TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School

Page created by Carrie Richardson
TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School

      SUMMER                            EDITION

SUMMER SPORT                          THE WAY
REPORTS                                     The 2021
Tennis, Cricket,                     Grade 10 Journey
Waterpolo, CrossFit,
Soccer, Equestrian,                INTERHOUSE
Surf Lifesaving                         Athletics, Gala,
                                      River Race, Plays

The Headmaster's Note
The Narrative from the Deputy
Student Affairs
TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School

                                                          FROM MANAGEMENT AND HOD'S
                                                         03 OFF THE HEADMASTER'S DESK
                                                             Term end note from the College Headmaster,
                                                             Mr Derek Bradley

                                                         04 THE NARRATIVE
                                                            Our Deputy, Mr Jacques Botha writes an
                                                            interesting article - Truth Teller, Tattle Tale,
                                                            Whistle Blower or Snitch

                                                         06 STUDENT AFFAIRS
                                                            Nicholas Kock, Director of Student Affaits
                                                            writes about Psychological wellbeing. and
                                                            Safeguarding our Children
                                                            Digital Citizenship Course

                                                         26 THE WAY!

                                                          MORE THAN A SCHOOL,
                                                            AN EXPERIENCE
                                                          08 BOARDING
                                                              The boarding houses rapidly become home-
                                                              from-home and fellow boarders become
                                                              extended family. - Christoff Opperman,
                                                              Director of Boarding

51                            16                          09 CLASSROOM NEWS
                                                              Congratulation to Dr Catherine Logie.
                                                              Debating and inter campus learning
INTERACT                                                                                                        01
                             INTERHOUSE PLAYS
Beach clean up. Cupcakes     Not been able to perform     11 CULTURAL BUZZ
                                                                                                               APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

for CANSA and a fun filled   for the past two years,          ART - MUSIC - DRAMA
campus Colour Run.           excitement was high among
                             both the performers and
                             the audience members.


TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School


       The Way, Adventure Pursuits, Outdoor

       Bubble Camps, Rock Climbing Camps,
       Boarders Weekend Program, Starck Res
       Moon Rising evening.

  35 SPORT
       Term 1 Sports Round Up - Director of Sport,
       Mr Yaldren Vickery
       Heads of Sports Term 1 Summer Sports
       Reports and Results
                                                                   18        SURF LIFESAVING

                                                                42 INTERHOUSE COMPETITIONS
                                                                     RIVER RACE, GALA
                                                                      AND ATHLETICS

                                                                   47 WOODRIDGE EQUESTRIAN
                                                                      Head of Woodridge Equestrian, Mrs Eleni
                                                                      Pullen reports on the Western Mounted
                                                                      Games, Sanesa Competitions. Mom Riders.

                                                                   59 THE OWA

 41                                54                                 A New committee for the OWA,
                                                                      Premiere 500
                                                                      Reunion 2022 dats anounced

RIVER RACE                       MATRIC DANCE

2022 Interhouse River race.      One night in Paris. Another
                                 stunning Woodridge Matric

                                                                                                                APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School

     OFF THE
                                        WOODRIDGE COLLEGE

Dear Parents                                             It has been extremely exciting to have had a full
                                                         season of summer sport and several fixtures and
We are well into the third calendar year of COVID        festivals in netball, rugby, and hockey. We look
and 2022 promises to be an important one-                forward in anticipation to the Winter term and the
especially for education. Across the globe,              possibilities that this will bring for our players in
education systems have had to contend with               the three codes. The kaleidoscope of photographs
sporadic closures, inequitable access to education       is indicative of what is offered at Woodridge and it
technology and other distance learning tools, and        is encouraging to witness how many of our
deep challenges in maintaining both pupils’ and          children are involved in a wide variety of
teachers’ physical and emotional health. At the          activities.
same time, not all the sudden changes precipitated
by the pandemic have been bad—with some                  We now close for the Easter break, and I wish the
promising new innovations and allies, and                entire Woodridge community a relaxing time with
increased attention on the field of international        their families over this period.
education emerging over the past three years. The                                                                03
key question, is whether 2022 and the years ahead        Derek Bradley
will lead to education transformation, or will pupils,
teachers,     and    families  suffer    long-lasting
                                                                                                                 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

 setbacks?                                                           THE TRUE SIGN OF
We believe we have been extremely fortunate at                         INTELLIGENCE
Woodridge with the opportunities we were able to                  IS NOT KNOWLEDGE BUT
leverage to avert some of the deep psychological
issues that many children and parents have                            IMAGINATION”
experienced during this period. Many children have
not been so fortunate.                                                  -ALBERT EINSTEIN-

FIDELITER                                       FIDELITER
TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School


Much of my role centres around coordinating the
various elements of a full and active school            This description of a problem being faced by law
program. I am so pleased that we again had the          enforcement is sadly also valid in the educational
Interhouse Athletics, Gala, River-Race and Plays.       setting. The phrase has long seeped into use
The pools, courts and fields were a hive of activity    between children and teens. The implied
and healthy competition. Pupils have debated,           “stitches” are not physical but more social in
camped, hiked, performed music items and been           nature. No invitation to the next party, exclusion
away on tours. We have engaged in our varied            from conversation or a backlash on social media.
academic program and assessed the pupils on a
regular basis for meaningful feedback. We all            In my role I sometimes need to investigate an
need a holiday!                                          incident that involves more than one pupil. In
                                                         fairness to all they each have an opportunity to
To help facilitate the smooth running of the             describe what happened.Ideally one soon gets a
school I periodically have to deal with discipline       clear picture of what happened and can move
issues. Prevention is better than cure so we             onto any actions that need to be taken. When
prioritise positive intervention from staff and a        more than one pupil is involved a standard
varied school offering to allow pupils plenty of         practice is to then call them together to
opportunities to use their time profitably. In           summarize. I call this the “agreed upon truth”. In
thinking about my role and the state of the world        fairness, without actual lying there is always slight
I have writing down a few thoughts. I hope that          variation and some aspects are disputed. We can
you will find this helpful.                              generally work with what can be agreed upon by
                                                         all involved.

TRUTH-TELLER OR TATTLE-                                  This process is time-consuming and often
                                                         emotionally draining. What makes it even worse
TALE, WHISTLEBLOWER OR                                   is if it needs to be re-done because some aspects
SNITCH?                                                  of the truth has been withheld. It is unjust to be
                                                         punished for something one did not do. It is also
                                                         unjust for some to “be let off” while others get
“Snitches get stitches” is a very disturbing
approach in the treatment of the truth.

It is disturbing that such an aversion to the truth      This is a bleak picture but certainly not the only
is not confined to criminal gangs but part of the        experience. Many pupils come clean immediately
practical wisdom of otherwise good, kind, law-           and take responsibility for their actions. A
abiding citizens.                                        positive    within    an     otherwise     difficult
                                                         communication with a parent is being able to
It is disturbing that a 10-year old child would say      write “to his / her credit, …… was honest about
this to another.                                         their involvement”.

                                                        Some pupils, not under suspicion at the start,
It is disturbing that parents accept this as a                                                                   04
                                                        come forward to explain their involvement in
standard response.
                                                        fairness to other pupils.
A 2017 quote from the Birmingham Mail has this
                                                                                                                 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

to say:

“A sinister underworld code is acting as a
serious barrier to police investigations and
victims of crime in their battle for justice.
The phrase - "snitches get stitches" - has
seeped into the common vernacular, and is
being widely used by gangs, criminals and
those threatening victims of crime.”

TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School

TRUTH-TELLER OR                        CS Lewis has the view that all virtue is
                                       underpinned by courage. We should
                                                                                   Cheating on our taxes or in business
                                                                                   can have even more far-reaching
TATTLE-TALE,                           recognize that a certain amount of          consequences. Would we not rather
WHISTLEBLOWER                          courage is required to speak the
                                       truth.This needs to be nurtured. Those
                                                                                   have our pupils learn that lesson
                                                                                   through intervention at school? It
OR SNITCH?                             who care less about what others think       would be unkind to simply accept
                                       than doing the right thing are better       dishonesty amongst children.
                                       prepared for this situation.
This is allows the continuation of                                                 Each school has a responsibility in
good relationships with their          We could talk through scenarios to          guiding children to live with good
peers and adults beyond the            discuss     appropriate        responses.   values in addition to the important
immediate incident.                    Anecdotes can play a similar role.          knowledge and skills that are part
                                       Practical wisdom earned through the         of our academic and extra-mural
I don’t think we want our              experiences of adults is invaluable.        program. This is a worthy pursuit
children to try to ingratiate          Young people can be also reminded           and should be integral to all aspects
themselves with a parent or            that they can work through those in         of school life.
teacher by reporting wrong-            authority roles: report the illicit acts
doing by others. A tattletale          quietly so that it can be discovered by a   I recognize that this is a fairly
normally tries to get their            parent, teacher or similar.                 heavy topic. Maintaining a sense of
brother or sister in trouble by        It can then be left to the one in higher    proportion and good humour is
reporting their wrong-doing.           authority to investigate.                   essential. So a final word from
                                                                                   Mark Twain.

                                                                                   IF YOU TELL THE TRUTH,
                                                                                     YOU DONT HAVE TO
                                                                                    REMEMBER ANYTHING

                                                                                            -MARK TWAIN-

This is probably more towards a        Young people can be also reminded
sense of one-upmanship than out        that they can work through those in
of deep moral outrage?                 authority roles: report the illicit acts
The classic “snitch” in a gangster     quietly so that it can be discovered by a
movie normally gets a reduction        parent, teacher or similar. It can then
of sentence for spilling the beans     be left to the one in higher authority to
on the rest of the crew. There is a    investigate.
clear sense of personal gain at the
                                       It is imperative for a functioning
expense of others. The motive
                                       society to have a moral compass. We
for the telling the truth is key.
                                       are outraged to hear of corruption in
                                       government: “Why does no-one report
The    whistle-blower     discloses
                                       it?” We undermine ourselves at every
irregularities or illegal activities
                                       turn when we don’t encourage this at
within a business that are causing
                                       the most basic level. We first need a
harm. Again, there is a sense of
                                       clear sense of right and wrong and then
“doing the right thing” without                                                                                            05
                                       the courage to live our lives in
personal gain. In modern times
                                       accordance with these moral standards.
the whistle-blower tells the truth
at a cost to themselves and
                                                                                                                           APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

                                       A home or a school is ultimately a
should     be    supported      and
                                       gentle environment. The repercussions
                                       are not severe. As an example –
WHAT CAN WE AS                         cheating on a test leads to a zero and
PARENTS AND TEACHERS                   detention.    This should be a lesson
DO TO INSTILL A                        against cheating in a Matric exam
REVERENCE FOR THE                      which leads to a zero, possible
TRUTH?                                 withholding of the school’s results, no
Courage is not simply one of the       Matric certificate for the individual and
virtues, but the form of every         not being able to write Matric exams
virtue at the testing point.           for two years.

  FIDELITER                                          FIDELITER
TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School


                             Written by Mr Nicholas Kock

One of our key strategic goals we have earmarked, is to establish Woodridge as a safe space
where everyone belongs. To achieve this, we need to ensure that we create a Psychological Safe
space where people can share concerns without fear of judgement, as well as providing various
platforms and resources to assist our pupils and staff to cope with the demands of their daily
Research is showing that students worldwide are increasingly recognised as a vulnerable part
of the population, suffering from higher levels of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and
disordered eating compared to the general population.

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the burden on the mental health
of these vulnerable young people and inadequate efforts to recognise and address our pupils’
mental health challenges could have long-term consequences on their health and education.
                                                                                                    APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

With this in mind, we have decided to extend our current support structures by securing the
services of a fulltime Psychologist and the process of acquiring the right person/service for our
school is currently underway.
Woodridge also decided to partner with an organization (The Guardian) to assist us to address
proactive safeguarding of our pupils. Our partnership with The Guardian has allowed us to
setup Proactive Safeguarding Structures such as the Guardian Phone App, and through this
partnership we have been able to strengthen our existing structures and implement new ones
to ensure that Woodridge delivers Proactive and Reactive Safeguarding of children.

TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School

  Our Grade 9’s attended a very well-run course on Digital citizenship in the first term, which was presented by Ms
  Estee Cockcroft who runs an organisation named Screen Smarts.

  • Cyberspace & your personal brand - What is a digital footprint & why is it important?
  • Reputation management in digital spaces and how to have excellent netiquette.
  • Staying safe on social media platforms - (How to handle cyberbullying, Sexting, Dodgy
  People online).
  • Catfishing: What it is and how to spot one
  • Pornography & why to steer clear of it.
  • Harmful content: What to do if you’ve seen something disturbing online.
  • Safe gaming and Gaming addiction
  • Twitch & why it’s a bad idea
  • Screen Health
  • Social Media depression & the tendency to compare.
  • Setting boundaries for your online world.

  After the course they had to complete a Screen Agreement with their parents and the purpose of this contract was
  to ensure that the persons entering it stay safe while they are having fun when using screens to navigate the
  digital world.

                    choices have consequences

                                                                                                                      APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

    We are continuously reviewing and analysing our disciplinary system to ensure that we have an
    adequate approach towards discipline, which is aimed at correcting our pupils with dignity and
    ensuring that we put preventative measures in place instead of having to deal with consequences
    of inappropriate choices made by pupils. However, in line with the famous quote, “choices have
    consequences” we always strive towards teaching our pupils about self-discipline, which plays a
    significant role in ensuring the continuity of learning in school and beyond when they go out into
    the real world.

FIDELITER                                         FIDELITER
TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School

                       BOARDING LIFE
                                                  Issue No. 1| APRIL 2022

   Boarding forms an integral part of the Woodridge experience and places in each residence are constantly in demand. In the College,
   there are 4 residences, 2 for girls (Founders Residence and Carter Residence) and 2 catering for boys (Kohler Residence and Starck

  Written by Mr Christoff
  Opperman                                         There was a welcome return to a                 Above all, pupils also get the
  Director of Boarding                            sense of normality and that gave                 opportunity to learn how to
  Woodridge       has    a    thriving            boarding staff the opportunity to                manage their time and learn self-
  boarding      community,      which             organise more activities in their                discipline with regards to their
  makes up 50% of the numbers at                  boarding houses, without the                     academics. It does take some
  the College. For some people,                   added pressure of adhering to                    time for pupils to get this right,
  boarding is a necessity, as they                strict requirements. Across the                  but these are essential skills they
  live far from school, while for                 boarding houses, staff organised                 learn, and it will only stand them
  others it is a matter of choice, as             Valentine’s dinners, full moon                   in good stead in the future.          08
  boarding offers many advantages                 braais, quiz nights and movie
  for pupils. Boarders live in one of             nights, amongst others.                          We look back at a very successful
  the four boarding houses; each
                                                                                                                                         APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

                                                                                                   term for Woodridge boarding
  one      being      staffed       by            It was also good to see how                      and we wish our pupils a well-
  houseparents who live on-site                   pupils make use of the mornings                  deserved break.
  with their families. The boarding               during the summer term. The
  houses rapidly become home-                     campus was a buzz of activity
  from-home and fellow boarders                   with pupils making use of the
  become extended family.                         campus facilities. Swimming,
                                                  going for a run or an early
  This past term has been a hive of               morning gym session was very
  activity across the four boarding               popular.

FIDELITER                                        WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA
TERMLY - Woodridge College & Preparatory School



The IEB offers the Advanced
Programmes in English, Afrikaans,
Mathematics and Physics of which
                                             After seven weeks of successful debating, that
Woodridge    offers   English  and
                                             included two wins against Grey, the debaters won
Mathematics. From this year the
                                             their quarter final round and will proceed to the
Advanced Programmes have been
                                             semi finals at the start of our second term.
repackaged into the Further Studies
                                             Congratulations to our debaters this term: Oyama
                                             Jikwa, Juanita Ngcwabe, Aidan Ross, Meera Von
                                             Berg, Kate Lagan, Ross Henderson and Jessica
The Further Studies programmes
                                             Brown. The recipients of Best Speaker awards are:
were benchmarked by UK ENIC and
                                             Ross Henderson, Kate Lagan and Jessica Brown.
found to be comparable to the
overall GCE Advanced (A) level

                                          CROSS CAMPUS LEARNING
standard. Additional Further Studies
programmes are being developed
and Dr Catherine Logie has been         Mr Rathbone and some of our Gr 11’s gave a fish disection
appointed    as   the    curriculum     demonstration to the Grade 3's. Lots of fun and learning for all.
developer for the Further Studies
Chemistry programme.

                                                                                                            APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

  FIDELITER                             FIDELITER


A group of 21 junior pupils embarked on a robotics
program for this year, run by CodeAbot at Woodridge.

A robot is a machine that is used to make life easier for
humans. But without coding, it is just a heap of metal
that cannot interact with its environment. In order to
put a machine to work it requires knowledge of
mechanics, electronics and programming.

This first term at Woodridge, the CodeABot team
focussed pupils’ attention onto the mechanical
components found in robots. Concepts such as gears,
pulleys, cam and differentials were discussed and built
into designs. The final project saw pupils build a
working car with two gears. This lays the foundation for
next term where pupils will focus on sending code to
motors and sensors so that the mechanical devices
connected to then will spring to life and more
importantly; be harnessed to do work!

These pupils will participate in the Lego League
Robotics Competition in Term 3.


                                                            APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

FIDELITER                          WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA

                     The Cultural Buzz
                                      Issue No.1 | April 2022

                                        WOODRIDGE COLLEGE

  We started this term with many
  exciting ideas and objectives. One of
  these was to combine the joy of
  learning Music, Art and Drama in the
  Prep and College by creating a bridge
  between the 2 schools. This we have
  done, and at Earth Hour this year , we
  combined Prep/ College choir and the
  Prep Marimbas joined us too. We are
                                                  ""The 3 pillars of holistic education at Woodridge
  so     excited   about     the    new
                                                  College are “Healthy Mind” – Academics, “Healthy
  collaboration between the Prep and
                                                  Body” – Sport and Outdoor Education and
  College and will continue to build this
                                                  “Healthy Spirit” – Culture. We are so fortunate to
  because at the end of the day,
                                                  work and learn in an environment where all
  “We are Woodridge”.
                                                  these aspects are championed". - Mrs Patti van
                                                  der Ploeg
  earth hour
  It is so wonderful to get back to live                                                                  11
  performances and we have had 2
  very exciting Soirees in the College
                                                                                                       APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

  this term, as well as performances in
  assemblies and our “Earth Hour”
  concert. However, our online concerts
  are definitely going to continue as it is
  a way for us to give all our students a
  chance to record to show family and
  friends their progress with the school
  streaming these performances on our
  Facebook and You Tube channels.

FIDELITER                                     FIDELITER

                                                                                                      APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

     Arts education opens doors that help children pass from school into the world around them a
     world of work, culture, intellectual activity, and human involvement. The future of our nation
    depends on providing our children with a complete education that includes music, art and drama.
                                             -GERALD FORD-

FIDELITER                           WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA

 Going International                                              art
 online competitions and examinations                             Our Art students have
 It is also a wonderful marketing strategy. We are also going     been hard at work and
 to continue to develop our international footprint by            their amazing efforts
 continuing to take part in online competitions. International    will be on display at
 examinations are both digital and “live” and examiners will      every performance.
 be coming to examine our students this year too.

 knock on wood
                                                                  Our drama students were
 Next term is going to be a very exciting one in the Cultural
                                                                  hard at work with their
 Department as we will be holding the first-ever “Knock on
                                                                  amazing Interhouse Plays
 Wood - Online” festival. We will have students from all over
                                                                  held a few weeks ago -
 South Africa as well as international students taking part in
                                                                  such talent!! Review and
 this celebration of culture. Music, Drama, Fine Arts,
                                                                  results on pg:
 Photography, Dance, Creative Writing, and all these
 branches of Art and Culture will be celebrated. The prize
                                                                  Next term we will be
 winner’s concerts will be held online in the first week of the
                                                                  having       a     drama
 third term.
                                                                  more     information   to

                                                                  So, a wonderful first term
                                                                  and a very exciting second
                                                                  and third term to follow.
                                                                  My     thanks     to    the
                                                                  wonderful Cultural team
                                                                  of talented Music, Art and
                                                                  Drama     teachers     who
                                                                  motivate and teach our
                                                                  awesome students. My
                                                                  thanks to the students for
 Our Prep marimbas and the College Steel band will be             their hard work and
 taking part in an exciting festival at Summerwood school         passion, we are fortunate
 next term. A fine example of the teamwork between the            indeed to have these
 Prep and College Cultural departments.                           wonderful young students
                                                                  to teach. Wishing you all a
 At the end of May, we will be having a “Staff Variety Show”      wonderful break.
 which will take the form of a “Barnyard” theatre concert -
 something very special to look forward to.                                                       13
                                                                                                APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

                                                                  Mrs Patti van der Ploeg
                                                                  Director Music, Art and
                                                                  Culture (College and Prep)

FIDELITER                                 FIDELITER

                                         WOODRIDGE COLLEGE

Visual Arts
Practicing skills for visual
Our young artists have been honing their
creative skills this term, as they prepare
themselves for engaging with new themes and
exciting challenges in Term 2. In Term 1 we
focused on “getting our hand-eye coordination”
set, after a long December holiday spent re-
uniting with family and friends outdoors, as far
as possible away from anything that would
remind us of stationery items, or being
stationary too long!

While the Grade 8’s and Grade 9’s were
practicing their compositional skills, learning
about new stylistic tendencies and drawing
techniques, the senior grade artists were
practicing their research skills, conceptualization
                                                                       NOA LAWSON GR11
exercises, and general engagement with their
artworks. The Grade 10’s completed many visual
journal exercises focused on observational            The Grade 11’s also had the opportunity to
drawing. We even had the privilege of having          explore Life Drawing skills and improve their
our music staff (Mr Mkhwanazi and Ms van Der          charcoal drawing techniques. For their
Merwe) “pose” for Life Drawing practice!              thematic drawing they completed artworks in
                                                      dry media, centred around the theme of
           Jemma El-Jabi Gr11
                                                      Mentation. In support of our Grade 11 “thinkers
                                                      and makers”, it is relevant to quote the Art
                                                      Nouveau mixed media painter, Gustav Klimt,
                                                      in that “art is a line around your thoughts.” The
                                                      theme, Mentation, lent itself well to the Grade
                                                      11’s exploration of the mind, focus on their
                                                      thought processes and discover how critical
                                                      thinking drives ideas and depictions of such         14
                                                      abstractions- conjured by an overactive mind.
                                                                                                          APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

FIDELITER                           WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA

                                         WOODRIDGE COLLEGE

Our Grade 12 pupils were issued with their examination theme,
titled Interwoven/Intertwined. They are working diligently on their
research under this theme and all of their work at this point is
centred around the development of their visual journal processes.
Hang in there, Matrics- trust the process…

The Pop Art icon Andy Warhol reminds you (from the past) that
you should not “…think about making art, just get it done. Let
everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or
hate it. , while they are deciding, make even more art.”

                                                                                Josie Hay Gr12

       Kylie Thomson Gr11                       Amy Pape Gr11          Elzaan van Wyk Gr11
In terms of our art exhibits, we had the opportunity to display our senior grades’ works at the Soireé
and the Earth Hour performances. Seeing the product of a diverse arts collaboration is truly
something to behold: it is a joy to our sensory perception. Our young visual artists are excited to
share their depictions en masse next term- your visual delight is guaranteed!                              15

By Ms Zeralde Ross
                                                                                                         APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

HOD - Visual Arts

FIDELITER                                   FIDELITER

                                        WOODRIDGE COLLEGE

 Interhouse Plays
 By Mrs Caren Bestbier

 The Woodridge Inter House plays were held
 on 16 March. As we have not been able to
 perform for the past two years, excitement
 was high among both the performers and the
 audience members.

 The Houses were given the same play script,
 entitled “The Final Countdown”. The story
 begins on the roof of an apartment building
 where a New Year’s Eve party is being held. A
 volatile collection of characters leads to
 conflict! The script which was provided
 consisted of the beginning and the very end
 of the play. The senior Drama pupils were
 responsible for writing their own content –
 which had to lead to the end that was
 provided for them. They then cast, directed,
 acted in and rehearsed their plays. Three very
 different play scripts were written and
 performed, which resulted in a very enjoyable
 evening’s entertainment.

 Adjudication     was   done     by     an  Old
 Woodridgean Drama pupil, Ele Coetzee (Class
 of 2017). Ele completed her studies at
 Stageworld Drama School in Port Elizabeth
 last year, and graduated top of her class.

 The following awards were given:

 Best Cameo Performance:                                     16
 John Kirsten
 Best Supporting Actor:
                                                            APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

 Tristan Torrance and Aidan Paine
 Best Supporting Actress:
 Storm-Grace Campbell
 Best Actor: Oyama Jikwa
 Best Actress: Kate Lagan
 Best Script: Carter House
 Best Director: Kohler House
 Best Play: Kohler House.

                   ER                       FIDELITER

                                  APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01


                                                                                    SINCE 1973
                                                      VIGILANCE AND SERVICE

PLETTENBERG BAY - 29 January - 30 January
On Friday 28/01, a small Woodridge Surf Lifesaving Club Team
departed to compete at the 2022 Plett SLC Carnival. Teams
competing at this event include Mossel Bay SLC, Marlin SLC, Plett
SLC, Kings Beach SLC, Bluewater Bay SLC and Summerstrand

For the very first time in its 49 year history, Woodridge SLC entered an u14
(Nipper) in a lifesaving competition. Woodridge SLC was proud to have GIAN
MOOLMAN represent the Club in the u14 competition.
Well done Gian!

THE TEAM                                                                                          18
u14 - Gian Moolman
u15 - Liam Schweitzer, Alexander Moolman, Vaclav Horak, Nicolas Zoghby,
Jessica Harcus, Anna Kirsten
                                                                                                 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

u17 -Gabin Chabanel, Nicola Harcus, Hannah Praetorius, Andrea Collins
u19 - Luke Leggatt, Oliver Mitchley, Jamelia Forbes

As Woodridge SLC does not (usually) cater for u14 lifeguards, a number of College
pupils represented other clubs such as Summerstrand SLC at the Plett Carnival
and these include: Daniella Harcus, Jamie Schweitzer, Milla Aylesbury and
Sebastian Zoghby, Daniella Harcus competing for SS SLC must be congratulated
on some outstanding results in the u13 division including a 1st Place in the Surf
Swim and 2nd Placings in Run Swim Run, Malibu Board and Iron Man!

     By Mr Robert Smith - rob.smith@woodridge.co.za

   FIDELITER                                                   FIDELITER

As always, the Woodridge Team was well-supported by both parents (who outnumbered the
Team!) and Old Woodridgeans and their support is greatly appreciated!

The Woodridge Team was complimented by friend and stranger alike on their sporting
ability, attitude, manners and behaviour.

RESULTS                                              LONG RUN
20x 1st Places                                       1st u15 Male            Vaclav Horak
                                                     2nd u15 Female          Anna Kirsten
                                                     3rd u17 Female          Andrea Collins
1st u14 Male     Gian Moolman                        BEACH SPRINT
1st u15 Male     Alexander Moolman/Liam Schweitzer   1st u17 Female           Andrea Collins
1st u17 Female   Nicola Harcus                       2nd u15 Male            Vaclav Horak
1st u17 Male     Luke Leggatt                        3rd u15 Female          Anna Kirsten
2nd u15 Female   Jessica Harcus
3rd u15 Male     Vaclav Horak

1st u14 Male      Gian Moolman
1st u15 Male      Liam Schweitzer
1st u17 Female    Nicola Harcus
2nd u15 Male      Alexander Moolman

1st u17 Female    Nicola Harcus
1st u19 Male      Luke Leggatt                       TEAM RESULTS
2nd u15 Male      Liam Schweitzer                    BOARD RESCUE
2nd u15 Female    Jessica Harcus                     1st Junior Male - Woodridge A Team - Luke Leggatt, Alexander
3rd u15 Male      Nicolas Zoghby                     Moolman
                                                                                                                     APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

                                                     2nd Female - Woodridge A Team -Nicola Harcus, Jessica Harcus
                                                     3rd Male - Woodridge B Team -Gabin Chabanel, Liam
1st u15 Female    Jessica Harcus
1st u17 Female    Nicola Harcus
1st u19 Male      Oliver Mitchley
                                                     BOARD RELAY
IRON MAN                                             1st Junior Male - Woodridge A Team - Luke Leggatt, Liam
1st u15 Female   Jessica Harcus                      Schweitzer, Vasa Horak, Oliver Mitchley
1st u17 Female   Nicola Harcus                       2nd Female - Woodridge A Team -Jessica Harcus, Nicola Harcus,
                                                     Hannah Praetorius

 FIDELITER                            WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA

1st Junior Male - Woodridge A Team - Luke Leggatt, Liam
Schweitzer, Vasa Horak, Oliver Mitchley
2nd Female - Woodridge A Team -Jessica Harcus, Nicola
Harcus, Hannah Praetorius

1st Junior Male- Woodridge A-Team - Luke Leggatt, Liam
Schweitzer, Vaclav Horak, Oliver Mitchley
1st Junior Female - Woodridge A-Team: Jessica Harcus,
Nicola Harcus, Hannah Praetorius, Anna Kirsten


For a welcome change, Nahoon Beach provided ideal         EC BEACH SPRINT CHAMPION
conditions for this event. The standard of competition
                                                          Erin Morris        u19 Female
was fair and the Woodridge Team of 25 members
                                                          Anna Kirsten       u15 Female
supported by many parents and friends performed
extremely well as the results reflect.                    EC BEACH FLAGS CHAMPION
                                                          Erin Morris         u19 Female
A big thanks to Brandon Harcus for towing the trailer,    Benji Tyrrell       u17 Male
Mrs Meintjies for spending hours at the local casualty    Anna Kirsten       u15 Female
ward and to Emma Broadway for taking such good care
of the team.

Nicola Harcus

Luke Leggatt

EC SURF SWIM CHAMPION                                                                                   20
Luke Leggatt             u19 Male
Nicola Harcus           u17 Female
                                                                                                        APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

Jessica Harcus           u15 Female

Luke Leggatt             u19 Male
Liam Schweitzer          u15 Male
Jessica Harcus           u15 Female

Luke Leggatt             u19 Male
Anna Kirsten             u15 Female
                                                                                           pg 6 of 12
   FIDELITER                                       FIDELITER

Nicola Harcus            u17 Female
Jessica Harcus           u15 Female

Luke Leggatt              u19 Male
Nicola Harcus            u17 Female

Jessica Harcus            u15 Female


Woodridge A Team - Jessica Harcus, Nicola Harcus, Hannah

Woodridge B Team - Liam Schweitzer, Mark Canny, James
Taylor, Oliver Cornish


                                                                               APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

                                                                  pg 6 of 12
 FIDELITER                                  WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA


Mr Paul Lynch and Kings Beach SLC put on one of the best           WOODRIDGE SLC Podium Results:
organized SA Surf Lifesaving Championships in recent times
which saw very stiff competition between nearly 40 teams from
all over South Africa.                                                          SOUTH AFRICAN SILVER
While Woodridge SLC congratulate all our competitors, we                                 JESSICA HARCUS
were rather disappointed with not achieving more finals and
better podium positions. Some bad luck (a component of surf                                SA u15 Ironman
competition) and very, very strong opposition meant that every                          NICOLA HARCUS
position in every event was hard-fought.
                                                                               SA u17 Competitor of the Championship
The large number of competitors also meant that many finals
could only be attained after completing heats, quarter and                             SA u17 Run Swim Run
semi-finals!                                                                             SA u17 Surf Swim
Besides the Silver and Bronze medals attained the only Gold                               Luke Leggatt
achieved was by Arthur Moolman at Newton park Swimming
Pool in the SA Stillwater Championships. Special thanks to Mrs                          SA u19 Malibu Board
Delia Herbst and Dr Carmel Billson for their efforts at the Pool
Woodridge SLC also wish to thank SPAR St Francis Bay and                         SOUTH AFRICAN BRONZE
The Coastal Collective for their generous support.
                                                                                          JESSICA HARCUS
                                                                                 SA u15 Competitor of the Championship
                                                                                         SA u15 Malibu Board

                                                                                          NICOLA HARCUS
                                                                                           SA u17 Ironman
                                                                                          SA u17 Single Ski

                                                                                           DANIELLA HARCUS
                                                                                           (Summerstrand SLC)
                                                                                            SA u13 Surf Swim

                                                                   WOODRIDGE SLC CAME 8TH OUT OF 32 TEAMS.

                                                                   Special mention MUST be made of JESSICA HARCUS who swam
                                                                   no less than 9 surf swims on Saturday in her support of the
                                                                   Woodridge Team! An amazing achievement and Woodridge SLC
                                                                   is very grateful to, and extremely proud of Jessica!        22
                                                                   SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ELITE SQUAD 2022

                                                                   Congratulations to Nicola Harcus on her deserved inclusion
                                                                                                                                   APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

                                                                   in the final South African National Elite Squad! The National
                                                                   Team to compete at 2022 World Lifesaving Championships in
                                                                   Italy will be selected from this squad and an announcement is
                                                                   expected in mid-April. The fact that Nicola was only 15 years
                                                                   old when selected to this national u19 Squad, is testimony to
                                                                   her ability

                                                                   Woodridge SLC is extremely proud of Nicola' and her
                                                                   achievements in so many spheres, including a very good
                                                                   academic standard.
                                                                   Nicola's selection is just reward for her dedication,
                                                                   determination and effort

FIDELITER                                                 FIDELITER

u17 100m Manikin Race
2nd SA u19 Line Throw Rescue
3rd SA u15 50m Manikin Race

2nd SA u17 100m Manikin Race

2nd SA u17 100m Medley
2nd SA u17 200m Obstacle Race
2nd SA u17 Super Lifesaver
                                                                                             pg 6 of 12

                                WOODRIDGE SURF LIFESAVING CLUB
                                   RESULTS DEC/JAN EVENTS
                                                           NICOLA HARCUS
                                                      1st Female - 7th Overall
                                                       REZCO QUADRATHLON
                                               1ST u18TEAM (with J Harcus/N Herbst)
                                         LIQUID LINES SHARKS POINT OCEAN SURF SKI RACE
                                            2nd Double Ski (partner with OW H Holmes)
                                    SPORT ANDERSON MEMORIAL OCEAN SURF SKI RACE (22 km)
                                                      1st u18 Female Single Ski
                                                   REZCO 2km OPEN WATER RACE
                                                            1st u16 Female

                                                         JESSICA HARCUS
                                                   13th Overall (2nd u14 Female)
                                         LIQUID LINES SHARKS POINT OCEAN SURF SKI RACE
                                               3rd Double Ski (partner with M Moon)
                                           SPORT ANDERSON MEMORIAL SKI RACE (22 km)
                                               3rd Double Ski (partner with F Gouws)
                                                       REZCO QUADRATHLON
                                              1st u18 TEAM (with N Harcus/N Herbst)
                                                   REZCO 2km OPEN WATER RACE
                                                          1st u14 Female

                                                          LIAM SCHWEITZER                                 23
                                                      1st u15 Male - 4th Overall
                                                NMB AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2021
                                                                                                          APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

                                             8 Individual Events – 1 Bronze and 4 Silver
                                                 2 Relays (PEA) - 1 Gold and 1 Silver
                                                       swam PB’s in all events
                                                          REZCO DUATHLON
                                                             1st u14 Male

                                                      ALEXANDER MOOLMAN
                                                     1st u16 Male - 5th Overall
                                               NMB AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2021
                                              u15 Bronze Medal 100m Freestyle (59,1)
                                                       PB for 400m Freestyle

   FIDELITER                                WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA

                            APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01



                                                                                                 APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

     THE WAY 2021                     GRADE CAMPS                  WEEKEND PROGRAM
                                  Times for reflection, often in     our boarders have been
    The Way has become a
                                      solitude, give us the        given the opportunity to be
  cornerstone of the school’s
                                     opportunity to access           involved in a variety of
outdoor education programme
                                  whether we are successful or            outdoor skills
 that is intricately woven into
                                  not, and what we need to do
    your child’s Woodridge
                                   next time to improve upon
   educational opportunity.
                                        the experience.

 FIDELITER                        WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA

                   THE WAY
                   10th Nov to 3RD December GRADE 10 JOURNEY

                                an educational journey of
                                character growth, leadership
                                and service
                                In six teams, departing over six days, starting on the 9th
  beautiful hidden              of November, the Grade 10’s embarked on this once in a
                                school career opportunity.
  placeS                                                      The Way has become a
                                                              cornerstone of the school’s
                                                              outdoor             education
  The Way has become a                                        programme          that     is
  cornerstone      of    the                                  intricately woven into your
  school’s           outdoor                                  child’s           Woodridge 26
  education     programme                                     educational opportunity.
  that is intricately woven                                  The Way forms an important
                                                                                              APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

  into      your      child’s                                part of the grade 10 year and
                                                             this    outdoor     classroom
  Woodridge educational
                                                             journey is one focusing on
                                                             THE       WHOLE         BEING
                                                             (physical, emotional and
                                                             cognitive) furthering the
                                                             pupils’   education     in   a
                                                             unique,      exciting      and
                                                             engaging way.

FIDELITER                          FIDELITER

  the location
  This trip once again proved, that it is an achievable adventure with a strong emphasis on
  experiential learning. The outcomes of the three weeks are self-discovery, education, service and
  personal development and it is an opportunity for all Grade 10 pupils to hone their life skills and
  leadership ability as they travel on foot, in canoes and on bicycles through a UNESCO WORLD
  HERITAGE AREA, THE BAVIAANSKLOOF. It is a journey that starts from school, with
  transit to the Karoo town of Willowmore, and finishes at the school bell and covers a distance of
  approximately 360km. We are extremely grateful Kelston Motors for sponsoring two 2x4’s to assist
  as support vehicles.
                                                 TRAVEL BY FOOT, IN
                                                 CANOES AND ON
                                                 All the grade 10’s will depart in early
The Way
                                                 November on this year’s journey, preparation
covers a
                                                 having already begun with a paddling and
distance of                                      cycling clinic being held as part of the grade’s
360KM                                            camps this term.


                                                                                                    APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01


    FIDELITER                       WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA

                            APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01


                                  APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01


                            APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01


Adventure awaits
                                                                                    The Mud
In the second week of term grade 12                                                 washes off,
leaders successfully ran grade 8 and 9                                              Memories
boarders camps down at the Bush camp
at the River, under a large tarp. Leaving
after sport they returned for breakfast in
the morning.


With extreme heat on the Saturday, the         BOARDERS WEEKEND
position of the campsite was perfect,
close to the crystal-clear stream. On the      Every weekend boarders not involved in
Sunday the heavens opened once again           matches, surf life saving or other activities,
on a climbing camp and unfortunately           our boarders have been given the
                                               opportunity to be involved in a variety of
the climbing had to be kept for another                                                            31
                                               outdoor skills that have been challenging
                                               yet achievable.
                                                                                                APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

                                               Cycle to the Flower Reserve and corner
The grade 12 leaders took the house to         shop, paddling to the mouth of the
the Bush camp in the Nature Playground         Gamtoos River, self-led hike to the river
and spent an evening with them                 bush camp for a picnic, fishing and cycling
                                               on campus, rock climbing at School Rocks
watching the full moon rise while sitting
                                               and at the Sunridge Crag, and a rock
around the fire and having a braai and
                                               climbing camp to Crystal Pool.
hot chocolate.

FIDELITER                         WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA


     Geography – Miss Broadway is a
     regular visitor outdoors, using
     School rocks for geology, Knight
     Field for navigation and clouds etc.
     Natural Science – Mr Rathbone
     took all the Grade 10 NS pupils to
     THE FOREST WALK in the Wild
     Flower Reserve in the third week of
     term. Mathematics – Mr Leshem
     takes his pupils to the Veggie                   ADVENTURE ALWAYS COMES WITH SOME
     garden seating area on a regular              DIFFICULTIES AND CHALLENGE, THAT IS HOW
     basis. Art – Mrs Ross makes regular
                                                    CHARACTERS ARE DEVELOPED, AND THAT IS
     use of all available to her outside
                                                        THE AIM. CONFIDENCE GROWS AS THEY
     the four walls of her classroom.
                                                       NAVIGATE THROUGH THE TOUGH TIMES.

                           CLIMBING, CANOEING,
                           ARCHERY AND CYCLING
                           Canoeing - Thursday evening time
                           trials on the Gamoos River have
                           proved to be popular with 2 buses
                           required on occasions. Climbing - Two
                           days a week have seen small groups of
                           keen climbers opting to spend an extra
                           afternoon at the wall or the Crag.                                                                32
National                   Archery & Cycling – takes place three
Indoor                     afternoons a week.
                                                                                                                             APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

Champion                   After being postponed due to Covid 19, the 2021 National Indoor Archery Championships
                           took place early in 2022 but with an unusual difference; rather than travelling to a designated
                           indoor venue, archers were allowed to participate in the National competition at their own
                           archery clubs around the country, whether indoor or outdoor.

                           Medals were awarded to the top 3 finishers from indoor venues and the top 3 finishers from
                           outdoor venues. The top scoring archers in their category, whether shooting indoor or outdoor,
                           were crowned the National champions. Ross won the Recurve U18M category, becoming
                           National Indoor Champion.

    FIDELITER                                     FIDELITER

                                           Were held in extremely hot conditions. All the
                                           groups should be commended for their positive
                                           attitude and resilience under these conditions.

GRADE 8 – INTRODUCTION TO                          GRADE 10 – CONFIDENCE AND
                                                   A paddling clinic was held at the
They completed a 10km – 2-day self-                Ferry Hotel with SA paddlers Phil
supported / self-navigated journey and
                                                   Smith and Carmel Bilson. At
learnt to cook a nutritious meal for
                                                   Crossways, the pupils were able to
themselves over their small gas hiking
                                                   benefit    from   the   enormous
stove. With lots of opportunity for fun,
the pupils were also upskilled in many             experience of Robbie Powel - RBC
aspects of camping and backpacking to              as they were taken through their
prepare them for their Presidents                  skills workshop
Award, Adventurous Journey at the end              GRADE 11 – PREPARING OUR
of the year.                                       LEADERS
EXPEDITION CAMPING IN THE                          In the Cambria Valley up the Groot
BUSH CAMPS AND                                     River, Bruintjieskraal campsite was
YELLOWWOODS                                        used for the raft building exercise
Completing a 18km – 2-day self-                    and the Uys Rivier / Kudu Kaya
supported / self-navigated journey, the            campsite was once again a great hit
first night was spent in the bush camps            for kloofing experience.
close to school. The pupils had spent
lesson time preparing their route cards
in the weeks preceding the camps.                                             Every
Thorough briefings on the countryside                                         grade           33

code and safety were given to the                                             experienced a
groups prior to departure. An emphasis                                        Solo
                                                                                              APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

was placed on self-reliance as a group,                                       Session
teamwork, rucksack packing and

 Times for reflection, often in solitude, give us the opportunity to access whether
 we are successful or not, and what we need to do next time to improve upon the
 experience. Every grade experienced a SOLO SESSION.

FIDELITER                       WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA
            APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01


                                                   SUMMER SPORTS
                                                         Tennis and more

    GIRLS                                                              35

                                                                      APRIL 2022 | ISSUE 01

    Our Girls Cricket is
    growing rapidly seeing
    our numbers increase
    from 11 players to 34
    players from 2021 to



    Karen Opperman

                       A 1st and 2nd team were entered
                       into the local tennis league. Girls
                       played their fixtures on Tuesdays
                       and boys on Thursdays. Teams
                       consisted of 10-12 players, allowing
                       more athletes to play but also to
                       develop players for the next term.

The remaining grade 10 to grade 12 pupils make up the
challenge or development squad, the intention is to
develop the pupils and put them in a position where they
can play for the school tennis team.

The Seals Tennis Academy coaches are doing an excellent
job and with the current structure in place, I believe tennis
will grow into a competitive sport.
The girls were entered into the following leagues:
·1st Team - League level 2
·2nd Team: League level 3

1st Team Results
·Nico Malan               Draw – Rain interrupted
·Theodor                  Won – 4-0
·Pearson 2nd              Won – 3-1

2nd Team Results
·Nico Malan
·Pearson 3rd
                          Draw – Rain Interrupted
                          Lost – 3-1
                                                                TERM 1 SUMMER
                                                                SPORTS ROUND UP
·DF Malherbe              Lost – 2-2 game difference 1

BOYS TENNIS: (Coach Garry Baines)
The boys were entered into the following leagues:
·1st Team: League level 4                                       By Yaldren Vickery, Director of Sport
·2nd Team: League level 6

1st Team Results                                                With the first official sporting season in two years, without
·Nico Malan 4th            Won – 4-0
                                                                COVID-19, there was a buzz in the air as everyone was looking
·Framesby                  Won – 4-0
·Muir                      Won – 4- 0                           forward to interacting with their peers on the sports fields,
                                                                tennis courts and swimming pools. The conversations amongst
2nd Team Results                                                the pupils and staff alike were filled with a sense of excitement
·Pearson 7th               Won 3-1
·Framesby 3rd              Lost – 3-1
                                                                and eagerness to compete against the old rivals and participate
·Alex 2nd                  Won 4-0                              in those wonderful festivals.

                                                                Our first inter-house event was athletics, this gave our athletes an
                                                                opportunity to showcase what they can do and the inevitable
       Girls Cricket                                            100m race to see who the fastest person in each grade was. From
        Josie Martin                                            that first shot of the starter’s gun, the Woodridge College athletes
                       In our first fixture the 1st Team        were out of the blocks, and it feels as though they haven’t stopped
                       played against Alexander Road            the whole of the first term.
                       High School at Alex. We lost the
                       toss and went in to bowl first.                                                                                   36
                       Woodridge bowled Alex out for a
                                                                Waterpolo festivals were attended at Westering and Alexander
                       total of 71 runs.                        Road and then there were the Knysna Chukka festivals. Full day
                                                                                                                                       SEPTMEBER 2015 | ISSUE 05

                                                                cricket matches were played, as well as the Independent School’s
Woodridge went in to bat and chased down the score in           Cricket Festival in Pretoria. Let’s not forget our formidable Surf
11 overs with Alison Kroon scoring 31 runs not out.
Woodridge 1st team won by 8 wickets.                            Lifesaving Club and the excellent results they have achieved and
The 2nd team girls played a fun fixture against Alex’s 2nd      our tennis teams playing fixtures for the first time in two years.
team to compete and learn about the game. We bowled             Our equestrian team strutted their stuff and hosted a Western
extremely well but unfortunately; the game was called off
due to lightning.
                                                                Mounted Games event in our own arenas. If this term is anything
Our first team played against Pearson and were sent in to       to go by and the good account the Woodridge athletes displayed in
bowl first. The girls showed real grit by restricting Pearson   all sports areas, then I look forward to the winter sports season.
to 76 runs for 4 wickets. Alison Kroon showed her
experience scoring a 47 not out and Reece Foreman
scoring 23 not out. The girls reached Pearson’s score in 15
overs. Woodridge won by 8 wickets.                                              Continue reading at next page >
The girls’ squad has increased from 11 players to 34
players from 2021 to 2022 and we are excited for girls’
cricket in future at Woodridge.

 FIDELITER                                                        FIDELITER
       Boys Cricket
        Josie Martin

                       Boys’ cricket has done well this term              We played Nico Malan High School in a T20 fixture. The U14s
                       with      many     great    individual             chose to bat first. They didn’t get off to a great start with 3 quick
                       achievements    as   well  as    team              wickets for 9 runs. We managed to recover and post 102 in our
                       achievements.                                      20 overs. Michael Gothard scored 26 and Mark Jansen van
                       Our first fixture of the season was against        Rensburg 15. Nico Malan batted and passed our score with 2
                       Alexander Road High School.                        balls remaining. The boys put up a massive fight. Daniel Darlow
                                                                          bowled 4 overs taking 1 wicket for only 3 runs (0.8 an over). Julian
 The U14s didn’t play due to Alex struggling to field a side due to       Teulon took 2 wickets for 16 runs off 3 overs. Nico Malan won by
other commitments. Alex won the toss and chose to bat first,              4 wickets. Woodridge 2nd team batted first scoring 123 runs with
scoring 101 in 19 overs, with Luke Maguire taking 4 wickets for 29        Tristan Torrence scoring 41 runs and Zack Killian scoring 21 runs.
runs in 8 overs and Dimitri Alexandris taking 2 wickets for 8 runs        Woodridge restricted Nico Malan to 87 runs with Cwenga Caphayi,
in 5 overs. Woodridge then went in to bat with Ethan Moothoo              Michael Gothard and Jade Coetzee taking 2 wickets apiece.
and Randy Syce opening the batting. Ethan scored an unbeaten              Woodridge won by 37 runs. The first team lost the toss and were
44 runs and Randy was very unlucky to chop on for 24 runs.                put into a bowl. Nico Malan made 136 runs in 20 overs.
                                                                          Woodridge then went in to bat and lost the game by 10 runs with
Special mention must be made of Caleb Watson who scored 19                James Beckley scoring 54 runs and Kyle Lottering scoring 40 runs.
runs not out and hit a big six whilst forming a partnership with
Ethan to guide. Woodridge U15A to a 9 wicket win over Alex. The           In our last match, we found ourselves playing Pearson High
Woodridge first team lost the toss and were sent in to bat.               School. The U15As had a tough day at the office. Woodridge
                                                                          bowled first against and was set a target of 334 with Declan van
Woodridge scored a big 302 runs with a good effort from Phillip           der Marwitz taking 3 wickets. Woodridge then batted and scored
Opperman scoring 29 runs, Waydon Bopp scoring 37 runs, Kyle               118 with Ethan Moothoo top scoring with 34 runs. Pearson U15As
Lottering scoring 38 runs, James Beckley scoring 42 runs and              won by 216 runs. Woodridge 2nds played Pearson 2nds.
Joshua Botha scoring 44 runs. We then came in to bowl and                 Woodridge lost the toss and bowled first and bowled Pearson out
bowled them out, with Joshua Botha taking 2 wickets for 26 runs           for 187 runs with Jade Coetzee getting 4 wickets and Mike
off 6 overs, Phillip Opperman taking 2 wickets for 27 runs off 9          Sodladla getting 2 wickets. Woodridge was bowled out for 87.
overs and Dylan Bouwer taking 3 wickets for 24 runs off 5 overs. It       Woodridge 2nds lost by 100 runs. The first team played well and
was a successful weekend of cricket for all teams involved..              battled through the first 50 overs with Joshua Botha scoring 67
                                                                          and Waydon Bopp scoring 36 not out and Kyle Lottering with a
We then came across a mighty opponent on our second weekend               47. Pearson were bowled out for 145 runs. Bukho Pantsi was the
of fixtures. Woodridge played against Kingswood College and               main wicket-taker with 4 wickets with Phumelela Mbiza, Phillip
came away with 4 losses. Woodridge U14s won the toss and                  Opperman and Waydon Bopp taking two wickets each, giving
chose to bat in some damp conditions. Woodridge scored 163 in             Woodridge a convincing win against the Pearson 1st side.
43 overs reduced from 50 overs due to rain. Miles Feltham 50,
Daniel Darlow 33 n/o and Connor von Der Marwitz 31. Kingswood
batted and was on 52/1 after 12.2 overs when rain stopped play.
Julian Toulon bowled 4 overs taking 1 for 9 runs. Match was
abandoned due to rain. Woodridge U15A won the toss and
elected to bat first with Ethan Moothoo scoring an unbeaten 73 to
guide Woodridge to a total of 137 runs all out. Woodridge then
set out to defend the target with Dimitri Alexandris taking 3
wickets, but Kingswood held on to win by 3 wickets. Woodridge
2nd team played their second team and lost the toss. They were
sent in to bat and were bowled out for 137 with Jade Coetzee
scoring 34 runs. Kingswood chased down the score without losing
a wicket.
We found ourselves playing against Westering High School for
our third fixture and walked away with 4 out of 4 wins. The U14s
won by 102 runs with Miles Feltham scoring 106 runs and Mark
Jensen taking 2 wickets for 20 runs in 10 overs. The U15s won by
53 runs with Randy Syce scoring 103 runs as well as taking 2
wickets. Dimitri Alexandris and Nathi Patso both taking 2 wickets.
The 2nd team boys won by convincing 6 wickets by bowling them
out for 67 runs with Matthew Stamos taking 4 wickets, Cwenga
Caphayi and Mihlali Sodladla both taking 2 wickets. The 1st Team                                                                                    37
boys won by 4 wickets with Bukho Pantsi taking 4 beautiful
wickets, Waydon Bopp taking 3 wickets and Phillip Opperman
                                                                                                                                                  SEPTMEBER 2015 | ISSUE 05

taking 2 wickets. The first team then came in to bat and chased
down the run total of 137 runs in 43 overs with Joshua Botha
Scoring 41 runs and James Beckley going out to an unfortunate
run out of the bowler’s hand at 52 runs.
We then went into T20S against Victoria Park High School.
Woodridge U15As batted first and scored 98 with Tyler du Plooy
top-scoring with 19 runs. Woodridge then bowled VP out for 79
with Ethan Moothoo taking 3 wickets, handing Woodridge a 19-
run win. The first team lost the toss and were sent in to bat. We
scored 111 runs in 20 overs with Phumelela Mbiza scoring 44
runs. We then went into the bowl and restricted them to 105 runs
with Bukho Pantsi taking 4 wickets and Phillip Opperman taking 2
wickets. 1st Team won by 6 runs.

  FIDELITER                                               WWW.WOODRIDGE.CO.ZA

Boys Cricket Continued...
                    Over half-term, the 1st Team participated in
                    The independent Schools Cricket festival
                    St Albans College Pretoria
                    24-27 February 2022

                    We were matched up against a few strong
                    teams. Playing against the likes of
                    Michaelhouse, Cornwall Hill, St Benedicts
                    and Hilton College.
Match vs Michaelhouse - The match was a declaration to which
we won the toss and elected to bat first. Michaelhouse bowled
well and bowled us out for 129 in 68 overs. Waydon Bopp made
40 runs. Michaelhouse went in to bat and scored 187. They sent
us back in to bat, to try to bowl us out in 15 overs. We held on
with 1 wicket down to force the draw.

Match vs Cornwall Hill College- This was a 50 over match. We
won the toss and elected to bowl first. Cornwall batted well and
put up a score of 288 runs in 50 overs. We then went in to bat
and made 41 runs in 14 overs, however, play was interrupted by
lightning and ultimately the match was abandoned.

Match vs St Benedict's College - This was also a 50 over match.
We lost the toss and were sent in to bat. We had a slow start
losing a few quick wickets. Then Josh Botha and Phillip Opperman
showed some guts, Josh scored 58 and Phillip scored 54. We put
on a total of 200 in our 50 overs. We then bowled St Benedicts          Ms Desree Neville
out for 149 runs. Some key bowling performances from Dylan
Bouwer and Phumelela Mbiza, Dylan got 3 wickets for 33 runs in 5                            CrossFit has grown in popularity
overs and Phumelela took 4 wickets for 32 runs in 8 overs.                                  over the years as a summer sport
                                                                                            choice for girls in Grade 10-12. Our
Match vs Hilton College - This was a T20 Match. We won the toss
                                                                                            numbers are currently showing an
and went in to bat. We made 109 runs in 20 overs which was not
                                                                                            increasing need for fitness with 10
                                                                                            Grade10’s, 21 Grade 11’s and 19
enough runs for the Hilton side to make in the 13th over.
                                                                                            Grade 12’s.
In the end, I thought we did well and learned a lot from the St         The girls were exposed to various forms of exercises
Albans festival and the boys showed a lot of growth.                    that focussed on improving their endurance, strength,
Won 1                                                                   balance and flexibility, whilst still having fun. Many of
Lost 1                                                                  the sessions took place during the warmest part of the
Drew 1                                                                  day but the girls always had a smile on their faces and
Abandoned 1                                                             gave of their best. We are looking at including fitness
                                                                        events to drive and showcase their progress, giving the
                                                                        girls a tangible goal to work towards.

Mr Nicholas Kock

 25-27 MARCH 2022
                   Our boys had great fun with the return of
                   the Annual Victoria Park High School Soccer
                   Challenge where they competed in the                                                                              38
                   Under 18 division along with eleven other
                                                                                                                                    SEPTMEBER 2015 | ISSUE 05

                   Woodridge was placed in a group with
                   Selbourne College, Dale College, Alexander
                   Road High School, Linkside High School, and
                   Urban Academy.
All our games were close encounters and the team ended on a
joint 9 points from 5 games, together with Dale College and
Alexander Road High School, with Selbourne College topping the
group with 12 points - losing only to Woodridge.

Woodridge was very unfortunate to miss out on a place in the
Semi-Final because of goal difference, ending up with one goal
less than Dale College.

Altogether a great experience for the boys who played some
good positive soccer.

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