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姝 Academy of Management Review 2011, Vol. 36, No. 4, 621–640. http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/amr.2009.0481 TESTING THE WATERS: USING COLLECTIVE REAL OPTIONS TO MANAGE THE SOCIAL DILEMMA OF STRATEGIC ALLIANCES MATTHEW W. MCCARTER Chapman University JOSEPH T. MAHONEY GREGORY B. NORTHCRAFT University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign We extend real options research by introducing the concept of collective real options and model how collective real options provide strategic alliances a mechanism to manage social uncertainty. Collective real options manage social uncertainty by producing relational small wins that develop trust. The amount of trust developed by acquiring a collective real option depends on the exposure of alliance partners. Alliance partner reputation also plays an important role in the impact of collective real options. Strategic alliances are “voluntary arrange- from a lack of information about the intentions ments [among two or more organizations] in- of alliance partners, and it impedes interfirm volving the exchange, sharing, or co-develop- cooperation because alliance partners may fear ment of products, technologies, or services” they cannot trust each other to do what is best (Gulati, 1998: 293) and are a means for organiza- for the alliance (Messick, Allison, & Samuelson, tions to achieve goals they could not attain in- 1988; Park & Ungson, 2001). This lack of trust dependently. Alliances create value through the pushes alliance partners to either underinvest pooling of resources to provide alliance partners defensively or not enter into the alliance alto- with competitive advantages over rivals (Das & gether, thereby missing opportunities to capital- Teng, 2000; Hardy, Phillips, & Lawrence, 2003). ize fully on alliance potential (McCarter & North- However, alliances often fail to create their an- craft, 2007). ticipated benefits (Gottschalg & Zollo, 2007; For the past two decades, real options re- Kale, Dyer, & Singh, 2002). This article examines search on uncertainty in alliance governance how the use of real options can influence the (Kogut, 1991) has focused on understanding how likelihood of alliance success. alliance partners use real options unilaterally to Two critical factors influencing alliance suc- manage environmental uncertainty (Folta, 1998; cess are environmental uncertainty and social Reuer & Tong, 2005). We develop a model of how uncertainty. Environmental uncertainty stems real options can be used collectively to manage from a lack of information about the market and social uncertainty among alliance partners, task environment (Bowman & Hurry, 1993; Das & thereby enhancing the likelihood of alliance Teng, 1996). As a consequence of environmental success. The core logic of our model comes in uncertainty, alliance partners may fear that five parts: (1) large-scale alliance cooperation their pooled investments will not yield a suffi- represents a social dilemma requiring trust, (2) ciently profitable return (McCarter, Rockmann, collective real options offer alliance partners & Northcraft, 2010), and they may therefore pro- the opportunity to achieve relational small wins tect their own interests at the expense of the that increase trust, (3) increased trust decreases alliance (Luo, 2007). Social uncertainty stems the perceived vulnerability among alliance partners and, thus, fuels larger-scale alliance cooperation, (4) exposure (the amount of re- We express our appreciation to associate editor Jean sources put at risk by alliance partners to ac- Philippe-Bonardi and three anonymous reviewers for their quire the collective real option) moderates the input and suggestions. effect of a relational small win on trust develop- 621 Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s express written permission. Users may print, download, or email articles for individual use only.
622 Academy of Management Review October ment, and (5) the reputations of alliance partners contributes private resources to further the alli- also play an important role in the impact of ance’s interest—such as contributing people or collective real options. capital to identify more efficient recycling pro- Examining how collective real options influ- cesses—this action is termed cooperation ence social uncertainty in alliances helps (Dawes, 1980). Defection occurs when an alli- bridge the (often independently studied) struc- ance partner fails to contribute (or underinvests) tural and motivational approaches to alliance private resources toward alliance initiatives governance. In doing so our conceptualization of (Dawes, 1980). real options highlights the importance of social An alliance partner might underinvest in alli- uncertainty—and its management via the psy- ance initiatives for two reasons. First, an alli- chology of relational small wins—to alliance ance partner may attempt to “free ride”— enjoy success. the created public good (e.g., more efficient re- We begin by first reviewing essential ele- cycling processes) without contributing toward ments of the social dilemma paradigm. Next, we its creation. In other words, offensive defection introduce the concept of collective real options occurs when an alliance partner attempts to en- as a hybrid approach to managing social uncer- joy the shared benefit without incurring much (if tainty in alliances. We then propose a model any) cost (Zeng & Chen, 2003). Alternatively, an capturing how collective real options influence alliance partner may defensively defect— trust formation in alliances. We conclude by dis- underinvest or, in the extreme, not contribute at cussing the theoretical and managerial implica- all—to avoid wasting resources if the alliance tions of our model. partner believes others also will underinvest (Rockmann & Northcraft, 2008). Unfortunately, if enough alliance partners underinvest, regard- STRATEGIC ALLIANCE SOCIAL DILEMMAS: less of whether offensively or defensively, the A BRIEF REVIEW public good is not produced and no alliance The social dilemma paradigm has proven partners benefit—for example, poor air quality very useful in helping understand how social abounds and alliance resources are wasted uncertainty influences cooperation among alli- (Messick & Brewer, 1983). We focus on defensive ance partners (Zeng & Chen, 2003). A social di- defection here because even if measures are lemma, broadly defined, is a situation in which taken to make offensive defection impossible, it appears that being uncooperative can be per- an alliance partner may remain suspicious of sonally beneficial at the collective’s expense— other alliance partners’ intentions and thereby unless everyone else in the collective also defect defensively to avoid wasting personal re- chooses to be uncooperative, in which case no sources (McCarter & Northcraft, 2007).2 one benefits (Liebrand, 1983). In strategic alli- ances partners’ resources can be pooled to cre- ate a public good—that is, a resource that, once this second instance the private public good is public to a produced, is enjoyed by all alliance partners, smaller specified collective (e.g., alliance partners) while whether they contributed or not (Olson, 1965). being privatized from a larger specified collective (e.g., the entire populace of a city). While our propositions are not For instance, a group of firms may pool re- limited to either form of public good, in this article we refer sources to identify more efficient recycling pro- to examples of private public goods, and we use the abbre- cesses (Tirole, 1996).1 When an alliance partner viated term public good to remain consistent with the types of public goods discussed in the literature on strategic alli- ances (Agarwal, Croson, & Mahoney, 2010; McCarter & 1 Public goods come in two forms (Cornes & Sandler, 1996). Northcraft, 2007; Zeng & Chen, 2003). 2 Pure public goods are resources available to anyone in a The social dilemma paradigm is complementary to other society or similar large-scale collective—for example, a na- game-theoretic–based paradigms, such as co-opetition and tion, community, or city. Examples of pure public goods integrative negotiation. The similarity between the social include public radio, national defense, and lighthouses. Pri- dilemma paradigm and other game-theoretic paradigms is vate public goods (or club goods) are resources available to that value creation occurs through cooperative, collective anyone within a smaller-scale collective, such as a strategic action. The difference resides in the degree of exclusivity alliance. Examples of private public goods include new between cooperative and competitive actions. In social di- technologies and processes developed in strategic alliances lemmas cooperation and defection are interdependent: an and generic advertising campaigns (e.g., “Got milk?” and alliance partner cannot defect (or cooperate) without affect- “Beef, it’s what for dinner!”) used in a particular industry. In ing the other alliance partners in negative (or positive) ways
2011 McCarter, Mahoney, and Northcraft 623 Structural and Motivational Approaches to encouraging alliance partners to consider each Strategic Alliance Social Dilemmas other’s needs (Spekman, Isabella, MacAvoy, & Forbes, 1996). For instance, future alliance part- The social dilemma paradigm offers two ap- ners may meet frequently to plan, discuss goals, proaches to managing social uncertainty in al- and communicate intentions before contributing liances: structural and motivational (Kollock, resources toward alliance initiatives (Kanter, 1998; Zeng & Chen, 2003).3 Both approaches at- 1994; Murray & Mahon, 1993). tempt to mitigate social uncertainty by increas- ing trust among alliance partners, because trust is a central critical factor determining partner Limitations of Structural and investment in alliance initiatives (McCarter & Motivational Approaches Northcraft, 2007). Both structural and motivational solutions, in The structural approach seeks to raise alli- isolation, are limited in their ability to encour- ance partner trust by making defection more age cooperation among alliance partners (Lich- costly than cooperation (Hennart, 1988) so that bach, 1996). Structural solutions are unable to alliance partners will believe no partner has an cover every possible free-riding loophole (Wil- incentive to defect. Classic structural solutions liamson, 1979), are only effective “if [they] can be involve sanctions, such as threatening monetary done cheaply enough” (Telser, 1980: 28), and can fines or the spread of bad reputations for defect- negatively affect how alliance partners think ing alliance partners (Das & Teng, 2002; Zeng & about the alliance. Regarding this last point, Chen, 2003), and contracting, such as relation- contracting (for example) leads alliance part- ship-specific investments (Parkhe, 1993), credi- ners to trust the contract rather than each other, ble commitments (Williamson, 1983), and self- leaving the relationship vulnerable when the enforcing agreements (Telser, 1980). contract is repealed or a weakness in the con- The motivational approach attempts to in- tract is found (Malhotra & Murnighan, 2002; Sit- crease trust by altering how alliance partners kin & Roth, 1993). Along these lines, Malhotra perceive each other (Dyer & Singh, 1998; Zaheer and Lumineau’s (in press) field study on inter- & Venkatraman, 1995) so that they will believe firm contracting shows that when disputes no partner is likely to defect, even if there ap- arise, goodwill trust and willingness to continue pears to be an incentive to do so. Traditional collaboration among alliance partners decrease motivational solutions entail alliance partners’ as the number of control provisions in the con- communicating cooperative intent before joint tract increase. As for sanctions, threatening investments are made (Monge et al., 1998) and punishment not only alters the payoffs associ- ated with cooperation and defection but also reframes how alliance partners perceive such (Kaufman & Kerr, 1993; Kollock, 1998). The co-opetition para- digm (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 1996) and integrative ne- behaviors. Tenbrunsel and Messick (1999) found gotiation paradigm (Hoffman et al., 1999) assume that coop- that using sanctions to enforce cooperation di- eration (or creating value) is independent of defection (or verts alliance partner attention from the moral claiming value): individuals acting in their own self- consequences of defection to the economic con- interests can lead to an outcome that is in everyone’s best sequences of being caught defecting. This shift interests. Thus, whereas co-opetition and integrative nego- tiation paradigms may be modeled using an invisible-hand of consideration actually can increase defection. game (Miller, 1993), social dilemmas are modeled using n- Motivational solutions alone have limitations prisoners’ (and assurance) dilemma games (Dawes, 1980; as well because of their reliance on verbal re- Liebrand, 1983). assurances of alliance partner trustworthiness. 3 Other scholarship has used alternative typologies for Absent action, such verbal reassurance may be grouping social dilemma solutions. For example, social psy- chology and operations management research codify social viewed as “cheap talk,” leaving partners still dilemma solutions as a function of whether solutions are suspicious of each other’s actual intent (Craw- unilateral or jointly implemented (McCarter & Northcraft, ford, 1998; Farrell & Rabin, 1996). Further, alli- 2007; Messick & Brewer, 1983). To remain consistent with ance partners typically believe themselves to be previous research applying the social dilemma paradigm to more honest and more cooperative (i.e., more alliance management, we delineate solutions as to whether they change how alliance partners perceive either the struc- trustworthy) than others, which also fuels suspi- ture of the alliance or the other exchange partners in the cion of others and, hence, defensive defection alliance. (Epley, Caruso, & Bazerman, 2006). Indeed, re-
624 Academy of Management Review October search on international alliances shows that about how the phone system works, along with trust is fostered only after alliance partners con- the compatibility and benefits of the system. firm their intentions through investment in the Real options change the structure of an invest- alliance (Robson, Katsikeas, & Bello, 2008). ment by separating resource allocation into a These findings highlight that neither a struc- multistage process, with an option to exit at the tural nor a motivational solution, indepen- conclusion of any stage (Adner & Levinthal, dently, is sufficient to alleviate social uncer- 2004; Mu, 2006). While real options take a variety tainty in strategic alliance social dilemmas, of forms (Trigeorgis, 1999), the focus here is on suggesting the need to identify a governance “time-to-build” real options (also called mechanism that incorporates elements of both “growth” or “compound” options), in which an solutions (Foddy, Smithson, Schneider, & Hogg, individual firm’s investments come in multiple 1999). Research in strategic management sup- stages (Sing, 2002; Smit & Trigeorgis, 2004). In ports this conclusion (Agarwal et al., 2010): a the first stage the firm—facing high environ- laboratory simulation of cooperation in alli- mental uncertainty—acquires the real option by ances found that mutual cooperation was high- investing a small amount of resources, which est when both economic incentives were provides the firm an opportunity to uncover ad- aligned (a structural solution) and communica- ditional information about the environment so tion was allowed among alliance partners (a as to make more informed later-stage invest- motivational solution). In this article we intro- ment decisions. In the later stages the firm— duce collective real options as a hybrid solution having learned more about the environment— that provides a more effective alternative than exercises the option of either investing existing alliance governance mechanisms. additional resources or abandoning the venture. A pilot project represents a time-to-build real option (Ziedonis, 2007). A firm makes an initial investment in a small version of the venture (a REAL OPTIONS IN STRATEGIC ALLIANCES pilot project) to see whether further investments A real option is a right—without an obliga- might hold promise; the firm then can exercise tion—to invest resources (e.g., labor, money, the real option created by the pilot project by time) toward a course of action at a future point making subsequent larger investments in the in time (Dixit & Pindyck, 1994). Because of the venture if the results from the pilot project are environmental uncertainty inherent in making favorable (Fawcett, Magnan, & McCarter, 2008; any investment (Hobfoll, 1998), real options pro- Kim & Sanders, 2002). In making the initial vide an attractive “psychological hedge” in the smaller investment, the time-to-build real option minds of investors (Bazerman & Gillespie, 1999; is acquired. In making the subsequent larger Malhotra, 2005). Real options allow investors to investments, the time-to-build real option is ex- feel less vulnerable to the negative effects of ercised (Li, James, Madhaven, & Mahoney, 2007). investment failure (Meyerson, Weick, & Kramer, 1996). Environmental uncertainty is mitigated Collective Real Options because real options delay full investment until critical information about the environment (such A collective real option is an action under- as market conditions, profitability of a potential taken jointly by alliance partners when all part- investment, and entry of new competitors) can ners agree to make a small initial investment of be revealed over time (Bowman & Hurry, 1993). resources to uncover environmental and social An example of how real options reduce environ- information about the possible success of a sub- mental uncertainty is a university that is consid- sequent larger-scale alliance initiative. Envi- ering adoption of a new technology, such as a ronmental information refers to factors exoge- campus phone system (Ziedonis, 2007). Prior to nous to the alliance (such as market forces) that investing large amounts of resources to roll out influence the anticipated benefits of collective the new phone system campus wide, the univer- action (such as revenues and enhanced reputa- sity can take the real option of field testing the tion). Social information refers to factors endog- system in one campus building. After the field enous to the alliance that influence the antici- test, environmental uncertainty is reduced be- pated benefits of collective action—specifically, cause the university has additional information the perceived trustworthiness of the alliance
2011 McCarter, Mahoney, and Northcraft 625 partners (Gulati, 1998), including their integrity, and it is this coordinated action that provides reliability, and commitment. Acquiring the col- the opportunity to reduce social uncertainty in lective real option occurs when the alliance the alliance. partners jointly invest in the small-scale (e.g., The second difference between collective real pilot project) initiative. This definition high- options and traditional real option concepts re- lights two key elements that separate collective lates to the timing and benefits provided. Previ- real options from traditional conceptualizations ous theorizing on time-to-build real options pos- of real options and related constructs. its that their benefits are not realized until after First, traditional research on real options typ- the pilot venture is completed and that these ically has examined how individuals (or individ- benefits entail mitigating environmental uncer- ual firms) acquire real options to reduce uncer- tainty (Majd & Pindyck, 1987). However, as sug- tainty when making investment decisions gested by Dixit and Pindyck (1994) and Li et al. (Bowman & Moskowitz, 2001; Folta & Miller, (2007), collective real options provide social in- 2002). However, as Li et al. (2007) suggest, real formation as well as environmental information. options may be acquired and exercised by col- Social information can surface prior to the com- lectives, such as an alliance. Although collec- pletion of the pilot venture. It is the uncovering tive real options are created by the collective of information about the intentions, reliability, (e.g., by an alliance), later they can be exercised and commitment of alliance partners during the independently by each member of the collective pilot project that enables collective real options (Pape & Schmidt-Tank, 2004)—that is, each mem- to change how alliance partners perceive each ber of the collective can decide independently other. For example, empirical work on technol- whether to fulfill or decline the subsequent ogy outsourcing shows that alliance partners larger-scale investment. For example, the alli- jointly may make small initial investments to- ance partners might collectively choose to pref- ward alliance initiatives to uncover more infor- ace a large-scale alliance initiative with a pilot mation about each other’s intentions before project (Fawcett et al., 2008), such as developing committing large amounts of resources to the a new recycling process and pilot testing its alliance (van de Vrande, Vanhaverbeke, & Duys- effects on a select region prior to agreeing to ters, 2009). This refocusing of the benefits of real jointly develop a national network of recycling options from managing environmental uncer- plants. The focus on joint (rather than unilateral) tainty to managing social uncertainty distin- implementation distinguishes collective real guishes collective real options from similar con- options from similar concepts, such as incre- cepts, such as contingency strategies (Nielsen, mental risk taking (Andriopoulos & Lowe, 2000) 1988) and contingent contracts (Bazerman & Gil- and reciprocal exchange (Gouldner, 1960; Molm, lespie, 1999), both of which are concerned with Takahashi, & Petersen, 2000). While both are managing environmental uncertainty (Laak- additional paths to managing social uncer- sonen, Jarimo, & Kulmala, 2009). tainty, incremental risk taking (Dunbar, Neufeld, Collective real options bridge structural and Libow, Cohen, & Foley, 1997) and reciprocal ex- motivational approaches to create a hybrid so- change (Komorita, Chan, & Parks, 1993) are ac- tions undertaken by an individual independent social uncertainty (or risk of nonreciprocity; Lawler, 2001; of other alliance partners. The acquisition of Molm, Collett, & Schaefer, 2007). Similar to other traditional collective real options, in contrast, represents structural solutions (such as contracting and self-enforcing coordinated action among alliance partners,4 commitments), negotiated exchange involves “agreements that are strictly binding . . . they automatically produce the benefits agreed upon” (Molm et al., 2007: 209), resulting in “the risk [or perceived vulnerability] of non-reciprocity [be- 4 Reciprocial exchange can involve negotiated exchange, ing] eliminated” (2007: 212). Without social uncertainty, be- where exchange partners create an agreement that “speci- liefs about another’s motives and intentions (i.e., trustwor- fies the benefits that each actor will receive from the ex- thiness) are difficult to form, leaving room for suspicion change” (Molm, 2010: 122), and these benefits can flow bilat- when the ability to enforce agreement ends or loopholes are erally (Molm, 2003). Negotiated exchange is complementary discovered (Malhotra & Lumineau, 2011; Malhotra & Mur- to collective real options. Resources are jointly invested into nighan, 2002). Thus, the collective real option framework the relationship, strengthening the level of trust among the complements negotiated exchange (and other structural so- partners. However, what distinguishes collective real op- lutions) and offers an alternative avenue for alliance part- tions from a negotiated-exchange strategy is the presence of ners to increase mutual cooperation.
626 Academy of Management Review October lution to alliance governance. As a structural small win demonstrating the viability of the solution, collective real options change the in- larger-scale cooperative effort (i.e., “proof-of- centives of alliance participation by lowering concept”; McAdam, McAdam, Galbraith, & the costs of cooperation (rather than by increas- Miller, 2010) and a small win demonstrating the ing the costs of defecting, as other structural trustworthiness of alliance partners. Exploring solutions do): large-scale alliance participation the viability of a collective venture reduces en- is buffered by an initial less-costly (pilot project) vironmental uncertainty, while exploring the initiative. As a motivational solution, collective trustworthiness of alliance partners reduces so- real options reveal—through pilot project in- cial uncertainty. Because the success of the vestment behaviors—alliance partners’ integ- small initial investment lowers the environmen- rity, reliability, and commitment. By credibly tal and social uncertainty barriers to subse- signaling intent in the pilot project, alliance quent larger-scale alliance investments, the partners influence how others perceive them achievement of these small wins propels the through actions and not just words. exchange parties forward to invest in larger- scale collective efforts (Reay, Golden-Biddle, & Germann, 2006). Whereas traditional research Collective Real Options and Small Wins on real options focuses on achieving small wins Using collective real options to manage social to mitigate environmental uncertainty, this arti- uncertainty can best be understood as an impor- cle shifts the focus to understanding how collec- tant opportunity for a relational small win. tive real options reduce social uncertainty by Small wins are “concrete, complete, imple- influencing the development of trust. mented outcome[s] of moderate importance” (Weick, 1984: 43), and they represent an opportu- Relational Small Wins and Trust nity for alliance partners to see (preview) the potential value of successful cooperation. Relational small wins encourage subsequent The small wins framework derives from the larger-scale cooperation in alliances by foster- observation that most organizing efforts—for ex- ing trust and thereby reducing social uncer- ample, alliance initiatives—are high in com- tainty. Trust is an individual’s “expectations, as- plexity and uncertainty about both the inten- sumptions or beliefs about the likelihood that tions of others and the outcomes of mutual another’s future actions will be beneficial, favor- cooperation (Weick, 1984). For instance, the com- able or at least not detrimental” to the individ- plexity of alliance partner coordination and un- ual (Robinson, 1996: 576), and it is formed certainty about partner follow-through on prom- through social interaction. When individuals in- ised material and intellectual contributions are teract, they bring with them values about what ever-present barriers to developing successful behaviors are appropriate in a relationship, interfirm initiatives (Wilson & Douglas, 2007). along with expectations about behaviors they The high complexity and uncertainty surround- want from others, and they experience emotions ing large-scale collective investment can lead based on how other individuals treat them an alliance partner to be fearful about whether (Jones & George, 1998). Through social interac- the other partners will cooperate. This fear often tion each individual attempts to (1) assess the leads individuals to forgo cooperative initia- perceived values of the other (“Does the individ- tives—to defensively defect (Hobfoll, 1989). The ual have integrity?”), (2) know whether others small wins framework suggests that breaking a have met his or her expectations (“Did they co- large-scale collective effort up into multiple operate or not?”), and (3) use his or her current smaller collective efforts reduces the task’s com- emotions and moods as indicators to assess the plexity and perceived uncertainty (Weick, 1984). quality of the relationships (“How do I feel This, in turn, lowers the barrier for alliance part- based on how others treated me?”). ners to invest resources in an initial smaller Research on trust in alliances references the collective effort. The smaller collective effort real options research literature as holding then provides the opportunity to achieve small promise in understanding how alliance partners wins. build trust (Das & Teng, 1998). Trust evolves The smaller (pilot project) collective effort, in through interaction among individuals when fact, can provide two kinds of small wins: a values are perceived as congruent, positive ex-
2011 McCarter, Mahoney, and Northcraft 627 pectations are met, and positive emotions and effort experiences relatively low exposure (Lu- moods are experienced based on how an indi- bell, 2004). Thus, whereas perceived vulnerabil- vidual has been treated by others (Jones & ity is about the probability of failure of mutual George, 1998). Applying this logic to strategic cooperation in an alliance, exposure is con- alliances, collective real options enable alli- cerned with how badly an alliance partner will ance partners to uncover information about the be damaged if such a failure occurs. Exposure reliability, integrity, and commitment of one an- may be central to understanding how collective other. When the relational small wins are real- real options can impact trust formation even ized, alliance partners know that everyone else when mutual cooperation occurs in its acquisi- is reliable and committed to alliance success. tion. As a consequence, the alliance partners become In summary, collective real options enable al- more trusting of one another. liance partners to find out more information Lewicki, McAllister, and Bies (1998) suggest about the social and task environments before that trust should develop among alliance part- undertaking full investment in an alliance. ners as a function of the nature of their experi- When mutual cooperation is successful in the ence in acquiring the collective real option. How acquisition of the collective real option, the al- the alliance experience, when acquiring a col- liance partners experience a relational small lective real option, influences future cooperation win. The achievement of a relational small win can best be seen through the lens of vulnerabil- reduces the uncertainty inherent in how an alli- ity. ance partner perceives its vulnerability in the alliance. Trust and Perceived Vulnerability MODELING REAL OPTIONS EFFECTS Vulnerability has been defined variously as First we try, then we trust! (Sean Connery in the an individual’s biased assessment of a risky film Entrapment). situation (Cho & Lee, 2006), composed of the de- gree of variability in the outcome of the pur- As suggested by the above quotation, collec- chase (or investment; Cox, 1967) and the amount tive real options enable alliance partners to of resources that can be lost (Cunningham, “first try” to see if they can trust one another, 1967); as an individual’s assessed probability of prior to making full investments in the alliance. an investment’s success and the confidence in In this section we articulate a series of proposi- that assessment (Sitkin & Pablo, 1992; Sitkin & tions modeling how collective real options influ- Weingart, 1995); and as a function of the social ence trust formation in alliance relationships environment and the extent to which an individ- and, as a consequence, subsequent large-scale ual believes his or her resources are in danger alliance investment. Propositions 1 through 3 of being exploited by others (Meyerson et al., constitute the base model. Successful mutual 1996). The recurring theme in these conceptual- cooperation when the alliance acquires the real izations is that vulnerability is an individual’s option provides a relational small win, thereby perception of risk subject to situational and so- increasing trust among the alliance partners. cial influences. Here we define perceived vul- The increase in trust among the alliance part- nerability as an individual’s assessment of un- ners reduces the perceived vulnerability from certainty about the future behavior of others social uncertainty, so (as a consequence) alli- and/or the environment. ance partners should be more willing to cooper- Exposure is the amount an individual alliance ate by fully investing in the alliance. Proposi- partner must risk losing (in proportion to that tions 4 through 7 extend the core model by partner’s total wealth) to achieve the benefits considering how characteristics of the collective from the investment (Cho & Lee, 2006; Cunning- real option (i.e., exposure) and the alliance part- ham, 1967). For example, an alliance partner ners (i.e., reputation) influence trust formation. risking 90 percent of its total wealth toward the Figure 1 provides a conceptual roadmap outlin- collective effort experiences relatively high ex- ing these relationships. posure, while an alliance partner risking 10 per- Two boundary conditions are necessary to un- cent of its total wealth toward the collective derstand the impact of collective real options
628 Academy of Management Review October FIGURE 1 A Conceptual Model of a Collective Real Options Approach to the Social Dilemma of Strategic Alliances and the relational small wins they can produce. trust each other on some matters but not others. First, the attainment of a small win requires the As suggested by Hardin (1993), individual A can external environment both to be promising and trust individual B to do action X but not action Y, to provide the alliance partners a favorable re- because either action Y is different from action X turn on the real option (assuming mutual coop- or because previous experience has shown that eration occurs). Otherwise, the firms have an individual B cannot (for whatever reason) do incentive to exit the venture by not exercising action Y. This insight is illustrated in Larson’s the option of further investment (Adner & (1992) case study of the formation of interfirm Levinthal, 2004). This first assumption stems ties: although some alliance partners had con- from recent social dilemma research showing siderable positive history with each other out- that social uncertainty and environmental influ- side the alliance context, they nevertheless un- ence are distinct determinants of alliance coop- dertook a “trial phase” to prove each other’s eration: individuals will defect in the presence trustworthiness related to alliance activities. of environmental uncertainty irrespective of Drawing from this approach, our theorizing pos- how much they trust their alliance partners (Mc- its that, in relation to elements specific to the Carter et al., 2010). strategic alliance, prospective alliance partners Second, our model is based on the psycholog- begin with low trust. This assumption does not ical approach to trust (see Lewicki, Tomlinson, & remove the possibility that the alliance partners Gillespie, 2006, for a review), which assumes share a positive history outside the alliance (as that trust among individuals begins low (at the will be discussed later); it leaves room for the conceptual level of zero) and the first encounter alliance partners to enlarge the breadth of their among individuals acts as a validation opportu- relationship through small wins germane to al- nity regarding trustworthiness (Jones & George, liance initiatives. 1998). If the encounter is positive, then trust in- creases as a function of the amount of the risk Relational Small Wins of Mutual Cooperation embedded in the encounter. The psychological and Trust approach also assumes that trust is not mono- lithic across the breadth of the relationship Successful mutual cooperation increases trust among alliance partners. Lewicki and col- among alliance partners. When alliance part- leagues (1998) observed that relationships are ners invest in the small-scale alliance initiative, complex and multifaceted. Thus, existing rela- they acquire an opportunity to experience suc- tionships may be composed of individuals who cessful mutual cooperation in the form of a col-
2011 McCarter, Mahoney, and Northcraft 629 lective real option. Significantly, acquiring a Proposition 2a: As trust among alli- collective real option is not necessarily a one- ance partners increases, perceived time event. Agreeing to invest in an initial vulnerability experienced by those al- small-scale project must be followed up with liance partners decreases. fulfillment of promised capital, personnel, and Proposition 2b: Trust mediates the re- commitment throughout the time period of the lationship between relational small pilot project (Robson et al., 2008). wins and perceived vulnerability of The real options research literature holds alliance partners. promise for understanding how “incremental re- source commitments” could increase trust among alliance partners (Das & Teng, 1998: 504). Vulnerability and Investment in An alliance’s successful mutual cooperation in Strategic Alliances acquiring a collective real option creates an ex- change history among the alliance partners Perceived vulnerability negatively affects an (Gulati, 1995a). This exchange history entails al- alliance partner’s willingness to contribute re- liance partners’ uncovering one another’s val- sources toward the alliance. In social dilemmas ues, expectations, and feelings about each other an individual experiences high perceived vul- (such as integrity, reliability, and commitment nerability from uncertainty (about others or the to the alliance)—all of which influence the for- value of cooperation) and the fact that resources mation of trust (Jones & George, 1998; Poppo, must be risked. Resource conservation theories Zhou, & Sungmin, 2008). As a result, the “predict- maintain that when individuals perceive that ability” of alliance partners’ future behavior in- their resources are threatened with a potentially creases (Weick, 1984) and trust (as a conse- irreversible loss, they experience stress and quence) is enhanced (Sniezek, May, & Sawyer, therefore seek to avoid the threat by selecting a 1990; Vangen & Huxham, 2003): course of action that minimizes the likelihood their resources will be lost (Hobfoll, 1998). Con- Proposition 1: Alliances that experi- sumer purchasing theories make a similar pre- ence the relational small wins of mu- diction about individuals facing risky invest- tual cooperation by successfully ac- ments: high perceived risk (vulnerability) in an quiring collective real options will investment motivates individuals to engage in experience higher trust compared to “risk reduction strategies”— one of which is alliances that do not experience rela- avoiding the investment (Cox, 1967). In social tional small wins of mutual coopera- dilemma terms, risk reduction likely equates to tion by successfully acquiring collec- defecting (or undercontributing) toward the alli- tive real options. ance public good. Proposition 3: An alliance partner will be less likely to contribute toward the Trust and Perceived Vulnerability alliance’s initiatives when perceived Trust is a critical psychological factor in de- vulnerability is higher. termining the level of perceived vulnerability that an exchange partner experiences in an al- liance. When trust is high, social uncertainty Exposure and Trust Development about the future behavior of others is minimized Recent research on trust development in alli- (Kollock, 1994). A decrease in social uncertainty ances suggests that it is not the length of the makes alliance partners less fearful that their history among alliance partners that develops investment will be lost because of free riding or trust but, rather, the quality of that history (Gu- defensive defection (Schnake, 1991; Sniezek et lati & Sytch, 2008; Lewicki et al., 2006). Exposure al., 1990). Perceived vulnerability is therefore re- when acquiring the collective real option may duced among alliance partners. Trust will me- have a direct effect on whether a relational diate the relationship between relational small small win is achieved and what impact that wins of mutual cooperation in acquiring the col- relational small win has on trust development lective real option and perceived vulnerability. among alliance partners.
630 Academy of Management Review October High exposure in creating the collective real relational small wins and trust can be found in option may legislate against ever attempting a attribution theory, which suggests that causal relational small win. Recent work on real op- attributions for an individual’s compliance to a tions and organizational learning maintains request are a function of the request’s perceived that if trial-and-error learning (e.g., via a pilot difficulty (Heider, 1958; Kelley, 1973). When alli- project) is too risky (i.e., exposure is high), firms ance partners invest small amounts of resources will be reluctant to invest in pilot projects (Fich- toward the acquisition of a collective real op- man, 2004). Similarly, if acquiring a collective tion, that cooperation is more likely to be attrib- real option requires high levels of exposure, al- uted to the low exposure of the request rather liance partners may be particularly likely to ex- than to the commitment (or trustworthiness) of perience higher vulnerability from social uncer- the alliance partners (Malhotra & Murnighan, tainty (Cho & Lee, 2006; Hobfoll, 1998). 2002). Experiencing heightened perceived vulnerabil- Empirical results from experimental social ity, alliance partners will be inclined to under- psychology support this explanation of trust de- invest (or not invest at all) in the acquisition of velopment. In the “trust game” Pillutla, Malho- the collective real option. As a consequence of tra, and Murnighan (2003) found that large offers this underinvestment, the opportunity for from the sender are attributed by receivers as achieving the relational small win of mutual signals of high trust while low offers are not. In cooperation is less likely. The unsuccessful other words, the extent to which an alliance achievement of a relational small win when ac- partner risks exposure influences how commit- quiring the collective real option will keep trust ted to the alliance (and, thus, trustworthy) that low among alliance partners. Trust will be low alliance partner is perceived to be. because the unsuccessful achievement of mu- Proposition 4a: As exposure in acquir- tual cooperation will create a trust breach, de- ing the collective real option de- creasing an alliance partner’s trust in the other creases, the likelihood of investment partners’ intentions to support the alliance by alliance partners to realize a rela- (Lount, Zhong, Sivanathan, & Murnighan, 2008; tional small win of mutual coopera- Stout, 2008). tion increases. Considering the potential negative outcome of high exposure, an initial strategy to elicit Proposition 4b: Exposure in acquiring cooperation among alliance partners may be to the collective real option will moder- ask for small investments (minimizing exposure) ate the relationship between rela- when acquiring the collective real option. How- tional small wins and trust such that ever, low exposure when acquiring the collec- relational small wins of mutual coop- tive real option may undermine the develop- eration will have a less beneficial ef- ment of trust, even when the relational small fect on trust among alliance partners win of mutual cooperation is realized in acquir- when exposure is low than when ex- ing the collective real option. Molm et al. note posure is high. that “both structural risk and trustworthy behav- iors are necessary for the development of trust” Partner Reputation and Trust Development (2007: 212). Indeed, extant trust research pro- poses that without “enough vulnerability” The previous section considered how a char- among exchange parties, trust cannot success- acteristic of the collective real option— exposure fully form (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995; required of alliance partners—influences an al- Ribstein, 2000). Empirical research on the “foot- liance partner’s cooperation, when acquiring in-the-door” technique supports this claim: get- the collective real option, and trust formation. A ting individuals to make a small initial invest- characteristic of the alliance partners them- ment increases the likelihood they will comply selves—reputation—also may impact both col- with larger requests in the future, and future lective real option acquisition and its effects on compliance increases when the initial request is trust development. Reputation refers to informa- moderate rather than low (Segilman, Bush, & tion about how an alliance partner performed Kirsch, 1976). An explanation for this moderating previously in separate ventures (Shane & Cable, effect of exposure on the relationship between 2002). Reputational information is a powerful so-
2011 McCarter, Mahoney, and Northcraft 631 cial-structural element of alliance relationships achievement of relational small wins will more (Gulati, 1995b) and can be acquired either first- likely be treated as confirmation of the reliabil- hand, through direct social encounters (Ander- ity and trustworthiness of the alliance partners. son & Shirako, 2008), or secondhand, through This should enhance trust more than if partners social networks (Kogut, Shan, & Walker, 1992). initially have little or no reputational informa- Reputation should directly influence coopera- tion to draw on. tion in alliance initiatives because it provides Proposition 6: Achieving relational alliance partners with information about one small wins will have more of an effect another’s values, expectations, and feelings on trust among alliance partners when (Jones & George, 1998) and thereby signals alli- reputations are positive than when ance partners about the predictability of each there is no reputation information. other’s future behavior (Bolton, Katok, & Ock- enfels, 2005; Kollock, 1994), thus reducing so- What happens when alliance partners fail to cial uncertainty. Individuals who perceive one achieve mutual cooperation? Alliance partner another as having a positive (cooperative) rep- reputation may act as a buffer between collec- utation are more likely to cooperate in situa- tive failure and potential distrust among alli- tions requiring trust (Weber, Malhotra, & Mur- ance partners. If an alliance partner has a pos- nighan, 2005). Bohnet and Huck (2004) found itive reputation (history of being cooperative), that allowing participants to know their cur- defection would likely be attributed to an exter- rent partners’ history of cooperation with pre- nal cause, such as the riskiness or difficulty of vious partners (and that the history was posi- cooperating, and the defecting alliance partner tive) increased their willingness to initially would less likely be viewed as untrustworthy by cooperate. This empirical finding suggests the other partner(s). In support of this position, that other partners’ reputations should influ- Lount et al. (2008) found that participants in an ence an alliance partner’s willingness to ac- iterated prisoner’s dilemma who experienced quire a collective real option. partner defection after a history of partner coop- eration were more willing to continue to trust Proposition 5: The positive reputations their partner, suggesting they attributed that de- of other alliance partners increase the fection to something external. likelihood of investment by alliance partners to realize a relational small Proposition 7: Failure to achieve small win of mutual cooperation. wins will have less of an effect on trust among alliance partners when repu- Reputation may also indirectly influence trust tations are positive than when there is formation, when attempting relational small no reputation information. wins, by buffering the impact of real option suc- cess or failure on subsequent trust development In summary, a collective real option creates and alliance partner investments in alliance ac- the opportunity for alliances to achieve rela- tivities. Kelley and Michela’s (1980) review of tional small wins of mutual cooperation. These attribution theory is one of the first to suggest relational small wins build trust, and high trust that an individual’s reputation can influence increases an alliance partner’s willingness to how others attribute the cause of the individu- contribute toward the alliance by lowering that al’s current behavior. Alliance partners may be partner’s perceived vulnerability. Exposure, buffered (positively or negatively) by their rep- when acquiring the collective real option, di- utations, which may impact how they are per- rectly affects the likelihood of mutual coopera- ceived after small wins are attempted (Jones, tion and also, when a small win is achieved, Jones, & Little, 2000). Similar to our discussion moderates the relationship between mutual co- about the moderating effect of exposure, collec- operation and the development of trust among tive members often seek causal explanations for alliance partners. Reputation of the alliance the outcomes of their collective efforts (Stouten, partners directly affects the likelihood of mutual De Cremer, & van Dijk, 2006; Weber, Camerer, cooperation and also moderates the relation- Rottenstreich, & Knez, 2001). If reputation among ship between mutual cooperation success or alliance partners is positive (from a previous failure and the development of trust among al- history of cooperative behavior), then successful liance partners.
632 Academy of Management Review October DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS it means to fulfill one’s obligations to the alli- ance. Tenbrunsel and Northcraft (2010) note that Past research on real options has focused pri- not all defection in alliances need be inten- marily on individual strategies for mitigating tional. Any partner brings to an alliance idio- environmental uncertainty. Here we draw from syncratic views of what it means to be a “good the small wins literature and social dilemma partner” and may be fulfilling its own views literature to introduce the concept of collective even while not fulfilling what other alliance real options, and we explore how collective real partners think is fair. Furthermore, although a options may impact the management of social “logic of appropriateness” typically governs so- uncertainty in strategic alliance social dilem- cial exchanges (e.g., March, 1994; McCarter, Bu- mas. descu, & Scheffran, 2011), which logic of appro- priateness applies in a particular situation may differ among partners, depending on how they Theoretical Implications frame the alliance activity (e.g., as investing A real options approach to navigating strate- versus cooperating). For these reasons talk not gic alliance social dilemmas provides an under- only may be cheap but may also insufficiently standing of how an alliance may be structured reveal what is in the minds of alliance partners. to manage not only how exchange partners Happily, collective real options may provide think about the alliance but also how they think both an opportunity to reveal differences of about each other (Kollock, 1998; Zeng & Chen, opinion and perspective along these lines and a 2003). Collective real options enable alliance forum for reconciling those differences to form a partners to hedge risk from the market environ- more perfect union during any later, larger col- ment and to hedge risk from the social environ- laboration. ment by allowing them to “first try, then trust” Given these concerns, it should not be surpris- each other on larger alliance initiatives. In try- ing that alliance research has discovered a pe- ing, alliance partners credibly reveal their coop- riod of “ambivalence” existing among partners erative intentions through actions (i.e., investing in the early stages of an alliance (Gulati & in the collective real option), and these actions Sytch, 2008). This period of ambivalence may affect how other alliance partners perceive well reflect a tension within alliance partners to them. approach the value creation opportunities alli- Using collective real options to “test the wa- ances promise but to avoid the vulnerability ters” of cooperating with alliance partners may that alliance cooperation inevitability entails. be particularly useful in cases where intangible The attribution perspective on exposure and contributions will have a lot to say in determin- trust development explored here suggests that ing whether the alliance succeeds or fails. Re- erring on the side of too much caution— by lated governance approaches, such as negoti- avoiding any vulnerability in early-stage alli- ated exchange (e.g., Molm, 2010), may be good at ance initiatives—may doom an alliance to never creating enforcement mechanisms for concrete develop enough trust. Alliances that use collec- alliance contributions that can be monitored tive real options as a means to develop trust, and confirmed, but it is difficult to legislate try- therefore, must search out the happy medium ing hard and thinking hard. As suggested by whereby alliance partners are exposed enough Sesil, when it is “difficult to monitor effort,” a to experience the development of trust, but not mechanism that signals cooperative intent is so much as to discourage investment in the col- helpful to increase trust and cooperation among lective real option. Because collective real op- alliance partners (2006: 593). For such resourc- tions reveal the true character of alliance part- es—and particularly when those resources will ners, the very willingness of partners to acquire partly determine whether an alliance suc- a collective real option—and thus risk revealing ceeds—alliance partners may need the proof of their character—suggests something about their a relational small win to feel comfortable going intent to cooperate. This is not to suggest that a the distance with other alliance partners. partner could not fake collaborative posture dur- Collective real options may also prove partic- ing a pilot venture with the intention of behav- ularly useful in revealing whether all alliance ing more opportunistically later. However, the partners are on the same page in terms of what larger the exposure an alliance partner has in
2011 McCarter, Mahoney, and Northcraft 633 the pilot venture, perhaps the more likely that ever, McCarter and Northcraft (2007) suggest partner’s true character will be revealed. that even if an alliance is structured to remove Our analysis of the impact of collective real offensive defection, such as by making all part- options also offers a new perspective on the role ners irreplaceable, an alliance partner may still of reputations in alliances. Previous research on doubt others’ ability and willingness to cooper- trust and cooperation has highlighted the main ate and defect defensively. This insight reminds effects of reputations on trust (Bohnet & Huck, us that alliance management is not only about 2004; Das & Teng, 2001; Weber et al., 2005). Our reducing opportunism but also about a partner arguments shift the focus of reputations to their reducing other partners’ fear they will be made indirect effects on partners’ interpretations of the “sucker” (Schnake, 1991). Whereas recent al- success and failure of pilot ventures. Specifi- liance research considers perceptions when ex- cally, a positive reputation may serve to en- amining alliance governance (McCarter & hance the impact of cooperative behaviors on Northcraft, 2007), our model extends this think- trust development when relational small wins ing by using real options to show one way to are achieved, and it may buffer an alliance part- manage defensive perceptions among alliance ner from being viewed as untrustworthy when partners. Rather than avoiding opportunism by small wins are not achieved. Significantly, any others, the emphasis of this approach is avoid- discussion of reputations in alliances begs ing missed opportunities to create value by low- some interesting levels-of-analysis issues, such ering the barriers to collective cooperation. as whether alliances can trust, or whether trust Solutions to managing social uncertainty is really the province of individual decision might be applicable to strategic alliances where makers. This becomes particularly important offensive defection is either possible or not. Our when we contemplate the possibility that repu- model applies to both cases. If the alliance is tation within a multiple-actor partner may not structured to allow free riding, collective real be homogeneous or that any partner’s reputa- options enable familiarity among alliance part- tion may not be homogeneously perceived ners and the achievement of shared benefits, within an alliance, or even within other partners thereby reducing the temptation to opportunis- (Arend, 2009). Although beyond the scope of this tically hurt others and potentially kill the golden article, such questions bring numbers into the goose (Pruitt & Kimmel, 1977). If an alliance discussion— both the number of partners in the structure makes free riding impossible, then col- alliance and the number of actors within any “partner”—since trust becomes a harder nut to lective real options enable alliance partners to crack as group size increases (e.g., Huck & Lun- garner trust and show both the motivation and ser, 2010), probably on both dimensions. the capability to cooperate as the stakes grow Another critical contribution of this article is (Chen, 1996). that it redirects scholarly conversation about al- This article also provides several contribu- liance governance, from managing opportunism tions to the study of real options. First, previous to managing defensive perceptions. Previous re- research has examined how real options man- search, such as game-theoretic and transaction age external market environments and mitigate cost approaches to alliance management, has environmental uncertainty to encourage alli- emphasized governing alliances to avoid offen- ance success (Kogut, 1991). Here we show how sive (opportunistic) defection (Heide & Miner, real options can manage and reduce social un- 1992; Parkhe, 1993). Recent research on applying certainty among alliance partners, thereby an- the social dilemma paradigm to alliances has swering the call from scholars to understand echoed this emphasis by focusing on structural how real options affect the social, as well as the and motivational strategies that help protect exogenous, environment (Busby & Pitts, 1997; “an overtrusting partner [from being an] easy Foote & Folta, 2002). In acquiring the collective target for exploitation by its greedy partners” real option, alliance partners may uncover each (Zeng & Chen, 2003: 588). This does not suggest other’s intentions before significant investments that research on alliance social dilemmas ig- are made. This insight redirects discussion of nores defensive defection. Indeed, Zeng and real options from managing the external market Chen (2003) encouraged trust building as a environment to navigating the internal social means of alleviating fear of opportunism. How- environment.
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