral bait. Friday, trotlines may remain in the • Natural bait is whole or cut-up portion water until Saturday. When small craft of a fish or shellfish or a whole or cut-up advisories are lifted by 8 a.m. on Satur- portion of plant material in its natural day, trotlines must be removed by 1 p.m. state, provided that none of these may on Saturday. When small craft adviso- be altered beyond cutting into portions. ries or higher marine weather advisories • Hooks must be 3 feet apart. are still in place at 1 p.m. on Saturday, • May not be used with hooks other than trotlines may remain in the water circle-type hook (comparable to Mustad through 1 p.m. on Sunday. It is a viola- 11/0 circle hook Model #39960ST) with tion to tend, bait or harvest fish or any point curved in and having a gap (dis- other aquatic life from trotlines during tance from point to shank) of no more the period that trotline removal require- than 1/2 inch, and with the diameter of ments are suspended under this provi- the circle not less than 5/8 inch. sion for adverse weather conditions. For • Placement and Location Restrictions: purposes of enforcement, the geo- • May not be used in or on the waters of graphic area customarily covered by the Gulf of Mexico within the jurisdiction marine weather advisories will be delin- of this state; eated by department policy. • May not be placed closer than 50 feet Turtle Excluder Device (TED): TEDs are from any other trotline, or set within required in certain trawls (See Page 40 — 200 feet of the edge of the Intracoastal SHRIMP REGULATIONS for trawl design Waterway or its tributary channels. restrictions). • May not be used in Aransas County in Little Bay and the water area of Aransas Umbrella Net: Bay within one-half mile of a line from • Legal only for taking NONGAME fish and Hail Point on the Lamar Peninsula, then other aquatic animal life. direct to the eastern end of Goose • NONGAME fish and other aquatic animal life Island, then along the southern shore of may be taken for bait purposes only. Goose Island, then along the causeway • May not have within the frame an area that between Lamar Peninsula and Live Oak exceeds 16 square feet. Peninsula, then along the eastern shore- 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide 11
LICENSE REQUIREMENTS License requirements and fees are subject to change. (License fees are not refundable.) RECREATIONAL LICENSE this state and have not been previously REQUIREMENTS FOR unloaded in another state or a foreign COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN country, for pay or for the purpose of A commercial fisherman must purchase a sale, barter or exchange or any other recreational fishing license, either resident or commercial purpose. non-resident, and appropriate fresh or salt- • a non-resident who is residing in a state water endorsement to fish for recreational that denies the privilege of commercial purposes. NOTE: commercial plates must be fishing in that state to a Texas resident removed from any commercial vessel while because of residency status is not being used for recreational purposes. eligible for a non-resident general When fishing under a recreational sport commercial fisherman’s license. license recreational size, bag and possession Exceptions: limits apply, and no aquatic species taken • a person who holds a commercial under a recreational license may be sold. shrimp boat captain’s license, com- mercial oyster boat captain’s license, SHRIMP, CRAB, FINFISH AND a bait dealer’s license and catching OYSTER LICENSE MANAGEMENT bait only, commercial crab fisherman’s license, commercial finfish fisherman’s A moratorium on the sale of licenses or a license, Class A and Class B menhaden license management program (limited entry) boat license, or the crew of a licensed has been in effect for the Texas bay and bait commercial shrimp boat is not required shrimp fishery since 1996, the crab fishery to obtain a general commercial fisher- since 1998, the saltwater finfish fishery since man’s license. 2000 and both the gulf shrimp and oyster fisheries since 2005. To retain eligibility Commercial Finfish Fisherman’s in each of these fisheries, purchase of the Resident (Type 371).............................. $360 previous year’s license is required. A license Non-resident (Type 361)................... $1,440 buyback provision is in place for bay and bait shrimp boat, crab and finfish commercial This is a limited entry license. (See Page 12 — licenses, but not for gulf shrimp boat or SHRIMP, CRAB, FINFISH AND OYSTER oyster boat licenses. LICENSE MANAGEMENT.) For further information regarding any Required for any person who takes finfish limited entry requirements, license buybacks for commercial purposes from the coastal or other provisions of the program contact: waters of this state. Zack Thomas, Texas Parks and Wildlife • Finfish Fisherman: defined as a person Dept., Coastal Fisheries Division, 4200 Smith who catches finfish from the coastal School Road, Austin TX 78744, (512) 389- waters of this state for the purpose of 8448, email: zack.thomas@tpwd.texas.gov. sale, barter, exchange or any other commercial purpose. • Finfish: defined as those living resources GENERAL LICENSES having either cartilaginous or bony skele- General Commercial Fisherman’s tons (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes). Resident (Type 372)................................$26 Exceptions: Non-resident (Type 340)..................... $189 • A person who is licensed as a bait dealer and who takes finfish for bait Required for any person who: only is not required to obtain a commer- • catches aquatic products from the cial finfish fisherman’s license. waters of this state for pay or for the • A person who is in a vessel licensed as a purpose of sale, barter or exchange or menhaden boat and who takes menha- any other commercial purpose; or den is not required to obtain a commer- • unloads in this state aquatic products cial finfish fisherman’s license. that were taken from water outside 12 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide
• A person who holds a commercial or unloading or attempting to unload in this shrimp boat captain’s license or the state shrimp and other aquatic products crew of a licensed commercial shrimp taken from waters outside this state. boat is not required to obtain a com- mercial finfish fisherman’s license Commercial Oyster Boat Captain’s when catching finfish incidental to legal Resident (Type 309)................................ $32 shrimp trawling operations. Non-resident (Type 409)..................... $126 • A person may operate a boat bearing a Required of any person who operates a commercial finfish fisherman’s license commercial oyster boat while taking oysters plate ONLY if that person possesses on from the public waters of this state. board the following documentation: • a commercial finfish fisherman’s Commercial Oyster Fisherman’s license OR Resident (Type 370).............................. $126 • a general commercial fisherman’s Non-resident (Type 470)......................$315 license, the original finfish fisherman’s Required of any person who takes oysters license AND a copy of an affidavit from the public waters of this state for pay or permitting the boat operator to fish for the purpose of sale, barter or exchange or the commercial finfish fishing devices any other commercial purpose. (Not required owned by the person to whom the of the captain and crew onboard a licensed commercial finfish fisherman’s license commercial oyster boat.) was issued. The affidavit must con- tain the date, original signature of Commercial Crab Fisherman’s the licensee, and commercial finfish Resident (Type 338)............................. $630 license number which matches the Non-resident (Type 438)................ $2,520 commercial finfish license plate number on the boat. This is a limited entry license. (See Page 12 — • A person operating a boat for the SHRIMP, CRAB, FINFISH AND OYSTER purpose of commercial finfish fishing is LICENSE MANAGEMENT.) not required to possess a commercial Required for any person who takes crabs fishing boat license. for commercial purposes from the coastal Note: waters of the state. • A person purchasing this license will NOTE: No person may hold more than receive two (2) license plates bearing a three commercial crab fisherman’s licenses. number unique to that person. Exceptions: • A boat operated for the purposes of com- • A person may operate a boat bearing mercial finfish fishing is required to have a commercial crab fisherman’s license commercial finfish fisherman’s license plate ONLY if that person possesses on plates prominently displayed as to be board the following documentation: clearly visible from both sides of the boat. • a commercial crab fisherman’s license • No more than one set of commercial OR finfish license plates and license may • a general commercial fisherman’s be on board a commercial finfish fish- license, AND a copy of an affidavit ing boat at any one time. permitting the boat operator to fish • NEW: Federal Commercial Vessel permits, the commercial crab fishing devices and applicable endorsements, are required owned by the person to whom the to take, possess, land or sell red snapper, commercial crab fisherman’s license grouper, or tilefish in state waters. was issued. The affidavit must contain Commercial Shrimp Boat Captain’s the date, original signature of the Resident (Type 333)................................$50 licensee, and commercial crab license Non-resident (Type 433)...................... $126 number which matches the commercial crab license plate number on the boat. Required of any person who operates a • A person operating a boat for the commercial shrimp boat catching or purpose of commercial crab fishing is attempting to catch shrimp and other aquatic not required to possess a commercial products from the public waters of this state fishing boat license. 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide 13
Note: (canoes, kayaks, etc.) in all coastal waters. • A person purchasing this license will NOTE: Persons operating as a fishing receive two (2) license plates bearing a guide and utilizing paddle craft (canoes, number unique to that person. kayaks, etc.) while guiding can qualify for a • A boat operated for the purposes of com- fishing guide license upon presentation to mercial crab fishing is required to have a a license agent of certification or proof of commercial crab fisherman’s license plate completion of a TPWD boater safety course, prominently displayed as to be clearly vis- CPR/First Aid training, and completion of ible from both sides of the boat. the American Canoe Association Coastal • No more than one set of commercial Kayak Day Trip Leading Assessment or crab fisherman’s license plates and the British Canoe Union Four Star Leader license may be on board a commercial Sea Kayak Certification. This license is crab fishing boat at any one time. applicable only to paddle craft and cannot be used when a person is operating a Commercial Mussel and Clam Fisherman’s motorized vessel. Resident (Type 320)................................$38 Any person who possesses an All-Water Non-resident (Type 420)................. $1,008 fishing guide license and a valid USCG Required of any person taking mussels, vessel operator’s license is qualified as an clams or their shells from the public waters All-Water paddle craft fishing guide. of this state for commercial purposes. (See All-Water fishing guide and All-Water Page 45 — MUSSELS AND CLAMS.) paddle craft licenses available only at TPWD Law Enforcement offices. Freshwa- Fishing Guide Licenses: ter fishing guide licenses available at any Required for any person who for compen- location where licenses are sold. sation, accompanies, assists, or transports any person engaged in fishing in the public BAIT DEALERS’ LICENSES waters of the state. Fresh Water All bait dealers who purchase aquatic Resident and Non-resident product(s) from anyone except other dealers, (Type 600)............................................$132 and all bait dealers who harvest aquatic product(s) themselves are required to report All-Water these landings under the Trip Ticket Pro- Resident (Type 610).......................... $210 gram. (See Page 19 — COMMERCIAL HAR- Non-resident (Type 710)...............$1,050 VEST REPORTS.) Required of any person operating as a fishing guide in all public waters (salt Bait Dealer – Individual water only or both fresh and salt water). (Type 312)...................................................$38 NOTE: No person operating a motorized Required for any person who catches, trans- vessel or boat as a fishing guide on or in the ports or sells his own catch of minnows, fish or salt waters of this state may be issued a other aquatic products (except shrimp and fishing guide license unless the person pres- crabs) for bait. ents original documentation to the license Note: In addition to this license, a permit agent that the applicant possesses a valid to sell nongame fish taken from public fresh and appropriate U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) water is required. The fee for this license is Operator’s License. It is the operator’s $60 and can be obtained by calling (512) responsibility to assure compliance with 389-4444. (See Page 15 — OTHER BUSINESS USCG regulations. For additional informa- LICENSES AND PERMITS and Page 12 — GEN- tion, contact the USCG Regional Examination ERAL COMMERCIAL FISHERMAN’S LICENSE.) Center in Houston, Texas at (713) 948-3350. All-Water Paddle Craft Bait Dealer – Place of Business/Building Resident (Type 650)......................... $210 (Type 515)...................................................$38 Non-resident (Type 750)..............$1,050 Required for any person who buys for the Required of any person operating as purpose of sale, minnows, fish, shrimp in non- a fishing guide and utilizing paddle craft coastal counties or other aquatic products 14 2018-2019 Texas Commercial Fishing Guide
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