Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud

Page created by Eleanor Joseph
Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
Temple Beth El Bulletin
Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
           *Each Friday and Saturday Service will be available on TBE Facebook Page and YouTube Link

              June 2022 Service Schedule                                 July 2022 Service Schedule
   Friday, June 3rd, 7:30 PM             Friday, June 17th, 7:30 PM            Friday, July 1st, 7:30 PM
   Kabbalat Shabbat Service              Kabbalat Shabbat Service              Kabbalat Shabbat Service
    Light Candles 8:10 PM                 Light Candles 8:17 PM                 Light Candles 8:18 PM
  Saturday, June 4th, 9:30 AM          Saturday, June 18th, 9:30 AM           Saturday, July 2nd, 9:30 AM
       Shabbat Service                       Shabbat Service                       Shabbat Service
    City of Kolin Tribute             JUNE BIRTHDAY SHABBAT                     Torah portion Korach
   HONORING ALL OUR                    Torah portion B’ha alot’kha
                                                                               Friday, July 8th, 7:30 PM
                                         Friday, June 24 , 7:30 PM
                                                                               Kabbalat Shabbat Service
   Torah portion B’midbar
                                         Kabbalat Shabbat Service               Light Candles 8:17 PM
   Friday, June 10th, 7:30 PM             Light Candles 8:19 PM
                                                                              Saturday, July 9th, 9:30 AM
   Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                                        Saturday, June 25 , 9:30 AM
                                                                                   Shabbat Service
    Light Candles 8:14 PM
                                              Shabbat Service               JULY BIRTHDAY SHABBAT
 Saturday, June 11th, 9:30 AM           Torah portion Sh’lach L’kha            Torah portion Chukkat
       Shabbat Service
                                                                               Friday, July 15th, 7:30 PM
     Torah portion Naso
                                                                               Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                                                                                Light Candles 8:13 PM

        June 2022 Shavuot Service Schedule                                    Saturday, July 16th, 9:30 AM
                                                                                 BAT MITZVAH OF
   Saturday, June 4th, 9:15 PM           Sunday, June 5th, 9:30 AM                 ZOEY SHIMON
       EREV SHAVUOT                        SHAVUOT – DAY 1                        Torah portion Balak
   Tikkun Leil Shavuot and                 CONFIRMATION                        Friday, July 22nd, 7:30 PM
   Ma’ariv Service to follow              Torah portion Shavuot                Kabbalat Shabbat Service
           on Zoom.                       Light Candles 9:11 PM                 Light Candles 8:08 PM
     Light Candles 9:11 PM
                                        Monday, June 6th, 9:30 AM             Saturday, July 23rd, 9:30 AM
                                          SHAVUOT – DAY 2                           Shabbat Service
                                               YIZKOR                            Torah portion Pinchas

     *Information and links will be provided via our website www.bethelallentown.org on the Home Page

        We Need Your Help!

Rabbi Re’em will visit or contact the members of
Temple Beth El who are in the local hospitals. HIPPA
laws prevent hospitals from releasing medical
information. Upon routine admission, please use
our Temple Code 17: for all the locations for
Lehigh Valley Hospital and for all locations at St.
Luke’s Hospital.

When admitted through Emergency Room, please
  have your family member or friend notify the
             Temple Beth El office.

Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
Rabbi’s Message
    There is a unique notion in Judaism that present
generations are to have shared in the collective,
                                                                    Hadassah Virtual Study Group
historic experience of the People of Israel. Thus,                            Every other Wednesday, 1:30 PM
on Passover, we read in the Haggada, “In every
generation a person must view her/himself as if s/he
                                                                                       Temple Beth El
                                                                      Allentown Hadassah presents a stimulating series of
was freed from Egypt.” With regard to Shavuot, the
                                                                 short story seminars. All are welcome to attend these FREE
Festival marking the giving of the Torah, a famous
                                                                 sessions on Zoom.The group will be reading selections from
midrash makes a similar claim. “Rabbi Abahu said
                                                                 anthologies available from Amazon.com. For dates and
in the name of Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachmani: Why
                                                                 stories, email Marilyn Claire at mjclaire@gmail.com or
does it say (in Deuteronomy 29:13-14) ‘I make this
                                                                 call 610-972-7054.
covenant, with its sanctions, not with you alone,
but with those who are standing here with us this
day before the Lord, our G-d, and with those who
are not with us here today.’ All the souls were there
(standing at Mt. Sinai when the Torah was given),
even when their bodies had not yet been created.”
                                                                                              CHAI SOCIETY
     What does it mean to be present and to
experience Sinai today, even though the event took               Temple Beth El Chai’ly         Chai’er Level
place thousands of years ago? One possible way                  appreciates the support of Bonnie & Bobby Hammel
to understand this is to say that in connecting with
                                                                our Chai Society Members
Torah today, by making it relevant in our lives, it is as                                      L’Chaim Level
if we stood at Sinai when the Torah was being given.                    for 2022:
                                                                                                                                        Jean Wiener
Studying Torah on the eve of Shavuot, learning its              Your generosity and participation
lessons and making them applicable to our current               in this program subsidizes school                                Double Chai Level
lives is one way of signifying the eternal aspect of            scholarships and programs, adult
the lessons of Torah.                                           education programs, and Jewish
                                                                Family Life Education programs.
    This year, at our annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot,
we will focus on the topic of “The Sabbatical Year
and its economic relevance for us today.” Joining
us for a discussion of this topic will be Dr. Ezra
Goldstein, an Assistant Research Professor with
the Social Science Research Institute at Penn State.
                                                                                                                        Temple Beth El
Ezra’s background is in applied microeconomics and                                                              1305 Springhouse Road
econometrics. His research spans topics related to                                                               Allentown, PA 18104
                                                                                                                    (610) 435-3521
public and labor economics and policy related issues                                                     Website address: bethelallentown.org
in child welfare systems. We will discuss whether                                                                 Affiliated with the
                                                                                                       United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
or not this law is still applicable today? For those of
                                                                Moshe Re’em............................................................. Rabbi
us who are not farmers, what broader significance                Kevin D. Wartell ........................................................ Cantor-Educator Emeritus
might this law have for us today? Could this idea not           Morgan Godorov ....................................................... President
                                                                Michelle Rohrbach .................................................... Executive Director
only have applicability today, but also outside of the          Alicia Zahn ................................................................ Religious School Director
                                                                Shari Spark ................................................................ Coordinator of Ritual & Services
Land of Israel? You might be surprised to discover              Bruce Reich ............................................................... Chairman of the Board
                                                                Marla Melman ........................................................... Vice Chair of the Board
how an ancient law that might seem quite irrelevant             Marla Melman ........................................................... Senior Vice President
to you, could still be transformative today in our              Roy Benasaraf & Greg Harris ................................... Fundraising Co Vice Presidents
                                                                Michael Finley ........................................................... School Vice President
country. Join us for an hour-long Zoom discussion               Jeff Zimskind ............................................................. Membership Vice President
                                                                Miriam Harris - Botzum ............................................ Secretary
of the topic, followed by the evening service for               Elizabeth Lischner ..................................................... Treasurer
Shavuot on Saturday June 4th at 9:15 p.m. Please                Bruce Reich ............................................................... Financial Secretary
                                                                Amy Jaffe, Chelsea Karp & Rachel Shurman ........... Sisterhood Co-Presidents
register on-line through the Temple Beth El website.            Roy Benasaraf ........................................................... Men’s Club President
Chag Sameach!
               Rabbi Moshe Re’em

Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
How Do I know I’m Not Moshiach?
                                  Shari Spark, Ritual and Service Coordinator
    These past few weeks the upcoming confirmation                    The coming of Moshiach is thought of as both
students have been preparing for their milestone,                a single person or as a time. We are also taught that
Confirmation (June 5th, 9:30 a.m.). We began our                  Moshiach’s arrival, although predestined, can also be
sessions of preparation discussing the history of                brought about earlier if we achieve perfection before.
Confirmation, the Ten Commandments, the story of the              The discussion I had with my students was thoughtful
Shavuot Holiday, and wherever else our discussions               one night, when a student seriously asked “How do I
may have led.                                                    know I’m not Moshiach?”
     Our conversations reviewed the story of Ruth,                    This is truly a thought provoking question. Indeed,
central to celebrating Shavuot and the confirmation               how do any of us know we have not been put on this earth
curriculum learned with Rabbi Re’em. The last verses             to help bring about the arrival of G-d’s and our utopia?
of megillat Ruth are the genealogy of King David.                In fact, that is the point of us not knowing exactly when
We learn that this lineage is important to understand            Moshiach will come. If we had an inkling of Messiah’s
because Ruth was a Jew by choice. She attached herself           arrival, what would be the sense in trying to make the
to the Jewish people with the famous words “Wherever             world better now? None of us may be naturally perfect
you go, I will go…and your people will be my people.”            like Ruth, but each of us can implement our inherent
She further attains a sort of perfection by her continuing       talents. Helping in tikkun olam, building a better world,
displays of love, kindness and respect. Her attributes,          requires us to act outside of any incentive.
however, are not something she seems to strive for, but
                                                                     And so, as we await the arrival of Shavuot, and
which are a naturally inherent part of her personality.
                                                                 hopefully inch closer to that more complete world of
     According to tradition, because of her traits, King         Moshiach, we can all ask ourselves – actually, charge
David’s descendants (Ruth being his great grandmother)           ourselves – with being the Messiah. Now, and speedily
merit being or bringing the Moshiach. The Messiah’s              in our days to come.
arrival, or messianic era, is a predetermined time when,
like Ruth’s personality, perfection will reign. A balance
of respect and harmony will settle on the whole world.
Religious concord will become the norm.

                                                                             Please Join Us For
                                                                                 June & July
                                                                             Birthday Shabbats
                                                                           Saturday, June 18th and
                                                                              Saturday, July 9th
JEWISH MUSIC AND MORE EVERY FRIDAY                                               at 9:30 am
                                      Hosted by
                             Cantor Kevin Wartell
                               8 AM – 9:30 AM
                                 WMUH 91.7
                               Jewish music,
                           along with messages
                            of spiritual wisdom

                                                                    Please open your TBE Birthday Cards, you will find
                                                                    a bonus coupon for 20% off at our Sisterhood Gift
                                                                       Shop for the entire month of your birthday!

Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
        Clementine and/or Brownies
                 *Next Drop OFF dates ....
              June 27th and July 25th!
      Please drop off a bag of CLEMENTINES or a
            disposable tray of BROWNIES to
                 Amy Morrison’s house,
            1493 Buck Trail Road, Allentown.

    There is a large plastic covered container
       on the porch, for your donations.
    Monday afternoons before the fourth Tuesday of each
    month, Amy Morrison will deliver your Clementine,
    and or Brownies to the Soup Kitchen. If you would
    like an email reminder, or with any questions please
    email Joanne Palumbo at DocRobP@aol.com.

                 Thank you from the
         Chesed Committee of Temple Beth El.

Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
Sisterhood Message:
    As we wrap up the 2021-2022 programming year,                  Remember to reach out to Francyne Bernfeld and
we thank you for your participation, your dedication           Judy Sheftel to purchase gift cards for all your gift
and your support of Temple Beth El Sisterhood. We              giving occasions – graduation, teacher appreciation,
owe a debt of gratitude to all of our volunteers and our       Father’s Day, and so much more. This program has
absolutely amazing Executive Board - Sheryl Block,             thrived under the organization of these two ladies.
Laurie Eisenberg, Kathi Katzman, Susan Musselman
                                                                   Looking forward to 2022-2023, we are excited to
and Margie Strauss.
                                                               be planning programs where we can be together and
    The Spring Plant Sale fundraiser was a success             make memories. We need you to get involved and help
thanks to the efforts of Marilyn Claire. Gardens are            us make these plans! PLEASE reach out to us if you
blooming and your participation helped Sisterhood              would like to organize a program. Let us know your
blossom by helping to sustain our support of Temple            interests and where you want to be involved and we
Beth El. Look for the Fall Mum Sale fundraiser in              promise to find a place for you. We have committee
September – it is an easy way to support Sisterhood            positions that need to be filled, and we are always
while adding beauty to your homes and businesses.              looking for new people to join in to make Sisterhood
                                                               the best it can be! It takes all of us to ensure that our
    What a thrill to be together IN PERSON for the
                                                               Sisterhood remains the vibrant community that it is and
Sisterhood Spring Donor Event - Bring a Smile, Make
                                                               an active contributor to our Temple Beth El community
a Smile. Lynn Schaivone, Volunteer Coordinator for
                                                               and beyond.
LVHN Hospice, spoke to participants and over two
dozen floral arrangements were assembled to donate
                                                               Please save these tentative dates for the Fall:
to patients at the hospital. The evening was filled with
sweet treats, wine, and a chance to spend the evening          Thursday, September 29th Opening Wine & Cheese
together. Thank you to Phyllis Kauffman for designing                                          Meeting
a beautiful invitation, and to both Margie Strauss and         Wednesday, October 19th Annual Paid-Up Event
Jeannie Miller for helping with the invitations and
rsvp’s.                                                        Sunday, November 20th     Brunch & Learn

     Our Sisterhood Gift Shop is open for business             Please stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful
and stocked with gorgeous items for all your gifting           summer! We will see you in the Fall!
needs whether it be for graduation, bar mitzvahs,
or your favorite hostess. The shop is open on Friday               Amy Jaffe, Chelsea Karp and Rachel Shurman
and Sunday mornings, or by appointment. Thank you                          Sisterhood Co-Presidents
to Andi Pinkus and Melony Stanton for bringing our
giftshop to you during this past year of Covid and thank
you for shopping and supporting us.

Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
It’s A Simcha... Mazel Tov
Enid & Alan Tope on the birth of their granddaughter,            Eydie & Neil Glickstein, on their granddaughter, Alyssa
Leni Dora Small, daughter of Mollie and Eric Small.              Glickstein, graduating from Scotch Plains High School.
                                                                 She will be attending Penn State University in the Fall.
And a Mazel Tov to big sister, Carly Ruth and big Brother,
Aaron Julian (AJ).                                               College Graduates:
Ellen & Irwin Schneider on the birth of their great-             Eve Freudenberger, daughter of Ronald & Emily
granddaughter, Kenzie Eve Beck.                                  Freudenberger, is graduating from the University of
                                                                 Pittsburgh with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and
Rance & Sheryl Block on the Jewish Wedding Ceremony
                                                                 with a Certificate in Communications.
of their son, Josh to Kirsten.
                                                                 Shelby Knafo, daughter of Heidi and Jerry Knafo, is
Lolly & Shel Siegel, both celebrating their birthdays
                                                                 graduating from Delaware Law School with honors. A
Same Day, Same Year on May 29th, plus Mazel tov on
                                                                 Mazel Tov to her grandmothers, Manya Stein and
their 65th Wedding Anniversary on June 30th.
                                                                 Rosine Knafo.
Carole & Michael Langsam on their 60th Wedding
                                                                 Ben Palumbo, son of Joanne & Bob Palumbo, is
                                                                 graduating from Syracuse University. His major was
High School Graduates:                                           Ilustration.
Avi Hochhauser, son of Julie & Aron Hochhauser, will             Joelle Pitkoff, daughter of Miriam Pitkoff is graduating
be graduating from Parkland High School.                         from Temple University, cum laude, with a B.S. in Public
Isabella Kun, daughter of Fay & Michael Kun, will be             Health, continuing on for a Master’s Degree in Public
graduating from Emmaus High School. Isabella plans               Health in the +1 Program.
to attend Northeastern University in Boston, starting in         Naomi Pitkoff, daughter of Miriam Pitkoff is graduating
their NUBound program in London. She will be studying            from Widener University with a B.S.N. in Nursing,
Business Entrepreneurship.                                       joining the staff of the Hospital of the University of
Abigail Shurman, daughter of Andrew & Rachel                     Pennsylvania.
Shurman, will be graduating from Parkland High School.           Samuel Zahn, son of Alicia & Bruce Zahn, is graduating
She was in National Honor Society. Abigail is attending          from University of North Carolina with a double major in
University of California Davis in the Fall, planning to          History and Political Science Degree, and with a Prison
major in communications.                                         Studies Degree from Duke.
Daniel Wax, son of Laurie & Robby Wax, grandson of               Eydie & Neil Glickstein, on their grandson, Brandon
Vicki Wax, is graduating from Jack M. Barrack Hebrew             Glickstein, graduating from Wake Forest University with
Academy. In the Fall will attend The Miami Herbert               High Honors.
Business School at the University of Miami.
                                                                 Shelly & Martin Lower, on their grandson, Brayden
Rebecca Wilson, daughter of Carol & Bob Wilson,                  Koch, son of Jeffrey Koch, graduating from the University
on her graduation from the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew                of Pittsburgh with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business/
Academy.                                                         Marketing and with a Certificate in Sports Management.
Neil & Marjorie Forgosh, on their grandson, Alexander
Forgosh, son of Ari & Margaret Forgosh, graduating from
Parkland High School.

                 In Memoriam                                                         Thank You!
   The congregation extends its heartfelt sympathy to                Thank you to the following congregants
                   the family of …                                   for their generous Kiddush sponsorships
                    Mirra Papir                                      and donations:
     Beloved mother of our congregant, Leon Papir
                                                                         Sheryl & Rance Block in honor of in honor of
                                                                      Josh and Kirsten’s Auf Ruf and the naming of their
                                                                                  daughter, Mia Emily Block.

Temple Beth El Bulletin - VOLUME 94, ISSUE #5 - ShulCloud
                       Remembering a loved one or marking a special occasion is often done with Tzedakah,
                             making a donation in honor or memory of a special person or event.
                              Reminder: Minimum Contribution To All Temple Funds is $10.00.

      BEAUTIFICATION FUND                                   MORTON R. LEVY USY                               ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION
Provides spring flowers annually on the grounds &           SCHOLARSHIP FUND                                        FUNDS
perpetuates the care &maintenance of the grounds    Provides scholarships to youth group members of our   Provides long term funding for our Temple.
In Memory Of:                                       chapter to participate in USY conventions
Mirra Papir – Ronald & Beverly Wasserman            In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:                     ENDOWMENT PHILANTHROPIC
In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:                   Morton Levy – Judith Cohen                                      FUNDS
Milton & Ronnie Sheftel – Bruce Sheftel             Sadie Rosenfeld – Michael Rosenfeld
                                                                                                               JEAN GLICKSTEIN
         CAMP RAMAH FUND                                     PRAYER BOOK FUND
Provides scholarships for children attending Camp                                                            PHILANTHROPIC FUND
                                                    (provides funds to replace prayer books)              In Memory Of:
Ramah summer programs.                              In Memory Of:
In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:                                                                         Mirra Papir – Neil & Eydie Glickstein
                                                    Mirra Papir – Steve & Elissa Shedroff                  In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:
Cecelia Volk – Stephen & Beverly Volk
Gerson Maury Roth – June Roth                       RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND                            Miriam Marin – Neil & Eydie Glickstein & Family

                                                    For charitable purposes at the discretion of the               HAMMEL FAMILY
Supports the programs of the Temple’s Caring        In Honor Of:                                                 PHILANTHROPIC FUND
Community (Shabbat Angels).                         Ben Weinberger on his 85th birthday – Jim &           In Memory Of:
In Memory Of:                                       Linda Wimmer                                          Irene Holton – Bobby & Bonnie Hammel
Mirra Papir – Bobby & Bonnie Hammel
In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:
                                                    In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:                            LESAVOY FAMILY FUND
                                                    Frieda Jozoff – Malcolm Jozoff                          In Memory Of:
Helen Laiken – Miriam Bandler                       Belle Hindin – Robert Cohen                           Paulette Artzt Howard – Buddy & Laurie Lesavoy
 E. G. SCOBLIONKO RELIGIOUS                         Tillie Margolis Grenker – Marilyn Claire
                                                    Leonard Kaplan – Henry & Phyllis Perkin                     HAROLD & PIRRY ROTH
         SCHOOL FUND
Provides assistance for religious school tuition for
                                                    Naomi Wimmer – Jim & Linda Wimmer                           PHILANTHROPIC FUND
                                                    Harold Fox; Dorothy Fox – Neil & Linda Dicker         In Memory Of:
families in need & non-budgeted items for the school.
                                                                                                          Mirra Papir – Rance & Sheryl Block & Family;
In Memory Of:                                                       TEMPLE FUND                           Arthur & Jane Kaplan
Harriet Smith – Eric & Deborah Gertner                Supports the general operating budget of our
                                                                                                          In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:
              KIDDUSH FUND                            In Honor Of:
                                                                                                          Pirry Roth – Michael & Rita Bloom
Assists with costs associated with providing weekly
Onegs and Kiddushim after Shabbat services.
                                                      Phil & Lynn Weinzimer on their new home – Gene &       IRWIN & ELLEN SCHNEIDER
                                                      Ann Ginsberg
In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:                     Michael & Carole Langsam on their 60th wedding
                                                                                                               PHILANTHROPIC FUND
Stanley Finkle – Richard & Melanie May                                                                    In Honor Of:
                                                      anniversary – Nate & Rusty Schiff
David Lesavoy – Elayne Dubin                                                                              The birth of our great grand-daughter, Kenzie Eve
                                                      In Memory Of:
                                                                                                          Beck – Irwin & Ellen Schneider
               LIBRARY FUND                           Mirra Papir – Sam & Lynn Feldman
                                                                                                          In Memory Of:
Provides support for the Library to purchase books,   In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:
                                                                                                          Irene Holton – Richard & Arlene Stein
videos & resource materials                           Cecelia Volk – Stephen & Beverly Volk
                                                                                                          Morton Miller – Irwin & Ellen Schneider
In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:                     Yetta Cohen – The Marcus Family
Victor Kobrovsky; Norman Kobrovsky; Mina Elster Fanny Krasnov – Mitzi Goldenberg; Martin Krasnov;             DR. SARA KAY STEINBERG
                                                      Roslyn Mass
– Marilyn Braunstein                                                                                           PHILANTHROPIC FUND
                                                      Barbara Davison – Maxwell Davison
               MINYAN FUND                                                                                In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:
                                                      Lucille Binderman – Wesley & Beth Kozinn
                                                                                                          Sara Kay Steinberg – The Marcus Family
Provides resources for Minyan expenses.               Gertrude Berhang – Ilene Wood
In Observance Of The Yahrzeit Of:                     Mildred Kozinn – Wesley & Beth Kozinn                       HOWARD A. WIENER
Harold Roth; Andrew Roth; Helen                       Harold Sheftel – Larrie & Judy Sheftel
Roth – Mimi Roth
                                                                                                                 PHILANTHROPIC FUND
                                                      Harry Greenberg – Helen Greenberg                   In Honor Of;
                                                      Ellen Dwares – Leonard Dwares                       Morris Weintraub on his 100th birthday – Bobbe
                                                      Abram Gusinsky – Eugene & Inna Vishnevesky          Wiener
                                                      Anne Somers – Vicki Wax
                                                      Anne Werner Warshauer – Fay Schwartz; Gary
                                                      George Zager – Stuart & Joanne Zager
                                                      Norman Kobrovsky; Victor Kobrovsky – Lillian
                                                      Complete Recovery Of:
                                                      Betty Mendelson – Alan & Adrienne Westheim

June Yahrzeits
      The following are the names of our beloved departed whose Yahrzeits will be observed this month
     6/1/2022                 6/7/2022                  6/13/2022               6/19/2022                6/25/2022
  Loretta R. Block        Herman B. Adler            Helen I. Floum           Rolf Giesener           Herman Dreyer
    Fanny Laffer            Sam Bartenow              Steven Listwa            Edith P. Kline        Benjamin M. Marcus
  Miriam J. Levine         Nettie Berman            Yetta Nissenbaum           Peggy Sass             Hugo Reisman
   Selma Marcus           Barbara Bernardi          Helen C. Schwartz        Charles Taxerman          Flora Shaffer
    Isidore Platt          Dr. Milton Kitei         Myer Noah Smith                                 Joshua N. Zimskind
   Marion Prokup         Izabella Rothschild                                    6/20/2022
                         Justin Jacob Sheftel           6/14/2022              Simon Cooper              6/26/2022
     6/2/2022                                         Rachel DeRoy             David Epstein         Bessie Blinderman
 David Goldenberg             6/8/2022              Samuel H. Edelson          Frances Kolb            Shalom Cohen
   Lillian Levine           Pearl Benioff             Belle Leibowitz             Leah Max             Israel Goodstein
   Harry Reitars           Benjamin Linn             Leonard Lipson          Seymour B. Ratner       Ruth Floum Levine
  Louis Schechter      Meyer David Mehrman             Eva Salitsky            Doris Rudman           Shirley Weisberg
   Jacob Snyder            Miriam Melman              Bertha Shapiro                                    Rose Wiener
                        Robert M. Mendelson          Saundra Somach             6/21/2022            Rebecca Yanowitz
     6/3/2022          Lilyan B. Schindelheim                                    Rose Levy              Renee Zales
David Noah Alterman                                     6/15/2022         Richard Daniel Nussbaum
   Jane Benstock              6/9/2022             Thelma Max Diamond          Lillian Somach            6/27/2022
   Celia Brodsky          Milton Beneman             Millard Dorman                                  Sidney Engelson
  Florence Lowy            Julius Gesoff              Benjamin Frumer            6/22/2022             Bernard Glaser
   Jeannie Miller         Betty Greenberg            Herbert L. Gaines         Leah S. Black            Diana Klein
    Marian Paul            Celia Lischner            Larry Glickstein            Sam Boyar              Bella Kline
   Joel Pearlstein         Gary Ofrichter             Philip Holland            Rose Burday           Herman L. Lieb
                          Samuel Perlman           Benjamin Ratsprecher    Dottie Sylvia Coleman      Frayda Munves
     6/4/2022                                         Stella B. Troxel        Nora Grossman           Samuel Rubens
   Isaac Benioff              6/10/2022                                       David Schneider        Bessie Cooper Sroga
  Annetta Cooper           Jacob Heicklen               6/16/2022              Rose Somach
  Arthur Theodore          Harry Kaufman               Jack Bandler             David Stein              6/28/2022
                            Israel Kramer              Dorothy Fox              Emma Teger             Rachel Block
     6/5/2022           Florence Roth Littman        George Horowitz         Minnie R. Weiner       Robert Brent Lapiduss
 Samuel Berneman                                      Sylvia Kapen              Danny Zohn             Charles Levy
   Esther Field              6/11/2022                Eugene Klein
 Sandra Greenberg           Salomon Kort             Stanley Solowey            6/23/2022                6/29/2022
 Bessie Lavenstein           Vera Lubow                                       Samuel Cherno          Richard B. Davison
   Jerome Neff           Rosalind R. Mishkin             6/17/2022            Lee M. Hammel             Ray Eisenberg
   Ray Forgosh          Geraldine Schonfeld           Morris Cohen           Heidi Seeherman          Sidney E. Glass
                           Harry Steinberg           Jacob Feinberg                                    Julius Nemetz
     6/6/2022             Harry Vinkelstein           Rita Goldfuss             6/24/2022
   Harry Gesoff        Bertha Poretsky Weinstein      Rose Grubman          Helene Marcia Berman          6/30/2022
 Fanny Greenberg                                    Marjorie W. Schoff          Fannie Brown            Jennie F. Barr
 Mildred Horowitz            6/12/2022               Ethel L. Strauss          Millie R. Flax           Stella Elstein
  Kenneth Linder          Rochel Alexander                                   Irving Fleischman         Elaine German
 Annette Shabrin             Karl Emens                 6/18/2022             Wilhelm Gittler          Thelma Lipson
                         Dr. Charles Koniver         Milton Berman              Mildred Neff         Abraham Lockspeiser
                           Bella Rappaport            Ernest Hirsch         Robert Senderowitz       Bertha Rosenberger
                                                      Haim Knafo                                       Sarah Sandler
                                                     Ken Richmond                                       Julius Simon
                                                     Milton W. Wood

         Honor or Memorialize your loved ones by endowing a tree for $1,000 at Beth El Memorial Park
       The tree chosen will be marked by a permanent Memorial Plaque. Other items are also available to endow.
                                       Contact: Ivan Schonfeld 610-349-1721

July Yahrzeits
       The following are the names of our beloved departed whose Yahrzeits will be observed this month
       7/1/2022                     7/8/2022                   7/15/2022                 7/21/2022                7/26/2022
    Reuben Berman               Samuel Glickman             Leona Benioff               William Breit            Francis DeRoy
 Dr. Aaron Grossman               Debra Lazar             Lottie Glazerman          Jacob “Jack” Cohen          Rose Horowitz
Dr. Mitchell Elias Katz                                     Florence Tope             Joseph Kalman              Ernest Levy
    Rachel Klempel                  7/9/2022            Andrea Geller Vaccarino        Gussie Levine           Shirley Schreiber
    Chayah Mellner                Rebecca Faier                                       Gertrude Nowak             Elsie Werner
    Jonas Rosenthal              Julius Ginsburg               7/16/2022               Sadie Poresky
  Ruth Schonberger                Lillian Jacoby            Phyllis Ginsburg        Phyllis Gay Sacknoff           7/27/2022
 Norton R. Schwartz                 Sarah Katz              Benjamin Parmet                                    Geraldine Cooper
Robert Benjamin Yudell            Esther Knafo               Sarah Pritzker              7/22/2022              Katie A. Feder
                                 Miriam Levine                                         Freda K. Gaines         Anne Nathanson
       7/2/2022                    Susan Weiss                 7/17/2022              Marvin A. Gelber           Lester Schiff
    Gladys Gubow                                              Pearl Ansell            Leon Molovinsky
     Lillian Lipsitz               7/10/2022                 Isidor Cohen             Alberta Y. Smith            7/28/2022
   Jerome Schneider             Morriss Corbman            Benjamin DeRoy                                       Ludwig Crane
                                 Cecelia Z. Frost           Rebecca Lipton               7/23/2022             Marcia Fineberg
       7/3/2022                 Benjamin Greene           Ruth B. Morganstein       Benjamin Gandelman         Dalia Finkelstein
     Max Agrest                  Sherman Holtz            Adolph Schlesinger        Stephen E. Glickman         Mary Ginsburg
   Marilyn Benasaraf             Herminie Klein               Jack Singer              Elsie Goldstein          Chester Miller
     David Kline                 Anna Lederman                                           Hinda Knie            Dorothy Schlags
    Louis Levine                Joseph H. Mirsky               7/18/2022           Isadore “George” Mint-       Mary Schwartz
                                Albert Rosenfeld           Melvin Berkowitz                  zer               Benjamin Weiner
       7/4/2022                                               Doris Cohen             Haskell B. Nagren
                           Max (Chaim Anshel) Sherman
     Betsy Deutsch                                           Isadore Elstein         Maurice Strongwater          7/29/2022
    Fabian Fraenkel                7/11/2022                 Anna Fraenkel                                    Rochelle Freeman
    Ellen Offenberg                No Yahrzeits                Ike Ginsburg               7/24/2022            Benjamin Ginsberg
     Charles Rickel                                            Gary Koch                 Walter Artzt            Martin Jozoff
   Rachamim Russell                7/12/2002             Harry Henry Lavenstein         Rose Fraenkel         Elizabeth Kronovet
                                  Anna Edelson               Irving Schultz            Elyse Freedman          Leslie A. Lerner
       7/5/2022                  Abraham Ferber                                           Jack Harris
                                                              George Stitts
      Lillian Levy               Philip Lissansky                                        Kenneth Kun              7/30/2022
      Julius Lowy                  Minnie Max                  7/19/2022               Jacob Leibowitz          Lester Feldman
                                Eugene Rosenberg         Jacob (Jack) Cooper           Louis Richmond            Martha Roth
                                  David Sayah                Simon Fisher                                        Helen Smith
Bernice “Peeps” Fletcher                                                                 7/25/2022
                                Pauline Simmons             Rose Kirschen
     Samuel Forman                                                                      Joan Bogarad
                                                        Ruth Porter Rosenbloom                                    7/31/2022
       Ida Gililova                                                                     Sarah Duckett           Shirley Berman
                                   7/13/2022                 Sol Schocker
     Marjorie Jasper           Ruth Davis Hoffman                                       Helen Goldfarb         Dr. Philip Schneider
     Margarita Kaim               Leon W. Korr                 7/20/2022             Abraham Goldstein        Bernice Shaffer Liss
      Harriet Karess           Rabbi Ely Lesavoy               Jacob Frank              Blanche Gould
     Harry Mehrman               Ida Markowitz           Florence G. Korr Lurie        Dora Greenberg
       Leo Munter                 Shirley Miller               Milton Lowy                Anna Kiss
     Rebecca Shaffer                Anna Neff                   Beverly Miller           Samuel Krasnov
Dr. Bernard E. Silverman                                   William Rabinowitz            Anna Pincus
     Goldie Sinberg                7/14/2022                  Sam Schneider        Rabbi Baruch Silverstein
      Beatrice Sosis            Esther Eisenberg             Edith Silverstein         Robert Starling
   Pearl Feldman Zolt           Michael Feldman         Millicent “Mickey” Simon       Fannie Sussman
                                 Goldie Holland                Harry Smith             Irene Taxerman
       7/7/2022                   Samuel Matte                                        Rebecca Topolsky
   Helen Furmansky              Frances Reisman
    Rose Lipschitz            Dr. Benjamin Robins
  Sarah Esther Mintz            Rose Scoblionko
     Martha Praid             David Jonah Weiner
                               Isadore Weinzimer

School Shmooze...                     by Alicia Zahn, Religious School Director

     We made it through what I hope will be the only year known as The Year of the Masking! We were so grateful to
see smiling eyes and, when we were outside, actual smiles! This year could have been all about what we have lost,
but instead, everyone stepped up and made this year one of getting back together. Teachers were incredibly flexible
as they welcomed students who were each coming from their own Pandemic experiences and so filling the class with
diverse academic, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Parents were supportive and made sure to keep their children
home at any hint of a cough. Students saw everything with fresh eyes as they prayed and played together. We all
learned that the joys of Judaism can’t be masked!
    I hope everyone will join us as we celebrate our Confirmands who lead Shavuot services on Sunday June 5,
2022. This small but mighty group has been learning with Rabbi Reem this year. Topics such as midrash, leadership,
and lessons from the Book of Ruth were all explored. They have also been learning the service and ritual aspects of
their Confirmation from Morah Shari Spark. This will be a celebration of their many years at our religious school,
but it will not be the end of their studies. We are looking forward to welcoming these four outstanding students to
Shalshelet next year!
    As we begin summer, please keep the spirit of Judaism alive in your homes! Ask your children to sing the new
prayers they have learned this year. Participate in doing mitzvot together as a family (example: come work on our shul
garden!) Plan a trip to Israel (even if it is virtual.) Enjoy a leisurely Shabbat meal together and/or come to a Shabbat
service at your Beth El home. Go outside and appreciate the amazing world HaShem has made and work together on
making it even better! We look forward to celebrating everyone’s growth when we welcome you back in September!

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