Tentative Program Posted May 9, 2022

Page created by Thomas Baldwin
Tentative Program Posted May 9, 2022
Tentative Program
   Posted May 9, 2022
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

rechArGe                                  Agricultural Education New
Tuesday, July 19          East Tower      Teacher Workshop
11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Taylor             Tuesday, July 19         East Tower
Agriculture                               1:00 - 4:00 p.m.         McCreary
Presenter(s): Ashley Rogers               Agriculture
This session is for Ag teachers in        Presenter(s): Matt Chaliff, Josh
their 3rd to 6th year of teaching. This   Mitcham
session will energize you for the         Welcome session for all new
upcoming year and share great             teachers of agriculture.
teaching tips!                            116
                                          New Teacher Institute Cohort
New Teacher Institute                     2021
Luncheon - 2021 & 2022                    Tuesday, July 19         East Tower
Cohorts                                   1:00 - 5:00 p.m.         Sampson
Tuesday, July 19      East Tower          All Content Areas
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.     Carroll Ford        Presenter(s): Jodi Adams, Lynda
NTI                                       Jackson
Presenter(s): Jodi Adams                  Induction program for occupation-
Luncheon for 2021 & 2022 NTI              based teachers entering into their
cohorts.                                  SECOND year of teaching. Pre-
356                                       registration and enrollment in New
                                          Teacher institute is required.
KY DECA Board of Directors
Meeting                                   New Teacher Institute Cohort
Tuesday, July 19      East Tower
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.       Willis             2022
Marketing                                 Tuesday, July 19       East Tower
Presenter(s): Lisa Oakes                  1:00 - 5:00 p.m.        Laffoon
KY DECA Board of Directors will           All Content Areas
meet to update progress of the            Presenter(s): Jodi Adams, Debbie
organization.                             Anderson
302                                       Induction program for occupation-
                                          based teachers entering into their
FIRST year of teaching. Pre-             KAAE Professional Growth
registration and enrollment in New       and Awards Committee
Teacher institute is required.           Tuesday, July 19       East Tower
132                                      2:45 p.m.              Stanley
KATFCS State Board                       Presenter(s): Arlee Blaker
Meeting                                  Regular Meeting of KAAE
Tuesday, July 19        East Tower       Professional Growth and Awards
1:00 - 6:00 p.m.         Nunn            Committee
Family & Consumer Sciences               122
Presenter(s): Tammy Camel
The KATFCS State Board will meet         KAAE Advocacy Committee
to finalize committee reports for the    Tuesday, July 19      East Tower
business session and organize            2:45 p.m.             Morrow
information to be disseminated           Agriculture
throughout the conference.               Presenter(s): Audie Cherry
239                                      Regular meeting of KAAE Advocacy
KAAE Contest Committee                   124
Tuesday, July 19       East Tower
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.       Collins           KAAE Scholarship
Agriculture                              Committee
Presenter(s): Matthew Whitaker           Tuesday, July 19      East Tower
Regular meeting of the KAAE              2:45 p.m.             Wilson
Contest Committee                        Agriculture
118                                      Presenter(s): Ashley Rogers
                                         Regular meeting of KAAE
ATC Principals Meeting                   Scholarship Committee
Tuesday, July 19         East Tower      125
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.         Brown
Presenter(s): Dr. Beth Hargis, Larry
Garrity, Sarah Marth, Jerri Rowland
This session will cover various topics
pertaining to the operation and
leadership of the state operated area
technology centers. EILA credit
Kentucky Marketing                       KACTE 2022-2023 Board
Education Association                    Orientation
Information Room                         Tuesday, July 19        East Tower
Tuesday, July 19        East Tower       4:00 p.m.               Breathitt
3:00 p.m.               Willis           All Content Areas
Marketing                                Presenter(s): JR Drummond
Presenter(s): Kathy Hoehn                President JR Drummond will lead this
Meet & greet your fellow Marketing       session exclusively for members of
teachers and find out what is            the 2022-23 KACTE Board. Review
happening in the world of Marketing      of Policy and Procedures Handbook
Education. This is an area that is set   directions and Strategic Plan
aside to take a break, bring your        2020-22 goals will take place as
lunch and 'hang out' with teachers in    Drummond introduces his theme for
your discipline area. KMEA Board         the new administrative year.
members will be happy to suggest         Membership recruitment will be an
curriculum materials that work for       important topic.
them and projects to use in the          159
300                                      New FCS Teacher
                                         Orientation and Workshop
KY FBLA Board of Directors               Tuesday, July 19         East Tower
Meeting                                  4:00 - 5:30 p.m.         Nunn
Tuesday, July 19       East Tower        Family & Consumer Sciences
3:00 - 6:00 p.m.       Combs             Presenter(s): Kayla Godbey
Chandler                                 This session is designed for FCS
Business                                 teachers who are beginning their first
Presenter(s): Connie Witt                or second year of teaching. Join us
Regular meeting of the KY FBLA           for an introductory session of all the
Board of Directors.                      'must-knows' for your first few years
188                                      in the KY FCS classroom!
KAAE Executive Committee
Tuesday, July 19      East Tower
3:30 p.m.            Collins
Presenter(s): John Martin
Regular meeting of KAAE Executive
How to Run a Successful                    Kentucky Farm Bureau
Hack a thon and Tech Box                   Awards Dinner
Build                                      Tuesday, July 19
Tuesday, July 19       East Tower          6:00 p.m.
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.       Stopher             All Content Areas
Engineering Technology Education,          Presenter(s): Laura Spiegelhalter
Computer Science                           Celebrating the presentation of the
Presenter(s): Laura Moore, Sam             2022 Kentucky Farm Bureau Career
Mitchell                                   and Technical Education Awards. (By
Review the steps and processes for         Invitation Only)
organizing a hack a thon and Tech          142
Box Build.
222                                        Methods of Instruction
                                           Tuesday, July 19        East
Step-By-Step: Building                     Tower
Strong Instructional Lessons               6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
From Introduction to                       Health Science
Assessment                                 Presenter(s): Nancy Propes, Kim
Tuesday, July 19           East Tower      Williams
5:30 - 6:00 p.m.           Nunn            This course is arequired course to be
Family & Consumer Sciences                 eligible to teach MNA courses in the
Presenter(s): Heather Adams                Commonwilth of KY.
This session will help you create a        361
clear vision for instructional practices
in your classroom and how to build         KATFCS Regional Executive
strong and effective instructional
units from introduction all the way to     Council Training
assessment.                                Tuesday, July 19          East Tower
271                                        6:30 - 8:30 p.m.          Nunn
                                           Family & Consumer Sciences
                                           Presenter(s): Tammy Camel
                                           If you will be serving as a regional
                                           KATFCS officer for the 2022-23
                                           school year, please make plans to
                                           attend this session.
KBEA Board of Directors
Tuesday, July 19       East Tower
7:30 - 10:30 p.m.       Combs
Presenter(s): Jennifer Stubblefield,
Jodi Adams
KBEA Board of Directors will meet to
discuss and coordinate final
conference plans.

Mentor/Mentee Meet & Greet
and Orientation
Tuesday, July 19          East Tower
8:30 - 9:30 p.m.          Nunn
Family & Consumer Sciences
Presenter(s): Kayla Godbey
Calling all new FCS teachers! If you
are in your first, second or third year
of teaching, join us for a fun meet
and greet with information about our
program and this conference that you
do not want to miss!
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

CTE Summer Program                       Trends in Graphic Design
Opening Session                          Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Wednesday, July 20      East Tower       10:00 - 11:30 a.m.       McCreary
8:00 - 9:45 a.m.        Ballroom B &     Media Arts
C                                        Presenter(s): James Bryant
Presenter(s): Kelli Dickson              This session will include how to stay
Keynote address: Brooks Harper,          current in today's changing
Why should we hire your students?        workplace, trends you need to know
Turning Learning into Earning!           and predict to make sure students
129                                      are ready, what the future looks like
                                         from the input / output side, programs
                                         and technology you need to know
KTS Data Exchange: Grade                 about, Adobe Creative Cloud, and
Sync Troubleshooting                     more!
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower      312
10:00 - 10:50 a.m.       Brown
Administration                           Agricultural Education
Presenter(s): Tanya Fluke
This session will cover the best ways    Program Update
to analyze and resolve grade syncing     Wednesday, July 20    East Tower
issues associated with the KTS Data      10:00 - 11:30 a.m.    Ballroom B &
Exchange, and discuss the possible       C
scenarios that could cause grade         Agriculture
syncing issues.                          Presenter(s): Matt Chaliff, John
105                                      Martin
                                         Annual update of Ag-Ed in Kentucky
ASE Update
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.       Taylor          KY FCS & FCCLA Updates
Transportation                           Wednesday, July 20       West Tower
Presenter(s): Mike Batchelor, Robert     10:00 - 11:30 a.m.       Cochran
Nolan                                    Family & Consumer Sciences
This session will cover all things ASE   Presenter(s): Kayla Godbey, Reeca
including portal updates, program        Carver
accreditation changes and updates,       This session will give Family and
standard updates and much more.          Consumer Sciences teachers
updates, tools, and resources they       will also, meet the KyTSA and
need to be successful during the         SkillsUSA state representatives.
2022-23 school year. This session is     196
the 'one-stop-shop' for all FCS and
FCCLA related information!               Manufacturing Update
                                         Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
                                         10:00 - 11:30 a.m.       Carroll Ford
Business & Marketing                     Manufacturing
Opening Session and                      Presenter(s): Tom Welshans
Program Updates                          I will discuss all changes to the
Wednesday, July 20       West Tower      Program of Studies, Certification list
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.       Archibald       and all other need to know changes
Business, Marketing                      and updates in manufacturing.
Presenter(s): Lisa Oakes, Connie         295
Witt, Jennifer Stubblefield, Cathy
Hoehn                                    Health Science Program
Attend this session to learn about the   Update
latest changes in Business &             Wednesday, July 20          East Tower
Marketing Education. Learn vital         10:00 - 11:30 a.m.         French
information on current state policies    Health Science
in CTE to help ensure a successful       Presenter(s): Peggy Williford
2022-2023 school year. Attendees         This session will cover updates to the
will also get to meet the DECA State     program of study, industry
Adviser, FBLA State Adviser, KBEA        certification lists and will be an
President and KMEA President.            opportunity for teachers to ask
163                                      questions about the health science
Computer Science Opening                 283
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower      Engineering Tech Ed
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.       Segell          Program Updates
Computer Science                         Wednesday, July 20        East Tower
Presenter(s): Tonya Warren               10:00 -11:30 a.m.         Stopher
Calling all Computer Science             Engineering Technology Education
teachers! Learn about vital              Presenter(s): Mark Harrell
information on current CTE state         Critical session to learn about our
policies to help ensure a successful     Eng. Tech. Ed. program area
2022-2023 school year. Attendess         changes and updates!
Construction Program                     Kentucky Business
Update                                   Education Association
Wednesday, July 20         East Tower    Information Area
10:00 -11:30 a.m.          Beckham       Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Construction                             10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Combs
Presenter(s): David Lawson               Chandler
Present changes and updates to the       Business
2021-22 and 22-23 Program of             Presenter(s): Jennifer Stubblefield,
studies, Career Pathways, and Valid      KBEA Board Members
Industry Certifications. TRACK           Meet & greet your fellow business
Industry certification and skilled       teachers and find out what is
trades TRACK will be covered. An         happening in the world of Business
update concerning all Industry           Education. This is an area that is set
certifications for all construction      aside to take a break, bring your
areas. Time will be provided for a       lunch and 'hang out' with teachers in
question and answer session.             your discipline area. KBEA Board
211                                      members will be happy to suggest
                                         curriculum materials that work for
Kentucky Marketing                       them and projects to use in the
Education Association                    classroom!
Information Room
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Willis
                                         Get Certified in the Industry
Marketing                                Certification Lab!
Presenter(s): Cathy Hoehn                Wednesday, July 20        East Tower
Meet & greet your fellow Marketing       10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Coe
teachers and find out what is            All Content Areas
happening in the world of Marketing      Presenter(s): Brian Adams
Education. This is an area that is set   Industry certifications include, Adobe,
aside to take a break, bring your        MOS, ASK, QuickBooks, IC3,
lunch and 'hang out' with teachers in    Communication Skills for Business,
your discipline area. KMEA Board         Entrepreneurship and Small
members will be happy to suggest         Business, and Project Management
curriculum materials that work for       Institute (PMI). Open to all registered
them and projects to use in the          conference attendees. Please arrive
classroom!                               by 3:00 p.m. to allow time for
300                                      registration on Wednesday and/or
                                         Thursday. Lab closes at 4:00 p.m.
New Teacher Institute Cohort             AWS, and other welding related
2022                                     topics. Wrap-up of SkillsUSA National
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower      Welding Competition.
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Laffoon           206
All Content Areas
Presenter(s): Jodi Adams, Debbie         ASE Update
Anderson                                 Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Induction program for occupation-        1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Taylor
based teachers entering into their       Transportation
FIRST year of teaching. Pre-             Presenter(s): Mike Batchelor, Robert
registration and enrollment in New       Nolan
Teacher institute is required.           This session will cover all things ASE
132                                      including portal updates, program
                                         accreditation changes and updates,
New Teacher Institute Cohort             standard updates and much more.
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
12:30 - 5:00 p.m.        Sampson         Hollywood Filmmaking and
All Content Areas                        Storytelling
Presenter(s): Jodi Adams, Lynda          Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Jackson                                  1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         McCreary
Induction program for occupation-        Media Arts
based teachers entering into their       Presenter(s): Darrin Fletcher
SECOND year of teaching. Pre-            Learn how to make films and
registration and enrollment in New       documentaries like the pros! Film is
Teacher institute is required.           an absolute perfect educational
127                                      delivery device, if you know what
                                         you're doing.
KWI and Welding Trends and               303
Industry Certifications
Wednesday, July 20        East Tower     Building Community
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.           Brown         Relationships
Manufacturing                            Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Presenter(s): Ashley Applegate           1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Combs
Disused how KWI can take your            Chandler
students to the next level with our      Business
industry driven certification package.   Presenter(s): Amber Florence
Offer assistance to instructors who      How to build those relationships in
want more information on NCCER,          the community to help you build a
quality program with support while      A Very British Tea
putting out professionals that the      Wednesday, July 20       West Tower
community wants to hire.                1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Holly
178                                     Family & Consumer Sciences
                                        Presenter(s): Jill Jackson, Jon
Career and Technical                    Lovell, Rebekah Lovell
Education College Rally                 This session will focus on
Wednesday, July 20        West Tower    International Cuisine. learn how the
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.          Dogwood       British have Tea and Crumpets.
All Content Areas                       Special guest from Britain. Hands-on
Presenter(s): Angela Gott, CTE          learning.
Consultant/TE                           269
This session is for CTE College
Students to network with other CTE      NCCER Workforce
College Students and CTE Program        Development & Construction
Consultants. This interactive session   Career Pathways in
will include scavenger hunts, team
building, and tips for enjoying the
                                        Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
KACTE conference.
                                        1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Beckham
                                        Presenter(s): Nicole Kitler, Greg
Amatrol Online Curriculum               Schuman
Wednesday, July 20      East Tower      This session will examine
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.        Carroll Ford    construction workforce needs in
Agriculture, Engineering & Tecnology,   Kentucky and provide guidance in
Manufacturing                           helping students find the right path
Presenter(s): Jason Hines               for their career. An overview of
With over 3000 hours of interactive     NCCER online testing and Contren
curriculum, we can show you how         Connect will also be provided.
these courses can be used in a wide     210
variety of pathways to engage
students like no other online content
S.M.A.R.T., a School Based              Digital Badges, Immersive
Enterprise                              Virtual Reality
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower     Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Morrow         1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Segell
Business                                Computer Science, Media Arts
Presenter(s): Jere Minter               Presenter(s): Shannon Putnam
This session will explore how we        Learn about the best digital badges
established and operate a successful    for your content area and about new
school based enterprise.                exciting technology to improve
180                                     instruction.
Kentucky DECA Updates
Wednesday, July 20      East Tower      HOSA Informational Session
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.        Willis          Wednesday, July 20      East Tower
Marketing                               1:00 - 2:30 p.m.        French
Presenter(s): Lisa Oakes                Health Science
Learn what's new with national          Presenter(s): Susan Readnower
competition and procedures in KY        FUN, energetic, informational
DECA. This session will include         session for Local Advisors to provide
roundtable discussion with hot topics   resources, opportunities and
in DECA such as: fundraising ideas,     networking.
how to prepare students for             286
competition, how to start a new
DECA chapter, etc.                      FCCLA; Make it a Record
301                                     Year!
                                        Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Cultivating an Inclusive                1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Wilson
Environment in Classrooms               Family & Consumer Sciences
and Beyond                              Presenter(s): Shannon Roberts
                                        Do you need help in planning your
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
                                        year and so you can stick to
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Ballroom B
                                        deadlines efficiently? Come to this
                                        session to receive training on how to
Presenter(s): Kendriana Price
                                        manage your chapter efficiently, learn
Agricultural education is for
                                        how to set organized and attainable
everyone. This session will cover
                                        goals for the school year and network
ways to ensure your program is a
                                        with other advisers.
welcoming space to everyone in your
Motivate, Engage, Assess:               Podcasting in the Classroom
Instructional Strategies &              Wednesday, July 20       West Tower
Activities for the Business &           1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Cochran
                                        Family & Consumer Sciences
Marketing Classroom                     Presenter(s): Taylor Stewart
Wednesday, July 20        East Tower
                                        Podcasts continue to increase in
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.          Jones
                                        popularity in our society and can be a
                                        great tool in the classroom. Join us
Presenter(s): Angela Rush
                                        as we discuss the best podcasts to
Tired of looking at a computer
                                        use, how to tie them into FCS, and
screen? Learn hands-on instructional
                                        how your students can create their
strategies and activities you can
                                        own published podcast.
adapt for your business and
marketing classroom.
                                        If You've Got the Money
The Art of Draping                      Honey, I've Got the Time:
Wednesday, July 20      East Tower      Student Enterprises Made
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.        Breathitt       Easy!
Family & Consumer Sciences              Wednesday, July 20        West Tower
Presenter(s): Laura Spiegelhalter       1:00 - 2:30 p.m.          Willow
Interested in learning more about the   Family & Consumer Sciences
draping technique for your Fashion      Presenter(s): Ashleigh VanHoose,
and Interior Design career pathway?     Becky Able, Ahren Wagner
Join us for a hands-on session.         Hear about the student-based
258                                     enterprise embedded in the
                                        Hospitality Pathway. Students have
Practical SEL in the High               realistic and practical learning
School Setting                          experiences that reinforce classroom
Wednesday, July 20       West Tower     instruction.
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Azalea         262
School Counselors/Career Advisors
Presenter(s): Rachel Stanfield,
Ashley Hughes
Join us as we talk through social
emotional learning for high school
students and our staff. Leave with
ideas to implement at the start of
your new year!
Microsoft Office Applications           CTE Coordinators,
- Increasing Skills and                 Administrators, Counselors
Certification Pass Rates                Meeting
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower     Wednesday, July 20        West Tower
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Ballroom C     1:00 - 4:00 p.m.          Archibald
Business                                Administration
Presenter(s): Travis Wilde, Jacob       Presenter(s): David Horseman,
Bushman                                 OCTE Leadership Team
Exploration of TestOut's Office Pro     CTE updates, announcements, and
courseware and how it can assist in     important reminders about current
student engagement, job ready skills,   topics, legislation, and accountability
and certification pass rates.           will be shared with the audience.
166                                     EILA credit available
Law and Public Safety
Program Update                          Sewing in the Classroom
Wednesday, July 20       West Tower     Wednesday, July 20        East Tower
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.         Jasmine        1:00 - 4:00 p.m.          Stanley
Law & Public Safety                     Family & Consumer Sciences
Presenter(s): Peggy Williford           Presenter(s): Ashley Phipps, Monica
This will be an update session of the   Willett
Law and Public Safety Program area.     Participants will need a sewing
Topics of discussion include            machine and basic sewing supplies.
pathways, industry certifications and   Scraps of fabric will also be useful.
resources available.                    This workshop will include easy
291                                     student projects.
FCS Nook
Wednesday, July 20      East Tower      PLCs
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.        Nunn            Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Family & Consumer Sciences              1:00 - 5:30 p.m.         Clements
Presenter(s): Kayla Godbey              Manufacturing
The FCS Nook is designed to provide     Presenter(s): Lee Trent, Meredith
FCS teachers with a space to ask        Howard
questions, pay dues, pick up            Hands-on PLC; software, point to
resources and fellowship with FCS       point communication & networking,
colleagues! Scholarship Baskets will    new tags, ladder logic, external
be showcased.                           devices. Ample time for questions,
240                                     attendees should bring a laptop. 341
Additive Manufacturing: A               Big Sandy River Region
New CTE Pathway                         KAAE Meeting
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower     Wednesday, July 20      West Tower
2:30 - 4:00 p.m.         Stopher        3:00 - 3:50 p.m.        Jasmine
Engineering Technology Education,       Agriculture
Computer Science, Manufacturing         Presenter(s): Kenny Brammell
Presenter(s): Sheri McGuffin, Eric      Region will meet to set dates for the
Wooldridge, Mark Harrell, Sean          region and make plans for upcoming
Jackson                                 year
Join us in exploring a new CTE          123
additive manufacturing pathway for
2023-24 that focuses upon               Project Baste Learning -
collaboration between engineering,      From Barn to Barbecue
computer science, manufacturing         Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
and 3D printing.                        3:00 - 3:50 p.m.         Ballroom C
219                                     Family & Consumer Sciences
                                        Presenter(s): Mike Erickson
                                        Use High School BBQ to teach,
Building & Maintaining Your             fundraiser, support your campus, and
Industry Certifications                 community now and in the future.
Programs                                COME EAT OUR HOMEWORK!
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower     Start a High School BBQ lesson,
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.         French         team, club, or event in your school in
Health Science                          2022.
Presenter(s): Dorothy Beaverson         228
This session will focus on
establishing and maintaining a          Dual Credit Media Arts
successful industry certification       Pathway with BCTC
program using the NHA certifications.   Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Whether you are new to industry         3:00 - 3:50 p.m.          Taylor
certifications or have an established   Media Arts
program,this session will include       Presenter(s): Stephanie Fitch
strategies for beginning your program   This session will look at the dual
as well as a Q & A time.                credit and partnership opportunities
281                                     in film with Bluegrass Community and
                                        Technical College offers.
Middle to Late Lifespan                  Marketing Roundtables
Resources                                Wednesday, July 20        East Tower
Wednesday, July 20        East Tower     3:00 - 3:50 p.m.          Willis
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.          Breathitt      Marketing
Family & Consumer Sciences               Presenter(s): Cathy Hoehn, Debbie
Presenter(s): Hanna Hager                Harris, Scotty Grubbs, Lisa Oakes,
Needing resources for MLLD class?        Angela Rush, Emily Whitworth
Want project based learning ideas? I     Marketing/Business teachers will
will share all of the resources I have   share their favorite projects in a
accumulated for the awesome class!       roundtable setting.
229                                      297

Virtual Learning for CTE                 Teacher-to-Teacher: How to
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower      Incorporate Industry
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.         Beckham         Certifications
Manufacturing, Construction              Wednesday, July 20        East Tower
Presenter(s): Nathan Hicks,              3:00 - 3:50 p.m.          Ballroom B
LaDondra Cercone                         All Content Areas
Session for Skilled trades using AR/     Presenter(s): Lonnie Johnson
VR equipment and online curriculum.      Join this session to learn how to
Topics include robotics, industrial      navigate industry certifications within
controls and automotive. Hands-on        your curriculum and how
demonstrations using zSpace              certifications have helped students
equipment and curriculum                 earn jobs.
345                                      131

STEM Summer Workshop for                 Windowswear Fashion
CTE Recruiting                           Educator Symposium in NYC
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower      Wednesday, July 20      East Tower
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.         Carroll Ford    3:00 - 3:50 p.m.        Wilson
Engineering Technology Education         Family & Consumer Sciences
Presenter(s): Nathan Hicks,              Presenter(s): Caylen Knight, Ahren
LaDondra Cercone                         Wagner, Susan Dews
Session for hosting summer camps         A recap of the professional
and workshops that promote student       development experience of 3
interest in CTE and STEM with            Fashion and Interior Design teachers
exciting hands-on activities,            who attended the Windowswear
equipment and curriculum                 Fashion Educator Symposium in
346                                      New York City. 235
Opening 'The HUB' - Student              CTE Curriculum Innovations
Advisor Role                             at Murray State University
Wednesday, July 20        West Tower     Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.          Azalea         3:00 - 3:50 p.m.         Jones
School Counselors/Career Advisors        All Content Areas
Presenter(s): Rachel Mefford, Chad       Presenter(s): Kemaly Parr, Melissa
Rose                                     Goodman
The impact on a 'student advisor'        In this session, the CTE curriculum
position for CTE students and            innovations at Murray State
programs at CCATC. Our Districts         University will be reviewed with open
split a salary to provide specialized    discussion to follow.
position to serve students at our ATC.   156
The student advisor has opened 'The
HUB' which serves as a student           Teaching Inclusion in the
support area in the building.            ECE Pathway
322                                      Wednesday, July 20      West Tower
                                         3:00 - 3:50 p.m.        Holly
The Haas Commitment to                   Family & Consumer Sciences
Education                                Presenter(s): Shawna Pinson
Wednesday, July 20        East Tower     Enhancing the ECE career pathway
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.          Brown          by incorporating more special
Manufacturing                            education curriculum into ECE
Presenter(s): Toni Neary                 classes. This session looks at how
During this session Toni Neary will      we can teach our high school
highlight opportunities for training,    students to work with children with
scholarship grants, online content       special needs.
and strategies for growth and            236
development for machining
programs.                                Direct Your Students on a
296                                      Business Pathway
                                         Wednesday, July 20      East Tower
                                         3:00 - 3:50 p.m.        Morrow
                                         Presenter(s): Marcel Robles, Ph.D
                                         This session includes potential
                                         business careers/pathways for high
                                         school students with relevant videos,
                                         career profiles, and assessments that
                                         teachers can use as lesson plans.
Middle School Business and               video and the app downloaded to
Marketing                                your device prior to this session.
Wednesday, July 20       West Tower      315
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.         Willow
Business                                 Pennyrile KAAE Regional
Presenter(s): Teresa Rogers,             Meeting
Kimberly Goff                            Wednesday, July 20        West Tower
This session will explore the newly      3:00 - 3:50 p.m.          Dogwood
released standards for middle school     Agriculture
business and marketing and provide       Presenter(s): Brian Welch
opportunities to engage in               The region will meet to set dates and
conversations related to middle          plan activities for the year.
school business and marketing.           126
                                         Creating a Cybersecurity
Let's Make FCCLA FUN                     Pathway for Your School
AGAIN!                                   Wednesday, July 20        East Tower
Wednesday, July 20       West Tower      3:00 - 3:50 p.m.          Segell
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.         Cochran         Computer Science
Family & Consumer Sciences               Presenter(s): Travis Wilde, Jacob
Presenter(s): Brandi Thayer              Bushman
Are you struggling to bring the JOY      We will explore ideas in creating a
and FUN back to your FCCLA               multi year pathway for students to
chapter? Join this interactive session   learn job ready skills and pass
so you can make FCCLA FUN                certifications leading to cybersecurity
AGAIN!                                   jobs.
237                                      340

Video Editing with Adobe                 What's New in KY FBLA?
Premiere Rush                            Wednesday, July 20     East Tower
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower      3:00 - 3:50 p.m.       Combs
3:00 - 3:50 p.m.         McCreary        Chandler
Media Arts, Computer Science             Business
Presenter(s): Cynthia Warner             Presenter(s): Connie Witt
Ramp your video editing skills in this   Come get the latest updates,
fun, introductory session that           improvements, changes for the
explores the many tools included in      2022-2023 FBLA year.
this free, beginner video editing app.   171
Please have some pre-recorded
Photo Editing: An                         KTS Data Exchange:
Introduction to Adobe                     Attendance Processing for
Photoshop Express                         Technical Schools
Wednesday, July 20        East Tower      Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
4:00 - 4:50 p.m.          McCreary        4:00 - 4:50 p.m.          Brown
Media Arts, Computer Science              Administration
Presenter(s): Cynthia Warner              Presenter(s): Tanya Fluke
We will explore and apply the             This session is specific for technical
features of this free, beginner picture   school administrative specialists, and
editor that allows for transformations    will cover best practices for
and easy photo editing for mobile         processing student attendance in the
devices. Please have the app              technical school database, when
downloaded to your device prior to        considering the KTS Data Exchange.
this session.                             106
                                          Gamifying your Business
Creating an Engaging                      Class
Gerontology Pathway                       Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
Wednesday, July 20       West Tower       4:00 - 4:50 p.m.         Morrow
4:00 - 4:50 p.m.         Jasmine          Business
Health Science                            Presenter(s): Heloise Frison
Presenter(s): Dan Cramer                  An insight into ways in which
Are you starting or adapting a            Personal Finance can be gamified for
gerontology or geriatrics pathway or      students- thereby increasing student
searching for content to build            engagement while reducing planning
courses? We’ll take a closer look at      and giving time back to teachers.
ready-to-use curriculum,                  170
presentations slide and learning tools
that apply to the gerontology             Remote Learning in CTE
Pathway Courses
                                          Wednesday, July 20       West Tower
                                          4:00 - 4:50 p.m.         Archibald
                                          All Content Areas
                                          Presenter(s): Beth Hargis, SREB
                                          This session will provide best
                                          practices guidance for remote
                                          learning in the CTE setting. EILA
                                          credit available
Teaching Virtual Health                  Stress Management for the
Sciences                                 CTE Teacher
Wednesday, July 20      East Tower       Wednesday, July 20       West Tower
4:00 - 4:50 p.m.        Beckham          4:00 - 4:50 p.m.         Jones
Health Science                           All Content Areas
Presenter(s): Nathan Hicks, Greg         Presenter(s): Kemaly Parr
Johnson, LaDondra Cercone                Lauren Ervin
Workshop for Health Sciences using       This interactive session will suggest
AR/VR equipment and online               stress management tools and
curriculum. Hands-on demonstrations      techniques for the CTE teacher.
using zSpace equipment, and              150
curriculum including the Visible Body.
344                                      KATFCS Regional Meetings
                                         Wednesday, July 20
Collaboration and Credits:               4:00 - 4:50 p.m.
Maximizing Dual Credit                   Breathitt, Nunn, Willow, Stanley,
Opportunities for                        Wilson, Holly, Cochran
                                         Family & Consumer Sciences
Postsecondary Readiness                  Presenter(s): Regional Vice
While in High School                     Presidents
Wednesday, July 20      West Tower       Each regional KATFCS association
4:00 - 4:50 p.m.        Azalea           will meet to conduct business and
School Counselors/Career Advisors,       share important information for the
Administration                           upcoming school year.
Presenter(s): Mitzi Holland, Ali         270
Bomar Bechtold, Jeff Blythe
Learn how we collaborate using PRS       Preparing Kentucky
data to increase students success by
working on students' individual          Students for Health
strengths and needs.                     Professions
320                                      Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
                                         4:00 - 4:50 p.m.         Ballroom C
                                         Health Science
                                         Presenter(s): Rachel Price
                                         Attendees will learn about skill
                                         demands in Kentucky and
                                         courseware that prepares students
                                         for certification exams and health
Getting Involved in                       Certiprep "formerly Gmetrix" practice
Cybersecurity                             exams. We will also be covering the
Wednesday, July 20        East Tower      testing platform Compass and
4:00 - 4:50 p.m.          Segell          compatible Adobe version releases.
Computer Science                          307
Presenter(s): Stephen Schneiter
People are the first line of defense in   FBLA - Fundraising Ideas
cybersecurity. In this session you will   Using a Cricut Maker 3
learn about practices we can all use      Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
to protect sensitive data.                4:00 - 5:30 p.m.         Combs
330                                       Chandler
Motivation in the Time of                 Presenter(s): Edward Crutchleo
                                          In this session we will walk through
Covid                                     how to use a Cricut Maker 3 to create
Wednesday, July 20         East Tower     fundraising items such as LED
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.           French         Lights.
Health Science                            169
Presenter(s): Dorothy Beaverson
This session will focus on the
motivation of students and instructors
                                          Green River Region KAAE
after our time of virtual learning and    Meeting
back into the health science              Wednesday, July 20      East Tower
classroom/clinical setting. Focus to      4:00 - 5:30 p.m.        Dogwood
include topics such as learning           Agriculture
strategies, classroom management,         Presenter(s): Matt Johnson
and maintaining success in your           Region will meet to set dates for the
capstone programs.                        region and make plans for upcoming
282                                       year
Adobe Pro Certifications A-Z
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower       Best Fundraiser Ever -
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.          Ballroom B      Operating a School Store
Media Arts, Business, Marketing           and In-School Door Dash
Presenter(s): Ashley Caldwell             Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
In this session we will cover Adobe       4:00 - 5:30 p.m.         Willis
Pro Certifications and Adobe              Business
Professional Specialty credentials.       Presenter(s): Angela Lewis
We will review supporting curriculums     This session will give you the steps
LearnKey, Brain Buffet, MSI, and          involved for successfully starting a
school based enterprise that
consistes of both a school
convenience store and an in-school
door dash! It's the fundraiser that just
keeps making money!

Elevate Your Health Science
Program with Industry
Wednesday, July 20         East Tower
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.           Taylor
Health Science
Presenter(s): Kalyn Soltice
Learn how to develop pathways to
certification that lead to healthcare
employment. Identify the best
certifications for your program, how
to help your students prepare, and
create curriculum that aligns with the
workforce demands.

Licking River Region KAAE
Wednesday, July 20       East Tower
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.         Carroll Ford
Presenter(s): Andrew Sorrell
Region will meet to set regional dates
and make plans for the upcoming
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Agricultural Education                   CTE: Connecting Through
Professional Development                 Empathy
Sessions                                 Thursday, July 21         West Tower
Thursday, July 21                        8:00 - 8:50 a.m.          Azalea
7:30 a.m.        Seneca High School      All Content Areas, School
Agriculture                              Counselors/Career Advisors
Presenter(s): Matt Chaliff, Josh         Presenter(s): Sherlyn Bratcher
Mitcham                                  What do CTE teachers do? Prepare
Multiple sessions and topics will be     students for their future. By
available for teachers. Bus departs at   integrating SEL strategies in your
7:30 a.m.                                content, students’ knowledge and
111                                      future skills will be enhanced.
2022-2023 CTE EOP
Assessment Updates                       Employability Skills: A
Thursday, July 21       East Tower       Critical Priority
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.        Ballroom B       Thursday, July 21        East Tower
All Content Areas                        8:00 - 8:50 a.m.          Collins
Presenter(s): Sherri Craig, Morgan       All Content Areas
Lovitt                                   Presenter(s): Teresa Rogers,
Session will include 2021-2022 CTE       Morgan Lovitt, Eleni Margaronis
EOP Assessment testing results and       Employability skills are essential to
2022-2023 updates. Time will be          student success. This session will
provided for questions.                  explore strategies and online tools
134                                      and resources for intentional and
                                         engaging instruction in your
                                         classroom. EILA credit available
School Outreach with HOSA                Administrative Support
into Middle School and High              Pathway Best Practices
School                                   Thursday, July 21        East Tower
Thursday, July 21         West Tower     8:00 - 8:50 a.m.         Morrow
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.          Jasmine        Business
Health Science                           Presenter(s): Ashley Fritsche
Presenter(s): Tim Amshoff, Caitlin       This session will give you insight in
McClure, Kimber Bruce RN, Scott          how to organize and teach the
Rouse, Brennan Pizer, Jennifer           Administrative Support Career
Moore, Pam Amshoff                       Pathway.
To emphasize program success and         182
project based learning ,this summer
camp included students across the        Using Color Accounting in
enrollment of 3 schools to participate   Accounting and Personal
in a program that included guest
speakers from business partners and      Finance Classrooms
the like (virtual and in-person).        Thursday, July 21         East Tower
154                                      8:00 - 8:50 a.m.          Combs
Business & Marketing New                 Presenter(s): Gloria LeMaster, Sean
Teacher Orientation                      Crevier
Thursday, July 21        East Tower      Tips and tricks for incorporating Color
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.         Willis          Accounting in the classroom.
Business, Marketing                      191
Presenter(s): Connie Witt, Lisa
Oakes                                    Fusion: The Integration of
This session will help brand new
Business & Marketing teachers with       Cybersecurity into the
three years or less of teaching          Information Support and
experience understand what               Services Pathway
resources and materials are available    Thursday, July 21        East Tower
to them.                                 8:00 - 8:50 a.m.         Segell
174                                      Computer Science
                                         Presenter(s): Naomi Chamblee
                                         Discussion and brainstorming on the
                                         process of integrating Cybersecurity
                                         curriculum into the Information
                                         Support and Services curriculum.
New Construction Teacher               Teaching Financial Literacy
Orientation                            Through Game Play
Thursday, July 21        East Tower    Thursday, July 21       East Tower
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.         Beckham       8:00 - 8:50 a.m.        Breathitt
Construction                           Family & Consumer Sciences
Presenter(s): David Lawson             Presenter(s): Nichole Huff, Kelly
Meet with new construction teachers    May
who are part of the (NTI) New          Session will consider popular games
Teacher Institute program to discuss   and how they can be used to teach
curriculum, pathways, Industry         economics and personal finance
certifications, classroom              concepts to middle and high school
management, and student safety.        students.
Time for question and answer will be   234
213                                    Cooking Up A Competition
                                       Thursday, July 21         East Tower
Engineering Tech Ed/                   8:00 - 8:50 a.m.          Stanley
Aviation New Teachers                  Family & Consumer Sciences
Orientation                            Presenter(s): Ashley Woodruff
Thursday, July 21       East Tower     How to effectively use friendly
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.        Stopher        competition as a teaching technique
Engineering Technology Education,      to inspire student creativity,
Aviation                               encourage problem solving, and
Presenter(s): Mark Harrell             increase motivation in the culinary
Session will help brand new            classroom.
Engineering Tech Ed and Aviation       238
teachers understand what resources
and materials are available to them.   Put it Into Play - The
223                                    Playschool Way
                                       Thursday, July 21         West Tower
                                       8:00 - 8:50 a.m.          Willow
                                       Family & Consumer Sciences
                                       Presenter(s): Emily Alexander
                                       Participants will leave this session
                                       with a game plan to create a
                                       playschool lab from the ground up
                                       OR ideas on how to rejuvenate
                                       current playschools.
Lessons Learned By New                    consultant and state HOSA advisor to
Teachers                                  learn more about the pathways,
Thursday, July 21       East Tower        industry certifications and how to
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.        Nunn              incorporate HOSA into the
Family & Consumer Sciences                classroom.
Presenter(s): Brianna Guy,                289
Rosemary Newkirk
Things we've learned our first few        Manufacturing New Teacher
years of teaching Family and              Introduction Resources and
Consumer Sciences that we didn't          More
learn from college.                       Thursday, July 21     East Tower
256                                       8:00 - 8:50 a.m.      Jones
The Name of the Game is                   Presenter(s): Tom Welshans
Communication                             Discuss Program of Studies, STR,
Thursday, July 21         East Tower      Google Classroom, Certifications,
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.          Wilson          Classroom Management and more
Family & Consumer Sciences                293
Presenter(s): Teresa Montgomery
Please join me for an engaging and        Using GMetrix, LearnKey
interactive game of communication.        and Brain Buffet in the
Participants will receive a template to   Classroom
create the communication game for         Thursday, July 21        East Tower
their own classes!                        8:00 - 8:50 a.m.         Ballroom C
275                                       Media Arts
                                          Presenter(s): Ashley Caldwell,
New Teacher Institute                     Jennifer Stubblefield
Participants Meeting with                 In this session we will be sharing
Health Science Program                    techniques for teaching and
Consultant and HOSA State                 motivating students as well as
                                          training for using LearnKey Brain
Advisor                                   Buffet, MSI and GMetrix in the
Thursday, July 21       East Tower
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.        French
Health Science
Presenter(s): Peggy Williford, Susan
This will be an opportunity for new
teachers to meet with the program
Media Arts & Computer                   Fruit and Vegetable Carving
Science New Teacher                     the Art of Garde Manger
Orientation                             Thursday, July 21          West Tower
Thursday, July 21        East Tower     8:00 - 11:00 a.m.          Holly
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.         McCreary       Family & Consumer Sciences
Media Arts, Computer Science            Presenter(s): Dr. Michael Riggs,
Presenter(s): Tonya Warren, Andy        Tammy Inscoe, Rob Granaberg,
Stephenson, Melanie Jamison             Garrett Sanborn
This session is for the new NTI Media   Hands-on! Learn simple and easy
Arts and Computer Science teachers      techniques to teach fruit and
to meet with the program consultant.    vegetable carving that will be an
311                                     effective and fun filled lab for your
Talk Less - Teach More                  266
Thursday, July 21       East Tower
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.        Carroll Ford    Mechatronics
Teaching and Learning                   Thursday, July 21         East Tower
Presenter(s): Neal Gray                 8:00 - 11:00 a.m.        Clements
Teachers spend thousands of words       Manufacturing, Engineering
per day dealing with misbehavior.       Technology Education
Classroom management is a daily         Presenter(s): Daniel Edwards,
challenge. We will discuss how to       Nathan Hicks, Meredith Howard
eliminate repeated misbehavior          Hands-on mechatronics to study
warnings.                               theory and logic control of electro-
327                                     pneumatic devices; FESTO MecLabs
                                        leading to possible certifications
New Transportation Teacher              including 3M. Attendees should bring
Information, Resources, and             a laptop.
Thursday, July 21          East Tower
8:00 - 8:50 a.m.           Taylor       Get Certified in the Industry
Transportation                          Certification Lab!
Presenter(s): Robert Nolan              Thursday, July 21         East Tower
Meet with new transportation            8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Coe
teachers who are part of the (NTI)      All Content Areas
New Teacher Institute program to        Presenter(s): Brian Adams
discuss curriculum, pathways,           Industry certifications include, Adobe,
Industry certifications, classroom      MOS, ASK, QuickBooks, IC3,
management, and student safety.         Communication Skills for Business,
Entrepreneurship and Small                Kentucky Marketing
Business, and Project Management          Education Association
Institute (PMI). Open to all registered
conference attendees. Please arrive
                                          Information Room
                                          Thursday, July 21        East Tower
by 3:00 p.m. to allow time for
                                          8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Willis
registration on Wednesday and/or
Thursday. Lab closes at 4:00 p.m.
                                          Presenter(s): Cathy Hoehn
                                          Meet & greet your fellow Marketing
                                          teachers and find out what is
Kentucky Business                         happening in the world of Marketing
Education Association                     Education. This is an area that is set
Information Area                          aside to take a break, bring your
Thursday, July 21        East Tower       lunch and 'hang out' with teachers in
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Combs               your discipline area. KMEA Board
Chandler                                  members will be happy to suggest
Business                                  curriculum materials that work for
Presenter(s): Jennifer Stubblefield,      them and projects to use in the
KBEA Board Members                        classroom!
Meet & greet your fellow business         300
teachers and find out what is
happening in the world of Business        New Teacher Institute Cohort
Education. This is an area that is set    2021
aside to take a break, bring your         Thursday, July 21        East Tower
lunch and 'hang out' with teachers in     8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sampson
your discipline area. KBEA Board          All Content Areas
members will be happy to suggest          Presenter(s): Jodi Adams, Lynda
curriculum materials that work for        Jackson
them and projects to use in the           Induction program for occupation-
classroom!                                based teachers entering into their
168                                       SECOND year of teaching. Pre-
                                          registration and enrollment in New
                                          Teacher institute is required.
New Teacher Institute Cohort           EVERFI: Educating for
2022                                   Employability
Thursday, July 21        East Tower    Thursday, July 21       East Tower
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Laffoon          9:00 - 9:50 a.m. Ballroom C
All Content Areas                      All Content Areas
Presenter(s): Jodi Adams, Debbie       Presenter(s): Maura Shirley
Anderson                               Attendees will explore EVERFI’s no-
Induction program for occupation-      cost, KAS-aligned online and offline
based teachers entering into their     lessons which increase student
FIRST year of teaching. Pre-           engagement in the classroom and
registration and enrollment in New     employability and wellness in the
Teacher institute is required.         real-world.
132                                    141

Using Data to Help Improve             Quality Credential…How Do
Your Programs                          You Know?
Thursday, July 21        East Tower    Thursday, July 21         West Tower
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Ballroom B    9:00 - 9:50 a.m.          Jasmine
All Content Areas                      All Content Areas
Presenter(s): Scott U'Sellis,          Presenter(s): Susan Brauher
KYSTATS                                Join NOCTI to discuss what makes a
Please join us as we discuss how to    quality credential. We’ll cover
leverage existing data to help         credential types, development
improve your programs! EILA credit     process, implementation, data,
available                              stakeholder engagement, and more!
133                                    151

Classroom Management:                  Preparing Students For EOP
Taming the Velociraptors!              Exams
Thursday, July 21        West Tower    Thursday, July 21       East Tower
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Azalea        9:00 - 9:50 a.m.        Morrow
All Content Areas                      Business
Presenter(s): Edward Crutchleo         Presenter(s): Ashley Fritsche
Everyday teachers come to work in      It can be overwhelming to prepare
their very own 'Jurassic Park'! This   students for the End of Program
session discusses classroom            exam. This session will give you
management techniques that allow       advice on how to prep students for
us to tame the velociraptors           this exam and will give materials
specific to the Accounting and          Kentucky Master Clothing
Administrative Support Pathways.        Volunteer Program
181                                     Thursday, July 21         East Tower
                                        9:00 - 9:50 a.m.          Nunn
FBLA Starts Here...But                  Family & Consumer Sciences
Where is Here?                          Presenter(s): Jeanne Badgett
Thursday, July 21        East Tower     Sewing is an integral part of our life
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Combs          skill framework. The University of
Chandler                                Kentucky Cooperative Extension
Business                                Service develops volunteers who
Presenter(s): Connie Witt               want to teach this is an invaluable
Adviser training for new and            skill.
experienced advisers wanting a          231
refresh. Come learn how to begin,
continue, and build your FBLA           The Ins and Outs of FCCLA
chapter.                                Competitive Events
186                                     Thursday, July 21        East Tower
                                        9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Breathitt
Dual Credit - U of L Business           Family & Consumer Sciences
School Process                          Presenter(s): Traci Blanford, Cody
Thursday, July 21        East Tower     Mooneyhan
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Jones          Do FCCLA Competitive events have
Business                                you wanting to pull your hair out? By
Presenter(s): Will Morgan, Allison      the end of the session, you will know
Steineker                               all you need to know to be successful
Discuss the process it took to          in these events.
establish a memorandum of               242
agreement with the UofL School of
Business, whereby the students that     What is Reggio Emilia?
enroll in the program from Freshman
                                        Thursday, July 21        East Tower
year to Senior year can earn up to 18
                                        9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Breathitt
semester hours.
                                        Family & Consumer Sciences
                                        Presenter(s): Meredith Hensley, April
                                        What is Reggio Emilia?/What makes
                                        it unique?/What are the key
                                        elements? How is it similar/different
                                        than the Montessori Method? What
                                        does a typical day look like for
children enrolled in our program?        Creating on the Go with the
Why is it effective? Complete hands-     Adobe Mobile Apps
on activities with participants during   Thursday, July 21         East Tower
the session to use with their            9:00 - 9:50 a.m.          McCreary
students.                                Media Arts, Computer Science
244                                      Presenter(s): Natalie Tyree
                                         This session will give an overview of
Farm to School Junior Chef               the Adobe Mobile apps. Attendees
Thursday, July 21         East Tower     will learn how to 'create on the go'
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.          Stanley        and how to use the apps as stand
Family & Consumer Sciences               alone creation tools and how they
Presenter(s): Tina Garland               integrate with the Adobe Suite.
This is a statewide high school          318
cooking competition designed to offer
youth the opportunity to learn           Resources for Planning and
valuable skills in recipe development,
food preparation, marketing, public
                                         Implementing Middle School
presentation, organization, teamwork     Career Studies
and community involvement.               Thursday, July 21        East Tower
252                                      9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Collins
                                         School Counselors/Career Advisors
Miller Electric Open Book                Presenter(s): Teresa Rogers,
                                         Morgan Lovitt
and Virtual Welding                      Explore tools and resources to
Thursday, July 21       East Tower       ensure your students have the
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.        Beckham          experiences and information
Manufacturing                            necessary to develop an appropriate
Presenter(s): Steve Hidden, Grant        ILP that supports their career
Baker                                    choices.
This session Miller presenter will       323
present best how to use Miller Open
Book and Virtual welding in your
                                         Grow your Own - Inspiring
294                                      Students to be the Future of
                                         Thursday, July 21        East Tower
                                         9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Carroll Ford
                                         Teaching and Learning
                                         Presenter(s): Lisa Rollins
                                         This session will provide insight and
                                         resources to help implement a 'Grow
Your Own' model for your community      with the chance to make real
in order to feed into local teacher     connections with learned concepts.
preparation programs.                   352
                                        BusinessU: Stamdards-
A New Computer Science                  Based Marketing/Business/
Teacher's Year One Journey              Accounting/
Thursday, July 21        East Tower     Entrepreneurship/Fianance/
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Segell
Computer Science
                                        Economics, LMS-Integrated
                                        Thursday, July 21        West Tower
Presenter(s): Brad Goodall
                                        9:00 - 9:50 a.m.         Willow
A new CS teacher details the
                                        Business, Marketing
positives / challenges of being a CS
                                        Presenter(s): Michael Lewis
teacher in 2021-2022. Industry
                                        BusinessU is a standards-based,
Certification / Updating Software
                                        interactive curriculum platform with
                                        full-year courses, multi-media
                                        content, assessments, project
Virtual and Simulated                   discussions and exams, and fully
Teaching Strategies for                 LMS-integrated.
Health Science Courses                  357
Thursday, July 21         East Tower
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.          French        Integrating TSA into your
Health Science                          STEM Program
Presenter(s): Elizabeth McGinnis        Thursday, July 21       East Tower
Particpants will learn to use virtual   9:00 - 11:00 a.m.       Stopher
and simulated learning strategies for   Engineering Technology Education,
health science courses.                 Computer Science, Media Arts,
348                                     Aviation
                                        Presenter(s): Andy Stephenson,
Crafting Your Own Speaker               Mark Harrell
Series                                  Come learn how TSA competitions
Thursday, July 21       East Tower      can be embedded into your MS/HS
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.        Willis          STEM program to create a co-
Marketing                               curricular experience during this
Presenter(s): Reginald McDaniel         hands-on workshop
Creating a speaker series that          220
spotlights business leaders and local
entrepreneuers to provide students
Transportation Program                   New CTE Coordinators
Updates                                  Session
Thursday, July 21         East Tower     Thursday, July 21        East Tower
9:00 - 11:30 a.m.         Taylor         10:00 - 10:50 a.m.       Ballroom B
Transportation                           Administration
Presenter(s): Robert Nolan, Mike         Presenter(s): Karla Tipton, Crystal
Batchelor                                Whitaker, Tracy Osbourne Clay
This is for all Auto Technology,         This session will cover the Carl D.
Collision Repair, and Light/Medium/      Perkins Act for newly named district
Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Programs.        coordinators. Topics covered will
This session will cover curriculum       include: the purpose of the Perkins
resources, equipment purchasing          Act, required and permissible uses of
updates, online/virtual instruction,     funds, performance measures and
New ASE standards, lift inspections,     timelines. EILA credit available
Hybrid/EV inclusion, new facility        103
updates and much more.
336                                      Home Staging, Interior
                                         Design and Home
IKORCC Construction                      Renovations
Workshop Offsite                         Thursday, July 21          East Tower
Registration Required                    10:00 -11:30 a.m.         Breathitt
Thursday, July 21                        Family & Consumer Sciences
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Off-site          Presenter(s): Lyn Mabry, Jill Jones,
Construction                             Michelle Peterson, Karen King,
Presenter(s): David Lawson, Hope         Cheryl Ruetten
Harp                                     Buying, Selling or Staying put, we will
Teachers will be familiarized with the   make your space the most it can be.
Career Connections curriculum for        We create better living environments
high school students, as well as the     for every stage of living.
entry requirements for the               138
Carpenters Registered
Apprenticeship program. Hands on
activity will be provided. Topics will
include curriculum and alignment to
the skilled trades TRACK program.
Time will be provided for a question
and answer session
Achievement in Career                     Cybersecurity with
Engagement (ACE)                          CYBER.ORG Overview
Thursday, July 21       East Tower        Thursday, July 21        East Tower
10:00 -11:30 a.m.       Carroll Ford      10:00 -11:30 a.m.        Segell
All Content Areas                         Computer Science
Presenter(s): Carla Kersey, Jennie        Presenter(s): Chuck Gardner, Callie
Sloan                                     Dean
How can you engage students to            During this session, attendees will
own their ILP as a measure of post-       experience several of the cyber-
secondary planning instead of             based courses such as
viewing it as compliance? We will         Cybersecurity, STEM: Explore,
show you how ACE is a process to          Discover, Apply, and Cyber Literacy.
engages students in their transition to   Attendees will gain access to the 16+
college and/or career.                    courses, each having 180+ hours of
155                                       modular-based content at the
                                          elementary, middle, and high school
MBA Learning Center Set-Up                level.
Thursday, July 21        East Tower       195
10:00 -11:30 a.m.       Jones
Business                                  SkillsUSA Kentucky Update
Presenter(s): Amber Florence              Thursday, July 21         West Tower
We will be talking about how to set       10:00 -11:30 a.m.         Jasmine
up the Learning Center classroom in       Construction, Manufacturing,
MBA so teachers are not so                Transportation, Computer Science,
apprehensive about using such an          Media Arts
amazing 'free to us' resource.            Presenter(s): Melanie Jamison
179                                       Construction, Manufacturing,
                                          Transportation, Computer Science,
Accounting Pathway Best                   Media Arts SkillsUSA Kentucky
Practices                                 Update for all teachers who are
Thursday, July 21        East Tower       currently involved in SkillsUSA or are
10:00 -11:30 a.m.        Morrow           interested in starting a SkillsUSA
Business                                  chapter.
Presenter(s): Ashley Fritsche             207
This session will give you insight on
how to teach the Accounting Career
FCS Though the Years                      SafeHaven Baby Boxes
Thursday, July 21          East Tower     Thursday, July 21         East Tower
10:00 -11:30 a.m.          Nunn           10:00 -11:30 a.m.         Stanley
Family & Consumer Sciences                Family & Consumer Sciences
Presenter(s): Amanda Guzik, Faria         Presenter(s): Monica Kelsey
P'Pool                                    Ankle biters? Curtain climbers? The
The Betty Lamp, Ellen Richards, and       1950s had all kinds of words that
Lake Placid, how did these iconic         referenced children. No matter the
Home Economics symbols prepare            decade, children and their well-being
the ways for Family & Consumer            are just as important. This session is
Science Teachers? We know FCS is          for anyone who offers the ECE
still alive in schools today but we       career pathway. This session will
have to understand where we have          include a variety of topics to help you
been to know where we are going.          throughout the year!
248                                       261

Getting Involved in the                   WANTED: Health Care
Kentucky LifeSmarts                       Heroes - How to Foster
Program                                   Exploration of Respiratory
Thursday, July 21        East Tower       Therapy
10:00 -11:30 a.m.       Wilson            Thursday, July 21        East Tower
Family & Consumer Sciences                10:00 -11:30 a.m.        French
Presenter(s): Chuck Stamper,              Health Science
Shannon Roberts                           Presenter(s): Tina Siddon, Kelly
Become involved in the Kentucky           Hayes, Steven Survant
LifeSmarts educational program.           Respiratory therapy educators will
Students can learn valuable life skills   present data related to the need for
in technology, health & safety,           Respiratory Therapists, the view of
consumer rights, personal finance,        the profession among high school
and environment in a fun engaging         students and discuss ideas on how to
way.                                      engage students in the exploration of
260                                       the profession.
Antibiotic Stewardship for               Powerful Pitches: Equipping
High School Students                     Students to Present
Thursday, July 21         East Tower     Effectively
10:00 -11:30 a.m.        Beckham         Thursday, July 21          East Tower
Health Science                           10:00 -11:30 a.m.          McCreary
Presenter(s): Bethany Wattles,           Media Arts
Navjyot Vidwan, Drew Stahl, Laura        Presenter(s): Jordyne Carmack
Mims                                     From winning contracts to sharing
Healthcare professionals will share      with colleagues, media arts
the importance of antibiotic             professionals present work daily.
awareness and content for a module       Learn to equip students with these
suitable for teaching in high school     foundational skills to tell their story.
science and health science classes.      306
                                         Dual Credit within the CTE
Kentucky Marketing                       Framework: Insight From a
Education Association                    Regional University
Annual Meeting                           Thursday, July 21         West Tower
Thursday, July 21         East Tower     10:00 -11:30 a.m.         Willow
10:00 -11:30 a.m.         Willis         Teaching and Learning
Marketing                                Presenter(s): Joel Pace, Dr. Craig
Presenter(s): Cathy Hoehn                Herald
Please attend the annual association     Dual credit is gaining in popularity
meeting for Kentucky Marketing           with students and schools. MSU is
Education Association. We will           working with CTE faculty and
socialize, there will be giveaways and   institutions to enhance student
we will conduct business for the         success.
Kentucky Marketing Education             331
Association. Task Force members will
be elected for the 2022-2023 school      Makin' Teaching Easier
year. We will discuss updates from       Thursday, July 21         East Tower
KDE as well as DECA.                     10:00 -11:30 a.m.         Combs
298                                      Chandler
                                         Presenter(s): Sean Crevier
                                         Participants in this interactive session
                                         will address tools, strategies, and
                                         approaches to help today's business
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