Page created by Wanda Bush

of Reference

Terms of Reference

       Tashkent - 2018

AA          –   Administrative Agent
ADB         –   Asian Development Bank
GDP         –   Gross domestic product
GIZ         -   German Agency for International Cooperation
GRP         –   Gross regional product
EU          –   European Union
IFIs        –   International financial institutions
MASHAV      –   Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation
М&E         –   Monitoring and evaluation
MoU         –   Memorandum of Understanding
MPTF        –   Multi-Partner Trust Fund
MPHSTF      –   UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea region in
MSF         –   Médecins Sans Frontières
NGO         –   Non-governmental organization
PUNOs       –   Participating UN Organizations
SC          –   Steering Committee
SDGs        –   Sustainable Development Goals
TIKA        –   Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency
ToR         –   Terms of Reference
TS          –   Technical Secretariat
UN          –   United Nations
UNDAF       –   United Nations Development Assistance Framework
UNDG        –   United Nations Development Group
UNDP        –   United Nations Development Programme

The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent
those of the United Nations or the UN Member States.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                       4

1. Human Security Context                                               6
 1.1. Situation analysis                                                6
      1.1.1. Environmental situation                                    7
      1.1.2. Demographic situation                                      7
      1.1.3. Water, health and sanitation                               7
 1.1.4. Socio-economic situation                                        8
 1.2. Measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan    9
 1.3. Donors efforts                                                   10
 1.4. Challenges and lessons learned from past interventions           11

2. New Approaches to Address the Consequences
   of the Aral Sea Disaster                                            12
 2.1. The Concept of Human Security                                    12
 2.2. Establishment of the MPHSTF                                      14
 2.3. Theory of Change                                                 14
 2.4. Proposed programmatic solutions                                  16
      2.4.1. Purpose of the MPHSTF	                                    16
      2.4.2. Expected Outcomes and Outputs                             16
      2.4.3. Eligibility of Projects                                   17

3. Institutional aspects of the MPHSTF                                 20
 3.1. Governance arrangements                                          20
 3.2. Project Approval Cycle                                           23
 3.3. Risk management strategy                                         24
 3.4. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting                             25
      3.4.1. Monitoring and evaluation                                 25
      3.4.2. Audit                                                     26
      3.4.3. Reporting                                                 26
      3.4.4. Accountability and transparency                           26
 3.5. Amendments, duration and termination                             27

Annex                                                                  28
 Annex 1. Summary Report on a Socio-Economic Survey
    of the needs of the population in the Aral Sea region              28
 Annex 2. Problem Tree analysis                                        42
 Annex 3. MPHSTF Results Framework                                     44
 Annex 4. MPHSTF Steering Committee Terms of References                47
 Annex 5. MPHSTF Technical Secretariat Terms of Reference              49
 Annex 6. Risk ranking Matrix                                          51

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                FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

                 The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake
                 in the world until the 1960s. The drying of
                 the Aral Sea, a man-made disaster long in
                 the making, is not only an environmental
                 problem but especially a catastrophe for
                 communities and people living on its former
                 shores. The Aral Sea disaster resulted
                 in land degradation and desertification,
                 shortage of drinking water, malnutrition,
                 deteriorating health and high poverty rates
                 of the affected population. The socio-
                 economic and environmental consequences
                 are further complicated by the speed of
                 negative changes taking effect.
                 Uzbekistan has put forward an ambitious
                 goal to become an upper middle-income
                 country by 2030 while also reducing the level
    EXECUTIVE    of vulnerabilities of people. The Government
                 of Uzbekistan has consistently worked to
    SUMMARY      address the negative consequences of the
                 Aral Sea catastrophe and to maintain the
                 ecological balance in the Aral Sea basin. In
                 his speech, at the 72nd session of the UN
                 General Assembly in New York, the President
                 of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat
                 Mirziyoyev, once again drew attention to

this acute environmental challenge, and             communities increased.
underlined that the Aral Sea problem
                                                  ƒƒOutcome 3: Local community access
requires the joint efforts of all Central Asian
                                                    to affordable and healthy food and clean
                                                    drinking water secured.
The 2030 Development Agenda puts a
                                                  ƒƒOutcome 4: The overall health of the local
strong emphasis on “leaving no one behind”,
                                                    population improved and healthy lifestyle
and on focusing first on populations lagging
furthest in development. During his visit in
June 2017, UN Secretary-General Antonio           ƒƒOutcome 5: The living conditions of local
Guterres stated that the Aral Sea crisis «is        populations improved, with particular focus
probably the biggest ecological catastrophe         on vulnerable groups such as women, children
of our time. And it demonstrates that               and youth.
humankind can destroy the planet.»                The Fund brings together the expertise of
This UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust        a diverse network of stakeholders, including
Fund for the Aral Sea region in Uzbekistan        international financial institutions and donor
(MPHSTF), under the aegis of the UN,              organizations, the Government of Uzbekistan,
serves as a unique unified platform for           regional and local authorities, UN agencies,
international development cooperation             and community-based organizations. The
and the mobilization of donor resources to        MPHSTF will go beyond short-term fixes and
implement integrated measures. The 2016-          will advance comprehensive solutions that
2020 UNDAF for Uzbekistan contains two            are innovative, foster technology exchange
key thematic areas that directly correspond       through South-South cooperation, actively
to the needs of the people of the Aral            include the affected communities, and
Sea region. The MPHSTF contributes to             are preventive rather than reactive in their
the UNDAF through the following five              nature. Thus, the MPHSTF and its projects
outcomes:                                         complement and continue the efforts
                                                  of the Government aimed at solving the
ƒƒOutcome 1: The stress on local communities
                                                  problems of the Aral Sea region by applying
  due to the deteriorating environmental
                                                  a programmatic approach that supports
  situation reduced.
                                                  development cooperation in a strategic,
ƒƒOutcome 2: The employment and                   transparent and impartial fashion in line
  income generation opportunities for local       with global best practices.

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                        FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

                         1.1. Situation analysis
                         The problems of the Aral Sea arose in the 1960s
                         on an alarming scale as a result of extreme
                         regulation of the Syrdarya and the Amudarya,
                         the major transboundary rivers of the region.
                         During this period, the region’s needs of water
                         increased from 60 to 120 cubic km per year,
                         90% of which was used for irrigation.
                         Significant population growth, the scale of
                         urbanization and intensive development of
                         lands, construction of large hydrotechnical
                         and irrigation facilities on the water-streams
                         of the Aral Sea basin, without regards to the
                         environmental consequences, were the main
                         factors of the Aral Sea’s drying out.
                         In the Central Asia region, unresolved trans-
                         boundary water and energy discussions cause
    1. Human Security    tensions between upstream countries reliant
                         on hydropower, and downstream countries
    Context              dependent on reliable water flow for agriculture.
                         This array of transboundary challenges makes
                         regional cooperation especially important.
                         The drying out of the Aral Sea has caused a
                         complex set of environmental, socio-economic
                         and demographic problems of a global nature
                         in the Aral Sea region.
I. Human Security Context

1.1.1. Environmental situation                       fish decreased with severe consequences for
                                                     fishery businesses.
The Aral Sea region was considered one with
a wide variety of flora and fauna. The Aral Sea      Change of the Aral Sea region climate and
served as a climate-regulating basin and used        landscape. A direct consequence of the Sea’s
to mitigate the sharp weather fluctuations           drying out was the dramatic climate change,
throughout the region, which had a favorable         felt not only in Central Asia, but also in other
effect on the living conditions of the population,   regions. The number of days with temperature
agricultural production and the ecological           over 40 degrees has doubled in the Aral Sea
situation. The air masses reaching the region        region since the early 1960s.
during winter warmed up, and in summer
cooled down over the sea.                            1.1.2. Demographic situation

Intensification of the desertification               The demographic situation in the region is
process in the vast territory. The vast areas        characterized by a decrease in the birth rate
of salt fields formed on the dried-up part of        and an increase in mortality, which has led
the sea turning into a new desert «Aralkum»          to a slowdown in population growth. Rural
with an area of more than 5.5 million hectares,      settlements with a population of less than
                                                     1,000 people make up 73.8%. The scale of
covering the territories of Uzbekistan and
                                                     external labor migration puts Karakalpakstan
Kazakhstan. Annually more than 75 million
                                                     in the lead in the country (from 5 to 10% of the
tons of dust and poisonous salts ascend from
                                                     employed population in each surveyed district),
the Aral Sea. Dust trails coming up from the
                                                     the bulk of which are seasonal workers. At the
bottom of the Aral Sea reach 400 km in length
                                                     same time, more than half of migrants are
and 40 km in width.
                                                     young people who return to their homeland
Pollution and salinization of water and              with infectious diseases acquired in recipient
land resources. The level of water salinity          countries, while others return with degraded
in the Aral Sea has increased by more than           professional skills and diminished traditional
13-25 times and exceeds the average level            socio-psychological habits (loss of professional
of mineralization of oceans by 7-11 times. As        knowledge, destruction of family values,
a result of salt dispersion during dust storms,      acquisition of alien habits and lifestyles, etc.).
the mineralization of irrigation water and           The high level of migration of the population due
groundwater increased, and the quality of land       to the deterioration of living conditions might
has sharply decreased. This led to a dramatic        lead to catastrophic consequences associated
decrease in crop yields.                             with the irretrievable disappearance of culture,
                                                     traditions, spiritual and historical heritage of
Depletion of the gene pool of flora and              the regions’ people.
fauna. As a result of the drying out of the Aral
Sea, 60 species of wild animals and plants
                                                     1.1.3. Water, health and sanitation
vanished and the number of endangered
species increased. 11 species of fish, including     The most acute issue is the access of the
rare species such as Aral spike and Aral salmon      population to high-quality drinking water.
totally vanished, and 13 species of commercial       More than half of the population of the Aral
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                                                        FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

    Sea region, especially inhabitants of rural          1.1.4. Socio-economic situation
    settlements, use insufficiently purified and
    highly mineralized water. Rural areas have no        Agriculture dominates the structure of the
    centralized hot water supply (99.3%), while          economy, while the share of industry and
    non-centralized systems do not function in all       services in the economy lags far behind the
    the households (27.5%).                              average republican indicators. The employment
                                                         in the agricultural sector of the region makes
    Pollution of water and a large volume of dust        up 33% of the total employment.
    and salt coming up from the bottom of the
    dried Aral Sea play a decisive role in high rates    In the past, the Aral Sea was one of the richest
    of deceases, general and infant mortality, as        fishing grounds in the world: the annual catch
    well as high rates of somatic diseases: anemia,      of fish in the reservoirs of the Aral Sea was 30-
    kidney disease, gastrointestinal disturbances,       35 thousand tons. More than 80 percent of the
    an increase in the level of respiratory diseases,    inhabitants of the Aral Sea coast were engaged
    blood diseases, cholelithiasis, cardiovascular       in the extraction, processing and transportation
    and oncological diseases.                            of fish and fish products. The loss of the fishing
                                                         and transport potential of the sea resulted
    Over the last decade, the infant mortality rate      in non-functioning of such industries as fish
    in the Republic of Karakalpakstan has exceeded       processing and ship repair, tens of thousands
    the same indicators for the Republic of              of people became unemployed.
    Uzbekistan by 13%, maternal mortality by 17%
    on average. The death rate from tuberculosis         The survey results revealed that despite the
    in the Republic of Karakalpakstan remains the        measures taken, the region was ranked last
    highest in the country (19.4 cases per 100,000       in terms of its economic potential, agricultural
    population) and almost three times higher than       production, and retail commodity turnover
    the average for Uzbekistan.                          and penultimate in terms of its production of
                                                         consumer goods. Thus, the total per capita
    The incidence of acute intestinal infections in      income in Karakalpakstan is 1.4 times lower
    Karakalpakstan over the past decade was 188          than the average for Uzbekistan. Karakalpakstan
    per 100,000 population, which is 1.4 times           is ranked 12th among 14 regions of the
    higher than the average for the Republic of          country by volume of products and services
    Uzbekistan. In the structure of respiratory          indicators, the number of small businesses, and
    apparatus, chronic bronchitis is 2.5-3 times         exports per capita, which features the level of
    higher than the average for the country.             entrepreneurship development.
    Children are exposed to strong and rapidly           All the surveyed areas are classified as territories
    negative impact, which poses a particular            with a relatively tense situation in the labor
    danger to the gene pool of the population of         market. The unemployment rate in some areas
    the Aral Sea region, and, consequently, the          reaches more than 10% (4.9% in the country),
    consequences will be irreversible. The content       and youth unemployment averages 12.5%. The
    of dioxin in the blood of a pregnant women and       level of entrepreneurial activity remains low
    the milk of nursing mothers in Karakalpakstan        due to unfavorable climatic conditions.
    is 5 times higher than in Europe.
                                                         Ensuring food security in the Republic of

I. Human Security Context

Karakalpakstan has its own specific features          1.2. Measures taken by the
related to the state of land and water resources,
                                                      Government of the Republic of
environmental challenges, the level of socio-
economic development, access to transport,            Uzbekistan
and the capacity of food markets. In general,         The initiatives of the Government of Uzbekistan
for 60% of the households, the affordability of       to mitigate the consequences of the Aral
food products is low.                                 Sea environmental crisis and the social and
There are problems associated with the lack           economic development of the Aral Sea region
of sustainable provision of electricity and fuel      are part of its priority measures identified
in the surveyed districts. The specificities of       within the framework of the first «Strategy for
these districts require the development of            Action in the Five Priority Areas of Uzbekistan's
alternative energy sources – solar and wind           Development in 2017-2021».
energy facilities.                                    In this context, the currently implemented State
The banking and financial institutions do not fully   Programme «Complex of measures to mitigate
meet the needs of the rural areas in providing        the consequences of the Aral catastrophe,
agro-machinery leasing services; new modern           restoration and socio-economic development
insurance services are not developed; and the         of the Aral Sea region for 2015-2018» should
rural population is not sufficiently provided with    be mentioned. Projects and activities for a
bank terminals. The transport system is of            total amount of about USD 4,3bn within the
strategic importance among other components           framework of this Programme are planned to
of production infrastructure. In some territories     be implemented.
the Republic of Karakalpakstan has a relatively       In 2016, several UN agencies in the Republic
well developed railroads and automobile roads,        of Uzbekistan supported the Government’s
but local access roads are either lacking or          initiative and launched a Joint Program «Building
insufficiently maintained.                            the resilience of communities affected by the
Access to preschool institutions is 30%, and          Aral Sea disaster through the Multi-Partner
in some districts – up to 20%. In 32% of              Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea
settlements there are no such institutions at all.    region», one of the main objectives is the
Particularly alarming is the lack of preschools       establishment of the MPHSTF.
in certain localities of the Shumanay (58.8%),        The adoption of another State Program on
Karauzyak (38.6%), and Kegeyli (36.6%) districts      Development of the Aral Sea Region for 2017-
of the RK. There are no fundamental issues            2021 (PP-2731 as of January 18, 2017), with a
with regard to basic/general education schools,       total budget of over UZS 8422bn is the logical
lyceums and colleges, and the coverage is fully       continuation of measures on mitigation of the
ensured.                                              negative consequences of the catastrophe.
A summary report of the socio-economic                The analysis of the measures taken and socio-
survey of the needs of the population in the          economic policy pursued in the Aral Sea region
Aral Sea region is attached as Annex 1 to this        indicate that the Government considers the
document.                                             implementation of the following fundamentally

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                                                         FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

     important measures as priority ones:                 multilateral and bilateral donor organizations
                                                          with a total budget of $3,048.7 million (loans:
     ƒƒ1) Measures on improvement of the
                                                          $2,540.8 million, grants: $507.9 million). These
       management system, economical and
                                                          efforts had limited impact due to inadequate
       rational use of water resources in the
                                                          coordination of aid flows, duplication of
                                                          activities, low degree of government ownership
     ƒƒ2) Measures on creation of favorable               and the unsustainability of the results.
       conditions for reproduction and preservation
                                                          Projects focused on the following areas:
       of the gene pool and health of the population
                                                          agriculture, education, healthcare, infrastructure,
       living in the environmental risk areas.
                                                          water supply, social sector, natural resource
     ƒƒ3) Measures on expansion of employment             management, rehabilitation of environment,
       and generation of income sources aimed at          income generation, poverty reduction,
       improving the level and quality of life of the     governance, area-based development.
       population of the Aral Sea region.
                                                          UN agencies mostly focused on improving the
     ƒƒ4) Measures on restoration of the ecosystem        living standards through healthcare services
       and biodiversity, conservation and protection      improvement, poverty reduction, innovation
       of flora and fauna.                                in agriculture, governance and environmental
     The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan         protection. World Bank and ADB credits and
     prioritizes objectives of mitigating the negative    grants financed the infrastructure rehabilitation
     consequences of the Aral catastrophe and             projects with more focus on water supply,
     ensuring human security by stabilizing the           irrigation, road construction, energy as well
     ecological, social and economic systems of the       as assistance in the fields of education and
     Aral Sea region while addressing the Aral Sea        health. The EU is providing funding for a
     catastrophe.                                         project in the healthcare sector with the focus
                                                          to improve mother and child health services,
     In this context, the initiative of the Government    while MSF is helping address TB-related health
     of the Republic of Uzbekistan to establish the       issues in the region. GIZ, TIKA and MASHAV
     Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for          are implementing and planning to implement
     the Aral Sea Region, which has received the          projects in the areas of agriculture, supported
     UN support, is designed to be an effective           by capacity-building activities.
     mechanism for consolidating and coordinating
     the efforts of all development partners on a         While donor aid has made notable
     single platform.                                     contributions to improving the living standards
                                                          of the population, certain gaps still exist in
                                                          coordination of aid flows coming to the region.
                                                          Lack of reliable, qualitative, and quantitative
     1.3. Donors efforts
                                                          analysis of the previous interventions is one of
     The Aral Sea region has received substantial         the factors, which make it more complicated to
     donor attention and financial support since          raise donor assistance.
     the mid-1990s. Overall, 336 projects were
                                                          The effectiveness and impact of government
     implemented in the Aral Sea region by IFIs,

I. Human Security Context

and donor projects could also be strengthened          cooperation between the stakeholders have
through (i) more focus on evidence-based analysis      been identified that prevent further development
through participatory approach to target the most      of constructive dialogue, effective mobilization
vulnerable; (ii) work on value-added through an        and use of the resources of technical and
integrated approach to the regional development,       financial assistance by bilateral and multilateral
and (iii) joint work on long-term regional strategic   partners. Among them, the following challenges
planning based on comprehensive analysis of the        can be noted:
situation in the region.
                                                       Problems associated with the identification of
                                                       relevant and effective projects based on proper
                                                       assessment of needs of local populations;
1.4. Challenges and lessons
                                                       ƒƒLack of a unified development strategy
learned from past interventions                          and coordinated assistance to the Aral Sea
Experience of the UN Joint Programme                     region;
“Sustaining livelihoods affected by the Aral
                                                       ƒƒLack of an inter-sectoral, integrated approach
Sea disaster” is highly relevant. As the first
                                                         that can target multiple human insecurities
UN Joint Programme in Uzbekistan, it brought
                                                         at the same time;
together five UN agencies working under one
umbrella and demonstrated the benefits of              ƒƒProblems     of    coordination    between
an integrated response to a multi-faceted                development partners and executing agencies
problem instead of the traditional stand-alone           that provide development assistance to the
interventions. The project demonstrated the              Aral Sea region;
value of coordination, integrated planning, but        ƒƒWeak administration         of    development
also consolidating the implementation at the             projects;
field level with one coordinating entity.
                                                       ƒƒLow level of monitoring and performance
While a number of different interventions                evaluation system.
have taken place and considerable assistance
rendered to the population of the Aral Sea             The presence of these and other problems
region in Uzbekistan by development partners,          has created obstacles for the effective use of
results have been less than anticipated because        limited assistance resources and joint initiatives
of some key challenges. Various problems of            among donors.

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                       FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

                       The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop­
                       ment with its 17 Sustainable Development
                       Goals reaffirmed the importance of multi-
                       dimensional approaches to poverty that go
                       beyond economic measures of depravations.
                       In particular, the 2030 Agenda puts the
                       emphasis on communities that have not
                       benefited from development progress and
                       have been “left behind”. National-level policy
                       change is recognized as a necessary, but not
                       a sufficient condition to improve the living
                       conditions of these populations groups.

     2. New
                       2.1. The Concept
     Approaches to     of Human Security
     Address the       In Karakalpakstan, the drying of the Aral Sea,
     Consequences      a man-made disaster long in the making, is
                       not only an environmental problem but a
     of the Aral Sea   catastrophe for communities and people
                       living on its shores. It is a human centered
     Disaster          calamity. The environmental disaster has led
                       to decreased livelihoods opportunities due

2. New Approaches to Address the Consequences of the Aral Sea Disaster

to land degradation and water shortages                   comprehensive,       context-specific,      and
as well as the disappearance of the fishing               prevention-oriented measures that seek to
industry. It has also led to poor health                  reduce the likelihood of crisis, help overcome
and food insecurity by limiting access to                 the obstacles to development and promote
quality drinking water and sanitation, both               human rights for all. The four key principles
insecurities having been exacerbated by                   each have a rationale:
low incomes. The more limited livelihood
opportunities gave rise to other negative                 1) People-centered – The concept is decidedly
externalities in people’s everyday lives.                 human-centered as it considers people and
                                                          communities as both the object and the
In such an environment of inter-related                   subject of interventions to improve their
complex challenges faced by individuals                   survival, livelihood and dignity. All analysis
and communities, adopting traditional                     of problems need to depart from the
sector-specific or vulnerable group-tailored              perspective of people experiencing them
approaches is not sufficient. A more                      and all solutions need to build in the risks to
comprehensive and holistic approach is                    their lives, their insecurities as well as their
required that will address the root causes                capacities.
of the risks and challenges affecting the
individuals and communities. The approach                 2) Comprehensive – By understanding how a
should be able to create positive linkages                particular threat can negatively affect other
between multiple sectors (i.e. economic,                  insecurities, and how freedoms (from fear,
social, political, health, environmental, etc.)           from want and from indignity) are universal
and address the complex and interlinked                   and interdependent, the concept calls for
challenges in a holistic way. The approach                responses that are comprehensive, multi-
should also reflect the strengths and                     sectoral and collaborative. This ensures
aspirations of the local communities. At the              coherence, eliminates duplication and
same time, all levels and partners need to                advances integrated solutions that give rise
be involved: interventions from the bottom                to more effective and tangible improvements
up that build resilience of communities by                in the daily lives of people.
empowering them should be synchronized                    3) Context-specific – Recognizing that the
with macro-level policies, improvements                   causes and manifestations of threats vary
of governance institutions, and adoption                  considerably within and across countries, and
of practices and regulations that protect                 at different points in time, human security
vulnerable populations against threats they               advances solutions that are embedded in
face.                                                     local realities and are based on the actual
In order to operationalize human security into            needs, vulnerabilities and capacities of
programmes and policies, four key principles              Governments and people.
need to be applied, both to the process and               4) Prevention-oriented – Looking at the root
outcome of programmes and policies. Within                causes of a particular threat, human security
a protection and empowerment framework,                   identifies the structural (external or internal),
human security promotes people-centered,                  as well as the behavioral changes that are
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                                                        FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

     needed to help mitigate the impact, and,           affected population, especially women and
     where possible, prevent the occurrence of          open a new level of dialogue on the need
     current and future threats.                        for comprehensive, people centered (as
                                                        opposed to purely infrastructure-centered)
     This is critically important for the areas         solutions that builds on people’s own needs,
     affected by the Aral Sea disaster where            capacities as well as risks.
     a large number of partners are involved.
     Moreover, by properly identifying the root         The MPHSTF, using the human security
     causes and developing effective collective         approach, will program for the long term by
     measures to address them, human security           targeted vulnerabilities that put populations
     approach helps all partners to better prioritize   at risk. It identifies and supports practical and
     and coordinate their interventions.                strategic interventions that build resilience.
     Thus, mitigating the consequences of the Aral      It is important that the proposed priority
     Sea disaster in Karakalpakstan and tackling        directions and interventions within the
     some of the root causes of existing human          programmatic framework of the MPHSTF
     security challenges require an integrated          are closely inter-linked and are in line with
     and multi-sectorial approach. UN agencies,         the United Nations Development Assistance
     “Delivering as One”, capitalizing on their         Framework for Uzbekistan (UNDAF) for
     specialized knowledge and complementary            2016-2020, which in turn is based on the
     expertise in the areas of health, education,       concept of socially-oriented development
     livelihoods, local governance, family planning,    of the country, adopted by the government
     women and youth, tourism and culture               with the purpose of «building an open
     could provide a firm basis for designing,          democratic legal state with a steadily
     implementing and monitoring integrated             developing economy.» Thus, the emphasis on
     programs in the region with the direct             human-centered development is in line with
     participation of beneficiaries and in close        the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
     cooperation with the Government and other          adopted by the UN General Assembly in
     development partners.                              September 2015.
     The human security approach, in practical
     implementation will focus precisely on these
     points.                                            2.3. Theory of Change
                                                        The MPHSTF initiative aims to be
                                                        transformative, evidence– and human-rights
     2.2. Establishment                                 based, and inclusive in its goal of catalyzing
     of the MPHSTF                                      and strengthening a multi-sectoral and
                                                        people-centered response to end one of the
     The establishment of a UN Multi-Partner            world’s biggest man-made environmental
     Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral             disasters. There is a need to pursue
     Sea region in Uzbekistan is an attempt to          multiple objectives: employment generation,
     shine a light on many insecurities of the          natural resource management, improved
2. New Approaches to Address the Consequences of the Aral Sea Disaster

social services in health and education,                  selection of basic foodstuff due to the poor
empowerment of women and girls, including                 land quality, the deteriorating state of the
the support to women in difficult conditions,             irrigated lands and water resources, and
good governance through participatory                     the lack of safe drinking water. Moreover,
planning and implementation.                              unsuitable agricultural practices, poor
                                                          transportation infrastructure, and high
The Fund seeks to significantly contribute                import prices are underlying causes.
to building the resilience of communities
affected by the Aral Sea disaster through                 Health insecurity, characterized by
ensuring     effective      governance     and            malnutrition, an unsafe environment due
coordination of specific interventions                    to dust storms and shortages of safe
of all development partners. In order to                  drinking water, lack of access to high-
achieve the socio-economic transformation                 quality health services, and insufficient
required to build the resilience of population,           supply of pharmaceuticals. The lack of
development co-benefits are also to be                    qualified physicians, high cost of medicine,
generated.                                                the isolation of the population, lack of
                                                          awareness on health behavior negatively
The Theory of Change has identified six                   impact the health of population, especially
clusters of inter-related problems (see full              women and girls.
problem tree analysis in the Annex 2):
                                                          Social insecurity, characterized by poor
Environmental insecurity associated with                  living conditions, and the lack of municipal
the consequences of the Aral Sea crisis, the              services, and inadequate housing, which
deterioration of the conditions and the quality           affect the wellbeing of households and
of land and water resources, air basin, water             disproportionately affects women and
supply. The underlying causes are toxic dust              children. Low quality and distance of
from the dried seabed, high levels of soil                education facilities and the high cost of
salinity, and poor and irregular water supply.            construction present further challenges.
These factors have a direct impact on the
health and welfare of the population.                     Ineffectiveness of donor assistance,
                                                          uncoordinated efforts cause duplication of
Economic insecurity, characterized by                     assistance, while the insufficient prioritization
limited formal employment possibilities,                  of the Aral Sea region by donors leads to
and a lack of other income-generating                     very limited contributions. The situation
opportunities of the agriculture-oriented                 is further exacerbated by the lack of an
region and the resulting imbalance in the                 overall strategy and the lack of consolidated
food consumption structure. Moreover, the                 database of development interventions.
low level of investments in infrastructure and
private sector development, as well as the                Most of these challenges are exacerbated
low levels of knowledge and skills negatively             by the structural issues, including weak
contribute to this situation.                             institutions and low capacity (in terms
                                                          of lacking institutional performance,
Food insecurity, characterized by a poor                  adaptability and inter-agency collaboration),
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                                                     FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

     low population density in the region, and the      partners to the Aral Sea problem;
     further degradation of the environmental
     situation triggered by the Aral Sea disaster.    ƒƒMobilization and increasing of funds under
                                                        the integrated, yet flexible arrangement,
                                                        as well as strengthening the coordination
                                                        of activities among the UN agencies;
     2.4. Proposed programmatic
                                                      ƒƒIntroduction of effective project selection
     solutions                                          and approval procedures that will channel
     The MPHSTF will focus more on the                  donor contributions within an integrated
     programmatic approach than on stand-               and coherent framework, depending
     alone projects in order to strengthen the          on their own resources and financial
     interconnection and reduce transaction             potential. This will allow donors with
     costs, allowing the government and partners        limited financial potential to participate
     at different levels to work in a coordinated       in the implementation of large projects
     and committed manner.                              through a co-financing scheme. Certain
                                                        donors may be engaged in the fund’s
                                                        outcome areas, even if their own Strategy
     2.4.1. Purpose of the MPHSTF                       does not embrace the problems of the
                                                        Aral Sea region;
     In line with the Busan development
     effectiveness principles on local ownership,     ƒƒEnsure the transparency of financial
     a focus on results, partnership of                 transactions and increase the confidence
     development partners, and transparency             of development partners in relation to
     of aid, the mission of the MPHSTF is to            partner organizations in the Republic of
     make positive contribution in the area of          Uzbekistan;
     development coordination, including through      ƒƒBuild the capacity of national organizations
     the following:                                     in developing quality project proposals and
     ƒƒDevelopment and implementation of the            implementing development initiatives in
       unified strategy for development assistance      accordance with international standards;
       to the Aral Sea region in cooperation with     ƒƒConduct regular monitoring, evaluation
       development partners based on the needs          and reporting on the MPHSTF activities
       assessment of the region (demand) and            as well as projects in accordance with
       the capacity of the donors (supply), which       international and national requirements
       is expected to increase coherence;               and legislation.
     ƒƒIntensification and raising the regional
       and international dialogue between
       donors and the Government of Uzbekistan       2.4.2. Expected Outcomes and Outputs
       on addressing the Aral Sea issues to a
       qualitatively new level, promoting the        The United Nations agencies in Uzbekistan
       interest and attention of development         have agreed with the Government on an

2. New Approaches to Address the Consequences of the Aral Sea Disaster

UNDAF that centers on eight Outcomes. The                   to affordable and healthy food and clean
UNDAF’s thematic areas are closely linked                   drinking water secured.
to the development priorities of Uzbekistan
reflected in the government programs and                   ƒƒOutcome 4: The overall health of the local
strategies, with particular attention to                     population improved and healthy lifestyle
socially and economically vulnerable groups                  promoted.
and further elimination of disparities.                    ƒƒOutcome 5: The living conditions of local
The MPHSTF will make a particular                            populations improved, with particular focus
contribution to three UNDAF Outcomes:                        on vulnerable groups such as women,
                                                             children and youth.
UNDAF Outcome 1: Equitable and
sustainable economic growth through                       Finally, in line with its mission, the MPHSTF
productive employment, improvement of                     will be devoted to interventions that are
environment for business, entrepreneurship                based on the vulnerabilities and insecurities
and innovations expanded for all.                         of people of the region; that are integrated
                                                          and necessitate coordination between
UNDAF Outcome 4: By 2020, all people                      donors and levels; that show results
benefit from quality, equitable and accessible            because they are context specific; and
health services throughout their life course.             are sustainable and long term. The main
                                                          prioritized directions have been defined
UNDAF Outcome 6: Rural population                         and MPHSTF Results Framework has been
benefit from sustainable management of                    developed (see Annex 3).
natural resources and resilience to disasters
and climate change.
Specifically, the MPHSTF aims at building                 2.4.3. Eligibility of Projects
the resilience of communities affected by
                                                          Addressing the multiple and accumulated
the Aral Sea disaster in line with SDG 3
                                                          insecurities of vulnerable populations
(target 3.4, 3.8, 3.C), SDG 8 (targets 8.2, 8.4,
                                                          affected by the drying up of the Aral Sea
8.5), and SDG 11 (target 11.2, 11.5, 11.A).
                                                          requires a people-centered approach
The above is expected to be accomplished
                                                          involving communities themselves as
through the following five outcomes of the
                                                          stakeholders and agents of change. It also
                                                          requires an integrated, holistic approach that
ƒƒOutcome 1: The stress on local                          addresses the causes and consequences
  communities due to the deteriorating                    of different threats to people’s livelihoods,
  environmental situation reduced.                        survival and dignity.

ƒƒOutcome 2: The employment and                           There is a need to pursue multiple objectives:
  income generation opportunities for local               employment generation, natural resource
  communities increased.                                  management, improved social services in
                                                          health and education, good governance through
ƒƒOutcome 3: Local community access                       participatory planning and implementation,
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                                                       FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

     with particular focus on economic                  ƒƒBased on an assessment of the needs,
     empowerment of women and ensuring gender             capacities and insecurities of people as
     equality. The region can become a testing            well as the risks of the region;
     ground for the implementation of innovative
     local initiatives and innovative projects to       ƒƒDesigned, implemented and evaluated with
     address the most difficult social and economic       the help of the communities, building on
     problems (integrated drinking water supply           people’s own aspirations and capabilities
     management system, the latest technologies         ƒƒInvolving and mobilizing communities
     for resource conservation, development of            for problem identification, planning,
     water infrastructure and alternative energy          implementation and evaluation and
     sources, advanced information technologies           ensuring participation.
     in education, healthcare, agriculture, ecology,
     etc.).                                             ƒƒPromote equal opportunities for men and
                                                          women and ensure mainstreaming gender
     Four key criteria for the selection of project       equality in proposed activities.
     proposals for funding:
     The Government of Uzbekistan, within the
     framework of programmes on development             ƒƒDesigned based on the conditions of the
     of the Aral Sea region, is allocating large          Aral Sea region and on knowledge of the
     amounts of resources to this region. The             situation of communities targeted
     activities within the MPHSTF will complement
                                                        ƒ ƒDifferentiated consideration of the
     these efforts of the Government. The
                                                           needs of the population at the level
     contributions to the MPHSTF will be mainly
                                                           of each aul, kishlak, makhalla, rural
     in the form of grants, i.e. they will represent
                                                           areas, based on environmental factors,
     limited resources. Hence, it is necessary to
                                                           population distribution and transport
     efficiently utilize the MPHSTF resources,
     and to leverage additional funding.
                                                        ƒƒDeveloped on the basis of community
     The MPHSTF funds will be directed towards
                                                          development plans for targeted localities.
     developing and piloting new and innovative
     methods of solving problems, and the               ƒƒEnsuring sustainability (water, air, soil,
     piloting of economic and business projects.          remoteness) and support the mitigation
     Successful pilot projects will be presented to       of adverse effects
     the Government, the donor’s community and
     the business sector for further replication,       ƒƒIntegrated solutions:
     not only within the Aral Sea region but also
                                                        ƒƒBased on the MPHSTF Theory of Change
     in other regions.
                                                          and not prepared in isolation
     To be considered by the Fund, interventions
                                                        ƒƒStrategic and multidimensional, so that
     need to meet the following criteria:
                                                          interventions target several insecurities at
     People-centered:                                     the same time

2. New Approaches to Address the Consequences of the Aral Sea Disaster

ƒƒConcentrating all interventions in the same              ƒƒFocusing on technology transfer and the
  area/with the same community, piloting                     piloting of new approaches
  around specific geographic area
                                                           ƒƒInvesting in ICTs and research and
ƒƒImplementing       interventions       through             development opportunities for the region
  consortiums and partnerships of providers
  from different sectors and with different                ƒƒDeveloping new public-private partnerships,
  specializations in order to link interventions             including with the government, to ensure
  across different insecurity areas                          protection and empowerment for the long

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                        FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

                         3.1. Governance arrangements
                         The MPHSTF is established by Participating
                         UN Organizations (PUNOs) that take full
                         programmatic and financial accountability over
                         the funds transferred to them.
                         The MPHSTF governance arrangements (see
                         Figure 1) provide for an efficient and effective
                         decision-making and oversight framework,
                         ensuring streamlined allocation processes and
                         clear lines of accountability. The governance
                         arrangements are built on and informed by
                         the principles of inclusiveness, transparency,
                         accountability, and consensus-based decisions.
                         The MPHSTF is governed by a Steering
                         Committee and supported by a Technical
                         Secretariat. Dialogue with key representatives
                         of other donors, government organizations, and
                         civil society networks will be held by the Steering
     3. Institutional    Committee periodically to foster cooperation
                         and a shared vision.
     aspects of the      Steering Committee. The Steering Committee
     MPHSTF              has overall responsibility for the Aral Sea MPHSTF.
                         It is responsible for leadership, strategic direction,
                         and decisions on eligibility, allocation and other
                         managerial and oversight aspects. It is co-chaired

3. Institutional aspects of the MPHSTF

by the High-Level Government representative          UN Organizations, contributing donors and
and the UN Resident Coordinator in Uzbekistan        the co-chairs of the MPHSTF. It develops and
and consists of 2 representatives of donors (on      implements a resource mobilization strategy to
rotational bases) contributing to the MPHSTF,        attract investments from other donors.
2 civil society members (on rotational bases), 5
                                                     A key role of the Technical Secretariat is to
Participating UN Organizations, and 2 national
                                                     review the submission of projects/proposals
government representatives. The Administrative
                                                     to the Steering Committee. The Technical
Agent and the Technical Secretariat will be ex-
                                                     Secretariat will be responsible for reporting on
officio members of the Steering Committee.
                                                     the implementation of funded projects. Detailed
The SC meets semi-annually and decides by            terms of references for the Technical Secretariat
consensus. Detailed terms of references for          are included in the Operational Guide of the
the Steering Committee are included in the           MPHSTF. The full functions of the Technical
Operational Guide of the MPHSTF. The full            Secretariat are detailed in the Technical
functions of the Steering Committee are detailed     Secretariat Terms of References in the Annex 5.
in the Steering Committee Terms of References
                                                     Administrative Agent. The MPHSTF will be
in the Annex 4.
                                                     administered by the Multi-Partner Trust Fund
Advisory Committee. At a later stage                 Office acting as the Administrative Agent (AA).
the Steering Committee might consider the            The MPTF Office administers over 100 UN
establishment of an Advisory Committee, which        common funding instruments (http://mptf.
would serve as an information-sharing forum          undp.org). The AA will be entitled to allocate an
once the number of donors and Participating          administrative fee of one percent (1%) of the
UN Organisations becomes so large, that their        amount contributed by each donor, to meet the
inclusion in the Steering Committee would no         costs of performing the AA’s standard functions
longer be feasible.                                  as described in the MOU concluded between AA
                                                     and Participating UN agencies following UNDG
Technical Secretariat. In order to ensure good
                                                     standard formats.
programming the MPHSTF will be supported
by the Technical Secretariat. The Technical          The MPTF Office is responsible for Fund
Secretariat provides technical, operational and      design and set-up, maintenance of the Fund
administrative support to the MPHSTF Steering        account, receipt of donor contributions, and
Committee and works under its overall guidance.      disbursement of funds upon instructions from
The Technical Secretariat supports the entire        the Steering Committee, and provision of
programming cycle of the MPHSTF with a               periodic consolidated reports. Subject to the
workplan and budget reviewed annually by the         availability of funds, the Administrative Agent
Steering Committee.                                  shall normally make each disbursement to the
                                                     Participating UN Organization within three to
The Technical Secretariat also provides advice and
                                                     five business days after receipt of the Fund
quality control over the MPHSTF implementation
                                                     Transfer Request.
and coordinates the meetings. It facilitates
collaboration and communication between              In addition, the UN MPTF Office through its
the Government of Uzbekistan, Participating          GATEWAY (http://mptf.undp.org/) offers a

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                                                                FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

           web-based service portal, which provides real-        of projects/programmes approved by the Steering
           time financial data generated directly from           Committee.
           its accounting system. It provides all partners
                                                                 Contributors. The MPHSTF is funded through
           and the general public with the ability to track
                                                                 contributions of the Government, bi-lateral or
           information on contributions, transfers and
                                                                 multi-lateral donors, and International Financial
           expenditures. Further details on the function of
                                                                 Institutions. The active participation of the
           the Administrative Agent are available on the
                                                                 Government in the formation of the fund is a
           MPTFO website.
                                                                 signal intended to attract more potential donors
           Participating UN Organizations. MPHSTF                to the fund, and to increase the importance of
           implementation is the responsibility of the           the Aral disaster problem internationally. Also, the
           Participating UN Organizations. The organizations,    Government can encourage the participation of
           after signing a Memorandum of Understanding           the private business in the formation of the fund's
           with the Administrative Agent, can receive            resources by providing tax or other privileges to
           resources from the MPHSTF. Each Participating         private enterprises.
           UN Organization is programmatically and
                                                                 Acceptance of funds from the private sector will
           financially responsible for MPHSTF resources
                                                                 be guided by the criteria stipulated in the UN
           received in accordance with its own regulations,
                                                                 system-wide guidelines on cooperation between
           rules, policies and procedures. Participating
                                                                 the UN and the Business Community ((the UN
           UN Organizations develop project/programme
                                                                 Secretary General’s guidelines: UN Secretary
           proposals, and report on implementation and
                                                                 General’s guidelineshttp://www.un.org/partners/
           financial performance to the Steering Committee
           through the Technical Secretariat and the
           Administrative Agent as indicated in the MOU.         Non-earmarked contributions are encouraged.
           The Participating UN Organizations shall have         Such approach will enable timely decision making
           operating capacity for the prompt implementation      on funding the most priority projects / programs
                                                                 within the framework of the MPHSTF. In this case,
                                                                 bureaucratic procedures within the framework of
Figure 1. Fund Governance and Financial                          the fund will be minimized.
                                                                 However, if the non-earmarked contributions are
                                                                 not possible, earmarked contributions can be
                                                                 made. According to the UNDG rules, earmarking
                                                                 of donor contributions should be done at the Fund
                                                                 outcome level (not a particular agency or output).
                                                                 The contributions to the MPHSTF will be
                                                                 deposited in US dollars. Additional contributions
                                                                 may be accepted only in fully convertible currency.
                                                                 Such contributions will be deposited into the bank
                                                                 account designated by the Administrative Agent.
                                                                 The value of a contribution payment, if made
                                                                 in other than US dollars, will be determined by

3. Institutional aspects of the MPHSTF

applying the UN operational rate of exchange in
effect on the date of payment.
The role of the Government and UN in
operational aspects of the MPHSTF
The role of the Government of the Republic of
Uzbekistan in supporting effective operation
of the MPHSTF will be creation of favorable
institutional, legal and financial environment.
The UN within its mandate, available resources
and experience will support the MPHSTF in
preparation of financial, legal and operational
documents according to international standards.
The UN will also assist the Government in its
interaction with donors, international financial
institutions, thus facilitating the mobilization of
resources within the framework of the MPHSTF
Apart from that, the UN through its agencies, will
assist in strengthening the capacity of various
national partners, involving them in the process
of developing, implementing and monitoring

3.2. Project Approval Cycle
The MPHSTF will allocate funds to Participating
UN Organizations based on their proposals. The
Participating UN Organizations will be invited to      in the standard proposal. The Secretariat will
submit proposals to the Secretariat upon issuance      present the findings of its Technical Appraisal of
of a Call for Proposal.                                Proposals to the Steering Committee, along with
The Steering Committee, with the support of the        all relevant project documentation.
Technical Secretariat and Administrative Agent,        At its regular meetings, the Steering Committee
will prepare a standard proposal form to be            will render a decision on funding allocations to each
used by all Participating UN Organizations when        Proposal, considering the findings of the Technical
submitting proposals to the MPHSTF.                    Secretariat appraisal. The Steering Committee
The Technical Secretariat will review the proposals    shall have access to all information it deems
submitted by Participating UN Organizations to         relevant in making its decision. If the Steering
ensure that all the required information is included   Committee rejects a project or if it requests

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                                                           FOR THE ARAL SEA REGION IN UZBEKISTAN Terms of Reference

     further study or review it shall communicate its       the activities for which it is responsible under the
     decision or request to the Technical Secretariat to    Fund will be recovered as direct costs.
     take the appropriate follow up action.
                                                            Parallel funding mechanisms.                  At the
     Upon approval of a proposal the Steering               same time, there might be cases when the
     Committee will advise the Administrative               donor expresses readiness to finance projects
     Agent to disburse the authorized amount                independently, but in line with the MPHSTF
     to the Participating UN Organizations. The             strategy. In this case, the contributions will be sent
     request to transfer funds will be signed by            directly by such donor to the fund implementers
     the Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee                informing and coordinating with the Steering
     and must include all relevant documentation            Committee the alignment of such allocations
     to enable a disbursement. The Administrative           with this Terms of Reference, relevant national
     Agent will disburse the authorized amounts             and local government priorities.
     to Participating UN Organizations within five
                                                            The development strategy can also include
     business days of receiving all the required
                                                            projects or programmes to be financed by loans of
     documentation and instructions from the
                                                            international and national financial institutions.
     Steering Committee.
                                                            Legal and procedural aspects of the activities
     Flow of funds. As indicated above, the
                                                            of the MPHSTF will be developed in accordance
     resources will be held by the Administrative Agent
                                                            with and meet the requirements of the current
     in a dedicated fund account. The funds in this
                                                            legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and in
     account will be transferred to Participating UN
                                                            accordance with the requirements and practices
     Organizations by the Administrative Agent based
                                                            of the UNDG and UN MPTF Office.
     on instructions from the Steering Committee.
     Implementing agencies, represented by UN               The MPHSTF will be formally established upon
     agencies participating in the activities of the        signature of Memorandum of Understanding
     MPHSTF will have to open ledger accounts to            between the UN MPTF Office and the Participating
     receive these funds.                                   UN Organizations designating the UNDP’s MPTF
                                                            Office as the Administrative Agent. The MPHSTF
     The PUNOs upon receipt of a confirmation of
                                                            starts its operational activities upon signature of
     funds transfer into their ledger accounts, will
                                                            a funding agreement between at least one donor
     transfer these funds into the accounts of the
                                                            and the Administrative Agent.
     implementing agencies (government agencies,
     NGOs, etc.) that will actually implement projects/     Based on economic rational, it is necessary
     programs within the framework of a unified             to emphasize the fact that the threshold for
     strategy on the ground.                                establishing any multi-partner trust fund is $5
                                                            million per year for the entire operational period
     It should be noted that there is a minimum
                                                            (minimum 5 years).
     threshold of US $ 100 thousand per transaction.
     Indirect costs of the Participating Organizations
     recovered through programme support costs              3.3. Risk management strategy
     will be 7%. All other costs incurred by each           The objective of a risk management strategy is
     Participating UN Organization in carrying out          to facilitate the achievement of MPHSTF-related

3. Institutional aspects of the MPHSTF

objectives considering the risks in the context      UN system. The continuous monitoring and
in which it operates. Based on risks identified,     evaluation will be done by the Participating UN
the Technical Secretariat will develop a risk        Organizations and overseen by the Technical
management strategy with the following main          Secretariat.
objectives: accelerate MPHSTF implementation
                                                     The monitoring and evaluation system for
and increase its impact, ensure that the MPHSTF's
                                                     the MPHSTF will serve two functions: first,
interventions meet the «Do no harm» principles,
                                                     periodic assessment of project/programme
verify that resources are used for foreseen
                                                     implementation and performance of activities
purposes and improve risk management capacity
                                                     (M&E of Project Performance), and second,
of national partners.
                                                     evaluation of their results in terms of relevance,
The risk management strategy will:                   effectiveness and impact (M&E of Project
ƒƒDevelop shared understanding of risks faced by
  the MPHSTF;                                        The Technical Secretariat advises the Participating
                                                     UN Organizations on appropriate performance
ƒƒIdentify roots and causes of the risks;
                                                     indicators and data gathering, consolidates
ƒƒEstablish the MPHSTF's policies regarding          the information received from the Participating
  identified risks;                                  UN Organizations into a central results-based
ƒƒDetermine risk treatment through measures of       management system. This system gathers
  mitigation or adaptation;                          performance data at the level of outcomes and
                                                     outputs, linking program-related and financial
ƒƒEstablish information strategies and common        result indicators to enable the evaluation of both
  messages about the risks.                          efficiency and effectiveness of the MPHSTF.
Every programme approved by the MPHSTF shall         The Technical Secretariat will monitor and evaluate
comply with the risk management strategy. The        the implementation of projects/programmes
adherence to this strategy will be one of the        against the programmatic framework of the
selection criteria during the process of programme   MPHSTF, consolidate all reporting submitted by
review. The MPHSTF risk management strategy          PUNOs, and send consolidated reports to the
is however not a replacement for programme           Steering Committee.
risk evaluation/management. Further details are
contained in the Annex 6.                            An overall mid-term and final independent
                                                     evaluation will also be commissioned by the
                                                     Steering Committee to assess the overall
                                                     performance of the MPHSTF, its design,
3.4. Monitoring, evaluation                          management and overall performance against
and reporting                                        the objectives. This evaluation may provide
3.4.1. Monitoring and evaluation                     specific recommendations to the Steering
                                                     Committee to guide any revision of the Theory
Monitoring and evaluation of the Fund will be        of Change, the Governance Arrangement and
carried out in accordance with the national          Programming Cycle if deemed necessary.
context, a results-based management method
will be applied, with overall coordination by the    Detailed description of the M&E system

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